Best congratulations on February 14th. Congratulations on Valentine's Day beautiful. Sincere congratulations on Valentine's Day

Congratulations on February 14 (Valentine's Day)

Today is a holiday for the happy
Strong and beloved couples.
I give you millions of beautiful words,
And I offer myself as a gift.

I wish our storm of passion
Our ocean of naive love
Avoided any evil misfortune,
And the feelings were forever mutual.

Wonderful congratulations on February 14

I dreamed of expressing more than once
All the things that you mean to me
I was looking for unique phrases,
Looking for words that are so rich
But speech is not subject to feelings,
And I accepted it as an inevitability
That I can't put into words
Inexhaustible tenderness.

Wonderful congratulations on Valentine's Day

Let the century go away
And the seas dry up
My love will find you
When the dawn comes
Don't be sad my love
In the land of distant dreams
I will return to you, and we will be again
With you among the bright stars ...

Best congratulations on February 14

Valentine's day angels
Everyone is shot with arrows.
Oh, prankster - shooter
With white wings!
He touched you too
Sparks in your eyes.
Congratulations, I love
I want to live in a fairy tale.
Valentine for you, my
I give, beautiful.
May life always be with you
It will be fair!

Best wishes for Valentine's Day

Congratulations on Valentine's Day.
Be adored always.
Let life from edge to edge
Only love follows you.

Be as beautiful and sweet
With a kind look and a gentle soul
And may you always have strength
Stay so naughty.

Interesting congratulations on February 14

You are my happiness, you are my pain
You are my joy, you are my salt,
You are my faith, you are my "suddenly"
You are my lifeline.

This is our holiday. And may never
They will not separate Us from now on.

After all, I am your happiness, I am your pain,
I am your joy, I am your salt
I am your faith, I am your "suddenly"
I am your lifeline.

Interesting congratulations on Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day for all of us
The joy of life, promises a fairy tale,
May you, my friend, love and passion
Never leave in life.

It is important to believe and love,
To know that life is given to us all for happiness!
And love we need to find
Love has the whole world always in power!

Cool congratulations on February 14

Valentine's Day
In February, he came to us all.
We congratulate our loved ones
And we expect the same in return.

Let love lead through life
Naughty and with a spark,
Let the wind not fade away
It will get brighter every day.

Cool congratulations on Valentine's Day

Love for all ages,
How wise classic spoke.
So let Cupid be nimble between us
Flutters, sparing no wings.
So let's face him
Hearts, beautifully speaking, -
Let them cripple them with arrows.
Perhaps, not in vain, perhaps, not in vain ...

Original congratulations on February 14

In this wonderful and Holy holiday,
valentine's beautiful day
I wish you love!
You bloom from her like a lilac!
Let love fill you
Let everything around come to life
The sun illuminates your life
The sea of ​​happiness will suddenly appear!

Original congratulations on Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day, I congratulate you
With you, my love, we have gone through a lot!
But the heart is also burning with love,
And there is much more to come!

Let's erase past grievances today,
Leaving a place in the heart for goodness!
Anxiety will be forever shattered
I love you - my soul screams!

Sincere congratulations on February 14

Happy Valentine's Day
I love you, my darling.
For me you are a prince from a fairy tale,
What was given by fate.

About your infinite love
I want to tell you.
You are a perfect man
Only dream about this.

Sincere congratulations on Valentine's Day

With you we meet sunrises
in arms sincere love,
I give you bouquets,
All my thoughts are with you.

And in tender and beautiful feelings,
Meeting your favorite gaze
Congratulations on the day of all lovers!
With you, life is a flowering garden.

Gentle congratulations on Valentine's Day

I'm letting go of the valentine
Like a dove from the hand
Let them gather in a flock
Love our dove.

Let them circle the whole planet
Let them look into every house,
For lovers all over the world
They carry the news of happiness.

On Valentine's Day
There is no barrier for love
Let it go loving souls
They will be together for hundreds of years.

Gentle congratulations on February 14

I know happiness is you.
And you are always by my side.
You make all your dreams come true
You can caress even with a glance.

Let our tender love
It only blooms every hour.
I love you - I'll say it again
And congratulations on Valentine's Day.

Romantic congratulations on February 14

On Valentine's Day, the evil blizzard was angry,
I'll give her a snowdrop to spite you!
For what appeared in my life,
I sincerely thank fate.

I want to share with you both days and years,
Trouble and happiness, joy and sadness.
Let all the hardships bypass you, my dear,
This holiday gave us February!

