Maternity capital for the mother's pension savings. Maternity pension is not an option for many. How much will the pension increase after using maternity capital

Vedomosti continues to inform citizens about the payments they are entitled to under the law. Today we will tell you how to direct maternity capital funds to funded pension mothers.

So, all or part of the funds, at the request of the woman who received the certificate, can be included in the pension savings and transferred to the trust management of a management company or to a non-state pension fund - at the choice of the mother. An application for the disposal of maternity capital can be submitted to territorial body Pension Fund of Russia at the place of residence or residence.

In what form can they be received after retirement? The legislation approved three options for obtaining these funds:

As an urgent pension payment. The duration of such payment is determined by the owner of the certificate, but it cannot be less than 10 years. It is assigned and paid, including at the expense of maternity capital funds aimed at the formation of a funded pension, and income from their investment.

in the form of a funded pension. Paid monthly and for life. The amount of the monthly payment is determined taking into account the expected period of payment of the pension. When calculating it, in addition to the funds of maternity capital, all pension savings of the owner of the certificate accounted for in her individual personal account with the Pension Fund of Russia are taken into account.

As lump sum payment if the amount of the funded pension is 5 percent or less in relation to the amount of the old-age insurance pension, including taking into account fixed payment and the amount of the funded pension, calculated as of the date of granting the funded pension. Also, such a payment is established for citizens receiving an insurance pension for disability or for the loss of a breadwinner, or receiving a pension for state pension provision, who, upon reaching the generally established retirement age did not acquire the right to establish an old-age insurance pension due to the lack of the necessary insurance experience and (or) the amount of pension points of at least 30 (subject to transitional provisions).

What documents need to be submitted:

A written statement from a woman who received a certificate on the disposal of funds (part of the funds) of the maternity (family) capital. The application form is issued in the territorial body of the Pension Fund of Russia at the place of residence (stay) or actual residence;

Certificate for maternity (family) capital or its duplicate;

Insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance of the citizen who received the certificate;

Identity documents, place of residence (stay) of the certificate holder;

If the application for disposal is submitted through a representative of the certificate holder: identity documents, place of residence (stay) and authority of the representative.

Is it possible to return the maternity capital funds that were used to form the funded part of the pension? Yes, you can. Women who initially chose this option for using maternity (family) capital funds can later change their choice to manage funds in other areas (improvement living conditions or education of the child). To do this, you need to send to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of Russia at the place of residence (stay) or actual residence an application for refusal to send funds or part of them for the formation future pension. The main thing is to do this before the appointment of a pension.

In the next issue, we will tell you how to receive a lump sum payment from maternity capital.


The state provides the opportunity to maternal capital for mom's funded pension. By properly managing her certificate, a woman can significantly improve her financial life in retirement. Use mother capital funds in this direction, as well as in all others, prescribed by law, you can not only the whole amount at once, but also partially.

This option of spending mat. capital is not yet very popular among the population of our country, but it has undeniable advantages

  1. Increase future old age pension.
  2. Due investment income you can actually increase the amount of family capital.
  3. Unlike other options for using the certificate, until the mother reaches retirement age, she always has the right to change the choice for any other direction of use of matkapital funds.
  4. Fuller compensation for periods spent on parental leave.

How the funded part forms the total amount of the pension

Today in Russia there are such types of pension insurance as state and non-state. Thanks to this, the future pension provision citizen may consist simultaneously of several types of payments

  • social or insurance pension (depending on the availability of the necessary pension points and insurance experience);
  • cumulative part;
  • voluntary pension.

The total amount of pension provision directly depends on each of its components.

Capital funds go to pension savings along with those that accumulate over the entire seniority mother. When you reach retirement age, there are several ways to get funded part pensions

  • regular pension. The entire amount is evenly distributed over the number of months of the survival period. The woman will receive the resulting amount as an additional increase to her pension every month. The benefit is that if you safely survive the survival period, then the increase will not be canceled.
  • Lump sum payment. An unlikely option, because. the monthly additional payment through the use of maternity capital towards pension savings usually exceeds 5% of the total amount of the assigned pension (below this threshold, the payment can be assigned at a time).
  • Urgent payment. Maternity capital (with the funds of the funded part) will be paid equal shares every month. The period during which this additional payment to the pension is made is determined by the woman herself. Minimum term according to the law, it is equal to 10 years, which, even without taking into account investment income, will be about 4 thousand rubles per month.

