Will the pregnancy test show if done in the evening. Reasons for questionable tests. Taking hormonal drugs for the treatment of infertility

Delayed menstruation always leads to certain thoughts. And the first thing a woman does is go to the nearest pharmacy for a pregnancy test.

Not all of the fair sex correctly uses these medical devices, difficulties arise in interpreting the result. Important has a time of day when the test will be able to show exact result.

Is it possible to take a pregnancy test in the evening

Gynecologists advise doing the procedure in the morning on an empty stomach, explaining that after a long night's sleep, the level of the hormone, which indicates the beginning of the development of a new life, is highest at this time of day.

Evening testing is not prohibited, however, the reliability of the result will not be 100%, especially on early dates when the delay of menstruation has not yet begun. Level hCG hormone(human chorionic gonadotropin) increases significantly only by 4-5 weeks of gestation: these days, even in the evening, a pregnancy test will show the cherished bright 2 strips.

How time of day affects hCG levels

When determining pregnancy great importance has the time of day when testing is performed. All tests are designed to hCG definitions in the urine. Depending on the time of day, its concentration in the body varies. According to scientific research, the highest level of the hormone is observed in the morning hours.

Evening indicators are not so accurate, because throughout the day when drinking water and other drinks hCG level is significantly reduced. Therefore, it is better to determine the presence of an “interesting position” using the first urine taken immediately after getting out of bed.

Otherwise, the result may be inaccurate. This pattern is true for the first three weeks after conception. In the future, the amount of gonadotropin in the body is so large that the time of day ceases to influence the correctness of the result.

At what time of the day the reliability of the result is higher

As you know, most tests are taken in the morning, preferably before meals, and in the case of urine, also immediately after waking up. This is because the first portion of urine is the cleanest, and therefore the tests taken in the morning will be the most reliable. This rule is also used in the case of determining pregnancy using a test. Before the start of the delay, it is recommended to strictly comply with this condition.

Manufacturers do not indicate in the instructions the preferred time for using the strips. In the first weeks of gestation, there is not so much hCG in the blood and urine that it can be recognized with a test. If you do it 10 days after fertilization, only in the morning the device will show the presence of pregnancy. Perhaps the second strip will be only slightly noticeable.

Having carried out an evening procedure with a test of the same brand, one cannot count on the fact that it will show the changes that have occurred in the body. In this case, it is worth focusing on the morning indicators, as they are more reliable. Evening manipulations should be carried out using high-quality test strips.

The most popular and effective medical devices with medium sensitivity are Evitest, Frautest. The high sensitivity Clearblue test is considered to be in demand and accurate.

It includes three main factors:

  1. Easy to use.
  2. High accuracy of the result, starting from the first day of delayed menstruation.
  3. Readable information.

In a situation where a delay in menstruation has already begun, it is permissible to use tests of any sensitivity and at any time of the day or night.

It is only important to follow some simple rules:

  • exclude frequent urination within 3-4 hours before the study;
  • to avoid overuse liquids before the procedure;
  • urine collected for analysis should always be fresh.

Error percentage

Almost all manufacturers of pregnancy tests guarantee that in 95-100% of cases their devices will accurately determine the result. But sometimes even the most expensive and high-quality test does not show pregnancy if it is available.

In most cases, this is due to non-compliance with the instructions that come with the device. According to statistics, 50-75% of women ignore manufacturers' recommendations. Therefore, it is not necessary to speak about the complete veracity of the result obtained.

Depending on the gestational age, the effectiveness and accuracy of evening testing are judged. The longer the time, the more true the result.

Another reason for the error is a test failure, for example, if a woman purchased a defective device. You just need to repeat the steps with another test. It is also important that the technique of use is observed (it is unacceptable to apply the same test several times).

It also happens that the presence of two red stripes is observed in the absence of pregnancy. It is especially alarming if a woman is completely sure that the onset of conception is impossible.

AND danger sign because there is a high risk of health problems. It is possible that the body gave such a reaction to the presence of a hormone-producing tumor.

If the device does not show correct result, you should repeat the procedure after a while. It is better to do this after a couple of days, when the concentration of the hCG hormone in the urine will increase significantly.