Romantic greetings for Valentine's Day

I'm dying of passion.
I want to hug and kiss.
I don't wish anyone
So suffer from your love.
Suffer at the sight of the eyes of loved ones,
At the sound of his voice,
When meeting with him unique
And from his stubbornness.
But I live, laugh and cry
I live and rejoice in fate.
What to do if there is no other way? -
I say again to myself.

Once upon a time, lovers in Russia had their own own traditions celebrate a special day - the day of Ivan Kupala! However, February 14 - Valentine's Day - has entered our lives so rapidly and tightly that it seems that this international winter holiday celebrated in our country always!

On February 14, everyone and everything, and not just lovers, congratulate each other. boys kindergarten age On this day, valentines are given to girls, and girls to boys. It's the same with schoolchildren, not to mention students. And even colleagues at work congratulate each other on Valentine's Day! So everyone joined in the celebration of this European holiday.

On our site you can find many congratulations on February 14. Even if you have several lovers, for each of them you will find an original and sophisticated wish. Congratulations on February 14 on Valentine's Day - traditional present on this day. To make your surprise forever memorable - it is not necessary to buy a fancy card, a few heartfelt words on a modest valentine will say much more for you. Moreover, this is a wonderful way out of the situation for shy and timid people ...

Original congratulations for everyone and everyone on Valentine's Day.

It is wonderful when there is a reason to please a loved one and give him a small gift.

Valentine's Day is one of those holidays. This day is an opportunity to once again remind people how much we love and appreciate them.

February 14 - Valentine's Day, is already celebrated almost all over the world. And this holiday, one might say, has taken root in the countries post-Soviet space. And all because we know how and love to show signs of attention and give love. And even if we don’t give every person a pillow in the shape of a heart, we can write SMS congratulations.

Cool congratulations in SMS by February 14 - Valentine's Day

  • SMS has become so tightly integrated into our lives that any significant events or not very significant-accompanied their flurry. If you want to congratulate a person, but there is no time to call, we can always send him a playful SMS
  • It is this way of congratulating on Valentine's Day that is suitable for people who which are not very close to us, but which we want to remind ourselves on Valentine's Day
  • There are a lot of humorous poems on the Internet today and cool congratulations which are just right for this occasion.

Here are a few of them:

I send you my messages
Hope I'm first.
I love, miss and ... endure,
Like Valentine...

Such a verse is more likely to be written by a close person, with a share of irony

Valentine's Day - watch out!
After all, confessions will fall!
It makes life hard
It's nice to know though!

But this quatrain is more democratic, friendly in nature

Valentine is not a snowflake
This is a half heart.
You catch her soon
Wishing you love.

Easy recognition in tender feelings, will also please those who received SMS on their phone on Valentine's Day.

Short congratulations to SMS by February 14 - Valentine's Day

Exactly short congratulations are most often remembered best and most appreciated. After all, it is clear that large texts downloaded from the Internet and soullessly sent to all phones in a notebook.

Happy Valentine's Day, I congratulate you
I give my heart to you
If you are not there, I miss you a lot.
It means - I love you!

or this quatrain:

Happy Valentine's Day,
Eternal love, I wish you a lot
Let happiness know no measure and edge,
Let kind people you are surrounded.

Congratulations on February 14 in prose

The ideal option, of course, is a congratulation, said or written from the heart, and in your own words. So when it comes to close person, many prefer to say, albeit briefly, but from the bottom of their hearts.

You can say hello to:

Happy Valentine's Day! Delightful love, unique happiness, endlessly pleasant evenings and passion every day! affectionate words, crazy hugs, intoxicating kisses, gorgeous flowers, burning candles and long-awaited events!

or like this:

On Valentine's Day, I wish you to meet a person with whom it will be comfortable, joyfully, funny, comfortable, warm, fun, and most importantly, uniquely easy. And also more passionate kisses, hugs, walks, so hand in hand, tender words and dizzying dances.

Congratulations on February 14 are cool

It has become a tradition to give funny postcards Or mugs for Valentine's Day. Many ideas can be found in photo salons, souvenir shops. And you can learn funny rhyme with this text:

FROMdozens of weekdays
There is a special one.
On Valentine's Day
Cupid is the master of all of us.

And I can't sleep from feelings.
Oh, how I yearn for you...

Arrows in the heart, an awl in the pope:
I can't wait to meet you.

