Calendar thematic planning for mother's day. Thematic week "Mother's Day


organizing educational

process for a week

Topic of the week: "Mother's Day"

Target: Raising a feeling of love and respect for the mother, the desire to help her, takes care of her;clarify and expand children's ideas about the immediate environment, form value relationships and showing care for family people.

Target landmarks: show curiosity, independence, the ability to make their own decisions, relying on their knowledge and skills, initiative and independence of the child, self-confidence, positive attitude to oneself and others, active interaction with peers and adults, the child's ability to fantasy, imagination, creativity, curiosity, the ability to volitional efforts and make independent decisions.

Educational areas



Interaction with parents (society)

Speech development

Cognitive development

Physical development

Social and communicative development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Regime moments

Learning nursery rhymes about regime moments

Conversation "How Our Mothers Care About Us"

Memorizing a poem by I. Morozov

« Mom's hands»

Articulation gymnastics.

Physical minutes for coordination of speech with movements and practicing sound pronunciation [l - r]

Conversation on the topic "What is Mother's Day?"

Presentation "Oh, what a mother"

Watching the cartoon: "Mom for a Mammoth"

Find differences in drawings

Morning gymnastics complex No. 14 "Visiting the Sun"

Gymnasticsafter sleep, hardening

Finger games

Articulatory gymnastics.

Musical exercises

Work on the site, collecting garbage, sweeping paths.

Card index of walks for November.

D / U "Fold things right"

Duty in a corner of nature

Hearing a lullaby.

Hearing musical fairy tales

Listening to "Songs of the Mammoth", songs about mom and grandmother.

Listening to the musical piece "Mama" by P.I. Tchaikovsky

Design a group on the topic, "Mother's Day"

Offer the children the album "Mums Professions" ...

Top up play center

WITHDdisks with cartoons and songs about mom.

Consultation in the genus. corner

Replenish the book corner with new books

In the corner visual activity post new coloring pages.

Creation of a subject-developing environment for a plot-role-playing game"Beauty Salon": the plot "Mom is going to the party."

"A family"

Oral consultation

Top up role-playing game"Family" with new attributes

Contribute to parent's corner information material"Mother's Day: History and Traditions";

Organize the participation of parents in the design of the newspaper "Moms Were Children, too" Organize the participation of parents in the holiday, dedicated to the mothers

Sweet evening(tea party) "Mothers visiting children."

Independent activities of children

Telling poems about mom, grandmother

Board games, educational games

Stick construction

Board game dominoes "Association"

Outdoor games:

"Salki - catch-up",

An outdoor game "The Sun and the Rain".

Plot - role-playing game"A family"

C / r game "Beauty Salon": plot "Mom is going to the holiday."

Drawing (modeling) on ​​the topic

Drawing on the theme "Gift for Mom."

Hatch Exercise

Family Coloring Pages

Individual work

D / and "What has changed?"

Examining baby pictures of moms; compilation of the story "My Mom".

Tongue twisters, proverbs, sayings: Sounds [p] and [p ’]

"Name which one"

D / and "True - False"

D / and "Divide equally"

Throwing snowballs at the target.

Development of movements: jumping on the right - left leg

Examining the album "Mums Professions"

"Postcard for mom"



« Mom's holiday».

Compilation of a story from the experience of the "Winter Games"

Telling a fairy tale " Flower - seven-flower»

Fairy tale by K. Ushinsky "The Fox and the Goat"

Speech play"What is it made of?"



Comparison of items for different reasons


Sequential count up to 6. Dividing the strip into two equal parts.

Making a horse from natural material.


Themes. Abstracts on physo .: No.

Prepare gr. No.;


Game situation"I'm home alone"

"Protection of life and health during a walk."



Winter patterns on the windows

Fairy bird

Mother's portrait

Drawing by design


Modeling flowers for mom

Bird based on Dymkovo toys

Cooperative activity adults and children

Did. game “What word is lost? "

Theatricalization of fairy tales

Learning pure phrases

Riddles about the professions of mothers

Communicative situation "How do I meet my mother"

Conversation on the content of proverbs " Kind word warms, bad - saddens "," Where there are words of greeting, there is a smile for an answer. "

Conversation "What items can mom sew to decorate the house?"

"Why isn't the oval rolling?"

"Get in your place"

Conversation on the topic:"How the curious tongue was punished"

"How to behave during outdoor games"

Outdoor games…

Crucian carp and pike.

The hunter and the hares.

Cat and mouse.

Security Conversations:

Rules of conduct for downhill skiing.

Rules of conduct during outdoor games

Learning (repeating) songs, dances

Offer a subgroup of children natural material - to develop the ability to design

from natural material

Drawing is experimenting. Miraculous transformations blot, blotography. Free experimentation with different materials and tools

Creative workshop: making a gift for the holiday "My dear mommy".

Photo report of the thematic week"Mother's Day" in preparatory group.

Antonova Tatiana Gennadievna.
Position and place of work: Educator MADOU DS "Darovanie" Orenburg region, Tashlinsky district, Tashla village.
Material description: I present to your attention a photo report on the holding of the thematic week "Mother's Day" in the preparatory group of the kindergarten "Gift" p. Tashla by tutors Antonova Tatyana Gennadievna and Amirova Galina Rinadovna. The material presents short descriptions the activities carried out accompanied by photographs. This material can be useful for kindergarten teachers, teachers primary grades, teachers additional education, parents and children.
Target: Formation in children of the idea of ​​the Mother as the closest, dearest and dearest person in the world. Raising children's feelings of love, respect and affection for their mother, for their family.

