How to choose your perfume scent. We trust only the sense of smell. Classification of perfumery products

How to choose a perfume, because the secret of choosing a scent is not at all in sniffing coffee during testing or in targeting your age and spending a lot of time on this process, no. Pick up suitable scent very simple.

At all times, scientists, mystics and poets wanted to comprehend the subtlety and magic of aromas. The most inexplicable of all senses is the sense of smell, as each person perceives smells differently and reacts to them accordingly. A certain fragrance is capable of incredible actions, it can bring back memories, dreams, recall love, or, conversely, grief.


It is best to go in search of fragrances in the morning. Based on the words of professionals in the world of perfumery, closer to the late time of the day, our sense of smell is inhibited. That is why the first half of the day, when our sense of smell is actively working, is better for choosing a scent.

It is also advised not to pick up a perfume during your period or a few days before it starts. The fact is that during these days the susceptibility to odors changes. And there is a high probability that the chosen perfume will not sympathize with you at the end. critical days... Perfume, for example, may be too heavy and cloying for you, although at the time of purchase, it might seem unobtrusive and fresh. All these difficulties appear due to changes in the girl's hormonal background.

The most the best time how to choose a perfume - in the middle of the cycle or immediately after the end of critical days. Then you deliberately choose your scent and you will not regret it.

Listen to perfume

Do not even think about sniffing the scent you just applied to the strip of the tester, it will be even worse to try to do it from the cap or from the bottle itself.

The problem is, the alcohol solution is present in every perfume and is an anesthetic. It is he who contributes to irritation of the nerve receptors of the mucous membranes. respiratory tract, and after inhaling it, you suddenly find it difficult to distinguish the notes of aroma that are hidden in the perfume. If you do not want to face such a nuisance, you must spray a small amount of perfume on a blotter and wait about 5-10 minutes until the alcohol disappears. And then you can start testing the scent.

Often in perfume shops there is an opportunity to smell coffee beans in order to renew the sense of smell and continue tasting the aromas. But does coffee really work?

This technique was invented in American mass market centers. To be honest, not a single scientist has been able to fully explain exactly what properties of coffee beans help to revive the "tired" olfactory receptors. Many people say that even without the aroma of coffee, they can safely continue testing the perfume for a long time. The secret is that the smell of alcohol contained in the perfume dulls the sense of smell and slightly burns the nasal mucosa. In order to avoid this effect, it is worth waiting a few seconds after applying the perfume to the blotter, and then just sniffing it.

There is a stereotype that each age generation belongs to certain categories of perfumes. For example, young girls buy floral, light scents. And the heaviness and complexity of the scent is characteristic of older women, as it emphasizes their elegance.

But what should one do that does not want to fit into this framework?

Many experts openly laugh at this rule of choosing perfume by age. They say they have met infantile and frivolous women, age 50. So getting attached to age stereotypes is stupid. Feel free to choose the scent you like. And it’s not at all scary if a young girl allows herself a complex aroma, and not fruity notes.

Also, you should not divide perfumes into men's and women's, since all this is conditional and has long been irrelevant. How to find a perfume that will always be appropriate?

Helpful advice:

    In cold weather, perfumes with warming notes, like wood, cinnamon, spices or leather. You can also pay attention to the sweet floral and fruity compositions.

    In the summer, on the contrary, pay attention to light, unobtrusive aromas, with nautical theme or floral, summer notes.

Compare flavors

    · In case you are choosing a perfume, do not rush.

    · Refrain from buying the first one you like, because perhaps the next fragrance will be even better for you.

    · You should also not agree to the persuasion of the consultant if you are in doubt.

    Better to take a break and then try the scent again to convince yourself of your feelings.

    · Leave the fragrance on for 20 minutes and let it reveal all its subtleties and quirks. After all, love at first sight does not always arise.

    · If you choose from a large number do not let the testers touch each other, as the aromas shift and lose themselves.

