How to store a fur collar in the summer. Summer storage of fur products. Case or vacuum bag

At proper storage fur hats have served their owners for decades. You only need to know a few simple rules... Fur loves cold, is afraid of heat, sun and chemicals. Fur needs air. Store the fur in a free, dark space. In the light, it fades and loses color. But about everything in more detail and in order.

  • Find your fur product cozy home for storage. Make sure you place it in a wardrobe that is out of direct sunlight (which discolours the fur) and moisture. The temperature in the storage room for the fur should be as low as possible. Check for hot water or steam pipes in the wall. Only then will you be sure to find a place to store your fur products... Fur should be so that it breathes and does not come into contact with other items of clothing;
  • Do not close furs in suitcases or drawers. The fur prefers an airy appeal that keeps its skin side (flesh) from drying. If you still need to transfer the fur in a suitcase or bag, then make sure it is in a linen bag.
  • Avoid exposing your fur to chemicals, including perfume or hairspray, directly on the fur garment. Perfumes contain alcohol, which can dry out the inside of the skin.
  • If your hat gets wet, don't panic. Most furs can easily withstand snow or light rain. Shake it and hang it on a hanger to dry in a well-ventilated room, home or office. Resist the temptation to speed up the drying process by using a hair dryer or hanging a fur garment near a source high temperature... Fur does not like heat. After the fur is dry, shake it again. Never brush or clean fur. If his hair is bristling a little, just smooth it with your hand. If your fur is soaked through and through with water, take it to a specialist immediately.
  • Do not use chemicals to clean your fur. Fur cleaning is special process... Your fur should be cleaned every year with heavy wear, or at least after a year. When you return your fur for cleaning, your furrier will be able to determine if a repair is needed. It's always easier to make minor repairs before small problems turn into big headaches.
  • To avoid pinching the hairline, do not lean the product on anything so that it does not come into contact with anything.
  • Do not dry fur products near heating and heating devices, as well as in the bright sun.
  • Dried products need to be slightly knocked out with a soft twig, and to give the hair a natural direction, comb it with a metal comb.

Fur hats before long-term storage dry and clean, if necessary change the contaminated lining. Store hats in cardboard boxes... To maintain their shape, cardboard inserts-rings are inserted into them. You can store hats wrapped in paper or cotton. At the same time, a dense lump from the newspapers read is put into the cap of the headdress. Pouches with "antimoles" are placed in boxes and attached with outside packing. The beautiful appearance of the products is preserved if, during their periodic inspection, the noticed damage is promptly eliminated. Grease, dirtiness of the hairline is eliminated by wetting it with a solution consisting of alcohol, table vinegar and water taken in equal proportions. The solution is applied with a hair brush, foam rubber, cotton-gauze swab. Remove dissolved dirt with dry foam rubber, a swab or a piece of clean white cloth.

You can use another recipe for cleaning the hairline of fur products - rye or wheat bran, which is placed in a clean metal or earthenware dish and heated, stirring continuously with your hand while it bears. Hot bran is poured onto the spread fur and rubbed with hands, cleaned with a brush and shaken.

Instead of bran, you can use clean, moist, non-resinous sawdust. After cleaning, the fur must be shaken and cleaned.

White furs are well cleaned with potato flour or semolina. They sprinkle them on the fur, rub it with their hands (as if they were washing it), then shake it and slightly pierce it.

Very dirty fur is cleaned with potato flour mixed with aviation gasoline. The fur is thoroughly wiped with this mixture, allowed to dry, pierced and combed. You can repeat these operations until the fur is completely cleaned. To clean greasy furs, you can use a foam rubber sponge soaked in clean gasoline, followed by wiping with a clean cotton cloth.

To bleach yellowed white or light gray fur, you can use a solution of hydrogen peroxide (a teaspoon per glass warm water or 1 tablet of hydroperite with a few drops ammonia... After wiping the hairline with this solution, the product must be hung out for a while in the bright sun (until the fur is completely lightened).

It is possible to partially restore the softness and plasticity of the properties of the leather fabric of fur products by applying special solutions... The solution is rubbed into the leather tissue with a hairbrush, but so that it does not get on the hairline.

Sometimes it happens that after transporting a fur headdress, the fur on the hat looks a little crumpled. The fur will straighten out on its own after opening the parcel for several hours. But if there is no time to wait and you want to put on the hat right away, then there is one very simple TIP. - It is necessary to hold the hat over the steam for exactly one minute, after which the fur fibers will instantly return to their original state.