As proof of my
All-encompassing love
Sending a Valentine.
You hurry to catch her!

Original beautiful congratulations on February 14

In addition to purchased postcards, you can do something with your own hands. Delicate lace will come to the rescue, satin ribbons, unnecessary buttons.
You can print text on a regular printer. Therefore, if you have any needlework tools, feel free to use them. Nothing pleases more than a gift made with your own hands.
You can also put a poem on a postcard. own composition. It's already worthy congratulations, which will be remembered for a lifetime and believe me, such a postcard will be kept forever!

Well, if you are bad at writing, a great poem will do:

Every year in the middle of February
The holiday of all lovers is coming to us.
With him I want to congratulate you,
The light of my enchanted eyes!
There is no better and sweeter in the world,
There is nothing more precious in the world than a man.
I love you, trust me
We will be together forever!

Congratulations on February 14 to the former: is it worth congratulating?

Happy Valentine's Day ex? Of course, if you are in normal relationship, and do not be afraid that he will think of you, as if you want to make peace. In any case, you can congratulate the former “neutrally” without using loud phrases and epithets. So to say, to congratulate "for decency."

Sometimes I find it funny.
I was in love with you.
And it was so recently
And it was happiness for me.
I've always been sad without you
And the day seemed like a century to me.
What a pity that I completely forgot
What a thing approaching spring!

Congratulations on February 14 to colleagues

In some organizations, it is customary to congratulate each other on various holidays. There is nothing wrong.

Dhorny and relatives,
I love you colleagues.
Happy Valentine's Day
Congratulations to everyone now.

I wish you tender feelings,
It was enough for love
Wings for her to give
Were happy so that the days.

Congratulations on February 14 to your beloved girl

Of course, here it is worth showing imagination and not skimping. Since girls, for the most part, are sensitive to dates, and even more so to those related to love, it is necessary to approach the choice of congratulations on Valentine's Day with soul and ingenuity.
Try to surprise the girl an unusual gift. This gift can be touching text in a postcard:

My beloved, priceless
You are even better than in a dream!
And know that even Miss Universe,
You have no equal in beauty!

And on this day of lovers joyful
Let the whole country know
That you are a sweet gift of life,
And all I need is you!

Congratulations to a guy, a friend on February 14

With a man in terms of congratulations on Valentine's Day, everything is much simpler. Most often, a small one is enough for them. symbolic gift or congratulations. In general, by and large, this holiday is not taken seriously.

ATValentine's Day
Let the ice floe melt on the heart,
And love blossoms there
Like a swallow, fluttering

Friend, love, do not be afraid to dream,
Open up to the best girl
It's not crazy at all
To confess your feelings!

Congratulations on February 14 to a girl, woman, mother

Depending on who you are a girl or woman, you can choose the appropriate gift for Valentine's Day. Who said that you can’t congratulate your mother on this holiday?

Congratulations on February 14 wife

What's in candy-bouquet period seems banal and absolutely not romantic, in Everyday life, already slightly shabby household, is very necessary. How long ago did your wife buy herself a set underwear? Don't remember? So make her happy! She will be happy.

Happy Valentine's Day to my wife
And to you, my dear,
I want to confess my love again
And more hugging you.

You deserve peace and happiness
Be beautiful and think about passion
Never argue with anyone
Be persistent and smile!

Video: Musical Cards Happy Valentine's Day

Excellent quatrains with which you can always congratulate your loved ones on February 14th.

Thanks for adding to:

I am a paper heart
With congratulations, I give.
And let it tell
For me, as I love.

You treat him with disdain
Don't break into pieces.
Tear it apart
The heart that's in my chest.

Today is this quiet evening
I want to dedicate to you.
And looking forward to our meeting
I'm waiting to give

Your love, warmth and affection,
All the tenderness of fiery verses.
And Valentine will drive into the paint
Your face from these words.

May Valentine's Day
Will help you and me
Understand how much you are loved
And how I love you.

* * *

To my cutie

Happy Valentine's Day my bird
I love you, cutie
Always be irresistible
The most classy, ​​gentle, marvelous!

I want to wish, kitten,
To make the day bright, call
I love it very much
It's unbearable without you!

I love you more every day
I wish you inspiration in everything
And on the day of February 14
Let the whole earth rejoice!

After all, there is a reason to talk about feelings
To make it fun, forget about sadness,
I want to congratulate you, my dear,
Know, I value and adore very much!

