Sick leave maximum. For how long is sick leave issued? Grounds for extending the sick leave

Maximum term sick leave in 2018-2019 depends on many factors. Consider what restrictions on the duration of sick leave are provided for by law in each case.

For what minimum period is a certificate of incapacity for work issued (how long can an employee be on sick leave)

The main document confirming temporary disability is a sick leave (SL). The algorithm for issuing BCs is regulated by the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of June 29, 2011 No. 624n. The minimum period of sick leave is not established by law and, as a rule, is determined by the attending physician. According to Art. 11 of order No. 624n, the doctor has the right to single-handedly issue a sick leave, maximum duration which cannot exceed 15 days.

NOTE! The dentist has the right to issue a BC for a period not exceeding 10 calendar days.

But what to do if 15 days have passed, and recovery has not come?

Maximum length of stay on sick leave for various diseases

If after 15 days the patient has not recovered, then the attending physician sends him to undergo a medical examination, which determines the need to extend the BT. If the patient was treated in a private licensed clinic, then after 15 days the doctor will also send him to the medical institution at the place of registration (residence) so that the commission of doctors decides on the extension of the BC (Article 13 of Order No. 624n). With a favorable prognosis for recovery maximum term stay on sick leave cannot exceed 10 months. Sometimes this period can be extended to a year with diagnoses:

  • tuberculosis;
  • condition after surgery;
  • long-term injury.

In this case, the patient must be seen by a doctor to assess the condition and prolong BL every 15 days.

In case of an unfavorable prognosis of treatment, no later than 4 months from the date of establishment of temporary disability, the patient is sent for medical and social examination (MSE). And if the patient refuses to pass it, the bulletin is closed (clause 4, article 59 of the law “On the basics of protecting the health of citizens of the Russian Federation” dated November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ).

Read about the features of paying for long sick leave in the material “What are the nuances of paying for a long sick leave?” .

How long can you sit on sick leave continuously for disabled people, as well as be on sick leave during the year (payment limit by law)

If, after passing the ITU, the patient was recognized as disabled and he was working group disability, then, according to paragraph 3 of Art. 6 of the law "On social insurance... ”of December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ, such an employee cannot be on sick leave for more than:

  • 4 consecutive months continuously;
  • 5 months in total per year.

At the same time, the period for limiting the duration of being on sick leave is determined from the date the disability was established.

NOTE! These restrictions do not apply to disabled people with tuberculosis. With this disease, BC is issued and paid for the entire period of the disease.

On the features of the issuance and payment of BC to disabled people .

How long can sick leave last for caring for a sick relative (duration and payment procedure)

A BC is issued to a citizen if he needs to take care of a sick relative. The question of how many days a sick leave is given to care for a relative is regulated by Chapter 5 of Order No. 624n, and the payment algorithm is defined by Art. 7 of Law No. 255-FZ. Consider the limits set for sick children (as the most often of interest to working parents):

Child's age (years)

BL is issued

Payment restrictions

(number of days per year)


10 days based on insurance experience(SS), subsequent days - 50% of the average daily earnings (SDZ)

From 04/10/2018 - for the entire period of treatment

60 (90 for some diseases)


Coming from the SS


10 days from SS, after 50% of SDZ


Based on SS


Coming from the SS


But disability in connection with the care of a minor child with a disability or a seriously ill child (with post-vaccination complications, oncology, HIV) is paid in full for the entire period of sick leave (without applying the norm of 50% of SDZ after a certain amount days). Limit of days of stay on such sick leave from 10.04.2018 no.

NOTE! A BC can also be issued to care for an adult family member.

Look for details .

How many days a year are paid on sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth, and also for how long is extended sick leave

The question of when and for how many days a sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth (BiR) is issued is regulated by Chapter 2 of Law No. 255-FZ. According to this norm, a BL according to BiR is issued to a pregnant woman at 30 weeks with a singleton and at 28 weeks with multiple pregnancy. For the entire period of vacation in BiR, one BC is issued. If the birth was complicated, then the doctor writes out another bulletin, which is a continuation of the primary sheet. BC for BiR is paid in full, regardless of the worker's insurance experience.

Let's consider for how long a sick leave is issued for BiR, in more detail

Read about the rules for calculating payments by decree .


The algorithm for issuing BL is strictly regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The minimum period of sick leave is determined by the attending physician. And the question of how long the sick leave is given as much as possible is decided by the commission of doctors individually in each case.