And if you don't want to wait

When waiting for the onset of a delay in menstruation is completely unbearable, another way to determine the excellent position will come to the rescue - a blood test for hCG. Research in laboratory conditions allows you to accurately determine the level of the hormone in the blood of a woman, after which there will be no doubt about the presence or absence of pregnancy.

This is the most exact method diagnosing the fertilization that has occurred, which expectant mothers use even at the earliest possible time. You can find out about pregnancy through such a study 5-7 days after the expected day of conception.

Another option is to use highly sensitive tests. But it is not enough just to purchase such a device, it is important to follow the instruction manual. Then the correct result is guaranteed.

In what cases it is necessary to consult a doctor

If the cherished 2 strips appear on the test, it is better not to postpone the visit to the doctor. Consultation and examination by a gynecologist is necessary to confirm normal development pregnancy within the uterus.

The gynecologist will appoint necessary tests, screenings and ultrasound, after which he will refer the woman for examination to narrow specialists. A pregnant woman should be examined by a general practitioner, otolaryngologist, ophthalmologist, dentist and other doctors if there are complaints or chronic diseases according to their profile.

Basically, only scheduled appointments with specialists are enough, provided that the woman is not worried about anything. If there are unreasonable pains, symptoms various diseases and deterioration in general well-being, you should immediately contact your doctor.

How to do the test correctly is described in the video:


When thinking about the possibility of conducting evening pregnancy testing, it is important to pay attention not only to the delay, but also to other accompanying signs.

If there is no menstruation, but psycho-emotional or the physical state women have changed significantly, you can not think about optimum time to carry out the procedure. When using tests of different sensitivities, it is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions.

To determine an interesting position for up to 5 weeks after conception, it is recommended to use medical devices with hypersensitivity to the hCG hormone. In this case, the result will be more reliable.

The onset of pregnancy is quite an exciting event in the life of every woman. And already in the first days of delayed menstruation, the fair sex is trying to unravel the cause. In the absence of diseases endocrine system and genital organs, as well as in the presence of a sexual partner, pregnancy can provoke a “non-onset” of menstruation. Today, in the window of every pharmacy, you can find special tests that help diagnose at home. interesting position women. According to the instructions, it is necessary to conduct a study in the morning. Many women are interested in what determines the choice of this time of day, is the test really able to distinguish between day and night, and how does this affect its result? Therefore, now we will try to understand this and find answers to the questions that have arisen.

How does a pregnancy test work?

In order to find out about the presence of pregnancy, it is necessary to dip the test strip to the mark indicated on it in fresh urine and place it on a horizontal surface. One strip that appears will indicate the absence of pregnancy, two - about its presence.

But how does the test know this, and what does it have to do with morning or evening?

The thing is that with the beginning of a new life, the female body begins to secrete a hormone - chorionic gonadotropin. It is produced around the clock from the first day of attachment of the embryo to the wall of the uterus. And every day the level of the hormone in female body is growing. But on the first day of pregnancy (and this is approximately 20 days from the previous menstruation in the absence of deviations in the cycle), its indicator is only 2 mIU / mm, and every day the level increases by 2 times. Since chorionic gonadotropin is produced in the body, it will be present in both the blood and urine. Conventional inexpensive tests are able to respond to its level above 25 mIU / ml. Therefore, from about the second or third day of delayed menstruation, such a test will show the presence of pregnancy.

But where does the morning or evening - you ask? And the thing is that during the day, urine values ​​\u200b\u200bcan change. As the woman eats and drinks water, the urine dilutes and the hormone levels decrease. Therefore, for an accurate diagnosis of pregnancy in the early stages, it is recommended to do an analysis using freshly collected morning urine, since it is more concentrated than daytime or evening. Also, you should not take diuretic drugs the day before and eat or drink diuretic products, such as Sudanese rose tea, Birch juice, watermelon. The recommendation to conduct a pregnancy test in the morning is relevant only in the first days of delay. And if menstruation does not occur on the 5-7th day of the usual period or later, therefore, during pregnancy, the hormone level in the urine will already be quite high (much more than 25 mIU / ml), and no products can significantly affect it. Then the test will show the correct result at any time of the day.

Today's pharmaceutical manufacturers offer big choice pregnancy tests. But their principle of action is the same, and it is based on the identification chorionic gonadotropin. Inkjet tests are also commercially available. Their reagents are able to show a result at a hormone level of 10 mIU / ml. That is, with the help of such a diagnosis, it is possible to determine pregnancy in the early stages, not only in the morning, but also in the evening.

