Interesting questions about newlyweds for guests: a list, features and options. III. Wedding style. Movement is life

Today we have prepared 10 facts about wedding guests that will allow you to better understand those present and avoid the most common mistakes of newlyweds. Do not miss!

Fact 1: They want a wedding you like

It has long been no secret that the best weddings are those that the bride and groom like. Official and solemn? Amazing! Youthful and fun? Fine! Do as you see fit, and the guests will definitely support you, because they are your real friends and relatives, people who will just be happy to see you happy!

Fact 2: They don't mind a pre-prepared gift list

Are your friends constantly asking you what to get for a wedding? Help them decide on a gift, so you avoid things you don't need. Thanks to popular wishlists, this is much easier to do today than just a few years ago. If you are considering money as gifts, then indicate this in your wishes or even specify in the invitation. Do you want to see creative congratulations? Feel free to hint at this to your guests!

Fact 3: They are already looking forward to your wedding.

Worried about the ceremony? Are you worried that something will go wrong? Relax. Whatever happens, in the eyes of your loved ones, your wedding will be beautiful! Everything that you will do and say, by default, will cause everyone only delight and tears of tenderness among the ladies. And the flaws in the decor or minor troubles, believe us, will be noticeable to you alone.

Fact 4: Many of them will not respond to an invitation in time

Just accept the fact that people, having received an invitation, postpone the answer until later, and you will have to remind yourself more than once. This does not mean that they do not want to come or that they have not yet decided for sure - many simply do not know that they absolutely need to notify you of their presence. In order not to worry once again, prepare an additional card in the invitation set indicating the date by which you need to give an answer. But even if the guest forgets to answer, do not be offended - just ask about his presence yourself.

Fact 5: They love to dance

All the guests will be waiting for the dance - that's for sure! It doesn't matter if they are young or older. As a rule, many of us get out to dance so rarely that we will be glad to have the opportunity to spend time on the dance floor and relax! Do not deny them this desire. Let yours be more than just a symbolic tradition - get your bridesmaids and groomsmen involved in it - it will set the mood for everyone else. And you can even organize a common flash mob for all guests!

Fact 6: It's okay if the guests came without a gift

It may not be very polite, but you should not think that they did it on purpose to offend you. Maybe they simply do not have the opportunity to give something significant, and they have prepared a gift for you in the form of some kind of creative congratulations. Remember that the wedding is organized not for the sake of gifts, but in order to share such an important and exciting moment with loved ones! Them sincere words and congratulations - the most valuable gift!

The wedding dress has a long and interesting story. Over time, it has changed, overgrown with different legends and customs. Now, without a bride's outfit, it is impossible to imagine any wedding celebration. This is the dream of every young girl who has received an offer from her beloved to become a wife. That is why the choice of a dress must be approached in the most careful way and bought only in the most reliable and trusted salons, such as " The Wedding Shop", on the store's website you can view photos of wedding dresses and sign up for a fitting. Well, now let's talk about some interesting facts related to the dress for the bride.

Colorful multi-colored dresses for brides, which are filled with everything fashion catwalks- not at all an innovation, because in ancient times in Russia, most brides wore a red robe, or rather, a sundress. But in Europe, blue and pink robes of brides were considered fashionable.

In Europe, one of the first betrothed who, as a bride, put on a white outfit for her wedding event, is Queen Margot. After in 1572 she went out to the guests invited to the wedding in a snow-white incredibly beautiful dress, surprising them with her act, entering for the first time into marriage young persons, dressed in a dress precisely similar color. But those who went down the aisle again dressed up in a crimson outfit.

The snow-white outfit remained in fashion until the eighteenth century, then colored wedding attire became popular again. This tradition was brought back by Empress Victoria, who married in 1840 in a chic white satin dress decorated with lace and orange blossoms.

In the winter of 2006, Martin Catzo, together with couturier Rene Strauss, created one of the most expensive bridesmaid dresses, decorated with real diamonds. The price of this magnificent creation has reached 12 million US dollars. However, in all the years of its existence, no one has yet bought it.

Most long dress dressed by a Chinese bride named Lil Rong. The train of her attire reached more than two meters. But not so long ago this achievement bypassed wedding dress, created in Romania. The train of this dress, which was sewn in 100 days, reached three kilometers!

The most famous wedding dress was in the wardrobe of Grace Kelly, who entered into a marriage union in 1956 with the famous Prince Rainier in a magnificent robe of lace taffeta. Her veil was adorned with numerous pearls. Gorgeous dress created the couturier of one famous film studio Helen Rose. And after many years, this dress continues to be an example of elegance, unsurpassed style, as well as taste, both for designers and for brides! By the way, Catherine Middleton married Prince William in a similar attire.

