The spine hurts during pregnancy what to do. Causes and effects of back pain during pregnancy. To relieve back pain during pregnancy, you should learn stretching exercises.

Back pain during pregnancy: causes, symptoms, treatment

Back pain during pregnancy?

Many people ask why?

I think everyone knows that the body of the expectant mother during this period works with an increased load, providing normal development child. Naturally, in such conditions, almost everything immediately makes itself felt. weak spots in the woman's health. For example, as a result of the growth of the fetus, the center of gravity of the body of a pregnant woman shifts, as a result of which pain appears in the spine, most often in the lower back. Let's see how you can help your body with the difficulties that arise.
It is worth saying that already from the moment of the meeting of the spermatozoon and the egg in the body of a woman, a mechanism is launched, aimed at carrying out colossal changes.

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Causes of back and waist pain during pregnancy

    • Weight increase body also occurs on the rise along with the gestational age. The weight of a pregnant woman inevitably increases as the fetus develops. For 9 months, body weight can grow by 15 kg. This extra weight is placed on the back and legs - the lower back and joints experience increased stress. (This type of pain is not typical if back pain during pregnancy early dates )
  • Prolonged standing or sitting is a significant burden on the body, and it reacts to this with back pain in response.
  • High heels also increase the load on the spine. Therefore, it is better to abandon them for this period.
  • Problems with musculoskeletal system in past from highly likely cause back pain. Curvature of the spine, hernia, sciatica, osteochondrosis, poor development of the hip muscles put you at risk and require constant medical supervision.
  • Muscle overstretching and hormonal changes. Under the influence of the hormone relaxin (during pregnancy, this hormone causes relaxation of the ligaments) immobile pelvic joints and intervertebral ligaments begin to relax and expand. This is how the body prepares for upcoming birth. Unfortunately, these processes pain in the pelvis and back. But, fortunately, they usually pass by the 20th week. In addition, as a result of the growth of the fetus, the muscles are also stretched and weakened. abdominal muscles. Therefore, the back muscles begin to work for two, which also causes back pain.
  • imbalance. With an increase in the period, the center of gravity of the pregnant woman's body shifts forward, which causes tension in the spinal muscles that are not accustomed to this position.
  • Wrong posture. To compensate for the change in the center of gravity, the woman involuntarily begins to stick out her stomach forward, while pulling her shoulders back. In this position, the spine has to bend strongly. And all together it causes back pain.
  • Enlargement of the uterus. The closer to childbirth, the larger the uterus becomes. She starts pushing nerve endings and vessels surrounding the spine, which is especially felt on later dates in the supine position.

When should you be worried?

What diseases can be accompanied by severe back pain?

  1. Symphysite - inflammation of the pubic symphysis that occurs during or after pregnancy. One of the causes of the disease is a strong stretching of the muscles. (Information medical portal) Symphysitis can lead to bleeding. Inflammation may be suggested by symptoms such as constant pain in the pelvic area, difficulty going up and down stairs, severe pain when changing body position.
  2. pancreatitis inflammatory disease pancreas. During pregnancy, this disease is rare, it is characterized by severe pain in the lower back and upper abdomen. Along with pain, vomiting, impaired stool, decreased blood pressure. The disease is dangerous, often requiring hospitalization of the patient.
  3. kidney disease : pyelonephritis, renal colic. With colic, pain is cramping, sharp, with pyelonephritis - aching. The pain is so severe that it cannot be alleviated by changing the position of the body or taking a mild painkiller. For kidney disease, a change in the color of urine is also characteristic. If the pain that occurs in the back captures the inguinal region, there is reason to suspect renal colic.

How to avoid back pain during pregnancy

  1. Don't stand on your feet for a long time. If there is no opportunity to sit down, try to put one or the other foot on a low threshold or step, relieving tension in the lower back.
  2. Sit right. A small pillow should be placed under the lower back, which would fill the curve of the back, the knees should be above the level of the waist.
  3. Sleep on your side. If you lie on your back in late pregnancy, spinal pain will become inevitable. What to do if you still need to lie on your back? Place a pillow under your lower back.
  4. Avoid high heels, even low ones. Heels will create an additional load on the muscles of the back.
  5. Pick up items correctly. Heavy lifting should be avoided in principle, but even light objects should be lifted with care. Do not lean forward with a straight back. Always bend your knees, squat down. Don't be afraid to ask those around you for help. (Information of the medical portal)
  6. Walk every day.
  7. Rest.
  8. Wear a support belt.
  9. Do gymnastics.

