What is the Simoron ritual. Simoron rituals for health. Employment contract for a new position

Simoron rituals were invented by Ukrainian psychologists. It's a special kind of magic—fun, experimental, and highly effective. These rituals can be used on a daily basis, improving your mood and programming reality. Moreover, you can invent new spells based on the principles outlined in this article. Enjoy life together with Simoron's adherents!

The Simoron School of Magic appeared thanks to the efforts of the Burlan spouses, famous Kyiv psychologists. A landmark event took place in the early 1990s, and since then the School has been constantly gaining followers. Knowledgeable people claim that Simoron simplifies life, brings positive and hope for the future into everyday life. The key idea is to fulfill cherished desires with the help of fun rituals. Simoron's magic is universal, it allows you to:

  1. attract wealth and success;
  2. find a soul mate;
  3. solve career problems;
  4. promote your business;
  5. cure diseases;
  6. cope with life's troubles.

Rituals Simoron

The adherents of the School combine magic with sparkling humor. Magic techniques affect the most unexpected areas human life including the acquisition of family well-being and long-awaited pregnancy. known simoron rituals money, job search and luck. There is a whole section of rituals for weight loss. Here are some well-known examples:

  • "Hours of luck";
  • "Elixir of harmony";
  • "Desire Calculator";
  • “Search for a job without leaving the priests”;
  • "Blue panties".

Simoron rituals for money

Money magic occupies one of the most important positions in the Simoron School. Rituals for money should be carried out during the growing month - this greatly enhances the effectiveness of your actions. Consider a typical Simoron rite called "Panties on a chandelier." To get started, buy red shorts in a store or market - they must certainly be beautiful. Do laundry at home Underwear by removing the seller's energy. Further algorithm of actions:

  1. Put on your underpants and wear for a day without taking them off.
  2. Constantly think about money and enrichment.
  3. Mentally pronounce magic phrase(“I am a financial magnate”).
  4. Rinse your underpants in cold water.
  5. Say the main spell (“I wash off the bad, I leave the good”).
  6. After waiting for the new moon, hang your underpants on the chandelier.
  7. If the money did not immediately flow, repeat the ceremony in a month.

The rituals “Dumplings for money” and “Money rain” are quite well known. These are very effective Simoron rituals, as many eyewitnesses say. In the first case, you have to cook dumplings, stir this dish clockwise and ritually consume three dumplings. In parallel, the words are spoken: “Pelmeshka - for money.” In the second case, you need to go out into the rain, catch the drops and say: "Heavenly manna - to wealth." All this really works.

Simoron rituals for love

If your life lacks a man, you can resort to Simoron magic. Kyiv psychologists teach to attract love with the help of simple and positive actions. The most common rituals are “Love-carrot” and “Love potion”. “Curd Love” has proven itself well - it is with this rite that we will now get acquainted. You will need:

  • wax candle;
  • cottage cheese;
  • any fruit (ideally strawberries);
  • Nice dress;
  • tableware.

To attract bright feelings, you need to choose a women's day (Saturday, for example). Let your hair down, put on the most beautiful dress in your wardrobe. Go to the grocery store, get some cottage cheese there. Returning home, put the product on a plate, light a candle, sit next to and, holding left hand above the plate, say: “Help me, Mother of God, meet my betrothed.”

Stir strawberries or other sweets into the curd. Stir the resulting mass with a spoon, say: “I bewitch a man, I attract love.” Eat a magical dish while visualizing the image of your lover. This is one of the most effective Simoron rituals for a man's love, so believe in a favorable outcome.

Slipper ritual for marriage Simoron

There are many varieties of slipper ritual for marriage - nothing prevents you from experimenting. We'll consider classic version. Buy chic in the store men's slippers, trying to choose a product more expensive. Now the slippers should “see” the image of the future husband. Your actions depend on the qualities that the alleged chosen one possesses. Here are some examples:

  1. wealth - slippers are ironed with banknotes;
  2. love of art - bring slippers to the theater or museum;
  3. diligence - take a walk next to the construction site;
  4. tenderness - wrap slippers at night in a duvet.

After charging the slippers, put them in the hallway for three days (do not let random people touch the artifact). On the new moon, read the conspiracy over the slippers: “The betrothed will not pass by the apartment, he will not leave me without love. I will be someone's wife. Amen". Take slippers to bed at night and sleep with them hugging in your sleep. To increase the likelihood successful marriage, rub your slippers with banknotes, wear them to restaurants, ride them in decent cars.

