Strongest hair conspiracies and magic rituals, dandruff conspiracies. Conspiracies from thinness. Dandruff conspiracy on the head

Since ancient times, women who carried out conspiracies on their hair managed to keep them strong, healthy until old age. In everyday life, there was an opinion that all power is concentrated in them, and the source of its cosmic energy, which is why they called hair in Russia cosmas. However, they accumulate and negative energy... During periods of illness or mental decline, it is useful to shed it by trimming the ends.

Sometimes in stressful situations or in case of illness, cosmas begin to rapidly leave our heads. This conspiracy against hair loss is applicable when they have already begun to thin. Wait for the waxing moon, a good day for the ritual is Monday. You must first remove all jewelry and do ablution. Stand at the entrance to the house, close your hands, raise them above your head. Repeat the words 3 times:

As the month was born, so let the hair of the slave (your name) be born and come. As no one counted the stars in the sky, so let the hair of the slaves (your name) multiply and thicken without count. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

For the next ritual, you need to collect a few of your fallen hairs. Wait for the young moon, take them at midnight, stand in front of the window. Looking at the stars and the moon, say three times:

As a young month grows and gets stronger, so let my hair grow and get stronger! As the stars in the sky increase, so let my hairs multiply, and not fall out! Amen.

Sweep the hair that has fallen out in the wind and expect a quick result.

Rite of passage with a decoction of burdock. Burdock has been used since ancient times in folk medicine, since it contains an abundant amount of tannins, essential oils, various vitamins and minerals. Add a little to the broth onion juice... Rub the product into your head while saying:

Two roads to open field, one is green, full of grass, the other is bare and deserted. On the first road to go - not to come anywhere. Follow the second - go to the Latyr-stone. I'll go along the right way, to the Latyr-stone, and on that Latyr-stone three maidens are sitting: one is a Rusa - a lileyna braid, the second is black - a braid is tarred, another red - a red braid. As those girls' hair is frequent and strong, does not break, does not lose, but only grows in height, so everything would also grow with me, a servant of God, such and such, it would not break, it would not split.

A conspiracy for any drugs against baldness. Take your favorite hair care products (as an option, make an infusion of nine birch leaves and the same nettle). Water the roots with them, repeat 3 times:

As you, nettle and birch, flaunt green foliage, so to me, the servant of God (your name), give strength from the branches, from the roots, from under the roots, so that the servant of God (your name) becomes rich and curly hair. Neither a witch, nor a sorceress, nor evil, nor good will cut my hair. Let it be so. Amen.

To conspiracy on hair growth, prepare a bowl of water, place a mirror inside. Observing yourself in reflection, read the text:

My hair, my hair, grow like an ear in a field, fill up with strength, don't break from dryness, sit in the nest, swarm in the nest, but with me, the servants of God (your name) baptized, don't be seized, fasten like a sack. In you, hair, all mine Magic power, neither hard water, nor a sore head, nor a thought will spoil you. Grow, hair, fall off your shoulders, strengthen yourself with the sun, fresh wind cleanse yourself. I, the servant of God (name), protect the hair, like a ripe ear, not for people, but for myself, not for a moment, not for an hour, for a whole century. Holy Mother of God, circle it with your spirit, protect my hair from the envious, from the purring eyes, from the evil eye, looking from behind. Words are agreed, negotiated, for the servant of God (your name) uttered. Amen.

Visualize your image with long strands... Wash your hair with charmed water. It is necessary to repeat the ritual periodically for the effect to appear.

Before bedtime while brushing:

Grow the braid to the waist, do not fall out a hair. Grow, scarf, up to your toes, all hairs in a row. Grow, scythe (your name), do not get confused, obey the Lord God.

Read the hair growth conspiracy if you're going to wash it chicken yolk. The protein must be separated as it is difficult to wash out.

Mary walked to the Mother of God - she came to the river. She dismissed her braids, washed her hair. Eggs help praise Easter, let eggs and my braids strengthen. Amen.