    · You can even leave the store and relive the day thinking about the perfume you like.

Ultimately, you will choose a particular scent. But how better to choose perfect perfume? Good to know: for amateurs long preservation the desired scent on your body, it is better to give up eau de parfum and buy a bottle of perfume.

Eau de parfum weakly clings and does not last long on the skin, and after a couple of hours, after contact with the skin, it completely disappears due to the fact that it contains only 15% aromatic oils... Perfume is a very focused and persistent representative of the world of fragrances. They can retain their properties for about 12 hours, although their price is higher, but the consumption is less, in the end they turn out to be more profitable "

Choose the right place

Experts in the field of perfumes and eau de toilette say that there are about 16 special areas on our body, in which the smells are revealed more colorful and effective:

These places are called perfume-active, since the blood vessels in these areas of our body are located right next to the skin.

Legendary woman and fashion guru - Coco Chanel urged to spray the fragrance on that part of the body where you would like to feel the kisses of a man.

Choosing the right perfume is an art, not every woman and man can use it. Spirits seduce, bring pleasure, become a means of self-expression, sometimes disgust.

We choose the scent guided by intuition, not logic. It can be argued that perfume - business card I, which is hidden from view.

You've probably noticed that a change in mood or state of mind leads to a change in scent. What yesterday aroused admiration and admiration, today does not evoke emotions, and that is annoying. How to choose your favorite scent? How to please a loved one (beloved) when choosing? How not to get lost among thousands of attractive bottles?

There are no unequivocal advice, just as no two people are alike. Each smell is perceived differently. The same perfume "sounds" differently, depending on hair color, skin type, temperament, season.

Recent studies have shown that aroma cravings are associated with life experience, social status and the character of the person. For example, floral options attract energetic people. Romantics and dreamers love warm and vegetal. A floral-fruity scent is chosen by cheerful and carefree natures.

Oriental scents contain fairy tales of the East, they dispose to deep feelings and focus. They are chosen by people striving for freedom and independence, who want to emphasize originality. Men try to find a perfume that expresses the ideal. Woody notes and leather smell are in the lead.

Fragrances for men

The men's perfume market is as saturated as the women's one. The range of aromas is rich and vast, which causes confusion. Men are conservative and stick to their chosen scents, even if they are out of fashion.

Buying toilet water, men are guided by the recommendations of a consultant, who specifies for which type a particular scent is suitable. If a man sees in himself certain type or wants to match it, he will choose a smell, even if it is not suitable. Celebrate if perfume men well chosen, this is the merit of the woman.

Smells for men always more sustainable and rich in feminine, thanks to special ingredients. Special ingredients, perfumers call them "notes", emphasize masculinity, strength and independence, restraint and calmness. Men often express their individuality through perfume. Some people think that the stronger the smell, the better, regardless of the opinions of those present, and then wonder why the first date was unsuccessful.

Video tips and rules for choosing

To impress your companion, it is best to pick up natural scents. Times are changing and now the creators of brands are looking for not too simple and banal images for men. The compositions of perfumers are getting more complicated every time.

Choosing a perfume for a woman

People compare choosing their own scent to magical actions... If you are guided by the contents of the bottle, and not the brand or type of bottle. To accurately and correctly make a choice, you should heed the advice of perfumers.

  1. It is better to go shopping in the morning. At this time, olfactory recipes are most active and sensitive. By the evening, the scent dulls.
  2. The optimal period for choosing is a few days before menstruation. At this time, the perception of smells increases.
  3. Before going to the store, do not use perfume, deodorant or toilet water, it interrupts the smell and distracts.
  4. Better to buy from reputable boutiques. Avoid random markets and underpasses. Perfume websites are not always credible.
  5. It is recommended not to smell more than 4 smells during one trip to the store, the olfactory receptors get tired and lose sensitivity. You will not be able to fully experience the notes of the aroma and its composition. If you are in a perfume store, you will be offered a jar of coffee beans or cocoa beans.
  6. In between samples, inhale the scent to restore receptivity to the nose. Do not try to grasp the immensity, do not try the whole range. If you could not find a perfume from the proposed limit, do not despair, return to the store another day.

