Where are the conditions in the maternity hospital. What should be considered when choosing a maternity hospital? behavior in the hospital

Any woman who is preparing to become a mother is worried about childbirth, this is not surprising. But the question upcoming birth requires a mother to seriously prepare for the birth of a baby. After all, very soon a wonderful baby will be born, which both the woman and all relatives are waiting for. It is clear that choosing a maternity hospital is closer to the birth process, but it is better not to delay this issue, since it is not known exactly when the baby decides to be born. For those who prefer to solve problems as they come, it is worth noting that only 4 percent of pregnant women give birth on the date set by the doctor. Therefore, you should not 100% trust the doctor who leads you in consultation. Indeed, often pregnant women play a kind of lottery, which involves unexpected decisions.

You need to understand that every woman has the right to choose, she is able to independently decide where exactly the birth process will take place. As soon as pregnant certain period receives a birth certificate, she can proceed with the selection medical institution where she will be helped to give birth to a baby. To date, the choice of medical institutions is quite wide. It turns out that a woman has the right to choose any institution that is located within the borders of our country. It turns out that any pregnant woman can count on giving birth in good conditions. Many factors will depend on the choice of an institution for delivery. First of all, the health of the unborn child depends on this, and only then it is worth thinking about the well-being of the mother.

How to choose a maternity hospital according to the certificate?

Despite the fact that pregnant women, when choosing a maternity hospital, are not limited in their choice, although there is every chance to find ideal conditions. It all depends on the woman in labor, since some girls say that they are not in a hurry, as a result of which, they have to go to the nearest maternity hospital with contractions. But there are also responsible mothers who negotiate all the conditions with doctors in advance and conclude an agreement. Sometimes the expectant mother considers the problem of choosing a maternity hospital insignificant, because she understands that, depending on the conditions created, the condition of the baby will not suffer.

It often happens that the maternity hospital is closed due to repairs, disinfection. If possible, you should not let the situation take its course, therefore, you first need to decide on the maternity hospital, think over a fallback option that will become a kind of airbag. After all, pregnancy is a responsible process in which one does not want to rely on Russian chances.

How to choose a maternity hospital. Choosing the best option

Let there be situations when the expectant mother easily endures the period of pregnancy, does not face health problems, does not know what malaise is. In these cases, you do not have to worry about choosing a place for the birth of the baby. Remember that the success of childbirth largely depends on the woman herself. If you believe the statistics, then most of the pregnant women are not fully healthy people. As a result of this, it can be said that some unforeseen situation may occur during childbirth. In such cases, the professionalism of the doctor, his experience, as well as enough technology for the birth of a child.

The best option would be to choose an institution in advance, and not a couple of weeks before the expected hour of delivery. In order to understand whether a medical institution is good, it is important to evaluate a number of factors.

How to choose a maternity hospital. Exploring the data

  • It would be right to turn to friends, acquaintances who gave birth not so long ago. Most likely, they will tell you which maternity hospitals are really good. Friends will tell you what conditions exist in a particular institution. But you should not fully rely on the opinion of friends, since it can also be subjective. For some girls, an institution where it is warm and dry seems ideal, while for others prerequisite there will be delicious food.
  • You can also refer to the reviews that are left by women in labor on the network, they will also help to understand in large numbers maternity homes. Remember that often women leave negative information about maternity hospitals due to difficult births.
  • To understand which maternity hospital to choose, it is important to independently assess the conditions created for pregnant women, you also need to pay attention to the specialists who work in the institution.
  • An important factor can also be called how close the institution is to your home.
  • Look at what kind of staff works in the institution, how equipped the wards are, perhaps among them you can choose great options. Today it is not uncommon for hospitals to offer separate rooms, which will ideal option for new mother. Remember that all people are different, because one important little things seem insignificant, and in other cases, vice versa.
  • It is great if you have a person who works in this area, because he is always aware of what is happening in the nearest maternity hospitals.

How to choose a maternity hospital. What you need to know about choosing a maternity hospital?

For those who are concerned about the question of whether we have the right to choose a maternity hospital, you should calm down, because you can choose a maternity hospital for a successful pregnancy resolution on your own.

