How to say hello to a man. Learning to say hello correctly: the meaning of greeting words in the culture of different peoples. How to respond to a greeting

In this business etiquette article, the rules of greeting etiquette will be revealed.

On the street

According to the etiquette of greeting - when greeting acquaintances, it is necessary to make a slight bow (tilt of the head, but not the entire torso), be sure to remove the cigarette from the mouth and hands from the pockets.

It is not necessary to remove the glove when shaking hands, but if your friend has done so, you should follow suit. A woman may only remove her glove as a sign of great respect (for example, when greeting older people).

The youngest person greets first or social position, a man - with a woman, as well as with his acquaintance, if there is a woman or an elderly man next to him (at the same time, you need to bow to both the acquaintance and those who are next to him). The woman is the first to greet not only the older woman, but also the unaccompanied woman, if she herself is in the company of a man.

In difficult cases, when the status of a friend is approximately equal to yours, it is better to say hello first. This will not only not diminish your dignity, but, on the contrary, will become evidence good manners. The French military regulations said: “Of two officers, the one who is more polite and well-mannered is the first to greet!”

If your companion greeted people whom you do not know, it is better to join in his greeting, if necessary, there is an introduction.

Greeting and saying the usual phrases in such cases (“Hello!”, “Good afternoon!”, “ Good evening!”, .“Greetings!”) It is important not to repeat what your acquaintance has just said. If he said, for example, "Good evening", you should answer in other words.

In room

Greeting etiquette says, whoever you are - a director, an academician, an elderly woman or a schoolboy - when entering the room, greet first. If there are many people where you have come, it is enough to confine yourself to a general bow. Say hello and shake hands only with those whom you came to.

When a visitor enters a man’s office, he will certainly get up, leave the table, greet her and seat her.

Greeting a woman, a man can kiss her hand. It's a sign special attention respect, admiration, gratitude. To this form of greeting in different countries are treated differently. In the USA, for example, it can cause violent indignation of a woman and even be considered an insult; in Poland, on the contrary, it is a tradition. Just in case, when meeting, it is better to refrain from such a greeting, unless the woman is a celebrity. But if you dare to take a risk, do not forget that you need to kiss on the back of the fingers, bending low for this, and not raising the woman's hand to her lips. Such a greeting is appropriate only indoors.

Having come to visit, according to etiquette, a man should first of all greet the hostess, even if there are incredibly charming girls nearby or a strict director of the company in which the visitor works.

How to respond to a greeting

A woman, responding to a man's greeting, usually does not rise from her seat. But the hostess, welcoming the guest, gets up - this is required by the laws of hospitality. If the guest - a man came later than the others, the hostess may not rise. The children of the hosts should get up whenever one of the adults comes and not sit down until the guest sits down.

A man always gets up when a woman enters the room and stays until she sits or moves to the back of the room. AT in public places- in a theater, restaurant, cafe, a man does not need to do this, but if a woman speaks to him, then you need to stand up and talk to her while standing.

If a woman greets an acquaintance in a restaurant, passing by his table, a man just needs to get up and answer with a nod of his head. If he is in the company of a lady, this is not necessary.

In contact with

Situations when you have to greet acquaintances or strangers occur daily. It is not always clear who should say hello first when meeting. To remain a polite person in the eyes of others, it is important to understand the basic rules of etiquette and greet the interlocutor correctly. In secular or business life - different view who needs to say hello first.

Who should say hello first

Managers and employees, men and women, children and adults greet each other. When choosing who should greet first, you need to act according to general rules courtesy. It depends on the specific situation who greets whom first according to etiquette. The main thing to remember is that a polite person is not ashamed to be the first to reach out when meeting.

