Letter of lowercase and capital letters t. Letter of uppercase and lowercase letters "T, t"

Public lesson letters


Lowercase letter T.

Prepared and conducted by: teacher primary grades,


Vorozhbitova Irina Ivanovna.


Goals: the formation of the graphic skill of writing letters and connections with these letters; develop the skill of smooth, continuous, parallel writing; make a syllable - sound analysis of words; mastering the techniques of correct copying (from printed and handwritten type); development visual memory and logical thinking; to bring up a feeling in children respectful attitude to nature and the need for its protection.

Equipment: object pictures, cut letters and syllables, syllabic table, table of elements, disc with the record "the voice of birds, the sound of a woodpecker."

During the classes

    Enhancing student knowledge.

Introductory conversation.

Guys, today we will take a trip to forest glade... What is the best way to go on a journey so as not to interfere with the flow of forest life? (Listen to the students' answers.) Correct. On foot. On the way, we will make many stops and meet the inhabitants of the forest glade. (Pictures on the board: birds, flowers, insects.)

Look at what a lush, multi-colored carpet our "meadow" looks like. Name and show flowers. Blue cornflowers, snow-white daisies, fragrant lilies of the valley call and lure bees, bumblebees, butterflies, beetles. Here we will make a stop.

What are the letters that you see in the clearing.

Are all the letters familiar to you?

Can you write all the letters correctly? (Tm did not write.)

    Physical minute. Exercises to strengthen the small muscles of the arm.

Fingers played hide and seek

And the heads were removed

Like this, like that

So the heads were removed. (Flex and unbend your fingers.)

    Work in the "Recipe".

Guessing the riddle.

This is an old friend of yours.

He lives on the roof of the house.

Long-legged, long-nosed,

He flies to hunt

Follow the frogs into the swamp. (Stork.)

Stork outline.

What did you learn about the stork from the riddle?

Who else eats like a stork?

4. Repetition of the covered material.

A) Picture dictation.

Write down the first letter that the words begin with: turkey, duck, deer, stork, rhino, pine, chicken, seal. (Check. Reading by 1 student.)

What is the word "extra"? Prove it.

B) Frontal poll.

What are the letters that represent vowel sounds?

What are the consonants?

Which vowel is never capitalized? Write it down.

Name the words where this sound occurs.

5. Explanation of the new material.

Teacher: - Answer who is an expert:

What is this hammer?

It compares the uppercase and lowercase letters, i.e.

What are the elements of the lowercase written letter t? (Straight short oblique line; straight short oblique line rounded at the top and straight short oblique line rounded at the top and bottom with a turn to the right.)

The teacher gives a sample of writing lowercase letter t on the board:

(We begin to write on the top line of the working line. We draw down a straight short oblique line, then without separation, as if climbing it, dividing it into 3 equal parts, we find from above 1/3 and write to the right a short oblique line with a rounding at the top parallel to the first element, we bring it to the bottom line of the operating line; from above, stepping back, 1/3, we write the third element - a short oblique line rounded at the top and bottom with a turn to the right parallel to the second element.) Special attention addresses the need for parallel writing of the elements that make up a given letter. The rotation of the last element to the right begins only at the lowest line.

Letter letters behind the teacher on the blackboard. Competition "Who is better?" (Three students write on the board.)

Circle the letter on the dots yourself in the "Recipe".

6. Working with the schemes of the words "stork" and "bush".

The syllable is sound analysis. Stress.

Print words from the letters of the split alphabet.

Draw up word diagrams on the canvas.

Paint the word schemes yourself.

Insert the letter "t" into the diagrams.

7. Logic task.

Look at the pictures and tell me how a tree is different from a bush?

8. Reading syllables according to the table "Help the hedgehog".

9. Writing syllables after teacher pattern.

Let's make "t" friends with vowels.

Writing words after teacher pattern. We write the syllable without separation. Pay attention to the middle connection of letters.

10. Physical education.

Our delicate flowers dissolve the petals.

The breeze breathes a little, the petals sway.

Our scarlet flowers close the petals.

