How to win the love of the girl. How to win a girl who has a boyfriend? Sustainable Rule of the Great Dictator

Holidays are the most successful period for tying new or restoring old relationships. The very concept of "holiday" already implies: good mood, Pleasant pastime, fun and desire to find love.

It was on holidays that the girls are more than ever are optimistic and ready to take a chance with new ones, sometimes the most incredible relations. Well, of all holidays, the new year can be called the most successful for this.

Unique magic, brilliance of toys, aroma of the Christmas tree, Fight of the chimes, champagne and make desires - all this is a man "on hand", and with a skillful romantic feed at this moment and using some not difficult receptions you can conquer the heart of your beloved girl.

In most women, the creatures are very emotional and impressionable. Not a mind, but feelings. They are more willing falling in love if you create the illusion of fairy tales for some time for some time, and not start logically to paint your future reality.

  • Trying to conquer any girl, a man should remember that:

Women love ears - it's true. Therefore, a good "suspended" language, a bunch of compliments, permanent Attention The girl you are interested in is the first steps towards her heart. But do not overdo it. There is nothing worse than a bored and annoying fan. The weak floor becomes especially "weak", which means and in love, when he sees a "real" man next to him: strong, decisive, confident. Even if you do not have these qualities, you still have to at least fit this image, and women will tell you what tactically choose.

Ladies adore gifts and when money is spent on them. This does not mean "throwing out" money for everything. Just find out in advance about the tastes of the girls like you and think that, or invite to her favorite restaurant, to view your favorite film or in any other place where she loves to walk. It is unlikely that it refuses, and you will have a chance.

Women like well-groomed men. Regardlessly, you are or brunette, small, thin, poor or both, the first impression about you the girl will not fold about it, but as of your appearance. It is the condition of your appearance that will make a first impression on it and then it may notice all the other of your advantages.

History knows thousands luxury women fell in love with far from refinery, but very charming men. Male charm begins with a gloss in appearance. Pay attention to your hairstyle, posture, hands, as well as wardrobe. If you are, it is, first of all, a reason to think about how you look.

Beautiful floor adores secrets, secret stories and hot news. Possessing any of the above information, you can easily be interested in the girl you like to conversation with you. So - interest and your person. The main thing is to be able to withstand pauses and have at least small skills of the storyteller. If you are not very with eloquence, then try to provoke a girl to tell you something, and become a grateful listener. Women are mostly a "bantle" and will not miss free and wishing to listen to their ears.

If you know how, it means you have a certain idea of \u200b\u200bwhat qualities like your beloved girl in men. Use these knowledge for your own purposes.

So, summarize and schematically draw the plan for your "offensive" to the impregnable lady in New Year's Eve. It will be perfect if you appear in the field of her view neatly dressed and well-groomed, with proud posture and complete determination, as well as with a reserve of breathtaking compliments and stories. Using all this arsenal, seek it, showing, as if by the way, tickets to her favorite club, and say that you have two, and you still have not decided to invite with you.

I think she will jump on your neck. Well, finally, to the battle of the chimes, hold the last "blow" - a surprise present, too, from the series "her beloved." All this will only "fill" a couple of compliments from the type "Mamost". Outcome: In your chief your chosen, you will go for a long time, well, at least, before the meeting with the following as smart as you are.

P.S. All the above written is the author's subjective opinion, if you think that the article "How to conquer your favorite girl" is not right in the root, let it know 😉 Let's try to adjust or add more interesting advice. Successes to you, gentlemen!

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When you meet a special girl, at the form of which the heart skips a couple of blows, it becomes very important that her heart belong to you. But how to conquer the heart of the girl, if in her presence you lose the gift of speech and in general suddenly become awkward and clumsy? Well, the task is not out of simple, but this does not mean that she is impossible. All girls are different, and what will delight one, will not make any impression on another. But there are still some general rulesThat must be followed if you want to conquer the heart of the beloved.

