28 weeks of pregnancy what happens to the baby and mom. Possible physical sensations. Stirring fetus at a given time

At the 28th week of pregnancy, the baby finally opens its eyes. The pupillary membrane that protects the baby's eyeballs collapses, and now he can explore everything around not only with the help of touch. At the 28th week of pregnancy, it can be seen that the eyes of the fetus have the usual blue color for newborns, which will change to genetically inherent just before childbirth.

  1. The hairs on the head begin to grow quickly, and the vellus hair that protects the baby's body gradually disappears.
  2. The eyes become sharper and more expressive due to the final shaping of the eyelids and eyelashes.
  3. It is at the 28th week of pregnancy that the fetus is actively prepared for the outside world outside the uterus. The formed adrenal glands of the child begin to produce a special hormone that stimulates the formation of an internal film on the alveoli. At the same time, the alveoli for the first time come into direct contact with the blood vessels of the bronchi. This simulation of oxygen exchange prepares the baby's lungs and bronchi for breathing.
  4. The baby is no longer comfortable in the stomach at 28 weeks of gestation, and he is constantly trying to roll over. But special success it is difficult for him to achieve in conditions of limited space, so he flounders more and worries his mother.
  5. The fetus at 28 weeks already weighs quite a lot, within 98 - 1100 g. Due to this, the load on the woman's lower back is very great.

28 weeks pregnant: what a woman feels

  1. There are no special changes in the condition of a pregnant mother, except for increasing back pain.
  2. With might and main preparation is in progress for childbirth: a woman visits a doctor every 10 days, takes a standard set of blood and urine tests. At 28 weeks gestation, it is important to keep the mother's inflammatory processes, as well as the levels of antibodies, glucose and iron, under control.
  3. With the growth of an already impressive belly, even if you regularly take care of the skin in these places, it more and more stretches and itches. More crimson streaks appear, and they become more noticeable. Subsequently, they can turn into stretch marks, which cannot be eliminated - they will remain folds of the sagging epidermis. Today, it is easier to prevent such an outcome after childbirth than it used to be. Specialized medical creams and gels for postpartum stretch marks perfectly moisturize the skin, tighten the walls of the blood vessels of the cells and ensure its elasticity. For the selection of a cream, you can consult with your doctor or decide on your own. Just read carefully the composition, contraindications and production time of your chosen product. Natural ingredients are also good for moisturizing. cosmetic oils, but it is more effective to use them in combination with products of modern medicine.
  4. The fetus at 28 weeks gestation is very active. Mom-to-be every now and then he feels his distinct movements. These contacts become important for a woman not only from a mother's point of view, but also from the point of view of controlling him. normal state, development and vital signs. Some doctors even advise mothers to observe and record the usual time and duration of the baby's activity in order to better monitor and understand his condition. At 28 weeks of gestation, the baby is usually less active in daytime... This happens because movement during the day makes him sick. But in the evening, when mom is at rest, he begins to stay awake and actively rolls over. The child may also react violently to specific food consumed by the mother, strong emotional excitement or stress. On average, a woman experiences about 7 - 9 baby movements in 10 minutes during his active wakefulness. But this is by no means a panacea. It's just that some kids are less temperamental, and some more.

Pain at 28 weeks gestation

  1. Increasing back pain is the result of not only a shifting center of gravity due to the size of the abdomen, but also a weakening of the supporting muscles and joints due to prolonged increasing stress. At the same time, at the 28th week of pregnancy, the back hurts as if the woman had sciatica.
  2. Don't be alarmed if you sometimes feel pain in your legs, especially around your knees and ankles. Similar sharp, sharp, but short-lived pains occur due to the pressure of the uterus on the sciatic nerve.
  3. At the 28th week of pregnancy, the likelihood of frequent, stubborn pain in the lower back is high. These are the symptoms of the first contractions as they are manifested in premature birth at 28 weeks of gestation. In such a situation, you should immediately go to the hospital and notify your doctor.
  4. Special pains that make every mother start to shudder throughout pregnancy are pains in the lower abdomen. It happens, therefore, gives away pain in the lower rib. Then you have nothing to worry about - it's just that the baby is swarming close to this painful place for you. If you long time feel dull pain in the area of ​​the ribs, your appetite has worsened, vomiting occurs after eating and heartburn suffers - this is most likely the reason urolithiasis disease... Immediately inform the doctor about it, take required analyzes and get expedited treatment before delivery.
  5. The second problem that worries every pregnant mother at the 28th week of pregnancy is puffiness. In some women, it does not manifest itself strongly, and they practically do not notice such a change in their body, while in others, on the contrary, it is noticeably too much. Moreover, in this case, everything swells - from the face to the feet, which does not even work out in usual shoes. If you experience severe discomfort associated with this problem, see your doctor immediately. It is not worth starting this, so as not to get complications during childbirth. Further accumulation of fluid in the body can develop into late toxicosis in a pregnant woman. In this case, you need to strictly adhere to the diet and the amount of fluid consumed per day.

