If the skin on the head is peeling. How to get rid of flaky scalp. Formation of large flakes

Flaking of the scalp, often referred to as dandruff, is quite common. It can occur in both men and women different reasons, accompanied by other symptoms and causing problems of a cosmetic, psychological and medical nature.

Peeling is expressed in varying degrees: from barely noticeable particles to large flakes crumbling on clothes. This process makes a person wash their hair more often, resort to the advice of doctors and acquaintances. However, this issue is often not resolved quickly. Depending on the factors that provoke the formation of dandruff, treatment can take up to several months.

Why does the scalp flake and what to do to get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon?

Causes of peeling of the head

The appearance of exfoliated particles of skin on the head may be natural. In this case, these particles are very small in size, their appearance is not associated with exposure to external damage and has no accompanying complaints. Often this process observed in children of the first year of life.

The appearance of a large number of exfoliated skin particles may be a sign serious illnesses so don't take it lightly. Prolonged or profuse peeling of the scalp requires the advice of specialists: trichologist, dermatologist, therapist.


Often the development of dandruff can be accompanied by other manifestations of diseases. These include:

  • itching of the scalp;
  • feeling of dryness and tightness;
  • the appearance of scratches, rashes, blisters;
  • change in skin color (redness, discoloration, darkening, jaundice);
  • hair loss (focal and widespread);
  • soreness.

All these Clinical signs may be permanent or intermittent. They indicate that the most likely cause of peeling was a skin disease or internal organs.


As a rule, with problems of the scalp, people turn to a general practitioner or dermatologist. Often, the diagnosis is already made on the basis of a survey with the identification of complaints, provoking factors and examination of the scalp visually, as well as using a dermatoscope. This device allows you to examine the area of ​​interest of the skin and subcutaneous tissue under magnification.

For the diagnosis of fungal and skin diseases, in which the head is peeling, it may be necessary to examine under ultraviolet rays, scraping from the affected areas. With individual intolerance, the allergen is detected using skin tests. By using laboratory tests deficiency of trace elements and liver disease are determined.

Only full examination is able to accurately identify the cause of skin peeling, so do not neglect the passage of procedures.

Treatment for flaky scalp

After passing the examination and making an accurate diagnosis, the treatment tactics for each individual patient are determined. Scalp flaking therapy may include external and internal medicines depending on the cause of the disease.

  1. Antifungal drugs (Sulsen, Ketoconazole, Nizoral, Itraconazole, Clotrimazole). Depending on the diagnosis, they are prescribed by the attending physician in the form of tablets, creams and medicated shampoos.
  2. Emollients (Emolium, Topikrem, Locobase, Mustela, La Cree) are products specially designed to care for very dry skin of the whole body. They include creams, shampoos, foams, oils, emulsions that soften and moisturize the surface of the body and maintain a protective fat barrier.
  3. Antihistamines (Cetrin, Suprastin, Loratadin, Claritin). They are used to combat the manifestations of allergies: itching, swelling, hives.
  4. Vitamin complexes (Vitrum Beauty, Merz Special Dragee, Complivit Radiance, Aevit, Pantovigar) aimed at maintaining healthy skin, hair and nails.
  5. Means against lice (Nyuda, Paranit, Veda, Full Marx). They are produced in the form of shampoos and sprays for hair treatment.

In addition to these drugs good action on the scalp provides physiotherapy treatment. Apply ultraviolet irradiation, the use of high-frequency currents, Darsonval currents. Their action helps to improve the condition of the skin, increase blood flow to it.

Next important step, after observing all medical measures, there will be a selection the right means hair and scalp care. To do this, you need to correctly assess the type of skin, the level of its fat content.

Frequent washing of hair, use of hard brushes and combs can only aggravate the situation and lead to excessive production sebum or dry skin. Therefore, it is very important to establish proper care. To do this, you need to protect your hair and scalp from the action of the sun, solarium, high and low temperatures, aggressive substances. Peels, hair dyes and other products should be used strictly according to the instructions.

Nutrition plays an important role in the condition of the scalp. For the health and beauty of hair, it is necessary to eat fish, nuts, dairy products, raw vegetables and fruits, vegetable oils.

Folk methods of treatment

There are many recipes to improve the condition of the scalp and get rid of dandruff, itching and other complaints. In the first place are a variety of masks:

  • with vegetable oils (olive, castor, burdock, linseed);
  • with honey and lemon juice;
  • from oatmeal, decoction of chamomile and oil tea tree;
  • with kefir and egg yolk;
  • bread;
  • onion.

