Psychologists say whether love is felt at a distance. Is a long-distance relationship possible - advice from a psychologist. Negative moments in a novel at a distance

Greetings, my dear readers! Love is unpredictable. Sometimes the arrows of Cupid pierce people who, it would seem, were not destined to be together by fate itself. But despite all the obstacles and obstacles, they are still together. Today I want to talk to you about whether there is love at a distance that people who have fallen into a similar situation and how to properly build relationships, being far from each other.

Almighty love

If you ask me about love at a distance, then I will answer you that it is not only possible, but also exists in my life on many examples. I was convinced with my own eyes that love exists at a distance. I have two wonderful couples whose relationship started this way.

She lives in one city, and he in another. Chance meeting and a flame of passion flares up. A stormy correspondence begins, visits to each other, night phone calls.

You can love each other after a large number of time, across vast distances. If the feelings are strong, you are ready to fight for them, then everything will be okay for you. In the article "" I describe in detail all the problems that can be encountered on the path to happiness and talk about how people can overcome everything thanks to their feelings.

Long distance relationships have their own charm. When a person is not available, you cannot see him and hug him at any time, then you begin to appreciate the time when you are together more. You miss more and wait for a person. Less want to swear and quarrel, because time becomes an extremely valuable and important resource.

But to tell you the truth, not every couple can stand the test of distance. For many, this turns out to be an unbearable burden and the problems that arise kill all romance and tenderness. Let's try to take a closer look at what prevents people from being happy when they try to build relationships at a distance.

The main difficulties

In a long-distance relationship, there are many difficulties and obstacles that only further distance people from each other. Let's start with the fact that without meetings it is very difficult both physically and emotionally. After all, you want to hug a person, snuggle closer to him, feel a hand in your hand, kiss, make love.

All this is impossible at a distance, only at a meeting, which are extremely rare. Lack of attention appears. This sometimes develops into resentment, which manifests itself in tantrums and scandals.

Women most often eat themselves because of. After all, they do not believe that a man can long time do without female attention... And some men also start, simply because it seemed to them that the voice was different this time. Suspicions, doubts begin, and this causes a split in the relationship.

Mistrust leads to separation. One of my acquaintances, who was just in such a relationship, began to suspect her faithful of treason. It seemed to her that he had a different relationship. In order not to spoil the relationship with unnecessary suspicions, read the article "". Perhaps your doubts are just far-fetched.

Sometimes, after a long time apart, it's hard to become close to each other again. You have to re-learn to admit a person to yourself. An awkward silence, a kind of pretense at the beginning of communication eye to eye. Stiffness and embarrassment.

Communication in correspondence does not so clearly and clearly convey emotions. Why is it so much easier to swear in messages than live? Because the person may not catch your real intonation and be offended by something that you did not mean at all. Moreover, all these social networks sometimes buggy. My client made a real scandal to her lover because he did not answer her, and the program said that he was online.

It is always easier to explain something while sitting next to a person. And in correspondence it is impossible to convey emotion, you cannot hear ringing laughter or notice sadness in your eyes. In this case, the salvation, of course, are video calls, where you can look at a person.

What to do

Build happy relationship you can even very great distance... After all, the consequences are different: someone does not withstand the test of kilometers, and someone comes together and begins to build strong family already together. It all depends solely on your desire and willingness to work on relationships and yourself.

First, you need to be prepared for all the difficulties that I wrote about above. If you are too jealous, you cannot trust and yourself to be sincere with a person, then you can not even try. Even the relationship between two people in the same city is built on trust and honesty, let alone distance.

Secondly, take offense less and demand less from a person. If he can't talk to you right now, that's okay, call back later. Remember, resentment at a distance tends to swell to incredible proportions. It is not always easy to solve a problem by being around. Always try to find a compromise and meet halfway.

Read the article “”. Perhaps it will help you better understand yourself and your partner, you will find examples of how to better behave in a given situation and solve some of your problems. Sometimes it is worth listening to the advice of a psychologist, who can prompt you the right decision from the outside.

