Scandinavian Christmas home decoration

Planning to spend Christmas in Scandinavia? Take a look at our pictures of Christmas in Scandinavia and learn about local Christmas traditions. All Scandinavian countries have individual traditions and their own unique ways celebrate the holidays. Let's take a look at each of the countries:

1 - Christmas in Sweden:

In Sweden, Christmas starts on Saint Lucia. Saint Lucia Day is celebrated on December 13th. In Sweden, houses are decorated with red tulips for Christmas! Christmas Eve is called Julafton in Swedish. After a festive Christmas dinner, someone dresses up as a Christmas gnome (Tomte) believed to live under the floorboards.

2 - Christmas in Denmark:

In Denmark, the Danish mischievous elf Nisse makes fun of people around Christmas time. On Christmas Eve, many Danish families leave rice pudding or porridge for him so much he likes. Children are not allowed to look at the tree until Christmas dinner (known as Juleaften), and her parents secretly decorate with homemade trinkets.

Norway also has an elf named Nisse, but the gifts are delivered by the goat Julebukk (in Norwegian). The Julebukk idea is very old and probably known from the time of the Vikings. There is a special Norwegian holiday cookie called Sand Kager. In the afternoon, children go from house to house asking for treats and treats.

Continue Reading: Christmas Traditions in Norway!

4 - Christmas in Finland:

Finnish Christmas traditions have a lot to do with those of its neighbor Sweden. But there are also such Christmas traditions that you will never guess!

Continue Reading: Christmas in Finland!

Iceland has many old traditions of celebrating Christmas. In Iceland, not 1, but as many as 13 Icelandic Santa Clauses! The origin of these "Deov Morozov" goes back centuries, and each of them has its own name, character and role. For a special local tradition Icelandic kids put their shoes on the windowsill on December 12th. If they were good whole year, one of the Icelandic "Santa Clauses" leaves a gift, and bad kids get potatoes!

Continue Reading: Christmas Traditions in Iceland!

Although geographically not part of Scandinavia, Greenland is Danish territory and has many Christmas traditions similar to other Scandinavian countries. Did you know that Greenland has to import all Christmas trees, and uses whale skin in traditional celebration Christmas?

Continue Reading: Christmas in Greenland!

December month:

Since your holiday trip to Scandinavia will happen in December, you should also find out what happens in December besides the Christmas holidays - for example, what to expect from the weather, what clothes to bring with you when other local holidays are scheduled.

Read about Scandinavia in December and the annual holidays and festivals.

Each country has its own traditions: someone prepares kutia for a festive Christmas table, and someone a turkey.

And the homeland of Santa Claus, in the far north, has its own culinary traditions.

You can add them to your menu too.

Jansson "s Frestelse - potato casserole

  • 9 potatoes
  • 1 onion
  • 20 fillets sprat
  • salt and pepper
  • 150 ml cream
  • 150 ml milk
  • 1 tablespoon bread crumbs

Preheat the oven to 200C. Peel the potatoes and cut into strips like fries. Melt the butter in a frying pan, fry the onion until transparent, add the potatoes and cook for a few minutes.

Put half of the potatoes in a mold, on top - fillet of sprat, salt and pepper. Lay out the second layer of potatoes, then sprats again.

Mix milk and cream, pour 2/3 of the mixture over the potatoes and sprinkle with bread crumbs. Season again with salt and pepper. Place in the oven.

After 20 minutes, pour over the remaining milk and continue baking for another 25-30 minutes until tender.

Salmon Gravlax

  • 1 kilogram of salmon
  • 600-650 grams coarse sea ​​salt
  • 200-250 grams of sugar
  • a handful of black peppercorns
  • 300 grams of beets
  • 40 grams of horseradish
  • a bunch of dill

Mix coarse salt and sugar, add black pepper. Beets, grated on a fine grater, mix with horseradish, squeeze out excess juice, mix with chopped dill.

Put the fish dried with a towel or napkin on a salt mixture, top with a mixture of horseradish and beets. Close cling film, leave in the refrigerator for 12 hours. If fish fillets are used, then put the skin down. For salt.

After that, wash the fish, wipe it dry, wrap it in a clean dry towel and leave it for another 5-10 hours.

