What to give for the last call to your daughter? Last bell at school. What to give your daughter for the last call

D For most students, the last bell is one of the most long-awaited days in a year. And it's no wonder, because this day marks the end school year and the beginning of the long-awaited vacation. Since the last call is indeed significant holiday, then it is quite understandable that many parents are interested in the answer to the question of what to give their daughter on this day.

What gift to give your daughter on the last call

Exists a large number of gifts that you can please your daughter on the last day of the school year. So parents can easily choose the gift that will surely please their daughter.

1. Voucher to Kid `s camp

An excellent gift for a daughter on the Last Call will be a ticket to one or another children's camp. This gift will allow the girl to have a wonderful rest after a hard school year. However, if you decide to make just such a present on last call you will need to buy a ticket in advance.

The fact that many girls begin to use cosmetics as early as early age, known to all. Based on this fact, you can give your daughter a set of cosmetics for the last call. If a girl is studying lower grades, then she can be presented with a special baby set cosmetics. In the event that the girl graduated from one of the senior classes, then you can safely give her a regular set decorative cosmetics. She will surely appreciate such a gift.

3. Professional painting set and easel

In the summer, any schoolgirl can devote her free time not only recreation, but also creativity. And if your daughter has creative inclinations, then you can give her a Last Call professional set for drawing, easel and enough canvases. Such a gift will be useful for a child of any age.

4. Pet

If your daughter has long dreamed of getting a pet, then the Last Call is an excellent occasion to please the girl with such a gift. Since in the summer she will have great amount free time, then she can devote it to caring for her pet. Based on this, it is safe to say the last day of the school year is perfect time to give your daughter a pet.

5. Musical instrument

A great present for my daughter on the Last Call will be some kind of musical instrument. As in the case of a drawing set, a musical instrument will help develop Creative skills child. If you decide to make such a gift, then you must be sure that your daughter will play the instrument so as not to waste money.

6. Mobile phone

Today, almost all students have Cell phones. And this is understandable, because these gadgets are not only useful, but also affordable. That is why a new smartphone will be an excellent gift for a daughter on the Last Call. At the same time, it is not at all necessary for a girl to buy an iPhone, because the last day of the school year is not serious reason to give such expensive gifts.

7. Tablet

A tablet will be a wonderful gift for my daughter for the last call. Many schoolchildren dream of acquiring such a gadget. Therefore, if you want your child to enjoy not only the end of the school year, but also a good gift, then give your daughter a tablet. This gift will surely make her happy.

8. Player or camera

Everyone knows that schoolchildren really love modern electronics. Given this information, you can really make your daughter last call good gift. To do this, you need to buy her one or another modern gadget. Perfect Choice will become a player or camera. And if a good player does not cost that much, then a high-quality camera can cost you a pretty penny.

9. Sportswear

Good sportswear will be a good present for my daughter on the Last Call. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to surprise her by buying clothes without her. Go with her to sporting goods store and let the girl choose the clothes that she likes.

10. Sneakers

Instead of sportswear you can give your daughter stylish sneakers for the last call. Since all schoolchildren want to have a pair of high-quality sneakers, she will definitely like such a gift.

11. Perfume

Almost all girls are still in school age want to start using not only cosmetics, but also perfume. Considering this fact, you can give your daughter a bottle of good perfume. If you do not know which fragrance is suitable for a girl, then consult with the employees perfume shop. They will help you choose the right suitable fragrance for your daughter.

12. Jewelry

An inexpensive, but really great gift for your daughter on the last call will be stylish jewelry. However, if you want to please the girl for sure, then you need to choose really high-quality jewelry. No need to buy jewelry for your daughter in transit. Buy a gift for her in a specialty store.

13. Manicure set

A good present for your daughter on the last call will be manicure set. Moreover, such a gift is suitable for a girl of any age.

14. Dress

Girls at any age dream of having a few in their wardrobe. stylish dresses. Given this, you can give your daughter a stylish dress for the Last Call.

15. Trip to another city

If you want to please your daughter and congratulate her on the end of the school year, take her to another city. This trip will be a great gift for her.

