Journey through the stations to the day of June 1. Scenario of the festive event "Fairytale Journey through the Stations" (Children's Day)

Balalardy қorgau kүnіne arnalғan “Balgyn balalar-bіzdіn bolashagymyz”

cache scripts.




Hosts (in hero costume)
(performed by adults).

Mereke BShzhTO alanynda zhurgiziledi. Music yrgagyn balalar alan boyymen ornalasada.

/ The holiday is held on the street, on the site of the Children's Center.
To the cheerful music, the pupils take places around the perimeter./


Barmysyndar, balalar, barmysyndar!

Zhazda keldi, zhainagan guldi shyndar.

Aldymenen alayik amandasyp,

Armysyndar, barin de, armysyndar

Kaiyrly kun!

Zhureginde zhalyn bar,

Shyrkar asem ani bar,

Sүykіmdі nұr-sәnі bar,

Boyynda akyl, ary bar,

Іzetti de, inabatty,

Bilgir de, talents,


Hello guys! I am very glad to see you again.

Hello, Hello, Hello!
We're glad to welcome you!
How many bright smiles
We see on faces now.
Today the holiday brought us together:
Not a fair, not a carnival!
First summer day of the year.

Today we have with you fun party, dedicated to the day child protection.


Balalards қorgau kүnі, zhaz merekesі құtty bolsyn. Bүgin bіz sendermen oyyn oynap, аn aytyp koңіl koteremiz.


We will sing, play, dance and, of course, wonderful guests will come to us. And I propose to start the holiday with the dance "Helper".

Beginningetsyadancinglinenflash mob/conducted by presenters/

/ Rubbing his hands, with his back to the children, the Pirate enters. He speaks in a sly voice./


Well, I successfully did one more nasty thing: I poured salt into the compote. Let them drink salty compote now! Ha ha ha!

/turns and sees the guys./

Pirate: Aha! This is where I need to be!

Zhurgizushi:"Osynda" degenin kayda?

Leading: Where is "here"?

Pirate: Where, where ... Yes, here, where there are a lot of children. I will make my assistants out of them.

Leading: Who are you?

Pirate: I am the best in the world. You can simply - Pirate. I heard you have some kind of holiday here?

Leading: Not some, but a holiday of all children who have matured, wised up, become big during the school year. We're here to have some fun.

Pirate: Are these big little kids?! Oh, laugh! (Laughs). So I want to give them a dummy to suck. (Gives the children a pacifier.)

Leading: Wait, wait, Pirate, to find out if our guys have really matured, you need to test them in games, in dances, in songs.

Pirate: Check, right? Please! (Pulls out the ball.) Here is the ball. Whoever does not catch him, he did not grow up, but remained a little shorty.

/Starts randomly, deceiving children, throwing them a ball./

Zhurgizushi: Be zharamaydy. Sen balalardy aldadyn.

Leading: Will not work! If you play it, then for real.

Pirate: How is it for real?

Leading: It means - according to the rules. Look, we'll show you the game "How are you?". If you want, we will teach you.

Pirate: Well, we'll see who will teach whom. Well, I don't know that kind of game.

The game "How are you?"/conducted by presenters/

Children use movements to show what is said in the text.

How is it going? - Like this! (exhibit thumb forward)

How are you going? - Like this! (go on the spot)

How are you swimming? - Like this! (imitate swimming)

How do you run? - Like this! (run in place)

How sad are you? - Like this! (sad)

Are you kidding? - Like this! (grimacing)

Are you threatening? - Like this! (threaten fingers at each other)

The game is repeated 3-4 times, each time the pace becomes faster.
The pirate plays incorrectly, the host asks him to see how to play.

Leading: Guys, I know who to introduce a pirate to so that he stops playing pranks and becomes kind and cheerful. With Skomorokh. But in order for him to appear here, you need to laugh out loud, from the heart. Let's laugh together!

/Children laugh. The pirate hides to the side, plugs his ears.
The buffoon Smeshinkin enters to cheerful music (possible with soap bubbles).
Children surround him, catching bubbles./

buffoon: Here I am! I heard laughter and realized that they were waiting for me here. Really guys?

Children: Yes!

buffoon: Do you have a holiday, fun? How I love it all!

Zhurgizushi: Iә, Smeshinkin, bіz bүgіn bаrіmіz kezdesip, kөңіl қөteremіz dep sheshtіk.

Pirate: Yes, how! Shorty babies!

buffoon: Ah, Pirate, are you already here and doing mischief again?

Leading: Can you imagine, Smeshinkin, the Pirate claims that our boys and girls have not learned anything and do not know how to do anything.

/Pirate slyly laughs/.

buffoon: And I think it's quite the opposite. Guys in academic year wasted no time. For example, do you know, Pirate, what to do in the morning?

Pirate: Of course I know! They are still asking. You get up in the morning and immediately start doing all sorts of nasty things, lying and playing pranks.

buffoon: But no! Now we will teach you what to do in the morning.

/Skomorokh conducts comic exercises to cheerful music/

Pirate: It is at school that you are such adults, and in the summer you cannot do without me. What will you do without me - such a pretty, mischievous one?

Zhurgizushi: Bаrіmіzdі zhazda қansha қyzyқtar үтіп ұр!

Leading: Many of you will travel, swim, walk in the woods, sunbathe on the beach, relax in the countryside.

Pirate: Eh, you! It did not work out of you my assistants. Why am I so unlucky?! Why doesn't anyone want to be friends with me?! (Crying).

buffoon: And you still ask?! Yes, you look at yourself: is it possible with such harmful person, on which there is never a smile, find friends?

Leading: But Smeshinkin is right. Only other people are drawn to a kind, cheerful person. Listen, how good good songs our guys will sing to you. Maybe from these songs you, Pirate, will light up a spark of warmth and kindness.

Toconcertseroomand pupils of the circle "Young guitarist", "Kҩңіldi notalar", music class"Dombra".

Pirate: (claps hands). What wonderful songs! I haven't heard these yet!

buffoon: Friends, a miracle happened! Pirate for the first time told the truth!

Pirate: How? It can't be! What is it with me?! Who will I be now if I forget how to lie? (Whines).

Leading: You will become good, kind and cheerful with us.

Zhurgizushi: Sen ozgerip zhaksy, kөnіldі, meyіrіmdі bolsаң bіz sағan basқа еsіm berіz.

Pirate: (embarrassed). Well, I don't know... Can I...

buffoon: You can, you can! And we guys will help you.

Leading: Guys, let's come up with a new Pirate good name.