The funded part can significantly increase the future pension payment, and in addition, one should not forget about its advantages

  • inheritance by successors the insured person (in the case of using family capital, the circle of heirs is limited to the father or child);
  • the right to choose an insurer and manage retirement savings.

Apart from good points the cumulative part also has its own flaws

  • you can get losses from investing;
  • lack of guaranteed indexation from the state.

How to transfer maternity capital to the funded part of the mother's pension

Directing maternity capital to a funded pension can be most beneficial for women who care for children not for 1.5, but for 3 or more years (at their own expense). Periods of care in excess of one and a half years for each child do not go to work experience. Consequently, at their expense there is no increase in the pension, since payments by the employer are not accrued.

Application and required list of documents for the sale of materiel funds

A woman has the right to direct the funds of her mother's capital for a future pension to any pension fund, both state and non-state. But in any case, in order to dispose of family capital funds for pension provision, the certificate holder will need to visit the state FIU and submit an application for the disposal of these funds. This can be done both at the place of residence and at the place of stay.

There are several types of treatment to the FIU

  • personally (or through a legal representative);
  • via the Internet (through the State portal);
  • postage.

An application for the disposal of maternity capital funds must contain following data

  • about the owner of the certificate;
  • about the certificate itself;
  • about a child, with the birth (adoption) of which the right to capital appeared;
  • about the legal representative (if the appeal to the FIU occurs through him);
  • the chosen direction of spending money;
  • transfer amount;
  • about the absence of restrictions on parental rights.

In addition to the application, prepare package of documents, consisting of

  • a document that certifies the identity of the certificate holder;
  • certificate for mother capital or its duplicate;
  • SNILS;
  • document proving the identity of the legal representative.

How much will the pension increase after the transfer of maternity capital?

To do this, we give an example of calculating the increase in pensions at the expense of maternity capital.

A woman born in 1989 decided in 2017 to allocate maternity capital to her funded pension. The amount of mother's capital this year was not indexed and remained at the level of last year, i.е. 453026 rubles.

The generally accepted retirement age for women is 55, which means she could retire in 2044. Accordingly, 27 years before retirement, the invested funds of the mother's capital will be invested and multiplied by the management company that the woman chooses.

For example, the size of the profitability of NPF Sberbank for three recent years- 8.4%. The amount of pension savings formed from maternity capital and income from their investment will be

Thus, the monthly increase in pension can be

  • At perpetual payment RUB 3,998,653 / 240 months = 16,661 rubles.
  • At urgent payment for a period of 10 years RUB 3,998,653 / 120 months = 33,322 rubles.

It is worth considering the fact that the profitability of management companies can both increase and decrease, and the amounts received above are approximate calculation.

According to Law No. 256-FZ of December 29, 2006, a woman not limited in choosing a management company or NPF. In addition, the law provides for the possibility of changing the NPF no more than once a year or transferring pension savings back to the Pension Fund.

To transfer family capital funds to non-state fund necessary

  • Enter into a contract on mandatory pension insurance with the selected NPF for transferring the funded pension to it.
  • contact branch of the FIU and submit 2 applications
    • on the transition to the selected NPF;
    • on the disposal of materiel funds, in which to indicate the direction of spending - the formation of a funded pension.

Refusal to implement the MSC for the formation of the mother's pension

Before reaching retirement age and making a decision to retire, a woman can change her mind and redirect maternity capital funds, along with income from their investment, to others. statutory goals.

Order of the Ministry of Labor and social protection population Russian Federation No. 100n dated March 11, 2016 simplified the procedure for issuing a refusal. In addition, this document clearly states procedure and terms of consideration applications for refusal to use family capital for the formation of a pension

  1. During 7 days Pension Fund verifies the fact of using family capital and the fact of establishing a pension for the holder of the certificate. For this he directs
    • notification of the transfer of funds to the FIU;
    • notification and request about the amount of mother's capital in the NPF.
  2. If a positive decision was made on the application, the terms for transferring money are equal to
    • 30 calendar days in case of their transfer to NPF;
    • 5 working days in the event of their transfer to the FIU.
  3. In the withdrawal of funds from the mother's capital to a woman may refuse in such cases
    • There is no fact of directing family capital to the formation of pension provision.
    • Previously, the woman had already applied to the FIU with a similar statement, and he was satisfied.
    • The application indicates the amount that exceeds the amount of money kept in the funded pension account or in the individual personal account.
    • The pension has already been established and is being paid.

In connection with the demographic situation in the Russian Federation, the state decided to encourage citizens to have more children. One of the methods of stimulation is the Maternity Capital program.