Rasul Gamzatov
I sing about what is forever new.
And although I'm not singing a hymn at all,
But a word born in my soul
Finds his own music.

And, not obeying my will,
It rushes to the stars, expands around ...
Music of joy and pain
It thunders - my soul is an orchestra.

But when I say, like for the first time,
This is the Word-Miracle, the Word-Light, -
Stand up people!
Fallen alive!

Stand up, children of our turbulent years!
Stand up, pine trees of the age-old forest!
Stand up, straighten up, grass stalks!
Stand up, all the flowers! .. And stand up, mountains,

Raising the sky on your shoulders!
Stand up all and listen standing
Preserved in all its glory
This word is ancient, holy!

Straighten up! Stand up! .. Stand up everyone!
How forests rise with a new dawn,
Like blades of grass tearing up to the sun,
Stand up everybody when you hear this word,

Because in this word is life.
This word is a call and an incantation,
In this word there is a soul.
This is the first spark of consciousness,

Baby's first smile.
May this word always remain
And, breaking through any congestion,
Even in the heart of stone will awaken

A reproach to a muffled conscience.
This word will never deceive
The creature of life is hidden in it.
It is the source of everything.
There is no end to it.
Stand up! ..
I pronounce it:

"Mama!" - which short word… "Mama!" - a word that contains a whole life.
the last week November, in the kindergarten "Gift", was dedicated to the holiday "Mother's Day". When planning a thematic week dedicated to Mother's Day in the preparatory group, we tried to organize all kinds of children's activities around the theme of the family, love for the mother.
Within the framework of the thematic week, conversations, games, classes on the following topics were held with children: “The most best mom in the world ”,“ Mom is the first word ”,“ All sorts of mothers are important ”,“ How can I help my mother? ”, during which the children talked about their mothers, about their hobbies, professions, work, how mothers take care of their children, the whole family, how children show their love for mothers. During the conversation with the children "How can we please mom?", The children suggested preparing for mom holiday concert.
Under the direction of music director Anikina Larisa Mikhailovna, the guys and I were actively preparing for the upcoming festive concert. We learned poems, songs, dances and rehearsed performances.
It was decided to make a gift that could please mommy and give it at the upcoming holiday. What can please a woman the most? Flowers, of course. These are so beautiful " Scarlet flowers”From crepe paper were made by our guys.

All week the group was in a creative atmosphere. Educators, children and their parents were involved in creativity.
The guys drew a portrait of their mother. Our drawings have taken a worthy place at the exhibition of children's drawings "My mother is the best", organized in the kindergarten.

Together with the teachers, the guys worked on the creation of the photo album "Our beloved mothers".

Our group took part in the photo exhibition "We are helpers for mom." Each family presented a photo in which the guys help their mother around the house.

Mothers of children, surprised everyone with their golden hands. So many beautiful and various crafts they prepared for the exhibition "The Golden Hands of Our Mothers" held in the kindergarten. Children admired these beautiful hand-made things dear mothers, and each child was filled with pride in his mother and her golden hands.

I also suggest that you admire some of the creations of the golden hands of our mothers.

Here is such a snowman, now he lives in our group.

And this is the symbol of 2017, the Raymond rooster. Details of this soft toys fastened with buttons, which allows Raymond to freely change his position.

Here are elegant rubber bands for girls made of ribbons, in the form of cockerels.

Bansai from beads "Ever green tree".

Composition "Last Days of Autumn".

Bouquet from paper "Lights".

"Fuzzies" made of colored pom-poms.

It turns out that you can even make a birthday cake out of paper.

With such warm socks, we are not afraid of any frosts.

Crafts of our mothers still long time made us happy at a mini-exhibition in a group.

The culmination of the thematic week was a festive concert. The children took part in the concert with great joy. All of their good feelings the guys put in every song about mom, in every dance. Moms got mass positive emotions... You could see how their eyes were shining with happiness. After the concert, the mothers expressed their gratitude to the teachers for the work done.

The objectives of the thematic week have been achieved.
All week we worked together with parents and children to achieve a common result. Such events bring pleasure to both children and parents, contributes to the unity of the kindergarten team and the family, being a fertile basis for the inclusion of parents in the educational process.

In conclusion, I want to present you a poem that was written by me, for my beloved mother - Kotova Lyudmila Nikolaevna on the occasion of her 70 summer anniversary... Perhaps you would also like to present these lines to your Mothers.

Mom's anniversary is coming soon,
Mom's birthday is coming soon.
I want from us, from my daughters,
Give her a poem.

I just start to write
And again the heart stops.
How to tell her, how to tell her
About feelings that overwhelm.

Or he can write about
How often childhood dreams at night.
We were like under the wing
Caring mother-bird.

Protected us from troubles
And she drove away all adversity.
Gave her love light
And tenderly hugged at night.

There is no secret that it is not easy
Be immature chicks.
Who will protect? Who will console?
With all the troubles, we are with mom.

And again the sun will rise
In our clear sky.
Mom will wipe her tears for us,
And he will shield everyone from sorrows.

I didn’t sleep with us at night,
She drank a lot of troubles with us.
I tried my best for us,
I lost my health.

Taught us how to live honestly
Work hard, be a support to friends.
How to love the Motherland,
Do not allow contention in the family.

And how strong was enough for everything,
Home, children and work.
Today we thank
You for all your worries.

We've grown up over the years
Each daughter has a family.
God rewarded, we are also mothers,
We take an example from you in everything.

As soon as I see you
And inspiration comes again.
Thank you, my darling,
To you for every moment.

Mom's anniversary is coming soon,
Mom's birthday is coming soon
Live for a hundred years and don't be sick
Be happy, do not know grief.