Simoron ritual that changes lives

AT ordinary life Simoron rituals for money seem to be the most significant - many need to improve the material base. But luck is no less important, this factor affects every step of a person. Let's consider a ceremony called "Lucky Watch". Fill the bowl with water, arm yourself sea ​​salt and mechanical watch. Procedure:

  • Dissolve some salt in water, soak a cloth in this liquid, wring it out and wipe the watch dial.
  • Say aloud the incantation (“My mechanism is clean, ready to go”).
  • Bring your lips closer to the clock and whisper the second part of the conspiracy (“I breathe in magic, the arrows will bring good luck”).
  • Make three with your finger circular motion lightly touching the dial.
  • Whisper the third part of the plot (“Tick-tock, good luck with me. As I wish, so be it”).
  • Wear an enchanted artifact at all times.

Simoronsky ritual for the fulfillment of desire

Specific rites should have items that visualize the mage's aspirations. Adherents of the Simoron School use the most unexpected things for this - mobile phones, calculators, shorts, chandeliers. One of the most original rituals is the “Mobile of Desires”. First you need to open a graphics editor, upload there beautiful picture and type the text of desire (it is forbidden to use the “not” particle). The further course of the Simoron ritual for desire:

  1. Turn a picture into a splash screen mobile phone(image will need to be scaled down).
  2. Download the picture to your phone and set it as a background.
  3. Hold the mobile phone with two palms.
  4. Whisper a spell (“The phone keeps desire, happiness will fly to me”).
  5. Say your wish three times while looking at the magic screensaver.
  6. Complete the rite the right words(“The first call activates the wish”).
  7. Calmly wait for an incoming call.

Simoron rituals for work

Exists effective ritual to find work for lazy people. Mentally formulate the requirements for a future vacancy. Here are a couple of options:

  • salary from a thousand euros;
  • good-natured boss;
  • peaceful colleagues;
  • free schedule;
  • full social package.

Convert the letters to digital values ​​(the Simoron calculator will help you). Add up the numbers and multiply their sum by 27 - you get the magic number of Simoron. Take a felt-tip pen and put the result of the calculations on your fifth point. Then fold paper airplane and write on it: “Activate number such and such”. Launch the airplane from the window.

Simoron rituals in everyday life

The manipulations described above are great help in life. Take, for example, the rite “Appear”. This is a very effective Simoron ritual aimed at achieving cherished dream. Formulate a dream, close your eyes and raise your head up. If you need some thing, cast a spell: “Item, appear!”. If action is required, the options are:

  1. "Garbage, throw it away";
  2. “Treaty, sign”;
  3. Bread, get it”;
  4. Dinner, warm up."

Simoron rituals for health

Our health is closely related to nutrition and lifestyle. torments overweight- resort to the simplest healing magic. Write the word “DIET” on the piece of paper with a marker. Put a piece of paper on the chair and sit on top. Now you can safely tell your friends that you are on a diet.

The funniest Simoron rituals

There are more funny rituals that evoke positive emotions in the wizard. In "Magnetism" you will have to strip naked, arm yourself with a felt-tip pen and a sheet of paper. Write cherished desire on paper, and attach the sheet to intimate place. guess better wishes related to love and marriage. Visualize something that should be magnetized to the lower chakra.

Another funny ritual is called the “Shovel Spoon”. Buy a teaspoon and carry it around a little in your wallet, charging monetary energy. Say a spell: “Spoon-grab, grab more money, help out of trouble.” Carry the resulting talisman with you to attract good luck and financial flows.

Simoron birthday rituals

Your birthday is a great occasion for magical experiments. At this time, not only Simoron rituals for the love of a man are carried out, but also manipulations related to improving health. Pay attention to three nuances:

  • you will need raspberry jam (raspberry saves from seven diseases);
  • use stickers with desires (they stick to the jar);
  • eat enchanted jam 27 days after the ceremony.

In the School of Simoron, the number 27 is considered magical, remember this. As for raspberry, it improves health and is associated with sweet life. Festive mood enhance the magical effect.

Ritual for happiness in a box

Among the aphorisms of Ostap Bender, there is a border - in combination with a saucer, as without it. For the ceremony you will need a dish with a rim blue color. At the bottom of the container, you should put a thing that personifies your dream. The options are:

  1. nipple - the birth of children;
  2. ring - for a quick marriage;
  3. model of the house - the construction of their own housing;
  4. banknote - for the growth of well-being.