More about the program

This program is a form state support for families:

  • who decided to give birth to a second or more baby;
  • who have decided to adopt a second or more child.

The program began in 2007 and has been extended until 2021.

Important! Sum financial assistance in 2019, based on the certificate, is 453,026 rubles. You can receive the provided money only once.

Conditions for obtaining

According to Russian legislation mother capital is provided:

  1. a woman who gave birth to a second or more baby (she must be a citizen of the country);
  2. a man who is the sole adopter of a second or more child (but judgment adoption must be made after the beginning of 2007);
  3. father or adoptive parent, if the biological mother or mother has legally decided parental rights;
  4. children who have not yet reached the age of majority and whose parents or adoptive parents have lost the right to receive financial assistance from the Government.

To become a certificate holder, you must:

  • give birth or adopt a second or subsequent child;
  • have Russian citizenship.
Attention! If a child wants to receive finance, he must either be a minor or study full-time until the age of 23. Money is provided to the heir only when his parents or adoptive parents are no longer entitled to receive funds under the certificate.

How is the formation of a pension through savings

Need to know! Only the mother of the child can take advantage of this opportunity. In addition, you can send money to accumulate benefits for pensioners after the heir turns 3 years old.

Funds can be transferred:

  • fully;
  • partially.

The use of savings in this way allows you to increase the amount of future benefits. In addition, this is the only option for receiving finance from a certificate in cash.

Download for viewing and printing:

Increasing the amount of benefits through the program

State security can be increased at the request of the recipient by making:

  1. Voluntary contributions.
  2. Mandatory Contributions.
  3. Contributions under the terms of the co-financing program.

Based on which method of receiving the accumulated payment will be chosen, the allowance will increase:

  1. in case of urgent payment: minimum savings / payment period = 453 026120 months = 3775.22 rubles;
  2. in the case of funded benefits: expected savings / payment period = 453 026240 = 1887, rub.

In addition, the level of profitability depends on the investment results of the chosen management company.

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Is it possible to refuse to transfer the MSC for the formation of a funded pension

Art. 12 of Law No. 256-FZ of December 29, 2006 gives the owner the right not to use maternity capital for the mother's pension.

But this requires compliance following conditions:

  • to another target
  • there should be no savings allowance.

For this purpose, the certificate holder must apply to the territorial body of the Pension Fund with an application, which should contain the following information:

  1. information about the applicant or authorized person (in the case when the application is submitted through a legal representative);
  2. the direction for which there is a desire to spend the funds provided;
  3. part of the finances that the applicant plans to spend.
Download for viewing and printing: Attention! The term for consideration of the submitted application is 7 days. If a decision has been made to satisfy the requirement of the certificate holder, cash will be sent to the desired destination within 30 calendar days.

The applicant may also withdraw his request. But this must be done at the stage of its consideration.

How to send MSCs to the mother's pension

Maternity capital for the mother's pension can become part of the pension savings. To do this, a woman must contact the territorial office of the Pension Fund and present:

  1. application form with a request to transfer finances to an insurance account;
  2. a certificate or its duplicate for the received savings;
  3. certificate for compulsory pension insurance;
  4. documents that will help identify the identity of the applicant, as well as the place of registration.
Important! In the case when the appeal is submitted through a legal representative, it is necessary to provide a power of attorney for this person and documents confirming the identity of the authorized person and place of residence.

Features of spending MSC on benefits

The most main feature the use of funds under this program is an opportunity to change the purpose of using finance.
For example, money can be used for or education of a descendant.

It is possible to transfer money from the PF to the desired direction only until the end of the mother's labor activity. After the parent goes on a legal vacation, the money will not be spent on another purpose.

The legislation also provides the opportunity to use funds for several purposes at once. The main thing is that the size of the certificate allows you to make all the expenses.

Attention! The specificity of this method of using finances according to the certificate is that the mother has the opportunity to receive finances in her hands. But, of course, the moment of the currency will have to wait a long time - until the completion of labor activity.

How to withdraw MSC from savings

If the parent has changed her mind, she can transfer funds to other directions.
The procedure for recalling finances was approved by order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection No. 184-n dated April 30, 2013.

This procedure is declarative. The application is considered by the Pension Fund within 7 days.

The repayment period is:

  1. For private pension funds - a maximum of 30 calendar days from the date of acceptance of the application for the return of finances.
  2. For managing organizations - within 5 days after receiving the notice.