  1. The ideal option would be to visit the institution on your own, to see with your own eyes the conditions in which women are kept, what they are fed, how often the bedding is changed and everything like that.
  2. In order to give birth in the chosen maternity hospital, you need to think in advance about the availability of a toilet and a shower, since it is these benefits that are very important in the process of childbirth.
  3. It is also worth knowing in advance how many people the wards are designed for, whether there are individual delivery rooms, what exactly the doctor offers during the birth process.
  4. Today, individual wards are considered popular, where after childbirth, Better conditions, while the spouse can be here.
  5. Take into account also that this moment most institutions offer cohabitation mothers and babies, this contributes to the appearance of milk, and strengthening the body of the baby.
  6. Usually, when the baby feels good and nothing threatens his health, he is brought to a happy mother. Let's always hope for the best, but childbirth can have an unpredictable outcome. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify in advance whether there are intensive care units in the institution.
  7. It is also worth asking how new the equipment that the hospital is equipped with is.
  8. The choice of institution will also depend on which method of childbirth you are going to practice.

There is a mass unconventional ways, which are successfully used among many pregnant women.

  • For example, some experts advise giving birth in an upright position.
  • Also, some girls may be attracted by the opportunity to give birth to a baby in the water.
  • Partner births are firmly entrenched in society, but it’s still worth checking with the institution’s staff in advance whether it is possible to give birth in an unconventional way.
  • It is worth knowing in advance whether they are free or paid medicines, what things should be taken to the hospital, what will be needed in delivery room.

How to choose a maternity hospital. What do you need to pay for?

Many pregnant women consider entering into a paid contract, under which the maternity hospital will be obliged to provide all the conditions for childbirth. It is quite possible to choose a maternity hospital for free, since most factors speak for a free option:

  • the high cost of services does not always indicate their quality, therefore it is necessary to think several times before deciding to conclude a paid contract, it often happens that doctors from free clinics earn extra money in paid organizations;
  • when you are familiar with a specialist, confident in his qualifications, there is no particular difference in which clinic you have to go through childbirth, therefore choosing a doctor in the maternity hospital is also quite important;
  • the cost of childbirth in paid clinics seems sky-high, you might think that you are going to give birth to a baby not in our country, but somewhere in a French city.

Speaking about the timing, it is worth recalling that the contract is concluded for approximately 36 weeks of pregnancy, while all conditions regarding the upcoming birth are stipulated. The advantage is that you pay a lot of money, therefore, if necessary, you can demand the comfort or care you are entitled to.

How to choose a maternity hospital. How to do everything right?

To provide you with the maximum comfortable conditions during childbirth, you need to carefully look at the following factors:

  1. Chambers in prenatal period, conditions of stay, the presence in the department of a shower room, a refrigerator, depending on these seemingly insignificant little things, your well-being before childbirth will depend. Find out how much a person is calculated in the ward, because the more people in the ward, the more discomfort you will experience.
  2. The conditions in the delivery room are the most important, they affect successful course childbirth. Ask if there are individual delivery rooms, if it is possible to give birth with your husband.
  3. Check availability special equipment, which is used in emergency situations, the presence of a specialist neonatologist who can help the baby if necessary, if something does not go according to plan.
  4. Find out in advance how you will be with the baby on postpartum ward, some maternity hospitals practice joint stay, others - separate. You can also find out if relatives are allowed to visit you, come to the department.

How many weeks is it worth choosing a maternity hospital?

Every expectant mother is looking forward to the birth of a small miracle that will overshadow the entire environment and become the main person for a woman. If you are thinking about how long to choose a maternity hospital, then you need to focus on whether you can start giving birth or is it too early for this moment. Try to think about this problem as early as possible, because:

  1. By choosing a maternity hospital in time, you will ensure the safety of both yourself and the baby, since unforeseen situations often occur when medical assistance is required when premature birth occurs. You have nothing to lose if you decide where you will give birth, at the same time, at least somehow protect yourself from surprises.
  2. Careful study of data about a particular maternity hospital will be the basis for deciding in which institution to give birth. Do not worry about how your loved ones will look at it, because it is better to appear incredulous than to face discomfort and unprofessional staff later in childbirth.
  3. Try to choose a doctor, because even in the same maternity hospital you may encounter a situation where one specialist is considered a professional, and the other is not credible.
  4. Do not particularly trust the reviews of pregnant women, it is better to get to know the institution yourself, because a woman becomes more impulsive, more explosive before giving birth, so it is difficult to call the comments of pregnant women genuine.