Thank you for the attention! I would be grateful for your feedback, remarks and comments. Special thanks to everyone who will vote for this publication. Thanks!

Purpose: to clarify and expand children's ideas about the immediate environment, to form value relationships and the manifestation of care for their relatives.



Educational plan - educational work on the topic "Under the cover of maternal love"

Purpose: to clarify and expand children's ideas about the immediate environment, to form value relationships and the manifestation of care for their relatives.

Organization of a subject-development environment for independent activity children.

Submit to the Orthodox center the following books: "My Mom", a series of books "Grains" (stories "Mother", "Mom and Her Daughter - Annochka", "Inheritance", "Granddaughter");

Replenish the role-playing game "Family" with new attributes

Interaction with the families of pupils.

Add informational material "Mother's Day: History and Traditions" to the parent's corner;

To organize the participation of parents in the design of the newspaper “Moms Were Children, too”;

Organize the participation of parents in the culinary competition "I bake, bake, bake ...", timed to coincide with the celebration of the "Mother's Day" holiday.

Organize Active participation parents in a holiday dedicated to Mother's Day.

Sweet evening (tea party) "Mothers visiting children".

Morning gymnastics complex.

Walking in a column (hands perform movements with an increased amplitude), walking on toes, arms to the sides, 5 seconds Running in a column in a circle in one direction, walking to music with a high knee in the column, 20 seconds - “Jumping over puddles”;

Walking to music, slowing down the pace and rebuilding in a circle.

I.P. - standing, legs slightly apart, hands down. Raise your arms through the sides up, cross them over your head, return to I.P.I.P. - sitting, legs apart, hands on hips. Bend forward, touch the ribbons to the floor between the feet, return to IP - "Turns to the sides";

I.P. - sitting, legs slightly apart, hands down. Semi-squats with simultaneous swinging of the arms back and forth - "Stretch the legs";

Game exercise "The wind is blowing, the wind has died down." Children stand in a column one by one.

Column walking. Breathing exercises "Inflate the ball", "Pump".

Days of the week / date

Variable part



(forms of work)



The first half of the day

Reception of children on the street.

Conversation "How Our Mothers Care About Us"

The game “Whose? Whose? Whose?" (exercise in the ability

combine words of speech in the desired genus).

Game situation "Be neat"

Purpose: to continue to cultivate the habit of keeping the body clean, the neatness of clothes, nails, hairstyles.

Morning exercises.

Exercise Ignat, Vika, Polina in walking with an additional step to the side, forward - games. ex. "Along the winding path"

Spatial Relationship Topic

Purpose: To consolidate knowledge of the properties of objects, spatial relationships: between, in the middle. Consolidate the concept of subtraction as removing a part from a whole;

2. Choreography

3.English language

Memorizing a poem by I. Morozov

"Mom's hands"

Mom has warm hands like the sun,

So tenderly they know how to caress,

Heal pain, relieve boredom

We are ready to hug you any minute.

Playing, my hair will gently tousle,

They bake pies on weekends in the mornings,

And the legs tickle cheerfully in bed,

When I do not want to wake up myself.

Iron all dresses, shirts and trousers

And then they will find another job ...

I stroke my mother's tired hands, -

Let them rest a little.


Soil observation

Purpose: to expand children's ideas about the soil, to be able to describe its state in late autumn.

Discussion "What do we need soil for?"

Role-playing game "Family"

Purpose: to continue to form socio-cultural competencies in children: to teach them to fulfill the selected social roles

PI "Mousetrap", "Homeless Hare","The wand is a lifesaver."

Purpose: to develop the ability to act on a signal, follow the rules of the game, exercise in running.

Labor activity: helping kids in cleaning toys.

Hygiene procedures, prayer reading, preparation for dinner. Game situation "What to do if ..." (alone at home, lost). Dinner. Reading the fairy tale "Cat, thrush, rooster and fox." Preparation for sleep.


Preparing for an afternoon snack.

Preparing for dinner. Dinner.

Conversation on the content of proverbs "A good word warms, a bad word makes you sad", "Where there are words of greeting, there is a smile for an answer."

Situation "Let's help Stepashka learn the rules of a safe game"

CI "Who is behind whom?" (to consolidate the skills of ordinal counting).

Fix the days of the week with Sonya, Veronica, Lisa, Ilyusha


Postcard for Mom theme

Purpose: to teach children to design a doll from fabric, buttons, threads. Teach children to use a needle and thread, safety rules for handling sharp objects.

Learning the words of the song "Granny"

Purpose: preparation for the holiday "Mother's Day"

An evening walk:

Game exercise "Call Mom affectionately"

Observation of the sky - to form perceptions of characteristics late autumn, enrich the vocabulary of children;

Games. ex. on the sport. equipment.

Days of the week / date

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Educational activities in times of security

Directly educational activities

Variable part



(forms of work)



The first half of the day

Reception of children on the street.

Morning exercises.

Conversation with children "What can I?"

Purpose: to discuss with children how they can help their mother at home, bring up love, care, responsibility for their actions.

D. And "Easy counting" (consolidate counting skills within 10)

Preparing for breakfast: hygiene procedures, duty. Prayer before meals. Breakfast.

Gargle with saline.

Working with the attendants Leva, Veronica, Arina, Natasha: watering the plants, cleaning the shelves with toys, washing toys.

"In the world of objects" (glass, wood, metal)

Purpose: to clarify the ideas of children about materials such as glass, metal, wood, to teach to explain their properties on the basis of comparison; to develop the ability to establish causal relationships between the purpose of an object, its qualities and properties, to form knowledge about the safe handling of these objects.

