Pulse current of low frequency. Electrotherapy is the treatment of diseases with electric current or magnetic fields. Is it possible to cure in this way

Physiotherapy can be called an integral part integrated approach to the treatment and rehabilitation of patients suffering from various ailments (including chronic ones) who have suffered injuries. For many, these procedures are useful, effective, speedy recovery, soften pain prevent recurrence of the disease. Currently, physicians have in their arsenal good techniques, which allow us to use the electric current familiar to us as healing power. These types of therapy include: electrosleep, UHF exposure, electrophoresis, darsonvalization and others. The very name "physiotherapy" suggests that the patient will be affected by natural or other physical factors artificially created. These factors, as it were, invigorate the organs, force them to work more actively, and this contributes to the restoration of health. These factors include magnetic field, infrared and UV radiation, healing mud, climate, water, electric current.

High-voltage pulsed electrical stimulation in the treatment of wounds

Significance: A number of studies indicate the effectiveness of electrical stimulation in wound healing, but the methodology for its use has not yet been determined. This article provides a critical review of the results of clinical trials published by researchers using high voltage impulse current for the treatment of chronic wounds. When describing the test methodology in the article Special attention given to electrical stimulus parameters, frequency of procedures, and total duration treatment.


As early as the beginning of the twentieth century, electricity began to be used for medicinal purposes. The founders of these useful innovations were Luigi Galvani, Faraday, Duchenne, D'Arsonval. Electrotherapy is based on the impact of electric currents, magnetic (or electromagnetic) fields in a certain dose. The main difference between the currently used methods of electrotherapy from each other lies in the use of certain types current (constant or variable), different voltage, frequency and strength. All this is selected individually, including the duration of the course. And now MirSovetov will introduce readers to the most common procedures related to electrotherapy.

Additional research is needed to investigate its effect on the healing of other types of soft tissue defects. A healthy epidermis is negatively charged, unlike the dermis, which is electropositive. This difference between charges causes a natural, monophasic electrical current to flow, which supposedly stimulates wound healing. It is believed that the exogenous current applied to the surface of the wound further enhances the healing process. Another mechanism that may promote wound healing is cellular electrotaxis, macrophages, neutrophils, and wound fibroblasts.


It is based on good combination exposure to certain areas of the body of direct electric current and medicinal substance coming in parallel with it into the tissues and cavities. In this case, the drug exhibits greater activity, acts much longer, gradually being released from the formed depot. At the same time, the number side effects decreases, and most often they do not make themselves known at all. By prescribing, the doctor hopes for the following effects:

Discussion of findings and related literature

Treatment of chronic wounds takes time and involves the use various methods treatment. If the wound does not respond to standard care, various physical therapeutic energies are available for healing. There were no restrictions due to the language of the article; the only requirement was that the publication had an abstract on English language. In all cases, the analysis was carried out on the basis of full articles.

The review looked at randomized controlled trials or human clinical trials. In describing the test methodology, electrical stimulus parameters, treatment frequency, and total time treatment, and then the risk of bias in the reviewed studies will be assessed.

  • analgesic, relaxing;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • soothing, vasodilating;
  • secretory - providing better production and entry into the bloodstream of biologically active components.

You should be aware that the areas and zones of the skin on which special electrodes will be placed for procedures should not be contaminated and damaged. Before applying special gauze pads, they are moistened in a medicinal solution made in advance for the procedure. And only then the electrodes are placed on top, if necessary, fixing them with an elastic bandage. There will be no pain and burning - only a pleasant and slight tingling sensation. The procedure usually takes 10-30 minutes. A good and lasting effect is obtained from 10-15 sessions. The main indications for electrophoresis:

During the other 23 hours of the research protocol, the investigators were ethically bound to provide treatment for the wound. Venous leg ulcers are treated with compression therapy, while diabetic foot ulcers can be treated with unloading sheets or boots. After 3-7 weeks, the ulcers, which were originally in the area from 39 to 7 cm 2, were closed by 3-4%.

Electrical stimulus parameters

Cathodal stimulation can also enhance the proliferative phase of healing. Treatment was effective in both cases. The randomization aspect of the reviewed studies raises some reservations.

Validation and funding sources

The authors are grateful for the extensive editorial contributions of Professor Cloth and the friendly encouragement in writing this article. Funding sources are not recognized.