If you are in doubt, then I recommend that you read the article "". After all, the main thing here is whether you believe in them or not. If you are not sure, constantly tormented by questions, tormented by doubts, then, most likely, nothing good will come of it. But one has only to gain courage and courage, to be confident in your partner, then no obstacles can interfere with your feelings.

How long has your relationship been going on? Do you trust your partner? In what matters do you think he is deceiving you? ? Why can't you live in the same city?

I wish you strength and patience in order to overcome all difficulties and be happy.
Good luck!

There are fables, stories, legends, anecdotes about relationships, but love at a distance is sad. In any case, there is a minimum percentage happy ends separation.

Is love at a distance possible

Numerous forced situations lead to love at a distance, in connection with which the lovers part for a long time - a month, six months, a year or more.

At first, it seems to them that their feelings can overcome everything, but after a few weeks, disagreements begin, associated with distrust and jealousy. Then it becomes topical issue, is there love at a distance, and how to keep it.

Reasons for parting

The reasons for the breakup include:

  • study in another locality;
  • long business trip;
  • forced earnings due to lack of work in the city;
  • the need to care for a sick relative;
  • the army is the most common reason for the separation of lovers.

Whatever the reason, the problems and peculiarities of love at a distance lie in the same factors, which are analyzed further.

What is the main problem

In the question, what is the name of love at a distance, only boredom, sadness and an extraordinary feeling of loneliness are remembered.

As a rule, separation leads to the following problems in the relationship between lovers:

Lack of meetings and dates Absence tactile contact leads to the fact that the feelings of the beloved begin to weaken. Psychologists say that supporting love without touching hands, hugging and kissing is impossible.
Lack of sexual relations Due to the increased libido, it becomes difficult for a man or woman to restrain impulses, so they easily react to signs of attention of the opposite sex during the absence of a lover nearby. V a certain situation this easily leads to betrayal, and in the future, to a full-fledged separation. It is even worse when a partner who cheated with another begins to hide the perfect sexual contact... Situations of this kind provoke serious scandals between lovers.
Chatting with new people Only one of the couple makes new acquaintances, while the second (stayed at home) spends most of the time within the walls of his home due to the lack of desire to communicate with old friends. Simply put, he is bored, he is not in the mood. At the same time, new acquaintances of a lover or beloved can end with a date and even a romantic relationship.
Change of priorities New acquaintances of a partner or his absence in Everyday life can lead to a change of interests, life values... As a result, when they meet, lovers simply do not recognize each other and do not perceive new beliefs.

These are only the main problems that lovers have to face at a distance. Separated love is a whole test for those who cannot perceive a new relationship on the phone, skype and other virtual communication.

The illusion of loneliness

A couple in love who stays at home and still lives old life and communicates with old friends, there is a feeling of loneliness.

Psychologists say that this is possible only in the absence of real loving feelings to each other, but there may be some misunderstanding or insufficient serious relationship between lovers.

Really loving person often calmly perceives prolonged separation and, in the absence of a partner, does not feel lonely due to the persuasion of the continuation of the relationship.

It is worth considering if there is love in a relationship if separation leads to a similar feeling. If the torture is to be without a partner, then you overestimate your feelings and, perhaps, mistakenly regarded them as an unforgettable and strong love.

You should think about parting in principle if you feel resentment towards your partner for leaving you for a long time. No arguments about the forced departure will convince you.

As a result, feelings at a distance begin to weigh down - in this case, you should not waste time waiting for your partner, it is better to immediately resolve all issues and leave.

