Signs of labor initiation. Crib for control work. What are the harbingers of childbirth

T: Concept as a logical form

Logics is the science of the laws and forms of correct thinking

logical form - this is the structure of thought that characterizes the way its elements are connected (Forms of thinking)

logical law - this is a necessary, essential, stable and repetitive connection of thoughts that determines the correctness of thinking (laws of thinking).

Structural unit thinking in logic is the subject of thinking

The logical form of the subject of thinking is the concept

The properties and relations of objects of the real world are fixed in thinking in the form sign in the subject of thought

Signs can belong to different objects of thought and be for them. general, forming a class of objects

Distinctive- a sign that belongs exclusively to this class, acts as the boundary of a set of objects of this class.

Required - An attribute without which an object (class) cannot be conceived.

Essential - a sign that belongs to the subject of thought in a necessary way and at the same time acts as a sufficient distinguishing feature.

concept - the initial logical form, reflecting the essential distinguishing features of objects.

Analysis - the mental operation of decomposing the subject of thought into structural elements.

Comparison e- a mental operation of establishing the identity and difference of the features of the object. As a result of the operation, it is established which features are common (identity) and which are distinctive (difference).

abstraction e- a mental operation of highlighting some features of an object and distinguishing it from others. As a result, there is a liberation from many non-essential features and it becomes possible, on the basis of the selected ones, to compose a class of conceivable objects.

Generalization - a mental operation of identifying and combining individual objects into a set of homogeneous ones based on the presence of common properties and relationships.

Synthesis - a mental operation of connecting the constituent parts and aspects of the functioning of an object into a single whole.

Concept structure. Types of concepts.

Generic sign - this is such a feature in the content of the concept, which is common to objects of a larger set (kind), from which the given (kind) was distinguished.

Species sign - this is such a sign in the content of the concept, on the basis of which a given set of objects of thought (kind) was distinguished from a more extensive one (kind).

The scope of the concept - an element of the structure of the concept, reflecting the set of objects of thought that have features that make up the retention of this concept.

Genus - the complete set of objects conceivable in this concept.

View - a particular set of objects, conceivable in a given concept, selected by some attribute from the complete set.

Individual - a single individual object, conceivable in this concept.

lake (genus) - salt lake (view); lake Issyk-Kul (individual).

The logical law of the inverse relationship between the volume and content of the concept : increase in the content of the concept, i.e. the number of essential features leads to a decrease in its volume, i.e. a set of objects conceivable in a given concept, and vice versa.

Types of concepts are distinguished :

In count:

1)singular concepts, in which one subject is conceived (the largest city of Russia) and general concepts in which many (at least two) subjects are conceived (a course of lectures);

2)concepts, the volume of which is equal to zero (centaur, perpetual motion machine, round square), called empty or zero.

3)registering concepts, the conceivable set of objects of which has a finite volume and, in principle, can be taken into account (student of the GF ETU), and non-registering concepts, the conceivable set of objects of which has an infinite volume, i.e. is indefinite (being, atom, etc.).

By quality:

1)specific concepts in which an independently existing object (a person, a board) is conceived and abstract concepts in which something is conceived that does not exist independently (properties, relations of objects: beauty, baldness, honesty);

2)positive concepts, in which the attribute present in objects (limit, formed) is conceived and negative concepts, in which the absence of a feature in objects (lawlessness, uneducated) is conceived;

3)correlative concepts, in which objects and their properties are conceived in relation to each other (parents - children) and irrelevant concepts in which objects are conceived that are not in relation to each other (galaxy - conscience).

Collective are called concepts in which the signs of a set of objects that form a single whole (student group) are thought. All other concepts are called non-collective(student, star).

Comparable concepts have common features (interval-music).

Incomparable concepts Dont Have common features(galaxy, conscience)

Comparable concepts for:

1) Compatible concepts are called, the scope and content of which are completely or partially identical.

2) Incompatible- these are concepts in the content of which there are signs that exclude each other, and the volumes are not identical.

compatible concepts are divided into:

1) Identical concepts, the scope of which completely coincides (equivalent)

2) Intersecting concepts, part of the volumes of which coincide. At the same time, it must be remembered that their content is different (partially coinciding).

3) Subordinating-subordinate concepts, the scope of one of which is completely included in the scope of the other. A large concept is called subordinate, a smaller one is called subordinate (relation of subordination).