The right choice is the key to success

Coming to light very soon small miracle that will fill your life with light and meaning. During pregnancy, try to provide all the conditions for the baby to fully develop, receive positive emotions, feel your warmth and care. You have the right to choose a maternity hospital, so try to approach this task as responsibly as possible, your well-being and the well-being of your child will depend on this choice.

Every expectant mother is worried about the upcoming birth. And rightly so, because for a woman there is nothing more important than the birth of her baby. Childbirth requires serious preparation. You need to think through everything to the smallest detail, including how important it is to know how to choose the right maternity hospital.

Does a woman have the right to choose a maternity hospital?

Many women think about whether they choose a maternity hospital or will they have to give birth in the district maternity hospital at the place of registration? Let's say right away that any woman in labor has the right to choose a maternity hospital on her own. As soon as the terms of pregnancy are set, and the expectant mother receives a birth certificate in her hands, she can begin to choose a maternity hospital.

According to the birth certificate, a woman in labor can choose any medical institution within our country. And they have no right to refuse. Every woman has every right to claim the best and most comfortable conditions for herself and her baby.

When should you choose a maternity hospital?

Not all expectant mothers are in a hurry to choose a place for pregnancy resolution, preferring to solve problems as they arise. Women are guided by the terms specified in birth certificate. Although this is mostly done by primiparous mothers. After all, ladies who are not the first time becoming mothers know that the period set by the gynecologist and the date of birth can vary significantly. Therefore, experienced women in labor prefer to determine in advance the place of birth of the crumbs.

A pre-selected maternity hospital gives more time to weigh the pros and cons, assess the conditions of stay in a medical institution, understand whether specialists are qualified in the maternity ward, get acquainted with the staff. Therefore, in order not to get into trouble, looking for a maternity hospital in a hurry, it is better to start searching as soon as you are awarded a certificate.

What should you pay attention to when choosing a maternity hospital?

Young women in labor in the question of which maternity hospital to choose often rely on the opinion of friends and familiar ladies who have recently given birth. Of course, it would be nice to collect information for a particular medical institution. But still, you should not rely completely on other people's reviews.

After all, for some, the main criterion for choosing was friendly staff, and the conditions of stay played second fiddle. For some, the decisive factor was the conditions and cleanliness of the institution, and mom did not bother much with the qualifications of doctors. Of course, if the birth was easy without complications, it is not as important to her as experienced doctor and what is the equipment in the maternity ward.

But you need to consider all options and be sure that, if necessary, you and your baby will be provided with timely and high-quality medical care. Therefore, listening to reviews is certainly good, but the mother herself must choose a place for the birth of a child.

Proximity to home

Equally important is how far the maternity hospital is from the woman's place of residence. After all, contractions can start unexpectedly, and shaking a woman in labor for several hours in a car getting to the maternity ward is not the most best idea. In addition, the closer the maternity hospital is located, the easier it will be for relatives to visit a happy mother.

Separate chambers

It is worth paying attention to whether there are separate chambers in the department. Of course, you will have to pay extra for private apartments. But after all, the birth of a baby does not happen every day and nothing should upset or embarrass a tired, but happy mom.

The presence of a sanitary unit

When choosing a maternity hospital, you need to pay attention to the presence of a toilet and a shower. After all, these benefits are very important in the postpartum period. Believe me, you will certainly appreciate the presence of comfortable conditions for hygiene when your baby appears.

Conditions for the general ward

If it is not possible to take a separate room, find out what the conditions are in the general ones and how many people they are designed for, evaluate the condition of the bathroom, ask how often the room is wet cleaned.

Crib for baby

If the birth was successful, the baby is immediately brought to the mother. Therefore, inspect thoroughly the crib where the baby will be. Usually it is a transparent cradle on wheels. The cradle must be clean, without chips and cracks, with up and down position adjustment.

The cost of medicines

It is worth finding out in advance paid or free medicines in the maternity ward, how much and what things you need to take with you, how soon the baby is brought to the mother after childbirth, etc.

There are many paid maternity wards, but price does not always mean quality. If you examined the paid maternity hospital and everything suits you, what's the point of overpaying? Moreover, government institutions often employ more experienced personnel who have attended more than one hundred births.

Although, of course, everything is individual, and if a woman in labor feels more comfortable in a private maternity hospital, then she needs to give birth there. The main thing is to talk to the doctor and make sure that special equipment is available. With paid clinics, the contract is for 35-36 weeks of pregnancy. An indisputable plus of paid maternity hospitals is that for a lot of money you have the right to demand maximum comfort.