Storage of fur products

At the beginning of the winter season, in order for the fur to straighten and freshen up, the product must be taken out in the cold. Hang the fur coat only on wide shoulders, then it will not wrinkle and deform.

Make sure your fur coat is always dry. Returning home from a walk, shake off moisture from the fur coat and let it dry naturally.

Storage in a fur refrigerator

Winter is over and it's time for a fur coat to rest, but where is it better to store fluffy beauty if you are the owner of the road mink coats? The appearance and condition of fur clothing is largely determined by the conditions of its storage. At home, it is almost impossible to create optimal conditions for storing fur products. The temperature in the closet is 10 ° C higher than in the room, and for fur there is nothing worse than a high temperature for a long time.

Therefore, for the spring and summer period, you can take fur products to a special fur refrigerator. It maintains optimal conditions - ideal temperature for storage of fur products from +6 to +8 degrees Celsius and humidity from 40 to 50%. The rules for storing fur are also respected - a spacious darkened room, without direct sunlight, constant air circulation due to ventilation, wide comfortable trembles, a cotton cover and a distance between products of at least 20 cm.

The fur refrigerator will protect your fur products from various insects - moths, skin beetles, ticks, as well as rodent damage. A refrigerator for fur products is one of the most popular services today. In such conditions, your fur product will always look like new, and the specialists of the fur refrigerator will take care of its comfortable stay in the refrigerator. The cost of storage will pay off in full, because this is a kind of safe, you will be calm about your property, going on vacation.

Many people install fur refrigerators in their homes. It is very convenient, all your necessary things are always at hand at any time of the year. You can store everything in a fur refrigerator: fur coats, coats, leather jackets with fur collars, fur shoes, hats, woolen clothes, carpets, woolen bedspreads, bags with fur trim, stoles, boas.

A home fur refrigerator pays off in 3-5 years, the payback period depends on the capacity of the fur refrigerator and the cost of your fur products.

A fur refrigerator with a "shock freeze" function eliminates the use of chemical "anti-malt" agents. This is a big plus for your own health and the health of your children. Keeping fur coats in the correct climate of a fur refrigerator will preserve the pristine beauty of delicate fur. Items purchased a few years ago will look shiny and luxurious.

Storing fur at home

If you still decide to keep your fur coat at home, then you need to stock up on several useful things and free up space in the closet. It is best if the fur coat hangs separately, without touching other clothes that are not similar in color. Free place will allow air to circulate, breathe and not wrinkle the fur, and if your coat is long-haired, this will also have a positive effect on the appearance of the product.

But in order to hang it in the closet, you need to choose a solid wide-shouldered hanger with long crochet... She will save initial appearance fur garment and prevent it from wrinkling.

Proper storage requires attention to the specific needs of the skin. The temperature in the storage room for the fur coat should not be high, otherwise the flesh begins to shrink and shrink.

Use a special linen cover to store fur products. It will prevent the fur from drying out and getting dirty in the spring and summer. If there is no cover, you can cover the fur with a light natural fabric dark in color.

To maintain an optimal microclimate in a case with fur or leather clothes, you can hang bags with moisture and odor absorbers on a hanger, just change them every 2-3 months. Dropping lavender oil on the bags will help protect your coat from moths.

How not to store fur and leather products

The fur product must be absolutely dry, otherwise the fur may rot.

The coat cannot be stored folded.

Fur should not be stored in plastic and polyethylene bags, there is no air circulation and moisture accumulates in them over time.

Do not use wire hangers to store fur products.

Undyed fur should not be stored next to dyed fur or leather.

Naphthalene cannot be used when storing natural fur.

Do not spill anti-moles, insecticides, or other chemicals on your fur.

Buying a mink coat is a joy for a woman. You want to wear a new thing without taking it off, striking those around you with the splendor of fur. However, mishandling even in winter time can lead to loss appearance products. To avoid such troubles, it is necessary to observe the storage and wearing conditions. mink coat.

Rules for cold weather

Not every winter makes it possible to regularly wear furs: it may be too warm to wear a fur coat, or it may be too humid. However, it is impossible to keep a mink coat permanently in the closet in winter - it needs "walking". Therefore, if in the cold season it is not possible to put on a mink, it must be hung on a closed balcony several times a season for a day or two. This technique will not only make it possible to straighten out the fur, but also kill moths that could start in the furs.

What weather to wear

A mink coat "likes" to walk in cold weather. But not every day is suitable for this event. Mink fur is very sensitive to weather. It is best to wear such a fur coat under the following conditions:

  • dry, frosty air;
  • low cloudiness;
  • low density of people in the place of walking;
  • the paths are not covered with chemical substances from icing (if the fur coat is "on the floor").