Incompatible concepts are divided into:

1) Contradictory (contradictory) - concepts, one of which contains a sign, and the other completely excludes this sign.

Bad-good (not bad)

2) Opposite (counter) - concepts that contain compatible features.

Black White

3) Subordinate - concepts that are equally included in the scope of the more general, but are not intersecting.

Water: river, lake.

Operations on concepts

Generalization - a logical operation of transition from a concept with a smaller volume to a concept with a larger volume by truncating its content

individual - species - genus

Limitation - a logical operation of transition from a concept with a large volume to a concept with a smaller volume by increasing its content.

genus - species - individual

Division - a logical operation of dividing the scope of the concept into non-intersecting parts according to some attribute. The concept that undergoes this operation is called divisible. The concepts resulting from division are called division members. The sign by which division occurs is called division base.

Division rules:

    proportionality: the sum of the volumes of the division members must match the volume of the dividend

    ) incompatibilities: division members must be incompatible with each other

    sequences: division should be carried out only in one base

    continuity: division must be carried out by transition from generic concept to its closest species

Distinguish two types of division:

Dichotomy - this is a logical operation of dividing the scope of a concept on the basis of counter-narrative (contradiction). For example: living beings can be dichotomously divided into intelligent and non-intelligent.

Classification - this is a logical operation of dividing the volume of a concept by dividing it into classes but to some sign, in which each class has its own permanent definite place. examples: classification of life forms in biology, table of chemical elements

Definition rules:

    Rule of interchangeability: in various arguments, A and Bc can be replaced by each other. In other words, the volumes of A and Bc must be equal. For example: "Business is an activity aimed at enrichment within the framework of the law."

    Invalidation rule vicious circle: in the definition, Вс should not contain features included in A

    Rule of "clarity": Sun must be defined first and not contain ambiguity

    The rule of non-admissibility of a negative definition: if possible, Bc should not be negative, because negative concepts are inherently indefinite.

real is called the definition that fixes the essential features of the subject “man is a thinking being”.

Rated is called a definition that fixes the value of a sign expression.

Explicit- this is a definition that fixes the essential features of the subject directly.

Implicit- this is a definition that indicates the essential features of the subject indirectly.

classic definition: here the genus is fixed to which the object conceivable in the concept belongs, and the species as a sign that distinguishes this object from others included in this genus.

Within the framework of the classical definition, there are:

1) Attributive, as "with" the inalienable properties of the object (relations of the object) are indicated:

2) genetic, as "c" they fix the method of origin, the formation of the object ("Ball - geometric body formed by the rotation of a circle about one of its diameters");

3) operational, as "c" indicate the methods (operations) by which the signs of an object are recognized ("Atmospheric pressure is a characteristic measured by a barometer).

Implicit definitions:.

1) Description - indication external signs a defined object ("Ivan Ivanovich's head looks like a radish with its tail down. Ivan Nikiforovich's head looks like a radish with its tail up" (Gogol)).

2) Characteristics - an indication of the essential features of an object in some respect, (V.O. Klyuchevsky, characterizing Ivan the Terrible, writes about him like this: "smart", "lonely", "suspicious", "embittered".

3) Comparison - correlation of an attribute of an object with a similar attribute of another object (“bad luck is a punishment for stupidity”, “language -wild beast"(Baltasar Gracian)).

4) Indication (ostensive definition) - demonstration of an object or its layout, drawing 5) Distinction - an indication of the distinguishing features of an object, special signs.

In this article:

The body of a pregnant woman, starting from the 38th week, is subordinated to one goal - the approaching birth. It is this week that the preparation of the body for childbirth begins. As a conductor controls an orchestra, so the hormonal status of a woman controls labor. Everything is provided here, down to the smallest detail. Well-coordinated, evolution-tested work - no surprises. Any step to the side threatens the health of the child. The process is well studied, therefore predictable.

Signs of an impending birth will tell you when to expect a baby. And although the first births are more difficult, and in primiparas it is possible to predict the onset of labor by these signs.

So, let's learn about the first signs of upcoming labor and how labor begins.