Treatment for back pain during pregnancy

  1. Gentle back and lumbar massage during pregnancy has a very good effect- should be done lying on your side
  2. Warm shower or warm bath - help muscles relax.
  3. Orthopedic pillows for pregnant women - put under the stomach during sleep.
  4. Swimming pool visit - You can use this method only if there are no contraindications. During swimming, the back muscles relax, the distance between the vertebral bodies increases.
  5. Acupuncture - able to stop effectively pain syndrome. Acupuncture can be used even in late pregnancy, since it does not have a pathological effect on the development of the fetus. (Information of the medical portal)
  6. Painkillers (analgesics) it is worth saying that sometimes you can’t do without painkillers, of course, during pregnancy, painkillers should be used with extreme caution and after consulting a doctor:

Painkillers approved for pregnant women

Paracetamol during pregnancy

Use of paracetaiol during pregnancy and while breastfeeding admissible but only with the appointment of the attending physician. Paracetamol should not be taken regularly during pregnancy.

But still, it is paracetamol that is prescribed to expectant mothers, as the safest and mildest antipyretic and analgesic drug among medicines similar action(aspirin, analgin). (Information of the medical portal) But the decision on the advisability of using this drug should be taken exclusively by the attending physician, who will select the necessary dosage corresponding to the symptoms of the disease.

It is worth noting that in clinical studies of paracetamol, no negative effects of paracetamol on pregnancy were found, but there is evidence that paracetamol penetrates through placental barrier and is excreted in breast milk.

ibuprofen during pregnancy

(trade names: Nurofen, MIG, Ibufen)

Ibuprofen is sometimes prescribed for pregnant women, it is very effective, but more dangerous than paracetamol, it is worth noting that

ibuprofen is contraindicated in the last trimester of pregnancy (Information of the medical portal)

Drotaverine / No-Shpa during pregnancy

Drotaverine (No-Shpa) is an antispasmodic for internal organs, and at the same time the drug expands the blood vessels in them, improving the supply of oxygen to tissues.

The causes of spasms can be very different.- this

  • cystitis and other kidney diseases,
  • problems of the stomach and duodenum,
  • intestinal colic,
  • constipation and many other disorders in the health of a pregnant woman.

So, Drotaverine is an antispasmodic, which is available in the form of tablets (with and without a shell) and an injection solution.

Therapeutic effect, that is, a decrease in pain intensity, occurs soon after the use of the drug - already after 2-4 minutes, and the maximum antispasmodic effect of Drotaverine is expressed half an hour after taking the pill.

that Drotaverine (another name is NOSHPA) is one of four drugs (together with Duphaston, Actovegin and Curantil), (Medical Portal Information) that are nowhere in the world, except for countries former USSR are not used during pregnancy. Drotaverine is widely represented on pharmaceutical markets countries of the former USSR, some Eastern European and Asian countries. In the USA and Western European countries, drotaverine is not approved for use.

Papaverineduring pregnancy

Papaverine is available as a liquid for injections, rectal suppositories, tablets. But pregnant women are most often prescribed papaverine suppositories. Although in some cases injections are necessary.

Indications for the use of papaverine during pregnancy:
Spasms (sharp narrowing of the lumen) of cerebral vessels,

  • angina,
  • endarteritis (inflammation of the inner lining of the arteries),
  • cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder),
  • pylorospasm (spasm of the muscles of the pylorus of the stomach),
  • spastic colitis,
  • spasm of the urinary tract,
  • bronchospasm (narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi).
As for the effect of papaverine on the health of the unborn baby, here you can not worry, papaverine has been used during pregnancy for a very long time and no contraindications have been identified.

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Back pain is a phenomenon that is quite considered common during the period of bearing a child. This is due to the fact that during pregnancy, muscles, joints and ligaments relax under the influence of hormones.

Weight gain occurs, posture changes, which causes additional stress on the back This is why your back hurts during pregnancy.

Low back pain is the most common but can be accompanied by discomfort in the shoulders, upper back, chest and between breasts.

Some pregnant women may suffer from inflammation sciatic nerve, which gives a sharp pain of a shooting character in the legs. In some women, it occurs due to instability hip joint pelvic pain - in the pubic joint.