Fish cream soup

  • 200 grams fillet of fish of the salmon family
  • 200 grams of cod-type white fish fillets
  • 100 grams of mussels
  • 100 grams of peeled shrimp
  • 250 ml dry white wine
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 3 tablespoons wheat flour
  • 150 ml cream
  • 1 medium carrot
  • a pinch of saffron
  • ground white pepper and bay leaf

Boil mussels and shrimps in wine, remove. Add melted butter, flour, 1 liter of boiling water to the wine broth. Boil the mixture for 20 minutes.

Cut the fillet of the slave into pieces and add to the broth. Cut carrots into slices, fry on butter, add saffron and other spices, season with salt and pepper. A couple of minutes until ready, add seafood and carrots to the broth.

Beat part of the soup (without fish) in mashed potatoes. Pour into bowls, adding mashed potatoes and broth with fish. Serve hot.

Hello dogie readers!

Today is the time of the next stage of the New Year Marathon)))

This time we invite you to be inspired by the charm of Scandinavia!
Let's say a secret that this was supposed to be the first stage of our Marathon, we have been preparing for a long time and pondering the details, but Scandinavia is so popular this season, and ideas are just in the air))) Accordingly, the work for this stage will be accepted only for our blog and in our styles!

And of course you are wondering why we succumbed to "fashion"?
The reason for us is obvious and very significant - the team has 2 designers from Norway!
So sit back, pour aromatic tea and start exploring the traditions of these fabulous countries!

* * *
The main winter holiday v Scandinavian countries considered Christmas. Preparation for it begins in the fall. According to ancient Scandinavian traditions, the first day of winter came on October 27 (just today))) Nordic countries it is during this period that night conquers day. The ancient Scandinavians often used fire in their rituals as a symbol of light, warmth, and therefore life.
The tradition of setting up a Christmas tree was borrowed from Germany. In Scandinavia, the Christmas tree appeared only in the 19th century. The first Christmas tree was installed in Denmark, in Copenhagen, in the family of a German doctor, and it was in 1812. In Norway, the Christiania Student Society celebrated the Christmas tree in 1840.
This custom is associated with pagan beliefs. Sacrifices were made to trees, decorations, ribbons, bread, candles were hung on them. The Christmas tree is considered a symbol of the tree of life, the tree of paradise, which was lost and returned to us by the Savior. The original decorations for the Christmas tree were fruits, nuts, sweets and candles. According to legend, due to the poor harvest of apples, they began to decorate the tree with Christmas decorations. It is customary to decorate the top of the tree with a star, in memory of Star of bethlehem... Decorations on the Christmas tree in the form of bells remind us of the herds of shepherds. The shepherds were one of the first to announce the birth of the Savior.
It is customary to install the Christmas tree in the living room, on the eve of Christmas Eve, December 23. A wreath is hung on the door. It symbolizes the wheel of life, used since pagan times.

Since 1947, the city of Oslo has donated a large spruce tree to London every year as a sign of gratitude for the help of Great Britain during the Second World War. Spruce is chosen in the forests near Oslo. Spruce should be more than 20 meters in height and 50-60 years old. Spruce is felled in a very solemn atmosphere. At the same time, there is the mayor of Oslo, the British ambassador to Norway, the head of the Westminster district council. Spruce from Norway is transported by ship across the North Sea. Then it is installed in Trafalgar Square in London. There the tree stands until midnight on January 5th. Trondheim gives the same gift to Hamburg. In Hamburg, the spruce is installed on the town hall square.

One of the favorite traditions in Northern Europe is the tradition of sending out Christmas and New Year cards. The first Christmas card was painted by British artist John Calcott Horsley in 1843. The first postcards in Norway were printed in 1883. A favorite topic for postcards in Norway is peasant romance. These postcards show many gnomes, bullfinches, and rural barns.
Although Christmas in Scandinavia is considered the most important holiday, however New Year residents of northern latitudes also love to celebrate.