Topic: Reading words from the passed letters - АУ, УА. Consolidation of the passed material.

Purpose: to form the ability to read words from the passed letters. Strengthen the knowledge of children about vowel sounds and letters A, O, U, Y, E. Strengthen the ability to name words with a given sound. Consolidate the ability to find the first sound in the names of objects.

3. Musical.


E. Permyak "How Misha Wanted to Outwit Mom"


Tit watching

Purpose: to teach to distinguish different types birds in appearance, habits, to clarify that the tit is a wintering bird, to pay attention to the fact that birds began to fly to people's homes more often, since there was not enough food. Raise the desire to take care of the birds, organize feeding the birds.

Labor activity - collecting maple seeds for feeding birds in winter;

P.I "Salki - catch-up", "Merry dog", M.I "Fisherman and fish"

D / and "Divide equally"

Hygiene procedures, prayer reading, preparation for dinner. Dinner. Reading A. Usachev's fairy tale "Once upon a time there were hedgehogs." Preparation for sleep. Dream.


Role-playing game "Visiting grandma"

Relay game "We help"

Purpose: To teach children to carefully carry various subjects, different ways... Form a culture of movement, improve accuracy.

Reading the story of B. Zhitkov "How Sasha scared his mother"

Purpose: to contribute to the formation of a holistic picture of the world, primary value ideas about family relationships.

With Lisa, Nastya Z. - the game "Quietly - loudly" for the development of phonemic hearing.

Phys. development (on the street)

Examination of the reproduction of the painting by B. M. Kustodiev "Morning"

Purpose: To continue to acquaint children with the works of painting, to form an interest in the aesthetic side surrounding reality.

To help children see the care and love of a mother for a child that the artist wanted to evoke.

An evening walk:

Comparative observation6 November weather

Invite the children to characterize the weather, compose the story "Weather yesterday and today" using comparative characteristics basic weather indicators. Develop coherent speech, maintain cognitive interest.

C / r game "Family": plot "Mom comes home from work."

Purpose: to teach children to play together, to act in accordance with the rules and general game plan, to reckon with the interests of their comrades. To form the ability to select attributes for the game.

P / and "Gray wolf".

Purpose: To develop responsiveness, dexterity, interest in p / i.

D / and "What has changed?"

Objective: To develop the ability to concentrate, visual perception, short-term visual memory.

Days of the week / date

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Educational activities in times of security

Directly educational activities

Variable part



(forms of work)



The first half of the day

Reception of children on the street.

Examining baby pictures of moms; compilation of the story "My Mom".

Purpose: to form children's interest in photography as a genre of art. Learn to compose a story about mom according to the scheme proposed by the teacher. To foster respect, a caring attitude towards mother, to develop dialogical speech.

Reading a poem by P. Sinyavsky "A colorful gift".

Duty during the GCD with Lisa, Vika.

Purpose: to educate independence, responsibility.


Topic: "An incident in the autumn forest."

Continue to acquaint children with the changes taking place with animals in the fall, tell about the features of their appearance, structure, life.

2. Choreography


Drawing - experimenting -

rationing. Wonderful transformations of blots, blotsography. Free experimentation with different materials and tools (thread, tube, crumpled paper): objectification, revitalization of unusual shapes.

Examination of a reproduction of L. Da Vinci's painting "Madonna and Child" (Madonna Lita).

Purpose: to acquaint children with the work, to explain its content, to pay attention to the expressiveness. To form an interest in the aesthetic side of the surrounding reality, to familiarize with the fine arts.


P / and "Empty space"

Purpose: to train children in running with acceleration, to develop coordination of movements, the ability to navigate in space, speed of reaction. Consolidate knowledge of the rules of the game.

C / r game "Family": plot: "Mom leads the child to Kindergarten».

Invite children to beat different situations, acting alternately in the role of mother and child. Encourage children to use their personal experiences.

Comparative observations: deciduous and coniferous trees in November.

Purpose: To propose to find similarities and differences between coniferous and deciduous trees.

Sports game: "Hockey with a ball".

Labor assignments: insulation of trees and shrubs.

Purpose: to discuss the appointment with the children work ahead... To organize the use by children of the ability to work with a child's rake (or a shovel) for the implementation of this labor operation.

Hygiene procedures, prayer reading, preparation for dinner. Dinner. Reading before bedtime - E. Karganova's fairy tale "Mouse and Mouse". Preparation for sleep. Daytime sleep.


Gradual rise, a minute - wake up after sleep, hygiene procedures.

Preparing for an afternoon snack.

Preparing for dinner. Dinner.

Reading the story "Caring mother" by G. Skribitsky.

Purpose: to teach children to listen carefully to the story, to help understand the motives of behavior the main character story. Invite the children to tell how the fox - mother took care of her cub.

Labor assignments "Learning to help mom".

Purpose: To form in children conscious attitude to order in the group room, as necessary condition preservation of coziness.

C / r game "Family": plot "Mother's helpers".

D / and "True - False" with Misha, Yegor I. Purpose: to develop the ability to act in accordance with the rules of etiquette.


Watching the cartoon "Mom for a Mammoth", listening to "Songs of a Mammoth".

Purpose: To continue to foster good feelings, tenderness and care for mom.

An evening walk:

Communicative situation "How do I meet my mother"

Purpose: to activate in the speech of children sweet words and expressions, suggest remembering how the characters of various fairy tales addressed each other. Discuss how a person's mood changes when using kind words.

P / and "Moon and Sun"

Purpose: To acquaint children with the rules of the game, invite children to distribute roles using a counting rhyme.