Laughter and tears

The most unreliable sign - a harbinger of an approaching birth, can be considered a change in mood. By the 38th week, a woman is already simply tired of being pregnant, her moral strength is running out as well. I want to finally give birth. No wonder the word pregnancy comes from the burden. Every day, a woman in labor listens to her feelings, maybe today? Of course, mood is greatly influenced by hormonal processes - lethargy and fatigue are suddenly replaced by cheerfulness and optimism. Such a phenomenon as “nesting” may appear - this is an irresistible desire of a woman to prepare, as best as possible, a home for her child. Remember that this is an instinct, you should not overstrain, let relatives and friends do it. In primiparous women, these signs are more difficult to determine, because for them everything is for the first time, and those who have already given birth know what's what.

Against the background of a continuous change of mood, of course, it is difficult to determine whether this is the onset of childbirth or just a small tantrum. Although some women, on the contrary, experience peace just before childbirth. So, you should not focus on this sign, especially since there are more reliable ways to notice the upcoming birth.


Shortly before the start labor activity appetite may change, usually in the direction of decrease. Most often, during pregnancy, women eat a lot. Especially if in this "wonderful" custom they are supported by relatives and friends. “There are two of you now, you must eat for two,” expectant mothers hear this from all sides. And it’s good if they are stuffed with cottage cheese and vegetables. And they can, after all, “spoil” pies every day. Refusal of dual nutrition causes, in best case, bewilderment. Or they can be accused of “wrecking”! Primiparous mothers tend to get lost, but if the birth is not the first, women take a more responsible approach to nutrition, because they know how the second birth begins. However, do not forget that signs of incipient labor in second-born future mothers may be absent altogether or be slightly different.

But just before the birth, the appetite suddenly disappears. And no matter what they say dear relatives. This intelligent organism begins to save energy before the upcoming event, and it is better to listen to it!


Starting from about the 20th week, pregnant women feel slight contractions of the uterus, i.e. contractions. These are fake training contractions. Real contractions, which, in fact, begin labor is much more painful. Contractions begin in the lower back, moving to the front of the abdomen, regularly, with a frequency of 10-15 minutes. Then they become more frequent, the interval is significantly reduced to a minute. Sometimes birth pains compared to very strong undulating menstrual pains.

Real contractions, unlike training ones, continue while walking, constantly intensifying. If a woman feels such contractions, and the interval between them is reduced, you should immediately seek help. The labor has finally begun! If there are doubts, you still need to worry the doctors, this is just the case when it is better to play it safe.

You need to see a doctor (call ambulance) when:

  • contractions are repeated every 7-10 minutes;
  • contractions are accompanied by bloody discharge;
  • contractions are very painful and unbearable to endure;
  • the waters have broken.

These are the main symptoms of how labor can begin.

The waters have broken

At normal pregnancy amount amniotic fluid is 1.5-2 liters. As a rule, the discharge of water is impossible not to notice. But sometimes the water leaves for several days, it depends on the characteristics of the organism and the pathology of pregnancy. normal waters have a transparent consistency, odorless. In general, amniotic fluid is similar to ordinary water.

It is necessary to collect things in the maternity hospital in advance, so that with the onset of contractions and the withdrawal of water, calmly, taking into account all the little things, go to give birth to a child. Take care of yourself and everything will work out!

Useful video about the signs of the onset of labor

The moment of childbirth is exciting for every pregnant woman. Primiparas are especially worried. Patients are worried that they will miss the symptoms and will not be able to distinguish labor. To prevent doubt, it is important to know the main features of this process.

In contact with

Onset of labor: signs and symptoms

The onset of labor has certain signs and symptoms. In primiparas, the symptoms are no different from multiparous.

It is quite simple to determine the beginning of the birth process. Signs and symptoms of a new stage are almost identical for each female body. The only difference is in the strength of manifestation. It is determined by the number of previous births, the state of health of the woman in labor.

Note! common feature are harbingers of labor activity.

These sensations before childbirth in women giving birth for the first time arise as a result of hormonal and neurological changes.

Feelings before childbirth

Before the onset of labor, nulliparous women experience characteristic sensations.

Their appearance indicates the preparation of the body for delivery.

Before giving birth, pregnant women experience different phenomena.

  • It has jelly texture;
  • marked with a yellowish tint;
  • may contain blood stains;
  • protects the neck from infections;
  • comes off in whole or in part.

Education training bouts:

  • do not have a clear regularity;
  • characterized by varying intensity and duration;
  • disappear on their own
  • occur at night and daytime days.