(Consult with children). Correctly! The guys and I consulted and decided to give you a name ________________________________________________

We think you liked it.

buffoon: But from now on, you will only do good deeds and always smile. I agree?

Pirate: And how to do these good deeds? I dont know.

SkomoroX: Here's one of them to get you started. I collected along the way different colors. But they are unusual. Each of them contains a riddle. Here are some flowers for you, and these for me. Now we will take turns guessing summer riddles for the guys. Deal?

Pirate: I'll try.

/children guess riddles/


Not a bird, but with wings,

The gates went up
Beauty all over the world.
The sun ordered: "Stop,
The Seven Colored Bridge is steep."
The cloud hid the light of the sun,

From the branch to the path
From grass to blade of grass
jumping spring,
Green back. (Grasshopper).

Alenka grows in the grass
In a red shirt.
Whoever passes,

Hat and leg -
That's the whole Yermoshka. (Mushroom).

Sisters stand in the field:

Aspanda аshekeylep keste tіktim, (Kempіrқosақ)

buffoon: Well done boys! And you said our kids don't know anything. Could kids guess such difficult riddles!

Pirate: Now I really see that the guys have grown up and wiser. Do you know why? 'Cause I'm slowly turning into merry friend. I want to cheer you all up and invite you to dance "Zus".

/The guys together with the pirate perform a dance./

buffoon: Well, Pirate, did you like our holiday?

Pirate: Still would! After all, I became completely different!

Leading: Sagan komektesken bizdin balalar.

buffoon: And it's time for the pirate and me to go to our fairyland"Laughter". And as soon as we hear your fervent friendly laughter, we will always be guests.

/Skomorokh introduces the guys to the names of the stations, their tasks, responsible teachers/

Station names:

    Asphalt Drawing Contest - Responsible Teacher

Parkhomenko G.V.

    Bard in a forest clearing - responsible teacher Agymbaeva Z.U.

    Guess the melody - responsible teacher Sadykova G.E.

    Dance paradise - responsible teacher Parkhomenko A.Yu.

/Smeshinkin and Pirate guide the guys through the stations./


Now take the crayons
And on the pavement draw, write,
What is needed for happiness.
Let your drawings be:
Happiness, sun, friendship.

Zhurgizushi: Kymbatty balalar! Senderdi bүgіngі merekenіn kelesі stationlaryn konakka shakyramyz.

/ To the cheerful music, the guys go through the stations. Draw, sing, dance. After the entertainment, sweet prizes are distributed to the children /.


Bizdin merekemiz oz mәresine jetti.


And so our holiday came to an end. But we will meet again.

Balalar shygarmashylyk zhane tarbie ortalygy

Balalards қorgau kүnіne arnalғan

"Balgyn balalar-bіzdin bolashagymyz" atta merekelіk tanymdyқ damytushylyk keshtin


06/01/2015 lived.


Bala bitken sogady, married shardy domalak.

Ұrsan ұshyp zhogary, zherge tүser domalap. (Additional).

Not a bird, but with wings,
Not a bee, but flies over flowers. (Butterfly).

The gates went up
Beauty all over the world.
The sun ordered: "Stop,
The Seven Colored Bridge is steep."
The cloud hid the light of the sun,
The bridge collapsed, but there were no chips. (Rainbow).

From the branch to the path
From grass to blade of grass
jumping spring,
Green back. (Grasshopper).

Alenka grows in the grass
In a red shirt.
Whoever passes,
Everyone bows down. (Strawberry).

Hat and leg -
That's the whole Yermoshka. (Mushroom).

Sisters stand in the field:
Dresses are bleached, hats are green. (Birches).

Aldymda ar turinen zhibek zhiptin,

Aspanda ashekeylep keste tiktim. (Kempirkosaқ)

Hello teachers and parents! Soon there will be another holiday dedicated to our wonderful children. After all, children are everything. So, it seems to be said in a Russian proverb.

In anticipation June holiday I suggest you prepare in advance and purchase everything you need for a fun and mischievous children's program. Take ready-made materials for scripts and fun with jokes and jokes. To make this day unforgettable for our beloved children.

After all, they are looking forward to this meeting. Concerts and, of course, games and entertainment will take place in all city parks. It will be fervent, there will be a lot of babble and laughter, how wonderful it is ...

And in this, it will be the merit of adults, perhaps teachers or educators, as well as the organizers of this celebration. Make your own adjustments in the proposed notes for the desired age group and enjoy every moment, because such memories will be priceless later.

In general, give little people a holiday, fill it with smiles. Invite fairy-tale or cartoon characters and this will leave an unforgettable imprint in the memory of the child.

With the onset of such a date, they also begin summer vacation. Everyone rejoices from small to large. Usually a plan or program of activities for the whole day is drawn up. So it was and always is. So join.

This event will be attended by 2 presenters.
Any suitable children's melody sounds, for example, from any favorite cartoon or about childhood. Then turn on I am you, he, she ...
Presenter1: Hello boys and girls! Hello to all those who have a hundred freckles on their noses, and those who have none. Hello everyone with pigtails sticking out in different sides, everyone with curly forelocks and pretty bangs.
Host 2: Hello, elegant, cheerful, happy. Today I can congratulate you all - it's come - it's time for the holidays, and the holidays are great!
Presenter 1: Dear friends, so the long-awaited holiday of the sun has come for us, the most long holiday- Sunny Summer Festival! Every day summer calendar red, because every day of summer is joy, relaxation, fun! And most importantly - it's a peaceful sky above us!
Host 2:
Peace in every home, in every Country!
The world is May on the planet!
The world is the sun on our earth
Peace is needed for adults and children.
Presenter 1:
The sun will go out again in the evening,
And never the sun of friendship!
Let humanity walk
Dear peace and labor.
Host 2:
Let's join hands
And we will value friendship
Under the flag of the multicolored rainbow
Our memory must live forever!
Host 2: Today is the first day of summer. This day is dedicated International Day protecting children and maintaining peace on earth. This day is dedicated to you, dear children. And here is the first congratulations. Show any musical performance, voice the singers.
Presenter 1: We are glad to see everyone today. Today such people of our ____________________ came to greet you
Host 2:
Guys! When we meet, I remember
First things first, get to know each other!
Presenter 1:
And now your help guys is needed:
Call your names in chorus! (guys call)
Host 2: Well, we got to know each other! We have prepared for you an interesting holiday program called "Let's join hands!". Now, in order to become completely friends, we need to start some kind of common cause. Well, for example, I will make riddles for you, and you will solve them all together. Do you agree? (Yes).