Days of the week / date

OO integration

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Educational activities in times of security

Directly educational activities

Variable part



(forms of work)



The first half of the day

Reception of children on the street.

Morning exercises.

Working in a corner of nature: filling out the "Weather Calendar"

Purpose: to teach children to select cards that schematically depict the state of the weather for today, to teach them to argue their choice.

D / and "Tops - roots" with Sasha, Lev.

Purpose: to teach children to correctly name the edible parts of plants.



Listening to the musical piece "Mama" by P.I. Tchaikovsky ("Children's Album").

Purpose: to teach through music to understand the feelings for mom expressed by the composer.


P / and "Zhmurki"

Purpose: to teach children to follow the rules, to act as judges. Develop dexterity, coordination of movements.

Labor assignments: cleaning the site.

The game is a dramatization based on the fairy tale by E. Karganova "The Mouse and the Little Mouse".

Purpose: to invite children to stage various episodes of a fairy tale, to teach to convey the character of the characters, to understand the meaning of their actions.

Hygiene procedures, prayer reading, preparation for dinner. Dinner. Preparation for sleep. Daytime sleep. D / U "Fold things right" Purpose: to consolidate the ability to neatly fold and hang things.


Gradual rise, a minute - wake up after sleep, hygiene procedures.

Preparing for an afternoon snack.

Preparing for dinner. Dinner.

Building material games: building a fairytale palace for mom.

Purpose: to teach children to build a house, transform it a terem. Develop skills in spatial orientation.

D / and "Who is more?"

Purpose: to train children in memorization, discrimination and naming geometric shapes... Develop visual perception, short-term visual memory, form grammatical structure speech.

Preparation with Milena for the Zebraonok competition (repetition of a poem, dance).

Defense industry

Reading the story "Sons" by V. Oseeva.

Purpose: To lead children to understand the actions of the heroes of the story. Learn to find fragments of the story that match the illustrations, relying on them to tell the memorable fragments.

Examination of a reproduction of V. Surikov's painting “Portrait of P.F. Surikova "(the artist's mother).

To acquaint the children with the work, to bring them to an understanding of the feelings with which the son painted the portrait of his mother.

An evening walk:

Sports exercise with a ball: get into the basket.

Game of low mobility "Guess who called?"

Purpose: to teach children to independently organize the game. Develop auditory perception, the ability to concentrate.

D / and "Shop"

Purpose: to teach children to describe the items that mothers usually buy in the store, to highlight their essential features.

Days of the week / date

OO integration

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Educational activities in times of security

Directly educational activities

Variable part



(forms of work)



The first half of the day

Reception of children on the street.

Conversation on

Morning exercises.

Computer presentation "Adults and Children"

Purpose: to enrich children's ideas about the family, about its importance in human life, to foster a conscious attitude of children to family traditions.

Practical exercise "Get ready for a walk"

Purpose: to continue to teach children to consistently and accurately put on items of clothing, to test themselves, to help comrades. To bring up neatness, neatness, to form a conscious attitude to their health.

Duty in a corner of nature With Vika, Ruslan.

1.Communicative (speech development). Topic: reading of N. Pavlova's story "The Assistant".

Target: talk about the importance of helping mom to do homework, consider the examples presented in the story.

2. Fine

Topic: "Mother's portrait"

Target: Learn to combine different visual techniques for transmission characteristic features a portrait of mom. Development of a sense of color.

3. Musical

Communion of children


D / and "What is gone"

Purpose: To develop short-term visual memory, to form the grammatical structure of speech, to teach to coordinate nouns with numerals.

The game is a dramatization based on the story "Sons" by V. Oseeva.

Purpose: to teach children to show the performance in front of their peers, to develop interest in theatrical performances.

P / and "Entertainers" on the topic "My mother's profession"

Purpose: to invite children by means of pantomime to show who their mothers are by profession, what they do.

Labor orders: we put things in order at the site.


Gradual rise, a minute - wake up after sleep, hygiene procedures.

Preparing for an afternoon snack.

Preparing for dinner. Dinner.

C / r game "Beauty Salon": plot "Mom is going to the holiday."

Purpose: To teach children to play together, to continue to develop and enrich the plot of the game. develop skills and abilities related to the communicative functions of speech.

With Masha F., Ilya - the game "Quietly - loudly" for the development of phonemic hearing.

Creative workshop: making a gift for the holiday "My dear mommy".

Develop creative thinking, fine motor skills, educate aesthetic feelings.

Examination of the sculptural composition of Michelangelo "Madonna and Child"

Purpose: To bring to an understanding of the feelings that the mother has in relation to her child, the sculptural composition betrays.

An evening walk:

Observation "Babies and Moms". Communicative situation "Hello, mom!".

Purpose: to invite children to observe younger preschoolers, tell how they are waiting for their mother, rejoice at her arrival.

Sports game: football.

P / and "Partridges and hunters".

Purpose: to develop dexterity, accuracy, to form interest in the final result.

Days of the week / date

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Educational activities in times of security

Directly educational activities

Variable part



(forms of work)



The first half of the day

Reception of children on the street.

Morning exercises.

Preparing for breakfast: hygiene procedures, duty. Prayer before meals. Breakfast.

Examination of a reproduction of B. Kustodiev's painting "On the Terrace"

Purpose: to enrich children's understanding of the diversity of painting genres.

Lead to an understanding of the value of goodwill in the family.

Fix with Sasha, Anya the score within six.

1. Cognitive research (mathematics)

Topic "Geometric Solids"

Purpose: to consolidate ideas about spatial geometric shapes, to form the ability to find signs of similarity and difference, to combine objects according to similar signs.