Refund requests may be denied in the following cases:

  1. there is no fact of directing finances to form a security that will be paid upon completion of employment;
  2. this is not the first time the woman has asked to withdraw the MSC;
  3. the applicant indicated an amount that exceeds the amount of pension savings;
  4. pension payments began.

After the money is withdrawn, the parent has the right to apply for new applications for the transfer of currency for other purposes.

The return procedure involves the withdrawal of not only the amount that was used for the formation pension benefit, but also the income received as a result of investment. Download for viewing and printing:

Is it possible to transfer finances to NPF

Law No. 256-FZ allows a woman to choose an NPF at her own discretion. In addition, the mother has the opportunity to:

  1. Change the NPF once a year.
  2. Transfer your savings back to the FIU.

To transfer funds to NPFs, you must:

  1. Conclude an agreement on compulsory pension insurance with the selected NPF.
  2. Contact the territorial office of the PF and submit:
    • a request to transfer to an NPF;
    • a request for the disposal of mother capital, in which to indicate the direction of spending.
Important! If the applicant signed the OPS agreement even earlier, then she only needs to contact the territorial office of the Pension Fund and submit a written application for the management of finances.

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Watch the video on where you can send your mother's capital

June 26, 2017, 19:40 Mar 3, 2019 13:47

The Russians, in whose family a second child has appeared, can direct maternity capital to the mother's pension - in whole or in part. To do this, you have to wait until younger child will not be 3 years old. From this article, you will learn what is the advantage of such spending of maternity capital, how the funded pension affects overall size pension benefits, how to use maternity capital for retirement, what documents will be needed for this, how the future pension will increase (with an example), how to transfer maternity capital to NPF, how to refuse to transfer funds to a future pension.

What are the benefits of those who sent maternity capital to the mother's pension

Maternity capital, as statistics show, is rarely used to increase the funded pension of mothers. However, this approach has several advantages, namely:

  1. Money used to increase the mother's future funded pension can be withdrawn and redirected to other purposes if the child's mother changes her mind.
  2. The mother's future retirement pension will be significantly increased.
  3. The period of caring for a child is fully compensated (according to the law, the time spent caring for children is taken into account when calculating the insurance period only until the children turn 1.5 years old, and then the time spent with children does not affect the length of service and pension).
  4. The amount of maternity capital is increased by investing funds.

How does the funded pension affect the total pension benefit?

Important! The future pension of citizens will be formed from the insurance (social) pension, funded pension and voluntary contributions. The funded pension can be kept in state FIU, as well as in the NPF.

insurance pension in any case, it will be formed in the state pension fund, regardless of the desire of the citizen - it will not be possible to redirect funds to the NPF. It is also impossible to refuse the employer to make deductions to the FIU from the employee's income.

But to make contributions to the funded pension, or not - this is a personal matter of a citizen. It can be increased, including at the expense of maternity capital. The funded pension has both positive and negative points:

How much will the future pension increase if maternity capital is allocated to the mother's pension - an example

Let the mother of two children 1981 year of birth sent maternity capital funds ( 453,026 rubles) to increase the funded pension. Upon reaching 55 years woman will retire by age - in 2036(until retirement 19 years). Let's say the profitability of the NPF (non-state pension fund), which was chosen by a woman, is 7.8% (the percentage is taken as an example, the profitability can vary both up and down).

RUB 453,026 x (1 + 7.8%) to the power19 years)= 1,887,468 rubles

If a woman chooses to receive funds in the form of an urgent payment (over 10 years - 120 months), in addition to the insurance pension, she will receive: RUB 1,887,468 : 120 months = 15.729 rubles.

If a pensioner chooses indefinite payments (for 20 years - 240 months), the increase in the insurance pension will be: RUB 1,887,468 : 240 months = 7.864 rubles.

How to direct maternity capital to mom's pension

Important! Maternity capital has not been indexed since 2016 and probably will not be indexed on a permanent basis. Transferring funds from a future pension to a non-state pension fund is an opportunity to receive investment income that covers inflation and protects mother's capital from depreciation.

If the child's mother decided to use maternity capital funds to increase her future pension, she must apply to the district branch of the Pension Fund and write an appropriate application. If in the future the owner of the certificate changes his mind in this way to use the money, you will need to submit a new application for refusing to transfer money towards a future pension.