Back pain during pregnancy can occur if a woman has had problems with the musculoskeletal system:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • rachiocampsis;
  • underdeveloped muscles responsible for tilting the pelvis.

Why does back pain get worse during pregnancy?

In order to understand why the back hurts during pregnancy, it should be taken into account that all the causes that provoke pain are divided into: physiological and pathological.

Physiological causes- occur as a result of pregnancy itself. A woman feels pain that does not harm her health and the baby.

Back pain during childbearing can manifest itself in each woman in different ways: with different intensity and in various terms. Someone has pain already in the first half, but 50-70% of women have back pain from the 20th week of pregnancy.

When a woman is already 34-37 weeks pregnant, her back hurts more, as there is not only excess weight, but the pressure of the child on lumbar.

It should be highlighted main physiological reasons:

  1. The very first pain in the back is caused by relaxation and softening of the intervertebral ligaments under the influence of the hormone relaxin (from the 20th week of pregnancy).
  2. An increase in the weight of a woman provokes an increased load on the lower back.
  3. The shift of the center of gravity forward, which leads to a change in the woman's posture and back pain.
  4. Prolonged standing.
  5. An increase in the size of the uterus leads to compression of the nerves and blood vessels that surround the spine. (Begins already by the third trimester).
  6. The pressure of the head of the child in the later stages.
  7. When false contractions in a pregnant woman hurt her back from the 38th week of pregnancy. The pain is aching in nature when the uterus comes into tone.

Pancreatitis, pyelonephritis and other causes of back pain

Apart from physiological reasons they also distinguish pathological ones, which are provoked by the development of diseases of other organs and require mandatory treatment.

Among these reasons are:

  1. Drawing pain in the back is felt with kidney disease, but aching - with inflammation of the kidneys (pyelonephritis), but sharp cramping pains occur in the back with renal colic. The back hurts a lot during pregnancy, and it is almost impossible to ease the pain. Urine cloudy color(sometimes with an admixture of blood) - the main symptom of the disease. With pyelonephritis, the temperature rises.
  2. Pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas) rarely occurs in pregnant women. The disease can be caused by fatty and abundant meat food, non-compliance with the diet, alcohol consumption, stress, heredity and impaired bile outflow.

    The main symptoms of pancreatitis are acute girdle pains in the upper abdomen, lower back, vomiting, low blood pressure, and impaired stool.

  3. Myositis- inflammation of the muscles that occurs after hypothermia or prolonged exposure to a draft. The pain is very sharp, and the movements are not easy to carry out.
  4. Urolithiasis disease. When renal colic occurs, one feels in the lower back sharp pain, nausea, frequent urination or vice versa.
  5. Neurological diseases(sciatica, osteochondrosis, herniated discs). Pain is stabbing in nature and can radiate to the leg. Get stronger after a long walk.
  6. Threat of abortion accompanied by pulling cramping pains in the lower back and lower abdomen, the appearance of bloody discharge is likely.

What to do for back pain during pregnancy?

You can eliminate back pain or at least alleviate it with the help of following recommendations(provided that the pain syndrome is not associated with the threat of miscarriage or diseases of the genitourinary system):

Acupuncture, massage, physiotherapy. Conducted only on doctor's orders. Quite often, such procedures may be contraindicated, although they are suitable for many women. Such procedures should only be performed by qualified personnel.

This video will show you what to do for back pain during pregnancy

It should be remembered that during the bearing of a child, it is advisable to avoid taking medications for pain relief and relieving inflammation. Such drugs are allowed to be used only on the strict prescription of doctors when absolutely necessary.

This video provides some more doctor's advice on how to get rid of back pain during pregnancy

In addition, remember that all of the above recommendations and exercises should be performed not only when pain exists, but also for preventive purposes.

If the lower back hurts during pregnancy, the causes are not always associated with pathology. Pregnancy is natural state for female body. And it hurts your back during this period because the body is “rebuilding”, preparing for the ongoing changes.

Beginning to experience back pain during pregnancy different terms gestation. It is believed that in the first half of pregnancy the body is not subjected to increased stress. This is not true. About 30% of women come with complaints that. However, most women experience lower back pain during pregnancy closer to the twentieth week. It is often not easy to answer why your back hurts during pregnancy. Lower back pain in pregnant women is sometimes a consequence of obstetric causes, and may be an independent pathology. Obstetric causes - back pain that occurs due to the normal or pathological course of pregnancy.