If you begin to notice snowfall on your shoulders, it doesn't matter, the following ritual will help you say goodbye to dandruff forever. that you are going to use to wash your hair. It is best to do this on Saturday, at:

Bath water, I have to wash with you, I have to be treated with you. Maria, Marianna, Mariuliana and the soul of Ulyana, cleanse my head of dandruff. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

As an accompanying element of the ceremony, it is good to cook decoctions of medicinal herbs against hair loss and for hair growth(mint, nettle, plantain). For chamomile, you need 50 grams of dried flowers. They must be poured with 1 liter of boiling water, kept for an hour, then mixed with warm water before room temperature... Rub the broth into the scalp in the morning and in the evening every day, saying:

To you, chamomile, the sun has given beauty and strength. Give my hair beauty, strength, health, strength and shine. I conjure with water, I fix with the sun. Amen!.

Then rinse the washed curls with the solution.

Conspiracy on Thick hair on shampoo or water. Take the product or water with which you are going to wash your hair, say three times:

I will make my hair healthy, thick, like a lion's mane! They will be just as beautiful and shiny! I will take for them the strength of the mountains, the health of the forests, the shine of the rivers! I conjure with the sun, I anchor with the earth. As she said, so be it!

In this way to find thick hair use again burdock decoction... Regularly on the growing moon, read the text on it:

As all earthly power entered the roots of burdock, so let it come out into my hair and into their roots! May they be nourished with strength, become healthy, beautiful! Let them grow and lengthen, thicken and curl! Amen!

With age, the curls begin to lose their color pigment and gradually become thinner, sometimes this happens after strong emotional experiences... If gray hair has not yet had time to fully declare itself, magic can help you.

  • Conspiracy from gray hair do on the waning moon, for it helps to part with something. Bring a knife to the head (scalp, temple) for symbolic intimidation of gray hair. Say three times:

Do not sit, do not infect each other. Gray hair, gray hair, go away from me! Let it be so! Amen.

  • Another simple ritual for getting rid of gray hair. Pour water into a basin, say:

There are two brothers, two gray-haired elders, are you not enough of your misfortune, gray hair, gray beard? Take my gray hair on your head. Amen.

Place in the closest corner of the door clockwise, wash your hair.

By the way, you can't pull out gray hairs... Instead of one, a dozen new ones will appear, after which you can use

Be my lips red.

Cheeks, be blush, hair - perfume.

Get off me, my decrepitude,

All my babskaya is frustrated.

The moon will wane - old age will go away.

At a profit a month will go- beauty will come.

I bow to you, mother moon,

Let me take what I ask.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen.


To keep your hair healthy and thick

From a letter:

“The fact is that since childhood I have been very thin, liquid hair, and I, like any girl, always dreamed of thick, beautiful hair... Tell me, is there any conspiracy to make your hair thicker? I am very complex because of this ... "

Read a special conspiracy over raw eggs, with which you then wash your hair (the water should not be hot, otherwise the eggs will curl!). Conspiracy words the following:

The Mother of God Mary walked

I came to the river

I dismissed the braids,

I washed the head.

Eggs help praise Easter,

Let the balls and my braids strengthen.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy on fast growth hair

From a letter:

“Five years ago, after the birth of my youngest daughter, my hair began to fall out sharply in the area of ​​my bangs and now it does not grow back. I tried a lot of all kinds of means, the hair seems to have stopped coming out, but new ones do not grow back on bald spots. I am very complex about this. "

With this conspiracy, you can not only make your hair beautiful and thick, but also prevent hair loss. They read it for a young month, standing by the window and combing their hair. The conspiracy words are:

Field to grain, light to sun,

The crown to the comb, and the hair to the hair. Amen.