New Year in Norway

Winter holidays in Norway start from Christmas (December 25) to January 13 (St. Knut's Day).
Norwegians, unlike their neighbors, consider the New Year family holiday... The Norwegians celebrate the holiday modestly. They celebrate the New Year with their families at the festive table. On New Years Eve, many Norwegians attend church services to receive a blessing for next year... At home, the Norwegians light a fireplace. Favorite New Year's dish Norwegians have sweet rice pudding with almonds. Almonds are considered a symbol of good luck and happiness. A baked turkey with apples and raisins is served on the festive table. The Norwegians traditionally prepare their delicacy "lutefisk" - dried cod, processed with soda to enhance the taste. On the festive table you can see baked lamb ribs, pork, seven different types biscuits and desserts made from cream or cream.

Despite the fact that it is not customary for Norwegians to give gifts for the New Year, children receive small gifts from the gnome Julenissen and a goat. Adults give each other matches that symbolize warmth and comfort family hearth... According to an old legend, the Norwegian king Olaf II saved a wounded goat by removing it from a cliff. In gratitude, the rescued animal brought healing herbs every night. Yulenissen performs the function of Santa Claus, Santa claus and Per-Noel. His residences in Norway are located in the cities of Drebak and Savalen.

* * *
So, the TASK is to do new year card in vintage, shabby chic and retro styles using one of the must-have elements. Required element should be the main one in the work and be pronounced.
- Scandinavian embroidery (knitted element)
- scandinavian pattern
- straw (raffia)
- straw toys
- deer
- wooden decorations
- Lamp
- fireplace (hearth, fire)
- Angel
- Wreath