Useful Tips

Choosing a perfume by style

It is generally accepted that bright and sweet smells are suitable for brunettes, but not very tart. To the blonde, the owner fair skin, go well with notes of fruit and freshness. For blonde women who have matte shade leather, perfumers are advised to pick up graceful floral notes. Inimitable oriental perfume is ideal for brown-haired women.

Color type is not the only argument when choosing. They take into account individual style, age and character. Under the tenderness and romance of a blonde, a strong and domineering woman, and a brunette, seemingly strong-willed and strong, can turn out to be gentle and romantic in nature.

Spicy or sweet options are not suitable for every brunette. For a young and mischievous lady, it is better to choose a scent of freshness, delicate and romantic nature - floral. Stylish and confident blonde with strong character, will advise you to choose a perfume with chypre and woody notes.

Regardless of hair color, but with a strong, maybe arrogant character, saturated, bright colors, sometimes similar to men. Sultry and erotic ladies will suit oriental perfume, and gentle, romantic natures, fresh or fruity tones.

Express method

Major odor levels

Perfumers distinguish 3 levels of perfume scent: top notes or First level, base or main, aftertaste or aftertaste.

As soon as we open the bottle, a sharp aroma is immediately felt, these are the top notes. Cannot be judged by this odor or from the inside of the lid, the true aroma appears 15 or 20 minutes after application to the skin. Only then can one catch real character perfume.

If the perfume is persistent, after being applied to the skin it is felt for another 20 hours, and after about 10 hours a subtle aroma remains - the aftertaste. If you liked the smell in three stages, you should think about buying.

Do not immediately apply the options of interest to the skin. For full of feeling it is better to apply on a special paper test strip.

Apply perfume to the strip, wait a few seconds and sniff the probe. Smell at a distance of 2-3 cm, if the fragrance triples, apply a drop of perfume on your wrist, after 10 minutes smell to see how well it combines.

Do not immediately grab the bottle with the contents if you liked everything. The perfume isn't going anywhere. This is not a cat or a dog. Take your test strip home with you. Do not rinse the perfume on your skin to allow the scent to fully unfold, noting how it changes throughout the day. If in this case you are not disappointed, the next day go to the store to purchase the bottle you like.

What smells attract the most?

Spirits are considered a weapon that can kill the opposite sex. To charm a man, it is enough to use aromas, because he loves not only with his eyes, he is also worried about the smell of a woman. Many will argue that a natural scent is better, but when combined with a good and well-chosen perfume, it gives an extra sensation.

More often than not, harsh aromas are not perceived, and preference is given to delicate, subtle ones. According to scientists, the fruity aroma makes men appetite, and not exactly for borscht and salads. The aroma of ylang-ylang and vanilla evokes in a man passionate desire... They are good for luring a man, and when it comes to the bedroom, it is better to pick up a scent with notes of eucalyptus, ginger or patchouli. According to perfume experts, jasmine for men resembles the natural scent of a woman.

Perfume and seasons

Consider the seasons when choosing a perfume. In winter, during the New Year, chypre notes are better perceived. The woody shade with sharp tart notes will emphasize the richness of the fur, as if it exudes warmth, so necessary in winter.

In summer, sweet, honey-oriental tones are appropriate. With him, a woman is like an opened flower bud, attracting bees.

To keep up with the times and not be afraid to choose an out of fashion perfume, buy classics: established brands or new items in the world of perfumery. This choice is optimal and will suit almost all occasions.