How to dry after wet snow

High air humidity damages the fur. If, nevertheless, it was not possible to avoid wet snow or even rain, you need to take Urgent measures... Returning home, the fur coat must be thoroughly dried. For this, a hairdryer, battery or other heating devices cannot be used - only natural process... Proceed in six steps.

  1. Hang up. The fur coat is placed on a hanger suitable size, with wide shoulders - this will avoid deformation of the product.
  2. Choose a place. The place where the fur will be dried should not be located in the sun.
  3. Shake it up. Shake the fur coat thoroughly, removing the water.
  4. Remove moisture. The pile is shaken off with a special mink brush sold in fur stores.
  5. Get wet. If the fur coat is very wet, it is permissible to get it wet clean soft cloth.
  6. Dry. Leave the product to dry completely.

The fur coat is harmed by the crush, which can wrinkle or even break the fur. That's why public transport, queues, crowded crowds - not a place for "walking" expensive mink products.

Summer option: special cameras ...

According to reviews, perfect way to extend the life of a fur product - store a mink coat in the "freezer". This is not a standard food chamber. If there are several fur items in the wardrobe, and they are expensive, the purchase of a special refrigerator is justified. In such installations, the most suitable temperature(0-10 ° C) and humidity (about 50%).

If it is not possible to purchase a refrigerator for a fur coat, you can hand over the item to a public storage. A similar service is provided by dry cleaners dealing with fur processing. To reduce the risks, it is recommended to insure the clothes before they are stored.

... and how to store a mink coat in a regular closet

Before you put your fur clothes away for the summer, you need to prepare them for this. Compliance with the storage conditions will allow the mink to look rich for longer without losing the ability to warm the hostess. At the end of the cold season, it is important to thoroughly clean, dry and ventilate your clothing. Remove dirt, dust, grease from the fur that have accumulated during wearing.

  1. Remove dust. First of all, you should shake the clothes several times to fluff the fur. Dust is removed with a soft-toothed brush purchased from fur shops. It is necessary to move the brush carefully, strictly in the direction of hair growth. Clean before complete removal dust. In addition, you can use an ordinary hair dryer by placing it in the cold air mode.
  2. Remove grease. Storing a mink coat in summer without this procedure increases the risk of moth infestation. At home, grease can be removed with flour, semolina or starch. These products are suitable for cleaning because they are good adsorbents. To remove grease from the fur, it is necessary to evenly apply the selected product to the surface of the garment. After half an hour, gently wipe it off with a soft brush and shake the thing well. If stains are visible on the fur, greasy stains- should be passed winter outfit to dry cleaning, since it is extremely difficult to get rid of such dirt at home without spoiling the fur.
  3. Ventilate. After cleaning, the clothes should be thoroughly ventilated by placing them on wide shoulders. It is best to leave the fur coat on the balcony, but you need to make sure that the fur does not fall under the straight lines Sun rays... In addition, it is permissible to dry and ventilate fur products only in dry weather. Leave for airing for two to three days.

Products from white fur it is better not to clean at home, but immediately take it to the dry cleaner, since the use of folk remedies can break the whiteness of the cover, turning it yellow.

Optimal conditions

Those who decide to protect a fur coat from damage during the warm season in a regular closet should know how to properly care for the product and properly store a mink fur coat. The main conditions are described in the table.

Table - Storage requirements for mink fur coats

Space and removal of accessories

First of all, it is necessary to free up space in the storage cabinet. It is important that the fur coat is not squeezed or crumpled by neighboring things. The product should be on wide, strong hangers, the size of which corresponds to the size of the clothes. The product must be fastened with all available hooks and buttons to avoid deformation.

It is best to store a mink coat in the case that comes with it when you buy it. In addition, special covers can be purchased at fur stores or at ordinary household stores. The beauty of the cover is not only that it protects the fur from mechanical damage, but also in that it will protect the fur coat from moths.

Before hanging clothes from a mink into a cover, you should remove brooches, jewelry, belts, and remove all things from your pockets. This is done so that the fur does not deform, the base does not stretch.

You cannot put a fur coat in polyethylene, because the fur will not be able to "breathe" in it. If a special case is not available, it is better to make it from cotton fabric by attaching a moth sachet inside.

Lighting and temperature

Since the fur is afraid of the sun's rays, the storage location should be dark but well ventilated. If summer "hibernation" occurs in the closet, its doors should be regularly left open so that fresh air can flow to the fur.