  1. Be persistent. To conquer the heart of his beloved, most likely, you will need time, and the cherished "yes" can not sound soon. Therefore, they are arming both standard colors and movies in cinema, to the concert of her favorite group and theater and original inventions. Girls, in general, love when they are achieved. But persistent - does not mean annoying. It can not be rearranged here.
  2. Perform feats. Remove the kittens from the trees, save it from hooligans or finally a computer. Let she admire. It works.
  3. Hold the word. Nothing spoils the male reputation so finally and unconditionally as an inconsistent promise. And be honest. Of course, so I want to embellish real position Things, but this is not worth doing this. When the lies are revealed - the chances of reciprocity will be close to zero.
  4. Pay attention to your appearance. Haircut, clothes, shoes. Women are paying clothes special attention, no need to forget about it. How to win the heart of the girl, being untidy? The same, problematic. Your appearance should be not only neat - it is better that it corresponds to its appearance at least style. The task is: you should look good together. Men can not even imagine how much it can be an important factor. After everything is aligned, let her friends see you together, let the "experts" say that you are a beautiful couple.
  5. And by the way, your girlfriends are applied. Their opinion of your candidate will surely be heard, so take this question under control.
  6. Be cheerful. "Laughing woman is already half submissive" is a classic. Wit and optimism - yours the best assistants And a wonderful tip, how to win the heart of your beloved girl.
  7. Sympathize. Sometimes she has a disgusting mood, everything is not so sad or even worse - crying. At this moment you need to be close, it is completely ignoring the fact that women's tears - the spectacle for men is unbearable. Just do not try to give advice, they are for nothing. Just listen and sympathize.
  8. Be generous. Moderately its capabilities, of course. Girls tolerate can not be frozen.
In general, it is quite obvious that such an interesting, cheerful and understanding young man will definitely pay attention to his beloved girl.

And yet - girls are different. How to find special approach What is your choices? This will require only to know her birthday, and therefore the zodiac sign. And now it is not so important, do you believe in horoscopes. Following the recommendations of the stars, you will move much faster in conquering the ladies of your heart.

To conquer the heart girls-AriesYou will need to show an incomplete power of character. This is one of the most independent lashyshen zodiac, and as a rule, she herself chooses a guy. So that she allowed to take care, you will have to prove that you are not a weak. A real man - Strong and confident in yourself - here is her ideal. Honesty is generally a good policy, but here it is the only possible. Straight and open Aries will not suffer lies. And if she answered you reciprocity, God forbid her to change: absolutely no suspicious representatives of this sign, having learned about the dishonesty of the partner, are merciless. There can be no second chances and speech about any second chances.

Trying to charm girl-TeltsaForget about serenades. This is incredibly feminine, but very practical special. She is a beautiful mistress and in first place her family and creation cozy nest. She rejected the dreamer or slave. And it will determine the intention of the applicant immediately. If they are serious - you will be subject to careful check. If not - it is better not to try: the jokes are bad. This girl loves attention signs tasty food. Invite her in a good restaurant or cook something yourself.

A heart gemini girls Drognet only under pressure of the real mind and insight. It is unlikely to appreciate the relief of your muscles, and the puffed torso will not make impressions on it (well, except that the smallest). But the power of the intellect will definitely be amazing. So think where you could shine a sharp mind. And even an important moment: do not show this lady that I lost my head from love. Some coldness does not hurt. Recipe here will be long witty conversations and a rich secular life.

A heart girls-cancer very wound. This gentle young lady is capable of true devotion to his loved ones and her dream - big house from loving husband and a bunch of kids. Cancer falls in love at first glance and without a light page rushes into an embrace of a loved one. She is incredibly trusting. But if this did not happen - prepare for a long siege. Tenderness, kindness and understanding. And no pressure, jealousy or God forbid - quarrels and scandals. Cancer girl hides in his shell, and the path to her heart will be ordered to you. However, love and tenderness are creating wonders - they are making patience and, it is quite possible, everything will work out.

Present Lioness I got used to shine and shine, and exclusively in male society. To get closer to this queen, leaving behind her retinue, you will have to try. She, in principle, is ready to novel, but only with those who irrefutably prove that he is best. Exquisite compliments And expensive (other it will not bearing) gifts - this is what you need. If, of course, your status is high enough. She is very demanding on his chosen one, so you get ready - you will always have to be at the height.

