Resistance of perfume bottles when dropped. Classification and different types of perfumery products. Can perfume last for several days

In fact, according to its durability, perfumes are divided into several types - "oriental", "floral" and "chypre". The most persistent are the latter, which include the famous Miss Dior (all Dior's products, in principle, last a long time), Femme, Paloma Picasso, Magie Noire and others. The scents of the "floral" series disappear faster - Chanel №5, Charlie, Poison and the vast majority of those that have recently appeared on our shelves modern fragrances.

And, finally, the lightest - "oriental" - are practically unknown to the domestic buyer, accustomed to scent "from the heart". In the West, it is believed that perfumes are appropriate only in the evening, and during the day it is better to use eau de parfum or light perfumes. A young girl doesn't need strong aromas at all - she should smell fresh and something light and elusive. These are the criteria that the oriental perfumery products meet, which most often cause outrage among our customers.

Klima, Turbulens, Zhe Olokovets, beloved by our mothers, are genuinely French. recent times numerous complaints from domestic customers: they say, their smell, supposedly, has changed a lot, and in the worst side... However, it is no longer possible to check whether this is true or not, since the above-mentioned product is now produced only for Russia and neighboring countries, and it is impossible to compare with what was produced for the whole world. Other, less powerful firms, and completely limited themselves to the release of only the most popular versions of their products. For example, the Tayna perfume has been discontinued for about five years, but for our clients the Rochas company continues to produce toilet and eau de parfum in 50 ml bottles.

It is theoretically possible to return unliked perfumes, but in practice it is extremely difficult. Indeed, as a rule, perfumery that entered the country legally is fully protected by quality certificates, and if you don’t like it, then these are your difficulties. Trusting the seller’s words completely is reckless, since, firstly, everyone has different tastes, and secondly, persistence is an individual concept: one and the same perfume brand can last a day on one person, and two hours on another. In order not to be mistaken in the choice, it is better to put the perfume you like to test: "wear" the smell for about 10-12 hours, for example, on the wrist - for this, every company store or section has free samples. Experts also advise to wash off the applied aroma with water - with really persistent perfume, this is not so easy to do.

It is not out of place to arrange a similar exam for your favorite perfumes if you buy them in small shops or in the market. There is a high probability of buying a fake, which, a couple of hours after application, will begin to give off something disgusting. Why? As you know, the smell of real French perfume has three levels. The first is caught immediately, the second appears after a few minutes, and the third - the base - after a couple of hours. "Samopalschiki" achieve similarity only level - the "top note" of the smell. Therefore, when weathered, such perfumes often manifest themselves far from better side and instead of attracting individuals of the opposite sex, they scare them away.

One of the main factors that influences the persistence of a scent is what type it belongs to. We mistakenly call all fragrances perfumes, although in fact this name is applicable only to perfumes in which the concentration of oils and active ingredients- 20-30%, and the rest is water and alcohol.

Generally, the higher the concentration, the more persistent the odor will be. There is a classification of the types of fragrances (the names on the boxes are most often written in French), we have arranged them in descending order - from the most persistent to the most rapidly weathered:

Perfume (Parfume) - 20-30% perfume oils

Recently, perfumes with such a concentration have been found in the assortment. popular brands less and less: these are intense fragrances that only need a few drops to apply. And yes, they are the most persistent! This smell can last even more than a day.


Eau de parfume - 15-20%

Eau de parfum is much more common on store shelves than perfume. As a rule, it is felt on the skin for 6-8 hours.

Eau de Toilette - 15-20%

Another common type of fragrance is eau de toilette. It is generally lighter and less intense than perfumed. Ideal for summer, hot weather. Stays on the skin for 3-4 hours.

Refreshing water (Eau Fraiche) - 1-3%

The lightest, "diluted" aroma. Most often, Eau Fraiche comes in the form of body sprays with a subtle scent. Such smells are felt on the skin for only 1-2 hours, but they are not at all intrusive - they simply "refresh".