To inspire the work of our designers

Finally it got warmer! For several days Petson was going to go to the store, but it was very cold, and he did not dare to go out. And now it's Christmas Eve soon, and there is almost no food left in the house. It is imperative to buy groceries today, because tomorrow the stores will be closed. And you also need to cut down the tree, bake cinnamon cookies, clean up the house ...
Findus the kitten has already found a stand for the tree and is now looking at the silk of the door and waiting for the owner to let him out.
- Petson! Findus shouts. - Let's go into the forest for a tree!
A few weeks ago, Petson and Findus had already gone into the forest and looked after a pretty Christmas tree. But she grew up quite far from their home.
- For the Christmas tree, we can go later, - says Petson. - First we need to go to the store. But most importantly, we must clear the snow.
They went out into the yard, and Petson began to clear paths to the chicken coop and sheds.
“I think we should bring spruce branches and lay out the stairs with them,” the owner suggested to the kitten. - Will you come with me, Finlus?
- I'd better go! - answered the kitten.
In a second he was already in the shed, where the ax and the sled lay. Petson walked slowly through the deep snow and carried Findus with him. As they climbed the hill behind the barn, Petson chopped up the branches and put them on the sled. It was time to go back down. Suddenly Petson slipped and fell directly onto the sled. The sled rolled, and in a moment Petson was rushing down at high speed. Under the hill he stumbled upon stone fence, the sled overturned, and Petson was in the snow. The kitten jumped with delight and exclaimed:
- Come on again!
But Petson only groaned in response and tried to get out of the snowdrift. It seemed that he was not at all as fun as Findus.
- Oh-oh-oh, how painful, - the owner complained to the kitten. - I can't even step on my foot.
While Petson scolded the sled, the slide and the fence, Findus pondered how to help the owner. But he could not think of anything and only said:
“It's not good to be so angry on Christmas Eve.
WITH hard work Petson got to the house, sat down on a chair and began to examine his leg.
“That's the problem,” he sighed. “Hopefully this will pass before the shops close. Otherwise, we will be left without a Christmas dinner. And we still have so much to do ... Bring a Christmas tree and clean the kitchen floor ...
- Ur-p-pa! Findus yelled. - I want to wash the floor!
A second later, the kitten brought a bucket and a brush. Petson remembered well how it happened the last time.
“Well my, so be it,” he said doubtfully. “Just wipe it clean afterwards.
- And of course, - the kitten promised. “But first I need a lot of water.
Petson poured into a bucket warm water and added soap to it.
- Wait! - exclaimed Petson.
Before Petson had time to climb onto the sofa, Findus had already turned the bucket over and poured all the water onto the floor. Then the kitten jumped on the brush and started rolling around the Kitchen Bay. Findus was a true brush riding master! He knew how to stay on one paw and make such sharp turns that the spray flew to the door. Five minutes later Findus could barely breathe with fatigue.
“Done,” he breathed and crawled into a chair.
“Nothing like that, kid,” Petson said. “You haven't finished cleaning yet. Today you have to collect the water yourself and mop the floor. I can't do this. With a bad leg.
“But you can get on all fours. I'm so tired, I'm just little kitty Findus whimpered.
“I’ll try to help you mentally,” the owner assured him. - Rag hanging from the floor of the sink. When you clean everything up, we'll bake the cookies.
It was already completely dark when Findus dropped the rag on the floor and jumped onto the table.
- Now it's done! Wake up, Petson! It's time to bake cookies! - the kitten shouted loudly, because the owner dozed off on the sofa.
They baked cookies a week ago, but it's already over. But the dough remained in the closet. So Petson thought. But when he took out the bowl, it turned out that there was only a small lump in it.
- How small it has become, - Petson was surprised.
“Strange things happen to the dough all the time,” the kitten explained. - Sometimes it suddenly disappears.
- Or maybe some kitten just visited here and ate everything? - suggested Petson.
“Maybe,” Findus agreed. - Or maybe it was the owner of some kitten?
“Maybe so,” the owner replied.
Petson rolled out a lump of dough on the table. Findus cut the figures out of the dough with a mold, and ate the rest. There are not many figures - only a few pieces. Then Petson and Findus drank coffee in silence and looked at their reflections in the window. It was completely dark outside, and the kitchen was completely quiet. Such silence comes when something cannot be done the way you wanted. Usually before Christmas it is very cozy in Petson's house: Petson and Findus are putting things in order, decorating the tree and cooking festive dinner... And now they have to sit and wait for Petson's leg to stop hurting.
“Looks like we won't be able to get to the store today. And tomorrow it is closed. So we will be left this year without a Christmas dinner, - said Petson sadly.
- What do you say?! Findus exclaimed. - Stay at Christmas without dinner? Without rice porridge? No ham? No fish? Without small sausages? ..
- Well, we will not be left without food at all - we have carrots and a can of sardines. We can boil eggs, and then we will have ham for Easter.
- Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh! Carrots from Christmas !!! - the kitten moaned
“Don't whine,” the owner interrupted. - Nothing wrong. You will definitely receive a gift.
Findus stopped moaning and stared at Petson.
- What kind of gift? - he asked.
- You'll see tomorrow. Now I will bandage my leg and go to bed.
Petson put two wool socks, wound a sweater over them and tied it all with a rope. The result was a thick bandage, and Petson looked like a real patient.
When the owner went to bed, Findus was left in the kitchen all alone. He looked at the flakes of snow outside the window and thought: “Is this what Christmas Eve should be like? This is the most unhappy laziness in my life. Worse than any normal Tuesday. But I still have to give something to Petson. " And the kitten ran away for a gift. He brought a knife for peeling potatoes from the barn, wrapped it in a handkerchief and tied it with a string. It became a little more fun.
On the next morning Petson tried again to stand on his sore leg. She was still ill, but not so bad.
“It will be two days,” he said. - But we won't be able to go for the tree today.
- WH-O-O-O? !! Finlus yelled. - We will NOT have a Christmas tree? What kind of Christmas is it then?
- Well, let's wait a bit, - the owner tried to calm the kitten down. - Maybe by evening I will feel better.
But he himself did not really believe that the leg would go so quickly. Petson cooked oatmeal and thought how he could cheer Findus. It was evident that the kitten was completely upset - he angrily stuffed a tree stand with carrots. Breakfast passed in silence. There was not even any milk for porridge left in the house. Suddenly there was a knock on the door and the neighbor's son Axel Gustavson looked into the kitchen. He often went to Petson's to help clear the snow or do some other heavy work.
