Rules for installing child seats in a car. How to properly install a child car seat? Video instructions. Types of fastening car seats and carriers: photo and description

It is not so safe to travel with a child in a car these days. Therefore, all parents should take care of this in advance. by the most right decision V this case will be installed in the car child seat. It will help to completely protect the child in the event of a collision with other vehicles or an obstacle on the road. That is why the child should always be fastened to such a chair. But how to fasten a child seat in the car yourself, quickly and reliably? It is important to do this correctly, and therefore you should choose a suitable child seat, and only then proceed with its installation.

Which child car seat to choose?

Exists a large number of child car seat models All of them differ in various characteristics. But first of all, it should be comfortable so that the baby feels as comfortable as possible in it throughout the trip. On this moment allocate 5 common groups these chairs:

  1. Zero group: designed for children weighing up to 10 kg and aged 1 to 12 months.
  2. Group +0: the weight of the child should be no more than 13 kg, and the age - up to 1.5 years.
  3. 1st group: for children from 3 to 7 years old weighing 9-18 kg.
  4. 2nd group: children 3-7 years old weighing from 15 to 25 kg.
  5. 3rd group: children from 6 to 10 years old, weight 22-36 kg.

The first two groups are suitable for the smallest, so these chairs have a recumbent position. Such an infant carrier most often has an adjustable mechanism for changing position. In addition, it is equipped with soft safety belts for secure fixation of the baby. For older children, chairs from the 1st to the 3rd group are used. They can be of a fixed position or with the possibility of transformation.

As you can see, when choosing a car seat, it is important to consider not only the age, but also the weight of the child. And now let's look at how to fasten a car seat and where it is better to install it.

Where should the child seat be placed?

After the model and type of the seat is determined, it is necessary to correctly install it in the vehicle. This installation can be done as front seat, next to the driver's seat, and in the back seat. There are 2 installation methods: in the direction of the movement and against the movement, with the back to the driver. However, according to the recommendations of experts, it is safest to install a child seat in the back seat of a car. If we talk about the seat for the smallest, then it is usually installed in opposite side from vehicle movement.

Before fastening a child car seat, you should always take into account the fact that the child's neck and spine are fragile, not strong enough, so they are easy to damage when braking. Another important point: If the vehicle has airbags, it is prohibited by law to install a child seat in the front seat. Even by accident, pillows can work, and possibly injure the baby. But if the driver still decides to put the child next to him, then you need to take care of turning off the airbag. Also in this case, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules: the first is that the seat must be installed in a reclining position, the second is that the car seat is moved as far back as possible.

How to properly install a child seat?

For the safe transportation of children, the correct installation of the seat is a prerequisite. For this, a standard seat belt is used, located in any car. You can also secure the chair with the isofix system. Before proceeding with this process, you must carefully study the instructions that come with the chair.

The safest place to install in the cabin is the middle of the rear seat. The belt for fastening should not be a waist belt, but the same as in the driver's seat. step by step this process as follows:

  1. The belt extends about 1 meter.
  2. A child seat is located at the selected location.
  3. Checking the stability of the car seat.
  4. A belt is inserted into the special straps of the chair.
  5. The standard tape is regularly tightened.

Some child seat kits have belt clips: these must be used in accordance with the instructions. When the seat belt is threaded through the holes on the seat, its end is fixed on the side clip of the car seat.

Most child car seats have side markers made in different colors. They will help you know the correct direction to secure the seat belt to the seat. All models are installed almost the same, regardless of the group. If you follow all the instructions given in the documentation, this process will not cause any special problems.

Car seats for older children are the easiest to install. Seat belts run along the top. The standard tape extends and moves into special guides. It is advisable to carry out the installation with the child in the chair. The belt must pass over the hip and shoulder of the child. The main thing is that the tape does not touch the stomach or neck. The child should be comfortable, and his posture should not be disturbed. Armchairs for the smallest are almost always equipped with additional seat belts, which must be used during the trip.

Mounting with isofix system

This system is increasingly found on modern car seats for small passengers. What it is? In fact, this is a chair that has special locks and brackets built into it, with which it is attached to car seat. Such a system can be quickly and easily installed in any vehicle whose seats provide for such an attachment. There are not so many similar car models, but today vehicle manufacturers are increasingly worried about the safety of passengers, so finding a car interior that is designed for such a chair will not be great work. And those who care about the safety of their children, when buying a car, will definitely pay attention to the presence of isofix system mounts in it. Its main advantage is that you can quickly fix the child to the car seat without disturbing him, for example, if he is already sleeping in the infant carrier.