The effect of the rite will increase if the mentioned artifact is presented to you. In addition, it is worth cutting a star out of foil and sticking it on a chandelier in the room. Choose a place where you spend a lot of your free time. This is your lucky star, it will help you achieve your goals. As you can see, Simoron rituals for money, luck and love are very diverse. Believe in the positive magic of Kyiv psychotherapists, and everything will work out for you.

All simoron methods- they really work, it has been repeatedly tested by numerous experimenters, and everyone is satisfied with it. The main thing is correct attitude to the method of Simoron and positive mood . Consider a few basic rituals on exciting topics.

How to get out of debt and raise money.

  • Get rid of debt. Pour, for example, soda on a saucer. On it we display the word: "DUTY". Pour abundantly with vinegar, watch how everything hisses, turns into foam, rejoice, etc. Everything, debt - no more. Or we again write this word on a leaf, freeze it in an ice cube. By inner feelings that the time has come, defrost the ice. Wherein imagine how the debt melts. Then everything (together with that piece of paper) is poured into the Universal Converter (as the toilet bowl is called in Simoron) and washed off. Get rid of debt!
  • We attract money with the help of semolina. What is the best way to lure mani, no matter how semolina. But what to do with it - here the choice is individual. Can pour a little semolina into your wallet, so it will lure money straight to your money house. You can lure money directly from the bank, of course, in this case we are talking about large bets. We take a package of semolina, in which we make a hole, and, going home from the bank we like, we make such a special path along which the lured money will come. Similarly, you can lure customers. Where / where, you will understand for yourself.
  • We work with greenery to attract money. Real greens lure money greens. O we go to the bazaar, where else is the highest quality and natural greenery? By the way, there is a colossal similarity in the fact that money is formed in bundles, and parsley, celery, lettuce, etc. greens in bunches. If you change the stress, it will generally be in tune: a pack - a bunch. We choose the greens we like, we buy without haggling.

    We take the bunch of celery that we like, the bunch of dill, the bunch of parsley, etc. We tear out one leaf from the bunch of lettuce and put it in the wallet with an important, knowing look. On the one hand, a smile will not leave you every time you open your wallet, and on the other hand - fundraising program - has already begun its work and the result will not be long in coming.

Simoron rituals for love.

  • Rituals for attracting a prince. Write a joke statement about the search for love and a prince. Specify his character traits, or appearance, or other nuances. You can carry a leaflet with you, or you can advertise on the site, but not in a section suitable for the topic, but in some completely unpredictable one.

    Or another option. Who can attract the prince? Of course, princess. You can easily become the princess and the pea(or any other). We act literally, as in a famous fairy tale. We sleep on peas for 3 nights (under the mattress, instead of peas, you can use beads, everything is as always - fantasy will tell you everything). Then we put them in a bag and carry them with us. "Prince Seeking a Princess" program launched, and with the help of peas (s) will lead him to you.

  • Any man can turn his head. Take the globe(or a fan, or a spinning top, or anything that spins). Give this object the name of that person. Next is a matter of technology. Spin it, spin it, spin it... but it's not a one-time action. So you can turn your head, and then spin it for gifts.
  • Bathe in love. Every girl dreams of this, and it is very easy to achieve. We take foam or bath salt, on a jar we write the name "Love", then we use it for its intended purpose - we bathe in love and enjoy.
  • Do you want to get married? Buy the most beautiful wedding invitation. Fill it out by inviting yourself to your own wedding. Describe the qualities of the chosen one or appearance. Seal it in an envelope and send it to yourself, for greater importance, you can arrange it by registered mail by mail. All. The universe has been given a mission. The result will not be long in coming.

Various Simoron rituals

  • Health. Diet. Want to lose weight? We take a sheet of paper, write the name of the diet, according to which we will lose weight. We sit down on a leaf. We regularly sit on the chosen diet, do not forget. Our subconscious also remembers that we are on a diet, so overweight leave our already slender figure.
  • heap different problems? Anxiety, worries, laziness, everyone has their own. Let's send our problems... to the resort. We choose a better ticket for them, develop a route, imagine how the problems will rest there, what they will do. We write the name of the problems on a piece of paper, make a plane (how else will they get to the resort?) and launch or let go, or send them there. Now every time you think about your problems, you will also remember that they are at the resort, enjoy their vacation and are in no hurry to return. Or maybe they like it there so much that they don't want to come back!