- Merry Christmas to you! Axel said. - I was going to help you remove the snow, but you have already done everything yourself.
And then he noticed that Petson's leg was bandaged.
- What is it with you?
- Slipped, fell ... - And Petson told Axel what happened in the forest.
“You’ll have to sit at home all the holidays,” Axel said sympathetically.
- How will you celebrate Christmas?
“Well, I think it’ll be okay,” Petson muttered. Findus could not stand this! He began to bounce like the lid of a boiling kettle. Up and down, up and down ...
“Nothing will be all right with us,” the kitten hissed. - There is not a crumb of food in the house - only one carrot, no cookies, no fish! There is no Christmas tree, the firewood is about to run out, and there probably won't be any gifts!
- Come on, Findus, don't make a noise, - the owner tried to calm the kitten down. - Of course we can handle it. It's a pity that we ran out of milk and we can't cook rice porridge... And firewood ... If it's not difficult for you, Axel, could you chop some firewood?
Axel not only chopped a shed full of firewood, but also promised to bring Petson milk. Finlus still groomed sad. He sat in the corner of the room gloomier than a cloud and tried to put a log into a tree stand instead of carrots.
- I figured out how to make a Christmas tree! - exclaimed Petson. The kitten looked at the owner in surprise:
- Is it possible to make a Christmas tree? It turns out you can. Petson explained what would be needed for this. Findus ran out into the street and a few seconds later returned with spruce branches that they chopped up in the forest. Then he ran into the barn and brought a long stick and a drill.
Petson drilled many small holes in the stick, fixed it in a tree stand and put it by the window. Then Petson and Finlus began to insert branches into the holes. The tree turned out almost like a real one.
“Now let's dress her up,” Petson suggested. - There should be toys in the drawer under the bed.
“Maybe they SHOULD be there, but the toys are actually in the attic,” the kitten objected.
- In the attic?! But I can't go up there with a bad leg! And you won't be able to open the door yourself!
- Yashik did not think about it. He just stands in the attic, that's all, ”Findus answered.
- We'll have to do without him. - Petson thought. - Go to the barn and bring something beautiful: red, shiny ... And I'm rummaging around in the house.
- I'm already running, - said the kitten and jumped out the door.
Petson, meanwhile, examined all the cabinets and drawers. He managed to find something: a few spoons, a thermometer, a clock, a porcelain cow, a toy monkey, and more. Findus brought shavings, a bicycle headlight, paint brush, a spring and some other little things that seemed to him suitable for decorating the tree. Then Petson tied red ribbons to all these little things, made several Christmas tree decorations from the pages of a colored magazine and twisted from wire candlesticks for candles. All this the kitten hung on the tree.
Then there was another knock on the door - it was Axel who brought milk. Gustavson's wife Elsa entered next. She had a basket in her hand.
- Happy holiday, Petson, - said Elsa. - Axel said that you had no food left at all, and we decided to bring you something. How is your leg?
“Better,” said Petson. - You are so kind, oh, how much you brought ... He was a little embarrassed, but he still took the basket.
“Come into the room,” Petson suggested. - I'll make coffee. I have nothing else to treat you to.
- And here is the treat. - Elsa took from the basket a piece of ham, jelly, cabbage, meatballs, bread, a pot of broth, cookies, bottles of drinks and glues.
Petson was moved. He looked at all these dishes and did not know how to thank Elsa and Axel.
- Yes, you shouldn't ... You brought so much ... - muttered Petson. - Thank you very much...
- To your health, - answered Elsa. - And now we can have coffee and cookies.
A little later, Gustavson himself came. He said he wanted to borrow a gas burner from Petson, but in reality he was just curious to see a neighbor celebrating Christmas. Everyone sat around the table and listened to Petson's story about how he left the mountain. When the Gustavsons were about to leave, they saw that Mrs. Anderson was going to the house and she also had a basket with her.
- Merry Christmas, Petson! - said Mrs. Anderson, entering the house.
She shook off the snow in the hallway and said that she found out about Petson's sore leg and decided to bring him some fish and sausage. Petson thanked her and offered coffee.
“Oh, what a delicious sausage Mrs. Anderson brought,” Elsa said. - Would you like to break my leg too?
And the Gustavsons stayed a little longer to taste the sausages. Then everyone began to eat broth, and suddenly the Lindgrens' neighbors came. Everyone began to congratulate each other and wish a Merry Christmas. It turned out that Anderson told the Lindgrens about Petson's troubles and they also decided to visit him and brought some food. Petson bowed again, thanked, treated everyone with coffee and cookies that Anna had baked. And then the Junsons and Nielson's children came, they also had baskets of food with them, because everyone had heard that Petson had broken his leg and was now sitting in his hut, freezing, starving and unable to even move. So many guests have not gathered at Petson's house for a very long time - since he was sixty years old.
Findus believed that all these old people talk too much and play too little. He had to demonstrate his best tricks to get noticed. Therefore, when the children came, he immediately took them to admire the tree. The kitten hung the decorations very low, because he could not reach the upper branches. The children helped him outweigh the toys higher.
- Look what tree Findus and Petson have dressed up! - they called the adults to fly. - They made it themselves.
Then all the guests went into the drawing-room and exclaimed in chorus:
- Wow, what an extraordinary tree! You have to come up with such a thing! You are a very smart kitten, Findus!
Petson and Findus were in complete agreement with them. But then the Gustavsons began to gather home, and gradually all the guests dispersed. Petson looked out the window after the gosges and heard their conversation dying away in the distance. Falling from the sky large flakes snow. When everyone left, the house became quiet and normal. Still, not quite usual, but even better.
It got dark. Petson and Findus lit candles that the children had made and set the table. Petson and Findus have never had such a wonderful Christmas dinner. After that, they went to the living room, lit candles on the tree and congratulated each other. Findus received a toy - a yo-yo as a gift, and Petson got a package with a knife for peeling potatoes. Then they sat in an armchair, listened to the radio and watched the fire dancing in the stove. Petson was happy.
“What an amazing Christmas we've had this year,” he said to the kitten.
- First, we collected the tree, then we decorated it with teaspoons, and suddenly there were so many guests and so many treats! We have such wonderful neighbors!
Findus said nothing. He fell asleep. But he, too, probably liked their holiday. In any case, he smiled in his sleep.