They fall asleep quietly, shake their heads.

11. Creative work... Development of students' speech. Verbal drawing.

Compose a story based on key words. (The painting "Stork" hangs on the board.)

12. Reading sentences from the board.

There is a bush. Stork by the bush.

What are 3 rules for writing a sentence?

How many words are in the 1st sentence? And in the second?

13. Copying sentences from the printed font with comments.

14. Game "Match words and pictures."

(Duck, fox, elephant.)

Write off the "extra" word. (Duck.)

15. Guess the riddle. Write down the answer yourself.

He has four legs

Paws - claws - scratches,

A pair of sensitive ears.

He is a thunderstorm for mice. (Cat.)

16. Game "Beetle - Bukvoed". Complete one element in each letter and you will read the word. (thread)

17. Compilation and writing of syllables according to the table. ( Independent work.)

The teacher dictates:

3.9 (none); 6.2 (co); 10.5 (ka); 8.7 (tu); 5.8 (at); 2.3 (he);

18. Reflection.

Children, what did you like in the lesson?

What new letter did you learn to write today?

What are the elements of the lowercase letter t?

What sounds can it represent?

How does the spelling of the last element of the letter "t" change depending on the subsequent letter?

What have you learned in the lesson?

Uppercase and lowercase letter T.

Target: learn to write lowercase and uppercase lettersT


1. Educational:

Form the ability to write a letterT;

Learn to write syllables, combinations and words with a letterT;

Reinforce the spelling of the learned letters

2. Developing:

Develop skills of self-control and self-assessment, mutual control;

Develop spelling vigilance;

Develop skills calligraphic handwriting, attention, speech skills, the ability to analyze and generalize

3. Educational:

Foster interest in learning, love for the native language;

Foster positive motivation for the learning process;

Foster a desire to help classmates, apply the rules of business cooperation

During the classes

1.Org. Moment

Are you guys warm? Is it light in the classroom? Did the bell ring for you? Is the lesson over yet? Lesson just started? Do you want to study? So you can sit down!

2.Formulation of the topic and purpose of the lesson

Look at the board and tell me what is the extra letter in the first line?

a, o, u, e, and, t, e, s, e, u

In the second?

m, d, r, t, k, l, n

Formulate the topic of the lesson. (Upper and lower case letter T)

What will you and I learn in the lesson? (Learn to write the lowercase and uppercase letter T, t)

Describe the letter.

3. Work in writing. Letter capital letter T .

Consider a capital letter patternT . Tell us about the direction of movement of the hand when writing it... (The letter T consists of four elements. Three elements are written by moving the hand from top to bottom. We begin to write the capital letter T just below the middle of the wide auxiliary line. We draw a line down, cross the top line of the working line, lead further down. , round up to the left, slightly rise above the bottom line of the working line.

We begin to write the second element below the middle of the wide auxiliary line. We lead the stick down to the top, and then to the bottom line of the working line.

We begin to write the third element just below the middle of the wide auxiliary line. We draw the line down, almost reaching the bottom line of the working line, round it to the right, bring it to the bottom line of the working line and go up to the right to the middle of the working line.

The fourth element - the top one - is written from left to right. We start writing with a slight rounding, and then draw a straight line to the right. Note that the spacing and slope must be the same.)

4. Preparing hands for writing

Students repeat movements after teacher

This finger is a grandfather

This finger is a grandmother

This finger is a mom

This finger is a daddy

This finger is me.

That's my whole family.

Lettercapital letter elementsT and the letter itself.

Read the words. What do they mean? Why are they capitalized? Write down the words according to the pattern.

Three bears were walking home

Children waddle in place

Dad was big, big.

Raise your arms above your head, pull up.

Mom with him smaller,

Hands at chest level.
And my son is just a baby.

Sit down.
He was very small,

Sitting down, swing like a bear.
I went with rattles.

Stand up, hands in fists in front of the chest.

Dzin-dzin, dzin-dzin.

Children imitate playing with rattles.