Differing from other ways of materialization, Simoron rituals for the fulfillment of desires are different in that in them for a person there is an opportunity to come up with his own rules and magically influence the development of his life. Such rituals are very effective and work great.

We have prepared for you a selection of the most interesting and powerful Simoron rituals from forums on the Internet.

Simoron's technique is determined by visualization, as well as mentality in working with images. In order to develop a skill, it is best to train on small things. For example, to find a lost item you need:

  1. Formulate a wish.
  2. Close your eyes and try to look up.
  3. It is very good to imagine the subject and say: “ (item), appear! or “Agreement, sign!”.

At the same time, you should pay attention to your inner feelings. Speaking words in this state, you can feel something disturbing. It can be regarded as a reaction of the Cosmos.

Although this ritual, as they write on the forums, is designed for small requests, it is not forbidden to try this technique and global desire. Who knows what will happen if you say “Beloved, come!” Every day, representing a man.


The meaning of the constant expression, based on from the quality of the sheet to stick to the intimate place, is clear to everyone. Why can't this be turned to your advantage?

  • from thin paper sheet should be cut;
  • it's pretty clear write goal;
  • fragment fixed at a certain point;

In an alternative variation, you can take the original from oak or birch, where words can be attributed with a marker. This kind of “tattoo” is worn for a couple of hours.

If you use another part of the body for this, which located close to the brain, the results of such creativity will also not disappoint. With an eyeliner pencil (or even lipstick) on the forehead, you should fix the result of what a person aspires to: to be a beloved wife, mother, famous person. Reflection in the mirror from time to time will remind you of the goal.

Happiness in a box

This performance ritual is based on Bender's phrase about a saucer with a border. To the bottom plates with blue kai my need to put the symbol of your dreams:

  • who wants to get married - a ring;
  • money - a paper bill;
  • children - pacifier;
  • your house - a small model of it b;

It is necessary that, at the request of a person, this one should be presented to him. To enhance the effect of the ceremony, you can cut bright shiny star(from ordinary foil) and hang where a person spends the most time (on a chandelier in the kitchen). It will be easier to live under such a lucky star.

Simoron birthday ritual

Simoron's technique for fulfilling desires consists in such nuances.

  • On his birthday, a person needs to get raspberry jam. Since this berry is a true panacea for 7 diseases, and is associated with a delicious life, a jar with such a delicacy will be a guide to the world of real hope.
  • On the jar you need to stick a sticker “Not a chef, but raspberries” or another kind of allegory.
  • After 27 days (the magic number in Simorone), the jam should be eaten. It remains only to wait for changes.

magic mirror

  • Need to use powder box with mirror. It must be washed with water and salt to cleanse all the negativity.
  • After that, the powder box will become a real tool for transforming thoughts into happy moments. With an eye or eyebrow pencil, you need to write a short phrase on the glass like "I'm happy", "I'm healthy". It should be very brief and quite capacious to describe your request.
  • Looking at the reflection, you need to say a secret phrase aloud.
  • And do this every time you open the powder. At this moment to be bad mood and not to believe in the power of magic is strictly prohibited.

Another interesting way ritual for health

25 dreams

The main condition: all "desires" must be registered twice in a certain amount (25 wishes twice each). After very quietly, such magical expressions should be said: “ All wishes will come true. It will be as I wish!».

In the next ten days, you should pamper yourself: acquire good lipstick, update clothes, forget about the diet, and also attach importance to all those little things that cheer up a person. Experts have noticed that Cosmos very well and quickly fulfill the dreams of those who are in good mood and gives you joy.

Simoron Ritual "Jumping Tiger"

tiger in the foreign version of the cartoon "Winnie the Pooh" with joy high jumped on the tail. It's time to draw conclusions and:

  1. Find in your closet something striped(or take a vest from her husband) or purchase knee-highs and panties with horizontal stripes.
  2. In the absence of such things, you can make your own body art (lip or eye pencil).
  3. In addition to such an interesting outfit, the hair should be fluffed up and laid in extreme hairstyle.

The actions carried out should be consistent with the image and plot of the cartoon. High jumps can be accompanied by the following words: “I’ll fly to the sky on my tail, and along the way I’ll also get money.”

For the fulfillment of each specific desire will have its own rhyme.

Need to implement 27 jumps(as already mentioned, 27 is a magic number). Riding with friends will be much more fun and better, as the collective energy makes real miracles.