Baths and rinses with infusions of plants have a good effect: nettle, chamomile, oak bark, calamus, burdock root, coltsfoot, sage, plantain. Helps to get rid of peeling positive action massage on the scalp using peach and apricot oil, tea tree, avocado, grapefruit.

Slanko Anna Yurievna

When translucent flakes begin to fall from the head, many people think that this is dandruff, but in reality it turns out that the skin is exfoliated in whole pieces. These pieces get stuck in the hair, which looks unaesthetic. Most often, this peeling is the result of a fungus. But it is not the only reason similar problems with scalp. If the scalp is flaky - what to do? First of all, you need to understand the reasons causing such a problem.

Causes of flaky scalp

There are several reasons, causing problems with scalp. Here are the main ones:

  • heredity;
  • exposure to sunlight;
  • frequent washing head by aggressive means;
  • allergic reactions to hair care products;
  • beriberi, lack of trace elements in the body;
  • metabolic disease;
  • weak immunity;
  • malnutrition;
  • malfunctions of internal organs, in particular the liver;
  • the presence of skin fungus;
  • Availability various diseases- eczema, psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis.

Important! Some of the causes can be eliminated on their own, but with more serious problems you need to contact a specialist so as not to aggravate the matter even more. In the case of dermatological diseases, self-medication can have bad consequences.

How to deal with peeling?

What to do if the scalp is flaky? If the peeling of the head differs in scale, that is, it is very strong and is accompanied by redness and itching, then you need to contact a trichologist or dermatologist. A competent specialist will prescribe the appropriate treatment and give you recommendations.

Here we list the main remedies and tips on how to take care of the scalp in order to restore it faster. normal condition. But this information is appropriate if you do not have a serious illness and the symptoms are mild:

  • Such a remedy as Sulsena has proven itself very well. It is available as an ointment, cream and shampoo. In order not to provoke addiction, the product must be combined with a regular shampoo that has a neutral pH.
  • If peeling is the result of a fungus, then it is recommended medicated shampoos with ketoconazole, selenium disulfide and birch tar in the composition.
  • Special pharmacy masks will help to normalize the level of moisture.
  • First of all, when such a problem appears, it is worth changing the shampoo. Choose the right shampoo for your hair type, it is desirable that it be hypoallergenic.
  • Strengthen your immunity in every possible way, this is especially true in the off-season.
  • Normalize your diet, try to exclude from it salty, spicy, flour, sweet. It is better to eat more fruits and vegetables.
  • Try to leave time for rest, walk more in the fresh air.
  • Buy hats made from natural, breathable materials and wash them regularly.
  • With slagging of the liver, you can clean it at home - this will benefit not only the liver, but the whole body as a whole.
  • Protect your hair from the cold in winter and from the sun in summer.
  • In the fight against the problem of skin peeling against the background of beriberi, taking a multi vitamin complexes.

Important! Of course, it is difficult to bring into your habitual life so many changes at once. Start small, move slowly in the right direction and your hair will be clean and shiny.

Folk methods

What to do if the skin on the head is peeling? Some causes of peeling can be eliminated by folk methods - with the help of masks that will help moisturize the skin and eliminate irritation.

Onion mask:

  1. Mix the juice of one onion, 20 g vegetable oil and some lemon juice.
  2. Apply this mixture on the scalp, wrap with a towel.
  3. Shampoo after an hour.

Important! If you make such a mask regularly, then your hair will noticeably strengthen, and peeling, if it doesn’t go away completely, will significantly decrease.

Avocado and Egg Mask:

  1. Chop the flesh of half an avocado.
  2. Mix with 2 egg yolks and 40 ml of vegetable or any other oil.
  3. Apply the mixture on your head for 2 hours.
  4. Rinse with a decoction of chamomile or nettle.

Important! This mask is great for itchy scalp.

Mask based on glycerin:

  1. Mix an egg, 15 ml of vinegar, 15 ml of glycerin, 40 ml of castor oil in a glass container.
  2. Apply this mixture all over your hair.
  3. Leave on for 30 minutes, then rinse off.

Cream mask:

  1. Mix half a glass of cream and 20 grams of flour.
  2. Apply the mixture on your head for 30-40 minutes.
  3. wash away clean water without detergent.