Every employee who is officially employed has the right to paid sick leave. Accordingly, the organization pays monthly contributions to the social insurance fund. Therefore, the employee is issued a health insurance policy, which is a guarantee of a paid period of being on sick leave. At the same time, the nature of the disease or the combination of diseases can cause a long period of disability. This always causes a lot of controversy and dissatisfaction with the leadership. After all, the employee does not actually work, but he still needs to be paid.

The maximum period of sick leave according to the law

It must be said that Russian legislation and by-laws contain a list of rules that regulate the time of disability. In this case, no time limit has been set. This means that an employee can receive sick leave for an indefinite period. long period time. This period is provided until full recovery. It is difficult to imagine a situation where, with the continuation of the course of the disease, a person should go to work only because the maximum period of disability has expired. Meanwhile, staying on treatment in certain cases has limitations.

Length of sick leave for child care

The maximum period of this period varies depending on the age and characteristics of the development of the child. Therefore, it is necessary to indicate the following possible situations:

  • If the child has not reached the age of 7, then the maximum period is not set. Since he cannot provide his own treatment, the parent will provide care until recovery and without time limit;
  • When the age does not exceed 15 years, but more than 7 years, the employee receives a sick leave for 15 days. This period is not extended and is a deadline;
  • Upon reaching the age of 15, you can take care of a child for no longer than 3 days;
  • When care is provided for a disabled person, there is no time limit.

Therefore, the worker is dependent on age category the child he is caring for. In any case, it is necessary to confirm the disease medical documents. They will serve as the basis for paying for the period of temporary disability.

Maximum sick leave during pregnancy

The period of pregnancy is the basis for issuing a disability certificate. The duration depends on the course of pregnancy. Therefore, several typical situations can be considered:

  • If the pregnancy proceeds normally and there are no medical complications, then the period will be 140 days. This is also necessarily certified by a medical document, which should be provided at the place of work;
  • When the pregnancy was multiple, the period increases to 194 days. In this case, the fact of multiple pregnancy should be established directly during childbirth. It is fixed by a doctor. Without a special document issued by a doctor, it will be impossible to extend the period;
  • An increase in the period also occurs during caesarean section. In this case, the time of disability increases to 156 days;
  • Early childbirth that occurred before 30 weeks of gestation is also a reason for increasing the duration of disability. Then the period increases to 156 days.

Each case must be supported by medical documents. On their basis, the personnel department extends the paid time, and the accounting department makes payments.

Cancer sick leave maximum term

The maximum time of incapacity for work when diagnosing a disease of an oncological group depends on the time spent on inpatient treatment. All the time when a person is on such treatment is included in the incapacity for work and is subject to payment. When discharged for outpatient treatment, the duration is determined by the attending physician. After such time, the employee must begin to perform his duties.

Maximum length of sick leave in case of injury

The time of disability directly depends on the recovery and the nature of the injury. It should be said that the time of treatment in a hospital is paid in all cases. Limiting the time of inpatient treatment is allowed only on the basis of medical indicators. No time frame has been set. When treating at home, the time is limited to 10 days. It can be extended by the attending physician, but not more than one month. If it is still early to go to work, then the medical commission can increase the sick leave for another 10 days.

The term for paying sick leave in 2018 from the FSS

The FSS transfers funds for the entire time of disability. Since the employer makes regular contributions, the FSS cannot evade payments. However, the fund pays for 300 days of sick leave. If recovery does not occur, then you should apply for a disability. Such a long illness speaks of a loss of ability to work for a certain part.

Sick leave is issued in case of temporary disability of a citizen. Based this document payment is made to the employee.

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The legislator has established temporary restrictions on the validity of the disability certificate.

To whom is it issued?

A sick leave certificate is issued to persons who are subject to mandatory health insurance, as well as those citizens who voluntarily make contributions to the FSS.

It is provided not only to citizens of the Russian Federation, but also to foreigners, as well as stateless persons who permanently or temporarily reside within the borders of Russia.

So, let's present a list of those who will be presented with a sick leave in case of illness, and other situations provided for by the current legislation:

  • officially employed persons who have concluded labor contract with the employer;
  • state and municipal employees;
  • persons engaged in private practice (lawyers, notaries, doctors);
  • other categories of persons in cases provided for by law.


