Free mri under the oms policy. Free passage of MRI under the compulsory medical insurance policy: nuances and features.

What is MRI and what is tomography for?

Today, more than one medical practitioner will not give an accurate diagnosis without additional research. Analyzes, X-ray, ultrasound - right ways for diagnosis. But there are times when this is not enough. MRI is a research method that provides accurate information about the condition internal organs human by applying physical methods... Do you know what?

The result of magnetic scanning is a three-dimensional detailed image that allows the doctor to see the human organs in improved quality. Another advantage of the procedure is that the patient does not need to specially prepare for it, which means there is no need to postpone the daily medication intake.

Can anyone get an MRI scan? The answer to this question is unequivocal - there are contraindications, for example:

  • overweight (over 120 kg);
  • implanted hearing aids;
  • wearing a pacemaker;
  • Ilizarov apparatus, etc.

Relative contraindications apply to pregnant women, patients who cannot lie for a long time.

Do I need a referral for the procedure?

Modern medicine is developing, new clinics and private hospitals are opened every year, offering to perform any examination (ultrasound, X-ray) without a referral, without an appointment with a therapist. However, the presence of a special device, a tomograph, in the clinic does not mean that the service is easy to provide.

Usually the clinic has a list of institutions that provide these services.

The fact is that this device is very expensive and doctors who can work on it make a lot of effort to conduct an examination, so the cost of undergoing the procedure is quite high, and there is hardly a clinic where an MRI scan will be done without a doctor's referral. Therefore, to make an accurate decision about the need, it is important to consult a doctor, because the patient cannot know exactly which organ he needs to diagnose.

Even when visiting a paid clinic, it is possible that the patient may be asked for a referral for an MRI, a certificate or other document, which will indicate the following data:

  • which organ needs to be examined;
  • admission to the study (no contraindications);
  • results of tests, doctor's examination, other examinations.

How do I get a referral?

First you need to make an appointment with a therapist. After examination, taking the necessary preliminary tests, examinations at narrow specialists and setting a preliminary diagnosis, the medical commission of the hospital (polyclinic), having studied full story diseases, make a decision on the need to undergo an MRI. If the patient has a compulsory medical insurance policy, then he has the right to make it within 30 days after the application. Usually, a polyclinic has a list of institutions that provide such services, but how to do it correctly, the patient does not have to choose due to the colossal workload of such rooms.

Further, the specialist doctor of the magnetic resonance imaging room appoints the date of the examination. The head of the medical institution certifies the referral, and only after that, the patient has the right to be examined free of charge. Public medical institutions annually receive access to referral of patients for MRI free of charge on compulsory medical insurance policy... Due to the fact that the number of procedures is limited, persons in special need have priority.

Features of the procedure

The waiting time is not always a month; people who have:

  • suspicion of the occurrence of malignant tumors;
  • disturbances in the work of the heart and circulatory system(heart attacks, strokes);
  • violation in the functioning of the brain;
  • the need for a procedure before an upcoming major operation;
  • pathology of internal organs.

Another important point

It is necessary to get advice at the branch of the insurance company where the compulsory medical insurance policy was obtained. Some, such as the brain and MRI of the spine, are not always included in the free list. So, if the contract with the insurance company does not indicate that it is possible to undergo an MRI scan under the compulsory medical insurance policy for free, then you will have to pay for the examination.

You should be given a coupon with a date for the MRI scan.

So, the patient has a certified referral, and on the appointed day he goes to the procedure. What you need to bring with you:

  • identity document;
  • original compulsory medical insurance policy;
  • preliminary doctor's opinion and referral;
  • insurance certificate.

The following entries must be made in the direction:

  • a diagnosis that gives the right to do an MRI under the policy;
  • Full name of the specialist who issued it, his signature;
  • the seal of the doctor who made the conclusion;
  • clinic stamp.

Important! The doctor, together with the referral, must give a special ticket. Which indicates the specific date of the survey.

Where can I get tested?