"Magic Potion"

Put on the stove saucepan (preferably red) with water. Should be placed nearby spices, as well as herbs and garlic. By adding components to the container one by one, you should think about your desires, and while adding a fresh portion, say them. Each new phrase should end something like this: "Agree to any positive outcome". The more seasonings there are, the more often they will need to be voiced.

The secret of this Simoron rite is that voice vibrations create an energy field in some way(as in a conspiracy), which helps to quickly implement what was said. It is important to feel that very moment well, without missing a single detail.

The cooked "soup" can be improved with sauce, sour cream, lemon, or other tasty things, but remember that the dish must be edible. At this moment, all desires gain strength again. Then the soup should be poured into a plate with a golden rim, and three spoons should be placed in the mouth. Process needed to activate required program, which a little later should be fixed with a second portion of the broth.

Knot ritual

Many people admire the results of "tied" desires. For a simple acting ritual, you will need laces(only not black). The technique is very easy: holding the laces in your hands, you need to say the desire. The words "wish", which must be formulated in the present tense, negative particles cannot be pronounced. The proposal should be very capacious and specific. After main phrase should say something else: "as a shoelace is tied, so is desire tied". A knot is tied. After the rope clings so that it hangs a little (from the handle of a door or chair). How many wishes, so many loops need to be imposed.

Dream in a matter of days

You can check this in practice. This will take about 20 minutes. Need:

  • Make a wish and write it down.
  • Go into another room, close the doors and attach the leaf with tape to the canvas of wood.
  • Inspired to read the text and boldly go beyond the threshold.
  • Then come back and repeat the whole process. And do this 27 times.

The goal is to make up the ease where welcome lightness, laughter and naturalness. The door portal will be a real guide to new life where everything comes true.

Rite with helpers

Virtual assistants can also help make wishes come true. To get started, prepare Photo famous people who created monetary empires or excelled in another area. At the same time, with their participation, problems, including love ones, can be resolved. It is better not to consider the personalities of artists, since almost everyone has very scandalous stories. Pictures can be cut or printed.

The photo of one millionaire should be in the wallet, the second - sprinkled with semolina, the third - in the safe or can be attached on the table. Once a week, all posters for the night should be placed in a bowl with cereal. At the same time, you need to follow the events, deservedly praise or reproach yourself.

amazing simoron rituals can be called absurd, but they are very interesting and of high quality, and also quite simple in execution. Moreover, according to reviews on the forums, they work quite well.

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:

Each of us in childhood firmly believed that he was a magician, and various miracles were just waiting for our attention to happen in life. You just had to wish or write a message to Magic land- and then a small but wonderful miracle happened. Growing up with each new day, we lose our magical skills, and life, as it seems to us, becomes more and more gray, boring and predictable. monotonous days bringing more grief than joy. At the end of the 80s of the last century, a special system of worldview was created - Simoron, thanks to which any adult, tortured everyday problems, turns into a magician who is able, using special Simoron techniques, to attract good luck and joy, luck and love, wealth and health into his life.

What is Simoron?

Each of those who have encountered this system will answer this question in their own way. For some, this is a very special system of interaction with the outside world and reality, thanks to which a person can try himself in some new role like an all-powerful wizard. Someone considers Simoron's techniques and rituals to be powerful psychotraining that can cause deep personality changes and transform the attitude of the individual to himself, his needs and capabilities. Esotericists consider Simoron modern practice, which absorbed the achievements of many spiritual schools and practices. All these answers describe only one side of this system, without revealing its fullness and overly complicating or simplifying. The embodiment in reality of the desires of people who have found a child in themselves and allowed him with surprise and joy, playing, influencing and interacting with life and the events taking place in it - this is how Simoron can be described in the most simple and accessible way.

Why is all this necessary?

What can be obtained using Simoron's techniques? In our practical time the question is quite logical. Primarily, positive attitude and an optimistic attitude towards life, and then everything that is enough for your imagination and desires! Simoron helps in almost all areas of human life: to get a job Good work and climb the career ladder, find your soul mate and successfully marry or marry, decide housing problem and improve financial relationships. In this technique, the most important thing is that each of its followers, having mastered the principles, is free in creativity and can create techniques and Simoron rituals for love, attracting finances or fulfilling desires, the most suitable for him! Creativity is not limited - it is welcome!