Choosing a maternity hospital is a very responsible matter, but try not to worry too much about it. You are the future MOM and your main mission now is to provide the baby with a comfortable and harmonious development. Health to you and your baby!

An interesting and useful video on the topic of the article:

Choice good maternity hospital, where the long-awaited baby will be born, is very important for many expectant mothers. And if our parents turned to the nearest precinct maternity hospital for help, then modern medicine gives women the full right to choose a maternity hospital to their taste.

Is it possible to choose a maternity hospital

It is considered absolutely normal if future parents visit several institutions, find out everything about the conditions available in them, talk with doctors and choose for themselves best option. At the same time, an agreement must be concluded between the pregnant woman and the maternity hospital on the conduct of childbirth in this institution. In the presence of such an agreement and the corresponding marks in your pregnancy card, you (when the waters break or the onset of labor) have the right to demand that the ambulance take you not to the district, but to the maternity hospital of your choice.

Choosing a hospital is only half the battle. In addition, it would be useful to also decide on an obstetrician-gynecologist who will take care of your childbirth. It is normal practice to meet your doctor a month before giving birth. During this time, you will have time to meet with the doctor several times, he will look at your card, find out about all possible complications during childbirth, and you will simply be able to establish contact in order to give birth not with a stranger, but with a doctor who knows you very well.

When meeting with your future obstetrician, do not forget to take his phone number and ask if you can call this number at any time of the day. Such an agreement with the doctor, as you understand, implies an additional payment in the future. But you will be sure that the doctor will come to you to take delivery, at any time of the day. If you do not want to pay, you can still come up and talk to the doctors at the maternity hospital. But there is no certainty that you will get exactly the shift to the chosen doctor.

How to choose a maternity hospital

With the fact that it is better to choose a maternity hospital in advance, we have already decided. Now let's find out which hospital to choose. First of all, you should consult with the gynecologist who manages your pregnancy. If you have health problems, there is a risk premature birth, or other complications, you should contact a specialized maternity hospital, where there are appropriate conditions, equipment and the ability to help you and your baby in the best possible way.

If there are no special threats and risks, then you can choose any maternity hospital you like. What criteria should future parents be guided by?

1. The proximity of the medical institution to the house

In this regard, as you understand, the district maternity hospital is best suited, which can be quickly reached in the event of contractions or water breaks. Therefore, it is worth looking at this option first. If it suits you in all the following criteria consider yourself lucky.

2. Conditions of stay

Living conditions need to be checked in three main areas - the prenatal ward, the delivery room and the wards for the stay of mothers and children. You need to evaluate: the number of women in labor in the prenatal room, the cleanliness and conditions of delivery in the delivery room, the presence of a separate toilet and shower in each ward, the number of mothers with babies in the room and the possibility of being alone in the ward with a child, as well as everything that is important to you . In each of these zones, a woman, depending on the situation, will have to spend quite long period time. Therefore, the conditions there must be comfortable.

3. Availability of good equipment and experienced staff

Anticipate everything possible complications difficult, but it would be nice if the rod was equipped with everything necessary equipment for resuscitation of the child and assistance to the woman in labor. Also ask about the maternity hospital's ability to numb labor pain, whether they have oxygen masks, whether they give injections, or practice other methods of pain relief.

It is very important to know that experienced gynecologists, neonatologists and polite nurses will deal with mother and child. You won’t ask about this directly, so talk to those women who have already given birth in the maternity hospital of your choice, or read reviews on parenting forums on the Internet.

4. The possibility of joint childbirth and stay with the baby (or even with her husband) in a separate room.

Now joint birth practice in all maternity hospitals. But some experts conduct such childbirth well and with pleasure, and some reluctantly abandon the remnants of the Soviet past. You need the first option. After all, joint childbirth is aimed at pleasant emotional experiences, the general joy of the appearance of the baby, mutual support and assistance during childbirth. And if the doctors are not set up for the participation of the future dad in childbirth, this will only cause additional stress for all participants in the process.

In addition to the possibility of the presence of relatives at childbirth, discuss the possibility of holding vertical delivery. If you are interested in this new method the birth of a child, and you want to try, agree with the doctor in advance so that it does not turn out that such births are not practiced in the maternity hospital of your choice or the doctor has no experience in conducting them.