Not every state medical institution has such an expensive and high-tech apparatus, and, accordingly, doctors with the necessary qualifications. Even in a large city there can be only one resonance tomograph, which is worth talking about small villages. This procedure only public hospitals carry out free of charge.

Private clinics and medical institutions conducting diagnostics on such equipment work on a paid basis. But they can give advice on how to do an MRI absolutely free of charge, because according to the law, any citizen of the country has any advice. If rendering paid service If you can't afford it, then you should be patient and wait for the turn to come. Despite the law on the need to provide a service within 30 days, in reality, the waiting period can be up to 2 months.

Note! If the patient has the opportunity to undergo the examination at his own expense, then it is better to undergo the procedure for a fee and allow those who badly need a check but do not have the money to get a ticket.

To summarize the above, they do free MRI. To do this, the patient needs to make an appointment with the attending physician for examination, have medical insurance (compulsory medical insurance policy) and a doctor's referral, certified by the head and seals. But when preparing, it must be borne in mind that there are considerable queues for a free examination.

The MRI procedure includes diagnostics:

The price of an MRI scan differs depending on the part of the body or organ being examined. For example, the average cost per research knee joint is 4500-6000 rubles, and MRI of the whole body - from 20,000 rubles.

To detect cancer, contrast tomography is performed, which allows you to enhance the diagnostic capabilities of the procedure. In this case, the patient is injected intravenously with a solution based on gadolinium or some other substance containing rare earth metals. The contrast agent penetrates the tissue, it largest congestion occurs in neoplasms. After scanning, doctors can determine the presence of tumors, their number and boundaries from the images.

Indications for magnetic resonance imaging

MRI is performed to identify the following pathological processes:

  • tumors;
  • infectious diseases;
  • consequences after postponed surgical operations and injuries;
  • latent inflammation;
  • hernias;
  • mental illness;
  • sclerosis;
  • diseases endocrine system;
  • blockage of arteries and blood vessels;
  • diseases of the pancreas, liver or gallbladder.


Magnetic resonance imaging is categorically contraindicated in patients with vascular clips, implants and pacemakers. Women on early dates pregnancy, patients with braces and tattoos applied with metal compounds undergo the procedure only in case of urgent need. Contrast tomography should not be carried out by pregnant women, as well as people suffering from renal failure or allergies to substances contained in the preparation.

Preparatory stage

Before the MRI, the patient must take off all metal fittings: jewelry, watches, pins, bank cards and other items. Loose clothing should be prepared for examination. A few hours before the CT scan, it is recommended to refrain from eating food.

How is the procedure carried out?

Before starting the examination, the patient lies down on the table, puts on a helmet (headphones), a collar and a coil. Thanks to such equipment, it is possible to examine the area of ​​the spine, brain and abdominal cavity. If diagnostics are carried out on the device closed type, the patient moves into an enclosed space where he begins to be exposed magnetic field... During the procedure, the subject must lie completely motionless. Diagnostics of each part of the body takes about thirty minutes. After the end of the session, the specialist gives the patient the images taken and the conclusion, which reflects the results of the MRI.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the most safe method examination of human internal organs. As a result, the doctor receives a detailed image High Quality, by which you can recognize the onset of the formation of serious diseases. In our article, we will tell you about the diseases for which MRI should be performed, whether MRI is included in the compulsory medical insurance policy and what is required for its free passage.

When is an MRI required?

This type of diagnosis is based on the electromagnetic activity of the hydrogen nuclei that make up human tissue. It's about arranging atoms in a specific order when they are exposed to a strong magnetic field. The result is a high quality 3D image of the area of ​​interest. From the image, you can determine the state of the organ and identify pathological processes... The tomographic research method is the most accurate and safe in comparison with many others, therefore it is prescribed to patients more often than others.

This type of research is usually prescribed when the following diseases are suspected:

  • tumors of internal organs;
  • pathology of the nervous system;
  • pathology of the musculoskeletal system;
  • examination of the abdominal cavity;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Is it possible under the policy?