Prolapse of the abdomen down:

  • is individual for each organism;
  • not accompanied by perceptible movement;
  • occurs as a result of a change in the state of the uterus under the influence of fetal weight;
  • may appear as 2-4 weeks as well as on the eve of childbirth.

Due to the prolapse of the abdomen, the gait changes.

Changes in the nature of vaginal discharge:

  • their intensity and frequency increase;
  • supposed analysis .

Reducing the weight parameter of a pregnant woman:

  • appears as a difference in 1-2 kilograms;
  • occurs against the background of the removal of excess fluid.

Also happens:

  • decrease in fetal movements;
  • the appearance of convulsions of the upper and lower extremities;
  • increased swelling separate parts body;
  • change in the urination process and cleansing of the intestinal space: it is clearly manifested in pregnant women who suffered from systematic constipation.

The appearance of the desire to "nesting": manifests itself in the form of cleaning the premises, repair work, interior changes.

Change in the length and structure of the neck: can only be determined by a specialist upon inspection.

State change pelvic bones: accompanied painful sensations in the crotch.

How can they start natural childbirth, depends on individual features body, health status, number of previous births and readiness reproductive system to childbirth.

Labor activity can begin in the form of a mucous plug or outflow amniotic fluid. These processes are individual for each organism.

How does childbirth begin?

main points, with what childbirth begins in those giving birth for the first time, are contractions and outpouring amniotic fluid.

The peculiarity of contractions lies in the complexity of their definition. It can be difficult for a pregnant woman to distinguish false contractions from real ones. However, true contractions have cumulative effect and do not disappear under the influence of painkillers. Pain may occur. Discomfort manifests itself in lumbar, thighs, calves, rectum.

The stage from which natural childbirth begins in primiparas may be accompanied by chills. Such a reaction is normal state for the body.

The rupture of amniotic fluid occurs in the form of the release of amniotic fluid. The condition for starting the process is an open cervix. In the absence of effusion, drug or instrumental stimulation is used.

How to understand that labor begins

The onset of labor activity is associated with the appearance characteristic symptoms . Harbingers of childbirth allow you to prepare in time for physical activity not previously present in a woman's life.

There is no single algorithm for how to understand that childbirth begins in primiparas. Signs of entry into labor activity are individual.

In one case, the symptoms may be massive. For another patient, the presence of only a few precursors or one may be characteristic.

However, there is a general trend. Women expecting firstborn more emotional. This is due to the lack of experience in childbirth.

Obvious symptoms may be ignored. Pregnant women often mistake them for malaise. The planned date of delivery and the date of occurrence of precursors also differ.

To understand what has begun, knowledge of the full process is required. The moment of the birth of a child into the world is preceded by a period of disclosure, expulsion of the fetus and the appearance of the afterbirth.

The longest is the cervical opening stage. The readiness of the organism is determined by the length and structure of the organ. The coherence of the actions of the woman in labor at the time of contractions depends on how to understand the state of the body.

The onset of labor in multiparous

Childbirth in multiparous women is marked by greater confidence in parturient women. This is due not only to theoretical knowledge, but also skills. Despite the interval between births, women especially respond carefully for any changes in the body. No panic attacks or tantrums.

Often childbirth in multiparous begins an order of magnitude earlier than in primiparas. This feature can provoke premature childbearing. Starting from 34 weeks, women should be prepared that the process of having a baby can begin at any time. The term is determined by the muscular extension of the neck from the previously transferred labor activity.

How to understand that natural childbirth has begun in multiparous, it is possible by the precursors. It is important to remember that the onset of symptoms will much stronger. This arises due to the awareness of the experienced state.

As a result of the preparedness of the body, childbirth in multiparous pass quickly. The period of disclosure and outflow of amniotic fluid is reduced.

At what time does labor begin?

AT obstetric practice indicator of normal prenatal period is an period of 38 weeks. This is the period when the fetus has reached its final development.

The stage when the first signs of labor can begin includes 38 - 42 weeks. The recommended period for delivery is considered to be 40 weeks.

In the event that pregnancy exceeds the 42-week period, a detrimental effect on children's body. Maybe development of pathologies and oppression of his life.