Another popular bride's dress is Princess Diana's magical robe, which is made from 40 meters of ivory silk fabric, decorated with lace with gold threads and pearls.

Most exclusive handmade the wedding dress in the form of a knitted cocoon is a priceless exhibit in San Francisco and is in a museum called De Young. Its creator is Yves Saint Laurent. Despite the innovations of modern couturiers, it is this dress that delights and surprises people with its originality and unsurpassed magnificence. The couturier personified in this attire the image of the importance of marriage for the girls of the 60s of the last century.

One of the first short bridesmaid dresses was designed by Coco Chanel. With her invention, the legendary designer created a real revolution in the wedding industry, because previously it was not only impossible to open the bride’s legs, but it was even considered indecent. However, Coco Chanel adhered to the notion that exquisite outfit should not restrict movement. It is for this reason that she came up with clothes a little below the knee. Now this idea very popular, besides, it is considered the main fashion trend wedding theme.

A shocking and extraordinary wedding dress, decorated with lanterns, made it possible to be charming in the literal sense. In it, not a single bride will go unnoticed and, undoubtedly, will be in the spotlight. A similar attire was created by a company called Philips. It consists of several layers and can analyze the amount of sweat secretions, draw certain conclusions about emotional state the girl who is in it, depending on what the lanterns light up in different colors.

One of the sweetest bridal gowns ever created by renowned candy maker Donna Millington-Day. Her most unique creation was a cake dress, the size of which reached 1.8 meters. In the process of creating this delicious and incredible beautiful dress more than twenty kilograms were used granulated sugar and baked for seven days by a team of professional chefs.

A wedding is one of the most important events in a person’s life, you want all your family and friends to be there at this moment. For a fun, memorable wedding, many invite a toastmaster, and some trust close person. But not a single event passes without competitions. One of the tests that most often occurs at a wedding is the bride's wedding questions about the groom, which can amuse guests and learn a lot about the newlyweds.

Questions to the bride about the groom

This kind of warm-up can be a fun moment during the event. It will allow guests to relax, focus their attention and, perhaps, laugh a little. In order to have something to compare with, you can first conduct the same survey with the groom and then for sure everyone will know the rights of the bride or not. In such situations, newlyweds can learn a lot about each other. You can call such a “competition” a “question answer”.

Rules for conducting the survey: the toastmaster asks the bride a question about the groom, after which he reads out his answer. At the same time, the bride's time for reflection should be minimal and preferably the answers should be humorous.

A list of sample questions to the bride about the groom:

  • What was the groom wearing when you first saw him?
  • First movie/TV series you watched together?
  • What style of music does the groom prefer to listen to?
  • What is your favorite pet?
  • What brand of cars does the chosen one prefer?
  • What is your loved one's dream?
  • What does the groom like to eat?
  • Favorite drink of the future spouse (you can specify alcoholic or non-alcoholic).
  • Why does the groom love the bride?
  • How can you cheer up the groom?
  • How many children do you want?
  • What household chores is the groom willing to perform?
  • What is the groom's shoe size?

Cool and tricky questions:

  • What part of the bride's body does the groom like to kiss the most?
  • What color panties does the chosen one like to wear?
  • During a strong earthquake, what, first of all, will you take with you to the street?
  • Given the choice of staying at home or going out for a beer with friends, what will your loved one do?
  • What does the bride think, what habit of hers annoys the groom?
  • What was the most romantic act groom for the period of their meetings?
  • What was the most stupid act in the life of the chosen one?

The optimal number of questions is about 15 pieces, you should not overload the newlyweds and create awkward situations for the bride or groom.

Of course, by analogy, a survey of the groom about the bride is conducted. Questions can be left of the same plan and diluted with a little new ones, which is more typical for the female half.

Questions for two

An interesting option, of the same plan for a “question and answer” quiz, can be questions addressed to both the bride and groom at the same time. To do this, you need the bride and groom to stand with their backs to each other and with the help of a hand ( thumb up) directed at each other, thus answering the question posed.

A sample list of questions for newlyweds:

  • Who first suggested dating?
  • Who kissed you on the lips first?
  • Who paid for the first dinner?
  • Who made the marriage proposal?
  • Who was the first to introduce his parents to the chosen one or the chosen one?
  • Who decides which movie to watch?
  • Who will cook the food?
  • Who will take out the trash?
  • Who will lie on the couch and watch TV?
  • Who will earn more for the family budget?
  • Who will manage the family budget?
  • Who will be the first to give in?
  • Who will get up to the child at night?
  • Who is the happiest and most in love person in the whole world?

Wedding contests for newlyweds

Exists huge amount wedding games that set the mood for the newlyweds, parents and invitees. Conventionally, they can be divided into:

  • competitions for newlyweds;
  • table games for guests;
  • outdoor games.