For lovers

Congratulations on Valentine's Day
Feelings high, inspired,
So that a fire burns in the soul
From beautiful, wondrous charms!

love extract

On a special day, February,
Congratulations to all lovers
Let them flare up like Bengal fire,
Hearts from feelings deep, inspired!

Beat in rhythm together exactly to the beat,
Feel the life-giving extract of love,
So be always appreciated, adored,
I wish you an unforgettable holiday!

In the rhythm of passion

Let love take you to an unknown distance,
After all, February is already in full swing,
And the day of lovers gives bliss and bliss,
Know that for me you are the ideal and perfection!

I gladly wish tender feelings,
Let the smile never leave your lips
And the heart beats fieryly from the rhythm of passion,
Be cheerful, dear, forget bad weather!

Valentine's Day

February Valentine's Day
Let love, like a brigantine,
Measuredly walks on the waves
And knocking on a visit to you!

Gently beckons, amuses,
Inspires actions
I wish this holiday
Receive love bouquets!

romantic message

Today is a very special day
Fourteenth of February,
Love is an insidious person
Come to us for a reason!

She is like a sweet kitten
Captivates with its warmth
The world of feelings is so romantic, thin,
I wish everyone to know with a vengeance!

valentine's card

Hurries from me to you
gentle valentine,
I wish from the bottom of my heart
Love big, boundless!

Be, my beloved, cheerful,
Let's celebrate the holiday together
Know, there is no stronger than my feelings,
Taste the kiss!

Let today be the day of love
Knocking on your window
Arrow insidious Valentine,
And let a miracle happen to you!

And the heart will be captured
Love pure and beautiful!
And this day will be the best!
Life without love is, alas, in vain.

In the cold month of February
Let the heat of love warm you.
And if love will leave yours
Let the coal in the heart smolder

Words, feelings so that again
Always a lovely valentine
Sumyl from such coal
Inflate love without any forces!

Let love come to you
Like a hungry wild beast!
AT your heart knock on the door
And it will open the door.

And love, if the flame breaks out,
Remember my dear
The wild beast is always afraid
The heat of a bright fire!

You are perfection! Deity!
And I am a simple ignoramus.
You are definitely magic!
And I am senselessly amusing.

You are made of light and heat!
And I am from patches, like a blanket.
You are amazingly cute!
And I did not scream more charmingly.

You are all over the place cheerful!
And I'm gloomy and boring.
You are blindingly white!
And I am blacker than the clouds.

Maybe better for me
Do not live dreaming about you.
With the fourteenth of February!
My love! My saint!

We don't believe in such explicit dreams.
And so often we are afraid to wish.
We are sometimes not honest.
But everyone has something to hide.

But today, now and forever.
I am honesty itself, for you.
Believe, I swear, and want.
With the fourteenth of February!

I love you, my bright little man,
Because you are the only one
For the fact that you are so shy at a meeting.
I love you for being just mine.

Today, on Valentine's Day,
I want to tell you that never
I've never loved anyone like this before
How much I, Baby, love you.

Thank you for giving me this fairy tale
For teaching me how to love.
I will give you all my heart, soul, affection.
I just want to be next to you.

Cold February day
When hearts freeze from the cold,
Lovely Saint Valentine
Calls to love each other.

And we give congratulations
To all those who are dear to our souls.
After all, if you love passionately,
That is not terrible blizzard and cold.

* * *

Love is a wonderful feeling.
Love fills the planet.
And on Valentine's Day
Ready to remind us of this.

February 14th is also known as Valentine's Day recent times more often and Happy Valentine's Day. Every year he becomes more and more famous. Every year on this day, lovers give each other nice gifts, mostly small. It can be chocolate, flowers, various sweets, postcards, Balloons, bears Me to You. Many also sign valentines, little heart-shaped cards that may contain a declaration of love. Sometimes friends exchange such hearts.


It is not known exactly when and why this holiday originated, but it is definitely one of the oldest that has survived to this day.

It is believed that it originated as early as 496 AD. Allegedly, he came to replace Lupercalia, the fertility festival, which was just celebrated in mid-February. There is also an opinion that Christian holiday Valentine's Day was replaced by one of the pagan ones, although this is still unknown for sure. And what would beautiful legends We didn’t even talk about the famous Valentine, who he is, we also don’t know for sure. It is believed that this man gave his soul for love, after which he was canonized as a saint, becoming the patron saint of all lovers.