Experts do not give an unequivocal answer on how long usually give birth to primiparas. On average, delivery occurs from 40 to 42 weeks. But there are cases of the birth of first-born children after a 42-week period. This feature is associated with a possible inaccuracy in determining the date of conception. Also, at the birth of the first children, the body of the expectant mother is not so worn out. There are no pathologies of the reproductive system, provoked by previous labor activity.

The topic at what time primiparas usually give birth can be considered by the gender of the fetus. Trend Revealed early girls' births, compared to boys. The pattern is due to their more early ripening and rapid development. As a result, girls are more likely to survive preterm births than boys.

How long do contractions last

The degree of preparedness of the cervix affects how long the contractions last in giving birth for the first time.

The disclosure process includes several phases.

Latent phase (or latent/initial):

  • duration - 7-8 hours;
  • the duration of the fight is 30-45 seconds;
  • frequency - every 4-5 minutes;
  • the end of the phase is represented by an opening up to 3 cm.

Active phase:

  • duration - 3-5 hours;
  • the duration of the fight is 60 seconds;
  • frequency - 2-4 minutes;
  • the end of the phase is represented by an opening of 3 to 7 cm.

Deceleration phase (or transient/transitional):

  • duration - 30 minutes - 1.5 hours;
  • contraction duration - up to 1.5 seconds;
  • frequency - 30 seconds - 1 minute;
  • the end of the phase is represented by an opening of 7 to 10 cm.

In general, disclosure can take a long time - until 10 o'clock.

It should be understood that the preparedness of the cervix determines how contractions last in primiparas.

The duration of contractions in primiparas allows you to determine the true contractions from training.

The average duration is 10 hours.

If labor activity was preceded by false contractions, then the duration of contractions in primiparas will exceed the specified value.

note! In order for the training process not to exhaust the body, it is recommended to take an anesthetic.

The tablet form is often used. Action medicinal product will allow you to distract from the source of pain. As a result, false contractions will disappear. You can only take pills on the recommendation of a doctor.

A pregnant woman should not be afraid of labor. It's important to listen to your body. Any change in condition will be a signal to go to the hospital.

Useful video: how to determine the onset of labor

The closer the date when the baby should be born, the more woman listens to the body and monitors its sensations.

In this article, we will talk about the first signs that childbirth is already “on the way”.

Known fact- that the first and main signal of childbirth for a woman is contractions. But still, first we will consider the first signs that childbirth is close.

How to understand that the day of birth is close

  1. When the baby's head drops down to the pelvic cavity, the bottom of the uterus sinks in the woman. This happens about two weeks before delivery.
  2. Sometimes a woman before childbirth suffers from nausea and upset stools. But it's important not to accept food poisoning as the beginning of the birth process.
  3. Throughout pregnancy, the cervix was protected from various infections with a mucus plug. A few weeks before the birth, she departs. This manifests itself in the form clear secretions on linen, sometimes they can be brownish in color.
  4. Usually, shortly before the onset of childbirth, a woman loses a few kilograms, since the female body no longer retains a lot of fluid, and is thus cleansed.
  5. A decrease in the activity of the baby also indicates that it is time to go to the hospital soon.
  6. Training fights are not real fights yet, but still harbingers of real childbirth. A week before giving birth, a woman feels irregular, and does not severe pain in the lower abdomen - these are false contractions, so the uterus trains its muscles before childbirth, and prepares for them.
  7. Softening and expansion of the walls of the uterus occur approximately two weeks before the birth process.
If a woman feels regular pain in the lower abdomen or in the lower back, which is characterized by its cyclical nature, this means that the real contractions have already begun. At the beginning, a woman feels contractions lasting no more than 5-10 seconds with a difference of 20-30 minutes. During the time until the contractions become more frequent (the difference between contractions is about 10 minutes), a woman can stay at home and calmly collect everything necessary for the maternity hospital. If a maternity hospital far from your place of residence, and you need to spend at least an hour on the road, then you need to hurry.

How closer birth the contractions will be felt stronger and more painful.

Contractions are needed for the cervix to dilate. When it is 4 cm open, doctors will install a labor regulator. For every hour, the cervix opens one centimeter in primiparas. For women who have given birth before, this process occurs twice as fast.

When the cervix opens completely, the second stage of labor will begin - attempts. It lasts approximately 1 hour. During this period, the baby is removed.