Curdled milk mask:

  1. Warm the yogurt and spread over the entire surface of the head.
  2. Wrap with foil, plastic bag or put on a bath cap.
  3. After half an hour, wash off with plain water, without shampoo.

Banana mask:

  1. Mix the pulp of one banana, 60 ml of milk, 30 grams of almond oil, 20 grams of honey.
  2. Mix all the ingredients well, rub the mixture into the scalp.
  3. Rinse your hair well after 40 minutes.

Olive oil mask

What to do if the scalp is dry and flaky? At severe dryness and peeling will help a mask of olive oil. Better to use unrefined olive oil:

  1. Heat the olive oil in a water bath to a temperature of 45-50 degrees.
  2. Mix it with one tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice.
  3. Treat only the scalp if possible.
  4. Leave for 20 minutes.
  5. Rinse your hair with a decoction of nettle and a neutral shampoo.

Important! The course should be 10 masks, with a frequency of 2 times a week.

Headaches can occur for various reasons. Sometimes it's just the body's reaction to some kind of hygiene product or exposure. external factors. It happens that the situation is much more serious and requires long-term treatment. Diseases of the scalp and hair are not so rare. Sometimes their symptoms are extremely severe, but sometimes they are mild and do not cause much concern. Therefore, you need to find out what is causing the peeling of the scalp, and fix the problem.

To begin with, let's figure out what peeling of the skin is. This is the death of the upper layer of cells, which form the sloughing layer. In the body, the natural rejection of dead cells constantly occurs, and this normal phenomenon. At pathological process it happens under the influence various factors. Among the external factors affecting the condition of the skin, the following can be noted. exposure to solar and ultraviolet rays, temperature changes, influence chemicals, mechanical impact, infections (fungi, bacteria, etc.).

Peeling of the scalp can also occur due to a violation of the activity of internal organs (avitaminosis, illness, metabolic disorders, decreased immunity, etc.). Heredity can also cause this problem.

Some causes can be fixed on your own. If it's mismatched cosmetic product, then just change it and carry out a course of treatment, making masks for hair and scalp. But if the problem is more serious, then you should consult a doctor.

Peeling of the scalp can occur in the presence of the following diseases.

Eczema, which manifests itself in the form of the appearance of dry scales.

Various types of lichen. In this case, exfoliation of the epidermis is observed, a change in color skin and hair loss at the site of localization.

Psoriasis. It proceeds against the background of the appearance of foci with reddening of the skin and the formation of plaques on which scales form.

With this disease, yellow fatty scales of dead tissue are formed.

Usually, many skin diseases are accompanied by itching and intense peeling. Skin discoloration, vesicles, and pustules may also occur.
If the cause of peeling was shampoo or hair products, then choose cosmetics for sensitive skin and hypoallergenic.

One of the most common diseases is seborrheic dermatitis. It is characterized by the appearance of eczema, which causes very severe itching. Steroids are used to treat this disease. They are available in the form of mousse or lotion. They must be applied directly to the site of the skin lesion. There are also shampoos healing effect. They include ketonazole and Birch tar, which prevent the fungus from spreading over the surface of the scalp. may occur due to a cold or infection. It can also be caused by severe stress.

There are also hereditary heads and hairs. One of them is called ichthyosis. It manifests itself in the form of the appearance on the head of large hard particles of dead skin, which is characterized by excessive dryness. This disease affects not only hairy part head, but also changes the structure of the nails. It is impossible to completely get rid of this disease. You can only alleviate the condition with the help of local drugs.

Psoriasis can be another condition that causes flaking of the scalp. But psoriasis can spread over the entire surface of a person's skin. For its treatment, an ointment is used, which includes olive oil and urea. There are other means as well.

These diseases can be caused by many factors. But you can partially protect yourself from their effects by observing the rules of personal hygiene.

It happens that for no reason at all, the skin on the head begins to peel off. And this is possible both in adults and in children.

Before looking for ways to solve this problem, you need to understand the reasons. What can cause dryness and flaking?

The main causes of dry and flaky scalp

So, initially find out what could have so affected the structure of your hair and skin changes in the head area.