Senior or junior

When meeting peers, it does not matter who greets whom first. Usually the initiative is shown by the one who is better brought up. And if the interlocutors have a significant age difference? According to the rules of etiquette, who should say hello first: junior or senior? It turns out that everything is decided by the nuances:

  • When familiar people meet in everyday life, the younger one greets the older one with words. This shows respect for the interlocutor. But an older person is the first to give a handshake.
  • When meeting, the initiator of the greeting will, on the contrary, be the eldest in age. He holds out his hand.
  • In a situation requiring publicity, age is not taken into account when greeting. For example, the lecturer is the first to greet the audience before the lecture, and the teacher is the first to greet the students before the lesson.

Chief or subordinate

Communication at work between the manager and employees is regulated by business etiquette. In an official setting, they show their respect to each other, regardless of who is older and who is younger in age, regardless of gender. The main criterion is the position that a person occupies. The superior is considered senior, and the subordinate is considered junior.

  • Special rules of conduct apply in situations where you need to enter the office. In an institution, the one who enters the premises always greets at the entrance first with the one who made the appointment. If other employees are present in the office, you can show your respect to everyone with a slight bow.
  • Who should say hello first: a subordinate or a leader? AT business communication shows deference to the junior in office. An elderly employee is the first to greet a boss who is younger than her. But according to etiquette, the hand for a handshake is extended not by the one who first greets, but by the senior in position. This rule has some exceptions. The leader, when he enters the office to his subordinates, is the first to greet everyone.
  • Partner for business meeting the subordinate (both a woman and a man) greets first, and then the boss.
  • The rules of etiquette require a person who is late to be the first to greet those waiting for him.

Man or woman

The norms of etiquette determine who is the first to greet: a girl greets a man or a man greets a woman. It must also be understood that specific rules of secular etiquette apply in each situation.

  1. The gentleman is the first to pay his respects to the lady. A polite man stands up if the meeting takes place in a room. But at first the lady extends her hand, who, if she wishes, can do without a handshake.
  2. If a girl and an elderly man meet, it is customary for the woman to be the first to greet the interlocutor as a sign of respect.
  3. The rules of etiquette determine the behavior of two couples who meet on the street. The lady greets the lady, after that the gentlemen - representatives of the weaker sex, complete the ritual of the men, who mutually show respect.
  4. A married couple, meeting on a walk with a friend, follows certain norms secular behavior. When a couple walks towards a man walking alone, the men should shake hands. Having met a lonely woman, you only need to bow and smile.
  5. Sitting in a taxi, passengers are the first to greet the driver, then give the address.
  6. A man who has met a group of people shakes hands with friends and nods to strangers.
  7. The one who walks is always the first to pay respect to those who stand. If on the street one person overtakes another, then the one who overtakes is the first to greet. This applies to both young people and girls.

Guest or host

In order to determine by etiquette who is the first to say hello at a party, you need to follow the rules good manners.

  1. In a strange house, you should first greet the hostess, and then everyone else present. This rule applies to both women and men. shakes hands with each invited guest.
  2. If there are many guests in the room where the company gathers, then the incoming one in turn greets the owners of the house, then other ladies, starting with the oldest. Last but not least, respect for the rest of the male guests. A handshake is not required in this situation.
  3. When visiting, a woman must respond to every greeting, even if the greeting man is unpleasant to her or they are in a quarrel. A personal showdown should not spoil the rest of the guests in the mood.
  4. A late guest, who came up when everyone sat down at the table, first greets the women, and then their companions. If her husband is present at the table, then his lady welcomes him last.
  5. A late man shows respect to women, then to his wife, only after that he greets the owner of the house and other male guests. Spouses should show courtesy towards each other.
  6. If a celebrity is invited to dinner, then this person is welcomed separately and at the very beginning.

Seller or Buyer

Communication between sellers and buyers includes some nuances that determine who should say hello first according to etiquette. The sequence of greetings depends on the size of the store, the rules of trade. In any situation, it is important to remember about courtesy and goodwill, which will make visiting the store comfortable and not spoil your mood.