Baldness conspiracy

From a letter:

“Now I am twenty-six years old. From the age of eighteen, my hair began to thin. And although it was clear that my hair was thin, but in structure they were normal, and there were no bald patches. A year ago I gave birth to a child, then I survived severe stress- the husband almost left. Since then, my hair has completely deteriorated. The doctor prescribed hormones for me, but they do not help. Now the hair has become very thin, become brittle, bald patches are visible. What can I say, I don't have hair on my head, but fluff! Now every day turns into torture for me. I don’t want to live, because it’s scary to go out, I’m afraid that everyone will laugh. I beg you, for God's sake, please help! "

If your hair begins to fall out strongly, be sure to talk to yourself from baldness on the new moon. The conspiracy is read, standing at the threshold of their house. Clasp your fingers tightly and, holding them above your head, say three times in a row:

As the month was born,

So is the hair of the servant of God (name)

Let it be born and come.

No one counted the stars in the sky,

So the hair of the servant of God (name)

Let it multiply and thicken without count.

In the name of the Father and the Son

And the Holy Spirit.

Dandruff conspiracy

From a letter:

“I ask you to give me some advice on how to get rid of dandruff. Since childhood, she has tortured me, and in recent times even strong means(shampoos) do not help, I only get covered with pimples. "

Read the following conspiracy over the water in which you will wash your hair:

Bath water, I have to wash with you,

I have to be treated by you.

Maria, Marianna, Mariuliana

And the soul of Ulyan,

Clear my head from the pore.

In the name of the Father and the Son

And the Holy Spirit.

Nail fungus conspiracy

From a letter:

"Tell me, please, are there any conspiracies that would help get rid of the fungus on the nails?"

Take in three different houses salt and pour boiling water over it at night, saying:

Lord Jesus Christ,

Son of God, have mercy on us.

I say nail disease

Sublunar pain.

How the salt was cooked

Melted and evaporated

So are you, nail ailment,

Get off the nail

Forever and ever from the servant of God (name)

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen.

After that, wash the sore nail with charmed water, which then pour it under a dry tree.

Conspiracy from fetid sweat

From a letter:

“Please tell me if there is a conspiracy to help get rid of sweating. I almost always sweat a lot. I tried many means - nothing helps ... It's so awful when you smell unpleasant all the time and people move away from you with disgust. I really hope only for your help! "

Patients have come to me more than once, complaining that they sweat a lot and are very embarrassed by the smell emanating from them. They suffer especially badly in summer. I have always advised these people not to despair, because they can easily get rid of this scourge. To do this, in the summer, on an even day, you should go to the river bank, stand there with your left bare foot on a stone, and so that the water does not reach you, and read this conspiracy three times:

How do you, stone, do not sweat,

So that I, the servant of God (name), do not sweat. Amen.

After that, you need to rinse in the river and leave without looking back.

How to cure thinness

From a letter:

“I am thirty-five years old, I have three children, the height is one hundred and sixty-seven centimeters, but I have been weighing forty-seven kilograms since the age of fifteen! Please tell me what kind of conspiracy you can read in order to gain at least a little weight. "

Fill the bath with water, read a special plot over it and take a dip in it. The conspiracy is this:

Do not stand, thinness, in the servant of God (name),

Not in a violent head, not in her eyes,

Not in light brown eyebrows, not in red blood,

Not in seventy veins,

Not in seventy joints.

Go, thinness, to the dark forests,

To swamps, to flammable stones,

To steep banks, to fast rivers,

On the yellow sands

Do not stand, thinness, not a pinch in the bones,

No body aches

No pulling, no yawning.

Thinness-thinness, go north,

There you gulbische.

Conspiracies from thinness

From a letter:

“Recently I was very nervous, so I lost a lot of weight. And even before this incident, it would be nice for me to gain a few kilograms. Help me, I've been looking through your books, but I'm confused. I am very afraid to do something wrong. "

Another letter on the same topic: “Low bow to you for helping people. I am proud that I have your books. I would like to ask you for help in this matter. My friend is very thin: she is twenty-two years old, but she weighs only forty kilograms and a little. Natalya Ivanovna, she is suffering a lot. How can you help her so that she gains at least another ten kilograms? Maybe there is some kind of conspiracy that helps people with such problems? "

Crush the shells from the eggs, at midnight, pour this powder into the water and boil it three times, and in the morning, even before the birds sing, pour the water with the powder over a birch fence (you can use someone else's). In doing so, do not forget to say: The bird hatched, and I was cured. Give me, Lord, fullness. Amen.