In some situations, it is provided for the period of sanitary-resort treatment.

A sick leave certificate can only be issued by a doctor of a medical organization that has a license for medical activities.

Both a dentist and a paramedic can write out a certificate of incapacity for work.

On what period?

For home therapy, sick leave is provided. Then given period can be multiplied up to 30 days.

The medical commission has the right to increase the period of operation of the sick leave up to 10 months.

Depending on the individual circumstances of the case, treatment can be up to 12 months.

In this situation, the patient is required to undergo a monthly medical examination.

A sick leave can be issued by a dentist or paramedic. Such a document has a limited period of validity - 5 days. In some situations, sick leave is increased to 10 days. However, this period can also subsequently be extended up to a year.

A private practitioner is also entitled to issue a sick leave. It may extend its validity by a period not exceeding 30 days.

Then the decision to increase the period of operation of the sick leave is taken by the medical commission of the municipal or state medical institution.

Normative base

sick leave duration

We have already mentioned the maximum duration of the sick leave. It will be equal to 12 months. But this is rather an exception.

As a rule, sick leave is issued for a period not exceeding 15 days. This period applies to both inpatient and outpatient treatment.

The decision on the duration of the sick leave is made by the attending physician.

It is he who determines by the state of the patient when he is able to return to work. It is at the initiative of the attending doctor that the issue of extending the sick leave is considered by the medical commission.


The maximum duration of sick leave is 12 months. Moreover, the document is not issued immediately for a year. However, such a period of sick leave is due to exceptional circumstances.

At the same time, the patient renews the document every 15 days. Otherwise, the disability certificate will automatically terminate.

For pregnancy and childbirth

Long-term sick leave can include those that are issued. It is opened immediately for 140 days.

Theoretically, 70 of them - before childbirth, and the rest of the days - postpartum period required for recovery.

After closing the sick leave, a woman can either go to work or take parental leave.

The considered periods increase when the pregnancy is multiple. In such a situation, the period is - 194 days, 84 of them - before childbirth, and 110 - after the birth of children.

The period can also be extended in the case when the birth was difficult, for example, the woman in labor was given C-section. In such a situation, a woman will need more time to recover after childbirth.

For child care

A disability certificate is also issued if there is a need to care for a child. Its duration will depend on the age and condition of the children.

So, if the baby is not more than 7 years old, the parent can stay with him on sick leave for the entire period that is required for recovery.

The law limits this period to 60 days within 1 year. This figure is the sum of all sick days. If the child is more often, then another family member has the right to take a certificate of incapacity for work.

If the child's age is from 7 to 15 years, then the duration of one sick leave should not be more than 15 days. The verdict on the extension can be taken by the medical commission.

Longer periods are provided if the child is recognized as disabled. The sick leave is issued for the entire duration of therapy, but not more than 120 days a year.

If children are over 15 years old, then a disability certificate is provided for 3 days. This period may be extended by decision of the medical commission for a period not exceeding 1 week.

For outpatient treatment

For outpatient treatment, the maximum periods that we indicated above apply.

In the hospital

Treatment in a hospital provides for the issuance of a certificate of incapacity for work for a period not exceeding 1 year. The same rules apply here as for treatment at home.

In health resorts

If there is a need for aftercare in a hospital by the decision of the attending physician, then the patient is extended a certificate of incapacity for work.

The patient has the right to count on an increase in its validity for the required period. But the law approved one restriction - no more than 24 calendar days.

The verdict on the extension is within the competence of the medical commission of a particular sanatorium.

In case of injury

Injury is the basis for issuing sick leave. Formerly a doctor I can immediately open a disability certificate for up to 30 days. In this case, inspections were carried out every 10 days.

The changes introduced by Order No. 31n dated January 24, 2012 affected the terms of sick leave for injuries.

As a rule, when an illness sets in, you no longer want to know how long the sick leave will be valid and what payments will be made. However, the importance of this information is undeniable.

After all, its knowledge will allow the employee to receive high-quality medical service and receive fair compensation from the place of work. For the company, it is important to understand that compliance with the legislation regarding sick leave will allow you to avoid fines from regulatory authorities.

In what cases sick leave

Most citizens in the country believe that a sick leave can only be issued in case of illness or on maternity leave. In fact, this is not the case at all. This provision regulates from 21.11.2011. Citizens have the right to receive sick leave in a number of the following cases:

In many ways, the term of the sick leave is determined by the severity of the state of health of the citizen. The worse he is, the longer period temporary disability.