2. Choose persistent ingredients

Before you buy a particular perfume, decide on the ingredients that make up the composition. Some notes last longer, others fade very quickly. We have divided the most popular fragrance constituents into two categories:


Musky, chypre and woody notes. Oudwood, moss, sandalwood, amber, juniper, cedar, patchouli, vetiver. From citrus notes, bergamot behaves quite steadily. From florals - rose and lavender.


Floral and fruity aromas. Jasmine, iris, violet, peony, orange blossom, peach, strawberry, grapefruit - alas, these wonderful notes are not considered persistent.

3. Find out the individual characteristics

Oddly enough, any perfume sounds differently on different people. And this applies not only to the disclosure of aroma and notes, but also to persistence. If a friend says that this or that fragrance seems to her incredibly long-lasting, it is not a fact that the perfume will work on your skin in the same way.

Therefore, when buying a new scent, follow the golden rule - first listen to it on your skin, and then go back to the store to buy.

4. Ask others

You cannot find out the persistence of the scent on your own: our nose very quickly gets used to smells, and it is impossible to feel the perfume all day long. Even if you no longer feel your scent, this does not mean that others do not smell it.

If you are testing new scent in a store, then ask, for example, a friend to rate its durability 3-4 hours later.

It's no secret that there are more persistent and less persistent perfumes. The persistence of a particular scent depends on how concentrated the perfume extracts are.

Experts identify several types of perfumes, depending on their durability.

Perfumes, or parfum (extrait), belong to the category of the most persistent perfumes, because the concentration of perfume extract in them is at least 15%, and sometimes even exceeds 30%. These are the most expensive perfumes: natural oils that are used in the production of perfumery are now very expensive.

Eau de Parfum, toilet perfume, or eau de parfum / parfum de toilette / esprit de parfum, contain from 10 to 20% perfume extract, therefore they are less persistent than perfume. However, statistics show that this type of perfume is the most popular. The explanations are quite simple: eau de parfum retains its aroma for up to 5 hours, while the price is quite affordable. In other words, many are satisfied with the value for money. In addition, the series wonderful flavors can be found only in this concentration, since some manufacturers do not consider it profitable for themselves to release perfumery in a concentration of perfume.

Eau de toilette, or eau de toilette, has the lowest concentration of perfume extract in its composition - only 4-10%. Due to its low cost, this type of perfume is in the greatest demand. Men are generally not given the right to choose in this matter: almost all lines men's fragrances presented in the form of toilet water. The scent of any eau de toilette can last no more than 3 hours. After this time, it is recommended to renew the perfume. There is, however, a little trick: if you use along with toilet water also with deodorants, lotions and creams of the same line of aromas, the effect of the perfume can be prolonged.

It should be noted that in old days perfumes were more durable. Many people find an explanation in the fact that the quality of perfumes has deteriorated. However, this is not at all the case. Well-known perfume houses have not only preserved the traditions of producing their masterpieces, but are constantly working to meet the ever-increasing demands of their consumers. Today the pace of life is thousands of times faster than it was, for example, 10-15 years ago. Because of this, many of us are simply vital to use different flavors v different time days. Thus, now it is not attached to such special meaning the persistence of the perfume as before. And the producers have no choice but to keep up with the trend of the times.

An important aspect in determining the persistence of a particular scent is also possessed by the individual properties of each person's skin. Nowadays, you won't be surprised by the fact that scents smell differently on different people. The same processes are observed with the perseverance of spirits. On some people, vanilla or woody aromas while others are musky or powdery. Determining which scent will be the most persistent for you can only be done by trial and error. If you are interested in purchasing long-lasting aprfums, then you also need to know that fresh, citrus and floral tones disappear first, woody trails evaporate a little slower, and oriental aromas disappear last.