Can lower back pain occur during normal pregnancy? Yes, and this is the most common reason why pregnant women pull back. In many cases, the onset of pregnancy leads to the fact that in future mother lower back hurts. The cause of pain is rapid increase uterus, and the tension of its ligaments. These sensations are so common that they are seen as another sign that a woman is pregnant.

  • Hormones and metabolic processes

During the period of expectation of a child, a woman has to face a drastic change hormonal background. There is an increased production of estrogen, progesterone and other hormones responsible for right course pregnancy. common cause the fact that the lower back hurts a lot is relaxin. This hormone helps ligaments and tendons to become more elastic, softens them. Relaxin is necessary to subsequently facilitate the appearance of the baby.

The elements necessary for the formation of the fetus are taken from the mother's body. Therefore, with insufficient replenishment of “reserves”, a woman’s bones may not receive essential vitamins and microelements, in particular, calcium and phosphorus. As a result, there is a weakening pelvic bones and spine, which can cause back pain in pregnant women.

  • Increased pressure on the pelvis and spine

The most "safe" reason why pregnant women have back pain is the growth of the fetus. The child grows, the pressure on the sacrum of the mother increases, which leads to pain in the lumbar region. Also, a completely physiological reason why the back can hurt is increasing weight, leading to high blood pressure on the waist. The center of gravity changes, there is a deflection of the spine in the lumbar region. Muscles receive excessive loads, leading to pain.

Prolonged standing sometimes leads to back pain in pregnant women. The uterus puts pressure on the nerves and blood vessels that surround the spine. Because of this, starting from the third trimester. Pain is given to the legs, aggravated by exertion.

In late pregnancy, lower back pain may occur as a result of pressure on the head of the fetus. hip bones. This is accompanied by the occurrence of uterine hypertonicity. Then the pain appears around 38 weeks. If your lower back hurts during pregnancy for this reason, do not worry. These feelings are completely natural.

  • Contractions

A few weeks before the birth, the expectant mother may feel Braxton-Hicks contractions. False contractions prepare the body for subsequent births. In this case, in addition to pains radiating to the lumbar region, there is a feeling of a “stony” uterus, it is difficult to inhale, there are drawing pains lower abdomen. Then these symptoms disappear. And after a short time, the stomach and back begin to whine again. Such sensations are considered normal, but still require close attention. Sometimes they are not easy to distinguish from actually started labor. If the contractions become more frequent, repeat at regular intervals, are accompanied by secretions from the genital tract, you should not delay the trip to the hospital.

With pathologies

If during pregnancy back pain is accompanied by the appearance of discharge and cramping pain in the uterus, then this condition is considered by doctors as a threat spontaneous abortion or premature birth.

You need to see a gynecologist immediately. In some cases, due to exacerbation of existing diseases or the appearance of a new pathology. Pregnancy is accompanied by natural immune suppression. Such a mechanism is necessary so that the fetus is not rejected by the mother's body as a foreign component. The consequence is the vulnerability of the woman at this time. It happens that a woman is not even aware of the existing pathologies until she becomes pregnant. During pregnancy, lower back pain may indicate enough serious pathologies. And if the gynecologist ruled out obstetric causes malaise, you should visit other doctors, namely: a neurologist, urologist or nephrologist and surgeon.

  • kidney disease

The kidneys and their diseases are the reason why the lower back hurts during pregnancy. Under the influence of hormones, the tone of the ureters changes, urine stagnation occurs, leading to the development of infectious processes. A common complication of pregnancy is pyelonephritis. Arise aching pain on one side of the back frequent urges to urination, cramps, the temperature rises to high values. Urine usually becomes cloudy.

If the pain in the lower back during pregnancy is pronounced, it is difficult to find a position in which the pain subsides, the outflow of urine becomes difficult, an admixture of blood appears, perhaps these are renal colic. Such symptoms serve as an indication for urgent hospitalization.

Diagnosis is made by a doctor based on ultrasound data and laboratory tests urine and blood. Treatment is carried out with the appointment of antibiotics, antispasmodic and analgesic drugs, and is mandatory. The disease can lead to grave consequences, up to kidney failure.