Among the most important holidays in life, the first for a child is, of course, graduation at school. And all loving parents prepare gifts for their matured children by May-June - to the best of their ability, capabilities and imagination. It is more difficult to please modern children than 10-20 years ago, but you still cannot do without a memorable gift - the child deserves it! To your attention - the most topical gifts prom for boys and girls.

10 Best Graduation Gifts for Daughter

  • Decorations

Most often, parents buy gold chain with a cross, a ring, a thin bracelet or earrings. The choice of jewelry today is very wide - you can pick up a gift for any wallet. The price of a gold chain is about 2500-12000 rubles.

  • Voucher to the sea

Well, does a girl refuse to rest after 11 years of harsh school life on the coast? Of course not! Deserved? Deserved. True, send it to proud loneliness it's still too early. It would be better if you go with her, for example, mom or a friend. Cost - from 2000 r / day.

  • School album in digital form

That is, a modern digital frame into which parents will carefully upload their daughter's school photos - from the 1st grade to the very graduation. Great commemorative gift long years. average price- 1500-8000 rubles.

  • SPA certificate

Any young girl will be delighted with this present. A whole set of pleasures in one certificate! , pedicure, massage, wraps, etc. Based on the wishes of the child (you know better what your daughter needs). The average price is from 1500-2500 rubles and ... to infinity.

  • Photoshoot

Feeling yourself in the center of attention is only half the joy of a gift. After all, about professional photo session All girls dream without exception. Give your child joy. Moreover, the wallet from this gift will not be very empty. The cost of 1 photo session will be 1000-1500 per hour. This is if you count along with the printout of photos and the work of a makeup artist.

  • Watch

We don’t look back at signs (in the end, you can take a “penny” from your daughter and calm your conscience) - we choose fashionable and stylish watches. For example, Casio G-Shock. The average price is from 4000-6000 rubles. Or Armani (for wealthy parents). The average price is from 15,000-20,000 rubles. However, you can limit yourself to replicas (exact copies), if the means do not allow.

  • Notebook

Well, where without it in our time, when almost everything is on the Internet today - friends from afar, work, paying bills and even wallets. Moreover, for the future student life, this gift will become simply irreplaceable. The average price is from 15,000 rubles.

  • Real school album

That is, bound, with real photographs. You can order it from professionals, and choose a photo yourself from your home “folders” on your computer. Many parents can boast of long-forgotten folders on the computer with photographs in which the child sits down at a desk for the first time, takes an exam for the first time, celebrates a birthday with friends, etc. It's time to pull out these memories and arrange them in an album. Autographs of classmates, cartoons, funny inscriptions are welcome! The average price of the album itself will not exceed 3,000 rubles (unless you encrust it with precious stones).

  • Electronic book

Of course, today you can read both on a tablet and on a smartphone. But a highly specialized device is more preferable. First, a different weight. Second, less eye strain. Thirdly, longer work offline. It is better to choose books with an additional card, the ability to read all text formats and listen to audio formats. The average price of such a reader is from 6000 rubles.

  • Nominal deposit

Why not? Time to grow up! And what to do with the amount in the account - let the child decide for himself. Whether to spend immediately or to put together "capital" for the future. The gift is serious and solid.

What to give for graduation to your son - 10 original gifts

Boys are much more difficult. You can’t give them any jewelry or a certificate to the spa.

How can you please your son?

  • GoPro camera

The dream of many boys. And no longer boys. Why, every second person dreams of such a useful little thing! One of the most advanced and powerful cameras in the world. With it, you can take pictures even underwater! average cost- from 30,000 rubles.

  • Notebook

It's not just for girls this thing in adulthood. If your son is still spoiling his eyesight near an old stationary PC or "breaking" his father's tiny netbook, it's time to make your child happy with his own high-quality computer. Price - from 15,000 rubles.

  • Automobile!

