The amount of the parental fee for kindergarten. An example of calculating compensation for kindergarten. What is the amount of reimbursement of part of the payment for kindergarten?

Children are our everything. In any family, they are the center and main object of love and care, a source of joy, as well as anxiety and grief. And, of course, expenses. How much does a baby need! Quality food, numerous elegant clothes, from which he grows so quickly. Books and educational toys. And, of course, Kindergarten.

The kindergarten is useful and necessary for almost all kids, with rare exceptions. After all, this is not only reliable supervision and care during the day, but also funny Games with peers and a developing learning environment.

Give kindergarten!

For a mother, to get a place in a kindergarten (which, as you know, is always not enough for everyone) for her baby means to “untie” her hands and finally get a job. To streamline the life of the family and feel "in the system." Exit to new level relationship with a growing child.

But, among other things, a kindergarten is always an expense. In families with a small budget, the parental fee is a rather tangible cost item. Not to mention the fact that there have always been and will be additional costs - unspoken "voluntary-obligatory" fees for gifts and all kinds of events, fees for stationery and group arrangements, fees for numerous additional classes and circles.

And if the family grows not one baby, but two? Or more?

Children and money

Until recently, many families with many children could not afford the luxury of giving kindergarten all their babies, since the payment for preschool educational services not everyone could afford it. In addition, most often only the head of the family brought a salary to the house, and they had to save literally on everything. But in last years their fate has improved - there is such a thing as compensation for kindergarten. What is it and how can parents benefit from it? Let's figure it out.

Positive changes in this issue have taken place since the decision by the Government of the country to reimburse families for part of the costs of maintaining children in a preschool institution. We are talking about the Law of the Russian Federation No. 3266-1 “On Education” dated July 10, 1992 (Article 52.2). The document establishes that the payment does not concern the expenses for the development of children educational programs. The cost of the service and the cost of maintaining the property do not apply. That is, it turns out that the payment for kindergarten means mainly the cost of child nutrition.

Who is entitled to it?

Who is entitled to compensation for kindergarten? Those parents whose children are assigned to municipal, state or even private pre-school institutions - preschool institutions. It is important that the establishment without fail could grant a license to conduct educational activities.

The rules for calculating and issuing compensation are different everywhere, in each region this issue is resolved locally, taking into account the possibilities of the city budget and in accordance with the priority policy of the authorities in the social sphere. In some cities (in particular, in Moscow), parents who send three children to the same kindergarten at once are completely exempted from paying for preschool services. It is clear that in this case they are not entitled to compensation.

How and in what form can it be obtained? Compensation for kindergarten fees in the form of Money transferred to the account of one of the parents who signed an agreement with the kindergarten on visiting his child. Part of the money can be returned in case of timely, without delay, payment.

Who else is paid?

The beneficiaries of the service, in addition to parents, may well be guardians of children (their legal representatives). In this case, in order to assign such a payment, an agreement with the institution must be drawn up on their behalf.

Compensation for kindergarten is issued by submitting an application. It is written by the parent or representative of the child who has concluded an agreement with the kindergarten. He will have to present a copy of his own passport and bank account. You will also need photocopies of documents (i.e. birth certificates) of all children and a certificate of family composition.

How is the compensation amount calculated?

Parental compensation for kindergarten, in the case of attendance by the first or subsequent children, is not the same. The minimum amount of such compensation is regulated by a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation. But this applies to the situation of the child not attending kindergarten, which we will consider below.

The regions, on the basis of these data, have the right to enter own conditions receiving compensation, which cannot be worse than federal ones. The state has determined minimum size as follows: 20% of the actual expenses incurred by the parents are received if it is about the first child, 50% - if it is about the second, and 70% is due to the third and all others.

Moreover, if we are talking about calculating the amounts for the second, third and subsequent children, only information about the offspring that has not yet reached the age of majority is taken into account. This also includes full-time students under the age of 23 years.

What is the specific number?

How exactly is the kindergarten fee calculated? Its calculation directly depends on the amount paid by the parents for the maintenance of the baby. How to calculate it? The entire payment should be divided by the number of working days. Thus, the cost of one day of keeping a child in the garden is calculated.

After that, the resulting value is multiplied by the number of days the child actually visits the kindergarten. As a result, we have the size of the sum parental fee. And it is from this figure that 20, 50, 70% is taken and returned to mom or dad by transfer to a personal account. A bank account can be opened in any credit institution of the Russian Federation.

Do you pay tax?

Last year and earlier, personal income tax in the amount of 13% was still mandatory withheld from compensation. Since January 1, 2015, this tax has been abolished by a number of subjects of the Russian Federation. For example, if the payment for the garden is accepted in the amount of 1500 rubles. per month, the parent of the first child can count on a refund of 300 rubles.

It would seem that God knows what money. But do the math yourself: if there are two or three preschoolers in a family, and the amount reimbursed increases for each subsequent one, then the total monthly savings can be quite significant. And for large family(most of which, as a rule, are not rich) - sometimes simply saving.

The average fee for a kindergarten is determined annually by the authorities (in Moscow - the Department of Education) on January 1 - for kindergartens operating on the main preschool program education.