2. Choreography

3.English language

Conversation "About beloved mother"

Purpose: to update children's ideas about family relationships, about how a mother takes care of children, teaches them.


D / and "Who is the first?"

Purpose: to form in children the ability to distinguish between situations in which it is necessary to use ordinal and quantitative counting, to teach them to understand educational and game tasks.

Compilation of the story "Mom can do anything."

Teach children to compose fantasy stories in a given topic by sample and by yourself. Develop coherent speech, imagination, sense of humor.

P / N: "Partridges and the Hunter"

Hygiene procedures, prayer reading, preparation for dinner. Game situation "What to do if ..." (mom is tired). Dinner. Reading the fairy tale "Cat, thrush, rooster and fox." Preparation for sleep.


Gradual rise, a minute - wake up after sleep, hygiene procedures.

Preparing for an afternoon snack.

Preparing for dinner.

Reading the book by I. Krasnikova "My mother is the best"

Purpose: invite children to listen to poems, answer questions about how mothers and babies of various animals are called, why each of mothers seems to her baby the best. To evoke an emotional response to poems, to teach by example to talk about your mothers.

Talk to Misha, Lisa, Ilya, Leo, Ignat, Dima about the rules safe behavior outside.


Creative Workshop: "Decoration for Mom"

Purpose: to teach children to do crafts from sets for children's creativity... String the beads in sequence. Develop fine motor skills, logical thinking.

The teacher's story: "It is warm in the sun, good in the presence of mommy."

Target: To foster a respectful, gentle and grateful attitude towards mothers and grandmothers, a careful and sensitive attitude towards the closest people, the need to please loved ones with good deeds.

An evening walk:

D / and "Guess what's in the bag."

Purpose: to teach to describe the signs of objects, perceived by touch.

P / and "Gray wolf"

Purpose: to form in children the ability to run easily, rhythmically, to maintain the consistency of movements of the arms and legs. Develop quick response, the ability to concentrate.

P / N: "Partridges and the Hunter"

Purpose: to teach children to follow the rules of the game, to improve the performance of basic movements when running and throwing the ball at a moving target. To develop quickness of reaction, dexterity, accuracy.

Days of the week / date

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Educational activities in times of security

Directly educational activities

Variable part



(forms of work)



The first half of the day

Reception of children on the street.

Morning exercises.

Preparing for breakfast: hygiene procedures, duty. Prayer before meals. Breakfast.

Conversation on the topic "What is Mother's Day?"

Game with Vika, Lisa, Nastya Z. "Guess the Toy".

1. Cognitive and research activities (safety).

Theme: "Dangerous items at home"

Purpose: to consolidate ideas about objects that are dangerous to life and health that we meet in everyday life, their need for a person, about the rules for their use.

2. Communicative (preparation for literacy training):

Topic: "Sound and the letter L"

Purpose: To form a sound analytic-synthetic activity. Introduce the sound Л, as a consonant sound and its symbol... Develop the ability to write block letter L using a sample.

3. Musical.

Conversation "Mom is in the house, what the sun is in the sky" - to show the image of the mother that is significant for the child; to form the moral emotions of children; cultivate love and respect for oneself dear person- mother.


Observation of changes in nature.

Purpose: to form an idea of ​​late autumn as the time of approaching winter, to develop the ability to notice new changes in nature.

D / and "nature and man"

Game, low mobility "what happens in nature?"

Purpose: to train children in the use of a verb in speech, in the coordination of words in a sentence.

Labor on the site: putting things in order on the territory.

Games with portable toys.

Hygiene procedures, prayer reading, preparation for dinner. Dinner. Reading a fairy tale from A. Usachev's book "Once upon a time there were hedgehogs." Preparation for sleep. Dream.


Gradual rise, gymnastics - wake up after sleep, breathing exercises, hygiene procedures.

A situational conversation about how a mother takes care of the health of children: food, cleanliness, rest, caring attitude.

C / r game "My family".

Target: creating situations of pedagogical and moral choice, conversations about the relationship with the mother.

Conversation with Milena, Sonya on the topic "What items can mom sew to decorate the house?"

Drawing a gift for mom

Purpose: to teach children to create a plot composition in a drawing.

Examining icons with a picture Holy Mother of God.

Purpose: to give children an idea that the image of the Blessed Virgin Mary symbolizes the Mother.

An evening walk:

Walking in different ways

Purpose: to teach walking in different ways.

Invite the children to complete the sentences:

- My mom is the best because ...

- I am proud of my mother because ... etc.

An outdoor game "We are funny guys".

Days of the week / date

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Educational activities in times of security

Directly educational activities

Variable part



(forms of work)



The first half of the day

Reception of children on the street.

Morning exercises. Preparing for breakfast, hygiene procedure, duty. Reading a prayer.

Situational conversation: What mom likes to do at home. Tasty dish that my mom prepares. How I help my mom.

Participation with Milena in the competition "Zebryata" in the nomination - "Best suit".

1.Cognitive and research (nature)

Topic: “A story about hearing. The fastest snail in the world. "

Target:to acquaint children with the sense organ - the ear, to give an idea of ​​the main functions, to educate respect to your health.

2. Choreography


Application "Bouquet for Mom"

Purpose: Making flowers from paper according to ready-made templates, cutting along the contour and gathering elements into a flower.

Learning poems for the holiday - Mother's Day.


Watching migratory birds.

Objectives: to consolidate knowledge about migratory birds; foster interest and love for birds; be able to distinguish the signs of a living organism.

Labor activity: collecting leaves at the site. Purpose: to teach to work together, helping each other.

Outdoor games:

"Bump-pebble". Purpose: to teach clearly and quickly perform turns, without stopping.