How to maintain a relationship

There are a few useful tips on how to maintain a relationship:

  1. It is important to determine the timing of separation - if the partner constantly postpones the visit due to any circumstances, the party waiting at home will begin to resent and make scandals. The same illusion of loneliness will appear.
  2. It is necessary to fully communicate on a daily basis - these can be calls by phone or Skype. The partner needs to talk about all the cases and events that happened during the day - this applies to both parties.
  3. It is important to have a short communication in reality - it can be weekends or holidays, which are often chosen for communication by working citizens.
  4. From a distance, you can invite each other out on a date - through modern information technologies can be carried out romantic dinners by candlelight or going "together" to the cinema (at the same time and for the same film). Today provided a great opportunity almost free video communication using numerous mobile programs... If this does not interfere, then the entire session can be in touch and even share your impressions a little quietly.
  5. Relationships cannot go without intimacy- it is infidelity that becomes the main reason for the separation of the couple. To minimize the risks, it is recommended to keep flirting at a distance.

Intimate photos and messages will warm up the relationship, partners will have a desire for closeness with each other.

Those liberated in this topic can take advantage of virtual proximity. Lack of communication is the reason for all partings when parting for long time.

On Skype, for example, you can not only arrange a date by candlelight and wine (here it is important that everyone has an appropriate atmosphere on their territory), but also have breakfast, lunch and dinner, if the daily schedule and time zones allow it.

Does love exist at a distance of 10,000 km

According to the assurances of psychologists and the couples themselves, who have passed the distance test, they assure that the number of kilometers between lovers does not matter. Yes, with such a distance from home, the opportunity to see is practically equal to zero.

But with the use of the Internet and other means of communication, you can maintain a relationship due to the absence of doubts in feelings.

Psychologists say that separation and long-distance relationships are a real test of feelings, which not all couples go through.

This is due to the big misconception about love, which happens repeatedly. Such couples, as a rule, understand about the mistake after the registration of marriage and even the birth of children.

Therefore, psychologists consider parting for a while as an excellent test of the relationship before such a serious process as marriage.

But the above methods and possibilities of maintaining relationships at a distance in practice, according to psychologists, do not work.

If the couple previously had problems with distrust, lack of due attention to each other, then the distance will only aggravate the situation. And even constant communication on social networks, via mobile or video communication will not save the day.

The verdict of psychologists is simple - if there is no love between the "beloved", and there is passion or already a habit, separation will act as a direct reason for separation in the future.

This is correct - it is better now to understand that you do not love a person (or that he does not love or appreciate you) than to reproach yourself in the future for such a rash step as getting married.

From the above, it becomes clear that love at a distance is possible. But at the same time, she should be sincere and caring - if the beloved will be sensitive to their feelings, they will not be afraid of any separation or captivating seduction of the opposite sex.

The desire to see or hear a native voice will lead to constant communication. This means that the relationship will continue at the same level, albeit at a distance.

Hi everyone!

In one of the letters I was asked what I think about love at a distance and whether it is possible.

It seems to me that this topic is relevant for many, so I decided to express my thoughts in an article.

So, I think that love at a distance is possible. After all, feelings do not depend on the kilometers between love. Do you love a specific person, not his presence near you.

This is when it comes to feelings. Long-distance relationships are much more difficult. After all, it is very difficult to meet with a person whom you practically do not see. Such relationships develop either very slowly or not at all.

Although, in many respects everything depends on the situation.

1. Virtual relationship on distance... You met on the Internet or on the phone, liked each other and now "meet" just as virtually.

Such a relationship only makes sense when you are going to see each other soon. If you are 13 years old and live in different corners country, then, alas, it is unlikely that something will come of it.

In addition to distance, there is also the danger that the person may not be what you expected to see him. This can be either his fault (he showed himself differently than he really is), or yours (she herself invented a “knight on a white horse”).

2. Real relationship on distance... You met and started dating in real life(camp, sea, hometown), but then dispersed to different cities.

It's insanely hard when your loved one is far from you and you see him, in best case, every few months. But this is possible if:

  • you plan to continue your relationship a little later in the same city (someone will move to someone else, or the two of you will start living in a new city).
  • you trust each other. Long distance relationships are impossible without trust.
  • you are trying to develop your relationship (calls, messages, gifts, surprises, etc.).