Legal payment limits

All employees of the organization must be subject to compulsory social insurance. So, according to article 2 No. 255-ФЗ, the right to receive benefits is granted only to those persons from whom contributions to the FSS are received. According to him, payments will be received within 10 calendar days from the date of application.

The sick leave benefit will be paid according to the period specified in it. To make payment, the sheet must be presented to personnel service companies.

As a rule, the benefit will be assigned within ten days from the date of filing the sick leave. The employer must make all payments on the pay day.

The amount of sick pay is set according to work experience. The average earnings of an employee over the past two years are also taken into account. At the same time, the amount of the benefit is also regulated by the insurance experience (CC) of the employee himself:

  • less than 6 months- payments are calculated according to the minimum wage;
  • up to 5 years– 60% of wages;
  • 5 to 8 years – 80%;
  • from 8 years old – 100%.

Major diseases with timing

The attending physician of the patient has the right to issue a sick leave only for fifteen days. Legally, this is the maximum term. But there is a caveat, namely that sick leave can be extended for an additional 15 days by decision of a special medical commission .

It is also worth noting that a dentist or paramedic has the right to issue a sick leave only for ten days.

For insured persons

Payments will be made in accordance with the sick leave for 40-50 days per year(This provision is regulated by FZ-255). If the employment contract is temporary, then this period will be 6 months.

It should be noted here that when diagnosing serious illness, for example, tuberculosis, payments will have to be made throughout the duration of the employee's treatment. Also, the employee has the right to count on the allowance at the time of dismissal (provided that from the date of signing the order, no more than one month). Payment will be made within 15 days after the issuance of the conclusion of the MSEC or the receipt of disability.

It is worth noting that the period can be extended to four or five months. As a rule, payments will vary in the amount of 60-100% of wages.

Caring for a sick family member

In the event of illness of one of the family members, you can take a sick leave to care for a relative. Such a document may be issued for a period up to 7 days, and in a year it cannot exceed 30 days. When caring for a child with a disability, there may be 120 days per year of paid sick leave.

At the legislative level, it is regulated that a sick leave can be issued to an able-bodied child care worker. It is worth noting that they can be not only the mother of the child, but the father, grandparents.

The amount of payments is set at 50% of salary.

The sick leave is paid for the entire stay in the medical resort, but it cannot be more than 24 days a year.

Special cases

Reason for issuancePrescribed termPeriod for which it can be extended
Severe illness and prolonged treatment15 daysCan be extended up to 120 days, after which, by decision of the commission, it is additionally increased by 360 days
Ill child15 daysMay be extended for up to 7 days after the meeting of the medical commission
During quarantineThe term is set depending on the type of infectious diseaseCan be extended by the incubation period of individual bacteria and viruses to detect them in a worker
Pregnancy and childbirth140 daysIn the case of a multiple pregnancy, which was detected during childbirth, the term can be extended by 140 days by the maternity hospital doctor. When using a caesarean section - 156 days. If the birth took place at a period of 28 or 30 weeks - 156 days
Treatment in a sanatorium15 daysAccording to legislative norms, the period can be extended by 24 days
Dental prosthetics10 days30 days - a doctor can accept, another 10 days - a commission
Adoption70 days if one child, and 110 if more children were takenLegislative extension this period not installed
Abortion10 daysCan be extended by 30 days by a doctor in case of complications
Artificial inseminationIt is set for the entire time required for the procedureLegislation cannot be extended
Ambulatory treatment10 daysAdditionally for 30 days by the attending physician and for another 10 days by the commission of doctors
After operation10 daysBy decision of the attending physician, it can be increased by 24 days

How many days does the employer pay?

If the sick leave was issued in connection with the illness of the employee himself, then for all reasons of temporary disability first three days will be paid directly by the employer, a from the fourth payments will be made at the expense of the FSS.

In the case of issuing a sick leave to care for a sick family member for different reasons no payments are made by the employer. In this scenario, payments are made by the FSS.

How often can you take sick leave in a year?

According to the current legislation, there are no quantitative restrictions for sick leave.

Therefore, an employee has the right to open a sick leave sheet as many times as he needs throughout the year. He can also issue it again immediately after recovery and return to work.