1. What kind of baby is born with a mustache? (Kitty).
2. Where are cities without houses, rivers without water, forests without trees? (on the map).
3. They beat him, but he doesn’t cry, he just jumps up and down? (ball).
4. Meows, not a cat, who is it? (cat).

5. From which ladle do they not drink, do not eat, but only look at it? (constellation Ursa Major).
6. Why do cats like to eat raw meat? (can't cook).
Presenter 1: I now propose to test your attentiveness. I pronounce the lines, and you must correctly answer. Go?
Above the forest, the sun's ray went out - The king of beasts sneaks ... (lion)
Here's a riddle for kids: Who is the cat afraid of? .. (dog)
Curled up in a ball, come on, prickly on all sides ... (hedgehog)
He has a big ears. He loves to eat brooms. He is powerful and full of strength - Insatiable ... (elephant)
Sing songs under the moon Sat on a twig ... (nightingale)
Who loves to run on branches? Of course, laughing ... (squirrel)

He beats like a drum. Sitting on a pine tree ... (woodpecker)
He knows a lot about raspberries, the owner of the forest, terrible ... (bear)
The proud bird found beauty in the tail ... (peacock)
He is a large and large bird. He has a nest in the mountains. Among the birds, he is the strongest. This is a bird ... (eagle)
You look at a friend - How many eyes a friend has ... (two)
The tail was tucked up and not a lamb, but ... (wolf) went into the forest
He was a thundercloud. I went to battle with Piglet! He loved honey the most. Little baby ... (Winnie the Pooh)
I was able to find a friend for myself Who watched "Well, wait a minute!".
He knows a lot about tricks good friend our gray ... (hare)
Everyone should know this: The cat's paws are exactly ... (four)
If the head is full of knowledge, It means that you will get at school ... (five)
Can't count and write
So at school you will get ... (two)
Presenter 1: We played great! All mysteries are well solved! So we are all a friendly team and friends! There is nothing better than a holiday with friends! True, children! And now it will team game. And for this we have prepared tokens of three colors. Everyone will take for themselves, and, according to the received color, 3 teams are formed.
(break into teams to cheerful music)
Host 2: Give each team a name. You are given 1 minute to complete.
Presenter 1: So, we voice what we came up with.
Host 2: Today you have to participate in various competitions, where interesting tests await you, and a highly respected jury will evaluate the performance of tasks, consisting of: Director _________________, Deputy for _________________________________
Presenter 1: Attention, let's start. The first contest to test your physical fitness- it's a relay "Kangaroo". All teams play.

Rules: hold the ball between your knees and jump to the line and back, pass the ball to another player. Whichever team completes the task the fastest is the winner.

Host 2: The next competition is "Tricky Quiz". Each team in turn is asked a question, for the correct answer the team receives 1 point.

Tricky Quiz Questions

1. How long does it take to boil a hard-boiled egg: two, three or five minutes? (Not at all, it's already cooked.)
2. How to correctly read the word "humor"? (From left to right.)
3. The staircase of the house consists of five flights, each of which consists of twenty steps. How many steps do you need to climb to get to top floor? (All.)
4. When it is needed, they give it away, and when it is not needed, they raise it. What's this? (Anchor.)
5. How many d's do you need to make a big pile of hay? (One hundred - g.)
6. How does it all end? (Letter "yo".)
7. What does Boris have in front, and what does Gleb have in the back? (letter "b")
8. A grandmother was carrying 100 eggs to the market, and the bottom (one) fell. How many eggs are left in the basket? (No one.)
9. Why do you go to bed when you want to sleep? (By gender)
10. What tree does a crow sit on after rain? (on wet)
11. Which month is shorter than the others? (May is only three letters.)
12. Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, he can't speak.)
13. What kind of fabric cannot be used to sew a shirt? (Railway.)
14. What can be seen from eyes closed? (Dream.)
Presenter 1: Applause to all participants! Completed the task. And we continue! I want to know if you watch cartoons? Remember the blind and the lame from the Russian cartoon! (Fox Alice and cat Basilio from "The Adventure of Pinocchio")
Correctly! And now you have to play the role of a fox Alice and cat Basilio. This is the next task.
Host 2: Team members are divided into pairs. In each pair, one participant is blindfolded, and he puts his hand on the shoulder of his partner, who in turn bends one leg at the knee and holds it with his hand. In this position (one is blind, the other is lame), they must reach the turning mark and return to the start, passing the baton to the next pair. Whichever team does it the fastest wins.
Presenter 1: Now let's have some fun! Do you guys know such a game - aram-zam-zam? Who does not know, we will teach him now. The rules are simple: now the music will play, and you all repeat the movements after me. I suggest you play it. Turn on the composition aram-zam-zam.
Host 2: And now we will test your ingenuity in the competition "Shifters". Each team is given a piece of paper with "turnovers" of lines from poems. Try to remember and unravel the lines of the poems. Runtime 3 minutes.
1. You hate my cow (I love my horse..)
2. Your Danya laughs softly (Our Tanya cries loudly ..)
3. One granny wove over the door early in the morning (Three girls under the window spun late in the evening ..)
4. Black poplar above your door (White birch under my window ...)
Presenter 1: You need to warm up a bit and the next task for you will be sports again. "Pass the ball over the top". Teams line up in three columns, at a short distance from each other. Legs slightly wider than shoulders. Hands up. The team captains have the ball. At the command of the leader, the participants pass the ball over the top. As soon as the ball hits the last standing participant, the task changes. Now you need to pass the ball from hand to hand from below. Rolling the ball on the floor is prohibited by the rules. The team whose captain has the ball first wins.