The main thing in a long-distance relationship is to keep in touch all the time. After all, every day we change, and then a situation may arise when you realize that you have become completely strangers to each other.

I know for sure that love and long-distance relationships are possible if you make an effort for this and believe that you will succeed.

Doubt? Then ask my older sister, who met her husband via chat;). For the first 2 years, they saw each other once every few months, but this did not interfere with their relationship and feelings.

Young people will find it strange that not so long ago love at a distance was a rarity. Thanks to modern communications, today this is a common thing. We will spend for them short excursion and we will tell you who could have developed a relationship separated by kilometers.

Long distance relationships

The only way to get to know each other and start a relationship without close contact in those days was through letters. Many girls found the addresses of the guys, and the women of the men began to write letters to them. The epistolary genre was very popular in those years. And another opportunity to fully state own thoughts, it was impossible to talk about everyday life and holidays. Telephone calls were expensive, and not everyone could boast of having one.

So, thanks to a clean sheet torn from a notebook and ballpoint pen, a lot of relationships were built that turned into love. Many older people are happy to tell how it was. On paper, the amazing romance of the relationship was laid out. And what is remarkable, in the lines, each of the sides of the love tandem laid out "his soul.

Who did you correspond with?

The situations were different. Correspondence could begin after acquaintance with photography young man or girls. Some of them became the initiator of a relationship on paper. Over time, if fate was on the side of two keen people, it happened real acquaintance... It could be a guy who served in the army with a relative or friend of the girl. Or a sister, a friend of a colleague, who sent her photograph to the army to a young man.

The next option is acquaintance through newspapers. In the past, there was no worldwide Internet. People wishing to brighten up their loneliness began correspondence after meeting with the announcement of a man or woman. As a rule, older persons found each other there more often, the youth did this very rarely. In those days, it was considered shameful, and adults did not really want to give themselves away. But if you think about it, what's wrong with the fact that men and women are looking for their destiny and are tired?

Another option for acquaintances, which was widespread in those days, was communication with persons serving sentences in places not so remote. Yes, it was not entirely safe, but you should understand that there are both good people who made a mistake, and real criminals, with whom you should not associate your fate.

Desperate women who lived in all alone those who had no support were forced to write letters after reading an advertisement in a special section of a newspaper. What can I say - the outcome was also different. But still, the majority managed to build a normal, albeit not cloudless, relationship. Played a big role in this female intuition and logic.

After all, everyone understands perfectly well that about no close connection and prospects for the future are out of the question if the lady did not reliably find out the character of the man. And this was not difficult to do after reading his letters carefully. Of course, some relationships ended tragically. Having read the letters stunning in content, which were written under the dictation of an experienced "literary expert", she had no idea what kind of monster she was associating with. Taking in his home a seemingly decent and open person, she risked both her property and her life. If someone of his contemporaries believes that this is impossible thanks to the universal means of communication, he is deeply mistaken.

Holiday romances

This type of connection initially occurs on the proximity of people. After talking while serving business days, or being in an atmosphere of relaxation and relaxation, men and women enter into close relationship... But right away it is worth making a reservation that this type of relationship, for the most part, has no future prospects. More often at the end of the holiday season, lovers go home, followed by a long separation. Contact is possible only if each of them is free. There is no already existing strong love, marriage relationship. And married people can only negotiate and spend every year at the same resort.

Business trip

In our society, there is an opinion about the behavior of people who are constantly traveling on business trips. And not without reason. Most are sure that this man or woman has a connection in the city where they most often go. The relationship lasts as long as they drive, then pleasant or not "very" memories remain. The situation in which wives or mistresses exposed their loving friend has long been the topic of many anecdotes and divorces.

How relations are developing now

We live in an age of speed, rapid and radical change. Some even fear that a real, pure and true feeling of love is impossible in our time. Let's hope this doesn't happen for at least the next million years. In any case, today there is still no cause for concern. So, what are the current opportunities for the development of relationships at a distance, we list the most relevant.