Possible deviations in test results

Since the pregnancy test is a diagnostic tool, it must be used and stored properly. Using it, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • do not use an expired test;
  • when buying, check the integrity of the packaging and the absence of factory defects;
  • strictly follow the instructions;
  • do not lower the diagnostic strip into the urine below the indicated mark;
  • Lay the test strip only on a flat and dry surface.

If you did everything correctly, then in a few seconds the result will appear. If diagnosed too early, the second strip may be subtle or absent altogether. But if there is a pregnancy, and the test did not show this, it is possible that it is defective, or the level of the hormone in the body has not yet managed to rise to the required levels. Repeat the procedure later. And for the final result and diagnosis of the reason for the absence of menstruation, you can make an appointment with a gynecologist. The doctor will examine you and prescribe an ultrasound. With a more accurate diagnosis, reliable results can also be determined.

A pregnancy test is the most accurate method for determining it. Most modern women buy it if they begin to suspect that they are in an “interesting position.” The principle of the test is quite simple. The reagents impregnated with the strip react to an increase in the level of hCG in the urine.

Immediately after the attachment of a fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus, the body begins to produce human chorionic gonadotropin. The production of this hormone is characteristic only during pregnancy. In rare cases, its synthesis in the body is possible in the presence of sufficiently serious diseases.

The concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin in the urine begins to rise immediately after the implantation of the embryo into the uterine wall. About 2 weeks after conception, it reaches a certain level at which an increase in hCG in the urine can be detected using a standard pregnancy test.

As a rule, the test makes sense no earlier than the first day of missed menstruation. The later an express analysis is made, the more accurate the result will be, since every 3-4 days the concentration of the hormone in the urine will increase by about 2 times.

Can I take a pregnancy test at night

Most favorable time day for the test is considered morning. Immediately after waking up, you need to select a portion of urine and lower the test strip into it, following the instructions included in the package.

The highest accuracy of the test results made at this particular time is due to the fact that at night the woman does not drink anything, does not go to the toilet, which means that her urine is the most concentrated in the morning. The level of hCG in it, most likely, will be sufficient to determine from the first day of the delay.

You can also do a test at night, but it is still better to conduct an express analysis in the second half of it, when the woman manages to sleep for at least some time. The reliability of the result of the analysis made at 3 am will be significantly higher than the reliability of the result of the test made at 12 am.

The test may show false negative result if a woman eats a heavy meal and drinks a lot of liquid before collecting urine. But all this matters only when determining pregnancy at a very early stage. 1-2 weeks after the delay, the test should show reliable result any time of the day.

Delay menstrual cycle makes every woman nervous. What is the reason? Pregnancy, health issues, or recent stress? It is unlikely that someone will immediately go to the hospital to find out the reason, each of the women will find their own explanation for what is happening. Someone hoping with all their hearts that finally the desired and long-awaited pregnancy. Or maybe the lady, on the contrary, is not yet ready to become a mother. And each of these women childbearing age with joy, excitement, fear in the soul or in absolutely calm state, most likely, will immediately go to the pharmacy for a pregnancy test in order to resolve their doubts.

Most manufacturers recommend testing in the morning when hCG levels are at their highest. high level. But if it’s still so long to wait until the morning, and you are already unbearable, then the question arises of whether it is possible to do a pregnancy test in the evening. To answer it, you first need to understand how they work.

How the test works

Modern tests allow you to determine pregnancy after 1-2 weeks from the moment of conception.

The test itself looks like a thin strip that is sensitive to the hormone of pregnancy - It begins to be produced after the fertilized egg is fixed in the body. From the blood, the hormone enters the urine. It is believed that its highest concentration is reached after a night's sleep.

Will the pregnancy test show in the evening, if you carefully choose it? Whether the level of sensitivity of the test depends on its manufacturer, type and price - more on this in the next paragraph of the article.

How to choose the right test

There are several types of pregnancy tests:

  • test strip - its popularity is due to its low cost;
  • tablet tests are more expensive, but you only need two drops to find out the result;
  • inkjet tests are very easy to use: no need to look for a container, worry about dropping the strip during the test and ruining the test.