To make the contests more expressive, to interest everyone, you need to use various props on the subject of entertainment.

Since this article is devoted to contests for newlyweds, let's take a closer look at this category. In addition to the question and answer quiz, you can prepare the following games:

  • desired gifts: the groom is taken away from the bride and along the way, at each step he names a gift that he will give to his future wife;
  • what kind of bride: the groom eats a slice of lemon and compliments his chosen one, answering the question what kind of bride;
  • who will do what: the facilitator suggests pulling out one item from the bag, which should be associated with a particular activity (fishing rod - fishing, nipple - feed the baby, soccer ball - play football, etc.).

Whatever one may say, a wedding is a traditional event. So, overgrown with many stereotypes: it seems that everyone knows exactly how, when, why and why to celebrate a wedding. However, even if you are not going to get married for the first time, there are probably some things that you did not know about the wedding. At least about modern version wedding, which is already very different from the usual. Read and be surprised! ;)

1. Summer is not the best season for a wedding.

Yes, that's how we immediately break everyone's favorite stereotype))) Don't believe me? Then look. I think you know what a combination of "price-quality" is. Yes, in summer it is warm (not always, by the way) and beautiful. But the prices for this beauty are exorbitantly inflated. As for the quality of services, in the summer it inevitably falls: the employment of specialists is very high, several weddings a week - in such a time pressure it is much more difficult to find individual approach to each couple, give your all on your holiday. And many banquet venues begin to “dizzy with success” - there are so many people who want that they stop strictly monitoring the service. The result - the price-quality ratio in the summer is average. But the best indicator is for the month of May, unloved by brides: warm, beautiful, trees are blooming, prices are falling (no one wants it), the pros are free. Draw your own conclusions ;)

2. The registry office is not an axiom

No, obtaining a marriage registration certificate is, of course, a mandatory item. Here we are talking about the very day of the celebration. Everything more couples prefers to visit the registry office before the wedding, and then hold a beautiful outdoor ceremony instead of adjusting the schedule of the celebration to the work of the registry office. Some people, of course, want to official registration and ceremony on the same date. But there is absolutely no point in loading yourself with unnecessary trips and wasting time on your wedding day. Indeed, in the registry office you are only given official papers - just like in the passport office or any other state. institution. Is it worth it to work so hard?

3. A wedding doesn't have to be a big expense.

Often, couples completely refuse the celebration, believing that the wedding will cost them too much. However, you can afford real holiday even with a very modest amount. The secret is in the proper distribution of finances. How to do this - read in our articles: just type the word "savings" in the search. Or go through a special training for brides - this is a ready-made guide to action and the answer to how to get a cool holiday for little money.

4. A wedding is possible without witnesses

The need for witnesses legally disappeared a long time ago. And today the status of "witness" has actually ceased to be relevant. What does the witness receive, except for the honorary red ribbon, a place at the table of the newlyweds and additional responsibilities, which are usually so many that you can’t relax? Nothing. If you want to highlight someone close in this way, it is better to choose bridesmaids and groomsmen. And the functions of two witnesses will be easily and competently performed by the coordinator.

5. You don't have to call a photographer for the whole day.

It is believed that if you invite a photographer to a wedding, then from morning until it stops. After all, the more photos, the better. But in reality this is not entirely true. You will get the best shots during the time when the photographer works directly with you: these are morning gatherings and a photo session together. Also "must have" - ​​footage from the ceremony and photos with guests. But the banquet is not only the longest part of the wedding, but also the most useless in terms of photos. There is nothing special to shoot there, except for the traditions (the first dance, throwing a bouquet, etc.). Therefore, it is better to shoot a banquet and watch it on video, and refuse to take pictures. By the way, many photographers have ready-made packages “before the first dance”. If your budget is tight, consider this option.

6. A wedding can do without tradition.

A ransom, a lock with a heart next to a hundred more of the same, a loaf at the entrance to a restaurant ... It is hackneyed traditions that make weddings one-sided and uninteresting. Especially when there are too many. Therefore, the rejection of at least part of the traditions will definitely go to the plus of your wedding. Often brides are afraid to refuse some rituals even after objective reasons(there is no one to throw a bouquet - all the friends are married; one of the couple does not have parents, but you still need to light the "hearth" ...) So: a wedding may well do without traditions at all. Even such hits as throwing a bouquet and the first dance. If this or that ceremony does not fit into the concept of the wedding or you do not like it, just forget about it! And get rid of prejudices that this will somehow affect your future married life.