Then leave without looking back. The ceremony is performed on full month and no more than three times, otherwise you risk getting fat. Also, washing your face in the morning, you can read the following conspiracy:

I, the servant of God (name), will go to the blue sea.

A white swan will emerge from the blue sea,

It flows from that white swan

Water rolls down.

This water is not easy

This water is holy and alive.

Conspiracy to make hair beautiful, lush, strong

If the hair is weak, constantly falls out, does not grow and sticks to the head, you need to make a conspiracy for the beauty of the hair. To carry it out, you need to pour spring water into a jar and put twelve leaves of young nettle in it, or you can dry 2 tablespoons. The conspiracy is read when the moon is just born. After the sun goes down, you need to put the nettles in the jar and say:

The dew of God, the frosty grass, gave their strength to me, the servant of God (name), but they took the sickness with them. If my hair was long, silky, thick, curled, played, not lost from my head. Amen.

And then pour boiling water into the jar. Close the jar with a lid and leave for exactly one hour. After that, in the evening, wash your hair by rinsing with water from a jar. Pure water do not rinse your hair. And with the water that remained in the jar, spray your hair every evening.

Dandruff conspiracy on the head

If dandruff is overpowered, then it is necessary to carry out this conspiracy for the beauty of hair. . It must be done immediately, after the full moon, that is, with the waning moon. To do this, you need to prepare a jar of spring water or water, in which silver was stored for a day. Put her in a corner, the darkest one and read such a conspiracy:

Water is a purifier, water is a baptist, you will wash the head of the servant of God (name) from all filth, from all ill health, so that your eyes shine and your hair plays. Pour off the haze and scab, take them away with water. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

After that, keep the water in the corner until the next evening. In the evening, wash your hair, and rinse it with water from a jar. Repeat all this until the moon wanes, but it will be visible in the sky.

Seborrhea is, of course, one of the most serious diseases that is treated with folk methods, medicines and even use a conspiracy from seborrhea. It manifests itself in those places of the body that are rich sebaceous glands where sweat is produced most. Unfortunately, this disease can be prevented, but some people, on the contrary, do the things that cause seborrhea. Getting sick, people want to be cured instantly, but they can't get rid of the disease so quickly, so people use all the methods of struggle.

There are three types of seborrheic disease in total:

  • Bold. This disease appears in adolescence, from ten to fourteen years old. Of course, illness changes a lot appearance adolescents, thus they become more notorious. Usually in the most conspicuous place, on the face, appears very oily skin which even has grey colour... There is a shine on the face, an unpleasant glow, covering the skin with several layers of fat. Black dots may form, which will also be visible to all people. Symptoms will also include redness, itching, greasy shine, something sticking to the skin due to the layer of fat. At the age of twenty-eight, seborrhea diminishes its effects, subsequently completely disappearing.
  • Dry. There is also back side seborrhea - dry. This kind manifests itself in adolescence, goes into decline at the age of thirty. But more often males are infected with it. Symptoms can also be found in the face and head area. Partial or completely covering the face of the scales appear. Symptoms are similar to peeling in winter time, only in patients it can manifest itself at all seasons. This can happen due to contact with water or simply by unknown reasons but the skin becomes very dry.
  • Mixed. IN this case the patient suffers from two types at once, manifested together.

Treatment with folk remedies

What people have not come up with to get rid of this serious illness, which does not allow them to live in peace.

There are many ways to treat seborrhea folk remedies:

  • If you suffer from scalp seborrhea, then this procedure will help you. After shampooing, a mass of crushed onions and garlic is applied to the hair roots, as well as burdock oil... After that, a bag is put on the head and covered with a towel. After thirty minutes, the structure is removed and the head is well rinsed several times.
  • Also, if nettle grows in your garden, then you can also make a folk remedy for seborrhea from it. Only one hundred grams of nettle roots, fifty grams of roots of a plant such as burdock, lavender must be soaked in wine vinegar, and then put this mass on the fire and cook until boiling. You need to use this remedy for seborrhea once every seven days.