After giving birth, you will spend 3 to 5 days in the postpartum ward. Find out if your baby will be with you all the time. If you want to rest and sleep, ask if it will be possible to pick up the child for a few hours. Or vice versa, if you don’t want to let the crumbs go away from you, will they let you do it. Find out how often relatives can visit you. In some maternity hospitals, when paying for additional services, it is possible for both parents to stay in the ward together (subject to passing all tests for the absence of diseases and infections in the father of the child).

On first visit to the hospital expectant mother a contract for paid delivery or other additional paid services of the maternity hospital will be offered. They provide more comfortable living conditions and more Attentive attitude personnel. For example, you can choose a separate room, provided that all women are in common rooms with several people. Or your room will have a separate toilet and shower. You have the right to agree to additional payment or refuse.

If you have a voluntary health insurance policy, ask your insurance company about the possibility of paying for such additional maternity hospital services. But remember that paid childbirth does not guarantee an easy resolution. These are just the conditions of stay in the hospital, which often fade into the background when a mother picks up her newborn baby.

The natural end of pregnancy is childbirth. Therefore, all women who are preparing to become a mother, sooner or later begin to be interested in them and prepare. One of the most important points to worry about is how to choose a maternity hospital where everything will happen. This is of great, often decisive, importance for the woman and the newborn child.

In the past, it was customary to give birth in the nearest maternity hospital at the place of registration or residence of a woman. At the time of the start of the contractions, an ambulance was called, and the woman was brought to a certain institution - all maternity provided the same services, the conditions of stay in all of them were at the same level. Nowadays, a lot has changed - each medical institution has its own level, package of services, equipment and specialization. Maternity hospitals are no exception. Therefore, before modern women often the question is how to choose a maternity hospital, how to do it right and what to consider when making a decision.

Medical indications

Modern maternity hospitals are divided into ordinary and specialized. If the woman is absolutely healthy, the pregnancy is successful and there are no complications, then you can agree to give birth in a regular maternity hospital. If it is known in advance that in the process of the birth of a child, problem situation, or health is not all right - you should think about getting into a profile or at least a maternity hospital at a large hospital. For example, diseases of the heart or kidneys require the presence of a cardiologist or nephrologist, as in case of complications, it may be necessary to immediate assistance narrow specialists. In this case, the answer to the question of how to choose a maternity hospital will be medical indications.


The birth of a child is a serious process, and it is worth approaching it as responsibly as possible. There is different categories women, for whom it may be decisive various factors. In some situations, the proximity of the maternity hospital to the place of residence is of particular importance - the closer it is located, the faster you can get to it. For some mothers, it is much more important that the medical staff be as sympathetic as possible. Doctors call such women in labor those who want to be “born for them” - that is, they need constant medical attention, stimulation, pain relief, sometimes even surgical intervention. In this case, it is worth choosing a paid maternity hospital and discussing in advance all the services that will be provided in it. Usually than more woman is afraid of childbirth, the more scrupulously the doctor and institution are chosen.

behavior in the hospital

There are modern maternity facilities that have the status of "baby-friendly hospital". This title is awarded by WHO for compliance with all its requirements. In such maternity hospitals, early attachment of the child to the breast is practiced, it is forbidden to supplement with formula and use pacifiers. All this is done to ensure that the newborn adapts as early as possible, all measures are taken to bring the process of childbirth and feeding closer to the natural course. Such institutions are characterized by the free behavior of a woman in the first stage of childbirth - you can stand or walk, listen to music, take a shower or bath. The postpartum period in this case also passes naturally - the child is around the clock with his mother, and sometimes with his father, if there is such an opportunity in the ward.

If you wish, you can choose a more "strict" institution that practices the old rules - women in the wards are separated from children, rest from childbirth and feed them by the hour. Outsiders are not allowed to see the child or at the strictly allotted time for visits. On the one hand, this approach is more familiar and convenient for the staff, on the other hand, it is considered somewhat outdated.


Another important factor to consider when looking for an answer to the question of how to choose a maternity hospital is the availability of medical equipment. For example, not all institutions are equipped with children's resuscitation. Worth paying Special attention on equipment, for example, whether there is a possibility of blood transfusion in the maternity hospital, round-the-clock ultrasound, a neonatologist, an anesthesiologist, a surgeon. Of course, it would be better if all this equipment is not needed and you do not have to resort to emergency assistance from specialists, but still, the presence in the hospital of everything necessary for operational assistance somehow soothes. When choosing, it is allowed to walk around the building, check the equipment of the wards and the delivery room, the availability of specialized departments and equipment. How to choose a maternity hospital in Yekaterinburg, experts advise: it is better to visit several institutions and talk with the staff, and then make a decision.