Before the straining period, as a rule, the amniotic sac should burst. Sometimes he bursts before contractions. At this process in a woman, approximately 100-150 ml is secreted from the genitals. transparent liquid. The color of the amniotic fluid is very important, because if, for example, they are greenish or reddish, this is a bad sign, which may mean that the fetus has hypoxia.

So, we found out that contractions are the main sign of childbirth. It is very important to be able to distinguish between real contractions and false ones. To understand this, doctors recommend lying down to relax and counting how often you feel pain. If the contractions are regular, then this is the main sign that it is time to go to the hospital.

When you feel that birth process started. It is very important to remain calm. Remember how the birth will take place depends on your behavior and morale. When you feel contractions, do not panic, let your family know that the baby will be born soon, and that you

The content of the article:

There is one interesting opinion among the people that the child himself chooses the time of birth. But scientists argue that this factor is directly affected by the level of hormone activity, as well as how prepared the female body is for the upcoming birth. That is why doctors can determine the expected date of birth as accurately as possible. In some cases, it may be necessary to carry out certain calculations, as well as to do an ultrasound. Because of these indicators, the date of birth may be adjusted.

But the predictions made by doctors are not always completely true. As a result, future parents become constantly nervous. But every woman who is expecting a child must increased attention monitor the state of your own body and notice even minor changes, follow the “signals” that the body gives.

The preparation of the female body for childbirth begins long before the first contractions. Before the birth of a child, women can be very different emotional condition- ranging from complete relaxation and up to extreme overexcitation.

Psychological attitude before childbirth

The female body is completely unique, because nature has taken care to prepare it naturally for the upcoming birth. But many expectant mothers recent weeks pregnancy is haunted by the question of exactly when this happy moment will happen. In order not to be nervous over trifles, women need to try to fully understand what signs appear before childbirth and do not forget to follow all the instructions and recommendations of their doctor.

As a rule, all pregnant women pay close attention to changes in their own body. In almost all cases, it is very difficult to miss the signs that indicate the imminent approach of childbirth.

It is extremely difficult to determine the date of birth with an accuracy of one day, so this moment can come at the 38th week of pregnancy, and in some cases even at 40. This process is strictly individual and has many aspects, which sometimes it is simply impossible to calculate as accurately as possible.

After the onset of the 36th week of pregnancy, the onset of labor can occur at almost any moment, which is why you should always remain very careful and, if the first feeling of discomfort or deterioration appears, immediately seek help from a doctor.

How to understand that labor will begin soon?

The main signs that indicate the onset of labor include:
  1. As a rule, almost before the very birth, swelling disappears, and with them a few extra pounds can go away. The fact is that at this moment there is a withdrawal of excess fluid from the body in a natural way.
  2. In some cases, a lowered belly indicates the onset of labor. This is due to the fact that the child is gradually moving towards the birth canal. If it's your first delivery, your belly may drop around the 37th week of pregnancy. And for those who give birth not for the first time, this process may occur a little later. At this time, pressure on the diaphragm and stomach begins to decrease, and the bottom of the uterus gradually sinks by several centimeters. Most pregnant women notice that it has become much easier to sit, heartburn and shortness of breath have ceased to bother.
  3. As a result of the increase in pressure on bladder, the urge to urinate becomes more frequent. There is a feeling of pressure and heavy heaviness in the region of the lower back and sacrum. This phenomenon is directly related to the change in the position of the child, as well as the expansion of the bones of the woman's pelvis. The fetus may press on nerve endings which causes leg cramps.
  4. Most pregnant women, including in the case of the first birth, may notice a decrease in the activity of the baby - by the time of birth, the child has grown enough, so it becomes difficult for him to move in a small space.
  5. There is an increase in intestinal motility, as the body begins active preparation for childbirth. Possible loosening of the stool, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting.
  6. With the approach of childbirth, a “nesting effect” often appears, which was laid down by nature itself. The signs of childbirth may also include a change in the habitual behavior of a pregnant woman - for example, there is a desire to stay on her own or do a general cleaning in the house. Sharp bouts of activity are also suddenly replaced by appeasement, apathy and a sense of calm.
  7. Braxton Hicks contractions, which are also called preparatory "false". It is these contractions that effectively train the body and soften the cervix before upcoming birth. In these cases, her tension occurs and the woman practically does not experience discomfort. This type of contractions is not regular, and they are not able to cause the cervix to dilate.
  8. Bloody mucus in small amounts. This sure sign that the uterus begins to actively prepare for childbirth. This symptom may be thinning or expansion of the uterus.
  9. As a result of the shortening of the cervix, the mucosal plug (fully or in parts) is discharged, which served as a natural barrier between fetal membrane and vaginal microflora. The upcoming separation of the mucous plug may be indicated by pulling pain in the lower abdomen. Most women just notice the appearance copious discharge- cork discharge occurs gradually. If she leaves immediately, a mucous lump appears, which a woman may notice while visiting the toilet. From the moment the cork leaves and before the onset of childbirth, quite a lot of time can pass - a couple of hours or several weeks.