Of course, this is a joke. The child has to earn money for the car himself. Only in this case will he become truly desirable and joyful. Yes, and not the best moment - buying a car for an 18-year-old boy - in the sense of education. But you can help your child get rights. Give him the opportunity to study at a driving school. The cost of training is about 30,000 rubles.

  • Certificate for the purchase of sports goods

If your son is an athlete, then the gift will come in very handy. Perhaps the child has long dreamed of a mountain bike or. Or oh - a fan of hiking and dreaming of new and complete travel equipment. Give your son a certificate - let him choose for himself. The price of the certificate depends on your wallet - for 3,000, for 10,000 rubles. etc.

  • Subscription to the gym

Not every graduate can boast of his own earned money. But almost all the boys go to the gym (or want to go). Therefore, such a gift will definitely not be superfluous. The average price will depend on the region and the schedule of visits. The most profitable (and most practical) is an unlimited subscription.

  • Travel

Son long wanted to see the pyramids of Egypt? Or go around the Crimean mountains with a backpack? Or go on a tour of Europe? There is a reason for a gift! Based on a weekly vacation, a ticket will cost from 20,000 rubles. In Crimea it is cheaper, closer and more interesting, but more dangerous: after all, even a trip through the mountains without parents is not a walk in the park. Even if there are friends around. But there is a way out here - you can buy a mountain tour in advance. That is, with an escort, meals, comfortable accommodation and compliance with all safety rules. There are enough such guides (wild tourism) in Crimea. Dissatisfied usually does not happen. And the prices will be lower than when traveling to Europe.

  • Mobile phone

The choice is now up to the parents. The capabilities of phones are changing rapidly, and even a phone bought a couple of years ago is already unfashionable and “old”. If you have enough money to please your child with a novelty - why not? The average price depends on the model (usually from 20,000 rubles and above).

  • Concert tickets

It will be especially pleasant for the son if it is a ticket to the concert of his favorite band. If you good parents, then the group can be easily determined. The main thing is that her concert in your city should take place not in a year, but in the near future. Although you can buy your son a ticket to the city where the musicians perform - book a hotel for a couple of days and send the child to enjoy life. How much money you need depends on the group and the place where it performs.

  • Safe piggy bank

Every growing child has the right to personal life. Let your son have his own safe - after all, he needs somewhere to hide from you the notes of his girlfriend, a record book and other purely personal items. And as start-up capital You can put an envelope with money in the safe. The price of a good safe is from 10,000 rubles.

  • Education at the university

Who said parents have to pay tuition? Not everyone has this opportunity. And in educational purposes this is completely harmful. The child should strive to act with his own mind and strength. But if he has a dream - to enter a certain university, and there is an exclusively commercial basis, and you just have the opportunity to make such a gift - then it will be symbolic and generous. Such a gift will devastate you by 1500-6500 dollars / year.

A graduate - whether he just said goodbye to kindergarten, or behind his shoulders studying at the institute - is, first of all, a little man, a person who has overcome some important stage in his life. Graduation is both sad and joyful holiday at the same time - behind something that can no longer be experienced anew, but also in front of the iridescent "beautiful far away."

All close people strive to cheer up, inspire, please on such a day a beloved man. And we, in turn, will tell you what a gift to graduates from parents can be.

Your little one has just passed one of the first milestones of his life - he is already a kindergarten graduate. You can make him happy on this day with a variety of gifts - choose according to your (and his) taste!

Sports gifts

Now is the time to unobtrusively instill a love of sports with your present - a gift to a kindergarten graduate may well be as follows:

  • If the child has already chosen a favorite direction of sports, then you can please him with more “cool” ammunition or accessories. Ask his coach what is best to stop.
  • Inflatable pool. If you have your own house, cottage, garden, garden, then this thing simply must be there, to the delight of your miracle!
  • Home horizontal bar. The child will be able to warm up without even leaving his room.
  • A bicycle, a scooter, skis, skates, roller skates, a hoverboard... The list can be endless - it's easier to find out from your son or daughter what will please them the most.