  • When entering a small store or sales department, the buyer should say hello to the seller. In accordance with the rules of etiquette, the person entering the room is the first to greet.
  • A regular supermarket customer who sees the same salesperson every day is the first to pay his respects.
  • A well-mannered person, asking for advice from a consultant, will not forget to say hello. On the other hand, the seller will show respect if he himself wants to help the visitor with the choice of goods.
  • If the buyer and the seller are familiar, then they greet each other, taking into account gender and age.

child or adult

The same for everyone: for children and adults. It is important to teach the child the rules of etiquette, which explain how to say hello correctly and who should say hello first.
The child, as the youngest, greets adults (acquaintances, neighbors) first.

Exist certain situations when this rule does not apply. AT educational institution The teacher greets the children first when starting the lesson. In the store, sales assistants greet a child who has come to buy something. An adult can say hello to get the child's attention.

Inside children's team communication is also subject to the rules of etiquette. Boys should greet girls. And the girls must be sure to show their upbringing and answer the greeting. When two girls or two boys meet, the most polite one greets first.

Why you can not say hello through the threshold

Russian national culture includes not only the rules of etiquette, but also signs, superstitions. It is believed that you can not say hello, and especially shake hands, through the threshold. This will lead to a quarrel between the interlocutors.
The prohibition is connected with the beliefs of the ancestors. In paganism, dead relatives were buried under the threshold of the house, who were supposed to protect the living from evil spirits. It was also believed that the threshold is a refuge for the brownie.
Today superstitious people they believe that a greeting across the threshold destroys the boundaries between the world of the dead and the living, lets in evil spirits and therefore leads to trouble.
Everyone decides for himself whether or not to follow such prejudices.

The rules of good manners inspire confidence on a walk, at a party, in the office. Knowing the rules of greeting is the best way to avoid misunderstandings and conflicts in secular and business communication.

Words of greeting are an integral part of the life of each of us. But are we saying hello? In order to avoid uncomfortable and funny situations, let's look at how to greet according to etiquette and who should do it first, depending on the situation.

At work

Etiquette stipulates that the first to say hello should be the one who last entered the room. Even if this is the boss, entering the room where his subordinates are already waiting for him, he should not be silent, but should greet them.

If the meeting takes place in the corridor, you must greet at the same time. But in such a situation, of course, it is preferable if the subordinate greets him first, even for a couple of seconds. So he will emphasize his respect for the leadership. But this is if the persons are of the same sex. If the boss is a man, and the subordinate is, it is he who should be the first to say hello according to etiquette.

Age also matters. The rules stipulate that the younger one should be the first to say hello in words, and, on the contrary, the older one should extend his hand for a shake. But there are also nuances. The teacher, entering the classroom, is the first to say hello in words to the students, and they stand up, answering the greeting.

At the meeting

On the street, in a store, or in public transport it is necessary to greet not only with acquaintances and friends, but also to greet those whom you see every day. Enough of the usual Good morning!" or a simple nod of the head.

If you wish to contact to a stranger and ask him a question. You must first say hello to him, and only then state your request.

When meeting with a friend on the street, you should also greet his companions. With a close friend, you need to shake hands; for unfamiliar people, words or a nod are enough. head.


A late guest, regardless of whether it is or a woman, must first greet the owners of the house, then greet the fair sex sitting at the table, and then pay attention to the men. Don't forget to give your name if there are strangers at the table.

If you need to say hello, overtaking someone in the corridor or on the stairs, you should do it first. And don't forget to greet those who greet your companion. To do otherwise is the height of indecency. At least just nod your head.

To be a role model and show how well you know the rules of etiquette, remember the following Tips to follow while greeting:

  • always gets up, regardless of whether he greets a woman or a representative of his gender;
  • the one who enters the room last greets first, the one who leaves it first says goodbye first;
  • a woman's hand can only be kissed indoors and only if one is well acquainted with her;
  • when you see a friend on the other side of the street, you should not scream, wave your arms, jump up and try to attract attention to yourself in other ways;
  • you should always greet the companion of your friend, even if you see him for the first time in your life;
  • the younger says a greeting, the older gives a hand;
  • you can shake hands with a woman if she was the first to extend it;
  • , before shaking hands removes the glove, the woman does not.