  1. Do not store perfumes in the bathroom, high humidity, heat and direct exposure to light will harm them. Keep them in a dark place.
  2. Try others cosmetical tools select the same series with the perfume, so that there is no discord. If the perfume contains oriental notes, choose a similar shampoo and shower gel.
  3. Perfume is applied to clean skin on the wrist, elbow bend, under the knee, under the breast, under the earlobe or on the neck crease. Some recommend applying a drop of your favorite perfume over upper lip, into the very dimple, so that even at the very close communication feel the wonderful aroma and enchanting breath.
  4. You can scent your hair, you shouldn't aromatize the dress unnecessarily, the aroma can show the essence only on the skin. The dress may be stained.

The life that we transform with smells pleases, brings delight, enchants and bewitches. If you choose a fragrance taking into account the time of year, day, dress and circumstances, life will sparkle with other colors, it will become brighter and richer.

Perfume, eau de toilette or eau de parfum is not just an addition to our image, but also the very zest that expresses individuality, reveals character. Therefore, the choice of aroma must be approached fully armed. Especially if it's a gift for your girlfriend.

Where to buy perfume?

Better in specialized stores, salons, where you can consult with a sales assistant and see the quality certificate. Don't trust online stores to complete your look. You risk buying a "pig in a poke"! In addition, you will choose the aroma “blindly”, without feeling it yourself.

What is the difference between perfumes, eau de toilette and eau de parfum?

When choosing a scent, many are guided by how long it lasts. The persistence of a perfume depends on its fragrance content. The scent of the perfume lasts 5-6 hours, as it contains an essence made from flowers, leaves and plant roots. Such perfumery is not cheap. Eau de parfum and eau de toilette contains only 10-25% of aromatic substances. The aroma does not last long after using them. The persistence of perfumery products also depends on the type of scent. So, oriental, spicy, amber, vanilla, woody aromas are more persistent. Floral, citrus and fruity wears off faster. Before choosing a fragrance, carefully study the packaging and decide which type of perfume to give preference to.

We trust only the sense of smell

When choosing perfumery products do not trust advertisements too much. The perception of any smell is individual. What may seem to one to be a divine scent may, in another, cause headache... What your smell will tell only the sense of smell. You should not be guided by how the perfume smells on others. The smell of human skin is individual. It depends on lifestyle, health, ecology, nutrition. Therefore, the smell of the same perfume on you and, for example, your girlfriend will be felt differently.

Keeping our nose downwind

You can choose a scent only by "trying on" it for yourself. So…

It is impossible to catch the peculiarities of the smell by smelling the bottle cap. It will sound completely different on your body.
- It is best to apply a few drops to your wrist. It is important that the skin in this place does not smell like cream or other perfume, otherwise the smells will mix and you will not hear the scent. Wait a few minutes for the skin to accept new scent.
- You should not try to immediately assess the quality of the odor. The opening notes usually do not reflect the "heart" of the composition. It is important to hear the middle notes - what the scent was created for. This is how it will sound to you for several hours.
- V perfume shops the seller may suggest that you smell the coffee beans after you have tasted several flavors. Take advantage of this offer. The nose quickly gets used to smells and eventually ceases to distinguish them. The scent of coffee will help restore the sensitivity of your sense of smell, and you can objectively evaluate the new aroma.
“You don’t have to try all the perfumes in the store at once. To understand the scent, you can put your chosen perfume on your skin and go for a walk.
- It is better to buy perfume in small bottles, suddenly you will not like the scent.

Knowing the time and place

When choosing a perfume, you should consider what time of the year, and in what cases you will use it. In winter, for example, we perceive odors worse. Therefore, for the cold season, perfume with an intense aroma is suitable.

In the summer, the aromas intensify. So in hot weather it is better to use a perfume with a light, floral scent. In general, the higher the air temperature, the more careful you should be using perfume and eau de toilette.

If you choose a perfume for every day, then remember: fresh citrus and floral aromas are less persistent, so in work time it is preferable to use them. The fragrance, emphasizing individuality, should be in harmony with the clothes. Save complex compositions for special cases and evening dresses.