The list of the most common options for peeling the scalp include:

  1. Very often such troubles happen in the summer when the sun for a long time burns an uncovered head. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, the skin can burn and begin to peel off;
  2. Overdrying with a hairdryer also adversely affects the condition of the scalp;
  3. Allergy to detergents or various varnishes, gels, hair mousses. Usually, in addition to peeling, in this case, itching also appears;
  4. Frequent hair coloring;
  5. Change of climate or water;
  6. Diseases such as eczema, seborrhea, psoriasis;
  7. Fungal lesions of the scalp;
  8. Hypo- and avitaminosis are often the causes of dry skin. In this case, it can peel off everywhere, and not just on the head, and hair and nails become brittle;
  9. Weakened immunity;
  10. Hormonal disorders;
  11. Poor functioning of internal organs (especially the liver);
  12. genetic predisposition;
  13. Stress and chronic fatigue;
  14. Long-term wearing of a headdress made of poor-quality material, and even with insufficient hygiene;
  15. Poor water quality.

In addition, monitor the condition of your skin in other areas. You can find out about the causes of its dryness and treatment.

Causes of peeling skin on the head in children

When the skin on the head of an adult flakes off, it is unpleasant, but tolerable, and when this happens in a child, and even accompanied by itching, he becomes capricious, and you want to save him and yourself from this problem as soon as possible.

At malnutrition mother, the baby may experience an allergic reaction, expressed in the form of crusts on the head.

The reasons similar phenomena may be different than in adults:

  1. In infants, the skin is very delicate, so it can peel off from any external factors: overheating, overdrying (dry air in the house, excess hygiene with soap or potassium permanganate), rubbing with a hat;
  2. With improper nutrition of the mother, the baby may experience an allergic reaction, expressed in the form of crusts on the head;
  3. In summer - excessive exposure to the sun and wind;
  4. Pathology digestive tract can be the cause of peeling in children of any age;
  5. A symptom of a disease (for example, a fungus).

Besides, listed reasons peeling in adults is also possible in children.

How to treat dry and flaky scalp

If the skin on the head of an adult is peeling, then you can try to get rid of this problem yourself, although it is better to consult a dermatologist or trichologist- he will conduct necessary research and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

If the skin on the head of an adult is flaking, then you can try to get rid of this problem on your own, although it is still better to contact a dermatologist or trichologist.

With a child, self-medication is prohibited, except in cases where the cause is objectively known.

For example, mom ate an allergen and got a reaction child's body. In this case, no treatment is required, the mother simply excludes an unnecessary product from her diet, and the child gets better).

Treatment of such a problem can be carried out with the help of drugs, cosmetics or folk remedies.

Medical therapy

Important to remember! Any medications should be used only on the advice of a doctor, otherwise not only the lack of effect, but also complications are possible.

One of the best means to combat problems of the scalp is the drug "Sulsena". It comes in the form of a paste, shampoo or oil.

One of the best remedies for dealing with scalp problems is Sulsena. It comes in the form of a paste, shampoo or oil.

It is aimed at eliminating several problems at once: it fights fungus, regulates work sebaceous glands and reduces the tendency of epidermal cells to exfoliate. At the same time, the itching also decreases and completely stops.

If the reason that the skin on the head of an adult is flaking is a fungus, then fungicidal agents are used: Nizoral, Sebozol and others.

Salicylic oil softens the crusts and makes them easier to remove.

When the allergic nature of peeling is revealed, drugs with antihistamine action are prescribed: Suprastin, Tavegil, Claritin.

In autoimmune origin, immunosuppressants are used: "Cyclosporine" or "Azathioprine".

If the reason that the skin on the head of an adult is flaky is a fungus, then fungicidal agents are used, for example, Nizoral.

Calcium gluconate, together with vitamin D, is often prescribed to improve calcium-phosphorus metabolism, reduce hair brittleness and skin flaking.

Almost always, when such a problem occurs, multivitamins are prescribed.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies can help if the skin on an adult's head is not peeling due to an infection. They will help get rid of itching and dryness and strengthen hair follicles.

When changing the structure of the hair, it is also recommended to use folk methods.

Oil formulations

Burdock oil, applied to the scalp half an hour or an hour before washing, moisturizes, nourishes and fights dandruff.

Olive oil is no less effective. It can be prepared from next composition: to 5 tbsp. l. oil add 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice. This mixture is applied to the head 20 minutes before washing.

You can rub olive oil or linseed oil into the scalp, and then wash it well in the morning.

Oil formulations effectively help fight the problem of dry scalp.

homemade masks

Onion strengthens and nourishes hair, heals the skin. The bulb is crushed in a meat grinder (or with a grater), the pulp is rubbed into the scalp and left for 40 minutes. Then it is thoroughly washed off.