The beautiful house on the corner of the street was brightly lit on Christmas Eve. Lit there tall tree decorated with shiny stars, candies and apples; candles in lush candlesticks were burning on the table, and the children were unimaginably quiet whenever something creaked or rustled in the hallway. Suddenly the Christmas Goat entered the room and, as usual, asked:

Are there kind, obedient children here?

Yes! There is!

Here's how! - exclaimed the Christmas Goat. - Since the children here are kind and obedient, no one will be left without a gift. But, alas, this year I have two times less gifts than last!

Why? - the children screamed in chorus.

I'll tell you about this, - promised the Christmas Goat. “I came from the Far North, where I looked through the doors of many poor hovels and saw many, many small children who would not even have a piece of bread on Christmas Eve. That's why I gave them half of my gifts. Did I do the wrong thing?

Yes, yes - right, how kind you are! - the children shouted. At first, only Fredrik da Lotte was silent, as suddenly they felt completely deprived. After all, Fredrik used to almost always receive twenty gifts, and Lotta - thirty. And now they only get half.

Did I do the wrong thing? the Goat asked for the second time.

Then Fredrik, turning on his heels, sullenly replied:

What a nasty Christmas this is! The trolls have a better Christmas than the one you have saved for us!

And Lotta, in turn, roared and exclaimed:

So I will get only fifteen gifts? Even the trolls will have a hundred times better Christmas this evening!

Here's how! - answered the Christmas Goat. “If so, I’ll take you to them at once!

And, seizing Fredrik and Lotte by the arms, he dragged them along, although they resisted with all their might.

How they raced, how they flew through the air!

Before the children had time to come to their senses, they were already drowning in the snow in the middle of the endless forest. It was terribly cold and a blizzard was snowing, so that one could hardly make out in the darkness the tall spruces standing around, and quite close in the forest one could hear the howling of wolves. However, the Christmas Goat did not have time to wait, and he soon rushed off again: he still had to visit a great many children this evening, which is much kinder than Fredrik and Lotte.

They began to scream and cry, but the louder they screamed, the closer the ring of howling wolves squeezed around them.

Come on, Lotta! - Thinking again, Fredrik called, - we must try to find some hut in the forest!

I think I can see a faint light in the distance among the trees! Lotta exclaimed. - Let's go there!

This is not a light, - explained Fredrik, - it's just pieces of ice that glisten in the darkness on the trees.

I think I can see a high mountain ahead, ”Lotta said. “Isn't it Mount Rastekais, where Sampo-Loparenok galloped on Christmas night on the back of the supreme wolf?

What are you talking about! - answered Fredrik. “Rastekais is seventy miles from our house. Let's go! We will climb to the top of the mountain, from there it is better to look around.