Now you know how to say hello according to etiquette. Have you noticed the mistakes that you made in your life before? Or maybe you don't agree with the rules? Who do you think should say hello first? We look forward to your comments.

According to explanatory dictionary"etiquette" is a form, manner of behavior, rules of courtesy and politeness that "reign" in a particular society. It turns out that depending on what society, country or situation you are in, the rules of etiquette, including the rules of greeting, may differ. Despite the slight differences in etiquette in different countries, the basics of international etiquette are basically the same.

The same can be said about the rules of greeting, the differences in which are manifested only in the traditions of a particular country. Usually, when meeting people, they wish each other well, health, prosperity, a good day or success in work.

Not many people know how to say hello properly, and ?

Who should say hello first?

Usually, according to etiquette, the first to say hello is a man. However, this is not always the case, and it all depends on a particular etiquette situation, historical era or culture.

To answer the question " Who is the first to say hello according to etiquette ?”, it is necessary to determine the situation in which you find yourself.

Conventionally, etiquette can be divided into:

  • situational;
  • professional;
  • secular;
  • business.

Every day we find ourselves in business or secular situations, so look for the answer to the question " Who should say hello first We will, based on their rules.

Despite the differences in etiquette situations, it is impossible to draw clear boundaries between them.

Who should be the first to say hello, according to secular etiquette?

Cultural people always greet friends, acquaintances, neighbors or those people who have ever rendered them services or assistance when they meet.

According to the existing etiquette, it is customary to greet a man first with a woman, the younger one with the elder, the subordinate with the boss.

Usually, if a man meets a woman, the man is the first to say hello. But if a woman is much younger than a man she should be the first to greet him. An exception to this rule: those present are greeted by the one (regardless of gender), who first enters the room, and the one who leaves is the first to say goodbye to those who remain.

If there are several people in the room, first they greet the mistress of the house, then other women, and then the owner of the house and other men.

At a meeting, a woman is the first to give a hand to greet a man, and the younger ones - to the elders.

Who should say hello first, according to business etiquette?

Development international cooperation requires company employees to adhere to certain communication skills so as not to “fall face down” in front of foreign partners. To do this, it is necessary to learn the rules of conduct adopted in different countries and based on politeness, naturalness, dignity and tact.

Modern business etiquette is based on standard rules with slight adjustments for the gender, age and position of the company's employees. In addition, it is also necessary to consider whether they are in the company of other people or alone.

If in a secular situation they act usual rules greetings, then at work they change, adjusted for the position held.

Who is the first to say hello according to etiquette in the office? According to the daily rules of modern business etiquette, the first one to say hello (if not big difference in subordination), who first saw the other.

Based on the rules of business etiquette, a subordinate, regardless of gender and age, is the first to greet the boss. At the same time, the subordinate should not be the first to extend his hand to shake hands with a senior in position.

If in business communication the subordinate always greets the boss first, then in a situation where a superior enters the room with subordinates, he should be the first to greet the employees in the office.

In secular etiquette, when greeting a woman, older or superior in position, the man should stand up. In a business setting, these rules are adjusted for the position: a female subordinate always greets an incoming boss by standing up. However, there may be exceptions caused by the decency and good manners of people of higher positions.

How to say hello

Any communication, and even more acquaintance, begins with a greeting. So, the main elements of greeting are intonation, smile and gestures.

  1. intonation is important element greetings. A dry or rude intonation can simply offend a person, while a warm and friendly greeting will leave a meeting pleasant impression.
  2. A pleasant and sincere smile will improve your mood.
  3. Any etiquette greeting, depending on the situation, is usually accompanied by a handshake, a nod of the head, a bow, a kiss on the hand or a hug.

When greeting a person, you should not lower your eyes - your eyes should meet.