This is how fate turned out

It so happens that people who have shown feelings for each other break up for some reason. Everyone has their own destiny, and there is no way to meet. And so, throughout their lives, they are waiting for a meeting and only by some miracle, they manage to find happiness again.

This was the case before, when there was no way to communicate via the Internet. But here, too, everything often ended in fiasco. After all, they became different after living long life with another person, the characters have changed. And youth - it is deceiving. It's one thing to meet as a girl and a guy, spend time on a bench, sigh with passion. Another is a meeting with an accomplished person, with new habits, preferences, etc.

About how such a story could end, we propose to learn from interesting story from real life.

“Olga Peresvet and Andrey Utyugov have been in love with each other since school. At the end of school, everyone entered the university of their choice and the meetings continued. Then it was time to practice the practice - this was the case in Soviet times... It took 2 years. And, as a rule, they were sent to remote small towns. But if a student or student was married, they were left in their native places.

But Olga and Andrei literally before the distribution had a big fight. And because of a trifle. So they parted, and Olga spitefully married a local young doctor... 34 years have passed, she seemed to be happy, but all her life she remembered about him, about Andrei. And grief happened - Oli's husband died. Left alone, she decided to go to her betrothed, for whom she had suffered all her life.

She knew from her relatives where he lived. As it turned out, he was also married, and more than once. Behind several ex-wives and three children. This did not frighten, but rather made our heroine happy. Well, of course - the beloved is free, now nothing interferes with their happiness. Olga's children are also adults and will only be in favor if their mother becomes happy again.

And then there was a meeting. Olga lived a full life, beautiful life... And her appearance retained its beauty as much as possible. But Andrei looked terrible, there was a feeling that he was pretty battered by life. "But nothing, thought Olya, with me he will be happy and quickly regain his shape!"

Less than a week after their reunion, the heroine of our story cried bitterly about another husband-doctor who had gone into the world. She had the opportunity to compare the one with whom she considered herself unhappy and the one she dreamed of. Andrey is the embodiment of selfishness, rudeness, rudeness. Even in his youth, he did not shine with good morals, but over the years "overgrown" with a thick layer of ignorance. Now it is clear why his wives kept leaving him.

Olga left her unmasked lover and devoted her life to her children and grandchildren. And yet, she returned to the common house with her deceased husband, and every day she went to his grave. Olga cried and asked for forgiveness, because she did not understand how wrong she was. After all, her life passed alongside an honest, decent, courageous, generous and smart person who loved her immensely! "

How do you like the story? Agree, it is very instructive.


Well, for whom the news is that almost from an early age, children sit on social networks and communicate with those whom they do not know at all. There is a huge mass of online dating clubs, with different interests. And if two people who are keen on correspondence really find true points of contact, continue their relationship and follow it for a long time, then there is a high probability of connecting their hearts in real life.

But unlike the types of communication that existed before, on the present stage acquaintances are made in absentia, and people do not understand at all who communicates with them on the other end of the monitor. And it is for this reason that the development of connections between people began to take on problems.

There is a modern designation for such relationships, entered into the protocols of psychologists and even psychotherapists under the name "Distance relationship", "Relationship at a distance" and "Love at a distance". Let's consider each of the names and find out what process accompanies them. First, let's take a look at their definitions.

Love at a distance is the type of relationship in which “correspondence” and strong sympathy arises between people, which will grow into love. But it is worth remembering that this type continues to develop only against the background of virtuality.
Long distance relationships - people are forced to develop their relationships far from each other. But the acquaintance took place in real life and their beginning was built in the traditional way.

As a rule, persons who have fallen in love with each other at a distance meet at some point in real life. Then their communication will develop into a relationship at a distance. If they were not episodic, that is, short-term.