No sooner said than done! They made their way forward through the high snow drifts, through the bushes and fallen trees, and soon came to the mountain. There was a small door visible, and something like light was shining through the cracks in the door. Fredrik and Lotte moved towards this world, and to their greatest surprise they immediately realized: after all, this is Mount Rastekais, and they fell into the hands of the trolls! But it was too late to turn back, and besides, the wolves were so close! They were almost peering through the cracks in the door when the children slammed the door behind them. Fredrik and Lotta stopped in fear and saw before them a large hall where the trolls were celebrating Christmas. There were probably many thousands of them, but they were all in a gray robe and very tiny, barely one tall, wrinkled and very nimble. That is, about the same as in the tale of Sampo Loparenka. The trolls were not afraid of the dark, for instead of candles they kept fireflies frozen to death and stumps of rotten stumps that glowed in the darkness. But when the trolls wanted to arrange a particularly bright festive illumination, they stroked the big black cat on the back so that it sparkled all over, and then many shouted:

No, stop, stop, it's already too light, none of us can stand it!

After all, all trolls are somewhat peculiar: they shy away from the light and they feel uncomfortable when someone sees them as they are. That is why the grand feast was given, because the trolls noticed that the days are getting shorter and the nights are getting longer as the year draws to a close. And then the trolls again decided (as they always think at Christmas time; after all, you so willingly believe in what you most desire) that in the end the day will disappear altogether and a solid night will come. And so they were again so sincerely and cordially delighted that they began to dance in the bowels of the mountain and celebrate Christmas merrily, in their own way! After all, they were all pagans to a man and about no best christmas had no idea.

It soon became apparent that the trolls were not at all cold. They treated each other on a frozen winter night with ice candies, and before taking them in their mouths, they blew on the ice so that they were not too hot for them. There was also another great fern and spider leg treat. And the Christmas tree was all made of ice crystals, and one of the old housekeepers played the role of the Christmas Goat.

In this year, the fierce giant Mountain King - the trolls on Rastekays did not have, since after he burst near the priest's estate in Enar, no one knew what became of him. But many believed that he moved to Svalbard in order to rule a pagan country and flee as far as possible from Christians. He left his kingdom in the North now to the King of Sin and Gloom named Mundus, who was sitting here in the middle of the hall.

Next to him is a troll queen named Karo (although this name sounds like dog name). And they both had long, long beards.

They gave each other Christmas gifts, as is the case with all other peoples on earth. King Mundus presented Queen Karo with a pair of stilts, so high that, standing on them, the queen became the tallest and most noble woman in the whole world.

Queen Karo gave King Mundus candle scissors, with which they cut the wicks of burning candles, but so huge that he could cut the wicks of all the candles in the world with them, and by cutting them, he would extinguish the candles. Many would like to receive such candle scissors as a gift from the trolls for Christmas!

But then King Mundus ascended to his throne and began to hold a truly fateful speech before the audience. He haughtily announced to the trolls that now the end of all world will come. Now shadows and gloom will forever hover over the whole country, and the world should be ruled by the trolls!

Then the trolls screamed with all their might:

Hooray! Hurray for our great king Mundus! Hurray for our beautiful Queen Karo! Hooray! Hurray for the eternal dominion of Sin and Darkness! Hip, Hip, Hip! Hooray! The king asked:

Where is my supreme scout? I sent him to the highest peak of the mountain to scout out, is there anywhere else in the world at least some streak of light?

A spy appeared and said:

Lord king, your power is great! Everything is drowned in darkness!

Where is my spy?

And the spy appeared.

Lord King, - he said, - far, far away at the edge of the sky I see completely weak streak like the twinkling light of a star as it emerges from a black cloud.

And the king commanded:

Go back to the mountain top!

A little later the king asked again:

Where is my spy?

And the spy appeared.

Master king, he said. - The sky is cloudy from a heavy snow cloud hanging there, and I no longer see a faint strip of light.

The king commanded:

Go back to the mountain top!

A little later the king asked again:

Where is my spy?

And the spy appeared.

But then the king saw that the scout was trembling all over and seemed completely blind.

The king asked:

My faithful scout, why are you trembling? And why are you blind?

The scout replied:

King, the cloud has dispersed, and the star shines in the firmament more and brighter than all the other stars. Therefore, I tremble, and at the sight of her I went blind!