Modern schools of Simoron

Initially, this system was created in the 80s of the XX century by Kyiv psychologists and trainers Peter and Petra Burlan, who still conduct Simoron trainings and classes today, and it is their Kyiv school that is considered one of the strongest. V. Dolokhov (“Papa”) and V. Gurangov (“Beard”), who studied under the Burlans, supplemented and developed this system and created the Moscow studio “Dancing Wizards”. Thanks to the books and seminars of this particular school, Simoron technicians received maximum amount followers both in Russia and abroad. Over time, based on the key provisions of Burlanov's Simoron, the Moscow journalist and psychologist Zoya Chernakova, better known as Lissy Moussa, created the Oxymoron gaming psycho-training system. Another major school in Russia is the St. Petersburg school "Open Simoron Space".

How it works?

According to the Simoron system, each person can transform the world and has practically limitless possibilities, which do not appear in everyday life only because of the limitations of the habitual picture of the world (PCM) of the individual. In each of the Simoron schools, different practices are used to change, go beyond the PCM. Thus, the Burlanov system focuses on Simoron game rituals, and the “Open Simoron Space” practices active self-knowledge through immersion in the subconscious. Papa and Beard from The Dancing Wizards base their techniques on yogic and Sufi practices.

Despite all the differences between the methods offered by each particular school, the essence of Simoron remains the same everywhere - it is a positive game of a person with reality, based on the liberation of the mind from various restrictions imposed and assimilated by a person in the process of life. Simoron's techniques are based on humor and absurd, devoid of the usual logic of actions, thanks to which the personality goes beyond the stereotypes of perception and familiar reality.

Key points

We emphasize once again that Simoron, first of all, is fun game, but it also has its own “cornerstones”, there are not many of them, only two:

  1. All Simoron rituals and techniques are performed in a special state of "floating".
  2. Any positive action in the Simoron system, produced by you, always work and are correct.

What is the state of "floating"

As already mentioned, all Simoron rituals for the fulfillment of desires, attracting money or love, as well as various techniques or actions in this system are performed in a special state - "hovering". How to reach it? To do this, you need to remember a day when you had a great rest, woke up in good mood and they were sure that something wonderful, beautiful and joyful would happen today. I wanted to sing, smile and just “move mountains”. Remembered? Remember this state and use it to perform Simoron rituals to desire or attract money.


As a result of development in this system, not only Simoron rituals were created for the fulfillment of desire, love and financial well-being but also many different techniques. Today, Simoronists use thanksgiving, renaming, "Taki", "Pshel out, blockhead!", "Yakatny" translation and Simoron dances. Let's briefly talk about these techniques.


The simplest and most easily implemented method is "Taki". It consists in the fact that a person concentrates his attention exclusively on positive events, emotions and feelings. In a similar way, there is a correction of one's own movement in life, in accordance with life principles, desires and goals. Thus, you confirm that you are carefully looking at the signs that the Universe sends you, and are ready for positive changes.

"Get out, fool!"

Each of us is faced with certain negative manifestations in Everyday life. Often, such collisions simply knock us out of the normal rhythm and plunge us into the abyss of pessimism. To similar situations control, or even not respond to them at all, Simoron created the technique “Get out, blockhead!” (PVB). At the first sign of the appearance in life of negative phenomena that distract them from their plans, Simoronists use similar way their elimination. So, on the radio they said that production in China has fallen or prices are rising - PVB! Such rude treatment, which came from the "lordly" times, will seem archaic to someone, but everyone can choose for themselves any other phrase, for example: "Go away, nasty!" or something different. So, when you hear a message about a river flood in China, you need to apply the PVB, but if you are called to school about the behavior of your beloved child, then you need to use the following technique.

thanksgiving technique

Applies when the life path there is an obstacle that simply cannot be ignored. For its performance, pronouncing an internal monologue or writing thank you letter person, object or phenomenon that personifies an obstacle for you. In the text, you must thank the person or situation that has arisen before you for warning about possible negative consequences, and list the most bad choices developments from which this signal saved you.

So, with a student at fault, thanksgiving may sound something like this: “Thank you, dear Irina Petrovna, for warning me about the violation of my inner harmony. You are one of my projections and show me my own fears. As soon as I thought that my blockhead had completely “unscrewed” and got out of hand, you immediately, with your usual directness and promptness, informed me about this. It's just scary to imagine what my connivance could lead to without your timely intervention! First, running up the stairs, then skipping lessons, and then, as they say, bad company is within easy reach! And what could be next? I could start drinking, playing cards or something worse! Thank you, dear Irina Petrovna, for such a timely reminder and warning!”