Perfumers also advise that perfumes be applied to specific parts of the body and clothing to prolong their effect. So, clean hair they literally absorb the aroma of perfumes and preserve it for the longest time. Scarves, handkerchiefs, collars are also able to retain the scent of perfume long time... However, it is worth remembering that the same scent can smell completely differently on a person's skin and on his clothes.

The same scent smells differently at different times of the year. The same factor influences its durability. So, in the cold season, aromas retain their effect longer than, for example, in summer. After all, when low temperatures evaporation is slower. High temperatures emitted from working electrical appliances also contribute to faster evaporation of perfumes.

Can it be proven simple methods? What are the smells of perfume?
The answers to these questions can be obtained using three simple experiments.

Finding out resistance

Place on a piece of glass a small amount of odorous chemical. Gradually, the smell of perfume will gradually disappear until it evaporates completely.

The same is done with another scent chemical.
The result will be similar. The only difference is in the evaporation time(the durability of the perfume). One scent evaporates faster than another.

Now you need to repeat the experiment, mixing both types of perfume.

Since their aroma evaporates at different rates, then with the help of smell, a substance is first felt, the smell of which disappears faster (this is the top note in perfume). Then a substance is felt, the aroma of which leaves more slowly.

This effect is observed with any perfume. Usually perfumes are complex mixtures of 20 or more chemical substances, and they all evaporate at different rates.

Types of fragrances - how do they unfold?

Briefly distracting from the experiment, let us note the types of aromas and the sequence of their appearance:

"Top note". This is the very first scent that is felt in the scent of perfume. Rapid evaporation gives a strong aroma, but it is short-lived.

"Middle note". Arises later certain time after applying perfume. They dry on the skin and mix with the body's “chemistry”, which is completely individual.

"Base note". They appear after about twenty minutes after application to the skin. It is this aroma that lingers, it provides a sillage.

4 easy experiences

Let's continue experimenting with four simple experiments.

  1. The experiments of the first experiment are repeated, but only the glass is heated by 10 ° C. As a result, the rate of evaporation of odoriferous substances increases. But the effect of temperature on different chemicals is manifested in different ways.
  2. The chemicals are placed in a glass of water. The substance that dissolves better in water evaporates more slowly.
  3. Now the glass is covered thin layer oil or fat. The chemical that dissolves better in oil will volatilize more slowly.
  4. Finally, the glass is covered with collagen powder (collagen is part of the skin). Again, the substance that binds better to collagen evaporates more slowly.

Analysis of the results

The meaning of the experiments is to demonstrate the differences in the interaction of perfume ingredients with components of the human skin composition. These differences have a direct impact on the final scent of the applied perfume.

In reality, this "chemistry" has a more multifaceted character. Human skin contains a complex mixture of chemicals, such as:

  • water;
  • salt;
  • fatty acid;
  • proteins;
  • sugar;
  • hairs;
  • fibers.

Each of these components binds in its own way with the substances that make up the perfume.

Moreover, sweat and sebum are produced by different glands, which activates metabolic processes in the particles of the external skin... This is reflected in skin properties such as temperature, water content, acid composition and many others.

These processes differ not only in different people, but even in one person on different parts of his skin.

Thus, the skin of any person is unique, which manifests itself in a different smell of the same scent. It is this difference that our sense of smell reveals.

Everything about: why does every girl and woman need to understand families, the main classifications of fragrances from M. Edwars and the French community of perfumers.

About harmful components in cosmetics. What to watch out for, which products to trust.

Products of modern perfumery are produced different types and for various purposes. They can be liquid, solid and powdery.

The main products of perfumery are perfumes, colognes, eau de parfum and eau de toilette.