It all depends on how they reacted to each other when they met. Expectations were justified - great - there will be a continuation. But if a meeting, as is often the case, is not attended by a long-legged beauty or a muscular handsome man, but another, less pretty person, then the meeting will be "counterproductive." But let's study a situation in which everything went more or less normally. What's next? How does this relationship develop?

How to maintain a relationship

Contrary to everyone who asserts that it is difficult for today's youth to maintain connections during their virtual development, psychologists insist that love still exists! Let it be virtual, let people not know each other. But most better feeling on earth continues to win hearts. What contributes to the continuation of the human race. Yes, communications have done their "dirty" job. But it is unlikely that they would have continued without natural closeness.

On the contrary, scientists argue that in a prosperous prospect of communication, tactile and physical proximity not particularly influenced, she is the crown of the union. The main thing is attitude. Someone who really cares about his future and wants to connect his life with a person related in interests, desires, preferences and life positions- will achieve his goal.

There is absolutely no need to listen to those who set you up negatively for connections through communication systems. Believe me, now in the first place are marriages concluded after communication through social networks. And the sincerity of feelings, if they were destined to flood, is no different from the sincerity of love that arose between the guys from the same yard, school, institute, etc.

How much effort you need to make

The only difference between a virtual connection and a real one is the physical absence of a beloved person nearby. Yes, this is a kind of challenge, but every effort must be made so as not to lose the main feeling in life. How to do it?

In real life, we are constantly in contact with a person dear to our hearts. We maintain tactile, conversational communication, the same voice is already a closer contact than communication on the Internet. At the same time, when talking, we use a number of non-verbal signals: gestures, facial expressions, touches and others. They are the main tool that allows you to "reach out" to the heart of a beloved person. In order to apply the same signals at a distance to maintain relationships, they should be modified, given a different form. How to do it?

  1. When writing your message, stop being too laconic. At the same time, it is categorically not allowed to write lengthy, long and boring messages, more like a letter from a grandmother.
  2. When communicating on the network, we can easily turn on microphones, headphones and communicate verbally. This is where advice for women and men will differ.

Women, in order to keep in touch with their beloved man, need to be gentle, affectionate, alluring. Moreover, thanks to remote communication, this is completely easy to do. When you turn on Skype, Viber or other video resources that allow you to contemplate the face of your loved one, you need to be ready, that is, "fully armed"! And yet, it is necessary to constantly keep the intriguing situation. Your counterpart should be a little jealous, afraid of losing you.

  1. Get yourself in order. Never stand in front of a screen in an untidy, untidy well-groomed... He should only see you beautiful and attractive.
  2. When communicating, do not ask stupid questions, take an interest in his deeds, successes. And in no case try to arrange scenes of jealousy, hysteria.
  3. Men also need to present themselves to their beloved in a neat, well-groomed form. There is no need to ask every now and then - is she waiting for you, is there a fallback. Take an interest in her successes, when necessary - rejoice, support in opposite situations.

Remember, if you communicate with a person at a distance - try to compensate for the lack tactile communication words. Smart, kind, warm, inspiring hope and giving confidence that he is loved or loved.

How to maintain a long distance relationship

To maintain a relationship between two people, you need a state of happiness or constant communication. And they should not be underestimated - without them, build a long and strong bond impossible!

No one unhappy person unable to make the other happy. He will bring with him to the house of his beloved a minimum of despondency, a maximum of grief, and trouble. If a person feels happy, then he can give the same feeling to another. Remember the faces of happy people. What are they? They shine, enjoy life and perceive everything easily, with open heart... And without the main sensation, unhappy people grumble now and then, cannot full breast breathe in all the positive moments of life.

Only short-sighted women can feel a lack of happiness, being apart from a loved one. It is categorically impossible to get depressed, to suffer if the beloved half is far away. On the contrary - radiate happy emotions and do not assume that their presence belittles your sincere attitude to the person. Love should instill only goodness and positive feelings. And there is no need to deny yourself legal right to live happily - no one can take it away from us.