  • You can also make a mask from the vegetable that you always have at home - from cucumbers. You just need to grate the cucumbers and place this gruel on your face, and after just fifteen minutes you can remove the mask from your face.
  • Speaking of herbs, it is difficult to pass by plantain and burdock, because they grow right under our feet, which is why they are so good. IN this recipe calendula flowers and St. John's wort are also required. All this should be cooked, first filled with water. Then honey is added to the broth. The entire mass is applied to the hair roots, lasts thirty minutes under a towel and rinsed off.
  • The last recipe includes oak bark and honey. This broth can be easily prepared by crushing oak bark, filling it with water and boiling this broth for fifteen minutes. At the end, you need to leave the solution to stand for half an hour, and then drain the water and add honey. When absorbed into the hair roots, the decoction will work very effectively in helping to get rid of scalp seborrhea.

Conspiracy treatment and preventive measures

In addition to various baths, decoctions and masks, people are trying to treat the disease with conspiracies.

First you need to visit such a place as a church in order to be cleansed from sins, to cleanse the soul. This is done so that the illness goes away along with old emotions, memories, unpleasant moments... To get rid of seborrhea in these ways, you need to have holy water with you, which will help you become cleaner.

The following rules help you complete the cleansing procedure:

  • it is necessary in the church with the waning moon to put three candles for the repose of Saint Nicholas and read a prayer for health;
  • buy holy water if you don't have it with you;
  • buy oil that has been lit in the church. Read Our Father and wash your head or face with holy water, without using any other means;
  • after this, water will need to be poured on a tree that will stand alone;
  • with the oil you bought in church, you will need to smear your head or face at night before bed.

Perform all these procedures every day, then you will feel that the disease will begin to leave you. After that, you may not do all the actions so often.

Of course, no matter how good the treatment with folk remedies is, you still need to consult a doctor before performing any procedures, because this may not be suitable for everyone.

There are some simple rules how to prevent the disease:

  1. Personal hygiene must be carefully monitored. You should wash your face right after you wake up and after a hard day at work. You can resort to using lotions, foams for washing different types facial skin.
  2. You can consult with your doctor about the right shampoo for you if you have seborrhea on your scalp or simply don’t know which shampoo to wash your hair with. He will always be able to advise you on the necessary shampoo, as well as further treatment of the disease.
  3. You need to change your diet, revise your entire diet. Your diet should contain foods with various vitamins that will help your body to ward off such a disease.

Prevention is just as important because the disease can affect everyone.

Dandruff conspiracy

Speak to the water in which you will wash your hair.

Bath water, I have to wash with you, I have to be treated with you.
Maria, Marianna, Mariuliana and the soul of Ulyana,
Clear my head from the pore.


Burr conspiracy

Bring your fingers to your lips and whisper:

On two hands, ten fingers - do not bully,
No blood, no pinching, no pain, not on the first finger,
Neither the last nor the right hand nor on the left.
The Lord is with me.

How to get your hearing back

Read on the waxing moon. Women on Friday, men on Tuesday. They put a deaf person in a corner with their face, read into the ear that they cannot hear. If both ears do not hear, then they read first into the right, and then into the left.

I, a servant of God, will get up early,
Shoulder to the sun, back to the moon.
I will be baptized with the finger, I will be blessed with the icon.
I will call upon the Son of God Jesus Christ to help me.
I will whisper and speak deafness in the servant of God (name),
I will banish her to okiyad.
Come out, deafness, from the ear, and you, hearing, go to the ear.
I speak in the ears of the chapel,
A violent head, in the frontal, parietal, temporal,
Not by the sun, not by a month, not by another time,
And so that now there is hearing in the ear, and deafness out of the ear.
The pike has copper eyes, iron teeth,
She will seize all sorrows, illnesses, distortions,
Lump, scrofula, lumbago, deafness.
Go deafness to the damn servants
On a wooden plow
On an empty furrow, on a deaf wood grouse, on a deaf wood grouse.
Chur, deafness is not me and not God's slave (name).
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and forever and ever.