Mink coats love the cold: optimum temperature for them - from 5 to 15 ° C. It is almost impossible to achieve such conditions at home, therefore, as an alternative, you can set the air conditioner in the dressing room to the minimum temperature or regularly take the fur coat out to the balcony for ventilation. To prevent the sun's rays from falling on the fur, the product should not be removed from the cover when airing.

Protection from moths

Keeping fur from the sun and creases is just as important as keeping a mink coat from moths. Today on sale there is a huge variety of substances that repel butterflies and caterpillars of these insects. Buy aerosols or sachets. But you can make anti-moth bags with your own hands by placing dry tangerine peels inside. According to reviews, you can replace citrus fruits with bergamot or.

It is very important that there is no naphthalene left in the cabinet, chemical substances or their decay products - this can irreparably damage the fur. Interestingly, cedar has a negative effect on the condition of a mink fur coat, so it is important that the cabinet for storing it is not made of such wood.

Knowing how to properly store a mink coat, you can wear it for more than one year. Observance of important, but simple rules will make it possible to enjoy fur clothes for ten seasons or even more.

The skins of commercial fur animals require constant monitoring at all stages from primary processing to processing them into a semi-finished product (toning). It is very important that after correctly carried out operations for their processing, they retain all their qualities during storage and transportation.

After proper processing, the raw material does not need additional operations to improve its quality.

Preparing furs for delivery

Skins of wild animals improperly removed, poorly defatted or damaged during storage and transportation must go through a series of measures to prepare them for sale to a procurement organization.

In case of lack of knowledge or inexperience of the hunter, the skins can be poorly defatted, improperly straightened, poorly dried, have holes and fur contamination. All these shortcomings must be eliminated without fail.

Poorly defatted ones are first moistened, for this the skin is moistened with water, then wrapped in a wet cloth or sprinkled with wet sawdust. After soaking skin additional degreasing is carried out. Next, the skins are put on the rules and dried.

Sometimes, with an insignificant presence of fat or in skins with thin flesh, fat and remnants of the cut are removed without wetting the skin, but are carefully cut or scraped off with a knife. Then wipe with a clean cloth.

In some cases, in order to achieve complete degreasing, rolling in a drum with sawdust is used. Wood is taken only from hardwood, usually birch.

Sawdust is removed from fur in the following ways:

- holding the skin by head part, shake them up,
- with using brushes,
- knocked out with rods.

If the skins are straightened incorrectly, they are also soaked, degreased and dried, giving Special attention tail and paws.

It happens that hunters do not sew up cuts or holes during initial processing, especially small ones, but after drying they increase, so they need to be sewn up. To do this, moisten the edges around the holes with water and then sew them up with white herringbone threads.

  • You can get rid of dust and debris at home with a vacuum cleaner. In other cases, we use twigs. Patting gently middle part rods on the fur, knock out the dust. Such an operation, in addition, also gives splendor to the hairline.
  • To give the fur on the skins height, density, silkiness and splendor, they must be combed. Comb gently, starting with upper layers and gradually deepening, avoiding pulling out the hair. Disassemble the stuck or matted hair with a needle.
  • The blood baked on the fur is removed with a clean cloth moistened with warm water and dried.
  • The formed mold is removed from the flesh with a cloth soaked in turpentine.

Storage requirements

Most of the skins are handed over at the end of the fishing season or after it ends, for this reason, the raw materials have to be stored for several months. The final cost of furs depends on how well this is done.

Fur care consists only in compliance with the established requirements for storage and transportation.
It is important to know that temperature and humidity are constantly fluctuating, this leads to an increase or decrease in the moisture content in the skin of the skin. If this process is not monitored, mold may settle on the flesh or oxidative processes may begin, leading to a change natural color skin. Also, do not forget about the dangers of damage to furs by moths and skin-eaters.

If the fur is stored in a warm room, it can suffer from moths and skin-eaters, from settling on hairline smoke particles, water vapor and grease. Often, the fur is subject to fading from direct sunlight.

If it is not possible to hand over the harvested fur immediately after its primary processing and conservation, then it is necessary to provide it with appropriate conditions.

For long-term storage, a number of rules must be observed:

  • skins should be stored in a cool, well-ventilated area,
  • in limbo,
  • must be well protected from rain and snow,
  • for protection from the sun and dust, they are wrapped in clean paper or cloth.

To avoid spoilage of raw materials by rats, mice and birds, packs of skins are hung under a roof or on a wall.