  • radiculitis, neuritis, plexitis;
  • inflammation or injury in the joints, muscle tissue;
  • , ischemic disease heart, atherosclerotic vascular lesions;
  • dental problems;
  • gynecological pathologies;
  • peptic ulcer, colitis,.


The authors have no competing financial interests. The content of this article was explicitly written by the authors listed. No ghosts were involved in the writing of this article. Transmutational electrical nerve stimulation and interference therapy have been a regular line of treatment. various kinds acute and chronic pain. This review is intended to compile the latest literature on pain management using these methods, which use low and medium frequency currents. After title and abstract screening, relevant studies were included in this review.

The appearance of this effective method people owe physiotherapy to Duchenne, a neurologist from France, who made developments on the use in medicinal purposes low-frequency alternating current. Such a pulsed current, acting on the central nervous system (central nervous system), causes monotonous and rhythmic irritation of areas of the cerebral cortex. All processes are slowed down, the person falls asleep. This leads to a normalization nervous system, improvement of blood supply to the brain, sedative, hypnotic, hypotensive, anti-inflammatory, analgesic effects are manifested. Electrosleep is used in the treatment of hypertension, cardiac ischemia, neuropsychiatric diseases. It benefits patients who have had a heart attack, complex operations. Before the procedure, the patient takes off his clothes, lies down on a semi-soft couch, and makes himself comfortable. Covered with a blanket. Special mask is used to bring a specially tuned pulsed current to the patient. Some patients fall into a pleasant slumber, others fall asleep. The duration of such therapeutic sleep is from 20 to 60 minutes. The course consists of 10-15 such sessions.

Exposure to current in osteochondrosis: the essence of treatment

Most studies lack methodological quality and have low sample sizes. Keywords: Acute pain, Chronic pain, Electrophysical modalities and electrotherapy, Interference therapy, Low frequency currents, Currents medium frequency, Pain, Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation.

Evidence-based practice is essential in clinical practice to accelerate patient recovery. In electrotherapy, the applied energy is a trigger that stimulates or activates physiological events that provide therapeutic benefits that bring pain relief. In this review, we will mainly focus on transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation and interference therapy, which use low and medium frequency currents, respectively, to relieve pain.

Direct indications are:

  • consequences of traumatic brain injury;
  • trouble sleeping at night;
  • enuresis, logoneuroses, night phobias in children;
  • mental illness, eg schizophrenia, psychosis;
  • eczema, neurodermatitis;
  • ulcerative processes in the intestines or stomach;
  • an integrated approach to the treatment of drug addiction, alcohol dependence.

diadynamic therapy

The method involves the use of diadynamic currents for the rehabilitation, treatment and prevention of diseases in patients. There are other names familiar to many - Bernard currents, DDT. The method allows you to stimulate the exchange in tissues, relieve pain. Other positive effects include:

Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation

Interference therapy involves the use of a "medium frequency" current to induce the effect of a low frequency current in tissues. This theory suggested that activity in small-diameter nerve fibers causes pain and that by stimulating larger-diameter sensory nerve fibers, pain perception is reduced. They assumed that physiological mechanism strobing exists on the dorsal horn spinal cord. These "gates" can be opened or closed to allow or prohibit the transmission of painful stimuli through it and to the brain where it is processed.

  • improving the supply of tissues with nutrients;
  • removal of puffiness;
  • weakening of the inflammatory process;
  • removal of spasm;
  • normalization of the work of the endocrine glands.

Most often, such procedures are attended by patients suffering from neuritis, radiculitis, neuralgia, arthritis, Bechterew's disease, adhesions in abdominal cavity, bruises, gynecological inflammations. DDT helps restore joint mobility and reduce scarring. During the session, the patient lies down. The nurse places electrodes on the affected areas. Gaskets soaked in water help to dose the current. The patient should feel a clear vibration. Depending on the disease, the session lasts from two to ten minutes, the course includes a minimum of 5 procedures, a maximum of 20.

The different programs can be used interchangeably depending on the preference of the patient. They also reported in their results a statistically significant correlation between change in visual analog scale value and change in activity in the contralateral thalamus, prefrontal cortex, and ipsilateral posterior parietal cortex.

They used the Hargreaves method to measure nociception while a hydropsismometer was used to measure edema. The Hargreaves method measures cutaneous hyperalgesia for thermal stimulation in animals. It has been reported that in some patients pain levels do not return to pre-stimulation levels even after 24 hours.