Host 2: But now take a break! The name _________ has prepared a gift for you. Solo gymnastic number. We meet!
Presenter 1: And now the contest is called "Night Driver". Teams are divided into two people. The first two participants: the driver and the navigator. The driver will have to drive at night without lighting, so the player is blindfolded. But first, the driver is introduced to the freeway made from sports skittles. Having handed the steering wheel to the driver, the leader offers to practice and drive so that not a single column is knocked down. The player is then blindfolded and led to the steering wheel. The participant - the navigator gives a command - a hint where to turn to the driver, warns about dangers. When the path is completed, the driver's eyes are unleashed. And the participants return to the start. Then the next 2 members of the team “ride”. The first team to complete the task is the winner.
Host 2: And now a very difficult test awaits you - a river is spread out in front of you, and you need to get over it. To do this, you have a ferry (a hoop that lies at a distance from the teams). The first participant runs to him, takes and puts on himself, then runs to the team, takes one participant with this hoop, and they run to the finish line, return, take the next participant and so on, until the whole team is at the finish line.
Presenter 1: What wonderful boys and girls we have! Everyone knows, everyone can. I have a suggestion: while the jury members are summing up the results, let's all sing together the old well-known song “They teach at school”, but on new way. Children are invited to sing along only the chorus, which consists of one phrase "It's possible in the summer!".
The song "It's possible in the summer!"
(Song to the tune "They teach at school")
Do not wear a warm scarf
And walk until dark!
Collect all friends in the morning
And get out of the yard!
Children: It can be in the summer, it can be in the summer, it can be in the summer!
Everyone roam the city!
Well, don't go to school!
send messages,
Play on the computer!
Children: Maybe in the summer! Maybe in the summer! Maybe in the summer!
Open a good book
Don't forget the letters!
Children: Maybe in the summer! Maybe in the summer! Maybe in the summer!
meet classmates
And miss school!
Children: Maybe in the summer! Maybe in the summer! Maybe in the summer!
Host 2: And our program has come to an end. All-all radiant smiles and Have a good mood! Because today is a really good day - Children's Day! We wish you a good time in the camp, have a great rest in the summer, guys! And now the floor to the members of the jury.
Completion of the event summing up the awards.

Here is such a glorious holiday that can be tripled on a street playground, or in a park, as well as in an educational institution.

Also, in my piggy bank there are developments from different sites in Word format, for those who need it, please contact and write a comment at the bottom of the article, I will definitely send it to your email for free.

We organize an event for Children's Day on the street

If you want to see your kids happy, give them a game and contests, it is in them that they open up and you can learn more and more about them every time. You will see leadership skills, their character, cohesion and much more.

And most importantly, that they will all be satisfied and tell you thank you so much. Can buy more small gifts which will make this event even more interesting.

Cheerful children's music sounds on the street playground. The site is festively decorated. The hosts meet the children.

1 presenter: The long-awaited summer has come. And today we all gathered together to meet wonderful holiday- Children Protection Day. And we meet him today, because today is the first day of summer.
Today is June 1st.
First day of colorful summer
He brought us together, friends.
Holiday of childhood, songs, light,
A holiday of peace and kindness!
Presenter: We dedicate this holiday to the most beautiful on earth - to you, dear children!
This day is dedicated to you, dear children!
Meet June 1 everywhere
After all, this is the day of protection of all children.
You children are the future of our country.
I really want you to be happy and enjoy life.
Therefore, today we will sing a lot, dance and have fun.
1 presenter:
We celebrate the holiday of summer
Festival of the Sun, Festival of Light!
To ring out cheerful laughter,
The child did not cry
The sun shines for everyone
It shines the same.
2 Presenter:
The sun will open the day for us
golden key,
To get on the ground
To each a ray.
1 Presenter:
The sun's bright rays
Summer welcomes everyone
frolic with us
Summer invites.
Presenter: Are you guys happy that summer is here? Then meet Summer. Summer appears to the music in a bright sundress and a hat decorated with flowers.
My hello to you, preschool children!
I am the red summer, I am rich in the sun.
His flowers are in my wreath.
Love everything!
1 Lead: Guys, let's say hello to Summer.
1 child:
We enjoy this meeting!
We love sunbathing in the summer
And lie in the sun.
Summer: Guys, what else do you like to do in the summer?
2 Child: Glad in the summer I swim
And sunbathing on the beach.
3 Child: And ride big
Play badminton with my sister.
4 Child: After reading a good book
Take a nap in a hammock in the heat.
5 Child: Hello, hello, our summer!
We enjoy this meeting!
We will eat berries, fruits,
Products necessary for children.
Summer: Guys, what kind of berries and fruits do you like to eat?
D / game "Fruits, vegetables"
Summer: Guys, I want to give you advice:
If I give good advice,
You clap your hands.
On not right advice
Say the word "No!"
Always have to eat
For your health
More sweets, candy
And less porridge.
Well, is my advice good? (Not.)
Do not gnaw a cabbage leaf,
It's not very tasty at all.
Better eat chocolate
Waffles, sugar, marmalade,
Is this the right advice? (Not.)
Forever remember
dear friends,
Without brushing your teeth
It's time to go to sleep.
If my advice is good
You clap your hands! (Children do not clap.)
you brushed your teeth
And go to sleep
grab a bun
Sweet in bed.
Is this the right advice? (Not.)
2 Presenter: Hello, hello, our summer!
We enjoy this meeting!
We will be in the water ... .. what to do? (splash),
Let's sport…… what to do? (study).
1 Presenter: That's right, kids. Good for warm summer
Right from the dawn
Play games together
Warm up, rest.
Guys, are you ready?
Children. Yes!
Summer: Everyone woke up, stretched! Well done! Now let's get to the fun stuff. Children stand in a circle and do exercises to cheerful music together with a physical education instructor.
1leader: One and two! And it's all right!
It will rain - no problem!
The one who does the exercises
Never get sick!
2 leading. Oh, look, the rain is jumping along the path towards us on a thin, thin leg.
How good it is to be rain
And rejoice without words
When the rain knows
Why is he going.
(waters the kids from a watering can-sprinkler ...)
2 Presenter: Guys, another guest came to us. Do you know who he is? Dr. Aibolit.
Music sounds, Aibolit enters.
Aibolit: Hello guys, I really want to know from you: is there any dirty here now?
And unwashed, unkempt children. I will not tolerate sluts at the holiday (checks whether everyone is clean and tidy).
I have riddles for you:
If your hands are in wax,
If blots sat on the nose
Who then is our first friend
Removes dirt from the face and hands (soap)
Without what can a mother not cook, not do laundry? (Water)
To rain from the sky, to grow ears of snow
To cook kissels
So that there is no trouble -
We cannot live without .... (water)
Smooth, fragrant, washes clean (soap)