Physical moment for attention

5. Work in writing. Lowercase letter T .

Consider a pattern of a lowercase letterT . Compare uppercase and lowercase written letters. Are they spelled the same or differently? Tell us about the direction of movement of the hand when writing a lowercase letterT . (Lowercase letter T consists of three elements. We begin to write the first element from the top line of the operating line, lead down to the bottom line of the operating line. We begin to write the second element from the middle of the working line. We lead up to the right, rounding, bringing to the top line of the working line, rounding and leading down a short oblique stick. We also start writing the third element from the middle of the working line. We lead up to the right, rounding it, bring it to the top line of the working line, round it and lead it down, slightly not bringing it to the bottom line of the working line; round to the right, bring it to the bottom line of the operating line, draw the line up to the right to the middle of the operating line.)

Please note that the distance between elements and the slope must be the same.

Independent work.

Write down letters, words and sentences using a pattern.

Underline the letters with a blue pencilT , which denote a hard consonant sound, and green - a soft consonant sound.

6 learning Tongue Twisters.

Write down as many lettersT

7. Lesson summary.

On the sheets of paper, the letters are written in lowercase and uppercase, etc.

Children need to find these mistakes and explain.

Find the best beautiful letter m and circle.

What did we do today in the lesson?

Continue the sentence by expressing your opinion about your work in the lesson:

I am satisfied with my work in the lesson, because ….

I am not satisfied with my work in the lesson, because ...

After the students' comments, the teacher expresses his opinion

Rewarding for Good work in the lesson with various grades in the form of smiles, stars, etc.

If there is time left, an additional task on the backup page.

Work on the backup page.

Exercise"Collect suggestions."(I have a comfortable room. There is a table near the window. The table has three chairs. Next to it is an easy chair.)

Can sentences be called text?

Tell us about your room.

Compose and write down the words.(Dough, ducks, table, chair.)

Find words with two syllables among them. Put emphasis. Name the stressed syllable in the words "dough", "duck".

Drawing captions for pictures... Cheating from a sample of printed text.

Write down in writing sentences written in block letters.

LearningTongue Twisters.

A cloud came out, watered the grass,

The grass smiled and became more beautiful.

Write down as many lettersT how many met in a tongue twister

Abstract of a writing lesson on the topic "Lowercase letter t"

1. Teach to write correctly calligraphically capital letter"T". Learn to write fusion syllables with a given letter, words, sentences.
2. To continue work on the development of children's phonemic hearing, memory of attention, logical thinking.
3. To bring up accuracy, diligence in work.
1. Organizational moment
An image of a little boy is projected onto the screen.
- Today one boy invites us for a walk in the autumn fairy forest.
- We collect a complete basket of knowledge. Want to?
2. Repetition
- The wind suddenly blew! All paths with foliage blew out.
The screen is projected animation picture leaf fall.
-Let's clear the paths and find out which one we will follow.
(The letters "a, y, n, and, s" are written on the board. Part of each letter is covered with autumn leaves)
- The first path. What are the letters behind the leaves?
- Find the extra one. (n)
- Why? (All letters denote vowel sounds, and the letter n denotes consonant sounds)
- Look at the second path, find out what letters are hidden here? (s, n, o, k)

Which letter is superfluous? (o - because it denotes a vowel sound, and the rest of the letters denote consonants)
- The boy asks us to hurry up and gives us an object to help us.
- Guess.
- We walk at night, we walk during the day.
And yet we will not leave the place. (watch)

What sound does the clock make? (tick tock)
- Say "Tick" separately

- What is he? (Consonant)
- Why?
- What else is this sound? (Soft, deaf, paired)
- Say the word "So"
- Listen to the first sound, say it.
- What is he? (Consonant, hard, voiceless, paired)
- We have remembered a lot of knowledge and therefore we can put the apple-knowledge in the basket.