During the cold period of the year, they should not be placed next to the door leading to the heated room, the outgoing warm air contributes to the condensation of moisture on the furs. This can lead to mold growth and podoprevanie.

The optimum storage temperature for raw materials preserved by the fresh-dry method is from 1 to 10 degrees Celsius and relative humidity of 50-60%.

This fur retains all its qualities, including its luxurious appearance and gloss for at least ten years, if you know how to store a fur coat.

How to store a fur coat: simple secrets

Even if you wear it every day, it is necessary to create conditions for the fur coat to "rest".

Here are a few simple secrets how to store a fur coat at home:

1. Under no circumstances should a fur product be hung near heating appliances. - this will dry out the inner leather side of the fur. The sun is also contraindicated for such products - the fur simply burns out.

2. The mink has excellent water-repellent properties, and yet there is no need to take risks and do not need to wear it under wet snow. If the fur is still wet, you need to gently shake the product, if necessary, blot the wet areas with a soft cloth that absorbs moisture well and, hanging on a hanger, let it dry completely in a natural way away from heating appliances. And then comb the fur with a soft brush.

3. In no case should you store fur coats in a closet tightly packed with things - they need their own space. By the way, it protects the fur itself from the appearance of creases and bruises.

4.Wide comfortable hanger - a mandatory addition to such models, even if you hang it in the closet for two or three days, you need to carefully straighten the fur coat on a hanger and fasten all buttons or hooks, this will prevent deformation of the hem.

5. Fur perfectly absorbs any extraneous odors, so it is best to hang products made from it in a well-ventilated room or in a tightly closed cabinet. And of course, you should avoid getting any liquids with a smell on the fur: perfume, toilet water or antistatic sprays - alcohol-containing liquids damage the fur.

6. Professional furriers say that when storing mink coats, the fur must breathe. This means that if you do not wear a fur product every day, it must be ventilated. Once every two to three months, it is enough to hang it on the balcony or loggia for several hours. If you follow these simple rules and the storage conditions of the mink coat, it will look like new for more than one season.

How to prepare a fur coat for summer storage

Before sending a fur coat for summer storage, you need to put it in order and carefully examine it. Moreover, not only from the outside, but also from the inside, street dirt and reagents with which snow are treated are of particular danger for elongated models.

You can get rid of minor traces of dust yourself by cleaning the product with a clothing brush along and across the growth of the pile.

But if you noticed more serious pollution, in no case should they be removed at home. You can get rid of them only in dry cleaning.

Prepare your fur coat for storage as carefully as possible. Comb the fur, paying special attention to the cuffs, sleeves at the bend of the elbow, pockets and places where it comes into contact with it. But, it is completely useful to assess the condition of the lining, which for winter season could get dirty or just drift in.

This is especially important for light-colored linings. You can also dry clean them, at home you can harm the fur itself. By the way, it is recommended to change the lining from time to time, it is better to do it right after the end of the season - such services are provided in any atelier that works with fur.

The best place to store fur coats in summer are special "fur refrigerators", this service is provided by large dry cleaners. In a room with optimal temperature (no higher than 10 degrees) and humidity (no less than 50 percent), the fur will be perfectly preserved. But, unfortunately, such refrigerators are not everywhere, and their services are quite expensive.

Storing a mink coat: how to protect fur from moths

To begin with, the fur and lining should be carefully examined and possible contamination removed. Carefully comb the fur, and thoroughly ventilate the product itself. For creating ideal conditions you will need a protective cover that will protect the fur from dust. Pay attention to the composition of the fabric from which it is sewn.

When buying in a store, they often give out covers from artificial materials, in which storage of a fur coat at home, especially for a long time, is simply not recommended. Artificial covers are good for transporting the product, and for storing the best materials cotton or linen will become, if desired, such a cover can be sewn with your own hands in literally half an hour.

One of the main conditions for storing fur coats is the need to protect them from moth "raids". Even if it is not found in your home, preventive measures will not be superfluous.

We will immediately exclude aerosols designed to combat moths - they will ruin the surface of the fur, and at the same time naphthalene - its smell is well absorbed and very poorly eroded.

To prevent the appearance of moths and other side effects, you can use the old folk remedies absolutely safe for fur:

1. Dried lavender, geranium or any citrus peel will do the job just fine. You can make several small sachets with these products, put them in your pockets and in your closet.

2. Spread your fur coat on a hanger, fasten the clasp, spread the moth repellent, put on the cover and hang it in the closet or dressing room, separating it from the rest of the things. With such an organization of storage, it will survive perfectly summer months and will look like new by winter.