How to make clean skin in Photoshop. How to make perfect skin in Photoshop

After reading this instruction, how to make a photoshop of a face in the program Adobe photoshop, even a novice user can complete this task.

All you need is literate and detailed instructions... The retouching methods described in the article will help you retouch a photo as well as professionals from glossy magazines.

Remember! At the final stage of retouching, the skin of the face should not be too blurry and "plastic". Apply all the effects and techniques in moderation and then the photo will seem natural and of high quality.

Method 1. Working with layers

Stage 1... To start open the photo you want to edit in the main window of the program. For retouching, only high-resolution images are suitable, that is, those that can be greatly enlarged and the texture of the face itself is considered.

Now you need to start working with layers. Duplicate the layer by pressing Ctrl and J. Then immediately press Ctrl + G. The layer will be copied and placed in new group... For groups and layers, users must specify names, so they will indicate them as Airbrush1 and Blur1.

The created Blur1 layer is displayed in the program as follows:

Blur1 is essentially a blurred skin display. Next, you need to add another layer, with the help of which the skin and face will again acquire a natural relief look. Press Ctrl + J and Ctrl + G again.

Double click on the previously created Blur1 filter. The layer editing window will open. To perform the blur, you must select the "Blur on the surface" filter. It allows you to achieve a good degree of blur without smearing the edges of the lips, nose, eyes. Adjust the slider so that the skin looks smooth but not overly oiled. Work through each fragment of the drawing in detail using the magnification window. Take away Special attention the edges of the lips and eyes.

After finishing editing the layer, save all the changes you made and close the layers window. As a result, the main image should turn out to be very even, and the skin of the face should be smoothed, as shown in the figure. In this case, the eyes and lips will have natural look, as it shown on the picture:

This stage of blurring allows you to create the foundation for subsequent work. If you think that you have aligned the layer too much and the picture looks unnatural, but the following steps will give us the opportunity to fix this problem.

Stage 2... Press Shift + F5 at the same time to open the fill window. In earlier versions of the program, the hotkey combination may not work, so open the window using the Edit - Fill menu. Set the window parameters similarly to those shown in Figure 4. Click OK to save the changes.

Rice. 4 - changing the parameters of filling textures

Stage 3... At the third stage of editing, you should add very little extraneous noise. This trick is able to make the skin of the face more natural and natural. Remember that after working with the filter, the image should not be very sharp.

Open the Filter - Noise window. Adjust the slider so that the skin has a barely visible relief, as shown in the figure below:

To keep the skin natural and remove the unnecessary noise created in the rest of the photo, you need to use the Gaussian Blur tool. Select it by going to the Filter - Blur window.

In the window that opens, you need to set the radius of the created blur and apply the effect. We advise you to set the parameter to "1". Then press the OK button.

Stage 4... Now you need to define the exact skin color that is used in the blur layer. This can be done using a well-known pipette. This tool is located on the toolbar on the left in the main program window. Select the eyedropper and click on the area of ​​the skin, which color is the most natural for you. Then the color palette will be displayed, on which the selected color will be determined. Click on the triangle to open the color options list box. Check the HSB model in the list. Remember the meaning of the HSB fields. This will be very useful in future work.

Stage 5... Now let's adjust the color saturation. To do this, select Background Saturation in the main menu of the program or press the Ctrl and U keys. There should be a check mark on the Colorized item. Next, set all three parameters to the same values ​​as the HSB model had in the previous step.

Stage 6... Now find the layers panel. It is always displayed in the main program window. Click on the previously created Airbrush1 layer. Now on the main menu select the "Layer" window. In it, click on "Layer Mask" and then click on "Hide All".

This action allows you to create new mask layer. It will be completely filled with black. This area is necessary to create areas that will later be used for image retouching.

Stage 7... Press the D button on your keyboard. This allows the program to automatically detect the background colors. From Photoshop's toolbar, select Brush. Set the following settings shown in the figure:

The illustration must be enlarged by 100 percent. This will help you see your skin as closely as possible. Now paint over the skin with a brush. If the tone seems unnatural to you, it's okay - in the next step we will even out the color. Use the brush on areas of skin that need to remove bumps and blemishes. Increase and decrease the size of the brush depending on the element being edited.

As a result, the places of the face where you used the brush will appear on the black texture layer in white. The skin itself should look very smooth.

Stage 8. Now we need to remove the unnatural look of the face, while leaving the skin very smooth and even. Select the layer called Texture and open the settings window for the parameters of this layer by pressing the Ctrl and U buttons.

To reduce areas of red areas of the face, you can set the Hue ( color background) "ten". If the skin does not a large number in such areas, it is better to leave the original value of the parameter.

The next parameter is saturation. Setting it up takes time. By decreasing the value of the parameter, you can even out the skin tone. Adjust the value until you achieve desired result... Please note that the skin should not be too pale, do not overdo it.

The Lightness parameter also needs to be changed. While adjusting the slider, you can clearly see how the color rendition of the picture changes. Set the value that is optimal in your opinion. The photo shouldn't look too bright, try to achieve a "daylight" effect.

Stage 9... At this stage, the skin still looks fake and a bit plastic. Remove this unpleasant effect possible by restoring individual parts of the skin. In the main menu of the program, click on Tools. Then select External Image Channel. Now a window will appear in which you need to set the settings shown in the figure below:

As you can see in the figure, a red channel has been added to the parameters. This allows the skin to look more natural. You can also experiment with the color channels to find the one that works best for you. The display of the skin in all three color channels looks like this.

The final result of the work... The final face image is shown in the picture:

As you can see, the result turned out to be very successful. This technique of using an airbrush allows you to achieve very smooth skin and will mask even the most obvious flaws. To preview your work, zoom in on your photo, focusing on the texture of the skin. As you can see in the picture, the skin in our picture acquires some features of porosity. At the same time, it is very smooth and has a healthy shade:

This technique is versatile. All the tools necessary for work are in any version of Photoshop. You can apply effects to any photo. For achievement better result advises using images in which the face is depicted in close-up.

Method 2. Remove acne and wrinkles

In the previous method, we showed you how to even out the tone and complexion of a fairly good skin. If you have visible imperfections that you would like to remove and leave the original complexion, use this method. It is very fast and can be used even in photographs where the face is not shown in close-up.

Open the photo in the program and immediately create a duplicate of the layer. This can be done in the layers window. Right-click on the "background" element and click on "Duplicate layer" in the pop-up list.

Zoom in on the photo in the program. This will allow you to see and remove even the smallest skin imperfections. Use the Scale tool:

Now select the Healing Brush at the top of the Toolbox. Edit its diameter and hardness. We advise you to set these parameters as 20 pixels and 50 percent, respectively. This level of hardness allows you to paint over imperfections in such a way that the brush marks will not be visible later.

Rice. 20 - the final result of retouching using the Healing Brush

After applying the Healing Brush, you can adjust color range images using the Color window. Adjust the brightness and contrast settings as you like.

Date of publication: 11.01.2017

An important part in retouching photographs, especially portraits, is the detail and skin color. One of the most convenient processing methods popular today is the frequency decomposition method. It is very convenient and simple if you work with it clearly according to the instructions.

Before and after:

For me, frequency decomposition is like a proven recipe. Works flawlessly. Even in the most difficult situations when you don't know where to start.

The photographs used in this tutorial were taken with a Nikon D810. This is one of Nikon's newest models, a versatile 36.3MP high resolution camera. It allows you to create detailed shots with the finest textures. For retouching images of this high resolution, it is quite important (and at the same time difficult) to preserve fine details. Therefore, it is better to use the frequency decomposition method than processing with smart tools.


To begin with, let's draw a series of preliminary mandatory procedures... Let's divide it into the same frequencies, component parts. Below is a detailed step-by-step instruction.

1. First of all, create 2 layers of a copy of the original image. You can do it different ways(for example, as in the screenshots), but the fastest is the Ctrl + J keys. To navigate easily, it's best to name the layers right away. Without thinking twice, let's call them low and hi, later these will be our low and high frequencies.

Making copies is very simple and good habit especially when retouching. You will always have the opportunity to refer to the source if something goes wrong.

2. Turn off the visibility of the top copy layer, we will deal with it later. Go to the low layer, i.e. to the first copy.

3. This layer needs to be blurred using the Gaussian Blur filter. Here, as in any recipe, the first creative moment comes. You need to choose a blur radius. We need to remove the unevenness of the skin, fine wrinkles, dust and the like. But the eyes, nose and eyebrows, we most likely want to keep. Therefore, starting to increase the radius, carefully watch how the picture changes.

The result is highly dependent on the size of the source (our example is a little over 20 MP), as well as on how much space a person takes in the frame. For this image, let's stop at 13px for the blur radius. It is important to remember the selected value, this number will be useful to us in the next step.

Over time, you will learn to determine the appropriate radius right away and appreciate how convenient it is to have a set of prepared scenarios for decomposition with different radii.

4. The bottom half of the image is done, now go to the top hi layer. We need to compensate for the image so that when overlaid on our blurred low layer, we get the original image as a result. For this, a filter is used, which, together with suitable regime Blending will give the opposite effect to the Gaussian Blur we used earlier. And the name of this filter is High Pass.

In the High Pass window that opens, there is only one adjustable parameter, and this is again the radius. Here you need to set the value from the last step. Set it to 13px, which is how much we blurred the low layer.

5. Set the hi layer to Linear Light Blending Mode. This mode works in such a way that grey colour becomes transparent, and any deviation from gray dramatically increases brightness and contrast. The result after overlaying on a blurred layer is exactly twice the contrast than the original image.

6. There are many ways to reduce the contrast, I prefer using adjustment layers, i.e. layers with settings (for example, a layer with curves). This method easily allows you to temporarily turn off the contrast reduction. It is very convenient to work with the contrast version during retouching, all irregularities and details that can be accidentally missed when looking at the original version are immediately highlighted.

So, create an adjustment layer: New Adjustment Layer> Curves.

7. In order to apply a reduction in contrast only to our top layer, create a Clipping Mask. The whole effect of the curves layer will only work on the layer below it. This can be done through the menu or, holding Alt, click on the joint between the layers for which we want to create a Clipping Mask. At this moment, the cursor will change the icon to an arrow with a square, and after clicking in front of the layer, only an arrow will remain. This means that everything went well.

  1. Now about the curve itself. Go to the adjustment layer settings (they appear by double-clicking on the curve image in the layers palette). Here we are interested in the extreme points, they are responsible for the boundaries of the image brightness: the lower left is the blackest, the upper right is the whitest. To reduce the contrast, drag the bottom up and the top down. To accurately hit the value and reduce the contrast by half (and not 2.02), you need to tighten these points exactly by a quarter from the top and bottom, respectively. You can also set the coordinates manually by activating the fields by clicking on the curve point. In the fields for the top point, set Input 255, Output 192, for the bottom - Input 0, Output 64.

Everything came together, the picture on the screen looks exactly the same as the original original. Our image is split in two and ready to go.

The high frequency layer, which we call hi, contains the texture of the skin, fine details of clothing and hair. But hair color and skin color are in the low layer. Thus, it is convenient to correct skin irregularities and imperfections in the layer with a high hi frequency.


There are several ways to work with a high layer. With the help of blending modes, you can switch and work with both a gray image and a normal one. Some may find it convenient to edit the original hi layer, but I would recommend making a copy to keep the original.

The first method, retouching the gray image

Turn off the visibility of the curves adjustment layer and change the blending mode of the gray hi layer back to Normal. Create a new layer on top of the hi, and it automatically switches to the Clipping Mask. This layer will be our retouching.

Choosing a stamp. Tool settings:

Necessarily 100% opacity and 100% hardness of the brush (adjusted together with the size of the brush by right clicking), so that blurry areas do not appear. We ignore the color on this stage, so all the textures fit perfectly with the hard stamp settings. If you are using a tablet (which actually speeds up your work), be sure to turn off the opacity adjustment from pressing the stylus (the mesh circle with a pencil icon).

The second method, retouching a full-color image

Hi layer set to Linear Light. Duplicate it and convert it to Clipping Mask. In this new layer we will be doing the retouching. Turn off the visibility of the Curves Adjustment Layer.

Stamp settings are almost the same, except for Sample - you need to change to Current Layer.

Finally, we move on to the actual skin retouching. And this is the usual work with a stamp: we take an area with a texture you like and replace what is required.

Here are some tips from personal experience on the use of the stamp:

  • time spent on retouching is synonymous with the quality of retouching, tune in to monotonous work with a stamp for 40-60 minutes;
  • with a tablet, work will go a hundred times faster;
  • no need to take a very large brush, it is better to make more strokes. For our format perfect size brushes 15-25px;
  • it is not necessary to change the source for the stamp after each click, but try to do it as often as possible to avoid artifacts;
  • Moles are not skin imperfections, but don't forget about less obvious body parts. Lips, nose, protruding hair, exposed parts of the arms and body also need your attention.

Let's evaluate the result after working on the upper frequency. We worked on the skin in detail with just one layer and now it looks very smooth. But at the same time, the sharpness was preserved, there is no such soapy effect on the skin, which usually gives out low-quality retouching.


Sometimes you can get by with what has already turned out and not touch the bottom layer. But for the educational effect, let's try to do something else. Working with the lower frequency is very simple. You can use a stamp or regular brushes with suitable color, but only the softest hardness settings and opacity at the level of 20-30% are required.

Here are some tricks that the blurred low layer gives us access to:

  • even out the shade of the face, get rid of light / dark / colored spots;
  • work locally with the background, remove unnecessary shadows;
  • remove waves on the background, make the background more uniform.

A regular brush (the softest, opacity 20-30%) is perfect for working with spots. Create a new layer above the low layer. Using a color sampler or holding the Alt key, select a color next to the area you want to paint, and apply it with gentle brush strokes to this area. You can change the color of the brush in order to achieve optimal correction.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to make your skin matte and smooth, like the models on the covers of glossy magazines.

Here is a photo of a young girl who really wants to be on the cover of the magazine. But with such irregularities on the skin, no one will let her go there.

The only one who can help her is Photoshop.

* Photo from

Open the image in Photoshop, duplicate it.

Remove any unevenness in the skin with the Healing / Healing Brush. If you don't know how to use it, then watch this tutorial.

Once you are done with the tool, duplicate the layer again and apply to it. Filter - Noise - Dust and scratches(Filter> Noise> Dust & Scratches)

For my example, I used the following settings:
radius 5 px and threshold 0.

But be aware that the settings depend on the quality of the photo.
As a result, we should get a soft blur of the image, something like this:

The next filter we will be using is Gaussian blur(Filter> Blur> Gaussian Blur)

And again the settings are at your discretion, I have a radius = 2.

And the final step in creating a new matte skin is the addition of one more filter Noise - Add noise(Filter> Noise> Add Noise).

We all know perfectly well that human skin may not be perfectly smooth. Thanks to this filter, the skin will take on the desired texture and look more realistic.

I used 0.7% monochrome noise.

New skin ready for the model!

At the bottom of the layers palette, click on the Add a layer mask button. A white square will appear next to the layer.

Get it, set it to black and click on the document.
If it doesn’t work, then make sure that the main color is black, then press Alt + Backspace
What will happen? The "cloudy" layer will hide, and the bottom "clear" layer will appear.

And now the fun part begins! Now we will superimpose on the model perfectly smooth skin... To get it right, listen the following recommendations:

Take the Brush tool, make sure it is selected. White color... Set the hardness of the brush to 0. You can also decrease its opacity. (It will be better if you go back to the settings in the process and adjust them as necessary)

So, we are on the layer mask.

Your task is to paint with a white brush in those places where the skin needs to be renewed, but not to touch the eyes, eyebrows, lips, hair, so that they do not lose their sharpness.

If you accidentally paint over too much, then switch to a black brush and fix everything.

Here's what you should get at the end of the plastic work:

Layers palette:

The girl's skin is of a pleasant color, so we will not apply any color adjustments.

But if you have a different situation, then remember that there are parameters such as Hue / Saturation, Photo Filter, Color Balance, which will always be happy to help you.

Now we will add a little bit of sharpness to our image.

Duplicate the middle layer, I call it "lie down brush". Change its Blending Mode to Overlay.
Apply Filter - Others - Color Contrast(Filter> Other> High Pass)

Set the radius value to your liking, remember that you can always reduce the opacity of this layer.

I'm sure you noticed how clear your eyes have become!

Here's what we ended up with:

If you want to add even more chic, then follow along.

Merge all layers except the last one (so that it is interesting for yourself to see how it was and how it became)

Duplicate upper layer, change the blending mode to Overlay. It will be something like this:

Add a Gaussian Blur filter:

Add a layer mask and remove the blur from the hair with a black brush to leave it shiny.

Let's sharpen it a bit. We apply Filter - Sharpness - Unsharp Mask(Sharp - Unsharp mask) 2 times.