7. There can be more than one wedding dress

Any bride accepts an engagement ring with one hand, and with the other she mentally holds the same White dress))) But why one? One must be the man of dreams and the happiest day. But there are as many dresses as you like, even wedding ones! For example, trendy air outfit for a photo session classic dress with a train - for the ceremony, a short one - for dances and a banquet ... True, you need to take into account the possibility of changing these dresses - in order not to spend the whole day on it, two outfits are still enough. By the way, for the evening it is not at all necessary to choose a wedding dress, white dress- fits well festive outfit in the palette of your celebration, because the guests have already remembered who the bride is here)))

8. The best time for the ceremony is an hour or two before the banquet

Everything is logical. The guests are not tired yet, they can fully rejoice for the young, congratulate, and also have an interesting time - chat, take pictures or have a bite to eat. The newlyweds, in turn, do not rack their brains on the topic “where to put the guests before the banquet” and do not spend extra money for endless rides around the city.

9. Onsite registration costs no more than walking around the city

This, although shocking, is not the most secret item for those who specified the price of the issue. In practice, it turns out that car rental for a motorcade, along with decoration and provisions for “walking” guests, can easily exceed the cost. field registration! Of course, much will depend on the number of guests, the place of the ceremony and the decor. But the price of a decent turnkey exit registration starts from 20,000 rubles. - and about the same amount, on average, the newlyweds lay on transport for rides. At the same time, the advantages outdoor ceremony more by an order of magnitude (see the previous paragraph).

10. The wedding will go very quickly

Time is fleeting but wedding day- the fastest of all))) And the more events you have planned, the sooner it will pass. So enjoy every second of it incredible day without wasting time on trifling experiences. After all, everything will pass not just quickly, but very quickly, and you will only have memories!

It is unlikely that anyone will particularly argue with the fact known fact that the wedding is one of the most solemn and major events in the life of every person. Moreover, not only our compatriots are convinced of this, but also the majority of people from other countries of the world. And, as you know, every nation can boast of its unique and unusual wedding laws and customs. And the history of marriage itself dates back to the time of the appearance of the first civilized person. Days.Ru made a selection of the most interesting facts about weddings.

1. According to statistics, more than 90% of all brides, when they approach the wedding altar, smile happily and look at their betrothed. But most husbands before the wedding ceremony have serious and tense faces, as if they are very nervous. 20% of all women regret that they got married in the first week of marriage.


2. Tradition to serve wedding loaf originated in ancient Rome. Moreover, the husband and wife were not recognized as such until both had tasted a piece of freshly baked pie.

3. It is curious that the custom of kissing after the declaration of lovers as husband and wife also dates back to the time ancient rome. Moreover, in those distant times, this act had a slightly different meaning - marriage was seen as a kind of contract between a man and a woman, which was figuratively sealed with a seal, that is, with a kiss.

4. A curious tradition is widespread in Tunisia. Before the wedding, each groom is obliged to give his bride white slippers. Also included in wedding gift includes a small white candle and a pillow of the same color. During the time that the donated candle burns, the girl puts on slippers, puts her hands on soft pillow, puts on gloves and decorates them with henna.

5. Entertaining wedding traditions Kenya can boast. So, before the wedding, each groom should feel like a woman and wear only women's clothes for a whole week.

6. The most grandiose wedding dish the desert Bedouins can be proud of in the world. It is prepared as follows - a large fish is stuffed with several dozen boiled eggs, then it is used as a filling for a sheep, which is put into a fried camel and served at the table.

7. In India, the issue of a woman's marriage is very strict. Yes, even a girl prostitute must have a husband, otherwise it is strongly condemned by society. Interestingly, such women choose the most enviable husbands who are not jealous, strong and durable as their betrothed: as a rule, as a rule, their husbands become ... trees. Moreover, the marriage is officially confirmed by law.

8. A few years ago, a spacious bridal salon officially opened in the center of Budapest to host wedding ceremonies between pets. Moreover, instead of traditional wedding rings fluffy "newlyweds" wear special bracelets, which are made to order in a jewelry workshop. And in England there is a service offering a complete wedding wardrobe for four-legged pets - ranging from business suit and ending with a wedding veil.

9. There is a curious incident that happened to a Swedish girl, Susan Swenson. She could not find a suitable groom for herself and in desperation put a note with her address and a photo in a bottle, after which she sent it to the open sea. Two months later, the message was spotted by a large fishing vessel carrying as many as 23 bachelors. The sailors were very intrigued by the offer, and as part of a full team they came to the found address. As a result, Susan married a young ship captain.

10. After two not the most successful marriages A 42-year-old resident of the Australian city of Melbourne was so disappointed in all women that he decided to marry his own TV. Solemn ceremony the marriage took place in the man's house in the presence of only his closest friends and the local clergyman. happy groom pledged to protect, not offend and take care of the "wife" until the very end of his days. Since then as a sign true love he proudly wears Golden ring, and the second is on the cover of the TV.