In the case of payments from the FSS and management, they will be accrued for the entire time the employee is ill or until his disability occurs. At the same time, it does not take into account exactly how many days a year he is sick.

It should be noted that the law maximum terms for payment of temporary disability benefits are not established. But, they will be produced, as a rule, no more than one year. Upon exceeding this period, the worker will be sent for examination by a special medical commission for granting him a disability.

It is also important that sick leave payment in full size will be implemented only when an employee is injured or ill. In other cases, the employer will adhere to legislative regulations.

A sick leave or temporary disability certificate requires careful execution, since if there are errors in filling it out, the FSS may refuse to pay the sick employee. In this material, we will tell you what terms of the sick leave are valid for diseases various types, and how to determine the maximum duration of the sick leave.

From this article you will learn:

  • how the terms of issue are set for the sick leave;
  • for how long a sick leave is issued;
  • what minimum term sick leave;
  • how is the maximum sick leave period determined in 2017;
  • What is the maximum length of sick leave for oncology?

Sick leave: terms

The sick leave is a document confirming the registration of the fact of temporary disability of a working citizen by a medical institution in statutory okay.

At the same time, regardless of what reasons this disability was caused - for example, it can be disease or an injury to the worker himself or the need to care for a sick family member. The sick leave is issued in the form of a form, the format of which is determined By order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of April 26, 2011 N 347n “On approval of the form of the sick leave form”.

General rules for issuing a sick leave are established Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated June 29, 2011 N 624n “On approval of the procedure for issuing sick leave certificates". This document, in particular, determines all the conditions regarding the terms of the sick leave, depending on a number of factors. At the same time, in all cases, the date of opening the sick leave will be considered the day of contacting a medical worker with a problem that has arisen. The date of its closure is the last day of the disease or the circumstances that led to the provision of sick leave to the employee.

Note! In this case, the issuance of sick leave at the request of the patient can be carried out on the day of treatment or on the day of closing. If the certificate of incapacity for work was issued on the day of application, it will later have to be submitted to medical institution to complete the layout.

The duration of the sick leave for the initial treatment is determined by the attending physician who provides therapy or supervision for this case. In this situation, there are certain limits that establish the maximum period for which a sick leave is issued at the first visit to the doctor.

So, in particular, it depends on which category of personnel the medical worker who issued the certificate of incapacity for work belongs to:

  • The maximum duration of the sick leave issued by the attending physician is 15 days. At the same time, sick leave of this duration have the right to issue as specialists medical organizations, and employees of specialized research institutes, including those involved in prosthetics;
  • the maximum duration of a sick leave issued by a medical assistant or a dentist cannot exceed 10 days.

If it takes more than long term, this issue is resolved by convening a special medical commission. Extending sick leave for a longer period by a medical worker alone is not lawful.

Minimum sick leave

The current legislation regulating the procedure for issuing a temporary disability certificate does not establish a specific framework for the minimum duration of the sick leave. However, within the current practice medical workers most often they provide sick leave for a period of at least three days. However, the provision of sick leave for a shorter period is not a violation and can be carried out taking into account the specific situation of the patient.

Note! If the duration of the sick leave, according to the new rules, does not exceed three days, the payment for the period of temporary disability of the employee is made at the expense of the employer. The rest of the sick leave is paid for by funding from the FSS.

How long is sick leave issued for?

If it was not possible to achieve a complete cure of the patient or eliminate another reason for his visit to the doctor during the period of sick leave issued by the attending physician, the latter must organize the consideration of this case by a specially created medical commission. She will analyze the nature and circumstances of the occurrence of the disease, injury or other medical problem, on the basis of which the sick leave was issued. The commission will also evaluate the results of treatment in the previous period, draw conclusions about its effectiveness and form its own forecast. further development situations.

Based on this forecast, the final duration of the patient's stay on sick leave will be determined. It will depend on whether the indicated prognosis is favorable in terms of the possibility of restoring the patient's ability to work, and also on what kind of disease was the cause of his disability. At the same time, throughout the entire period of validity of the sick leave, determined by the medical commission, the patient must come to his doctor every 15 days. This is necessary for examination and evaluation of the effectiveness of therapy, and, if necessary, its adjustment.