Ultrashort Wave Therapy

The essence of this method lies in the fact that the body is affected by an ultra-high frequency field supplied to the patient using capacitor plates. More famous name– UHF-therapy, decoding: ultra-high-frequency therapy. During the procedure it is possible:

Post-stimulatory analgesia is widely explained by accumulation or depletion of endogenous opioids. There is wide variation in post-treatment pain relief that patients experience, and no evidence for this has been reported. This review was approved by the European Federation of Neurological Societies guidelines for the treatment of neuropathic pain.

It is assumed that by adjusting the frequency that occurs in the zone of interference, it is possible to influence a number of different nerves. By changing the type of nerve that is stimulated in the first place, the physiological outcome of the stimulation changes, and hence the therapeutic outcome. There is currently no evidence that muscle stimulation with electrical stimulation is more effective than active stimulation. exercise stress, but it can be used as a means to increase the level of muscle activity. This in turn will affect local blood flow as a normal physiological response to an adjusted metabolic rate.

  • relax the walls of the bronchi;
  • reduce the secretory activity of the bronchial glands;
  • enhance bile secretion, stimulate motility and secretion of the stomach.

Before the procedure, it is necessary to remove the chain, hairpins, and other metal elements. The session should last no more than ten minutes. Thin clothes, gypsum or bandage does not interfere with treatment. The electrodes should be placed with an air gap parallel to the patient's body. Done from five to ten medical procedures. More than two courses cannot be held in the same area in a year.

Devices for electrotherapy

At the lower end of this scale, a rapid muscle twitch will be produced, and at the upper end, a partial tetany. The published literature in this area is lacking in quality, and studies with good methodological quality are needed in this area. But this clinical experience needs to be complemented by high-quality research in this area.

Elimination of palliative care

They can be used as aids or alternatives to pharmacological pain relief. There is a need for research to complement the use and effectiveness of these methods in palliative care. Source of support: We acknowledge that the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India has provided funds for these studies.

UHF therapy is prescribed for:

  • , angina;
  • carbuncles, boils;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • traumatized lesions of the musculoskeletal system;
  • bronchial asthma, rheumatoid arthritis.


This method was developed by D'Arsonval, a physiologist from France. It is based on the impact during treatment with pulsed high-frequency electric currents on certain areas of the body. The voltage is also high, but the force is small. The technique has found application in cosmetology. Thanks to her, it improves appearance and skin condition, wrinkles, hair loss, flabbiness, swelling are prevented. Darsonvalization is recommended for:

Conflict of interest: not declared. Electrotherapy: yesterday, today and tomorrow. Functional magnetic resonance imaging of the effects of low-frequency transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation on central pain modulation: a double-blind, placebo-controlled study.

Effect of transcutaneous electrical stimulation on nociception and edema caused by peripheral serotonin. The role of electrotherapy in modern physiotherapy practice. transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation for acute pain. Optimal duration of stimulation in the treatment of osteoarthritis knee pain.

  • tuberculosis in active form;
  • vein thrombosis;
  • neoplasms found in any tissues and organs;
  • blood diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • severe pathologies of the heart, blood vessels, implanted artificial pacemaker;
  • severe renal or hepatic insufficiency;
  • bone fractures when there are unfixed debris;
  • individual intolerance to procedures.

Each individual type of current treatment has its own contraindications. Therefore, if you have chronic diseases, then consult a physiotherapist before starting a course of treatment. We add that if during the passage of physiotherapy you are undergoing examinations such as CT scans, x-rays, vaccinations, then it is better to refrain from the session on that day, informing the physio-cabinet employee about this.

Randomization is important in pain outcome studies: a systematic review of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation in acute postoperative pain. Interference current therapy is a therapeutic method often used in orthopedic physical therapy. The following article serves brief information about modality and its use.

A piece of equipment commonly used by physiotherapists is an interference current machine. This machine produces electrical currents that pass through the affected area of ​​the patient. This current tends to penetrate deeper than other electrical conditions and has a number of physiological effects that are of therapeutic importance.