If at least one of the signs listed above appears, you can be sure that the moment of childbirth will come very soon. Therefore, it is necessary to go to the hospital as soon as possible.

Today, experts distinguish several main signs that are true harbingers of the onset of childbirth. They need to be monitored very carefully, as it is necessary to apply in time for obtaining a qualified medical care. With the approach of the due date set by the doctor, it is necessary to collect all Required documents and things that will be needed in the maternity hospital.

Drainage of amniotic fluid

If the pregnancy proceeds normally, and there are no abnormalities or complications, the discharge of amniotic fluid occurs immediately before the onset of labor, at the moment when the cervix opens.

Quite often, you can also face a situation where there is a risk of rupture before the onset of childbirth. amniotic sac. In this case, the woman will not experience any accompanying sensations that portend this phenomenon (for example, spasms, contractions).

In such a situation, it is necessary to go to the maternity hospital as soon as possible. The fact is that anhydrous period cannot last longer than 12 hours. During pregnancy, upon reaching 37 weeks, the discharge of water that has occurred indicates that premature birth has occurred, so doctors may need to prepare the child for independent breathing.

If there is a constant, slow and intermittent leakage of amniotic fluid, there is a risk of onset premature birth, development intrauterine infection, as well as other serious complications, both for the health of the child and the pregnant woman.

If one of the above causes appears, you need to go to the hospital as soon as possible. If there is no onset of labor, the doctor prescribes medical stimulation.


The appearance of contractions (regular labor contractions), which are accompanied by unpleasant and rather strong pulling pains in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region, contributes to the beginning of the opening of the cervix.

In nulliparous women, signs of the onset of labor may be minor contractions, the duration of which often reaches a day and, at the same time, they gradually increase.

The contractions won't be too strong at first. pain, as well as duration (approximately 10–15 seconds), while they occur periodically. In the pauses that appear between contractions, the uterus relaxes, which allows the pregnant woman to rest a bit.

There is a gradual development of labor activity and contractions begin to become more frequent - both soreness and their duration increase. Now the rest period will be approximately 15-20 minutes, and at the time of childbirth 2-3 minutes.

The contractions also include painful sensations that appear in the lower abdomen, lumbar region, calves, thighs and rectum. Quite often, these symptoms are accompanied by chills. After a 10-minute break between contractions is reached, the duration of which is not less than 60 seconds, this is a sure harbinger of the onset of an early birth.

Both primiparous and multiparous women show exactly the same signs of childbirth. In this case, the main difference is the great rapidity of the subsequent births after the first.

Experts claim that with repeated births quite common premature passage water before contractions begin. If none of the above signs of childbirth appeared before the 40th week of pregnancy, it is necessary to undergo an examination by a doctor to determine the condition of the child.

What is the difference between true contractions and false ones before childbirth?

False contractions are similar in all signs to prenatal. However, their main difference is the interval and dynamics. Lying down, moving around a little, or taking a shower can help relieve the discomfort.

Unlike prenatal, when false contractions appear, a pregnant woman can fall asleep. Training contractions are irregular in nature and interval, and they will not increase in intensity and will not begin to lengthen. When they appear, the cervix does not open.

The appearance of false contractions at the 39th week of pregnancy can be perceived as prenatal. But in some cases, they can appear at 30 weeks.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that in each case, pregnancy proceeds in a strictly individual manner, and the woman will not necessarily show the signs listed above. That's why expectant mother it is necessary with increased attention to monitor the state of your own body and listen to the signals it sends, which indicate the onset of labor.

How to determine when you need to go to the hospital, see this video: