Do-it-yourself school pencil case. Simple ideas: how to sew a pencil case. How to sew a cat-shaped pencil case

It is difficult to do without a pencil case, if you want the knapsack to be in order, the pens were neat. To the student elementary grades it's nice to hold in your hands a thing that at school reminds of mom. In the shops big choice accessories, only they cost decently and do not always differ in quality. Try making a pencil case yourself.

How to sew a pencil case with your own hands

Make funny, beautiful School pencil case quite simple, even if you don't own a sewing machine. There are a huge number interesting ideas, which can be realized not only by mothers, but also by girls. For many crafts, you don't even need a pattern - they have simple technology manufacturing. You can make a pencil case using:

High school students who know how to sew on a sewing machine, based on the scheme, can tailor an unusual cosmetic bag. The craft will be fastened with a lock, fixed with contact tape or tied with a bow. To decorate the accessory, use:

  • elegant braid;
  • embroidery;
  • applications;
  • buttons;
  • lace;
  • beads;
  • decorative flowers, butterflies.

How to sew a pencil case for school with your own hands on a sewing machine? You can, using patterns, make a craft in the form of an animal, for example, a fish or a cat, but this will require certain skills. This is within the power of mothers or high school students, and it is better to look at the video master class in advance. A very simple and unusual case can be sewn using fabric with a funny childish pattern.

You need to start manufacturing with the selection of material. You will need 2 pieces of fabric of different colors measuring 35x35 cm. To make:

  • fold the blanks inside out;
  • Sew on all sides, leaving 4 cm unstitched;
  • turn it out;
  • sew the remaining space manually;
  • iron;
  • put the workpiece with the smart side down;
  • bend the edge at the bottom by 15 cm;
  • pin with pins;
  • draw vertical lines with chalk on the folded part every 2.5 cm;
  • sew along the markings and edges;
  • sew on one side a double-folded ribbon 24 cm long;
  • roll up, tie a bow.

DIY felt pencil case

Very original pencil cases can be made from felt. For work you will need a ruler, a stationery knife, a piece of soap. How to make a pencil case for school with your own hands without a pattern? For example, try doing something like this unusual kind:

For the manufacture of:

  • take a piece of felt;
  • measure the height of the workpiece 30 cm;
  • the length will depend on the number of pencils you want to put, plus 5 cm from each edge;
  • cut out a rectangle.

The pencils will be inserted into the interlacing of the strips. To execute cells:

  1. swipe soap horizontal lines from above after 5 cm;
  2. draw 2 strips, 5 cm away from the sides;
  3. cut the horizontal lines with a clerical knife, between two vertical ones;
  4. mark the height in the middle on one side;
  5. take an elegant braid or ribbon;
  6. fold in half and sew along the mark;
  7. insert pencils;
  8. twist into a roll;
  9. tie a bow.

Girls who own a needle can sew a pencil case for school out of felt with their own hands. Using the same technology, you can prepare a case for glasses as a gift to your grandmother. Example:

This requires:

  • take 2 pieces of material of different colors;
  • cut one out in the size of 30x6 cm (you can take any width);
  • the second - 20x6 cm;
  • put on top of each other;
  • sew over the edge with threads;
  • cut a large part along the radius;
  • sheathe the remaining edges with the same seam;
  • decorate with applique, fancy button or beads.

Diy jeans pencil case

Old jeans can be found in any closet of a thrifty hostess. How to sew a pencil case for school with your own hands from the remains of this material? You can do something like this:

Prepare the fabric - a square with a side of 26 cm, a zipper with a length of 25 cm.For manufacturing you need:

  • bend the edge of the material by 1 cm from the front side;
  • sew on one side of the zipper;
  • repeat the operation for the opposite edge of the fabric;
  • turn the workpiece out on seamy side.

Following actions:

  1. fold so that the lock is located in the middle of the product, fasten with pins;
  2. to flash side seams;
  3. put the product vertically so that a platform appears from below;
  4. place the side seam in the middle - corners are formed on both sides;
  5. they need to be swept and stitched to form volume;
  6. turn out.

to school with a zipper

Sew an original zippered pencil case for school - and more than one:

For making, you will need 12 multi-colored locks, but the more you take, the larger the internal volume will be. To make such a craft:

  • sew together all the zippers in sequence;
  • fold the resulting cylinder in half, measure its width - this will be the diameter of the bottom;
  • cut out two circles with this size;
  • cut with a 15 mm allowance;
  • turn the workpiece inside out;
  • sew one bottom first and then the other.

Try making a lined pencil case for school. If you pick up an elegant material, beautiful decor- using this technology you can sew a cosmetic bag:

You will need:

  • 2 pieces of lining and main fabric measuring 26x13 cm:
  • lightning - 25 cm.

Making a pencil case for school with your own hands is not only a budget option, but also the opportunity to show creativity and your design skills. Sewing a pencil case will become fascinating activity for spending time with the child, and later will become a cute little thing in everyday life school life... Master classes on creating pencil cases will help you create an identical version of a pencil case or come up with your own completely new one.

Pencil case from a plastic bottle

Necessary materials:

  • 2 plastic bottles (bottles must be taken of the same type, type, volume and made of dense plastic);
  • colored zipper with a slider;
  • glue gun (hot glue) or Moment glue;
  • scissors.

We decide on the length of the future pencil case and cut off the top of each bottle. To determine, you need to take a pencil or pen so that it fits freely into the body of the pencil case. You need to make two parts of the bottles (the long one is the body of the pencil case, the short one is the lid).

The pencil case will be zipped. The length of the zipper must be calculated based on the diameter of the bottle. You need to take a zipper and wrap it around the bottle. For convenience, it is worth leaving a margin of 1-1.5 centimeters in diameter. The excess part of the lock must be cut off from the side of the slider.

To glue the zipper, you need to unfasten it.

You need to glue the zipper from the inside of the future pencil case.

It is worth considering the moment that the slider should move freely along the zipper; when gluing, you need to step back a little from the edge. First you need to glue the zipper to one part of the pencil case.

Check if the zipper is closed. The runner must move freely and freely connect the zipper without leaving any gaps.

Glue the second part of the zipper to the other bottle.

For the aesthetic appearance of the pencil case, you should avoid getting glue on the outside of the zipper and on the bottle itself.

We put pens and pencils in the bottle, zip up and budget, creative option the pencil case is ready.

Pencil case

Necessary materials:

  • 2 cardboard cylinders (bushings) from toilet paper;
  • utility knife or scissors;
  • felt fabric of the desired color of the future pencil case;
  • lightning;
  • cardboard;
  • needle;
  • sewing thread;
  • Scotch;
  • glue.

One sleeve must be cut into two parts in a 1: 3 ratio. To do this, you can use scissors, but it is more convenient to do this with a clerical knife.

Most of the sleeve needs to be glued to the whole cardboard cylinder using tape.

Prepare 2 pieces of felt fabric according to the size (length and diameter) of the glued cylinder and the remainder of the cut (this is the cover of the pencil case). Sew a zipper to the fabric, thereby connecting both parts of the felt.

The resulting rectangle of felt with a lock must be folded in half lengthwise, face side inside. Pin off the folded edges exactly and sew.

Unscrew the sewn part. Grease cardboard parts with glue and put in a felt cover.

Two identical circles made of thick cardboard. The diameter of the circle is equal to the diameter of the sleeve.

For the density of the pencil case, several cartons can be used in such a base.

From felt you need to cut circles equal to cardboard ones. For convenience, you can put a cardboard circle on felt and circle.

Felt needs to be glued to a cardboard circle and sewn to the main part of the pencil case (top and bottom).

Pencil case book

Necessary materials:

  • two pieces of leatherette or leather A4;
  • long zipper with a slider;
  • 2 large needles;
  • a sheet of paper or cardboard;
  • doublerin;
  • thick nylon thread;
  • scissors;
  • hammer;
  • knitted elastic;
  • glue "Moment";
  • lighter;
  • ball pen;
  • ruler;
  • iron;
  • marker;
  • decorative materials or colored pieces of leather.

Draw a 245 x 195 mm rectangle on a piece of paper. Round off the corners equally with the help of round objects at hand.

Attach the pattern to the skin and translate it, taking into account the allowances of + 1-1.5 centimeters for the outer part of the pencil case. No allowances are required for the inside.

The skin needs to be strengthened with dublerin. Cut 2 parts, according to a paper pattern, from a doublerin without allowances. Apply dublerin to the skin with the adhesive side. Iron the skin through a dense cloth, with a hot iron, from the side of the dublerin.

On the outside of the pencil case (on the skin), you need to make decorative markings with a ballpoint pen using a ruler.

Sew the markings with a sewing machine different colors threads (fields, lines, cells). It is necessary to ensure that all ends of the thread are on the seamy side of the skin and are carefully knotted or glued.

From colored pieces of leather, you can make the design of a pencil case. You can also decorate the pencil case with ready-made purchased decorative details. On this stage you need to make curly triangular cuts at the corners of the leather part.

Coat the triangular cuts and seam edges with glue. The glue should dry slightly to set quickly. Wrap the piece with a cloth and tap the edge thoroughly with a hammer. The edge should stick together and the perimeter part should be flat.

Mark the center of the pencil case part. Open the zipper and paste over the leather part around the perimeter. You need to start pasting the zipper from the center from the top with a slider. Glue the zipper in a circle, and then cut off the excess part. Singe or sheathe the edges of the zipper.

Decorate the inside of the pencil case. Take a second piece of leather and sew rubber bands to it to hold the pens of pencils, a ruler, an eraser, and more.

The edges of the elastic should be tucked into the wrong side, singed and glued to the skin.

Grease both leather parts (external and internal) with glue from the inside and connect, pressing firmly on long time(can be put under the book).

The final result should look like this:

Denim pencil case

Necessary materials:

  • two pieces denim measuring 26x12 centimeters;
  • two pieces of plain fabric for lining, measuring 26x12 centimeters;
  • a piece of batting or thin insulation measuring 26x12 centimeters;
  • soap, chalk or wax crayon for marking;
  • scissors;
  • needle;
  • sewing thread;
  • zipper with a length of 25 centimeters;
  • sewing machine;
  • ruler;
  • decorative elements (buttons, beads, flowers).

For an unusual-looking pencil case, you need to quilt the outer denim and batting. To do this, you need to make the markup, as in the photo.

Fold jeans and batting evenly together and pinch between the lines. By using sewing machine sew the fabric along the marked lines.

Quilting the second piece of denim in the same way.

You can immediately sew decorative elements on the outer sides of the pencil case.

Sew the lining fabric to the wrong side of the zipper.

At this stage, you should have 4 pieces of fabric stitched to the zipper from different sides (jeans with batting, lining, jeans, lining).

Unzip and unfold fabrics in different sides, as they should be (jeans with batting - lining, jeans - lining), on the wrong side. Sew lining and denim separately around perimeter. Unscrew the pencil case, put the lining inside.

It has already become an established tradition to acquire school supplies in stationery stores. But it is quite possible to do the most required attributes a student - for example, a simple pencil case for pens and pencils - do it yourself. Such a product will compare favorably with the accessories of other children.

And every time a child takes it in his arms, he will be able to feel the warmth of the care of mothers, grandmother's hands or sister's hands. Exists different ways making pencil cases from different types material.

Let's get started!

Pencil case from the box

The simplest but most interesting school pencil case with your own hands can be made from an ordinary box. It is enough to put a velvet or leather lining, and paste over the walls beautiful paper... A box made of unpainted cardboard looks no less original and very stylish.

Pencil case made of cardboard cylinder and fabric

You can make a pencil case from a cardboard cylinder and fabric. For this you will need:

  • one fairly wide and long cardboard cylinder or two shorter cylinders with the same diameter;
  • piece of fabric;
  • zipper;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • sewing thread and needle;
  • stationery knife.

If we use one cylinder, then we cut it into two parts of unequal height - one should be shorter, the other longer.

If we use two cylinders, then from one we cut off half, which we use together with the second whole cylinder.

We outline the bottom of the cylinder in advance on thick cardboard and fabric. We make two cardboard and two fabric mugs.

Take a piece of fabric that should be wide enough to wrap around the cylinder, leaving some material at the edge. Along the height of the short part of the cylinder, we outline the distance from the edge of the prepared piece of fabric, make a cut. Sew in a zipper between the resulting narrow and wide pieces of material.

Fold the resulting piece of fabric along the right side inward, sew along the edge.

We insert into the received case a long and short cardboard cylinders matching them with a zipper lock. (The side seam of the cover remains outside).

From below and from above we substitute the pre-cut cardboard and fabric circles. Along the edge we sew a cloth circle to the case worn on the cylinder.

Can be placed between cardboard and fabric cotton pad- for volume and softness.

Having sewn on, remove the cover and turn it on front side... Putting it back on the cylinders. We glue.

See what an interesting pencil case you can make out of a cardboard tube made of paper towels and paper.

DIY leather pencil case

A simpler option on how to make a pencil case for school with your own hands is to use a rectangular flap of bright leather to create it. Using a clerical knife, along a ruler, in a checkerboard pattern, make parallel cuts on it.

Pencils or pens will be inserted into each of these cuts, like rods in a basket.

Having rolled up the pencil case with a tube, we intercept it beautiful ribbon, the edges of which can be sewn onto a leather flap.

Pencil case made of felt

A charming, soft pencil case for markers or felt-tip pens can be made from felt.

To make such a pencil case, we need:

  • Braid
  • Glue gun

Cut out a rectangular blank from a piece. We can estimate the size by spreading markers on it. Apply glue between the markers, as shown in the photo. The gap between the markers will be 2.5 - 3 cm.

Bend lower part fabric by gluing it between the markers.

We take out the markers. Apply strips of glue for the ribbons.

We glue the ribbons. Cut off the excess part.

We turn the pencil case over and apply glue for the ribbon with which we will wrap the pencil case. The strip of glue should not be more than 5-6 cm on the right or left side of the case.

We glue the braid. Please note that the tape is not glued along its entire length.

We wrap it in a tube along with markers.

Pencil case from felt for the girl "Cat"

When I was looking for felt pencil cases on the Internet, I really liked this gray cat. Let's try to make it. Cut out two parts of the craft from the gray felt according to the sample in the photo.

We cut one of the blanks into two parts. We sew a zipper into it.

Sew a mustache, nose and beady eyes on the front part.

We sew two workpieces worn out.

We turn out the craft. We sew the legs with a thick thread, making them look like cat's claws. Pencil case kitty - ready!

How to sew a simple pencil case made of fabric or oilcloth material?

This simple version of the pencil case can be made from the usual thick fabric, and from oilcloth on a fabric basis. To make a pencil case, we need the material itself, a zipper, scissors and pins.

It will be most convenient to make a pencil case based on the size of the zipper. Cut out two identical rectangles from our material in length equal to the size of the zipper.

We place the material in relation to the zipper as shown in the photo.

We sew the material to the zipper with threads. This is a temporary suture. After we sew a seam on a typewriter, we will remove the temporary seam.

We make a line on a sewing machine.

We sew the second part of the material with a temporary seam manually.

We turn the pencil case inside out and sew on the remaining sides.

We turn out the pencil case and remove the zipper inside.

Our pencil case is ready!

The pencil case turned out to be very light and convenient.

Check out how to sew a simple, inexpensive pencil case:

How to sew a cat-shaped pencil case?

Look at our website "how to sew a pencil case in the form of a funny cat?"

We make blanks from paper.

Cut out fabric patterns from paper blanks. We leave a small margin on them at the edges.

Sew a zipper between the parts.

We should get such a charming cat.

High school girls can also make such a pencil case, thereby demonstrating their extraordinary abilities.

See what a wonderful pencil case you can make in the shape of a shark:

Pencil case from a plastic bottle

The pencil case can even be made from plastic bottles. To do this, we need to cut off the bottom parts of two identical bottles. We glue a zipper between them. The pencil case will turn out to be very unusual. Perhaps this idea will be relevant in the competition. original crafts for school.

See how to make such a pencil case on the video:

Children go to school with standard boring supplies, but they want to stand out in class. They will be helped in this with their own hand or with the help of their parents a pencil case made where pens, pencils and the rest are folded writing instruments... A hand-made product looks much more attractive, it is always exclusive and unique.

How to make a pencil case with your own hands

The stores have accessories for every taste, but when you want to stand out, tips on how to make a pencil case for school with your own hands will come in handy. If the parents or the child himself have minimal knowledge of needlework, then making an accessory will not be at all difficult. You can show maximum imagination in relation to the product - knit, sew, fold from thick paper, decorate to taste. Girls can sew a pencil case, knit a thing on their own, and boys can use more serious materials as material, for example, wood, cardboard, paper.

As a result, you will get an original exclusive accessory that will favorably distinguish the child from his classmates. Creativity is also welcomed in relation to the chosen material - denim, fleece of various colors, felt, decorative and wrapping paper. There are options to make bright pencil cases for a gift to friends and everyday ones for school. In addition to knitting and sewing, there are ideas to make school pencil cases from improvised means:

  • wrap a roll of paper towels with a cloth, make a bottom and a tube cover for the case;
  • cut off from plastic bottle cover the neck with a cloth, make a lid from the bottom of another bottle, connect everything with a zipper glued from the inside;
  • to make a pencil case in the form of a cosmetic bag, sewn from two rectangles of fabric, connected by a zipper - this will work even for novice girls-needlewomen;
  • from ice cream sticks glued together;
  • from birch bark - but this will require perseverance.

How to sew a pencil case for school with your own hands

The main idea of ​​how to sew a pencil case with your own hands will be the use of any dense fabric (coarse calico, fleece, denim). Patterns can be connected with a needle and thread, decorated in dozens of ways. Instructions for making a product for a school:

  1. Cut 2 equal rectangles from a suitable fabric and sew them together for the base.
  2. Cut out the third rectangle for the cap, sew on two.
  3. Mark inside a pocket about 2 cm wide, sew rows to get cylinders with a closed bottom and an open top, where the handles will be inserted.
  4. Sew a button, tape on the cover, attach a button or Velcro to the glue.
  5. The pencil case for the school turns out to be collapsible.

The second option for an unusual school pencil case is the following scheme:

  1. Cut a rectangle 3 times its width.
  2. Fold three times to make a kind of cover with a lid, sew two parts along the edges together, leave the third.
  3. Sew a button, button or Velcro on the cover.

DIY felt pencil case

How to make a pencil case for school with your own hands: you need scissors, felt cloth, chalk and a stationery knife. Instructions for making a bright, beautiful, tactilely pleasant baby accessory:

  1. Cut a piece of felt 20 * 70 cm or with any other parameters you want. The shape is a rectangle.
  2. Spread out on the table, make double cuts in the center at a distance of 1 cm from each other, plus 5-6 cm - for one tool.
  3. This will create pockets for pencils, brushes, and pens.
  4. Close the pencil case. Glue a long tape to it, which will be the lid. To close the pencil case, you will need to tie a ribbon to a knot.
  5. Decorate as desired.

How to tie a pencil case

Ideas on how to do knitted pencil case for school with your own hands, a lot - you can use a hook, knitting needles or macrame, alternate these tools. Crochet pattern for an unusual pencil case in the form of a cat:

  1. Tie a chain of air loops of the desired length (it can be varied).
  2. Knit a row of single crochet stitches, picking up only one side of each loop.
  3. Expand, knit in the same way with the capture of the other side.
  4. Knit in a circle without increasing or decreasing in single crochet stitches until you receive the right size... Close with a blind loop, start knitting ears from 9 single crochet.
  5. The first row of each ear is knitted with a grip with a thread on one side of the loop, then unfold and knit with a grip on the second side to obtain volume.
  6. In each next row, cut the loops to get a triangle.
  7. Decorate the craft with eyes-buttons or embroidery, sew in a lining and a zipper.

Knitting a school knitted pencil case for a teenager is also easy to make:

  1. Cast on 30 stitches dense yarn.
  2. Knit with an elastic band, alternating knit 3 and 3 purl loops in odd rows, and purl 3 with knit 3 in even rows.
  3. Change direction every 4 rows, knit to desired length.
  4. Sew in lining, zipper. Decorate to taste.

How to make a pencil case out of paper

The simplest paper case is a product made according to the following master class:

  1. Find the right flat box.
  2. Wrap her up decorative paper, decorate to taste.

The origami technique is considered more complex and unusual, according to which you can fold a box of thick paper:

  1. Fold a square sheet of paper with the colored side towards you, bend its third to the left.
  2. Bend the colored part to the right.
  3. Uncover the resulting strip.
  4. Not bend in half colored part to match the right and left edges. In this case, you only need to bend 1 layer.
  5. Fold the right half to the left.
  6. Bend 4 triangles around the edges.
  7. Throw half of the lane to the right.
  8. Throw the layer to the right again, bend the same 4 triangles.
  9. Throw to the left, bend 2 triangles at the top and bottom.
  10. Pull the edges in opposite sides, straighten the corners.

How to decorate a pencil case with your own hands

Decorate finished goods it is necessary depending on the desire and the chosen type of creativity. As bright elements, decorations are knitted, crocheted, macrame is woven, folded from paper using the origami technique. Options for embroidery, beads, beads, lace and sequins for girls are not excluded, and stylish stripes sold in sewing departments are suitable for boys.

If the pencil case is paper, then it can be ennobled with colored stickers, decorated with flowers using the quilling technique, and painted acrylic paints... Wooden pencil cases are decorated with burning, varnishing, fabric - curly seams, stitches, buttons. On knitted products the faces of animals look good. There is also an option to immediately sew accessories into interesting form- it can be a stylized pencil, unusual round form, flat or volumetric.

Video: DIY fabric pencil case

Stationery and school supplies stores are full of a variety of school pencil cases. It sometimes becomes very difficult to understand among all this parade of colors and shapes. However, having spent an hour or two of your time, you can prepare a pencil case yourself according to your own author's design. You can decorate it as you like, add additional elements, emphasizing the individuality of the subject. This article will discuss how to make a pencil case for a school with your own hands.

Pencil case from a plastic bottle

To make a children's pencil case from a bottle, you will need:

  • two bottles of the same size, preferably with tighter plastic;
  • glue (both hot glue and super glue will do);
  • scissors;
  • lightning.

To prepare a pencil case, you will need to use the bottoms of the bottles. By connecting the two parts with a zipper, we get a single design.

Thus, the original pencil case was ready in a few minutes. To give a finished look, you can decorate it various elements based on your own taste.

Denim pencil case

Knowledge basic techniques patchwork - and voila - a practical accessory is ready. Old jeans will help you create a unique cosmetic bag that will find a place for any girl, or a pencil case, which is given a place of honor in a schoolboy's backpack.

To prepare a school pencil case from fabric with your own hands, you will need to stock up on the following:

  • a pair of denim pieces of 26 cm X 12 cm;
  • a couple of pieces of cloth and batting for lining;
  • buttons, decorative beads and stripes;
  • zipper 25 cm long;
  • wax pencil, thread with needles.

Usage three layers fabrics will make the pencil case soft, reliable and dense. The pencil case pattern is extremely simple. To save time and make the seams strong and of high quality, it is recommended to use at least the most primitive sewing machine.

Pencil case made of paper

It is still better to have pencils and pens collected and neatly arranged than scattered about inside a bag or briefcase. From the material at hand, you can make an excellent pencil case for school.

Necessary things:

  • scrap paper;
  • PVA glue;
  • cardboard rolls (it would be better to take cardboard from paper towels and toilet paper, because rolls of different diameters are needed);
  • some styrofoam;
  • scissors, ruler, stationery knife.