In rare cases, a pregnant woman may experience inflammation of the pancreas. This happens when the diet is not followed during pregnancy, the consumption of food with a lot of fat, alcohol, is hereditary factor or the result of stress. If the pain in the lower back during pregnancy is shingles, occurs after or during meals, is accompanied by fever, nausea or vomiting, and disturbed stools, the doctor makes a diagnosis of pancreatitis.

The disease is diagnosed using ultrasound, MRI, treated in a hospital. Medical therapy low back pain during pregnancy is carried out using a number of anti-inflammatory and pain medications. Occasionally, in case of failure of conservative treatment, there is a need for surgical intervention.

  • Neurology

Often back pain during pregnancy due to exacerbation of existing problems with musculoskeletal system. If a woman was tormented by osteochondrosis or sciatica even before pregnancy, then the changed loads will lead to an exacerbation. The source of problems is an underdeveloped muscular system of the back or a curvature of the spine. On the similar diagnosis indicates the occurrence of severe back pain during pregnancy in the second trimester or later.

With neurological problems, pain sensations are shooting in nature, decrease in the “lying” position and increase with exertion, there may be a feeling of numbness.

It is very dangerous to self-medicate. Indeed, most of the drugs used in similar cases are contraindicated in pregnancy. In exceptional cases, the doctor may prescribe a pain reliever. If your lower back hurts during pregnancy due to a neurological problem, the simplest solution is to wear a brace. A special corset will provide support to the musculoskeletal system without negative influence for the development of the baby.

  • Myositis

Being in a draft or hypothermia can lead to an inflammatory process in the muscles of the lower back. Then the pain is characterized by an acute character and limited movements. In addition to the back, the neck and shoulder girdle can hurt. Treatment should be carried out by a doctor who can prescribe drugs that are safe for the child.

  • Symphysopathy

With low localization of pain in the back and abdomen, symphysitis can be suspected. The disease will be indicated by a changed gait, which acquires the character of a "duck". Occurs due to the divergence of the pubic bones, is inherited. If the reason why the back hurts during pregnancy is in symphysopathy, the doctor will recommend bed rest and will be monitored throughout the pregnancy.

If there is a history of spinal injuries or congenital features of the development of the vertebral arches, increased loads can lead to pain in the lower back during pregnancy. The vertebrae can move relative to each other, which will serve as an impetus for severe back pain.

Surely every woman who has been pregnant at least once has experienced back pain, especially on last dates pregnancy. In general, bearing a child is a very complex process: the body and all organs of a woman are rebuilt and undergo a double load. Digestive, circulatory, respiratory and excretory system- all of them should now work not only for the woman, but also for her child. This also affected the musculoskeletal.

Thus, back pain during pregnancy is not an extraordinary, but quite natural phenomenon. Let's see why this happens and what to do if it hurts a lot, and you can’t buy traditional painkillers for a pregnant woman.

In the body of a pregnant woman, from the very first days, changes begin to take place that somehow prepare her for a future joyful event. During pregnancy, throughout its entire period, nature continuously introduces some corrections, especially regarding hormones:

  • Yes, the hormone produced relaxin relaxes the ligaments of the sacral and even coccygeal joints. This ensures their mobility, which is so necessary during childbirth.
    But the stability of the sacral region decreases, and the woman has to strain the muscles of the lower back and abdomen to compensate.
  • During pregnancy estrogen the woman has almost the entire term lowered, and progesterone increased - it provides optimal conditions for bearing. The reverse ratio (reduced progesterone and increased estrogen) can provoke uterine bleeding and miscarriage)
  • Before childbirth, progesterone levels plummet and estrogen levels rise.

The elasticity and tone of the uterus, as well as its ability to contract, depend on estrogen. Thanks to progesterone, the formation of the placenta and the growth of the uterus are ensured throughout the entire pregnancy.

Every week a woman gains new kilograms, her stomach is rounded and protrudes more and more. Starting from about the 14th week, such signs are guessed outwardly, and it is already difficult to hide the pregnancy. Changes in gait and posture future mother: if you notice, they all walk with their heads held high and their shoulders turned back. Such a gait is popularly called "proud".