28 week of pregnancy: tests

  1. At the 28th week of pregnancy, active preparation for childbirth takes place. Therefore, in addition to standard urine tests for sugar, and blood for inflammatory processes, an antibody test is mandatory. Already at the 28th week of pregnancy, you can determine the blood group and Rh of the child. Comparison of the rhesus of the mother and the baby is an important moment for childbirth. If the mother negative rhesus factor, and the fetus is positive, a Rh-conflict may form, which will greatly complicate childbirth. Warning a similar situation, the mother is injected with a special drug immunoglobulin, which suppresses it immune system... Protective antibodies to the child's blood practically cease to be produced in the woman's body. Thus, doctors neutralize all the dangerous and unpleasant consequences of such a "dispute" before childbirth.
  2. A routine ultrasound scan is usually performed 3 times during the entire period of bearing a child. At 28 weeks, two ultrasound examinations are over, and the third is usually prescribed just before childbirth. In case of any pathologies or questionable indicators, the doctor prescribes a more frequent ultrasound schedule. You can, of course, do individual examinations more often if you wish. In this way, future parents can follow the changes in their baby, observe his growth, location, development and gender. Only at the 28th week of pregnancy without a doctor, you are unlikely to understand something in an ultrasound photo. So only your doctor can explain the results of such an analysis and explain to you in the smallest detail the norms and stages of your baby's development.

Uterus at 28 weeks gestation

  1. At the 28th week of pregnancy, the uterus is already quite large, but this is not the limit. She will continue to grow until the very birth. Now the belly is already about 7 - 8 cm from the level of the navel, and about 25 - 27 cm - in its lower part.
  2. Periodically, at the 28th week of pregnancy, a woman feels minor contractions, sometimes even more significant and painful. In medicine, this phenomenon is called "false contractions": in this way the muscles are prepared for the upcoming early childbirth... If you feel a sharp short-term tension in the abdomen, this is normal. Frequent contractions accompanied by bloody discharge should definitely alert you. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.
  3. At the 28th week of pregnancy, the child reaches a certain development and is located in the uterus on its own, most often with its head down. However, there are also frequent cases of the opposite position of babies - legs and buttocks forward. From the practice of obstetrics, it has been noticed that it is easier to deliver when the fetus is head down, although each case is individual in its own way.

28 weeks pregnant: premature birth

  1. In general, the level of development of the child at 28 weeks of gestation is already quite enough to leave the mother's womb and continue independent growth. Your baby is already quite capable of life and often it is at this time that the so-called premature birth... According to statistics, childbirth at this stage is positive for the child, and only in isolated cases - with complications and possible lethal outcome... This, of course, does not exclude specialized care and supervision of the baby for some time, but nowadays it is quite affordable.
  2. Unlike a baby, the mother’s body is not ready for the moment of premature birth at 28 weeks of gestation. All of its functioning is tuned to the maintenance of labor and the process of bearing the fetus for another 3 months. Such forced events can cause unwanted complications in a woman. Such cases include: the unavailability of the birth canal for the baby's exit, irregular and insufficient contractions, damage to the cervix when the baby leaves, bleeding during childbirth and a long postpartum recovery process.
  3. It is believed that if a woman has her first pregnancy, then childbirth will take longer. Therefore, doctors are taking maximum measures to prevent contractions and stop premature birth. If contractions are infrequent and weak, the likelihood of pause generic activity is large enough.