I walk, I wander not through the forests
And in the mustache and hair
And my teeth are longer
Than wolves and bears ... .. (comb)
Lie in your pocket and watch
Roaring, crying and dirty
They will wipe away the streams of tears,
Do not forget about the nose ... (handkerchief)
To grow and mature
Not by the day, but by the hour
We need to do physical education.
1leader: Our children Aibolit are engaged in physical education, so they are strong and strong. Want to make sure?
The game "Pull the Rope"
The game "Liana"
(Two adults hold a stretched tape, children crawl under it, gradually lower the tape lower and lower)
6 Child:Since childhood we love
play and laugh
From childhood we learn
To be kind.
7 Child: That's how it always stays
To smile and make friends!
2 Presenter: Guys, let's stand in a circle and sing a song that will put smiles on everyone's faces.
Children sing the song "Smile".
1 presenter: Guys, and now we will shout a little, if you agree with me, say "YES"
- Is the mood great? - Yes!
- Is the company good? - Yes!
Does everyone think so? - Yes!
Does everyone go on holiday in the summer? - Yes!
- Did we manage everything? - Yes!
- Did we make it everywhere? - Yes!
Can we make friends? - Yes!
Will we beat our opponents? - Yes!
- do you know how to play? - Yes!
So let's get started!
2 Presenter: And now I propose to play the game "How are you?"
The game "How do you live
Children use movements to show what the text says.
How is it going? - Like this! (put thumb forward)
How are you going? - Like this! (go on the spot)
How are you swimming? - Like this! (imitate swimming)
How do you run? - Like this! (running on the spot)
How sad are you? - Like this! (sad)
Are you kidding? - Like this! (grimacing)
Are you threatening? - Like this! (threaten fingers at each other)
The game is repeated 3-4 times, each time the pace becomes faster.
1 presenter: We got a little bored
We need to dance
Remove our show!
Turning in a circle
We dance boogie woogie
2 Presenter: I suggest you don't stop. And play a little...
And now we will play a game. If you agree with me, clap your hands and say yes, if you don't agree, stomp your feet and say no.
There are none scattered among you. (They clap.)
Everyone is careful with us. (They clap.)
Carp live in the river. (clap) and say yes
Mushrooms grow on pine trees. (Stomp.) and no
The bear loves sweet honey. (They clap.)
A steamboat is in the field. (Stomp.)
The rain has passed - there are puddles. (They clap.)
The hare and the wolf are close friends. (Stomp.)
The night will pass - the day will come. (clap)
Mom is too lazy to help you. (stomp)
The holiday was spent together. (They clap.)
And you won't go home. (Stomp.)
1 presenter: The guys ripen watermelons in the summer and I suggest playing the relay.
Relay "Salting watermelons"
We need a big garbage bag, in the lower corners of which we make holes for the legs. From each team, one participant is selected - he will be the barrel. This participant puts the bag on himself, like pants, sticking his legs through the cut holes. Hands holding the edge of the package. The rest of the participants must collect balls (watermelons) and put them in a barrel. The team that pickles the most watermelons wins.
8 Child: We paint on asphalt
colorful crayons
I am Malvina in a long dress,
With lace sleeves.
9 Child: Olya - the king on the throne
In a scarlet robe, in a crown.
Dima - sea, steamer
And Serezha is a helicopter.
2 Presenter: Whose drawing will come out better
The asphalt was dull, boring
Become festive, cheerful
Quiet courtyard in the kindergarten.
1 Lead: Do you guys want to make the courtyard cheerful, festive, colorful?
Then pick up the crayons and decorate the asphalt of our kindergarten your drawings.

Like this interesting idea I hope someone will use it and hold it this year.

Holiday script for a village club or recreation center

Of course, such work should be approached very responsibly, so I propose to look at these two stories and decide. The room can be any, and the school and the garden, it is better, of course, to spend it on the street, but if the weather does not allow it, move to a secluded place.

There are many ideas, but you have to choose one. Here Pinocchio pleased with his tricks. Good luck!

Fun with games and competitions

We move on and propose to consider another wonderful game program with different interesting views activities. You can modify it and include something else of your own or add games for your age category.

In principle, competitions and tasks are recommended for preschoolers and students. lower grades. If you specifically need options, such as middle or high school preparatory groups kindergarten. Then write, I will send my entire collection, below under the note.

For the smallest, for the second youngest, there is also one development of the holiday. All materials are taken from other Internet sites and are distributed free of charge.

But for the students primary school in my opinion, it’s even easier to conduct and find, because the children are already big and they won’t be able to master and present any games great work. Summaries of events are also available in my methodical piggy bank.

Leading: Hello summer! Hello summer!
Everything is warm with bright light!
Hello white daisy!
Hello little bug!
Hello! Hello kids!
Let's say cheers for the holiday!
Today is the first day of summer. This day is dedicated to the International Children's Day and the preservation of peace on earth. This day is dedicated to you, dear children.
The music is changing (Carlson's exit).
How beautiful, smart, funny you all are today!
Children, do you know that there are a lot of sunny days in summer?
And for the day to be sunny, the sun must shine.
Let's all call the sun together:
The sun looks out the window
Lights up in our room.
We clapped our hands
Very happy with the sun.

(Bring in a hoop and gymnastic sticks, the music changes)
Guys, let's play with you. To make the circle look like our sun, what is missing?
Carlson invites children to make a sun out of a hoop and gymnastic sticks.
Well done kids, they got the job done quickly. What sun do you have?
Children's answers:Beautiful, yellow, bright, round.
Carlson: Children , I have in stock for you another very interesting game. See what I have? (Carlson takes out a huge candy from his pocket).

Children: Candy!
Carlson: Correctly! I suggest you play. Let's do big circle. Now the music will sound, and you must pass the candy in a circle, and when the music stops, the one who has the candy in his hands will come out to dance with me.
The game "Candy in a circle"
(music by Barbarika "Caramelka")
Leading:Well done children, how clever you are, how well you dance. Look, guests have come to us, let's clap and say hello loudly!
Our guests want to play with you too! Do you mind?!
Well then, I suggest that we all dance together, invite guests to the circle! (music-song with movements).
Leading: D children, look, it seems that Carlson has something else prepared for you.
Carlson runs out with a bag containing toys. He calls one child to him and asks the child to take out 1 toy from the bag, name it (animal toys, for example a dog) and show everyone how the dog barks, etc. (Music changes).
Carlson: again invites guests and offers to give gifts and draw with children. (Music for drawing on asphalt).
Conclusion: Leader : distributes toys to children together with Carlson (to the music I draw).

And plus, I suggest looking at these little cards with games that can become your helpers for every day to organize summer activities in kindergartens and schools on summer grounds.

Festive program for kindergarten children

Without them, they are boring and not fun, so change clothes and amuse the audience.

Travel around the world with Dunno

Under B. Savelyev's song "Big round dance" children gather on the site in groups.