For a brunette, for a blonde

Perfumers recommend focusing on hair color when choosing a perfume. Bright, oriental, rich aromas are suitable for brunettes. The charm of blondes and redheads will be emphasized by light, fresh perfume with floral, citrus notes. But anyway the last word After you. If you have tried a new fragrance and felt lightness, joy and a surge of energy, then this is exactly what you need.

The final touch to the portrait

- Perfume is applied pointwise on the earlobes, behind the ears, in the hollow of the neck, on the wrist. They should not be applied to jewelry, furs, fabrics.
- It is better to spray eau de toilette with a spray bottle, at some distance from open skin areas.
- An open bottle of perfume is best used within a year.

Perfume are required element the image of every woman. Modern girls prefer to have several of their types at once. Various scents, which can be sweet or delicate, floral or oriental, as well as completely unique and surprising, complement and refine the image.

However, it is important to know how to choose a perfume. that must meet certain requirements and conditions. When choosing, you should focus on certain factors.

Choosing a perfume according to age

The scent that comes from a woman should be very suitable for her age. The fact is that floral and light scents are completely unsuitable for a mature businesswoman, but spicy and bright scents will be most preferable for her.

With the help of a competent choice, you can even hide your age, so many middle-aged women become younger and brighter due to the unique aroma.

How to choose a perfume depending on your age? To do this, you should use the following recommendations:

What event is planned?

Almost every modern girl has in its collection great amount aromas. Some of them are intended for everyday and everyday use, while others will be relevant and suitable for any grandiose and social event.

Therefore, it is important to know which scents will be suitable for a particular event in life. In this case, it will be possible to create an optimal image, to stand out among the crowd. A variety of notes can even create the right mood, which is especially important if you need to go on a date or attend a social event. Incorrectly selected scents can ruin your evening.

Choice according to mood

Every woman's mood can be different on a particular day. For each, you need to choose the optimal notes that will improve your well-being. They will not allow aggression, anger and irritability to appear.

The right perfume can even reduce stress, so it's important to choose the right perfume for your mood.

Choose your perfume based on your style

All women differ from each other, and not only in appearance, age or profession, but also in the style that they have created for themselves. It is important to focus on it when choosing any scent. Only then will the image be complete and complete, and this is considered very significant.

Classic notes will not be suitable for those who prefer a boyish style - in this case, it is recommended to choose brighter and more defiant scents. For a strict look, floral aromas are completely contraindicated, but the classics will be the ideal choice.

Quality is the last but important criterion

There are a huge number of perfume manufacturers, among which there are those who offer quality products, but there are also those that may differ in low parameters. How to choose the right perfume so that it is good and with positive properties? For this, it is important to know some recommendations in order not to make a mistake with the purchase.

If you come across a fake, then the aroma will hold very poorly, you can distinguish the smell of alcohol. Distortion is also a constant companion of cheap and inferior goods. Tips for choosing a quality perfume:

  1. Purchases should only be made in trusted and trusted stores who value their reputation and offer quality products.
  2. The package must contain all necessary information , to which the category of perfume belongs, its purpose and volume, as well as composition. Additionally, there must be a barcode on the basis of which the necessary data can be obtained. The date and place of production are indispensable elements on the packaging.
  3. Before purchasing, you should very carefully examine not only the packaging, but also the bottle itself and its contents... The smell should be pleasant and persistent, there should be no foreign inclusions.

At the right choice you can get an eau de toilette that will be of high quality, long-lasting and ideal for a particular woman.

For a long time I have not written on my favorite topic, on which the soul rests)) - perfumery. The topic is so beautiful that even reading about it in general and about specific fragrances in particular, I get pleasure, and even looking at the incredibly beautiful bottles in which the same incredible beauty are hidden and inhaling this variety, I get doubly pleasure.