In fact, despite the fact that every woman is internally and instinctively, as laid down by nature, is proud of her position, the reason for such a posture is very prosaic:

The center of gravity of the pregnant woman shifts forward, the angle of the pelvis increases, which increases the lumbar lordosis, and in order to maintain balance, the spine in thoracic region fed back with shoulders and head

Of course, walking all the time in this position is not easy - the back inevitably starts to hurt, especially in the thoracic and lumbar regions.

Thus, the main causes of pregnancy are physiological and are directly related to the position itself, that is, they are characteristic of any woman during pregnancy. This:

  • Changing natural and shifting its center of gravity
  • Increased elasticity of the ligaments and mobility of the sacral joints
  • Reducing the amount of estrogen - the main hormone involved in building a normal bone structure

Lack of estrogen causes bone fragility and leads to osteoporosis.

That's why important tips, which I want to give to future mothers, is:

  1. The first thing to do during pregnancy is to ensure a normal daily intake of calcium, preferably with vitamin D, as one of the most important in the body.
  2. Also along the way, you must definitely take folic acid, which is very important for the development of the fetus.
    Flaw folic acid can cause congenital in your child
  3. During pregnancy, it is also necessary to do daily exercises for expectant mothers. Do not be afraid that this may adversely affect your baby or you:
    • Baby your active classes will only benefit, as they will improve his blood circulation, nutrition and even mood
    • Gymnastics will be beneficial for your back, as it will relieve muscle spasm, due to which your back hurts, as well as strengthen the musculo-ligamentous system.

Additional Causes of Pain During Pregnancy

There are also individual causes of pain for each woman:

  • The presence of dystrophic degenerative processes in the spine before pregnancy
  • Uncomfortable shoes, such as too high heels
  • Other diseases or pathologies
  • Mom in good shape
  • Prolapse of the uterus

If a woman has a lumbosacral hernia, then she needs to double control over her disease, especially in the second half of pregnancy:

  • Must visit orthopedist
  • Do stretching exercises
  • Wear a supportive corset

Difficulties of recent months

The last two months before the birth of a baby are the most difficult for a woman:

  • The weight of the fetus is already quite decent, and it puts more and more pressure on her spine. Back pain may become radicular in nature and radiate to the leg, especially when walking
  • The uterus begins to descend and put pressure on other organs of the pelvis, which is why the woman has symptoms of cystitis
  • The load on the kidneys in the third trimester also increases due to the increased volume of fluid circulating through the blood purifying system and the increase in fetal waste products.
    This can lead to pyelonephritis or even symptoms of kidney failure if the woman already had kidney problems before pregnancy.

Kidney problems can become additional source back pain in pregnancy

Increased tone of the uterus

Common problem during pregnancy increased tone uterus. In general, this phenomenon is dangerous in the early stages with the threat of miscarriage. In the future, this does not represent for a woman, apart from discomfort, no danger.

What are the reasons for increased uterine tone? Both according to the simplest and scientifically based:

  • Your baby just lightly hit you with his leg, checking: they didn’t fall asleep, didn’t forget about him, are you ready for his imminent birth
  • Stress and bad mood tone not only the “fibers of the soul”, but also the uterus
    Therefore, during pregnancy, you should always try to remain calm and be in good mood especially since it is so important for a healthy nervous system unborn child
  • Tension and the abdomen is transmitted to the muscles of the uterus
  • In the later stages, false contractions occur (Braxton Hicks syndrome)
    Thus, a “dress rehearsal” for future births is carried out

What medicines to use during pregnancy

Expectant mothers often also face such a problem: they, the poor, cannot use many medicines.

So, the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs known to all of us, which we take for back pain, are unacceptable for a pregnant woman. Why?

Because they have a lot, dangerous and for ordinary people, and even more so in position.

But what to do if a woman gets sick during pregnancy or back pain is unbearable?

For treatment, you can use decoctions of herbs, beekeeping products.

Medicine no-shpa- antispasmodic, which can be used in position.

You can use homeopathic remedies, which are also completely harmless.

  • A drug Nux Vomica (nux vomica) used:
    • At severe pain in the back, exacerbations of osteochondrosis and hernia, injuries
    • Problems of a neuralgic nature
    • For bowel disorders such as constipation
  • A drug Sepia:
    • For shots in the back
    • For pain aggravated by bending over
    • When breaking dull pain in the lower back and between the shoulder blades
    • During depression and emotional distress

If everything is done correctly and following these simple recommendations, pregnancy is carried out easily, and the baby will be born healthy and cheerful.