Development options

Here are some tips to help you prepare for first grade in a fun and unobtrusive way:

  • Board games- from eternal checkers and chess to "tabletop games" with modern heroes.
  • Sets for creativity, experiments. It will help the child to get the first invaluable independent experience.
  • Magnetic board, sound poster. They will help you learn the alphabet, solve the first mathematical examples.
  • Tablet. Install educational applications and games and be sure to put a “lock” on downloading useless “toys” and surfing social networks.
  • Children's encyclopedia. If the baby does not know how to read yet - it does not matter, you can find it in audio format.

traditional gifts

You can stop at the traditional option - give your son or daughter something that is useful in school life - a home desk, a comfortable satchel, a wall-mounted mini-board for writing with markers. In addition, you can give a little graduate a gift that is probably useless for him now, but will be very expensive when he grows up - a video film, a photo album with shots of his kindergarten life.

Don't forget that this graduation children's holiday so pay attention to:

  • balloons with the image of your favorite hero;
  • the most favorite "snacks";
  • ribbons, caps, cups, medals, graduate diplomas;
  • letters from your favorite character.

Advice! Not the best option will give the child a briefcase, a uniform, stationery - everything that one way or another speaks of the imminent approach of the school. If you are giving a gift for study, then it should also be useful for something else. Do not upset the baby prematurely by reminding him of the end of a carefree life with your present.

Gifts for Primary School Graduates

How can you please such a suddenly grown-up schoolboy?

Graduate gift elementary school could be like this:

  • Book- real, paper and smelling of typography. For children of this age, colorful cognitive encyclopedias of the type “Everything about Everything” will be very interesting.
  • Board games, quizzes. Choose not just a “time killer”, but standing toy, which will help the child learn something new, train logic, memory, attention.
  • Chest, box with a secret lock. Everything, the child has matured! Now you can hide your secrets away from the prying eyes of mom and dad.
  • Sports goods - from a bicycle to a ball. So that your present does not lie on the balcony, ask the child what he wants to receive as a gift, and start from his desires in choosing.
  • Night light-projector "Cosmos". Childhood is a time of miracles and magic. Starry cosmos on the ceiling of the children's room will just make you believe it.
  • Coloring pages. It can be either a book with any characters, or a large poster on the wall, which can be painted in the evenings by the whole family.
  • 3D puzzles. Not the most budget gift, but what happens in the end ... The price of the presentation will immediately go into the background.

Advice! If you choose a general gift for the whole class from the parent committee, then we advise you to choose inexpensive but cute nominal gifts- inscriptions, drawings, photographs on them can be ordered at any specialized photo salon. What can be given to 4th grade graduates in this situation? It can be a T-shirt, baseball cap, mug, notepad, notebook, pen, flashlight, etc.

What to give graduates of elementary school useful?

Parents are advised to please the children with the following:

  • encyclopedia disks, educational films(subscription to these is a more modern version);
  • globes;
  • geographical maps and other "educational" posters;
  • alarm clocks;
  • wrist watch;
  • organizers for stationery;
  • lamps, table lamps;
  • stationery in the same style (of your favorite cartoon, movie);
  • backpack, briefcase, handy bag;
  • own umbrella.

And further

And here are suitable ideas from online stores - the answer to the question "What to give to 4th grade graduates":

  • apparatus for burning wood;
  • running away, luminous alarm clock;
  • 3D figures for assembly;
  • money printing machine;
  • a set of luminous laces;
  • piggy bank with focus;
  • express sculptor;
  • a set of rubber bands for weaving bracelets;
  • constructor for assembling solar-powered robots;
  • set for experiments "Do it yourself";
  • set for assembling models of legendary vehicles;
  • yo-yo, spinner;
  • projection clock;
  • lamp-globe;
  • personal diary.

A gift for graduates of grades 9-11

Having figured out what you can give elementary school graduates, let's move on to gifts for older children. Many of our favorite holidays happen in our lives with expected frequency - New Year, birthday, Christmas.

But we all say goodbye to school only once and for all. That's why, Dear Parents, it is in your hands to make this day for your very, very graduate warm and memorable.