"Hourly". Purpose: to teach to walk clearly, rhythmically, with good posture and coordination of movements.

Individual work: Development of movements with Arisha, Nastya Z.

Objectives: to improve walking technique (transition from heel to toe, active hand movements); develop endurance.

Hygiene procedures, prayer reading, preparation for dinner. Dinner. Before going to bed - listening to the "Little Raccoon" audio tale. Preparation for sleep. Daytime sleep.


Gradual rise, a minute - wake up after sleep, hygiene procedures.

Preparing for an afternoon snack.

Preparing for dinner. Dinner.

Modeling. Theme: "Vase for flowers"

Purpose: to teach how to sculpt utensils using the tape method;create a plot composition;develop attention, thinking.

Listening to the poem by G. Vieru "Mother's Day". Conversation on the content of the poem, repeated reading.

D / and "Broken phone"

Purpose: development of auditory attention.

D / and "Name an extra word" with Ignat, Dima

Purpose: to activate attention; develop thinking, speech, the skill of correct sound pronunciation.


Examining the photo album "Me and My Mom".

An evening walk:

Watching the birch.

Objectives: to continue the familiarity with the birch, highlighting characteristic signs and changes related to the season; to educate a respectful attitude towards wood as a living object of nature.

Labor activity: Sweeping paths, garbage collection.

Objectives: to educate hard work, the ability to work together; clean up inventory after labor in a specific place.

Outdoor games: "We are funny guys", "Entertainers".

Objectives: to teach to abide by the rules of the game, to act quickly, dexterously; exercise in running.

Individual work with Misha, Lisa, Polina: "Fishing rod", "From bump to bump".

Objectives: to exercise in jumping; develop self-confidence.

Days of the week / date

OO integration

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Educational activities in times of security

Directly educational activities

Variable part



(forms of work)



The first half of the day

Reception of children on the street.

Morning exercises.

Hygiene procedures, preparation for breakfast (watch in the corners of the group, in the dining room, table setting, reading a prayer).

Conversation, with examining photographs on the topic "Our mothers also went to kindergarten."

Hearing "Song of Mom" ​​(words by T. Volgina, muses A. Filippeknko).

D / and "Call in one word"

Target:we list several objects, ask them to say what unites them, how they can be called in one word.

D / and "Pick up words with the same meaning" with Egor, Kostik, Sonya.



Drawing up a story on the topic "My mother and grandmother."


Observation of the state of nature.

Objectives: to teach to see the beautiful, to distinguish the first signs of the approaching winter, to recognize them in literary texts, poems.

Outdoor games

“Don't stay on the floor”, “Counter dashes”. Purpose: to continue teaching to run and jump without bumping into a friend.

D / and "Guess and get around"

Target:to teach children to identify by ear and restore in memory an object of a three-dimensional or planar appearance. Find an object and test yourself by the method of examination - bypass this object.

Hygiene procedures, prayer reading, preparation for dinner. Dinner. Preparation for sleep. Reading Russian folk tale"Morozko". Purpose: to consolidate the ability to neatly fold and hang things.


Gradual rise, a minute - wake up after sleep, hygiene procedures.

Preparing for an afternoon snack.

Preparing for dinner. Dinner.

Game - exercise "Describe your neighbor"

Target:teach to carefully consider a person, give a verbal portrait.

D / and "What word got lost?" with Masha F.,

Target:to form the ability to select words that are accurate in meaning.

Defense industry

Topic: "Care and gratitude"

Purpose: to contribute to the education of love for God and loved ones. Foster feelings of gratitude, trust, and obedience to God and parents. Develop children's phonemic hearing and understanding of the deep meaning of a familiar wordThanks.

Repetition of songs and poems for the holiday - Mother's Day.

An evening walk:

Monitoring seasonal changes.

Objectives: to form ideas about changes in nature at the beginning of winter (the night grows, and the day decreases); to teach to distinguish the characteristic signs of the beginning of winter, to recognize their signs in poems.

Labor activity. Backfilling of tree roots with sand.

Purpose: to foster a desire to provide assistance to living objects.

Outdoor games: "Get into the hoop", "Doubles run".

Days of the week / date

OO integration

Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Educational activities in times of security

Directly educational activities

Variable part



(forms of work)



The first half of the day

Reception of children on the street.

Conversation on

Morning exercises.

Hygiene procedures, preparation for breakfast (watch in the corners of the group, in the dining room, table setting, reading a prayer).

D / and Game "What's gone?"

Target:develop observation, attention.

D / and "Yesterday, today, tomorrow" with Ilya, Nika, Sasha.

Rehearsal of a song for the holiday with Arisha.

1.Communicative (speech development). Topic: "Mom's holiday".

Target:to teach children to select words - signs, to teach children to understand the semantic correlation of verbs, to improve the ability to compose short stories.

2. Fine

Drawing with applique elements " Sea bottom»Expand and enrich children's horizons about sea inhabitants, about their way of life. Consolidate children's ideas about colors and shades, about the shapes of fish and other inhabitants underwater world; teach how to fold simple fish out of paper.

3. Musical

Communion of children


Rowan observation.

Purpose: to continue to acquaint children with mountain ash.

Labor activity.

Outdoor games

"Kite and hen", "Who's next?" Purpose: to teach to run, holding each other, to listen to the teacher's signal.

Individual work with Lev, Egor, Ruslan.

Development of movements. Purpose: to teach jumping on one (right, left) leg.

Hygiene procedures, prayer reading, preparation for dinner. Dinner. Preparation for sleep. Reading the story of L. Voronkova "What would my mother say." Daytime sleep.