Many health workers recommend that women choose not a medical organization, but a doctor who will take delivery. Qualification is very important, and if there is a doctor whom a woman trusts, you need to choose the institution where he works. Moreover, not only the level of competence is important, but also just sympathy - it is important that a woman feel comfortable and confident enough. In this case, the answer to the question of how to choose a maternity hospital in St. Petersburg is solved quite simply - just find good doctor with which a trusting relationship is established.

Paid childbirth

If the choice is made in favor of paid services, then an agreement is concluded with the maternity hospital. The contract starts from the moment of its signing and lasts for six weeks after the birth. This guarantees medical supervision and comprehensive assistance to the client, that is, the woman in labor. Payment includes not only the provision medical care, but also the conditions of stay - a separate room, bath or shower, meals and other services. Their cost in different medical institutions varies and depends on the level of the institution and its status. How to choose a maternity hospital in Chelyabinsk, for example? To do this, it is worth studying all the advertising of the city, which is given by local institutions, if possible, listen to the reviews of women in labor and young mothers, read information on the network, analyze the data, and only then make a decision.

Free delivery

How to choose a maternity hospital according to the certificate? Considering the same factors as when choosing paid clinic. Free births, from the point of view of medical care, should not differ from paid ones, but the conditions for staying in a maternity hospital are somewhat simpler. For example, you can get into a ward with several more women in labor and children, go to the toilet and shower on the floor, and not in the ward. Ultimately, the birth of a child, his presence, the ability to hold and feed his child smoothes out all the inconveniences, so that in some cases it is quite possible to do without unnecessary expenses. At the same time, how to choose a maternity hospital according to a certificate becomes clear after visiting several government institutions.

Choice by reviews

One of the factors influencing the choice of clinic is the impressions of other women in labor. Of course, the so-called "word of mouth" should not be neglected - mothers who gave birth in a particular institution can tell quite a lot about it. How to choose a maternity hospital in Moscow is discussed at many forums in the capital. It should be borne in mind that reviews on the Internet are not always reliable - it happens that an organization simply pays for them for advertising purposes. It is better to pay attention to the experience of acquaintances or relatives - it is more truthful. They will definitely advise how to choose a maternity hospital in Moscow. On the other hand, for every woman, different things matter - for some, the equipment of the ward is paramount so that you can relax, but for someone, if only Ivan Ivanovich takes delivery, the rest is not important. In the latter case, the woman is more concerned about the question of how to choose a doctor in the maternity hospital.

In addition, do not forget that pregnancy and childbirth are accompanied by a sharp change hormonal background and mood, and this also affects the perception of a woman. In this state, many tend to exaggerate the shortcomings of the establishment, or vice versa, in euphoria, simply do not notice them.

Childbirth abroad

Some wealthy families, when deciding how to choose the right maternity hospital, pay attention to foreign clinics. This is understandable - the level of medical care there is much higher, eminent specialists are more competent. The cost of childbirth ranges from several tens of thousands of dollars to hundreds of thousands. In addition to the procedure itself, the family bears the costs of the flight, visa, accommodation, accompanying relatives and the services of a medical interpreter. The main flow of women in labor rushes to European countries. According to the latest data, the best medical service provided by clinics in Sweden. In the UK, childbirth will cost about $ 10,000, in Israel - about 6,000, in Germany - 5,000 euros. This amount usually includes the cost of a special contract, medical policy, translation services, hotel accommodation and air tickets. Naturally, if needed emergency help in an unforeseen situation or even surgery, you will have to pay extra for this separately. On the other hand, the quality of services rendered to a woman in labor significantly exceeds the domestic level. Do not forget that many European countries do not grant citizenship to children born in their territory. From highly developed countries, in this case, children born in the USA, Argentina, Canada and Malaysia receive citizenship. In order to return with a child to their homeland, you need to contact the embassy in the country.

When to choose a maternity hospital

Experts advise to start looking for "your" institution as early as possible. V modern world rare pregnancy passes without complications, so if the choice is made in advance, then the doctors will have more time to observe the woman and know everything about the course of her pregnancy. Ultimately, this fact may play a significant role. In addition, the sooner you start searching, the more information you can have time to collect - to meet a doctor, explore the equipment of a medical institution, listen to what others say about him. This is also an additional plus during decision making. The factor of sympathy plays a large role, for example, a doctor is very good specialist but as a person do not like it. In this case, it is better to turn to another doctor - trust and respect are very important during childbirth, otherwise it is difficult for a woman to concentrate and follow all his instructions.