Virgin Usually very good by themselves. This neat and punctual girl herself organizes his life and knows exactly what kind of man I need it. She will be left alone alone than spending time on someone who is not good enough for her. Being very practical in all other issues, she can wait for the Prince for years. However, everything is not reliable: it can be taken an ismor. You just need to always be near and wait for it to get used to you. It is the virgin that most often married colleagues. If in your plans only light Flirt - Keep away from this sign. Among all the signs of the zodiac chaste Virgo is the worst choice. For her, relationship is very serious.

Wanted a heart girls-weights Would like many - she is so charming, and since childhood it is used to shine. That's where the flowers-candy flowers and secular events will be appropriate. Let it shine and bring it to the surround. And here are strong words, jealousy and interrogations with addiction Leave away from this aerial creation. Otherwise, you will not have time to blink with the eye, as this fairy is dissolved in the air.

Mysterious girl scorpion - Mystical character. She is smart, uncompromising and dare. Choosing a man, she ignores someone's opinion. Yes, yes, it is she who makes a choice, and a man remains only to agree with this choice. However, the theoretical opportunity to conquer her heart is still there: you need to prove that you are stronger. Never complain and courageously transfer difficulties. And in no way ask her about help is forever he will cross you in her eyes.

Wanted a heart girls-Sagittarius You can, like her girlfriends. Or dividing her love for extreme. Try to invite her to make a parachute jump together. If you yourself, this feat do not die, most likely, this girl is not for you. Turn her life into a solid adventure - and you will conquer this charming tip.

Conquer girl-Capricorn. You can, showing business qualities. And demonstrating the seriousness of intentions. This beauty is a real snob, so you have to succeed and make a career. Everything else she considers insignificant pampering. However, she will gladly take flowers. But do not think that this will give you some benefits.

Charming girls-aquulev conquer, it seems simple - they are such sociable, always come to the rescue, and public opinion He attributes to them a lot of novels (and most often, it is right). But this seeming ease. In fact, tame the draper is very difficult. After all, today she likes one thing, and tomorrow is another. Intellect, flowers, poems and a lot of luck - that's what you need. But there are no guarantees yet.

W. girls-fish Golden heart, they are wounded and trusting. Adorable mysters and full of mysticism. Almost any man can conquer this angel if he can die. Talk to the dschechpalist stories, die at the sight of children and kittens and do not forget to add that only she understands you. Make a happy fish is not difficult, and in response, she surrounds you with incredible care and caress.

Hello, dear men! Today I want to tell you how to conquer the girl. I will describe the process of working on myself in detail, I will share secrets and secrets how to master female attention and at the end I will explain how to save relationships happy on long years. After all, just to achieve a little girl, you need to be able to keep it, create strong and healthy relationships.

Any guy will be extremely helpful book " Technique of trouble-free flirting. From the first date to the last" In it you will find practical and useful advice, examples and colorful descriptions that unambiguously help you increase your level of charming and seductiveness.

Work on yourself

To begin with, I suggest to talk about what qualities in yourself need to develop, in order to like women. After all, if you read this article, you are not so easy to achieve the location of the girl. And first of all, you need to work on yourself.

Appearance. Be sure to deal with your appearance. Girls like tidy, well-groomed and attractive young people. This does not mean that it is necessary to become focused on your appearance, start walking towards a beautician, for manicure and so on.

It should be pleasant to smell, clothes should not be dirty or torn. Well-groomed hands and face. Strong shoes. You have a secret - always carry a handkerchief with you, which you can file a girl if she cried and she needs to wipe tears, for example. This is well talking about the hero of Robert de Niro in the film "Intern".

Work on self-confidence. The guy should not doubt, wash or be slightly accuracy. A woman is looking for an experienced, purposeful man who can protect it, tell, teach something.
For this you need to work on your own. After all, it is bad both low and overshadowed about yourself.

Look for golden middle. It will help you in this purpose. Learn to set you clear and tasks. As in terms of the conquest of the girl and in life.

If you have appointed her a date, then the time and place and place and in no way can come to yourself later than the appointed time.

What does it mean to be strong? Be able to support weak woman. Substitute her strong and confident shoulder. Help to understand the problem, listen about her adversity. It is very important here to be support not just in words, but in practice. Show your lady that she can hope for you.