Perfume (Parfum)

Perfume is a mixture of extracts dissolved in alcohol with the addition of a fixative of animal origin. Perfume contains 15 -22% perfume composition, which is dissolved in 90% alcohol. The mixture includes the most expensive flower and plant essences, the proportion of aromatic oils is 20 - 40%, sometimes even higher. This mixture, the most concentrated, is called Parfum by the French, and Parfume by the British. Most often, perfumes are produced in small bottles with a capacity of 7 ml or 15 ml. The perfume bottles are exclusive, some are a work of art. Therefore, it is not surprising that these are the most expensive perfumery products. Persistence of perfume 5 - 10 hours, maybe more.

Eau de Parfum

Today the most popular and demanded type perfumery products... If spirits undoubtedly take the first place in strength, then Eau de parfum- the second. The share of odorous concentrate is 15-25%. The perfume composition contains 12-13% of aromatic raw materials in 90% alcohol. Eau de parfum is sometimes called day perfume, it is less persistent than perfume. On average, the smell lasts 4 - 5 hours, on clothes much longer. Clothes should be applied with care, for example silk and jewelry should not be applied.
Eau de parfum is sold, as a rule, in a spray - a spray bottle, which is very convenient - both for transportation and for use.

Eau de Toilette

V toilet water concentration of odorous substances from 8-10% to 20% in 85% alcohol. It's over easy view perfumery. It is suitable for use during the day and during the hot season, as well as for work. Perfumery products for men are most often represented by eau de toilette, and the concentration of the fragrant mixture in it is slightly lower - from 6 to 12%. The share of light, refreshing ingredients is slightly higher than the share of warm and persistent ones. Eau de toilette keeps
2 - 3 hours. Eau de toilette is consumed more during the day than perfumery, but many are satisfied with this, since the price is more affordable and a variety of containers: 30,50,75,100ml.
Eau de toilette is sold most often in the form of sprays.

Cologne (Eau de Cologne)

This is the least concentrated product - 3 - 5% extract in 70 - 80% alcohol. Eau de Cologne is most often indicated on perfume bottles for men. However, in perfumery general purpose The Eau de Cologne designation is also used for a refreshing liquid with a slight citrus effect. But the type of perfume made in the USA with the designation cologne is equal to eau de parfum.

Refreshing water - sports water- L "Eau Fraiche, Eau de Sport

This type of perfumery contains 1-3% perfume composition in 70-80% alcohol. This perfume is most often with citrus scent, light, transparent, airy, filled with the aroma of freshness.


This type of perfumery is used as a means of hygiene, but it is used not only for its intended purpose, but also as an aromatic agent. Deo Parfum has both aromatic and refreshing effects.

Shaving lotion

The concentration of odoriferous substances is quite low 2 - 4%. It is best to use such a perfume product as a hygiene product with the perfume of the same name. Aftershave contains, in addition to aromatic raw materials, various treatment-and-prophylactic components that moisturize, soften the skin, prevent irritation.

Dry perfume (sachet)

Perfume - sachets are intended for scenting linen. These are sachets made of cloth or paper, in which the plant mass: rose petals, lavender, crushed iris root, etc. The sachets are transferred when storing in the closet linen, which retains the smell of plants. Sasha used to be used not only for linen, but was placed in pillows or hung on the bed by the headboard in order to have a pleasant, even sleep, so that insomnia did not torment, and the nervous system calmed down.

Smoking essence

The essence is an alcoholic solution of fragrant substances. A few drops of such a liquid, poured onto a heated metal surface, it is enough for the emitted aromatic vapors to surround you with their fragrance and create an atmosphere of comfort, freshness and pleasure in your home.

Smoking paper

Strips of paper impregnated with a solution of fragrant substances also serve to flavor rooms. Frankincense, myrrh and other resins are often used here. These stripes are held over the fire, and the atmosphere is fragrant and soothing.

Body lotion

It is also a related product for perfumery or eau de toilette. The lotion contains oils and emulsifiers that tightly coalesce and envelop the skin. It is usually used after a bath.

Bath oil

The oil is added to the bath. Used as aromatherapy. The scent is much more intense than the lotion.

These were the main types of perfumery products. And the next publication will tell you how you can save on perfume purchases.