Handshake in etiquette

According to secular etiquette, when meeting, you must be able to properly shake hands:

  1. The younger ones give a hand to the older ones.
  2. When a woman and a man meet, if they are of the same age, the woman gives her hand first.
  3. When two people meet couples, first women greet each other, then men - women; the men greet each other.
  4. Before shaking hands, men take off the glove, women may not take it off. At the same time, when greeting older people, everyone takes off their gloves - both men and women.

"Business" handshake

Business ethics allow for the absence of a handshake when greeting. But if such a ritual is to your liking, then remember that the woman is the first to extend her hand to the man.

If you shake hands with one of your colleagues when entering a room, you will also have to greet everyone else present. A "business handshake" should be short.


To make a good impression on a person, you need to learn how to properly use a greeting while in different situations. After all, a beautiful greeting can show that you are confident, friendly and nice person. The greeting should be a form of polite mutual respect, showing the other person your benevolence and disposition towards him. At the same time, the nature of the greeting should exclude your negative attitude to a person and a bad mood.

To understand who should say hello first , it is necessary to determine the etiquette situation in which you find yourself and correctly build a line of your behavior. This is necessary in order to avoid unpleasant and stupid situations from which it can be difficult to get out, while maintaining one's dignity and honor and avoiding conflict and misunderstanding.

Although the basic rules of etiquette are the same, they can vary depending on the situation. Business and secular etiquette distinguishes the priority of subordinations, the concepts of which are in the gender, age and service areas. Business Etiquette, primarily based on a system of service business relations in which a big role is played, first of all, by the status (position) of a person, and then by age and gender. In business communication, signs of respect and respect must be rendered in this order. In secular etiquette, only gender and age are taken into account.

Don't say hello on the internet
if you have recently seen a person or corresponded
with him.

We say hello when we come to work, home,
to a restaurant, to the theater, even when we go into the elevator or into the store. Yes and telephone conversations rarely start without the word "hello". And this is absolutely normal, because greeting is polite and correct. But on the internet it's not so obvious. Our network communication is reduced to business and friendly: we most often discuss relatively serious things on e-mail and talking with friends in social networks and messengers. Therefore, it is worth drawing boundaries here.

Any official letter you need to start with a greeting, but it is not at all necessary to write “dear” or “respected”: this form is considered by many to be outdated. Do not start every message to the same person with a greeting. One "hello" is enough for the whole day or even for the whole conversation if it is stretched over several days. Although in business correspondence on the Internet it is customary to adhere to the same standards as in real life, you definitely shouldn’t overload it with unnecessary greetings - they won’t consider you a boor because of this.

With friends and acquaintances, everything is easier. Nobody says you shouldn't say hello. Of course you do. But, for example, if you just met someone (as an option - talked on the phone), suddenly remembered something important and decided to write about it via the Internet, no need to say hello. The greeting will also be superfluous if you do not expect an immediate response - for example, when a person is sleeping, on vacation, or you see that he is not online. Finally, if you are constantly texting good friend, he is unlikely to be offended without seeing another “hello”; it's much more polite to ask if he's busy right now. And most importantly, you need to understand that a greeting is the same form of politeness as “ Have a good day!”: there is no need to wish it to one person several times in a row.

“It seems to me that the way I greet depends on the age of the interlocutor. I usually talk more formally with those who are older. (whether relatives or colleagues) than with peers. But all this is a convention, a way to show respect. As a recipient of messages, I can say that the content of the letter is much more important to me than how it begins or ends.

There are many more important
and significant factors
than the word "hello"

I answer a huge mountain of tech support emails every day, and most of all I like people who describe their problem politely, informatively and clearly (I answer them quickly) and who thank me when I help them. I don't care what words they use for it, really. And those who did not try to solve the problem themselves, or at least figure it out, but simply expect me to call them back, like an errand boy (although I am a volunteer and work for free) are often the last to receive help. In short, there are many more important and meaningful factors in a text message than the word “hello.”