28 week of pregnancy: late gestosis

  1. Complication of puffiness at 28 weeks of gestation can cause a disease such as preeclampsia. A woman's body is changing so rapidly that sometimes not all internal organs are able to keep up with such changes. At the end of the second trimester, the placenta begins to produce special enzymes that thin the vascular tissue. internal organs and by 28 weeks form microscopically holes. Blood, fluid and plasma seep through these small holes. They accumulate under the skin and form swelling. Until the 28th week of pregnancy, a slight swelling is almost invisible, but with an increase in the term, it begins to give the expectant mother more and more discomfort.
  2. In particular, protein enters the feces through the oozing of the vessels of the kidneys. Such a loss is significant for the body of a woman and a child. And the larger it is, the more the disease worsens.
  3. Urine tests at all stages can prevent gestosis. When the appearance increased protein, the doctor will immediately prescribe measures to combat the problem.
  4. The more such holes appear, the more fluid is lost. Replenishing the loss, the body raises blood pressure. This leads to thickening of the blood, increased clotting and the formation of blood clots.
  5. The development of all of the above, takes place without burdening the woman at all. In fact, swelling of the visible parts of a pregnant mother's body is not as dangerous as swelling of the placenta. This can lead to an uneven flow of oxygen to the fetus and the brain, in particular, the development of pathologies and underdevelopment.

28 week of pregnancy: video

This week is a big date: you are already exactly seven months old. Your baby has grown to 35 cm and weighs more than a kilogram. But you feel it yourself. Now the baby's head is 70.5 mm in diameter, and the volume of the breast and tummy is 71.9 mm and 73.5 mm, respectively.

The child grows, and all the systems of his body are being improved. Your baby's facial features are already quite individual, and due to the accumulation of subcutaneous fat, they soften. Now, constrictions appear on its arms and legs. And the hair on the head is filled with pigment. Sometimes there is even too much of it at birth, so that later the baby's hair color will only lighten.

Already, you can tell whether your child will be right-handed or left-handed. By which handle he often pulls into his mouth. Naturally, this can only be observed on an ultrasound scan.

During the formation of alveoli, a surfactant is produced in the child's body. This substance prevents the alveoli from sticking together on the first breath. By the 28th week, this substance is enough for a child born at this time to take the first breath on its own. Although then they also spend some time in the incubator, where optimal conditions are maintained for him.

The child is confidently gaining weight, and now there is not enough space for such activity, which he developed earlier. Nevertheless, it is necessary to count his movements, as before. During each hour, there should be at least four movements.

You are often disturbed pulling pains in the upper back and lower back. The reason is the pressure exerted by the uterus. Light forward bends will help relieve tension in it.

For the same reason - due to the pressure of the uterus on the organs - pain in the liver area can occur. If after dinner you feel slightly nauseous and heartburn appears, cholecystitis is not excluded.

You may also be concerned about numbness in the limbs and cramps. The latter are due to a calcium deficiency, and numbness is due to the compression of the nerve endings by the edematous tissues.

28th week of pregnancy: discharge from the genital tract

Your body clearly reacts to any decrease in immunity. In this case, the reason can be not only fatigue, but also intestinal dysbiosis. Thrush occurs. The discharge becomes more abundant, flocculent, and itchy.

To quickly restore the balance of microflora, you need to normalize digestion, consume more dairy products with lactobacilli, and wear natural underwear. Since synthetic can only provoke an imbalance.
When mucous membranes or purulent discharge it is worth being tested for infection. And, if necessary, undergo treatment.

WITH special attention you need to relate to the appearance in the secretions of blood. Especially if they have abdominal pain. Placental abruption may be the cause. And in this case, treatment is required.

28th week of pregnancy: nutrition of the pregnant woman

Carbohydrates are a source of energy for the body. But carbohydrates are useful and not very useful. Carbohydrates supply sugar to the blood - glucose, fructose, sucrose. Of course, excess carbohydrates can cause overweight... This is especially true of carbohydrates, which are confectionery, potatoes, sweets. There are no nutrients in them. Complex sugars like fiber are beneficial. Firstly, because they digest for a long time and improve digestion and, unlike simple carbohydrates, contain many useful substances. In particular, vitamin B, zinc, etc.

Now you better, if not refuse, then at least reduce the amount in your diet simple sugars preferring out the tricky ones.

The child's brain already has a complex structure. Formed gyrus, cerebral cortex. Brain mass has increased markedly. And hair is already growing on the head. On the top and lower jaw the child can see the rudiments of teeth. They will grow much later, but the basis for them has already been formed. Your baby's body is still covered with a lubricant that protects it. The heart beats at a rate of up to 180 beats every minute. And the body length reaches 35 mm.