How to fasten a child to a car seat?

When purchasing a car seat, it is advisable to pay attention to the presence of additional fasteners and straps that will help to better fix the child in the car seat. Their use is mandatory, since during sudden braking they are able to maintain the fixation of the body. If the baby weighs less than 13 kg, a group 0 seat is used. How to fasten a child in a car seat, let's look at an example.

The birth of a baby changes the life of new parents. Innovations also appear during car trips. Current rules traffic provide for special device. Relevant is the question of how to safely transport a newborn in a car.

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Why special equipment is needed

The rules on how to transport a child in a specially designed device is generally binding.
Some road users do not fully understand why a carrycot or car seat is needed for transportation infants in the car.

Newborn babies are among the most vulnerable passengers. Their spine is made up primarily of cartilage. The muscular system is just beginning to develop. Any shaking and tossing is dangerous for babies. In the case of sharp shocks, the baby's head leans back. An excess load is created on the cervical region.

How to transport a newborn in a car according to the rules. To prevent dangerous situations, devices such as a car seat for newborns, a chair for babies are provided.

Note! Installing baby carriers reduces the risk of injury in an emergency by 70%.

According to data World Organization health care, transportation of newborns in specially designed devices has reduced child mortality in road accidents by almost 50%.

In the absence of a restraining device, a fine of 3 thousand rubles is imposed.

How to transport a baby

Despite the current traffic rules and built-in car safety systems, no one is safe from an accident on the road. In order not to put the life of a small passenger at risk, it is necessary to transport the baby in restraints.

There are several ways to transport a newborn:

  1. car seat.
  2. Car seat.
  3. Stroller block.

All of them have their own advantages.

Car seat:

  • has an anatomical shape;
  • used for children below 150 cm height;
  • relevant for children weighing less than 36 kg;
  • a semi-recumbent position is assumed;
  • installed either front or rear;

Car seat:

  • used for babies up to six months;
  • holds weight less than 10 kg;
  • provides only horizontal position;
  • mounted on the back seat;

The above devices differ both in size and weight. They are mounted on the back or front seat. When transporting children in front, turn off the front airbags.

From time to time, newly-made parents violate traffic rules. Child safety should not be neglected. In the event of sudden braking or collision baby weight instantly increases tenfold. Given the effect of surprise, parental hands will not be able to withstand such a load. Improper transportation of newborns will result in serious damage and injury.

Important to remember! Transportation of children to passenger car(if they are under 12 years old) must be carried out using special devices.

Car seat and its fastening

The infant car seat is a means of transporting a baby in a car. It is suitable for travel by babies in a car from birth to 6 months of age.

The advantage of the car cradle is to create a horizontal position. In this state, interference with the normal respiratory process is excluded. There is no excessive load on the children's spine.

The only thing inconvenient for a cradle for newborns is the service life. After 6 months, the baby will try to sit down. He will not be interested in lying all the time. It was then that for transportation you will need a chair for newborns in the car.

There are several options for how to mount the infant carrier in the car.

Manufacturers provide the following mounting systems:

  1. Built-in seat belts.
  2. Clips for rigid Isofix fastening.

To facilitate the installation process, you need to read the instructions, which contains recommendations on how to fix the infant carrier in the passenger compartment. To check the fixation, you need to try to move the infant carrier in the car. If the device moves a couple of centimeters, then the installation was successful.

car seat attachment


Although the infant car seat is easy to use, the question arises how to use it correctly.

Among the highlights are:

  • the device is attached exclusively to the rear in the cabin: this is the only correct position;
  • the structure must be fixed at 90 degrees to the direction of movement: relevant for devices marked “0”, when marking “0+”, it should be placed against the movement;
  • the device is fixed at a certain distance from the door, which increases child safety in a side collision;
  • do not put the baby head towards the door;
  • for a greater degree of safety of infants in the car, they fasten the belts inside the cradle;
  • transportation is prohibited foreign objects next to the baby, they should be transferred to the trunk;
  • front is only possible with the airbags deactivated.

How to put a newborn in a car seat has its own characteristics. Continuously transport newborn babies to car cradle with a mark of "0+" is allowed no more than an hour.

In the reclining / half-sitting position, the minimum load on the spine. However, in this condition, the infant has incomplete breathing. It is recommended to stop every hour on the way and take it in your arms.