The king asked:

What does it mean? Is not the Light now perishable? Has it not extinguished, and the power of Darkness is not eternal?

However, all the trolls, silent and trembling with fear, stood around, and not one of them answered.

Finally, someone from the crowd said:

King, there are two children of men standing at the door here. Let me ask them, maybe they know more ?!

The king commanded:

Call the children here!

And immediately Fredrik and Lotte were dragged to the royal throne, and one can imagine how badly they felt! Seeing that the children were afraid, the queen said to one of the old housewives who stood around her throne:

Give the poor children a little dragon blood and dung beetle peels. Let them feast on, they need strength to open their mouths!

Eat and Drink! Eat and Drink! - the housewife urged the children.

But the children had no desire to eat the peel of dung beetles and drink dragon's blood.

The king addressed them:

Now you are in my power, and I can turn you into ravens or into spiders. But I want to ask you a riddle, and if you guess it, I will order you to take you - safe and sound - back to your home. Would you like to?

Be this way, said the king. - What does it mean if in the middle of the city, on the darkest night, when all the Light has gone out, and the Darkness and the trolls rule the world, suddenly the Light appears again? A star is visible far in the East, and it shines brighter than all other stars, threatening to overthrow all my power! Tell me, children, what does this star mean?

Lotta replied:

You raise this star on Christmas night over the city of Bethlehem in the land of Judea and illuminates the whole world.

The king asked:

Why does it shine so brightly?

Fredrik replied:

After all, our Savior was born tonight, and he is the Light that illuminates the whole world. And from this day on, the Light will begin to come, and the days will become longer again.

The king on the throne began to tremble violently, and he asked again:

What is the name of the Owner of the Light and the King who was born that night and appeared to save the world from the power of Darkness?

Jesus Christ, son of God!

Before they had time to utter these words, the mountain shook, and a gusty wind swept through large hall and overturned the royal throne. The star shone over the darkest gorges and crevasses; and all the trolls suddenly disappeared, like shadows or smoke, and there was nothing left on Rastekays except a Christmas tree made of ice, but it also began to flicker and melt. And high in the air were heard angelic voices, they sounded like the music of a harp.

The children covered their faces with their hands, not daring to look up, and they were attacked by something similar to a dream that comes when you are very, very tired. And they never learned more about what happened next in the bowels of the mountain. When they woke up from sleep again, brother and sister were each in their own bed, a fire was burning in the stove, and old Kaisa, who usually woke them up, stood by and hurried:

Get up quickly, you have to get to church!

Fredrik and Lotta sat down and looked at Kaisa in bewilderment. Maybe she's as tall as an aln, too, and she has a beard, and she's going to offer them a little dragon blood and dung beetle peels! But instead of these delicacies, they saw an already set coffee table, where fresh Christmas buns lay on a tray. After all, on Christmas morning, children are treated to coffee, although at other times they do not. And outside the door of the house bells sounded, people rode in long rows to the church, lights were on in all the windows, but the church shone brightest of all.

Fredrik and Lotta looked at each other, because they never dared to tell Kaisa that they were at Christmas with the trolls. Maybe she would not have believed them and made fun of them, saying that they slept all night in their beds.

You don’t know this, and I don’t know, and no one really knows how it all happened. But if you nevertheless know this, and I know it, then we will pretend as if we did not know it. And if, after all, no one knows this, then no one also knows whether you know it. And if I know this, and now you also know that I know what no one knows, it would be nice to know what you know, and if you know more than I know!

Only one thing I know, namely, that eternally disgruntled children always - sooner or later - fall into the hands of the trolls. There they are presented with ice floes, dragon blood and dung beetle peels instead of wonderful gifts which they neglected at home.

Fredrik and Lotta have never been able to forget Christmas at the trolls'. Not only did they lose all the Christmas gifts, they were ashamed of themselves, yes, they were so ashamed that on Christmas morning they did not dare to raise their eyes in church.

It was light and beautiful there, she went downstairs, and lit all the candles, and the star of Bethlehem shone in the cheerful eyes of all the good children. Fredrik and Lotta noticed this, but still did not dare to raise their eyes. They decided to become good children too. Have they kept their oath? I don’t know, but I readily think so.

You will meet them, ask them about it!