  • Galvanization - direct currents of low voltage and low power. Depending on the application area (different parts of the body), the procedure time and dosage (tension) may vary. Activates blood flow in the limbs, restores damaged nerve fibers and soft tissues. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, anesthetizes, relaxes, relieves muscle spasms. Can be used to treat inflammatory processes gastrointestinal tract, hypertension, hypotension, vegetovascular pathologies, diseases of hearing and vision. It is widely used to treat diseases of the spine, spinal cord and joints.
  • Electrophoresis - low-frequency electrical discharges that enhance penetration medicines through the skin to the internal organs. Double healing effect achieved by activating blood circulation and deep absorption medicines.
  • Darsonvalization - the use of alternating pulsed currents of high, ultrasonic and supersonic frequencies. It is used to relieve pain syndromes and relieve spasm of smooth muscles, increases the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels ( varicose veins veins, trophic ulcers, long non-healing wounds), recommended for insomnia, treatment of migraine, skin rashes, frostbite, neurosis, hypertension. It is widely used in cosmetology as a local procedure for tightening and rejuvenating the skin, removing puffiness and congestion.
  • Electrosleep - impact electrical impulses on the various zones brain. It has a sedative, sedative, trophic, anticonvulsant effect. Can be used for insomnia, neurasthenia, mental seizures, ischemic attacks, asthma attacks.
  • Diadynamic therapy - pulsed exposure to direct currents of a constant frequency (50 Hz and 100 Hz) with alternating periods. Causes a sensation of tingling, light burning, heat or vibration. It is used to treat injuries and bruises of the limbs and spine, arthritis, treatment of osteoporosis, thrombophlebitis and other diseases.
  • Diathermy - the use of high frequency currents, low voltage of great strength. There is a feeling of intense heat skin, then deep heating of internal tissues. Improves blood circulation, enhances metabolic processes, raises the body's immune resistance. Indicated for chronic inflammatory processes, pain syndromes(tonsillitis, rhinitis, etc.).
  • Amplipulse therapy is the use of modulated sinusoidal currents for the treatment of asthma and bronchitis, inflammation of the gastrointestinal system, pelvic organs, ligaments and joints.
  • Inductothermy is the use of a high-frequency magnetic field with induced eddy currents. More uniform distribution of currents contributes to uniform heating internal organs, better tolerance by the patient and has a more stable therapeutic effect.

Devices for electrotherapy

Modern medical equipment and specialized firms offer huge selection devices of various dimensions, characteristics and parameters for use both in medical institutions as well as at home. For electrophoresis and galvanization in physical classrooms and at home, the following device can be used: Potok 1, ESMA 12.19 Lotus or ESMA 12.21U Galant. Aesculap 2, BTL 4000, BTL 4000 Plus allows you to generate pulses of various frequencies with a wide range. Much more expensive and functional device with wide choice programs, including electrosleep - "Radius - 01FT".

Physiological effects include. Increased localized blood flow, which can improve healing by reducing swelling and, as a result, help remove damaged tissue and bring nutrients needed to heal the damaged area.

Some degree of muscle stimulation, as muscle contraction can be achieved by external application of electrical current, overcoming some of the muscle inhibitions often caused by local injury and swelling. Electric current is applied to the affected area using four electrodes. The four electrodes are placed in such a way that the two currents generated intersect with each other in the affected area. For example, if it is a knee injury being treated, two currents can be applied so that they intersect deep within the knee joint itself.

A wide range of physiotherapy, magnetic and electrotherapy for the treatment of diseases of the nervous system, diseases of the spine, curvature of posture, joints, internal and ENT organs is offered at Dr. Bobyr's clinic in Moscow or Zelenograd.

Contraindications for electrotherapy

In spite of positive influence and the effectiveness of electroprocedures for healing the human body, their use must be supervised by experienced doctors and used with great care. Electro- and magnetotherapy is categorically contraindicated for pregnant women and patients:

Should the patient feel the interference current?

Where two streams meet, they actually "interfere with each other"; hence the name "interference". The patient should not feel discomfort from the application of interference current. Typically, electrodes can be used with a damp sponge placed between the electrode and the patient's skin. If discomfort is felt, it is usually because the electrode sponge is not moist enough or because the sponge does not completely cover the electrode and therefore provides some direct contact between the electrode part and the skin.

  • with tumor formations various etiologies;
  • who have had a stroke or heart attack, suffering from heart defects;
  • from high temperature or fever;
  • having purulent inflammation of internal organs and tissues;
  • with acute bleeding and poor blood clotting;
  • with tuberculosis or other viral and infectious diseases;
  • with epilepsy or prone to convulsive conditions;
  • from chronic diseases liver and kidneys;
  • suffering from Parkinson's disease or multiple sclerosis;
  • with individual intolerance to electric current or medicines used for electroprocedures.

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