Note! To avoid an unpleasant onion smell, the mask must be washed off with a decoction of oak bark.

An oatmeal mask improves the condition of the scalp. A decoction of chamomile or nettle (1 tbsp. Grass per glass of water, boil for 15 minutes, cool) pour 2 cups of flakes to the state of gruel.

Great for helping with itchy scalp various masks.

The mask is rubbed into the affected skin, covered with cellophane, wrapped in a towel. Washes off after 2 hours.

Another mask for strengthening hair and nourishing the scalp is prepared as follows: 1 egg yolk, 2-3 tablespoons of aloe juice and 3 tablespoons of honey are thoroughly mixed.

This mixture is applied with massaging movements, left on the hair for half an hour. Washes off like all other masks.

Medicated shampoos

You can cook excellent homemade shampoo using soda. It helps to gently remove dead skin cells, and also has an antifungal effect.

For a glass of water you need to take 1 tbsp. l. soda. You can add a drop if you like. aromatic oil for pleasant smell. Wash your hair with this solution daily. After a while, the effect will be noticeable.

Adding aspirin to your regular shampoo will help get rid of dandruff and reduce scalp inflammation. Two tablets are crushed and dissolve well in the shampoo. After foaming the product on the hair, you need to wait 2 minutes, and then rinse.

Another option: 2 egg yolks mix with 1 tbsp. l. vodka and 3 drops of rosemary oil. Massage your hair with this shampoo and rinse warm water.

Cosmetic products

In order for the skin on the head of adults not to peel off, cosmetic companies are also developing various aids. Basically, their action is aimed at eliminating dryness.

With the help of the Brazilian Detox remedy, hair follicles and the structure of the entire hair are strengthened, oiliness and skin flaking are reduced.

Products of the Soothe Plus line with plant extracts soothe irritated sensitive skin heads.

You can normalize the acid-base balance and improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands with the help of shampoos "Kerium La Roche Posay”, “Vichy Dercos”.

Masks that improve hair structure and soften the skin: Dualsenses Scalp Specialist Goldwell, Dry-No-More Scalp Treatment Moroccan Oil.

There are also tonics, lotions and sprays that relieve dryness, itching, hair loss. They can be applied at night or up to 40 minutes before regular wash heads.

Salon treatments for peeling skin on the head

With the help of procedures in a beauty salon, you can improve the blood supply to the scalp and restore its natural balance.

The most commonly used procedures:

  • Mesotherapy. The skin is injected with vitamin cocktails, thanks to which enrichment with microelements and oxygen occurs, skin renewal is accelerated.
  • Massage. It can be done manually or with special devices. This improves blood circulation and general state skin.
  • Peeling. Cleansing of dead cells allows new ones to work more actively. The structure of the hair becomes better.
  • Darsonvalization. Activation of blood circulation and normalization of the natural balance occurs due to the impact of high-frequency currents.

How to take care of your scalp

So that the skin on the head of an adult does not begin to peel off, it must be properly looked after.

Proper nutrition- pledge strong immunity, and consequently, healthy skin and hair. Be sure to eat foods with vitamin A.

Proper nutrition is the key to strong immunity, and therefore healthy skin and hair. Especially useful is the use of oily fish, walnuts and cheese.

With a lack of vitamin A in the body, peeling of the skin, the formation of dandruff and hair loss begin.

1 glass carrot juice per day will help to avoid such problems, as it contains a large number of this vitamin. Moreover, sufficient fluid intake will not allow the skin to dry out.

Usage various means for styling should be kept to a minimum. You need to wash your hair with warm water, as excessively hot dries out the scalp and hair. For the same reason, it is important to reduce the use of the hair dryer.

1 glass of carrot juice a day will help to avoid such problems, as it contains a large amount of this vitamin.

After shampooing, it is advisable to rinse the hair with decoctions of herbs or acidified water. This helps maintain the natural balance. Using a wooden comb promotes healthy hair and scalp.

Compliance with basic hygiene rules (using only a personal comb, individual towel, etc.) will help to avoid infection with fungal and other infections.

Compliance with basic hygiene rules will help to avoid infection with fungal and other infections.

Keeping the scalp healthy is a fairly simple task, only requiring attention and time. If you protect your hair and skin from aggressive factors and at least occasionally pamper them with a mask, then a beautiful appearance and excellent well-being are guaranteed.