Top 10 Graduation Gifts

In the table, we described in detail what you can please your favorite daughters at graduation:

Holidays at sea, trip to the city of dreams, country tour After 9 or even 11 years of uninterrupted school work, the most proper way to relax! Surely you know what countries and seas your daughter is dreaming of - so fulfill her dream. Of course, she is already an adult and independent girl, but it would be better if the graduate goes on a trip with you, or with friends and relatives whom you know well.
digital photo frame By itself, this gift will be faceless - you first need to download all the school photos of your daughter into the device - as they say, from the very “youngest nails”.
Decoration Depending on your financial capabilities, you can please the child with both fashionable designer jewelry and gold, silverware with real stones. You can make a joint trip to jewelry shop, and give your daughter a certificate for a certain amount.
Certificate for a beauty salon On the nose of the graduation ball - such a gift will be very, very handy. Buy a certificate for a set of necessary services so that your princess leaves the salon like a real queen.
Photoshoot A certificate for a photo session with a professional photographer will please almost any young beauty.
Wrist watch Fashionable, stylish, cool, luxurious, functional - your choice. You can stop at a smart watch or a fitness bracelet.
Notebook, netbook The most indispensable thing for modern student- lectures, projects, presentations, reports are printed here and stored here.
school album Memory is still more pleasant to hold in your hands - order a real school album for your daughter from professionals, not only with photos, but also with stories, wishes, and thematic decor.
Electronic book Book - best gift at all times. Present a future student with such a modern version of her - she will be able not only to read her favorite works on your gift, but also download textbooks, lectures and files necessary for study.
Nominal deposit, gift bank card Great gift for a newcomer adult life. The amount can be very different, but let the child manage the money on his own.

With the fair sex, everything is already clear - let's move on to young men.

Gifts for graduates of grades 9, 11

We found out what young men most want to receive as a gift, and put their desires in the following table.

Quadcopter, GoPro camera A truly royal gift for any boy, guy and man! By choosing this option, you will definitely please him for several years to come.
Laptop, tablet A student, like a student, cannot do without this necessary gadget in their studies.
mountain bike, motorcycle, scooter, hoverboard, car We agree that not every parent can suddenly afford even the most economical option from this list. However, the occasion for such a gift falls out the most suitable.
Certificate in a sports market, electronics store Give the young man a certificate, giving him the opportunity to choose the most suitable gift in his opinion.
Gym membership Sport, alas, today is not a cheap occupation. Especially training in "advanced" gym. If bodybuilding is close to your son, he is unlikely to be indifferent to such a present.
Adventure From skydiving to a trip to the Egyptian pyramids - give yesterday's boy unforgettable emotions and priceless adrenaline, as in the video in this article!
Smartphone In adulthood - with a serious modern smartphone.
Payment for college education Even if your son independent guy and does not shy away from part-time jobs, study at first young man, especially in another city, it will be very difficult to pay. The young man will be very grateful to you if you help him pay for training in his dream profession!

However, a gift from parents is not all that yesterday's schoolboy will receive for his holiday.

Gift from the class teacher

Graduation is not graduation without a gift from the “second mother”. What you can choose as a present, we list below:

  • A photo mug with a close-up image of the entire class and each of the recipients - great gift graduates from the class teacher.
  • T-shirt, cap, kitchen apron with Best wishes. It is best if for each of your students you order original text his authorship. Or maybe even a drawing.
  • A plate with a photo of a student and a signature stating that he, in general, is a graduate of such and such a class, such and such a school, such and such a city.

  • Chocolate with a personalized label - you can order both from masters who trade in this business, or print the image on adhesive paper and paste over any chocolate bar with your own hands.
  • Jar " Delicious help» - in many cities you can order this popular delicacy with an individual signature and wishes.

  • A wall clock with a class photo is a long memory over time.
  • Cool Poster - Print out a large wall poster for each student with pictures of their loved ones and your wishes (be sure to sign an autograph).
  • personalized flash drive useful gift in further education.

So the long years of schooling are left behind, and the young graduate enters adulthood. This is a serious one, symbolizing the end of childhood. What to give a girl for prom? What can please a future student?