Note! Late attendance at the doctor's appointment will be regarded as a violation of the hospital regime. In this case, the temporary disability benefit will be reduced: its calculation from the day following the violation will be made based on the value of the minimum wage established Federal Law No. 82-FZ of June 19, 2000 “On minimum size wages".

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Maximum term of sick leave in 2017

The maximum duration of sick leave in 2017 depends on two main factors: the nature of the forecast made by the medical commission regarding the prospects for the treatment of the disease or injury, and the nature of the disease or injury itself. So, according to the combination of these two criteria, the following longest periods of sick leave for various diseases are possible:

  • unfavorable prognosis regarding the possibility of a return to a full labor activity regardless of the specifics and nature of the disease - no more than 4 months. After this period, in accordance with paragraph 27 of the order of the Ministry of Health No. 624, the patient must be sent for medical and social examination;
  • a favorable prognosis regarding the possibility of returning to full-fledged work activity after most diseases and injuries - no more than 10 months;
  • a favorable prognosis regarding the possibility of returning to full-fledged work activity after the most serious injuries, as well as recovery operations and tuberculosis - no more than 12 months.

Referral for medical and social examination after the end of the sick leave

If, after the expiration of the maximum sick leave period for a particular situation, there was no full recovery the patient’s ability to work, and he is not yet ready to return to full-fledged work, he is sent for a medical and social examination (MSE). Its purpose is to establish signs that allow the patient to be assigned the appropriate disability group. If such signs have been established, and the patient is recognized as disabled, the certificate of incapacity for work will be closed by the date preceding his admission for examination.

If, based on the results of consideration by a special commission, there are no signs sufficient to recognize the patient as disabled, his sick leave will be extended until the restoration of his ability to work. At the same time, the period required to return to work is determined by the medical commission, and the patient himself will still have to come to his doctor every 15 days to evaluate the results of treatment.

After the expiration of the period established by the commission, the sick leave must be closed, or the patient will be sent for re-examination to establish disability.

Note! If the patient refused to conduct an examination or did not appear in time for it, the sick leave will be closed, respectively, on the date of refusal or the date of the appointed ITU.

The maximum period of sick leave for oncology

In 2017, the maximum duration of a sick leave for oncology will largely depend on the prognosis for applying therapy to a patient in a particular case. So, in a situation where the collected this issue the medical commission considers such a prognosis to be unfavorable, no later than 4 months after the opening of the sick leave, he must be sent for an examination, which will establish the possibility of assigning him the status of a disabled person. This, in turn, will mean the closure of the sick leave.

If the prognosis for the treatment of a particular patient is favorable, and the medical commission believes that he will be able to return to full-fledged activity, the maximum period of sick leave may be extended. In particular, in this case provisions apply clause 13 of the order of the Ministry of Health No. 624, which determines that in such a situation, the duration of being on sick leave can be up to 10 months.

After this period, the patient may be discharged with an order to return to work or sent for examination in order to establish disability.

The maximum period of sick leave for other reasons

Order of the Ministry of Health No. 624 suggests that a sick leave can be issued to an employee not only in the event of an injury he himself received or his illness, but also on other grounds. In this case, however, the maximum duration of such sick leave is also subject to regulation.

In particular, the federal law dated December 29, 2006 N 255-FZ "On compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with motherhood" establishes next dates, during which the relevant types of sick leave will be paid in the prescribed manner:

  • caring for a sick family member - no more than 7 days for one sick leave and no more than 30 days per year in total. However, if we are talking about caring for a child aged 7 to 15 years, these figures increase to 15 and 45 days, respectively. As for caring for a child under 7 years old, the maximum duration of one sick leave is not limited, but their total duration per year should not exceed 60 days (for certain types of diseases - 90 days);
  • aftercare after illness or injury in a sanatorium - no more than 24 days;
  • being on sick leave for an employee with a disability - no more than 4 months for one sick leave and no more than 5 months in a year in total.

Note! If an employment contract with an employee is concluded for a period of not more than 6 months, the maximum duration of sick leave that will be paid to him is 75 days.

Thus, the maximum duration of being on sick leave depends primarily on the severity of the disease and the prognosis regarding the recovery of the patient. At the same time, in order to make the most balanced and promising decision on this matter, the current legislation establishes mandatory order involvement of the medical commission in solving such serious issues.

But the sick leave on the occasion of an ordinary illness or injury, the duration of which does not exceed 15 days, can be issued by the attending physician without the involvement of colleagues.