The girl in this video will give useful tips on how to get rid of itching, dandruff and dryness of the head in a short time.

This video will introduce you to useful tips how to get rid of dry scalp and hair.

Peeling of the skin on the head in an adult is a fairly common problem that creates a lot of inconvenience. Except unattractive appearance the scalp of a person suffering from this disease may be disturbed constant itching. From this article, you can learn about the causes of flaking of the scalp, and how to deal with it properly.

Causes of peeling skin on the head

Peeling of the skin of the scalp is one of the most common diseases. In the people it has received the name "dandruff". In order to cope with it, it is necessary to understand the causes of the occurrence this disease.

Wrong care

Very often, peeling of the scalp occurs with improper care. One of these reasons is frequent shampooing. This is due to the fact that in order to purify water, I add special chemical compositions, which can adversely affect the health of the hair and skin of the scalp. Another cause of dandruff can be poor-quality or improperly selected cleansers. In this case, there may be allergic reaction on the components that make up the shampoo, which is manifested by severe itching.

fungal diseases

Another common cause of dandruff is fungal diseases. They are of the following types:

  1. Lichen - with this disease, there is a change in the color of the skin and complete hair loss in the affected area;
  2. Eczema - its main symptom is a large number of dead skin scales;
  3. Psoriasis - redness occurs on the affected areas, which are covered with scales;
  4. Seborrheic dermatitis - with this disease, numerous abscesses and vesicles can occur.

If the cause of scalp peeling is one of these diseases, then in no case should you self-medicate. At the first sign of a fungal infection, you should immediately seek help from a dermatologist.


Lack of beneficial trace elements and vitamins in the body can also cause dandruff. Especially often this reason occurs in people who abuse fast food and snacks on the run. In addition, a sharp increase in the number of people suffering from scalp flaking occurs at the end of winter and the beginning of spring, when supplies useful substances come to an end in the body.

Peeling of the scalp: may be a symptom of beriberi, fungal diseases or the result of improper care

Treatment for flaky scalp

Treatment of peeling of the skin of the scalp can be carried out as medicines, and folk remedies.

Treatment of the scalp with drugs

This disease can be treated with special shampoos or complex intake of vitamins.

Medicated shampoos

You can buy medicated shampoos in almost any pharmacy. They will help cleanse the scalp, as well as cope with fungal diseases. These products have a neutral pH level, thanks to which the skin is protected from mechanical overdrying. These shampoos include: Sebozol and Nizoral. Before treatment with these cleansers, a specialist consultation is necessary.

Vitamin complexes

To cope with the peeling of the skin of the scalp, caused by beriberi, will help regular use vitamin complexes with a high content of vitamins A and B. This will avoid the occurrence of dandruff, as well as strengthen the structure of hair and nails. The most popular are vitamins. trademarks: Complivit, Vitrum.

Treatment of the scalp with folk methods

Oatmeal mask

This homemade cosmetic product is one of the most known ways get rid of dandruff. To prepare this mask you will need:

  1. Oatmeal - 1 tbsp;
  2. Sage decoction - 0.25 l.

Put the flakes in a deep glass plate and fill with sage broth. Mix thoroughly and close this composition cover and leave to infuse for 3-5 minutes. Apply the resulting mask along the entire length of the hair, Special attention giving root zone. The time of this cosmetic procedure is 2.5 hours, after which given mass wash off with plenty of warm water. With regular use of this mask, the effect will appear after 10-12 sessions, however, you can notice relief of the symptoms of the disease after the first application.

hazelnut mask

Another effective folk remedy for dandruff is a hazelnut mask. To prepare it you will need:

  1. Hazelnut kernels - 3 tbsp;
  2. Water - 3 tablespoons

Let's start by making the nut puree. To do this, sort out the kernels of pre-peeled hazelnuts and grind with a meat grinder or blender. Add water to the resulting composition and mix thoroughly. The resulting composition is applied along the entire length of the hair, paying special attention to the root zone. This mask apply for 1-1.5 hours, then rinse with plenty of warm water using shampoo.

From this article, you were able to find out what the flaking of the scalp in an adult is, as well as how to deal with it. The main causes of dandruff are improper care for hair, vitamin deficiency and even fungal diseases. To combat them, both medicinal and folk remedies. Please note that before choosing a treatment, you should consult with a specialist.