If it is necessary to determine pregnancy as early as possible, then it is better to use innovative tests, although they are more expensive. If the timing is not so important, then why guess which pregnancy test to buy when you can just ask the pharmacist at the pharmacy to advise you on the best option for the price. As for the reviews about this product, the opinion of the majority of representatives fair half humanity is reduced to the fact that it is not at all a matter of price, and the most cheap test never let them down.

What time of day is the most reliable pregnancy test result?

It is known that the sensitivity of tests to hCG is not more than 25 mIU / ml. The hormone itself, as mentioned earlier, begins to be produced in the body of a woman only after the embryo is attached to the uterus. With each subsequent day, the probability of determining pregnancy is higher, since the production of the hormone doubles.

Therefore, to the question of whether it is possible to do a pregnancy test in the evening, the answer is as follows: if early diagnosis is important, then it is advisable to wait until the morning and only then perform the test. With the development of pregnancy, the hormone in the body becomes more and more. And soon there comes a moment when it doesn’t matter what time of day it is done, because the result will be the same - a positive pregnancy test. For early diagnosis it is also good to donate Blood is taken from a vein, it should be taken in the morning on an empty stomach.

How to use a pregnancy test correctly. Deciphering the results

The rules of use depend on:

  • if it is a test strip, then it is necessary to collect urine in a small container, open the package and lower the test to the line marked as MAX. Hold for 5 seconds, then lay out the test on a dry surface (for example, a napkin). Usually the result appears immediately, but manufacturers advise waiting up to 5 minutes;
  • v tablet test there are two windows where a few drops of urine should be applied with a pipette;
  • inkjet test for a few seconds is placed under the stream during urination. The waiting time for the result in all tests is approximately the same.

Possible test results:

  • only a strip on the right appeared - a sign that pregnancy, most likely, is not;
  • two red stripes appeared - a positive pregnancy test;
  • only the left strip appeared - perhaps the test is faulty, expired, or the technique for use was violated;
  • positive pregnancy test: the second strip is weakly expressed - most likely, very small

If in doubt, the test can be repeated after a few days. If it turned out to be positive, then you should visit a gynecologist who, after examination, will prescribe an ultrasound diagnosis.

1%: right to be wrong

Pregnancy tests show the correct result, as a rule, in 99% of cases. However, very rarely they can be wrong. This happens for the following reasons:

  • the point is in the test itself (expired, marriage);
  • the technique of use is violated (for example, when a one-time test is used twice);
  • pregnancy, but the test showed a negative result. Not all tests are able to show positive result even before the delay of menstruation. Perhaps the period is very short, and the test was carried out in the evening, and the level of the hormone in the body was not enough. Returning to the question of whether a pregnancy test can be done in the evening, it is clear that it is possible, but it is better to do it in the morning;
  • There is no pregnancy, but the test showed its presence. The reasons may be health problems. Therefore, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

In what cases it is necessary to consult a doctor

It should be remembered that a delay in menstruation is not only during pregnancy. The reasons may be as follows:

  • recent stress, both in an emotional sense (strong experiences such as fear, despair) and on physical level(hypothermia, heavy physical exertion);
  • rapid weight loss, depletion of the body as a whole with prolonged fasting and an improperly selected diet;
  • various diseases associated with hormonal failure in the body (ovarian cyst, uterine fibroids, prolactinoma);
  • metabolic disease;
  • avitaminosis.

In any case, you should consult a doctor and additional examination because the reasons can be very serious. At positive test pregnancy also should not be delayed with a trip to the hospital. The greatest risk to the life and health of women is ectopic pregnancy to exclude it, it is necessary to undergo an examination and make an ultrasound diagnosis.

When thinking about whether it is possible to do a pregnancy test in the evening, it is also important to listen to your body. In addition to a delay in menstruation, there may be other signs that indicate the presence of pregnancy: nausea, a change in food preferences, their soreness. Hormonal changes lead to the fact that a woman becomes more emotional, this can cause increased irritability, tearfulness, or causeless joy. There is a desire to rest more, as the body will need a lot of strength to carry the child and further delivery.

When many years have passed in anticipation of pregnancy, I want to find out as soon as possible whether it has come or not. Before you happily rush to the store to buy a lace envelope for a newborn, you should clarify when to do the analysis so that it is absolutely reliable.

different levels of sensitivity

Incredible Tests important point women's life: the lady is expecting a baby or not, there are different device, cost and sensitivity. The different principle of the tests leads to varying degrees sensitivity.