You should focus on how the cradle is fastened with straps. With a certain length of belts, the device is installed vertically. It is forbidden to put newborns in such a car cradle.

The infant car seat of the new model provides for unlimited stay of newborns on the road. For its fastening, the Isofix base is used.

Stroller block

There are situations when a block from a stroller is used to transport babies in a car. This transfer is invalid. This is due to the low strength of the structure. In the event of an accident, the device will not protect the baby from injury..

If there are no other options, the cradle is installed at the back. It is fastened with straps at 90 degrees to the direction of travel. It is recommended that an adult be in the back seat during the trip.

Car seat

The best option for traveling newborns in a car is a seat that is suitable for babies from the moment they are born, as it takes into account anatomical features. reclining. To support the head, special rollers are located on the sides. It is not recommended to use folded towels or cloth for this purpose.

The device is fixed with straps or staples. The baby is additionally fastened inside the seat. For newborns in the car, experts advise mounting the car seat in the back seat. The safest place is the area behind the driver. When placing the device in front, it is necessary to disable the airbags. This will prevent injury to the baby when they are triggered.

The market for child car seats is replete with a variety of products.

To facilitate the selection process, the following classification has been adopted:

  • weight - less than 10 kg;
  • age - less than 6 months;
  • lying down the baby is fixed with a wide belt through;
  • reclining, a 3-point harness is used;
  • the device is located sideways in relation to the movement;

Group 0+:

  • weight - less than 13 kg;
  • age - less than a year;
  • in the reclining position, the baby is fixed with a 5-point belt;
  • fastening of the structure against movement is allowed;

  • weight - from 9 to 18 kg;
  • age - older than 9 months, but younger than 4 years;
  • relevant for children who can sit confidently;
  • the baby is fixed with a 5-point belt;
  • during sleep, the structure leans;
  • weight - from 15 to 25 kg;
  • age - from 3 to 7 years;
  • the device is mounted in the direction of travel;
  • adjustable backrest in height;
  • weight - from 22 to 36 kg;
  • age - under 6, but over 12 years old;
  • the structure is fixed in the direction of travel;
  • there is a limiter for the webbing of the belt;
  • the back is folded out.

Car seat for children up to 12 years old

Chairs are produced that combine the functionality of several groups. This is true for children in active phase growth.

There are still questions about whether a car seat is needed. It is important to understand that the installed seat belts are only effective for persons above 150 cm. Passengers over 15 years of age reach this mark.

For successful purchase car seats should take into account the following points:

  • ease of construction: relevant with the constant rearrangement of the chair from one car to another;
  • presence of natural and removable covers: associated with excessive sweating children in a car seat, especially in summer;
  • seat depth: important for winter period when babies are dressed in overalls;
  • no chemical smell from the seat.

Useful video: how to transport a baby by car

Current legislation determines how a child can and should be transported in a car. For trips, both a car seat and an infant carrier are suitable. Ultimately, the problem of what should be transported by a newborn in a car is decided by the parent.

The life and health of the child depends on the quality of the selected car seat. If the seat is not properly secured, the safety level of the child in the car is reduced.

Dear readers! The article talks about typical ways to solve legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve exactly your problem- contact a consultant:


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Initially, car seats were supposed to be fixed to the passenger seat only with a standard three-point belt. Armchairs for everyone were fastened with similar belts. age groups. More modern models require the presence of fixing straps and locking brackets.

When choosing a child seat, consider the type of installation. The chair is fixed in the back or, less often, the passenger seat of the car. It is fastened with special brackets, locking brackets and seat belts.

The method of fixation depends on the age of the child and the type of chair.

It is advisable to install the chair in the middle of the passenger seat. If the child is transported in a car with three rows of seats, then the seat should be installed in the middle of the middle row.

What is this

A car child seat is a device through which minors are transported. It consists of a bracket, an ergonomic seat, a seat belt. The selection of the chair is carried out according to the age and parameters of the child.

Any chair should be ergonomic and meet safety standards.

It is advisable to choose a seat with standard belts when the car is not equipped with mounts in other ways. Before buying, be sure to check the sufficient length of the belt. Insufficient length can be felt when buying car seats of the category 0 And 0+ .

It is advisable to buy a seat that uses a standard three-point belt if the family often uses taxi services, since not all cars are equipped with their own car seats. To do this, the dispatcher should be warned in advance about a trip with a child.

The disadvantage of fixing the chair with a three-point belt is the unreliability of this design.