Leading: If there are thunderstorms in the sky
If the grasses bloomed
If early morning dew
Blades of grass are bent to the ground,
If warmed by the sun
All the water in the river to the bottom -
So it's already summer!
It's time for us to have fun!
Dear children, these summer days our whole vast country celebrates the holiday. Do you know what? (Children answer.) Correctly! This is CHILDREN'S DAY holiday, and on this day we have many surprises for you ...
Dunno enters (with balloons). Music "Long live the surprise!"
Hello, kids
Girls and boys!
You all recognized me here
Who came to you, guess?
Come on, answer quickly! (Children answer.)
I am your great friend - Dunno.
And I flew to you balloons from the big Sunny City, where my short friends live, to congratulate you on the holiday. But I liked flying so much that I want to invite you to fly with me and see how children around the world have fun in other countries in the summer. Do you want to travel with me? (Children answer. ) Well, then let's go!(Dunno distributes bundles of balls to the teachers of each group, music of choice.)We must say together...
Together: Let's fly on balloons
Let's fly the whole planet together
Let's all see now...
Dunno: American state of Texas!
America, America, high forest houses!

Let's fly to America, look at the world of wonders!
And there are a lot of cowboys in Texas. They wear big hats and ride horses.
Cowboy exit. Country music.
Dunno: What language do the children speak here?
Cowboy: In English, or rather, in American, which is very similar to English, but still a little different!
Dunno: Guys, does anyone know English songs?(Children answer. Poems and songs are performed in English).
Dunno: I I also want to become a cowboy and ride horses, do you want to? (Children answer.)
Game "Riders"(jumping on big balls).
Dunno: Now let's all become a little bit cowboys! Cowboy dance.
Dunno: Well done! But it's time for us to say goodbye to America and fly on! Children wave goodbye.
Attention! Attention! I see many islands
On the horizon - Australia,
I can hardly forget
That mainland, Australia,
Where very often in the morning
Kangaroos are jumping somewhere
And in the bags - a lot of kangaroos
They sit on their bellies...
But something frowns the sky, we are caught in a thunderstorm and a storm. Look what waves! Save yourself!
The game "Wave" (the noise of the waves).
Children need to run "under the wave" during the time that 2 or 4 teachers raise light fabric(approximately 3x4m) blue-green.
Dunno: How can we get to Australia? Oh look who is this? (Shows an inflatable dolphin, the children answer).
In the silence of the deep sea
A dolphin swims quietly.
He is resourceful and smart
He knows how to speak!
Dolphin ("Microphone" voice):
Swim with me! (children “swim” around the playground behind the dolphin).
Dunno: Well, here is Australia, I see the main tree - the tallest. This is eucalyptus. Znayka told me that it is medicinal, a decoction of eucalyptus leaves is used to treat a throat with a cold. These leaves are very fond of small koala bears, who live only here in Australia. Other animals live here, which are not found anywhere else. Guess what?(Echidna, platypus, kangaroo.)
He has a big mouth
You can't count her teeth
He loves water and silt, but is he called? .. (Crocodile)
Someone in a bag carries matches
Someone - the right things,
Someone books and a game
And the kids? .. (Kangaroo)
Do you want to be a kangaroo?
Jumping kangaroo game. Attributes of the game: basket with balls, 4 aprons, 4 hoops. 4 children are playing.
In the center of the site is a large basket with smallballs ("kangaroos"), each child stands in a hoop. With the beginning of the music, each player (“kangaroo”) in an apron runs to the basket and carries the “kangaroo” ball in the apron, lays it out inside his hoop, then counts the transferred balls. Who is more? Then the next four play, after that, the next players collect the balls from the hoop, transfer them to the basket, lay them out and count.
Dunno:Did you like Australia? (Children answer.) But it's time for us to fly further!

Let's fly on balloons
Let's fly the whole planet together
Let's look at Asia!
"Eastern" musical theme(optionally).
Dunno: Attention! Attention! Landing! Asia below us!
They take out a flat jug to the height of a person, covered with a cloth; hiding behind a jug
Dunno: Guys, do you know what the word Asia means? This is the East! The sun rises in the East, and the children of the East meet the sunrise much earlier than in Europe and America. Oh, look what a beautiful jug!
The fabric is removed from the jug, music sounds. Hottabych appears (sneezes, blows up the cracker).
Dunno:Who are you, respectable old man? Hottabych: I am Gasan Abdurakhman ibn Khottab, I have not been weak in health for five hundred years.
The song "Ha-ha-ha - Hottabych".
Dunno:Dear Hottabych! You are the almighty genie, show us what wonders there are in Asia!
Hottabych: Well, look! (Plays on a pipe, a snake appears from a jug.)
The game "Catch the snake by the tail." Music by choice.
Each group of children stands in a “snake” (one after another), and the Host tries to catch the last child (“tail”), whose task is to dodge.
Dunno:Thank you, but we have to move on.
Have a good journey, oh dearest children!
All together: Goodbye!
Let's fly on balloons
Let's fly the whole planet together...
Dunno: Africa is under us,
Right under your feet!
big crocodiles
Swimming in the river
And lion cubs with a lush mane
They play on the sand.
And who else lives here, guess!
What kind of horses
All the vests? (Zebras)
I wake up early
I swing on my tail,
I'm a funny hooligan
And my name is? .. (Monkey)
Let's all turn into monkeys together!
Chunga-changa dance
Dunno:Well, now it's time for us guys to return to Europe, to our home country- Russia. But it takes a long time to fly over Europe, 33 countries need to be flown: Norway, Finland, Sweden, Belgium, Poland, Hungary and many others. You turn around and return to Russia! (children whirl, flight music) Well, here we are at home. Let's shout together:"Hooray!"
Leading:My homeland, my Russia! How can I tell you that I love you, this sea, this blue sky, this life in my native land!
Song about Russia.
If they say the word "Motherland" - it immediately comes to mind
An old house, currants in the forest, a thick poplar at the gate.
By the river there is a birch - a shy ... and a chamomile hillock.
And others will probably remember their own, cozy courtyard.
In the puddles the first boats, where recently there was ice
And a big neighboring factory loud, joyful whistle.
Or the steppe from poppies is red, golden virgin ....
The homeland is different, but it is the same for everyone! (Z. Aleksandrova).
Dance "Birches"
Leading: And what is your Russia famous for? Russian kind people, Russian nesting dolls, a white birch, and also our Russia is strong, strong, powerful, like a bear. No wonder in many countries the bear is considered a symbol of Russia. What bear stories do you recognize?(Children answer.) Look, a bear is coming towards us, he is carrying a box.
Mashenka and a life-size bear puppet come out.
Masha:We were in such a hurry with Mishenka,
Your gifts have been taken.
Oh, how much fun you have
Legs are torn to dance!
Dunno : Bear, Bear, dance, Show your prowess!
Dance "Kalinka"
Presenter: And we continue the holiday, and dance, do not get bored!
Dance FLASHMOB (Bambariki)
Dunno:This is where our journey ended. We flew around the world, learned a lot of interesting things.
Let's take care of the country
There is no other like it in the world.
Let us scatter clouds and smoke over it,
We won't let anyone hurt her.
We will decorate all of Russia with gardens, flowers,
We need such a Russia!
And now let everyone make a wish, and we will release the balloons into the sky, like a festive fireworks.
Final dance
Dunno: And Masha and Misha have prepared gifts for you. In Russia they liked to drink tea with pies. So Mishka brought you pies, he didn’t even eat a single one on the way. (Pies are handed out from the box).
And now, guys, it's time for me, other kids are waiting!
(Dunno says goodbye and leaves).