Previously, MRI was practically unavailable under the compulsory policy health insurance... The queue had to wait for more than four months. Since 2014, due to the introduction of significant amendments to the legislation, the situation has changed. You can get free MRI under compulsory medical insurance in our country in more than 60 medical institutions. The names and addresses of these institutions are reflected in special registers on the official websites of territorial compulsory health insurance funds.

Timing of MRI

Due to the changes made, the time for MRI has been sharply reduced. By general rule the waiting period for the study does not exceed 30 working days. However, if cancer is suspected, MRI is performed within 2 weeks.

To make these terms real, the Ministry of Health has increased the standards for research volumes by 1.5-2 times. Due to this, the number of clinics providing this service in the register of medical organizations has almost doubled.

Stages of obtaining an MRI according to the policy

To undergo an MRI, you need to provide a referral from the medical institution for which you are assigned (by registration or at the place of residence). Direction to mandatory should have:

  • medical organization stamp;
  • personal seal of the doctor.

If a study of several organs is required, then a separate direction is required for each area of ​​diagnosis: it is impossible to combine them in one direction.

  • passport;
  • compulsory health insurance policy;
  • direction with all the necessary details.

On the appointed day and time, you should appear at the medical institution, having the above documents in hand, and undergo an MRI. If you are reluctant to wait in line and you need to undergo an examination “here and now”, you can do it for a fee on the day of your application.

And if the citizen is a nonresident?

If in the region of your residence there is no medical organization where you can get an MRI, then you can come to any region where such a service can be obtained free of charge. For this you need:

  1. Re-issue the policy: upon arrival in the region where the examination is planned, you must personally appear at your insurance organization.
  2. Attach to a medical institution at the place of actual residence.
  3. Undergo a medical examination at a polyclinic to confirm the need for an MRI.
  4. Get directions.
  5. Sign up for the queue.
  6. Pass the examination at the specified date and time.


MRI is absolutely safe and the most accurate type of examination, and therefore is increasingly prescribed to patients with suspected serious illness... Today, you can undergo an MRI scan under the compulsory medical insurance policy absolutely free of charge and in enough short time... The main thing is to find the time and desire, go to the clinic and get a referral.

Take care of your health!

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Each patient, if available medical indications, has the opportunity for FREE to undergo magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) at City Clinical Hospital No. 68.

Referral for procedure

To use the service medical examination, patients of all ages are required to provide referrals to the assigned place of the insurance policy from outpatient specialists. Requirements for the direction:

  1. medical institution stamp;
  2. personal seal of the doctor.

For the examination, it is necessary that there is a separate direction for each diagnostic zone, that is, combined studies are impossible. You must come to the MRI with the original passport and insurance policy. Having a policy, a citizen of the Russian Federation cannot determine on his own that he needs certain analyzes and studies. In other words, it is impossible to have a situation where, on the basis of only the presented policy, without accompanying documentation, the employees of the medical institution will fulfill any whims of the person with insurance.

In the case when there is no prescription from a doctor, such a service is provided for cash the patient. Many people with suspected serious illnesses want to have an MRI scan under the policy, which means it is free of charge. This is due to the fact that today it is one of the most effective procedures diagnostics, and the result of the study is obtained in the form of images reflecting the state of internal organs.

The advantage of MRI is the fact that during the operation of the apparatus, a person does not receive radio emission, and therefore, examination can be used much more often than X-ray and CT. In addition, this survey allowed for women in position.

MRI for out-of-town patients

It happens that this service is not available in your area. free terms... Then you can come to any region where there are medical institutions offering MRI under the compulsory medical insurance agreement. Nonresident residents must come to their insurance medical organization or to another representative office, if it is not in the region where the diagnostics are planned. The purpose of the appeal is to reissue the policy at the location.

After the policy has been re-registered, in order to receive an MRI under the compulsory medical insurance, you need to attach to the polyclinic institution at the actual place of residence. Then, an examination should take place with local doctors so that they check the indications for magnetic resonance imaging.

If medical professionals deem it necessary to undergo the procedure, a referral will be issued.
CHI begins to cover an increasing range of vital medical services, which affects the quality and efficiency of their provision to patients.