What is regulated

Transportation of children is carried out in accordance with. Car seats are subject to mandatory certification - according to European standard security - ECE R44/03 or ECE R44/04.


Main questions

Citizens are interested in where and from which side the chair should be fixed, as well as options for its operation. Also interesting is the device installation algorithm and the possibility of transporting children without a booster (car seat).

How to install according to its classification

The chair is fixed with a regular belt. The choice of chair depends on the age of the child.

  1. For toddler age from 0 years and weight up to 9-10 kg the chair is fixed sideways to the movement.
  2. Device for child age up to a year and weight up to 14 kg is set in a position where the baby will sit facing against the direction of travel.
  3. armchairs category I intended for children aged from 10 months to 4 years. They are installed when the child is facing in the direction of travel.

    Meet universal chairs intended for children from newborn age up to 4 years.

  4. armchairs group II provided for children 3-7 year old age. It is installed in a position where the child is sitting facing in the direction of travel.
  5. armchairs group III designed for children age 6-12 years old and weight 21-36 kg.

To find out how to fix the seats correctly, it should be borne in mind that the purchased car seats can be provided for several age groups at the same time.

Small age car seats 0+ are called carriers. They can be equipped with carrying handles and mounted on special brackets in the car. Such an armchair by the type of cradle is supposed the best option to transport a newborn baby.

Choosing a safe place

Initially, it was assumed that it would be advisable to mount the seat on the driver's side, since if an accident is possible, the driver will try to dodge the impact in his direction, which at the same time can save the child's life. Modern Recommendations proceed from the fact that the seats must be installed in the middle of the passenger seat.

Action algorithm

The seat must be fastened to the passenger seat. To do this, special locking devices are used that fix the brackets and belts that do not allow the child to fall out of the seat while the car is moving.

Installing a child seat on backseat assumes the following sequence of actions:

  1. Move the front seat back to such an extent that it does not interfere with the installation.
  2. Pull out the belt until it stops - so that the chair is easy to install.
  3. The belt must be pulled tight. A small backlash is allowed, but with significant deviations, the procedure will have to be started again.
  4. The chair is fastened with special brackets and fixed with latches.

The seat can be fixed at all times if the car is often used to transport children.

How to secure a child seat in a car

The scheme involves the fastening of special brackets, the spaces provided in the car seat. The chair should be attached to special bushings, which are located at the bottom of the passenger seats or on the side.

fixed base

Armchairs with a fixed base are installed in the allotted bushings. The position of the child is fixed by seat belts. The chair is fixed with standard three-point belts.


Seat ISOFIX created in 1990, fastened with built-in metal guide locks and special iron brackets built into the passenger seat of the car. The brackets must be brought to the brackets and snapped into place until a characteristic click is heard.

The chair can also be attached using a special bar, located all the way to the floor. The ISOFIX system is considered the most optimal and in a safe way chair installation.


The LATCH / SUPERLATCH system is an American analogue of ISOFIX. The chair is attached to the passenger seat using special belts with special locks.

Used for fixing third attachment point from the top of the child seat backrest to the rear or side bracket.

Such a system is known for its high damping qualities and eliminates seat vibration.

Strap adjustment

It is important for car seats designed for children 0+ and 1 year old. The strap should be higher than the child's shoulder. The belt should be adjusted so that it does not rub the baby's chest.

Car seat for a newborn

For a newborn baby, portable cradles with fixed attachment devices can be used. The child should be transported against the movement of the car. Next to the baby without fail must be accompanied by an adult.

Is it possible to put a child seat in the middle

Going on a family car trip, parents simply have to worry about the safety of the child. In many countries prerequisite transportation of children in a car is the presence of a specialized chair. But it's not even about obeying traffic rules. The health, safety and comfort of the child, in this case, is paramount.

Not enough to buy good device. It still needs to be fixed properly. Installing a child seat is not an easy task. Depending on the model, year of manufacture, fastening systems and other parameters, car seats have many differences. Of course, the easiest way is to seek help from specialists. Or you can carefully study the rules for installing a child seat and do the work yourself.

Why do you need a child seat

The world around us is moving faster and faster every year. Children from the very first days of life become its active researchers. Safe transportation of a child in a car is the concern of responsible parents.

Installing a child seat in a car takes very little time. However, this step will save your baby from many dangers. A comfortable design, specially designed for the size of the child, built-in additional seat belts, a comfortable headrest - all this will protect the baby as much as possible in the event of an accident.