Learn to speak beautifully. It is no secret that women love ears. Beautiful compliment Can work wonders. And how to learn them to do in the article "". The essence of the compliment is to show that it is not sensible for you that you feel serious about it.

Learn for patience and calm. No need to say the lady that she constantly does something wrong. No one loves morals. Therefore, it is not necessary to constantly show your intellectual superiority. The bore is even worse than the modesty. Be tolerant and try to show the girl that she is also good in some kind of business.

Do not bend a stick. Attention and care is also too much. If you are constantly playing compliments, give her gifts, take it into the light, it can get tired of such a quantity of attention. Sometimes she must act as the initiator of your meetings. In addition, you should not immediately disclose all your cards. Let her learn gradually.

If you have a few favorite classes, do not talk about it immediately. First, plunge it into one hobby, show what a master you, for example, the stove pancakes. And after some time, let him know that you are also playing on the guitar. Etc.

In communication with the lady is extremely important. And I'm not just not just about nodding during her long story about how the day went. I'm talking about the skill to hear what a woman tells you. Often in her words are hiding wishes, hopes and dreams. Listening to what the girl says, you can find an approach to it, understand how to organize perfect, to know what she wants.

Be original. Try to invent non-standard dates, Surprise it, enchant your fantasy. In each of us there is unlimited creative potential. Open it.

Change yourself will not work quickly. This is a whole process. But do not be afraid. Fear only rolls and interferes. Open the article "" and find one quality that you will begin to develop in the near future. Gradually, you will start to get and you can develop further. In this matter, you will just help purposefulness. From her, perhaps, you can start.

Important moments

Now I propose to talk about direct communication with a young lady. Do not hurry. Not worth a nakhp at try to take a girl. Act gradually, measured. To begin with, it is very important to achieve confidence and respect for each other. Therefore, do not be another workman who just wants to have fun. Show her that your intentions are extremely serious.

Do not get dry before refusal. Courage - quality. If she once disagreed to go with you to drink coffee, nothing terrible. Maybe now she has a challenge at work or she does not see the future prince in you. This is fixable. Try again, but already differently.

Do not miss the opportunity to show that you will communicate with other young lady, but allocate it against the rest of the rest. She will see that you are popular among the ladies and it will attract it even more.

Do not forget about the sense of humor. Mix the girl is art. But it is precisely that it will help you to get the location from her side. The joke should not be skipping, vulgar and angular. If you do not yet get good improvise, prepare a few jokes in advance and use them at the right moment.

Sincerity is your horse. Women feel good lies, even the most insignificant. If you do not want to talk about something, then it is better to say so. Your honesty will be highly appreciated. After all, love is impossible without the sincerity of partners.

One of my client met a wonderful guy. He told her the amazing things, who over time turned out to be a terrible and thoughtful lies. I think you should not explain that now this young man is in the category former.

Pay attention to the little things and details. Remember its color of the eyes, a favorite cafe, a book, music. Learn it, sincerely interest her life. It will show your attitude towards it.

Do not stop flirting with it and flirt. You can learn this in the article "". Such a trifle can help preserve the relationship even after many years.

Do not try to play the role of someone else. Many guys are confident that it is necessary to show themselves as busy, inaccessible and that it will definitely work. This method may eventually play against you. The latter inaccessibility is likely to be regardless of like indifference.

Share your emotions and experiences. Just tell me how your day went and ask what an interesting thing happened to her. Lightweight and spiritual conversations help people get close to each other better, penetrate.

Make friends with her friends and native people. Remember when the birthday of her mom and dad. Such moments are extremely important for girls. After all, the ladies are extremely sentimental creatures.

What's next

Now it became clear how you can conquer the heart of the girl. But how can you keep these warm and happy relationship? Do not stop conquer it again and again. Sure, candy bakery can't last forever. But a couple of times to arrange romantic date - Completely satisfying and real task.

Be sure to write down the diary all the dates for you. A man who remembers the date of the first date, the first kiss, the birthday of the cat and the beloved sister from another city will always be worthy of admiration. But everything is so simple - to write to the calendar and put a reminder.