Many pregnant women often complain of back pain. Very rarely, expectant mothers can boast of a strong, healthy spine and strong muscles that are able to effectively support it. Back pain during pregnancy comfortable existence, normal life. Therefore, if a pregnant woman has back pain, then you need to take appropriate measures and help the spine.

About why your back hurts during pregnancy, what to do about it, how to help yourself, we will talk with you today on the website

Some Major Causes of Back Pain

Time passes, the child develops, grows, its weight increases, which means that the size of the uterus increases. The center of gravity shifts, which of course affects the back muscles. Due to the large load on the muscles, pain appears. Pain occurs after physical activity, even small ones, when fatigue sets in. Very often, such discomfort is felt by women who paid little attention sports activities. In more trained women, the sensation of soreness in the spine is less pronounced.

In the second half of pregnancy, at its end, the enlarged uterus strongly presses on the diaphragm - the muscle attached to the spine. It rises on the exhale and falls on the inhale. The enlarged uterus does not allow the diaphragm to function normally, which is why the muscle is constantly in tension, which negatively affects the spine. Consequently - pain in back.

Another cause of pain is sciatica. With pinching, inflammation of the nerve, the pain will not keep you waiting. This can happen due to a sharp turn of the body, careless movement, when lifting a heavy bag, or simply due to hypothermia.

Pain may be due to inflammatory process, kidney disease. Chronic kidney disease often gets worse during pregnancy. In these cases, to alleviate the condition, you need to seek help from a doctor. The doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment, after the examination and testing.

During pregnancy, a woman's body feels a lack of calcium. Is not in the best way affects the condition of the nails, teeth of the expectant mother. Everyone suffers from a lack of calcium skeletal system, including the spine, from which pain appears.

What to do so that your back does not hurt?

To prevent the occurrence of back pain, you need to try to maintain a comfortable daily routine. Eat properly, in small portions, after 3-4 hours. Be sure to rest during the day, but don't forget to physical activity. This mode will help the body tune in to the coordinated work of all systems and organs. Take care of your back, let your spine rest, try not to burden it. Avoid sudden movements, turns, do not lift weights.

During pregnancy, the back experiences additional stress. Therefore, it is very important to reduce the load on it as much as possible. It is very important for this not to gain excess weight. If you feel that the kilograms "ran" up, limit yourself. Arrange a fasting day during which drink kefir, eat fruits, refuse to eat excess carbohydrates (white bread, cakes, buns, pasta). This should be done with too speed dial weight.

Be sure to eat foods that contain calcium. Drink milk, Eat cheese, nuts, fish, greens, eat more fermented milk products. However, before last month pregnancy, calcium intake should be limited so that the skeletal system of the baby's head does not harden ahead of time, which can affect normal flow childbirth.

Do not sit or stand in one position for a long time. If you stay in one position for a long time, you should professional activity take frequent breaks. During the rest, warm up, make a few smooth movements, feasible exercise. Walk more often fresh air. Make yourself comfortable workplace, a comfortable armchair (chair) with a straight back, hard seat, comfortable armrests.

It is harmful for pregnant women to sit cross-legged. This posture negatively affects health, including the spine. In this position, blood circulation is disturbed, and the pelvic region bends forward. Because of this, the muscles of the lower back tense, pain appears.

Try to wear soft comfortable shoes on the low heels. High heel causes muscle tension, which causes back pain, as well as internal organs. Choose a good, firm mattress for sleep. Such a bed will provide the back and its muscles with the necessary support.

If the back during pregnancy is constantly worried, you can use the services of a massage therapist. good specialist who has experience working with pregnant women, your doctor may recommend you. Massage will help relax the muscles of the back, relieve muscle tension, pain sensations.

To support the spine, it is useful for expectant mothers to wear a special bandage. It is worn for 3-4 hours a day. It is especially recommended to wear it before long walks, or if you need to stand for a long time. Such a tool will significantly help you not to feel pain. If you are at home, when you can always change your position, lie down, you do not need to wear a bandage.

Helps to prevent back pain special complex yoga exercises for expectant mothers. Such physical activities promote muscle strengthening, relieve accumulated tension, gently stretch the spine, improve your condition.

Pregnancy - wonderful period in the life of every woman, which should not overshadow anything. I hope that these little tips and tricks will help you with this. Be healthy!