When creating, manufacturers focus not only on the comfort of the baby, but also on the convenience for parents. Installing a child seat in a vehicle should be easy, quick and effortless. The upholstery should also be easy to remove. In this case, it can be washed, providing the child with the necessary level of hygiene.

You need to use it right from the birth of the crumbs. For this, special devices are provided. Some parents claim that the best protection the child receives if he is in the arms of his mother while moving. This mistake can cost the baby health, and even life. The fact is that with a sudden collision, the weight of the child's body instantly increases by 20-25 times. Therefore, even if your baby weighs only 4-5 kg, at the time of the accident, mom will immediately have at least 80 or even 120 kg in her arms. Keeping that weight is almost impossible. Therefore, the installation of a child seat is not just a whim of the traffic police, but a vital necessity.

Benefits of a child seat

The main advantages of car seats:

  • keep the child from chaotic movements around the car;
  • securely fix the baby and do not allow him to be injured at the time of an accident or sudden braking;
  • allow the driver not to be distracted from driving;
  • allow other passengers to free their hands and ensure their own safety;
  • easy to install and do not require special skills;
  • have small size and do not take up much space in the car;
  • save you from a fine and unnecessary questions when communicating with the traffic police.

Cons of car seats

However, these devices also have disadvantages:

  • children, especially small ones, are not too fond of restriction of movement;
  • require selection taking into account the age, weight and height of the child;
  • need frequent replacement, because the child grows fast enough;
  • some models of seats require a special mount in the car;
  • really high-quality car seats for children are expensive, and given the fact that they will have to be changed several times, the purchase falls out of the budget category altogether.

What are child car seats

Installing a child seat in the back seat is not so difficult. It is important to choose a device that will suit your baby in terms of age, weight and other indicators. There are several types of car seats. For convenience, they are clearly divided into several groups.

Group "0". Such devices are used for the smallest passengers, weighing up to 11 kg. They are a special cradle equipped with additional seat belts, with which the device is attached to the back seat. The infant carrier is equipped additional protection for the baby's head, and before starting to move, it should be fastened with special strong, but flexible belts.

Group "0+". Such a device looks like a bowl and is designed to carry passengers weighing up to 15 kg. Most often, these models are incredibly functional. They are used as a car seat, rocking chair for a baby, a chair or a cradle. And if you put such a device on wheels, you get a full-fledged stroller. For ease of transportation, the car seat "0+" is equipped with a sturdy handle. Install it on the seat against the direction of the car.

Group "0/+1". This car seat is used to transport children weighing up to 17 kg and up to 3.5 years of age. While the child is small, it is installed the other way around, like the previous version. For an older baby, the chair can be turned over and secured in the direction of the car.

Group "1". This option is used for babies who can confidently sit on their own, from 10 months to 3.5-4 years. There is a rigid base, backrest with adjustments, durable seat belts. So that the child does not get bored on the road, many models are equipped with a work table, toys can be placed on it. The weight of the baby that such a model is able to hold is from 8 to 17 kg.

Group "2". The chair can be used up to the age of five. It is able to withstand weight up to 24 kg. However, it is important to take into account the individual size of the child. This is especially important in the cold season, when the child is securely "packed" in warm jumpsuit. big child maybe just cramped, while relatively small baby will sink deep into the seat.

Group "2/3". This is enough universal option. Suitable for children from 5 to 13 years old, weighing up to 38 kg and up to 160 cm tall. There are already not internal, but external seat belts, and the back has a slight anatomical slope. A feature of such models is a detachable booster - a special seat that can be used separately for older children.

Group "3". This model does not have a back and headrest and consists only of a booster. Looks like regular pillow with armrests. Such a car seat can be used no earlier than the weight of the child reaches 23-25 ​​kg.

Group "1/2/3". Most universal model which can change as the child grows. These devices are the most expensive. However, their equipment is the most complete. This great option for a child who is growing rapidly and has already left one group, but at the same time has not matured to another.

By the way, when choosing a seat for a child, make sure that the model is designed specifically for the car. Installing a child seat on a bike is completely different. Yes, the models are very different.

Fixing options

After the model is determined, the installation of the child seat in the car begins. The layout of the fasteners and the sequence of actions are most often described in detail in the instructions. There are 4 main types of infant car seat attachment systems.