After such a thanksgiving, you must certainly make a gift to the object of thanksgiving. Don't grab your wallet! It is quite enough to imagine, but only very carefully, in the smallest detail, the subject of donation that the recipient may like. So, for already middle-aged class teacher your son can visualize a beautiful or warm imported winter boots. Don't forget to wrap your gift nicely and say thank you.


This technique is often used by Simoron practitioners, as it is quite simple and uses the principle of "what I see, I sing." This practice is based on renaming oneself, receiving a new name from the outside world at one time or another. As for any other Simoron techniques, a sine qua non is the "floating" state. However, when renaming, do not forget about caution. Remember the respected Christopher Bonifatievich Vrungel and his wonderful statement: “You don’t give your name in vain, I’ll tell you in advance what you call the yacht, so it will float!” To change the situation, which for one reason or another does not suit you, Simoron recommends changing and renaming. Agree, " Wood Fairy, hovering over the flowers", who came on a date, will behave in a completely different way than the "iron lady, crushing all obstacles in her path." You can rename both in prose and in verse. It doesn’t matter how beautiful and harmonious your rhymes turn out, the most important thing is that you personally like them and cheer you up.

"Yakatelny" translation

This effective Simoron technique allows you to change in better side a situation that develops in an undesirable direction for you. You will need paper on which the current situation is described, but only all parties involved in it are replaced by the pronoun "I". Such a translation allows you to find an acceptable way to resolve the situation in yourself and your attitude to events.

Simoron dances

To perform this technique, you do not need special choreographic abilities and skills, the main thing is to clearly articulate what you want to get in the end, completely relax and “let go” of your body. Similarly, there is a transition into when reality becomes plastic and any positive magic is possible.

The Absurd Rituals of the Simoron System

As already mentioned, this system is based on various techniques and rituals. The latter means a certain sequence of actions, the implementation of which will lead to a pre-planned result. So, plugging the plug into the electrical outlet from table lamp, we are sure that if there is electricity and the device is in order, then we will get light in the place of the room we need. absurd simoronsky performance desires or attracting love consist of a sequence of such actions that, according to the everyday logic of life, cannot in any way lead to the desired result.

For example, agree that a phone charger included in the network cannot charge your purse with wealth and attract money. However, in Simoron, if you were able to enter the state of “hovering” and are one hundred percent sure that we exist in such a reality, in which it is through the charger for the mobile that money is attracted to the wallet, and even confirmed your confidence with a rhyme-intention, turned to the Universe, it is precisely such Simoron rituals to attract money that will work and increase your well-being. Thus, in order for Simoron to “work”, you need to turn off your “adult” and believe wholeheartedly that magical powers can only hear you in this rather unusual way.

Here are some other simple and easy-to-perform Simoron rituals for money that you can use:

  1. "Easy Money". To perform such a ritual, you will need air balloons, the bigger, the better. At home, they need to be inflated and paper bills tied to them. Let the money balloons float around your house. At the same time, it is important to be in a state of “hovering” and joyfully catch the “easy money” floating around you.
  2. Rinse An ancient Simoron ritual to attract money, which will require a water container - a bath or a basin, as well as a banana peel. Some simoronists use 2 skins from these fruits, one for each hand. We collect water in the prepared container, enter the state of “soaring” and rinse the banana peel, while saying: “I rinse and wash the banana peel, I let money into my life.”
  3. Money mopping. For this ritual, you will need a bucket of water and coins of various denominations. Some simoronists recommend not only putting coins in a bucket of water, but also letting them brew for a couple of hours or overnight so that the liquid becomes monetary. Then I wash the floors with such water. After the floors are washed, we take out the coins and, after washing and drying them, we put them aside until the next ritual.

Oh, how I want to fall in love!

For those who are looking for their happiness and soul mate, you can recommend various Simoron rituals for love. To do this, you can use bathing in a bath with fragrant foam (passionate red or gentle Pink colour) by changing its name. For example, stick the inscription "Love" on the bottle. You need to take a bath and bathe in "Love" every day, not forgetting to "soar" and rename yourself.

To some, such Simoron rituals will seem stupid and absurd. The reviews of those who were not afraid and used them in life are almost unambiguous: “It works! But why is unclear!