Talk cough

On a marsh hummock the toad says to its daughter:

Help with persistent cough

They cut the water on the river with new scissors, saying:

The lungs were opened, the spirit went up,
The cough of the servant of God (name) is gone.
And one, and two, and three (up to 40 times).
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

To avoid shooting in the ear

Whisper these words in your ear:

An arrow flew from a well-aimed bow,
The servant of God (name) shot in the ear.
Arrow-arrow, if, but not pain.
Any ailment from her doorstep to the start, the forest,
Into the violent wind. Amen.

Talk tonsils

Knock lightly forefinger down your throat and in a barely audible whisper say:

Go where they are waiting for you.
Go where you were expected.
Go where they will be waiting for you.
Where they will reap not sown,
Where not compressed will be threshed, where bread is baked from the ground,
Go there, they are waiting for you there.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Expel worms

Place the worm in the apple, place the worm in the grave,
The place of the worm in the ground
His place is in cow shit, not in me.
Go out, worm, to your place, go to the apple,
Into the grave, into the ground, into the cow's shit.
My word is strong and stucco.

Poisoning conspiracy

They talk water and drink. The conspiracy is this:

Holy God, the saints are strong,
Saints immortals, have mercy on us.
How dashing does not stick to God's prayer,
So it is for me, the servant of God (name),
Not a single poison will take.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy from tuberculosis

They read on a towel bought on Wednesday on a waning moon. With this towel, the patient must wipe off the night sweat every time. Read like this:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Herod's twelve sisters walked,
They found consumption at the crossroads,
They beat this consumption, beat
And then they started talking with a holy conspiracy.
So would you (name)
Do not cough up blood, do not hurt,
And with every hour of God to grow stronger and healthier.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Malaria conspiracy

As a person begins to ruffle malaria, melt the stove and read through the open door on the fire, at the end of the plot, blow into the stove, spit into the blower.

A candle is burning on the table of Christ,
The servant of God (name) is on fire, toils.
The fire wriggles in the furnace.
The candle on the table of Christ will go out, the fire in the furnace will burn out,
Christ will help, he will heal his servant.

Conspiracy from dropsy

If the patient has not been punctured in the abdomen, you can help. Read onto a "flowing" candle. Collect these "swellings" from the candle, throw them into the milk. Give the patient a drink with the words:

As wax flows from a candle,
So the water from the servant of God (name) come down,
Stacks from her body.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Yellow moon yellow face, yellow eye, I call you, call out and pronounce. From the born, prayerful, baptized servant of God (name), go to yourself, jaundice, where the wind does not howl, where the sun does not warm, where the human voice does not reach. You will be in an empty place, jaundice, you will stay there, you will stay there, joke your evil jokes. Eat a stone in an empty place, gnaw a tree in a dry forest, sip water in a deep sea, there is your place, there you stay. On the Ordani River - there are priests gathering - so that the jaundice spreads like they do. Amen.

Epilepsy conspiracy

Read at the hour when a person begins to beat in a seizure.

It beats, rushes, breaks into the blood, Satan sent the devil to joy. True Christ, help me, help me, so that your servant does not fight, does not rush, does not break into the blood, the devil is for joy, Satan is for pleasure. Cast out from his body, from a violent head, from a zealous heart on all four sides, into the four winds, so cleanse, as the sand is cleansed by the holy river, living water throughout his life from this time to the hour of death. Amen.

Smallpox conspiracy

Take a little fur from the belly of a newborn puppy, holding it in a fist, hold it in front of the patient, reading the plot. Burn the wool and scatter in the wind. The patient will not be left with pits, which usually remain on the body after smallpox.

Twelve Herod's daughters, beltless, half-chested, inside, riding, zakzhureny, podbolonny, trembling, quicksand, tame, foot, head, smallpox, rash, bloody, expelled with a whip, hellfire, conspiracy, sorcerer, puffin, hearing. Go, illness, from the servant of God (name) to the kennel, there you are, there is your life. Amen.

Speak asthma