Another type of compensation

The type of compensation described above is not the only one. In a number of subjects of the country, in recent years, another type of state support for families with children has been adopted for implementation. It consists in paying parents certain amounts when the baby does not attend children's institution(e.g. due to lack of space). So what is it - compensation for non-provision?

Kindergarten at some point is needed by any family where a baby grows up. As you know, when the baby turns one and a half years old, the child care allowance is stopped, and the mother has to think about earning. But what if there is no place in the kindergarten for her crumbs? Compensation for kindergarten, the law on the payment of which in similar cases adopted by a number of regions, is able to at least partially solve the problem. Its average size is about 5000 rubles.

Are options possible?

This rule is not accepted in all cities; you will need to clarify specifically about your case in the department of social protection. The right to such compensation can be used by both mothers-students (full-time department) and non-working mothers - after all, without placing the child in a kindergarten, they are deprived of the opportunity to go somewhere to work.

Sometimes many of them willingly stay at home with the baby, changing jobs for these "penny", roughly comparable to the minimum wage. Especially if, before the decree, my mother worked in a not-too-paid job, and she will have to return there. Or the chances of finding a job are minimal for a number of reasons. Or if the baby is often sick and does not adapt well to kindergarten conditions ... In general, then, willy-nilly, you have to give up on all the benefits preschool education and "sit" with him at home. And forget about work for the coming years.

Compensation for kindergarten: documents

"Papers" will not require so much. This is a standard set, although somewhere they may request, for example, an extract from a personal bank account.

So, you bring the following to the head of the kindergarten Required documents:

  • application on behalf of one parent (or legal representative);
  • the passport of this parent or other document capable of confirming the identity, as well as its photocopy;
  • birth certificates of all children in the family, also with a photocopy;
  • bank account number or a photocopy of the title page of the passbook containing the details of the credit institution where the compensation amounts are to be transferred.

Making a payment

The procedure for the process of applying, accruing and paying compensation is regulated by the responsible authorities. PEI employees all documents, the submission of which involves compensation for kindergarten, must be correctly executed. The application must be recorded in special magazine indicating the date of registration.

The DOE certifies copies of the documents brought, the originals are returned to the owners. Lists of recipients of compensation are formed and sent to official authorities - departments of education, social protection, healthcare subject Russian Federation.

If your right is forfeited

These authorities implement the payment to parents of children attending kindergartens due compensation within the allocated budget.

Every quarter, information about any changes in the composition of its recipients is submitted to the above bodies. The submitted information also contains data on the payment made for the reporting month and the amounts of compensation funds accrued.

If, for any reason, the receiving parent loses given right, compensation for kindergarten ceases to be paid from the first day of the month following the month of the occurrence of these circumstances.

It remains to be hoped that after reading this material part of the parents, unaware of this financial opportunity, will eliminate the gaps of their own legal illiteracy and hasten to take advantage of the benefits.

The education and upbringing of children in kindergartens in Moscow is free for parents and financed from the budget. But for services for the care and supervision of a child, a separate fee is set, which falls on the shoulders of the parents.

Related materials:

The procedure for establishing parental fees for kindergarten

The Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", which entered into force on September 1, 2013, does not restrict educational institution when establishing the amount - the percentage of the annual maintenance of the child in a preschool institution - that parents must pay. Previously, the upper limit was 20% of the cost per annum.

However, this innovation does not particularly apply to Moscow kindergartens. In accordance with the decision of the Mayor of Moscow S.S. Sobyanin, for Muscovites, the limitation of the size of the parental fee of 20% of the cost of child care in preschool institutions remains.

Important! In accordance with Art. 65 of the Law "On Education", parental fees are not charged for the supervision and care of disabled children, orphans and children left without parental care, as well as children with tuberculosis intoxication studying in state and municipal preschool educational institutions.

Kindergarten Fee Procedure

The amount of fees charged to parents is set annually by the county departments of the Department of Education based on the calculations of each educational institution in the county. The District Board of Education issues an order establishing a parental fee in an institution for the entire academic year, based on the actual size of the cost of childcare and care for the previous year.

Fee Calculation:

  • proceeds from the actual costs of childcare and care for the previous year;
  • agrees with the kindergarten administration body (council of teachers and parent committee);
  • approved by the district education department.

The size of the parental fee in kindergartens (as well as in preschool departments of schools) is set at the beginning of the year for the entire calendar year and cannot be changed. Thus, the fee for kindergarten, established in January 2014, does not change from September 1, 2014.

Participation of the administration of the preschool educational institution in the establishment of parental fees

Parents, represented by the governing council, together with the administration of the kindergarten, decide whether parents will financially participate in additional incentives for the teaching staff for the quality of childcare services.

By decision of the Manager Council of the preschool educational institution, certain categories of citizens can be established additional benefit on parental fees.

Parent fee refund

If the child missed days in kindergarten for a good reason, confirmed by the relevant document (for example, a certificate from the hospital), the parental fee for the days of non-attendance by the child may be returned. The return of the parental fee is made on the basis of an agreement between the preschool educational institution and the parent, and is carried out upon a written application of the parent who paid the fee for the maintenance of the child to his account.