Gifts for daughter

If you are the parents of a graduate, then this event is no less important for you than for the hero of the occasion herself. Your girl has already grown up, and it's time to let her go to independent life. Therefore, gifts should symbolically reflect the transformation of a schoolgirl into young woman, these options could be:

  • valuable jewelry;
  • salon procedures;
  • voucher to the resort;
  • other interesting ideas, symbolizing the transition of a girl into adulthood.

To emphasize the independence of your daughter, you can give her a vacation ticket, of course, without your accompaniment. If you're too worried about her, then it could be a trip to a youth camp. She will be able to have fun in the company of her peers. AT good camps a wide range of recreational activities (motocross, horseback riding, diving sessions). And all under adult supervision.

According to tradition, parents and relatives also give gold jewelry to graduates. The option can be chosen for every taste and size of the wallet - pendants, chains, bracelets on the arm or leg. The main thing is that the decoration should be elegant and feminine, emphasizing young age girls. And you can present it as a gift to the graduation ball at school original decoration from natural stones, which will emphasize the beauty of her festive attire.

interesting and beautiful gift can be graceful wrist watch. After all, now the young student has a lot of things to do, she needs to keep up with everything and keep track of time.

A photo session in the salon will also be a great gift. The services of professionals can be paid in advance, and on a significant day, give your daughter a certificate for holding this event. The graduate will feel real star, and professional shots will become the pearl of her photo album.

Of course, the daughter will appreciate such a gift as a visit to a beauty salon. After all, she is already quite an adult, she wants to be attractive, like men. The list of services there is the widest - massages, face masks, solarium services. So that the graduate can choose for herself how to treat herself, you can simply purchase a certificate to visit such a salon.

A great idea would be to pay the girl to take makeup courses. She learns to make herself various options images: strict and business - for studying at a university, evening - for holiday events, light and romantic - for dates with your loved one.

A gift of the same plan is a shopping session with an image maker. The stylist will help the girl to choose various options for combining clothes for any occasion and event. She will tell you what clothes will most favorably emphasize the dignity of her figure.

Another gift option is a present related to the daughter's hobby. What kind of hobbies you will not find among young people! That's why universal advice it's hard to come up with: maybe it will be new suit for skiing Or maybe a professional camera.

If a graduate is your favorite

If on prom you have to congratulate your girlfriend, then you can’t do without a luxurious bouquet. But it doesn't have to be just flowers. You can choose a bouquet made from chocolates or small soft toys. And there are also combined bouquets.

It is better for a lover of wildlife to present flowers in a pot, now there are such options when in a pot with green flower insert special container, and you can put any bouquet there - roses, carnations, whatever. The same idea is used in the manufacture of cakes to order. A special container for a bouquet is also inserted inside the cake. You can give the girl and such unusual option sweet treat.

But flowers and sweets are just an addition to the main gift. What can you give your beloved so that joyful memories of the graduation ball are preserved in her memory? One option is a digital photo frame that she can use to take pictures from the holiday.

If you are in good relations with her family, ask for school pictures of your girlfriend for a while. It will not be difficult to process them qualitatively in Photoshop and upload them to a new digital frame. And the gift will turn out to be magnificent - a photo chronicle of school life, from the first bell to the graduation ball.

To emphasize your feelings for a girl, choose a gift that is easy to engrave with a love inscription. It can be a metal flash drive, a commemorative figurine, a notebook with a metal bar on the cover. Souvenir photo trees are also made of metal. You will get 2 gifts in one: both photos of your beloved, and engraving with warm words.

Many girls like to have their portrait painted professional artist. Today there are firms that will make such a portrait based on a photo.

The gift you have chosen may reflect some of the girl's hobbies: if she is fond of music, let it be a keychain in the shape of a treble clef or a guitar. If he loves animals - in the form of a funny animal.

If your girlfriend is much younger than you, and you are already an adult, accomplished man, it is quite possible to choose any of the gift options that parents usually give. It is better to give preference to quality jewelry from precious metals. Thus, you will not only nice girl, but also emphasize the seriousness of your intentions in the eyes of her parents.