1. Fastening with regular car belts. This type of installation is suitable for almost all vehicles. The only caveat: before buying a chair, it is important to make sure that the length of your own belts is sufficient to securely fix the device in the cabin. If this is not the case, you need to contact the service, where the belts can “build up” or notice longer ones.

General instructions in this case can not be given. Depending on the model, the devices may have different ones. Most often, belt guides have special indicators or cheat sheets. With their help, it is quite easy to figure out the installation.

It is very important to carefully follow the instructions and not to allow amateur activities. It is also necessary to carefully monitor that the seat belts are not twisted or crushed. If you have changed the angle of the seat back even slightly, it is important to adjust the position of the child car seat.

2. Mounting with rigid fixed base. Installing a child seat in the back seat will be as simple as possible if the model has a removable upper part and a dedicated base. The latter is usually mounted on the seat. It is enough to firmly fix the base once in accordance with the instructions, and the process of installing the child seat will take a minimum of time. It is enough just to snap it into special grooves.

Car seats with a rigid base have several other advantages. Firstly, many of them have a special metal arc, with the help of which the chair additionally rests on the back of the car seat. Secondly, there is often another level of security - a special leg for fixing to the floor of the car. This gives the structure additional rigidity and stability.

3. System of automatic fastening ISOFIX. This fixing method has been specially developed to make it as easy as possible to install a child seat in the back seat of a car. It is with it that most foreign-made cars are equipped.

Between the seat and the back of the rear passenger sofa, special metal brackets are installed, which are rigidly attached to the car body. At the bottom of the child seat is the counterpart, equipped with special locks. To install a child seat, simply combine both parts of the mechanism and press them until a characteristic click is heard.

Despite the incredible convenience, such a system has several disadvantages. First of all, a rigid mount helps to transfer the vibration of the car body to the child's seat. In addition, you can install such a chair only in those brands of cars that are equipped with special fasteners. Well, the last detail - car seats with the ISOFIX attachment system cost a lot.

4. SURELATCH mounting system. This system is designed to minimize the disadvantages of ISOFIX. It also uses rigid brackets mounted on the body of the car. But the counter fastening to them is made in the form of special straps. For greater stability, a third fulcrum is provided. From the top of the backrest of the child seat extends the fixing strap, which is attached to the bracket on the body of the machine or the rear of the back of the adult seat.

Such a system does not allow vibration to be transmitted to the child car seat and provides additional shock absorption. Belts are equipped with inertial tensioners. This allows you to fix the car seat without regularly adjusting the length of the belt.

How to place the chair with the greatest security

The correct and safe installation of a child seat also depends on where to fix the device. There are several options:

1. C right side rear sofa, behind the passenger. This place is considered quite safe. According to statistics, this part of the car is fewer strokes in case of an accident. It is located in the opposite corner from the oncoming lane of cars. For the convenience of communicating with the child, it is better to fix an additional mirror. You will not be able to see the baby in the main rearview mirror.

The rear right seat is also convenient because the boarding / disembarking of the child in this case will be made from the sidewalk, and not from the roadway. This is additional factor security.

2. On the left side of the rear sofa, behind the driver. Installing a child seat in the back seat behind the driver has long been considered the safest. It is believed that in the event of an accident, the driver will automatically remove himself from the impact, and, therefore, the child will not be harmed. With this arrangement, it is convenient to observe the baby using a traditional rear-view mirror.

If the child seat is placed behind the driver, the passenger sitting in front can easily reach it if necessary. But if the driver is alone with the child, then, if necessary, reach out to the baby, he will not be able to do this. In addition, boarding / disembarking a small passenger will take place directly from the roadway, and this is not always safe.

3. In the back seat, in the middle. This option is currently recognized as optimal. According to the latest research from the University of Buffalo, this position of the child seat is 16% safer than the rest. From whatever side the blow followed, this place is located in the "indelible" zone. Therefore, the child will suffer the least.

4. Sideways. Car seats have a special type of installation. Manufacturers recommend placing them in the back seat, and the headboard should be in the middle of the car. That is, the child will be perpendicular to the course of the vehicle, feet to the door.

Is it possible to put a chair in the front seat

If the mother is driving special occasions it is permissible to place the cradle on the front seat. In this case, the installation of a child seat in the direction of travel is prohibited.

It is important to weigh all the pros and cons well. Experts believe that the front passenger seat is the most dangerous place in the car. After all, in the event of an accident, the driver instinctively tries to get away from the impact and it is the right front part of the car that receives the most damage.