No one argues that separation is melancholy, tears, pain. But if love is real, then the bonfire of feelings at a distance will kindle even more. And if your happy state is stronger, your loved one will feel the same. Well, how can a person who has a sincere attitude towards you be satisfied that you do not have the main thing - happiness? In cases when he likes to sympathize with you more, and not to rejoice together - drive away from you!

A normal person, be it a man or a woman, will not tolerate a whiner next to him, who always has everything bad. Perhaps this main reason parting of people in love. Moreover, according to psychotherapists - sadness, despair, longing, things are contagious. After talking with someone who always complains, cries, suffers, we seem to pick up a negative virus. And we begin to look for the bad in our fate, character and environment - “I said the wrong thing, constantly unlucky, no one understands and loves me,” and so on. If you don't take your mind and become happy person- write, lost. Either you find the same loser, or even be left alone with your negativity.

Someone will object to all of the above - "Why can't I be sad if my beloved is far away?" And no one claims that you just need to have fun, the only thing is that everything has its time. Longing, grieving, missing your beloved - just do not get carried away! Say to him during communication “I miss”, “I want to see you”, “It's a pity that you have been absent for so long”, etc.

Constant communication

A very important component strong relationship is regular communication. It is worth missing even the slightest time - the relationship will come to naught. And even if you do not show special talents in communication, strive to improve this deficiency.

If you do not keep up conversations, and your counterpart will be spared the honor of hearing your voice, jokes, revelations, light conversations, they will be distracted by other objects and will grow cold towards you. Through constant conversations, you will be able to have more and more pleasure each time. And your voice will become the very saving straw that will keep your friend from melancholy and bring hope to a quick meeting in your soul.

How Often Should You Communicate

This issue is resolved only on an individual basis. It all depends on the amount of free time and internal mood. Love for real or are seriously passionate about, waiting for a prosperous prospect - pay attention to conversations and correspondence in chats on a regular basis. This can be done in the morning during breakfast with a cup of coffee, in the evening after dinner before going to bed. The main thing is that the moments of communication are convenient in all respects, both for you and your loved one.

How to communicate

We have already said that true feelings are built not only on passion, non-verbal cues but also a community of interest. There is a great opportunity to "visit" a cinema or a concert together. It is enough for both parties to include the same movie or video clips and comment on them in the chat. For this, there are both built-in and webcams.

Argue - but in moderation

Can not be normal relationship no dispute. It is not necessary to suppress emotions completely, and at the same time, it is not worth hysteria. You need to argue intelligently - express your opinion clearly, clearly and bluntly. At the same time, know how to listen to your counterpart and enter into his position, try to understand his position as much as possible.

Never hang up or turn off video - this is the easiest, but the consequences will be unpleasant. You will either lose a loved one or cause strong aggression in him, anger in your direction. And for love at a distance - this is the worst thing. Better agree so - on this moment we will disconnect communication and take "ourselves in hand". Or cool down and move the conversation to another topic, the main thing is not to bring communication to the boiling point.

Big mistake in communication

Our life is full of both big events and little things. You were in the store, met a friend, chatted about the days of the past. They brought in the dry cleaning things in which they spent time on vacation with a loved one. For you, such things seem insignificant, but if you share about them with regular communication, then there will be a feeling of constant connection. It will seem to you that he or she is there and participates in everything, knows about everything. Thus is built inextricable bond on distance.

The worst part is being away from the person you really love. And whatever your communication, how often you would not spend time in conversations, jokes, revelations through communication - it will not be possible to fully compensate for the absence of a lover. Every now and then you will yearn, if this is not so - the feeling is not real. But remember one important circumstance - separation from a loved one is not grief. After all, he or she, who are somewhere in the distance, are alive. It is much worse to suffer for someone who has passed away. Still, fortune is on your side and gives you hope to meet with someone who is dear to your heart. As for building relationships, even at a distance, they need to be worked on and strengthened.

Goodbye to everyone.
Best regards, Vyacheslav.