Continue to surprise her. Sometimes ask friends or relatives about the desires of your young lady. Maybe she shared with a friend with her dream to ride a boat. A great opportunity To arrange a real surprise.

Tell me about your techniques to conquer girls. What is the unusual date managed to organize you? What do you attract attention? What do you think the main thing in the relationship?

How to win a girl? The main secrets of success.

How to win a girl? How to conquer a woman? How to become her only man?

When a man welcomes his girlfriend, he always wants to win it as quickly as possible.
He thinks about her, dreams of her, wants her and, the stronger this desire, more man Loses control over himself. And, it means, becomes insecure, indecisive and even confused at the sight of this girl.

To rehabilitate yourself, men often begin to behave defiantly and even in Hamski. Their behavior is comparable to the behavior of children at school: when the boy likes the girl, he, attracting her attention to his own person, begins to twinkles her for braids. So here.

All this is due to the fact that a man does not know how to behave with the girl you like. After all, it is a big difference between the behavior of men with women who attract them only as a sexy object and is quite another thing when they test to the woman deeper and gentle feelings. It is clear that sexual attraction It does not go anywhere, but besides him there is something more attractive, and it cares for men by surprise.

That is why men are very useful to the information about which it will be spent on our website LOVE-911, where I will tell you that women and girls attracts in men and how to conquer a woman or a girl who really liked you.

How to conquer a girl

1. perseverance and determination.

This perseverance and decisiveness can even border with audacity, as women are a pant on such men, although they never give rise.
A woman in itself is configured to men decisive, because a man should be a getter, he must protect the family. Therefore, this quality in men is obviously attractive women.

2. Talent.

If you know how to something: a game on musical instruments, dance abilities, you know how to eat delicious, understand the colors or something else, then certainly find the way to show it.
Remember the film "Moscow tears does not believe" when in order to impress the main heroine, Goshe staged a premature birthday. So you will show fantasy and smelting.

3. Generosity and attentiveness.

Women hate greedy men, And therefore do not scatter and buy gifts girlfriend. I mean not the necklace and rings, but ice cream, flowers and so on. These are those gifts that can be given even in the first minutes of dating.
The main thing is to know how to hand them and what to talk.
So one my friend, walking in the summer in the park, sat on the bench, threw back my head and accidentally fell asleep, but even in such a form she attracted a man who woke her with the words "Girl, I'm afraid of you will sunstroke. Please take ice cream. " Of course, she felt awkwardness: not every time she sleeps on the bench, but she liked the care of a man. Now they live in marriage.

4. Sincerity.

No matter how you wanted to conquer the girl, do not deceive it. No need to invent the qualities of which you do not have, do not assign yourself the merits that you do not have, do not tell about work, money. In a word, you do not need to show yourself to whom you are not.
Many men sin it. Of course, they even manage to conquer the girl, but the lie always reveals the girl at least disappointed in a man, which inevitably leads to parting.

5. The ability to keep everything under control.

Any woman will not be able to resist the man who knows how to take the situation in their hands and knows how to solve emerging problems.
One woman wrote to us: "My future husband I did not like outwardly. And I would never pay attention to him if it were not for his ability to solve problems ... When I was with him, I could not think about anything and nothing to worry about. He always kept everything under control and did not even give me something to worry about. I felt with him as for stone wall. He conquered me with it, and I fell in love with him before infamous. How could I not love him if I felt with him a real woman? "

6. Heat, accuracy.

The appearance of a man is no less important for women than the appearance of women for a man.
It is not necessary to be in suit and with a tie, but cleanliness and tidy must be your satellites.
You should always smell well from you, since women perceive the smell much stronger than men. If a man does not shine out of the data, then a pleasant and exciting fragrance will assume a woman to him, no matter what.
Clean I. neat clothes Additional pleasant impression And the image of a man. And even your shoes should shine no less than your eyes.