If there are no other installation options, experts recommend turning off the right airbag. If triggered, it may hit the car seat and injure the child. In addition, it is recommended to move the front seat back as far as possible. possible distance.

Along or against?

It is important for parents to remember the rule: children under 1 year old should ride in a car exclusively backwards. This is due to the fact that the head small child quite large and weighs a lot. At the same time, the cervical vertebrae are still quite weak and in the event of sudden braking they may not be able to cope with the load.

Older children can ride forward facing.

Installation steps: instruction

Each model is probably equipped with instructions for installing a child seat. If you carefully study it, there are problems with placement children's place should not occur in the car. However, there general principles that will help you get the job done.

Here small diagram installation of a child seat with a traditional belt fastening:

  1. Move the front seat forward as far as possible before starting work. So you free up more space and work will be more convenient.
  2. Place the car seat in the selected location. Take the fixing belt and pull it strictly along the intended area. Use the tips located on the chair itself, if available.
  3. Firmly tighten the seat belt as much as possible.
  4. Make sure the shoulder area of ​​the belt is fastened too.
  5. Make sure that the belt runs exactly as indicated in the instructions. Do not let it come into contact with other parts of the chair. During sudden braking, the fastening may not withstand friction and spontaneously unfasten.
  6. Attach the restraint strap so that it is in the middle of the small passenger's shoulder. If you fasten it too high, it will move to the neck area and become an additional threat. If you fasten the safety belt too low, it will simply slide off the child's shoulder and lose its effectiveness.
  7. Give the car seat a firm tug when you're done. It is important to make sure that it is firmly fixed. However, a slight backlash is allowed.
  8. Sit the baby in the seat and fasten it tightly. Make sure that the seat belts do not twist or slip. Don't fasten too tightly. Between the body of the child and the belt should fit 1-2 fingers.
  9. If the child car seat has an additional attachment in the form of a top strap, raise the head restraint, slide it into the special bracket and fasten it to the back of the adult seat or to the car body.

Paragraph 22.9 of Chapter 22 of the Rules of the Road obliges drivers of motor vehicles, when transporting children in a car or in the cab of a car, the design of which provides for seat belts, to use child restraints appropriate for the height and weight of the child.

Car seat - the subject of child protection

Transportation of infants in a passenger car has its own characteristics. This requires the installation of a special car seat in the back seat. This is a device that should keep children in the seat using regular car seat belts.

Parents should remember that a car seat is not a legislator's fad or a luxury you can do without. This is a device that allows the baby to ride in the car safely and comfortably. Car seat - special equipment to protect the child from injury in the event of an accident. It protects the baby from injury during sudden braking, bumps or collisions. Using a car seat has been proven to reduce the risk of fatal injuries by 80 percent. But this result can only be achieved if the child restraint is correctly installed in the car.

Correct and accurate installation of a child seat in a car is a basic and mandatory requirement. After all, the life of a child depends on the correctness of the equipment and the fixing of this device. But not everyone can correctly fix the car seat in the car right away. According to statistics, only 6 seats out of 10 are installed correctly. Errors in mounting the restraint are associated with the complexity of the mounting methods or the unwillingness of the consumer (driver) to understand the installation algorithm.

The car seat is installed perpendicular to the movement of the vehicle. Inside the car seat, the baby is fixed with the help of special belts that hold the child. The design of the restraint is designed so that the child is located horizontally in the car seat, which protects fragile bones from excessive stress and helps to normalize breathing. Children from 0 to 6 months are transported in the car cradle. However, such a holding device takes up a lot of space in the car (two passenger seats). In addition, its validity period is short - until the child reaches six months. Therefore, in order to save space and money, as an alternative, it is better to buy baby car seat groups 0+.

car seat groups

There are several types of car seats:

  • group 0;
  • group 0+;
  • group 1;
  • group 2;
  • group 3.

Ways to install car seats

Armchairs of group 0 (these include infant carriers for children weighing) are installed only on the back seat perpendicular to the movement. Such devices are intended for a lying (sometimes semi-sitting) position.

Armchairs of group 0+ (carrying) are designed for children weighing up to 13 kg. They can be installed in the rear seat and in the front - against the direction of travel, if the airbag opposite the passenger seat is disabled or there is no airbag.

Group 1 seats are designed for children who already know how to sit, weighing 9-18 kg. Such car seats are installed in the car in the front and back seats in the direction of travel. But in this case, the child is additionally supported by a five-point inner belt. Such a seat may have a holding table.