Partner births

Many modern maternity hospitals practice partnership childbirth- this is when one of the relatives or relatives is present with the woman in labor. It is believed that the presence native person nearby helps a woman feel more comfortable and secure. On the other hand, it makes it possible to control the work medical staff- a woman during labor is not up to it, and her husband or girlfriend can call a doctor or ask obstetricians to help. Not in all maternity medical organizations partnership is allowed, and if a woman wants, then you need to find exactly one, where it is possible. It is better to discuss everything in advance - it happens that childbirth lasts for many hours and the partner also needs to rest somewhere. Typically, organizations of this kind provide an extra room or at least a bed. In some institutions, the person present at the birth is required to take tests and submit documents on the state of health. Others do not need anything other than an identity document. Partners are sometimes given clothes on the spot - shoe covers, a bathrobe, a hat, and sometimes you can come in your clean one.

Every woman during pregnancy asks herself where to give birth, how to choose the right maternity hospital, whether it is necessary to meet a doctor who will deliver or trust the case ...

During pregnancy, a woman becomes more anxious. Now she feels responsible not only for herself, but also for her unborn child. And it doesn't matter what the pregnancy is. Excitement happens both at the first and repeated pregnancy. But these disturbances are of a different nature.

During the first pregnancy, a woman does not know what to expect. She only heard about childbirth or read articles about them. The unknown is sometimes more frightening than the knowledge and experience of past births.

Repeated childbirth can also disturb a pregnant woman. Now she knows firsthand about childbirth and realistically assesses her situation, and understands perfectly well what awaits her.

Even the easiest childbirth creates a large psychological and physical activity on a woman's body. In our time, when even in schools with a diagnosis of "practically healthy", there are no more than 3 people out of all students. What can be said about health mature woman, if now the number of late-bearing women is increasing, and young girls are not distinguished by excellent health. In addition, both nutrition and a sedentary lifestyle leave much to be desired.

Given all the conditions, it is very unreasonable to rely on chance. But what to do if you do not know anything about your maternity hospital at all? And from the words of young mothers who walk with strollers, you heard terrible things: about the bad attitude of nannies, about terrible food in the dining room of the maternity hospital, and about the doctor who delivered the baby, reviews as rude and inattentive .. Do not rush to hasty conclusions . Analyze the "terrible" reviews you heard, specify everything in order. What does it consist of bad attitude nannies, maybe in the fact that they demand not to bring food into the ward so that cockroaches do not start, or to remove used diapers so that they do not lie on the changing tables. And terrible food is not accidentally undersalted food, not fried, but boiled, without sausages and sausages. And what is the rudeness and inattention of the doctor, maybe in the fact that during the fights you constantly called him, demanding attention only to yourself, when five women in labor were giving birth in the delivery wards? Or the moment he said to you, get yourself together, stop screaming, you can harm the child. The opinion of each woman in labor is purely individual and slightly biased, so you need to soberly analyze and understand how you want to see your birth, what you are used to.

Same way you need to consider your options. In fact, there are a lot of options for childbirth and the choice of a maternity hospital. You can choose a very expensive maternity hospital with an individual ward, and even with a room for living close relative whose help you may need, with an individual doctor and nurse. You need to understand that it will cost a certain amount of money. You can just agree on individual childbirth. Of course, all this will be formalized. And, starting from the first contractions, until the moment the baby is attached to your breast, the doctor will be right next to you. Of course, it is much wiser to find out and make a decision, to agree on everything in advance, so that the doctor is aware of the course of your pregnancy. Discuss the possibility of joint childbirth with your spouse, if such a desire arises. Relying on chance is not very reasonable.

Now maternity hospitals are well equipped with all the necessary equipment, both for childbirth and for the baby, if necessary. There is no need to talk about the non-professionalism of doctors, because. doctors are very experienced. Now only doctors with experience work in maternity hospitals.

Childbirth is very milestone in the life of both a woman and a newborn baby. It is up to you to decide what they will be, memories of the appearance of the baby - beautiful or intense. Do you dare to be happy mom the second, and maybe the third time. And will you each time, seeing your child, tenderly remember his first cry.