7. Humor and optimism.

These qualities have always been important qualities For people, after all, without them, it is generally hard to live in our hard and harsh world. And for a man who wants to conquer a woman, these qualities are simply necessary.
Women always declare these qualities in men as mandatory.
Therefore, men think that women simply love when a man is having fun without tired.
No, we, of course, love, but everything is quite the opposite.
Women understand perfectly well that they have such qualities that can cause rabies, anger and others in men best feelingsthat will not lead to anything good. And all - thanks multiple approach and look at life.
And if a man does not have a sense of humor, then the life of a woman can turn into hell, consisting of reproaches, ridicule and discontent with it.
Having a sense of humor, a man can easily turn everything female flaws In her dignity and all of her oddities take more friendly, so to speak, with humor.

8. The ability to satisfy the woman.

A good half of women and girls never experienced orgasm, and therefore the ability of men to satisfy their women was always appreciated and respected by women. What woman can stand in front of a man who is able to open her the world of frantic pleasures? Moreover, such men are not so much.
Therefore, if you come down in your courtship to the stage of sex and conquer it with your abilities, it will probably be a complete victory and absolute conquest of a woman who no longer wants to run from you.

So I called you quality, having which, you will definitely conquer a girl or a woman who you liked and with which you would like to build serious relationship. If you have difficulty or you need help, the specialists of our LOVE-911 service will necessarily help you and will give everything required recommendationsFollowing which you can conquer your beloved woman.

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How to conquer a girl? This question interests many guys who seek to establish a relationship with an adorable person you like. To conquer the attention of female parties, it is important to have something higher money - manners, confidence, strength, masculinity and generosity.

If the guy purposefully wants to know the cherished love of a girl to create a long relationship, he must make the most appropriate efforts and be patient as possible. In conquering a woman, the guy should initially understand her feelings, and not desire to be fighter in her bed.

How to conquer the girl with his actions? A man should think about it and show courage and originality.

How to conquer the heart of the girl

To conquer the heart of the ladies, the guy must have several things: the first is confidence; secondly, manners; Thirdly, information and facts about their choices in order to have knowledge with which you can come to be interested in a specific conversation.

How to conquer the girl with his actions? Initially, it follows in any particular actions to show respect for the lady and also to her surrounding. Men make a mistake when they are quite courteous to choose, but they are completely neglected by other people. Each decent woman will immediately notice this and deems indecent. It is hardly possible to conquer the heart of the desired femin. Really brought up will not take attention exclusively to certain peopleHe is attentive to parents, friends, elderly or children. It is such men who manage to conquer the hearts.

How to conquer the girl with your actions - to establish goals and make efforts to achieve the desired one. The woman wants to have a partner seeking to continuous development, as this is an indicator of its success.

Even the most idealistic woman trusts a man more when he has prosperity and probability further developmentachieving success. Since all after the end faced with household difficulties, one of which are material difficulties. Weak guyswho doubt themselves and arranged to laziness, rarely can conquer a woman.

Qualities that will help to conquer a girl is kindness, courage, a sharp mind and the power of the Spirit. It is worth demonstrating that these qualities are available, as it can be easily conquered.

Girls can be conquered, showing care and attention, especially if even a small mark of attention will be made suddenly, without reason. This will cause interest.

The response of the chosen on the actions will allow you to know if you need to continue to try to conquer it. If she stubbornly ignore gifts and even hear does not want about invitations on dates - it turns out that she is not interested in relationship, but if she takes gifts, admires and gratefully gives her smile - there is a chance to conquer her.

The representative of the beautiful gender should help, without waiting for her request, it will appreciate it and it will be a promotion in conquering her. The guy who is able to feel and guess what this moment Woman needs - is invaluable. Therefore, it is just necessary to listen carefully to everything, as tells the girl - the current situation, difficulties, household matters, in school or at work. Showing disinterested helpThe man adds a chance to conquer the girl.

If the guy wants to understand how to conquer former girlSo he considers himself guilty, and is experiencing remorse. Not very simple to conquer the heart of the chosen, which was disappointed once in his guy.

Most guys believe that they can come to a woman with a bouquet of flowers, say a couple on the move invested beautiful words, Forget everything that happened and conquer it again. Alas, after parting everything is not so easy to return. Similar actions may more pain and offend the girl.