To date, there are several options for receiving money that went to the formation of a funded pension:

  1. In the form of a one-time payment – all accumulated money is issued to the right holder at a time (only if the entire funded pension does not exceed 5% of the amount of the insurance pension benefit, taking into account the fixed payment on the date of appointment).
  2. In the form of an urgent pension benefit - the pension will be paid for 10 or more years within a period determined by the recipient.
  3. In the form of a funded pension - the allowance will be paid for life, and monthly payment will be calculated based on the duration of the payment period of 20 years.

Holders of a certificate for mother capital should remember the following conditions:

  • they are not subject to a moratorium on the formation of a pension in terms of payments from MSCs (the moratorium was in effect from 2014 to 2017);
  • they have the right to choose to form a funded pension later than 2015 (today only those who start labor activity only at the moment and only during the first 5 years of work - the rest could apply until the beginning of 2016).

What documents are needed to send maternity capital to mom's pension

Important! If the legal representative of the child applies to the FIU, he must have with him a document proving that he has the right to dispose of maternity capital.

When applying for the disposal of maternity capital to the Pension Fund, you must have the following documents with you:

  • mother's passport;
  • insurance certificate compulsory pension insurance (SNILS);
  • original certificate for maternity capital.

Expert opinion on the question of whether it is possible to transfer maternity capital for a mother's pension to a non-state pension fund

As they say pension fund experts , and as Federal Law No. 256-FZ of December 29, 2006 says, maternity capital funds are allowed to be transferred both to the FIU and to a management company or a non-state pension fund. The following conditions apply:

  • you can first transfer money to the Pension Fund of Russia, then apply for the transfer of an account to the NPF;
  • you can immediately conclude an agreement with NPF;
  • it is allowed at any time (or in accordance with the terms of the agreement) to transfer funds from one NPF to another (or transfer money to the FIU), urgently or ahead of schedule;
  • You can choose any NPF;
  • at any time, you can refuse to transfer funds to pension savings, and then the money will be returned to the certificate account, taking into account investment income.

Does it make sense to allocate maternity capital to the mother's future pension?

Maternity capital funds can be used to form the funded part labor pension mothers. To do this, you must submit an application to the territorial body of the Pension Fund at the place of residence or to a non-state pension fund (private management company).
It is worth noting that citizens who have made such a decision can subsequently refuse it. To do this, you need to send an application for refusal to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. The main thing is to do it before the day of the appointment of a pension.

There is a special article with which you can evaluate the additional payment to a future pension at the expense of maternity capital:
If the owner of the certificate for maternity capital allocates funds for the formation of the funded part of the labor pension, after assigning the specified part of the labor pension to her, she will have three options for receiving these funds.
The first option is in the form of an urgent pension payment. The term of such payment is determined by the owner of the certificate, but it cannot be less than 10 years.
The second option is in the form of a funded part of the old-age labor pension. This payment is for life. When calculating it, in addition to the funds of maternity capital, all pension savings of the certificate holder accounted for in her individual personal account with the Pension Fund are taken into account.
The third option is in the form of a lump-sum payment, if the amount of the funded part of the labor old-age pension is 5 percent or less in relation to the size of the labor old-age pension.
In 2012, a 40-year-old woman directed maternity capital funds (387,640.3 rubles) to form pension savings. In 2027, she will reach the generally established retirement age of 55 years. For 15 years before her retirement, her pension savings were invested and multiplied by the management company she chose.
If for the calculation we take the profitability of the state management company of 7.52% *, then by 2027 the amount of pension savings formed at the expense of maternity capital and increased through investment will be approximately: 1,150,185.15 rubles.
* Average annual return on the expanded investment portfolio of the state management company Vnesheconombank in 2009-2011.
At the same time, the amount of the monthly supplement to the pension at the expense of the MSC will be approximately:

At the same time, an urgent pension payment for 10 years.
RUB 1,150,185.15 / 120 months = 9,584.88 rubles;

When paying the funded part of the old-age labor pension
RUB 1,150,185.15 / 216 months* = RUB 5,324.93
For an approximate calculation of the increase in pension in this example the expected period of payment of the pension, relevant for 2012, is taken - 216 months. From January 1, 2013, the duration of the expected period of payment of the funded part of the old-age labor pension will be determined annually federal law based on official statistics on the life expectancy of recipients of this part of the labor pension.

If the owner of the state certificate dies AFTER the appointment of an urgent pension payment, the balance of the funds (part of the funds) of the maternity capital used to form the funded part of the old-age labor pension, as well as the income from their investment, are subject to payment to successors from among persons entitled to additional measures state support for families with two or more children. First of all, this is a spouse (father or adoptive parent) and children (child).