28 week of pregnancy- this is already the middle of the seventh month of pregnancy, its third trimester. There is very little time left until the baby is born. Ahead is preparation for this wonderful event. Although many women continue to go to work at the 28th week of pregnancy, thoughts of rest are more and more frequent. Many expectant mothers from time to time forget about their interesting position and lead familiar image life, despite some ailments. At the 28th week of pregnancy, it is unacceptable to carry weights and over-tire yourself.

Stirring at 28 weeks gestation.

On this stage the development of pregnancy, the movements of the baby are clearly felt, which indicates a high activity of the fetus. Women can both feel and see superficial movements of the skin of their abdomen. This means that the baby makes active movements inside the mother's womb. Sometimes you can observe how the woman's belly shifts to the right and then to the left.

At 28 weeks pregnant active stirring the fetus is the norm. This will last until about 32 weeks of gestation. When the grown-up baby is cramped in the woman's uterus, its activity will decrease.

Despite the fact that by the 28th week of pregnancy, a woman is gaining about 9 kilograms of weight, she can still afford sufficient activity. Though the moments of awkwardness are already present. Many possible ailments accompanying period of pregnancy, the woman is already used to it. Since every woman has different symptoms of pregnancy, not all expectant mothers are prone to feeling unwell.

Fetal weight at the twenty-seventh week of pregnancy.

On At 28 weeks pregnant, the baby already weighs more than a kilogram, in length, the fruit can reach 34 cm. The fruit has changed significantly, it has become large, can blink and distinguish between sour and sweet tastes. But despite this, the future baby does not yet have clearly formed taste preferences... He likes what his mom eats. If the expectant mother loves to eat spicy and seasoned food, the child will also get used to it. Now is the time to instill healthy taste in your baby.

Fetus at 28 weeks gestation.

On 28 weeks of pregnancy the future baby is already quite strong, has become stronger, its weight fluctuates within 1.3 kg. This is evidenced by its strong tremors in the womb. An interesting fact is that the activity of the baby is manifested mainly at night. During the day, he behaves more calmly. This is due to the fact that in the daytime the movements of the mother calm him down, lull him to sleep. Therefore, the child prefers sleep during the day.

Most babies by this period of pregnancy are placed in the womb, head down. Often, babies who have not yet taken a head-down position by the 28th week of pregnancy do it a little later. So, there should be no reason for worry.

There are times when children are born ahead of time, namely at 28 weeks of gestation. Their chances are not great, but modern medicine nurses such crumbs more and more confidently.

There is no reason for fears and worries at the twenty-seventh week of pregnancy.

At the 28th week of pregnancy, a woman is already less worried about the possibility of premature birth and various complications. Most of the pregnancy was left behind and the woman was psychologically already tuned in to a positive outcome. And the upcoming maternity leave is inspiring. If fear and anxiety persist, it is advisable to make an appointment with a psychologist who will help you tune in to a positive result.

Healthy eating at twenty-seventh week of pregnancy.

In this period development of pregnancy many women do not avoid edema. In this case, you should change the drinking regime. An observing doctor will help to understand this, who will give appropriate recommendations. Salt should be used in minimum quantities, as it promotes water retention in the body. You should also not eat spicy and pickled foods. Having tuned in to a healthy diet from the very beginning of pregnancy, you must adhere to it now.

You should continue to eat vegetables, fruits, sour-dairy products, juices, cereals, beef in the diet.

Rhesus analysis is a conflict at the twenty-seventh week of pregnancy.

If a woman has a negative blood rhesus, she will have to be tested for antibodies. This must be done in order to exclude the presence of Rh - a conflict between a woman and an unborn child.

Urine and blood tests at 28 weeks of gestation surrender before the examination, ultrasound is prescribed only for special indications.

Weight of a woman at the twenty-seventh week of pregnancy.

At the 28th week of pregnancy, a woman's weight changes significantly.... And this entails changes in her figure and gait. It is necessary to dress in beautiful clothes according to your size. You should not wear tight-fitting dresses, as this will entail some discomfort. The use of oils that help prevent stretch marks on the body is essential.