And you can use the most favorite character, this is Babu Yaga. Absolutely everyone loves her. After all, she is mischievous and so funny.

Ah, Summer!

Leading:Oh, how many of us have gathered here. And why, you know? The guys will tell us now!
Child 1. We celebrate the holiday of summer
Festival of the sun, festival of light.
Come visit us.
We are always glad to have guests.

child 2. Birds will fly to the festival
Woodpeckers, swallows, tits.
Will click and whistle
Sing songs with us.

Child 3. Dragonflies buzz around
Smile poppies, roses.
And the tulip will dress
In the brightest sundress.

Child 4. We celebrate the holiday of summer
Festival of the sun, festival of light
Sun, sun, brighter gray
The holiday will be more fun.

Child 5. The first day of summer, become even brighter!
Meet the first of June everywhere!
After all, this is the Day of protection of all children,
People celebrate it for a reason!
Child 6.The sun warmed us with a beam,
We invite all our friends to visit.
Let's dance merrily
Meet the red summer!

Child 7. First day of colorful summer
He brought us together, friends.
Festival of the sun, festival of light,
Holiday of happiness and kindness!
Child 8. On this day the birds chirp
And the sky brightens
And daisies with cornflowers
They lead a round dance in the field.

(Summer appears to the music)
Summer. I am woven from the heat
I carry warmth with me
I warm my hands
"Swim! "- I invite,
And love for it
You are all of me. I am Summer!
Hey guys, what's that noise? I think we have guests.
Baba Yaga:Hello little ones!
Oh my legs are tired
Long to you I
was going to
And dressed up beautifully.
Scraped off the dirt
From the body
I put on the best dress
I combed my hair with a fork,
Picked her teeth with a match.
No scissors in the house
Bit my nails
I had to.
Here for the holiday
I came,
You recognize me, friends!
Yes, Baba Yaga is me!
Shakes hands with everyone.
Baba Yaga.Do you want to play? Then repeat after me.
Game "Repeat"
How do you live? - Like this! (children put their thumbs forward)
How are you going? - Like this! (children walk in place)
How are you sailing? - Like this! (children imitate swimming)
How do you run? - Like this! (run in place)
How sad? - Like this! (sad)
Are you kidding? - Like this! (grimacing)
Do you threaten? - Like this! (threaten fingers at each other)
Baba Yaga:Oh, what is that sound coming from my purse). This is my cheerful tambourine, he cannot resist if there are many children nearby. Will you play with him?
Children: Yes!
Baba Yaga:Then listen to the rules!
Game-dance "Merry tambourine"
While the music is playing, it is necessary to pass the tambourine from hand to hand, to each other.
The music will stop, and the one who has a tambourine in his hands, dances with a tambourine in his hands to cheerful music, like this (shows). Clear?
Baba Yaga: How fun I am! And you?
Children: Yes!
Baba Yaga:Well, that's too much! After all, I'm still Baba Yaga, and I don't like it when it's very fun. You need to spoil your mood! I love to grumble, this is mine favourite hobby. Now I will grumble at you, and you will have to answer!
Game - grumble "It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!"
Baba Yaga:Answer loudly, amicably: "it's me, it's me, these are all my friends."
answer loudly, but
There is one condition:
Somewhere you say nothing
And where it is necessary - there shout!
- Which of you, tell me, children, whole year dreamed of summer?
“Which of you will find out now, is dying of boredom here?”
- Who in the forest, on the river, in the field likes to play in the open?
- In the summer, who surprises everyone - is he lying in bed resting?
- Who, I want to know from you, likes to sing and dance?
- Which of you does not walk gloomy, loves sports and physical education?
“Which one of you kids walks dirty to the ears?”
Baba Yaga:Wow, how well they grumbled, it even became easier for me. Actually, I had fun with you guys! I decided that I would no longer be mischievous, I would have fun. Promise that you will always be friendly and cheerful, then I will fly to you again. Goodbye, guys.
Play it Summer
Relays with us!
1 relay: Relay "Bees".
Opposite each team are " flower meadows". Children are "bees". The first in the columns run on a signal with buckets “to collect honey from flowers”, run around the flowers, return back just running, pass the bucket to the next one.
2nd relay: Relay "Grasshoppers".
On a signal, the first in the team jumps on two legs to move to the pin-point, run around it and return to their teams in a regular run, passing the baton to the next one.
3rd relay: Relay "Caterpillar".
Children in columns hug each other by the waist and, at a signal, run in teams, trying not to let go of each other, run around the landmark and come back.
Dance-game "4 steps ..."
Summer: I know that you can still
Great to draw.
Your talents can
Now you show?
But the pencil won't work
I work with such…
And I took colored crayons with me!
Leading:And now, guys, you will all go to your sites and draw what you think the word “FRIENDSHIP!” means!
Competition:"Drawing on asphalt"
The children go to paint. Summing up the results of the competition.
Leading:And so that we can end the holiday merrily,
I want to treat the guys with sweets!

This is where all my friends are! Do not forget to congratulate your lovely kids on this day and arrange a grandiose performance for them. Bye everyone!

Sincerely, Ekaterina Mantsurova

Event scenario

"Children Protection Day"

Biology teacher Karpenko Tatyana VladimirovnaPlace of work: Novosibirsk, MBOU secondary school No. 59

Event scenario

on civil defense and emergencies

"Children Protection Day"

Target: AT game form consolidate knowledge of safety regulations, fire safety, traffic rules.Formation in students of a conscious and responsible attitude to questions personal security and the safety of those around you.


    Protecting the life and health of young citizens, instilling basic knowledge, skills and abilities in fire safety and when in the forest.