And is it worth limiting yourself to narrow boundaries? Although once upon a time it seemed to me that there should not be many perfumes, it should be one, “yours”, and you are “recognizable” in it and this is the ideal))

But time is running and is changing, changing us at the same time, now I am quite satisfied with the perfumery variety, because even the most favorite perfume, does not get bored, no, it just cannot be equally suitable for all seasons, for different events occurring in life, for their own mood, in the end ...

So, I propose to make the goal not to choose one scent, but to determine which group of smells give you the greatest pleasure, which notes are especially loved and smell especially good on you, and, based on this, select more specific smells.

How to choose a perfume for yourself

The first thing you need to decide is - which group you like the most, and which you do not accept at all, if they exist, of course. There is an article on the blog about the division of fragrances: in it I gave two classification options, of which I like the second one better.

According to this gradation, you can, with more, determine which "direction" is right for you.

Floral: floral-fruity is often chosen by the cheerful energetic women, and flower-water - amorous dreamers.

Citrus - bright, vigorous aromas, suitable for the same vigorous connoisseurs active image life.

Woody: warm and soft scents are suitable for a lady in business suit and the lady in evening dress... Their mistress is distinguished by her loyalty to tradition.

Leather: chosen by confident women or those who want to appear so, women with their own views.

How to choose the scent of perfume depending on the "type" of skin

But, no matter what they advise us virtually, no matter how many recommendations on the selection of a scent we read, no matter how heady the description of the pyramid of the scent we liked seems to us, not the fact that it will open up on you precisely with these notes and will smell as breathtaking as it is written in description.

For myself, I have long understood that the main thing is what kind of skin you have, how it “accepts”, and in what form it “returns” odors.

I figured it out a long time ago, because my skin is very capricious with regard to the "perception" of perfumes, she doesn't like everything, even complex wonderful aromas often smell like sweet cheap caramel on me. As an option - the smell of "grandmother's chest".

I still could not understand what kind of miracles, why “tasty” in a bottle on me is not, until I met a good explanation about this and I am sharing it.

Fragrances smell differently depending on the "temperature" of your skin.

It can be "normal", let's say "average temperature" (the definition is very arbitrary and has nothing to do with the usual normal temperature bodies 36.6). There are very few owners of such skin, and these lucky women are suitable for almost any smell from all perfume categories.

The rest of the skin is either cool (more or less), or also more or less hot. It will depend on the name of this "type" of skin which scent is most likely to be yours, and which one will smell completely unfortunate.

Cool skin

The scent on her reveals long time, while the first notes of the perfume are heard longer than usual, up to several hours.

Therefore, it is important not to buy a perfume in which the base suits you, but did not like the first notes in the hope that they will quickly disappear. Top notes will be heard on you for a long time and will also be annoying for a long time.

How to identify cool skin. Its owners:

Usually cold / cool hands, despite the weather and temperature around;

Low pressure;

They definitely prefer a hot climate to a cold one.

As additional characteristics indicated the absence of a bright blush and the fact that the skin "reluctantly" tans.

I don't quite agree with the signs of sunburn, I definitely belong to the owners of cool skin, but I tan quite easily.

Which will sound especially good on cool skin

1. Since it makes almost any aroma sweet, it is the savory ones that will be especially beautiful on it: fougere greens, chypre, unisex, as an option - men's perfumery.

2. Animalistic scents: civet, musk, leather and suede slightly lose their defiant notes on cool skin.

3. Citruses smell better than hot skin.

4. Floral fragrances which include "bright" flowers: rose and tuberose, jasmine, lily of the valley, lilac ... cool skin is able to restrain them and make them sound noble.

5. Aldehydes - perfumery "synthetics", it is beautifully heard on cool skin.

As the owner of such leather, I subscribe to each item, fragrances with these notes make it possible to feel the magnificence of perfumes and enjoy their "wearing".

What is most likely not to sit down

1. Fragrances in the characteristics of which the word "sweet" is in the first place.

2. Those that are called "gourmet" containing vanilla, honey, chocolate, caramel. It will be sweet, it will be just kitchen. Condiments like pepper, on the other hand, can please.