The third trimester of pregnancy is often marked by new discoveries for the mother, new sensations that are not always pleasant. Most of the pregnancy is behind, and the woman is in anticipation of the first meeting with the baby. Many mothers-to-be feel great, but it is still recommended to see a doctor every two weeks to monitor all changes in the body.

The seventh month of pregnancy is the beginning of a real recognition for the baby, from this week the legislation officially recognizes the child as a person, and in case of birth he is issued a birth certificate. Children born at this time are quite viable, and with modern equipment in the maternity hospital, they grow and develop normally. But this is for the most extreme case, since the baby has to live in the mother's tummy for some time.

  1. At the twenty-eighth week, a woman must undergo an examination, and if she has the likelihood of a Rh-conflict, then an injection of immunoglobulin must be given. This helps to avoid complications in the baby's health after childbirth.
  2. Mandatory monthly examination by an obstetrician is now becoming more regular and frequent, a woman must take tests and visit a doctor twice a month. Such regularity allows you to notice in time any deviation in the course of pregnancy, and take timely measures.
  3. Most expectant mothers during this period go on maternity leave, it is preceded by additional examination... Rest at home should not turn into constant lying on the couch, if there are no strict regulations bed rest... A woman should move a lot, walk, do special exercises.
  4. A baby at the twenty-eighth week can be located in the uterus as it suits him. Pelvic or cephalic presentation should not bother the pregnant woman, since the child will take the final position in the uterus about a month before giving birth.

Signs and symptoms

A sign that the seventh month has come is the growth of the uterus, which is already four centimeters above the umbilical cavity.

  • Occasionally, especially during periods of rest, light, painless contractions and tension of the uterus are felt.
  • The breast increases by about two sizes, clearly visible veins appear on the mammary glands, colostrum can be excreted.
  • Weight gain reaches six to eight kilograms, sometimes it exceeds ten kilograms. This is normal, only if the weight is added gradually, every month, and not suddenly over two weeks.
  • Thrombophlebitis is very often exacerbated, hemorrhoids or painful varicose veins on the labia majora may appear.
  • Some expectant mothers develop stretch marks that do not depend on weight gain, but only on the skin's reaction to hormonal changes... In women belonging to the Mongoloid or negroid race, there are no stretch marks, like some representatives of the European type.
  • May torment heartburn, especially after a hearty lunch or dinner. The uterus supports the stomach, and when filled, its contents are thrown back into the esophagus. The simplest treatment is not to eat much, to eat in small portions.
  • The vaginal discharge may become a little heavier, but this is normal.
  • A pregnant woman goes to the toilet more often, especially if the baby is restless, and the grown uterus presses on the bladder, forcing him to urinate every hour.
  • Very often, the baby is so restless that the mother wakes up at night or cannot sleep in the evening. Thrusts of small heels or knees can be very palpable.
  • Calf pain and swelling of the ankles can bother in the evening, morning swelling - warning sign late toxicosis!
  • In the seventh month, a woman may tire faster than usual.

Description Week 28

What happens to the baby's body

28 week is new stage in the development of the fetus, since from this moment he is able to live separately from the mother's body. And although its dimensions are still small, and on average are about a kilogram of weight and thirty-eight centimeters in length, it is quite viable. The layer of subcutaneous fat has not yet formed, and the body looks thin, with reddish, wrinkled skin.

The child's lungs have already developed so much that they can take the first breath, but it takes some more time for the full development of the bronchial tubes. The fetus has already begun to produce a substance that prevents air bubbles from sticking together in the lungs, and the blood vessels necessary for the transport of oxygen are actively developing.

The most interesting transformations take place in the baby's brain. The beginning process of the formation of convolutions will continue until birth. The sense organs are so developed that he can not only see light or shadow, but also begins to toss and turn, trying to turn away from the beam of light directed at the mother's stomach.

The baby can dream, this is recorded on the encephalogram, which records changes during different phases of sleep. The child hears sounds, muffled, but quite distinguishable, and his little heart begins to beat faster at the sound of the mother's voice.

Changes in the mother's body

There is still a whole twelve weeks before childbirth, and the mother's body is already intensively preparing for the important event. The adrenal glands are working throughout, the body consumes large doses of iron and oxygen, which the baby needs.