In the late 90s of the last century, famous psychologists founded the school of wizards Simoron. The school still exists, which speaks of the inextinguishable desire of people to learn magic. It was thanks to this school that such a thing as Simoron rituals arose. They are known to many for their cheerful game form, however, at the same time and high efficiency.

Therefore, Simoron rituals are a synthesis of humor, cheerful mood and the simplest magic. The scope of these rituals knows no limits. With the help of Simoron rituals, any desires can be fulfilled. In the list of these magical techniques The most popular are techniques for money, for love, for the fulfillment of desires, for sale, for attracting customers, and even for the birth of a child.

Simoron rituals for money

Simoron rituals for money are the most beloved, they are most interested in. All these techniques are advised to conduct to the moon in energy abundance, in other words to the waxing moon. In this case, the effect of the rite will be enhanced at times.
The first rite is to throw the fishing rod out the window in order to catch money in this way. Build a fishing rod from the available improvised means, tie a small bill to it, throw it out the window and say "catch big money for small."
The second Simoron ritual can be the money soul technique. When you take a shower, imagine that instead of water, money is pouring on you.
You can look out the window and say "money home!"
All Simoron rituals are built on the development of a feeling of lightness, joy, fun. In order to do this, it is necessary to allow us to accept the energy of abundance, because often money problems arise precisely because we are not ready to accept money from the universe.

Simoron rituals for love

No less popular scope of Simoron rituals is love.
Everyone wants to experience this exciting feeling, and if it does not come by itself, then you need to attract it. The most famous love ritual is the slipper technique. Many girls have heard about it. You need to buy men's slippers, while paying attention to everything: color, seriousness or style appearance, size and price. It is advisable not to be stingy when purchasing slippers.
After that, do not let anyone wear or touch slippers for three days. After this period, you need to put slippers on your hands, stand at the threshold of an apartment or house and knock them 27 times on the threshold, thus inviting your betrothed to the house.
An equally important ritual for love is preparation for a relationship. The first week you need to love all the men you meet, suggest to yourself that you love him, you can mentally say even that. The second week, on the contrary, all the men you meet will love you. This Simoron love ritual only teaches how to give and receive love. These are the basics of any relationship.

New Simoron rituals

Every year there are more and more Simoron rituals, you can create them too. After all, their essence lies in the ease of accepting everything that you desire. You can laugh at the techniques as much as you want if they didn't work. And so they actually work. And you can easily invent new Simoron rituals, for this it is enough to understand their basic principle of work. And this is living joy and fun at a rigged moment of doing everything that you want.
After all, sometimes you can use Simoron rituals in life, and just not know about it.

No one New Year not without Simoron rituals. After all, all these burning pieces of paper with desires, known to us since childhood, are a prime example such rituals.
The simplest ritual for entering the new year is the associative cleaning of the house. This is not a simple cleaning, but you give meaning to every action, because a vacuum cleaner can become an excellent sucker for bad luck, a rag perfectly cleans from lack of money, and a broom can sweep all quarrels and failures out of the house.
Half an hour before the New Year, you can write on a candle with a marker a list of everything that you would like to get rid of. Then the candle is set on fire, while all the inscriptions disappear, and in this way you enter the new year renewed, without any extra burden.
You can also make fortune cookies when there are pieces of paper with inscriptions in the form of prophecies hidden inside. After that, distribute them to everyone for New Year's table, and who,
what will open, and expect next year.
The same New Year's tangerines can be spoken for love, luck, health and eat together with all family members.
These simple Simoron rituals for the new year can cheer you up and bring a little magic.

Simoron rituals for the fulfillment of desires are also easy to perform, and are loved by many for this. They allow for a moment to feel like children who certainly believe in miracles.
The most famous and widely used method is the shoelace method. To do this, you need to choose any lace for yourself, while it is better not to use black. To form a correctly composed desire, without using any negatives, and without the word “I want”, everything is in the present time. After that, tie the lace anywhere in your house, saying "tying the lace, I tie the desire." And then watch how the desire begins to be fulfilled. Then you can do the same with a new desire.

And for those who have excess weight you can try to lose weight in a fun way. For this, there are Simoron rituals for weight loss. You can buy shower gel and stick the label "anti-fat" on it. Remember this every time you take a shower. miraculous property gel.
No less effective is the Simoron ritual for weight loss using gait. Every time you go somewhere, imagine how extra pounds go away with each step. This must be done consciously and at a leisurely pace.