3. Determination of the topic and purpose of the lesson
- Who guessed what letter we will learn to write? (T)
- What are we going to learn? (We will learn to write the letter t correctly, syllables with this letter, words.)
- So, which path are we going to take today? (Along the path with consonants).
4. Preparation for writing.
- Let's warm up our fingers. There are animals in our forest.
(For each spoken line, we connect the fingers of the right and left hands in turn and vice versa)
- Wild animals
They are found in the forest.
Here you can see
The wolf and the fox
Hare and bear
Squirrel, wild boar.
Hides everyone safely
Forest silence. (With these words, we put the index finger to our lips)
5. Practice letter
- On page 20, a forest path and a boy are waiting for us.
- Give a name to him. (Tim)
- Why is he with the phone? (In the word "telephone" the first sound is [t ′])
- Where do we start to write the path from? (Upwards)
- How did you find out? (The arrow showed)
- Note that the line is more inclined to the right. Round off at the top, touching the top line, then a slope with a rounding at the bottom, touching the bottom line.
- So, we prescribe. (Children trace a wavy line)
- We did a great job with you and we can add the bull's-eye knowledge to the basket.
6. Physical minutes

7. Working with elements
- Cheerful goat Tosya gives you separate elements.
- Now we will write down these elements. How?
- The first is inclined from top to bottom.
- The second - from bottom to top with a rounding at the top and inclined downward.
- The third is the same as the second, only the rounding is at the bottom.
- Now you write-circle these elements yourself in the line. (Children circle large elements in the copy)
- And we coped with this task, and the bull's-eye-knowledge - in the basket.
8. Letter letters
- Let's put together a whole letter from the elements.
(One child at the blackboard)
- Please note that we begin to write the second element according to the first, and the third - according to the second, so that we do not get it like this
- Correctly assembled letter
- So, how to write the lowercase letter t correctly.
(showing teacher with detailed explanation)
- What mistakes can there be?

Tim's got you ready to show the letter on the screen
(The disc is used - an electronic supplement to the alphabet of V.G. Goretsky)

Look carefully.
- Now, simultaneously with the display on the screen, let's try to write a letter with a pen in the air.
- Give Tim a whole letter t for her apron. (Children circle the letter "t" on the boy's apron on the page of the recipe)
- Now, in the net, circle the letter "t". (Children circle 3 letters)
- And try to write the letter yourself to the end of the line.
- Underline the most beautiful letter you yourself wrote.
- And we still earned an apple in the basket.
9. Physics for sight
- Tim invites us to warm up. (physical moment for sight)
10. Reading and writing syllables .
- Did the forest gnomes send a letter or a telegram? (Telegram)
- Why? (In the word "telegram" the first sound is [t ′])
- A whole word is hidden among the syllables. They ask to find him.
- Read all syllables.
- What syllable is also a word? (you)
- Which syllable is superfluous? (ty)
- Why? (first sound is soft)
- Continue the syllable "ta" to the whole word.
- "Tu", "ti", "you".
- How to write the syllable "ta". (Show, children write)
(Similar work with the syllables "tu", "ti", "you")
11. Reading and writing words
- We met fairytale character... Who is this?
By the side of the sea, a green oak;
Golden chain on tom oak:
Day and night _____ scientist
Everything goes round and round in chains;
Goes to the right - the song starts
To the left - he says a fairy tale.
- Who is this? (cat)

Read the name of the animal.
- Find this word in the copy. How to write it correctly?

- Now read this word from right to left (current)
- Look at these two words. How are they similar? What is the difference?
- See how to spell this word correctly.
(The teacher shows, the children prescribe)
- What other word can be obtained if the letters are reversed? (who)
- Well done! And we still have 1 apple in the basket.

13. Working with the circuit
- And now we will be wizards.
- Let's transform our cat into another animal by changing one letter. (whale)
- Who is this?

What is the difference between the word "whale" and the word "cat"?
- How are they similar?
- Choose a pattern for the word "whale"
- Prove that this particular scheme fits this word.
- Color in the diagram.
- Add to the whole word.
- What letter did you write in? (T)
- And we coped with this task. You get an apple.
14. Summary
- What letter did we learn to write today?
15. Reflection
- You each have one red apple and one green apple on their desks. Now think, if you think that you have learned how to write the lowercase letter "t" and are satisfied with yourself as you worked in the lesson, then take a ripe red apple and put (glue) it into our basket. If you have not learned how to write a letter, then place the green apple.