  • Ligaments and muscles relax, a woman becomes slow, calm, she may feel some "dullness" - this is the influence of hormones and after childbirth everything will pass.
  • Colostrum produced by the mammary glands has bright yellow... It does not come out spontaneously, but when you press on the nipple, a few drops may come out. Colostrum is the baby's first food for another day or two after birth, until milk appears.
  • Many pregnant women notice that they have dizziness, weakness is the result of anemia. All expectant mothers must be prescribed an iron supplement, since it is not possible to obtain it in full from food. A child with maternal anemia feels oxygen starvation, therefore, medication is required.
  • Woman's kidneys work in full force, Scientists have proved that the mother's body after the twenty-eighth week is working to wear and tear, comparable to the state of a nuclear power plant before the explosion. That is why regular examinations are necessary in the third trimester. If a protein is found in urine tests, it means that there is some kind of pathology in the work of the kidneys. This is very dangerous, it can signal inflammation or gestosis, so it is recommended that a pregnant woman go to a hospital for treatment.

What is gestosis

Late toxicosis or gestosis is a pathological violation of the water-salt balance, in which fluid penetrates the tissues, causing internal edema and oxygen starvation. Launched form illness leads to heart attacks and strokes, pulmonary edema and eclampsia - a deadly condition. Gestosis begins with mild edema of the hands and ankles, with an increase blood pressure and a little nausea.

The placenta also swells during gestosis, which causes the fetus to experience a severe lack of oxygen, and its development slows down. There is an opinion that the placenta is the culprit for the onset of late toxicosis, but the impetus for its onset can be both obesity or hypertension, and improper nutrition or infection.

Prevention of gestosis is the most effective method fight against it. A pregnant woman, starting from the twenty-eighth week, is advised to carefully monitor her diet, eliminate or drastically reduce the intake of salt and sugar. Everything canned food, fried food, sausages and pickled cheeses are prohibited. Weight gain should stop.


The third trimester dictates its own nutritional rules for a pregnant woman, which completely abolish all semi-finished products, salty and sweet foods, smoked fish and meat. All this retains fluid in the body, contributing to an increased load on the kidneys.

Particular attention should be paid to the spices that are added to dishes, since many of them, for example, harmless basil, can cause uterine contractions and premature birth. You should also be careful with herbal treatments, which in most cases have contraindications for pregnancy. There are special herbal teas for pregnant women, which are sold in pharmacies, but if a woman suffers from hypotension or high blood pressure, herbal medicine is prohibited.

The diet should include cereals in water or milk, boiled or steamed meat, eggs, dairy products, fresh cottage cheese. Vegetables and fruits can be eaten in unlimited quantities throughout the day, but in small portions. It is recommended to drink cranberry or lingonberry juice that contain a natural antibiotic that prevents inflammatory processes in the kidneys. Rosehip broth or apple compotes seasoned with a spoonful of honey are also very useful.

The twenty-eighth week is the period when future mother should pay maximum attention to her condition and the health of the baby. To do this, she needs:

At the twenty-eighth week, you need to collect " disturbing suitcase"- a bag that a pregnant woman should take with her when contractions occur or when she is sent to the hospital. There, in addition to basic hygiene items, there must be documents according to which the woman in labor will be admitted to the maternity ward. If there is no exchange sheet with an extract of all the tests, then the woman can be placed in the department where the sick or women in labor brought from the street are lying.

Ultrasound at 28 weeks

Usually, a planned ultrasound examination is performed at the thirty-second week, but if there are any indications, then the pregnant woman can undergo this procedure. The monitor already clearly shows what gender the baby is, is there multiple pregnancy... The state of the uterus, the degree of maturity of the placenta and the level amniotic fluid- the doctor displays all these indications in the research protocol.

Different ultrasounds at 28 weeks ultrasound - 28 weeks

It will be interesting for the expectant mother to see how the child yawns or hiccups, sucks a finger. There is evidence of whether the baby will be right-handed or left-handed depends on which finger of which hand he sucks in the mother's abdomen. It is important for the doctor to measure the head, large bones of the child and take the overall measurements.

The third trimester is a good time to start collecting a dowry for your baby. While there is still time for shopping, you need to buy things for the first two months of the baby's life.

A crib, a stroller and a bath can be purchased immediately, or you can entrust this business to your husband or relatives while the mother and child are in the hospital. Joyful anticipation and pleasant anticipation of meeting a baby - these emotions prevail in the third trimester, and are not cause for alarm, if all medical recommendations are followed.

Video - 28 weeks pregnant