The result is this Oriental beauty:

My favorite is the final comparison:

  • smooth and remove wrinkles;
  • get rid of acne and acne;
  • whiten teeth and whites of the eyes;
  • remove the red-eye effect;
  • remove oily shine from the face, even out the skin;
  • add a glamorous effect;
  • process a portrait with one of 40 stylish effects.
  • Color effects
  • Stylish effects

Reviews about the site

Airbrushes your pics to look flawless Amazing app, I love how it automatically corrects all the flaws and lighting, then you can also do lots of other cool effects... I deleted all my old photo apps after getting this one :)

by Cameron Gross

Excellent app My favorite app, really cool, quick, and I use it all the time. Now I can "t share my photo without this. Because it makes my photos way much better !!!

by Nadine Besic

Love it! This works very well with imperfections. I was very pleased with the results. Thank you.

by C P

How to improve your portrait online?

Think you are not photogenic? Do you think that even makeup lessons will not help you? Not sure how to retouch your photo?

It's much easier !!

Just upload your portrait from a computer or via a link and in a few seconds you will see a transformed photo - without red eyes, pimples on the face, oily sheen skin and yellow teeth.

The service of retouching portraits of the site makes the face in the photo more attractive, while maintaining naturalness.

After the automatic enhancement of the photo portrait, you can play around with the settings yourself virtual makeup and exclude some options. To make your skin look more tanned and the background details fade into the background, apply a "glamorous effect" (also called a "soft focus" or "glamorous touch-up" effect).

the site will be able to improve even a group photo online. An advanced algorithm recognizes all faces in the photo and automatically retouch the face by adding natural makeup... With the site you can make retouching of a portrait as quickly and easily as possible! Forget bad photos!

Often interesting photo overshadow some details. This can be the effect of a wrong angle or problems with appearance, which can be both temporary (acne, rash, etc.) and permanent nature of the wart, etc.). In order not to throw away good photo, you can carry out a number of simple actions in the popular graphics editor - Photoshop. Perfect skin, which will be the result of manipulating the image, will allow you to enjoy and show them to others.

But it must be remembered that the perfect skin in Photoshop is the result of changing digital parameters, so you need to be careful, otherwise the result may turn out to be very unnatural. To prevent this from happening, you should use "soft" tool settings and do not set large values ​​for them. There are two areas of work:

Evens out skin tone in the entire image;

Elimination of certain shortcomings.

For the first method, "Gaussian blur" is used, a standard function found in the "filter - blur" tab, for the second option, a tool from the main panel, located on the left by default, is used, this is the "healing brush" or "healing brush". The name depends on the version of the program or its localization. For those using the English version of this software product, the names will be as follows: "Blur - Gaussin blur" and "Healing brush tools". With their help, the perfect skin in Photoshop will be made in shortest time... Don't doubt it!

You can use two methods to get the perfect skin in Photoshop by applying the Gaussian Blur filter. With one of them, having loaded the image, you should create a new layer. This is done through the "layers" context menu located on the right. To create, you can drag the main layer down by holding down the left mouse button, or click on the button located at the bottom of the window.

Having selected a new layer, you should call the blur settings and select the radius displayed in pixels there. Setting this parameter comes down to personal preference, but it's important not to overdo it. When performing these actions, you need to remember that the main thing is to get the perfect skin in Photoshop, and you don't have to worry about everything else, since after combining the layers, everything will remain as it was.

Apply a blur and add a layer mask to the selected layer. Then on the left, on the main toolbar, you need to select the "brush" and adjust the desired diameter and softness, which can be taken from great value... The color can be left white, it is the default. Then the brush is carried out over those areas of the image in which it is necessary to correct the appearance of the skin.

Another way is to use the "Gaussian blur" on the image, then select the "eraser" and erase everything except the skin. Then, by merging the layers, you can enjoy the result.

If, on the whole, the image is normal, but there are some flaws in appearance, such as pimples, warts, etc., then you can easily get rid of them by using the "Healing Brush" tool. With its help, an area of ​​skin close in shade is selected, and then "alt" and the left mouse button are clamped. Next, you just need to move the cursor over the flaw that needs to be corrected and click on the left mouse button. As you can see, the perfect skin in Photoshop is very easy and does not require a thorough knowledge of the intricacies of the program.