But any device determines the concentration of the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). This substance is secreted by the chorion - the shell of the embryo, after fertilization occurs and the fetus is fixed in the walls of the mother's uterus. From that moment on, the level of hCG in the mother's urine begins to accumulate up to a certain amount.

All devices are marked in a certain way: 10; twenty; 25; 30. This designation shows the level that this device is able to capture. most accurate and sensitive test The one with the smallest number.

But, is it possible to do a pregnancy test in the evening? This question is often asked modern women. This is especially of interest to those who are physically unable to do analysis in the morning. After all, modern ladies often work for days, on a rolling schedule. You never know what problems can prevent them from taking care of themselves early in the morning.

Even before the delay

The most sensitive pharmacy devices recognize the appearance of a child even before the expected next menstruation, 7-10 days after the expected conception. If you carefully read the instructions for using the device, you will see the marking on it: 10 mIU * ml. Such numbers are usually found on the most expensive, inkjet tests.

If a pregnancy test is done in the evening, even an inkjet test may show an erroneous result. The fact is that only after 12-14 days, or even more, more precisely after three weeks of pregnancy, the concentration of the determining hormone becomes stably perceptible for 24 hours a day. You can check this by donating blood to determine the level of hCG. The presence of the hormone in the blood will be visible earlier, but the analysis may be inaccurate. Then you will have to take it again in a week, to clarify the result.

In order for the analysis to be reliable, urine should be collected in the morning on an empty stomach, after 12-14 days after the alleged conception.

Don't forget some test rules. Urine should be used immediately after collection. Stale urine can cause false result. You can not drink a lot of liquid these days so that the concentration of the hormone in the urine does not decrease. You can not take hormonal drugs on the days of the test. Hormone intake should be stopped 14-21 days before the test.

First days of delay

The most popular home tests are sensitive: 25 mIU * ml. These devices show the presence of the fetus in the mother's body on the first day of the expected menstruation delay.

If this test is used earlier, it will show a negative result, despite the fact that fertilization has already occurred. And it does not matter when the analysis will be performed, in the morning or in the evening.

Week of delay

Only after a sufficient period of absence of menstruation, the test shows an accurate result if technically it is 100% correct. Seven days after the delay is already enough to accumulate the concentration of the hormone.

Do not forget that the test only determines the presence of pregnancy, and not its exact duration. Exact dates shows a blood test for the presence of hCG. Also, do not postpone a visit to the gynecologist. He will clarify the term, put you on record, appoint thorough examination, the necessary complex of vitamins, microelements, and will take other necessary measures. The state of your health during pregnancy should be under the constant supervision of a doctor. Because your health will immediately affect the health of the child. If you want to give birth healthy baby and not to lose your own teeth, hair, hurry to the doctor as soon as you check for pregnancy.

Some women need some medication support during pregnancy. Otherwise, the birth may end lethal outcome for mother. This happens if a woman has a heart or kidney disease. Availability different rhesus with a baby can end in a miscarriage or the death of a baby in the womb. There are many pitfalls that you can successfully avoid if you visit a doctor on time and see him regularly.

When to do the analysis?

How to do a pregnancy test in the morning or in the evening? When the delay is already sufficient and the device purchased at the pharmacy is sensitive, it is still recommended to perform the analysis in the morning. Because at this time the level of the hCG hormone in the female urine is maximum.

If the circumstances are such that it is more convenient for you to take the test in the evening, do everything to be sure of its reliability.

To do this, buy the most sensitive device, inkjet. Even better, if you try to wait a sufficient period after the alleged fertilization. Seven days after the delay, or even all 14.

Then the exact time of the analysis will no longer have any significance.

Keep in mind

No matter how hard you try, remember that sometimes the analysis that determines the presence of a child gives false results.

This happens for various reasons:

  • insufficient level of hCG;
  • improper use of the device;
  • use of a faulty device;
  • the presence of diseases that raise the level of hCG or the use of hormone-containing medicines.

Remember that one colored strip does not at all confirm the absence of the fetus in the mother's body. Therefore, if menstruation has not come, doctors advise re-testing. Be sure to contact a gynecologist to clarify the diagnosis.