Group 2 car seats are designed for children from 3 to 7 years old, weighing from 15 to 25 kg. They are installed facing in the direction of travel. Group 3 seats are also placed in the car for children from 6 to 12 years old, weighing from 22 to 36 kg. In such a restraint, the child is fastened with a standard seat belt, which is threaded into special guides.

It is necessary to install a child car seat in full accordance with the instructions adjacent to it. The car seat should fit snugly against the seat, the “backlash” of the seat (its swinging from side to side and back and forth when fastened) should not exceed a few centimeters. The straps should be straightened and in no case squeeze the child's chest. The cross and diagonal belts must not be twisted.

The buckle of the lock must be equipped with a soft wide backing that guarantees protection of the child's stomach in the event of sudden braking or an accident.

The central lock must be equipped special system which will not allow the child to unfasten the fasteners on their own.

Carrycot attachment

The car seat is the first car seat for newborns, it is designed for the horizontal position of the child and is equipped with internal and external seat belts, as well as shock protection inside the cradle and a special protective arc above it. The car seat of group 0, to which the infant carrier belongs, is installed on the rear or front seat, perpendicular to the direction of travel. The infant carrier is equipped with three or five internal seat belts.

Used to hold the baby wide belt, which passes through the stomach of a small passenger.

The group 0+ car seat is installed in the car using regular seat belts or on a platform with Isofix rigid mounts, when using which seat belts are not used. The Isofix system is equipped with indicators for the correct installation of the car seat. If the infant carrier is installed correctly, the green indicator will light up, if it is incorrect, it will turn red.

Installing and fastening a child car seat using regular car seat belts is the most common installation method. This mount is universal and is suitable for vehicles equipped with seat belts. If your car does not have such belts, contact the car service center to equip the car interior. The car seat is attached to the car with a three-point harness. For proper fixing of the device on its body, there are special holes and drawings. The child is secured in the seat with a five-point safety harness.

If the length of the seat belt is not enough when attaching the infant carrier, lengthen it at any car service center.

Comment on the article "How to fix the car seat in the car"

3 surveys about child car seats. - get-togethers. Automobile. Woman driving, learning to drive, buying and selling a car, choosing a car, accidents and other 3 surveys about child car seats. I invite you to take part in surveys about children's cars.


There are few answers to the second question. From 40 minutes to infinity a big difference. But I have much more than 40 minutes, so I bet as much as I like - then we just took a break to pee, drink, eat, including for the accompanying driver.

Second Poll

Poll from user

Choosing a child car seat

What is the first car seat for your little one?

car seat for a child from birth to 6 months (the chair looks very similar to a regular cradle from a stroller, in which the baby is in a horizontal position)
baby car seat from birth to 12 months
we didn't have a child car seat

What is the most important thing when choosing a child car seat?

high crash test score

How do you choose the color of the child car seat?

the color of the car interior
matching the color of the stroller chassis
one that mom/dad loves

Do you know about i-Size child car seat standards, ECE R44?


See other discussions: How to choose a child car seat? Car seat: 10 safety rules for children in the car. Do not leave children unattended in How to properly secure the infant carrier in the car. Twelve hot questions about child car seats.


a clothespin is a seat belt retainer that allows you to firmly fix the chair and prevent it from moving under the belt, incl. when using only the booster.
There is also a seat belt guide - a squiggle, fastened from the side of the belt through a hole in the chair at a level just above the child's shoulder, so that when tensioned, the belt does not fall into the child's neck area, the belt is passed through it.

Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition and illness, daily routine and development of household skills. Girls, can anyone help, I need instructions for installing a child car seat, category up to 18 kg.

Car seats. Automobile. A woman driving, learning to drive, buying and selling a car, choosing a car, accidents and others Section: Car Seats (where it is safest to put a child seat in a car). Which side is safer to put the baby ...


Most safe place- for the driver, because in case of danger, the driver instinctively tries to protect himself, which means that the closer to him, the safer. These are not my conjectures, but the results of research that I came across in so many journals.

Oddly enough - in the center! I was always sure that it was behind the driver, but when I began to choose a seat, I found that manufacturers recommend exactly the place in the center of the rear seat from a safety point of view.

Here are Canadians on the same topic:

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Another thing is that not all cars have suitable belts in the center of the rear seat. Yes, and the width of the car does not always allow you to put it in the center ... In general, I myself drive behind the passenger (the most unsafe of the three positions at the back), but theoretically, while driving, it is safest in the center.