The big Book secret knowledge... Numerology. Graphology. Palmistry. Astrology. Divination Schwartz Theodore

Writing the letter "t"

Writing the letter "t"

Uppercase "T"

The first two sticks merge together, and the upper stroke is strongly separated and directed upward (Fig. 2.143). This spelling indicates a responsive, religious, merciful person.

Rice. 2.143. The first two sticks merge together with the top flourish pointing up

All three sticks are interconnected, each subsequent one is shorter than the previous one; the upper stroke is long and with strong pressure at the end (Fig. 2.144). This spelling characterizes a power-hungry person, accustomed to command, but hot and temperamental.

Rice. 2.144. All three sticks are interconnected, one is shorter than the other

The letter is strongly inclined to the left, in the form of a lowercase "t", sometimes with a line at the top (Fig. 2.145). Basically, people write so friendly, with an even character, gentle. The presence of a trait indicates suspicion and willfulness.

Rice. 2.145. The letter is written with a tilt to the left, in the form of a lowercase "t"

The rods are divided, very thick and straight stroke (fig. 2.146). So empty, petty people write, who do not have natural behavior- they used to play a role to impress.

Rice. 2.146. Sticks are split, very thick and straight stroke

Writing a stroke on top is also important. Direction, pressure and length will allow us to name some of the characteristics of a person's character.

So, if the stroke has an almost horizontal direction, then in front of you mobile person, which assesses the possibility of doing something from the point of view of practical benefits.

For people who see life as a challenge, the top stick goes up. The basis of their existence is the desire to act, their inherent persistence and determination are emphasized by the angular shapes of the letter.

Sometimes the stroke is excessively long. People with this handwriting see necessity as the only possibility. They, as a rule, force themselves into many actions that contradict their worldview, but, in their opinion, contribute to the achievement of their goals (material, career, etc.).

Lowercase "t"

Smooth, without rounding and loops, the letter "t" (Fig. 2.147). A rational but affable and kind character usually accompanies people who write the letter "t" in this way. They, as a rule, perceive the necessity as inevitable, but do not make a tragedy out of it. Most often these are people who are accustomed to a certain order, they have stereotypical thinking and there are ready-made answers to many questions.

Rice. 2.147. Smooth letter "t"

The letter "t" resembles a ladder, each subsequent stick is shorter than the previous one, the letter seems to go down (Fig. 2.148). Indicates disorder of judgments and chaotic character, less often - isolation and pessimism, especially if there is a vertical line above. In addition, the vertical line speaks of subconsciously copying the behavior of other people, absorbing their judgments, therefore, people who write in this way in life only play someone else's role, which sooner or later leads to an internal conflict.

Rice. 2.148. The letter resembles a ladder

The lowercase "t" written as "w", but with a stroke on top, is very rare (Fig. 2.149). This form of writing gives out very practical people, accustomed to weighing everything carefully. They meet the need for bayonets. This is reflected in appearance letters. This style indicates a person's desire for a deep understanding of what is happening. He perceives necessity through the prism of his convictions. Underlining a letter from above indicates an intensification of this moment.

Rice. 2.149. The letter "t" written like "w" but with a stroke on top

In some cases, the underline of the "t" includes a stroke that ends with a crochet hook. If the hook with its pointed part is directed to the right, then the person extends his understanding of necessity to a greater extent to the future than to the present.

The hook directed to the left indicates a constant return of a person's attention to the past. He feels the need to rethink its consequences. Not fully experienced events of the past can accumulate, forming an inner emptiness, which hardly contributes to acceptance correct decisions present.