Compensation for paying for a preschool educational institution (DOE)

Each parent who has paid a fee for the maintenance of a child in a preschool educational institution has the right to apply for compensation of a part of the parental fee.

The procedure for paying compensation for part of the parental fee for the maintenance of a child in a preschool educational institution was approved by Decree of the Government of Moscow dated July 27, 2010 No. 590-PP (as amended by Decree No. 634-PP - Decree No. 634-PP can be found in).

For parents paying for kindergarten, the capital's budget provides for compensation: for the first child - 20%, for the second - 50%, for the third and subsequent children - 70% of the amount paid.

When assigning compensation for part of the parental fee for the second and third child, children under the age of 18 years are taken into account in the family. The amount of compensation is calculated in proportion to the actual paid parental fee, determined taking into account benefits (if any).

To receive compensation, the parent who paid the kindergarten fee must apply in writing to the administration of “their” preschool educational institution and provide:

  1. Passport and its copy.
  2. Birth certificate of the child or children in the family, and copies of certificates.
  3. Account number with details.

Before proceeding with the registration of compensation, it is worth preparing the necessary documents. Their list includes:

  • documents confirming the identity of the applicant;
  • birth certificate;
  • certificate of family composition (if the child is not the only one);
  • bank statement indicating the details of the account to which the funds will be transferred.

How to claim child care allowance

Photocopies of these documents must be provided to the head of the kindergarten attended by the child. They do not need to be notarized if you submit them at the same time as the originals.

You will be required to submit a written application for appointment compensation payments. It must be registered in a special journal. The preschool institution generates lists of parents and submits them to the social security authorities, regional education authorities and territorial administrations.

How to calculate compensation for kindergarten

The amount of compensation due to parents depends on the number of children in the family. It is 20% of the actual payment for the first child, 50% for the second and 70% for the third.

The cost of a child's monthly stay depends on the category of preschool. The higher it is, the higher the fee charged.

To calculate the amount of compensation, it is necessary to divide the monthly cost of the kindergarten by the number of working days, and then multiply by the number of days the child actually stays. The amount received is multiplied by the percentage applied, depending on the number of children.

For example, a child attended kindergarten for 20 days. The cost of a month of stay in the garden is 1500 rubles. It turns out with 23 working days in a month, 1 day here costs 65.22 rubles. In fact, the parents paid 1304.4 (65.22 * 20). Accordingly, if this only child in a family that attends a kindergarten, the amount of compensation will be 260.88 rubles. (1304.4*20/100).

The accrued compensation is transferred to the specified bank details of the parent in the month following the payment. The amount of actual payment is independently transferred by the kindergarten to authorized institutions.

Visiting a kindergarten in our time is a paid pleasure. Sometimes it is difficult for parents to pay for a child's attendance at a preschool educational institution, but this is a necessary measure, especially if both parents work. The government of the Russian Federation has introduced many measures designed to financially support young families.

Compensation for kindergarten is one such measure. It represents the return of a certain share of the money that parents spend on paying for kindergarten attendance. You can find out how the amount of payments is calculated and how to issue a refund in this article.

The amount of compensation for attending a preschool educational institution

The payout is not fixed legislative order. The fact is that the amount of money compensated by the state depends on:

  • the number of children in the family;
  • the cost of attending a particular kindergarten.

Therefore, the Russian government decided to establish the amount of payments as a percentage of the payment for the services of kindergarten teachers. Knowing this proportion, you can easily calculate the size financial assistance that suits your family.

As mentioned above, the amount of the allowance also depends on the number of children in the family.

  1. For the first child attending a preschool educational institution, the amount of money returned is 20% of the cost of kindergarten services. Thus, if you pay 1,000 rubles for the services of educators per month, then 200 should be returned to you.
  2. For the second kid who attends a preschool educational institution, compensation for kindergarten is due in the amount of half of the money you paid, that is, 50%. By analogy with the previous example, you should return 500 rubles out of 1,000 per month.
  3. For the third child, a refund of 70% of the amount paid is due.
  4. For the next guys, the share of returned funds is the same as for the third - 70%.

How to correctly calculate the amount of compensated money in 2019-2020?

When calculating the amount, only those days when the child actually visited the institution are taken into account. Thus, you could pay for a month of visiting the kindergarten, but for some reason your baby could not be there for several days. During these days, financial assistance is not required.

To calculate the amount of compensated funds, follow the algorithm below:

  1. Calculate the cost of one day's stay in a preschool. To do this, you need to divide the cost of the services of kindergarten teachers per month by the number of working days in this month.
  2. Multiply the daily cost by the number of days the child was actually in daycare.
  3. Divide the resulting number by 100 and multiply by the percentage that was indicated in previous section article (for the first child - 20, for the second - 50, for the third and subsequent - 70 percent).

How is a claim for compensation made?

In order to be able to compensate for part of the money spent on kindergarten, the parent must collect a small package of documents (the list will be given below) and submit it to the manager preschool. From the moment you submit the documents, the recalculation of funds will begin, and part of your money will be returned to you.