To resume the confidence of women and conquer it again, you need to do something more. It will be difficult for her to reveal and believe it is afraid to meet more misunderstanding. So, it is quite difficult to conquer the former girl, before adopting active actions, it should first find out what was a decisive factor in parting.

Surely there was something delisting unpleasant. However, then the guy and did not credit all her words and requests to account, considering them insignificant, before he lost his beloved.

To conquer the girl's heart once again, it is important to realize all the factors and the reasons that led to parting. Only after well analysis, you can take on your changes. Regardless of the cause of the care of the beloved, it is necessary to understand that all the representatives of beautiful gender admire strong and courageous guys. If the guy feels that he once did not reach this level, now it has a chance to correct. This contributes to this: an active way of life, containing sports and rejection of unhealthy habits, stylish image And other details that will help to conquer the former girl.

The most important changes should occur in the behavior of a man. If a previously guy Constantly flirting or watched on others, now the time has come to show beloved seriousness and loyalty. You can not allow yourself to flirt with the girls either in the network, nor outside, never, because it is meaningless and leads to the destruction of relationships.

If the girl complained that her man was a soft and soft man, then it is necessary to behave adequately like a man. Worthy man Does not suit your hysteria and does not humiliate. IN some cases To develop an adequate behavior strategy, you need to take advice from a specialist (psychologist) and enlisted with his advice, you can conquer the heart of the beloved woman.

How to conquer a girl on the first date

In order to conquer a woman at the first meeting, you need to immediately take care to have time to do it, because it is not punctuality will not add positive "glasses."

To conquer the girl on a date should be restrained. It is necessary so that she felt the seriousness of a man. Further, relaxing a little, you can behave a little more flattened, but for the first impression the restraint of emotions is more suitable.

It is impossible to speak too many compliments on the first date, it is not correct. Thus, it can not be conquered, but more from ourselves. Hearing many charming words in your address, the girl who herself did not decide whether the relationship wishes this relationship, may consider such a guy with an obsessive boring, which is probably hoping for the continuation.

A man must make a date so that time is not dragging for a long time. A maximum of two hours is pretty to master some information about a person, do not be happy with communication and leave an intrigue feeling about yourself. It is necessary that the chosen is interesting to meet more and more.

A man should learn about the preferences of the girl. For example, learning what kind of dish she loves to go to a cafe, initially learning that this dish is preparing the best.

If the guy wants to conquer the girl on the first date, then there should be a passive position in the conversation, that is, not so much about herself, but try to learn about the post all that you can, that is, that she will have time to tell.

Often, women complain that there is no one to listen to them - it should be used with benefit, then Femina, undoubtedly, the impression of a guy, as a brought up and extremely an interesting companion. You can conquer the girl with this goat, she will not even notice it.

Everyone, which sincere and friendly he would not be, is the egocentric, that is, it is originally interested in what will raise his personal significance in the eyes of others. Therefore, people strive to stand out with the help of hairstyles, clothing, accessories, behavior, gadgets, gestures, etc.

Instead of effort to show yourself it is important to try to pay all the attention of one girl. Can ask what she loves what is engaged in personal timeThat interested in and worries, learn about hobbies and favorite hobbies. These discussions will leave sufficient number time, so the guy must control when it is necessary to stop. The girl will remain satisfied with the fact that he told a lot and she will remain intrigue, what kind of person is her partner.

Some guys know the secret, how to conquer the girl with a look and actively use it at the first meeting. At the same time, rules must be followed to help make a glance so as to conquer the heart of the girl.

It is very important to determine the power of your opinion, since gaze perceived calibly and able to cause negative emotions At the notes. This can not conquer it, but hesitate.

If the chosen one looks in the other direction, she must feel the look of a man and catch the unobtrusion and ease of intent in it. This view should be very fast, but mean a lot. A man who wishes to conquer the girl should invest in this view warmth, love and kindness with a notch flirting. It seems that it is not easy to do this, for this you can train in front of the mirror to see how much it turns out.

To conquer the girl with a look, it is impossible to look at her face immediately. She may begin to suspect that it is already mentally undressed, so one hint will be enough, and nothing more is required. For a couple of seconds you can stop a straight look, then translate to another object. If the views met at the same time, it means that everything was managed.