From the book The Big Book of Secret Knowledge. Numerology. Graphology. Palmistry. Astrology. Fortune telling author Schwartz Theodor

Writing the letter "Ж" Graphologists quite rarely pay attention to this letter, so there are few interpretations of the variants of its writing. The main focus is on the writing of the connecting lines and the size of the midline. middle line(fig. 2.73) indicates

From the author's book

Writing the letter "z" This letter is also not always used in the study of handwriting. The main focus is on the upper loop (or lack thereof) in the uppercase "Z" and the lower loop (or lack thereof) in the lowercase "z". So, the lowercase letter "z" with an elongated bottom, but without

From the author's book

Writing the letter "and" Uppercase "I" The beginning of the letter is rounded and resembles a semi-oval (Fig. 2.77, 2.78). People so writing a letter"And", endowed with an excess of imagination, eccentricity of actions and thinking, perseverance, often the sublimity of the soul. Rice. 2.77. Start of letter

From the author's book

Writing the letter "y" In writing this letter, like the letter "e", it is not the letter itself that matters, but the dash above it. The letter "d" gives more information about the owner of the handwriting when it is in the middle of a word (lowercase) than at the beginning (uppercase).

From the author's book

Writing the letter "k" Capital "K" Letter "K" with pressure and long line down, closed at the top in the form of a loop or a hook wrapped inside (Fig. 2.90). This usually indicates such character traits as firmness, prudence, decisiveness, but isolation and

From the author's book

Writing the letter "l" The letter "l", like the letters "g" and "z", is rarely analyzed. It is generally accepted that it provides little information about writing person... Nevertheless, let's pay some attention to it. The more pressure it is written (Fig. 2.94), the more sensual and tender the person is.

From the author's book

Writing the letter "m" Differences between writing uppercase and lowercase "m" are only in the size of the letters, so we will not consider them separately. For analysis, you can choose any letter "m" - at the beginning, middle or end of a word. Straight, no rounding, second line

From the author's book

Writing the letter "n" Uppercase "N" Quite succinctly written; cross line arched, slightly elongated when connected, at the beginning of the letter above and / or below small hook(fig. 2.110, 2.111). This indicates primarily the quality of shyness. If it turns out

From the author's book

Writing the letter "o" Capital "O" The letter looks like an open oval with a dash descending into the middle (Fig. 2.117). Such a careless spelling of a letter indicates active, fast people... An excess of their energy often means too much haste, but in general, the spelling of the letter "O"

From the author's book

Writing the letter "p" Capital "P" The greatest value when writing the letter "p" is pressure. Thin lines drawn with weak pressure and slight rounding (Fig. 2.128). This spelling speaks of weak character, susceptibility and suspiciousness. Rice. 2.128. Letter

From the author's book

Writing the letter "p" This is one of the most interesting letters for graphology. It is believed that this is one of the first sounds that a person learned to pronounce. It served as a warning of danger or a sign of threat. This letter has many functional purposes. No wonder

From the author's book

Writing the letter "s" The oblique letter "s" with pressure in the middle, without decorations (Fig. 2.139) is characteristic of the handwriting of harsh and harsh people. Often skeptical people who are not prone to sentimentality and emotionality write this way. Rice. 2.139. Oblique, unadorned letter "c" C small

From the author's book

Writing the letter "t" Uppercase "T" The first two sticks merge together, and the upper stroke is strongly separated and directed upwards (Fig. 2.143). This spelling indicates a responsive, religious, merciful person. Rice. 2.143. The first two sticks merge together, and the top

From the author's book

Writing the letter "y" Uppercase "U" Clear, rounded, open at the bottom, the initial stroke is very thin, sometimes almost imperceptible (Fig. 2.150). Such people are speculative, inquisitive, they are distinguished by their love for the graceful. Rice. 2.150. Distinct, light pressure

From the author's book

Writing the letter "t" In fact, the letter "t" in its spelling resembles the letter "i" with a loop in the lower right part. Therefore, to some extent, its analysis coincides with the analysis of the letter "i". On the other hand, very often the drawing of the buttonhole coincides with the lowercase letters "y" and

From the author's book

Writing the letter "w" The main importance in writing this letter is the writing rate and the roundness of its constituent elements. The letter "w" with a large initial hook, all the elements are equally even, rounded at the bottom, without underlining (Fig. 2.164). This spelling indicates