Gradual rise, a minute - wake up after sleep, hygiene procedures.

Preparing for an afternoon snack.

Preparing for dinner. Dinner.

Holiday "Mother's Day"sweet evening (tea party) "Mothers visiting children".

Purpose of the event:
fostering love and respect for a woman mother and creating conditions for positive motivation of children and parents to spend their leisure time together.
To form highly moral personal qualities of pupils.
Promote the formation of the ability to be caring, gentle, affectionate towards loved ones.
Develop Creative skills children.
To cultivate love and respect for a mother-woman, friendliness and cohesion of a child-adult team.

Planning educational work for the week

in the middle group

on the topic: "Mother's Day"

Educator: Bobkova N.N.

Thematic week "My beloved Mom"

Target: bring up caring, Attentive attitude to Mom; to clarify and expand knowledge about the concept of "family"; to form a conscious understanding of the importance of mothers in the life of children, families, and society.

Equipment: photo composition "Our mothers and we", exhibition joint work children and mothers, an exhibition of children's drawings "Portrait of my mother", a collage "What children say about their mothers", a multicolored flower with wishes for mothers on separate petals, festive decoration groups.

Situational conversation: What mom likes to do at home. Delicious dish that my mom prepares. How I help my mom.

Examining baby pictures of moms; compilation of the story "My Mom".

Target: to form children's interest in photography as a genre of art. Learn to compose a story about mom according to the scheme proposed by the teacher. To foster respect, a caring attitude towards mother, to develop dialogical speech.

Conversation with children "What can I?"

Target: discuss with the children how they can help their mother at home, bring up love, care, responsibility for their actions.

Conversation "How our mothers take care of us", Conversation on the content of proverbs "A good word warms up, a bad word makes us sad", "Where there are words of greeting, there is a smile for an answer."

Goals: attract the attention of children, tune in to further activities; do everything possible to please mothers, cheer them up.

Equipment: recording of the song "Mother's Holiday" (music by Tilicheva).

Reading the story of B. Zhitkov "How Sasha scared his mother"

Target: contribute to the formation of a holistic picture of the world, primary value ideas about family relationships.

Reading poetry

(E. Blaginina. "Let's Sit In Silence", G. Vieru. "Mother's Day", Ya. Akim. "Mom", E. Blaginina. "That's What Mother" etc.)

Goals: to consolidate knowledge of the content of poems; activate memory; form responsibility for the assigned case; develop facial and speech expressiveness.

Reading the book by I. Krasnikova "My mother is the best"

Target: invite children to listen to poems, answer questions about how mothers and babies of various animals are called, why each of the mothers seems to her baby the best. To evoke an emotional response to poems, to teach by example to talk about your mothers.

C / r game "Beauty Salon": plot "Mom is going to the holiday."

Target: Teach children to play together, continue to work on the development and enrichment of the plot of the game, develop skills and abilities related to the communicative functions of speech.

1) Morning - meeting of children and parents. Game "Parents" (What is the expression on the face of mom and dad when they are angry? What do you do when they scold you? How do dad and mom smile when they hug you?).

2) Preparing for breakfast. Morning gymnastics complex. Articulating gymnastics "" (index card. Gymnastics).

3) Breakfast. Conversation "Vitamin food always gives us strength" (To consolidate the knowledge of children about rational nutrition... Strengthen children's adherence to nutritional rules).

4) Preparing for a walk. Conversation with children: about what they did yesterday; what are the plans for today, the wishes of the children. Pictures, illustrations "Help mom". Illustrations depicting various professions. D / and "Chicken family" (to train children in recognizing and naming geometric shapes, to develop the logical thinking of children) Work in the book corner "Bookmark for a book."

5) Walk. Observation of snowfall (to form an idea of ​​the properties of snow; to consolidate knowledge about a seasonal phenomenon - snowfall) Draw attention to the falling snow. Reach out your hand in a mitten, catch a few snowflakes. Consider them (size, find the same) Labor - cleaning the site from snow (teach to collect snow, pour it into a certain place) P / and "Geese-swans", "Who will jump better?" (continue to teach to correlate your own actions with the actions of the participants in the game; to consolidate the ability to jump.

6) Preparing for lunch. Reading E. Uspensky "If I were a girl."

7) Lunch. Conversation "What are we eating for?" (a person eats to live) Food is not only a source of energy necessary for human activity, but also a material for growth and development.

8) Getting ready for bed. Rinsing the mouth after eating.

9) Daytime sleep.

10) Raising children. Climbing barefoot on rugs. Corrective gymnastics “Getting ready for drawing (using self-massage of the hands) Strengthen the ability to dress independently, help each other. Breathing exercise"Snowflakes" (index card. Gymnastics) Arrange the chairs in a certain order.

11) Afternoon snack. The game "Yes, no" (And in order for food to be well absorbed, you need to follow the nutritional rules. I will now read the rules to you, and if you agree with me, then show me the green signal of the card. If not, red.)

12) Preparing for dinner. D / and "What music?" (develop the ability to listen to music, enrich children's statements about the emotional-figurative content of music) Wash and wipe toys, construction material... Wash combs, spread soap. Designing "Construction of a turret and a fence for a bird, a house for a dog" (to teach how to use the acquired skills and abilities when building a turret and a fence for a bird, a house for a dog) Theatricalization "At the doctor's office."

3) Dinner. Role-playing game "Beauty Salon" - mom is going to a kindergarten for a holiday. (Expand and consolidate the knowledge of children about working in the "Beauty Salon", arouse the desire to look beautiful, foster a culture of behavior in in public places, respect, courtesy to elders and to each other.)