But the most important thing is to be next to your princess at the ball, take care, show all kinds of signs of attention. Let her eyes glow with happiness and the realization that she is the most beautiful, beloved and desired on this holiday.

If a graduate is your friend

If you are preparing a gift for a friend - there is room for fantasy to roam! You're not bound by the amount of the gift (parents are supposed to give an expensive present on this occasion), and you don't have to worry about how you express your feelings for her (let her boyfriend take care of that).

Think about how to bring joy to your beloved friend. You know everything about her. All her secrets and secrets, which even parents and loved ones are not always aware of. Unlike a guy, you can shamelessly give her a facial cleansing mask or facial gel. intimate places, and this will not be taken as an ambiguous allusion.

Or present a ticket to the ropes park, without reading, like parents, that there she could fall and break her leg.

All salons for printing images on fabric or dishes are at your service, you can use a funny inscription about graduation or your general photo with wishes for best friend on this occasion.

An interesting gift will be a certificate of the club of impressions. What can make a friend happy? Massage session or scuba diving? Jeep safari or clay modeling lesson?

Tickets for a concert of a friend’s favorite artist or an excursion to any interesting place. Additionally, it is worth buying a small accessory that will emphasize the upcoming student life of a friend: for example, a beautiful cover for a future gradebook.

Girls, where are your bows and white aprons? Everything is left in childhood. 10 years ago, they carried briefcases with difficulty, and now they show off like brides. Before marriage, and the truth is not so much left, a matriculation certificate in hand. Now only to start an independent life and make a choice. Don't hide your tears! This time they are perfectly acceptable. Yes, without them, in fact, the evening is not complete. They will be remembered for a lifetime! Like a custom-tailored dress and a memorable graduation gift. Make it just as important! But choosing, unlike a fashionable toilet, is much more difficult. First, stereotypes must be abandoned immediately. Of course, many prefer gold jewelry, in extreme cases - modern gadgets. True, the technology will become obsolete in a couple of years, and not all families can afford jewelry. Secondly, immediately say stop before going to the boutique. Festive outfit worthy in itself, nothing else needs to be added from the clothes. And thirdly, be sure to take the choice for yourself! Surprise is surprise. Let her not know what awaits her until the very end. Do not think about what to give your daughter for graduation. Only a cute present meets all the requirements! An order or a medal immediately evokes an analogy with the gold award of the Ministry of Education and Science. It is a pity that it is only in a box and flaunts. And the nomination is only for academic excellence. And I want to do something more interesting. So, at the prom with a ribbon around her neck, the beauty will be like an empress. Akin to this and a gift figurine. Winged "Nika" will show the way in the future. She also symbolizes victory in all endeavors. Only write the name of the owner on a shiny plate. A good variation on this theme is the glass award. Here the engraving is applied by laser on the case. It looks like a bunch of crystal. Women like everything bright and beautiful! It is impossible to imagine a graduation gift for a girl without a card. Colourful, glossy, bright. On the cover is a specially processed photo, and inside - the text from the heart. The message is easy to save in an album with photos. BUT chocolate card can be eaten. Rather, you need to eat a classic milk bar, and a wrapper with an individual picture will become a glossy card. It is bitter to part with girlfriends and friends! This is the only way to sweeten the moment. good memorable gift have always been considered Wall Clock. If you want, a group photo of the class will appear on the watch face. Or memorable - with a neighbor on the desk. It is possible to create a collage, including using frames on the case. The choice of models is truly huge. Very cute present Talking toy. Consider your daughter's tastes. A funny animal or the hero of your favorite cartoon can reproduce any congratulation: read the verses of your composition, even sing a song. School waltz, for example. You can listen to it all your life! Even to future grandchildren. And, finally, cute souvenirs for a girl at graduation: flash drives, pens, photo frames, diplomas, calendars and posters. They will help to capture the image and date in memory. And let the name of the graduate be emblazoned on them.