In fact, this is a legend that, starting from the Middle Ages, little by little grew. Today's version of it sounds like that, allegedly during the reign of Claudius II, the emperor decided that it was not worth it for guys and girls to be together. As if a man who has neither wife nor children would be better at fighting.

And Valentine was a priest and a doctor, he sympathized with lovers and helped them marry in secret from everyone. When this became known, Valentine was imprisoned and then executed. But before his death, he fell in love with the girl Julia and wrote to her love note- Valentine's card, which was written by "Your Valentine". Executed on February 14, he forever became a symbol of lovers.

Of course, this is nothing more than a myth, but a beautiful fairy tale has fallen in love with people all over the world. And although many people know about its origin, few people think about it when celebrating Valentine's Day.

Some people today claim that this holiday- just an attempt by manufacturers of sweets and sellers of flowers to cash in on the general atmosphere. As you can see, this is not at all the case, and it has existed for a very long time. And in his modern form appeared in the 16th century, when French and English writers began to write about the holiday of love in their novels. There is a mention of it, for example, in the "Bird Parliament" by J. Chaucer. It is believed that this poem is the first mention of Valentine's Day as romantic celebration. It is possible that it is Chaucer who is the cause of such a stir (and by no means candy manufacturers).

Valentines have their own history. There is an opinion that the first creator of the red heart was the Duke of Orleans, who sent similar messages to his wife from prison. It is not known whether this is actually so, but already in the 18th century, sending valentines became fashionable, and not only young people, but also quite mature people had fun in this way.

A rather original version of the origin of Valentine's Day is put forward by the dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron. It states that by lot, young people pulled out pieces of paper with the names of girls written on them, and then became their knights, who protected and protected beautiful ladies throughout the next year.

Initially a Christian holiday, February 14 became “civil” over time, since no one could prove the existence of St. Valentine 100%, and the only relatively reliable information about him contains information about a head cut off by a sword, but that’s all. However, as Valentine's Day, the holiday has taken root.

In Russia it for a long time they did not celebrate, although even some clergy believe that St. Valentine's Day and Orthodoxy have their roots. In any case, it was only in the nineties of the last century that unspoken rule celebrate this celebration. Surprisingly, among young people it took root quite quickly, although not everyone accepted the newfangled "American" tradition. On this day, as a rule, we give each other valentines and toys, and also congratulate each other in poetry and prose. Congratulations on February 14 are very popular in Runet, and we have collected for you the best and most sincere of them. Of course, they will sound better from your lips, but you can also write them on a postcard.

Not everyone likes the commercialization of the holiday, but let's be honest - Birthdays, New Year, March 8 and February 23 also oblige us to give gifts. And isn't it nice that in life there is one more reason to please a loved one?
And it's not about the gifts. Much more important role all the same, it is the words spoken on this “cordial” day of the calendar that play. Look for tender and passionate poems for lovers of all ages on this page of our website.

There are such holidays on Earth

There are such holidays on Earth,
What is celebrated all over the planet.
Valentine's Day - a holiday in February,
Everyone knows him, adults and children.

Men give flowers to women
And they confess their love in moments of passion.
Health to you, good luck, beauty,
Everything that people need to be happy!

There is an extra reason and reason

There is another reason and reason
For the kindest, most tender words.
May Valentine's Day
Love connects hearts.

Let there be happiness in your personal life
You have for many years;
Let there be tenderness boundless
Love is strong and young!

Since February 14, dear

Since February 14, dear,
You are beautiful and I love you
I always wish you to be happy
Thank you for being with me

You inspire me to exploits
You are always in my loving heart,
May all that you dream come true
And what we dream of together!

It's still February and the jasmine doesn't bloom

It's still February, and the jasmine doesn't bloom,
But from love stronger heart beats.
Connected lovers Valentine,
And Valentine's Day is named after him.

valentine's day always celebrate
Together with my beloved, I wish!
Be cheerful, beautiful, young!
I sincerely congratulate you on the holiday!

The holiday has come again for everyone

Again the holiday has come for everyone,
Glorious Valentine's Day,
May success await in love affairs,
To become the master of your destiny.

Let love bring you happiness
It will be a beacon burning in the night,
Let her guide you through life
It will be bright, clean, real!

Valentine's Day has arrived again.
All those who love celebrate the holiday,
And may love always be strong enough
May there always be enough heat and light.

To dear soul let the soul strive
To feel love, kindness and affection,
To understand how good
Our whole life is like a fairy tale!