3. The smell of sweet fruits: peach, pineapple, apricots, they open for a long time on such a skin, thus becoming tasteless, sticky and unnatural.

4. Floral scents delicate flowers: iris, freesia, orchid. Their beautiful scent in best case will not be fully revealed, at worst it will be distorted.

Hot skin

Its owner is characterized by warm hands and the pressure is closer to increased. The skin is usually dense and tans quickly.

This type is characterized by a very fast opening of the top notes, the base becomes almost immediately audible, so when choosing, focus on it, if you like the base, then the aroma will not irritate.

Most suitable notes

1. Sweet! Their excessive sweetness leaves the warmth of the skin.

2. Oriental. Frankincense, amber, patchouli, resins - they open up beautifully and beautifully on hot skin, completely surrendering themselves.

3. Flowers with sweetness - linden, osmanthus, honeysuckle, cherry. Or tenderness - iris, orchid, on hot skin they show all their subtle beauty.

4. "Gourmand" fragrances are not suitable for cool skin. Caramel and vanilla will not smell like "kitchen", but will become mysterious and attractive. Paradoxically, hot skin extinguishes the sweetness of these spices.

By the way, it is gourmand fragrances that are considered the most attractive for men.

5. Woody notes sandalwood, guayaca, cedar, which hot skin helps to open completely, which usually cannot be provided by a cool one.

Which is better not to use

1. Intensely scented flowers - rose, lily of the valley, jasmine are those that suit cool skin. They will smell too - stuffy, oily, thick.

2. Perfume for men, possibly unisex - the "masculine" notes may be too audible, which will make the smell rough.

3. Animalism, especially musk, which can give an unpleasant "animal", associations with dirty socks, mice, etc. Now there are synthetic musks that do not give such comparisons, but they still need to be tested first.

4. Powdery aromas of violet and iris roots. They powder themselves on hot skin as a result of giving out "grandmother's chest".

In general, something like that. Keep in mind that the skin can be very cold or very hot, and then the above rules will be especially relevant. But it can only be closer to hot / cold, then there will be more options to choose from.

What else influences the choice of perfume is the hormonal background, it is known that it often changes while changing your attitude towards the same scent. It is believed that the hormonal background is most stable at the beginning of the cycle, it is then that it is worth choosing a perfume.

Curiously, there is a "fragrant" indicator to check how good your hormonal background is, such an indicator is orange blossom oil (neroli). If inhaling it you do not feel discomfort, then with hormonal background everything is all right)) if not, then the aroma of neroli will seem unpleasant to you.

A striking example of a neroli perfume is Chanel No 19 EDP from Chanel.

1. The blotter for testing perfume must be "correct". There should be no drawings and inscriptions on it, otherwise the alcohol and oils contained in the perfume, dissolving the paint, will distort the smell.

2. It is necessary to spray perfume on the blotter from a close distance, and then wait twenty seconds for the alcohol to evaporate.

3. While sniffing, move the blotter from side to side a few centimeters from your nose. As you inhale the scent from the test paper, take short, neat breaths.

4. Coffee beans usually offered in stores do not help to "take a break" from a lot of smells. If all the smells are already merging into one for you, it is best to go to Fresh air for a few minutes and then start testing again.

5. Try to leave no more than two especially liked copies, or even better one, which you apply on your skin in order to “live” with him and find out how much you suit each other. This rule is illustrated by the phrase of the professor-perfumer Roger Dov: “The choice of fragrance is similar to choosing a lover, to find out if you really fit together, you have to spend the night with him. "

In conclusion, the words that I really like, they were said by Serge Lutens, the founder of the Serge Lutens brand, this is an answer to the question of how to choose a perfume scent, how to understand whether it is your perfume:

"Very simple. Once he chose you in a perfume boutique. "

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