    Promotion of fire safety rules and road safety rules.

    Consolidation of skills safe behavior in emergency situations.

    strengthen the ability to distinguish road signs: warning, informational, prescriptive, prohibitive; repeat the basic rules of behavior on the street, road, street crossing,
    - to consolidate the ability to act in the event of a fire;

    Teach children to be attentive, friendly to each other.

    Generate interest in children gaming activity and good relations to each other.

    Cultivate a culture of behavior on the road. Cultivate the habit of obeying traffic rules, fire safety, culture healthy lifestyle life.


Today you will make a journey through the stations to the world of safe life. Since ancient times, man has tried to survive in difficult natural conditions. The one who followed the rules of caution and applied the knowledge gained in various life situations. Nowadays intensive development techniques, the rules have changed safe life. Sometimes you need to remember these rules in order to save your life. The population has increased, there are more vehicles on the roads, and the number of household appliances has increased. But we love nature, we love to relax in the country, fish and pick mushrooms, conquer peaks and go diving. And today, at each station, a wide variety of tasks have been prepared for you, and in order to cope with them, you need to show your knowledge and skills. Assistants are on duty at the stations - high school students who will give each team a route sheet. You will earn points for each step you complete. The team with the most points will be the winner on our Survival Path.

Your task is to complete all the tasks offered at the stations as efficiently as possible:

    In case of fire, as one, dial "01".

    And in the forest - only mushrooms

    In the clearing berries and flowers

    Misfortune never comes alone

    Nature does not tolerate mistakes

    you and the road

    ABC road and not complicated at all

Note When passing stations 2,4, presentations can be used.

So, we start the station competition game, I will ask the squad leaders to get route sheets. I remind you that you cannot change the route of your movement. Move strictly along the stations indicated in order in your route sheet. I wish you all good luck!

Station No. 1 "In case of fire, as one, we dial 01." 10b

- (determine the sequence of actions)

- You are alone at home, watching your favorite TV show, and suddenly your TV is smoking. What should be done?

Call "01"

Leave the premises.

turn off the current,

Throw on TV dense fabric

Station number 2 "And in the woods - only mushrooms." 11b The names of 9 mushrooms are encrypted here. Words are composed vertically or horizontally, each letter is used only once. (9b) Name which of them are poisonous mushrooms (2b)


Station number 3 "Slower ride - further you will." 11b try to solve riddles:
1. The traffic light is waiting for us.Illuminates the transitionRed eye lit upHe wants to stop us.If red - there is no way.Red light - you can not ___________.
2. It is clear to all smart guys:Where the road - there is dangerous!Look out, pedestrianBlack and white ______________!
3. If the light turns red,So move _________
4. We got up at the transition,We have a traffic light.And with all honest peopleHe looks at us in ____________. 5. His red eye opened,So he wants to say:No matter how fast youYou must ______________ now!
6. This sign is very strict,Kohl stands on the road.He tells us: "Friends,Driving here is quite ________________!”
7. The sign of the drivers is intimidating,No cars allowed!Don't try rashlyDrive past _________!

8. Sign of overtaking enthusiasts


In this place, it's immediately clear

Overtake others ____________________!

9. Here is a ground crossing,People walk all day long.You, the driver, do not be sad,Pedestrian ________________________!
10. Football is a good gameLet everyone practiceIn stadiums, in courtyards,But not on _________.
11. Wander here in the middle of the roadMoose, wolves, rhinos.You, the driver, don't rushLet _____________________ pass first!Station number 4 "Berry and flowers in the clearing." 9b The names of 9 berries are encrypted here. Words are composed vertically or horizontally, each letter is used only once



What products and household items should be provided to the population affected by the emergency?

Write down the numbers.


2. Bread

3. Pumpkin

4. Flour

5. Eggplant

6. Groats

7. Ice cream

8. Pasta

9. Milk

10. Cheese

11. Cabbage

12. Green peas

13. Cucumbers, tomatoes

14. Mushrooms

15. Meat

16. Fish

17. Sweet pepper

18. Carrot

19. Caviar

20. Sugar

21. Coffee


23. Oil

24. Salt

25. Potato

26. Matches

27. Onion, parsley

28. Watermelon

Which of the following situations can be considered an emergency: 1. Burning a campfire2. Explosion of the ammunition depot3. Fall of an old tree in the forest4 Cruise Ship Wreck5. Bicycle breakdown6. Building collapse7. TV breakdown8. Explosion at a nuclear power plant9. Discharge into the river of chemicals10. Flight by plane11. The car hit a pedestrian at the intersection12. 7 cars collided on the federal highway, people died.13. Fire in the cinema building14. Traffic jams15. Swine flu epidemic

Station number 7 "You and the road."

Fill in the missing words

    Walk only on _____________!

    When crossing the street, look at _____________, and when you reach the middle, look at _____________.

    On streets and roads where traffic is regulated, cross the carriageway only at _____________ traffic light signal or the permission signal of the traffic controller.

    Do not run across the road in front of _________ traffic.

    On the roadway due to a standing car or other obstruction to the view; at the very least, stop and take a closer look at what's in there...

    When crossing the street, you should not have a lively conversation - conversations distract thoughts and eyes from _____________.

    Do not play or skate, ski, or sled on _________ of the street!

    You know! Bicycles, roller skates and skateboards can only be ridden in the yard or on special ________. Running out onto the road for a ball or a dog is dangerous!

    You know! You have to be very careful when crossing the road! The safest crossings are underground and overground. If they are not, it is better to go to "_____________". If there is no crosswalk or traffic light at the intersection, ask an adult to help cross the road.

    You know! You can only cross the street when the traffic light is green. But even with a green signal, never start moving right away. First make sure that the cars have time to stop and the path is safe. You know! If there is a bus at a stop, do not bypass it either in front or behind. We must wait until he _____________, and only then begin the transition.

    You know! You need to be especially careful when obstacles interfere with the review. A car, a stall, bushes standing by the sidewalk can hide _____________ car behind them. Therefore, make sure that there is no danger, and only then cross.

Station No. 8 "The alphabet is road and not at all complicated." What do these signs mean? Write the correct answers on the sheet.

1. 2.


7. 8. 9.

10. 11.


15. 1. 2. __________________________________________________ 3. __________________________________________________ 4. __________________________________________________ 5. __________________________________________________ 6. __________________________________________________ 7. __________________________________________________ 8. __________________________________________________ 9. __________________________________________________ 10. __________________________________________________ 11. __________________________________________________ 12. __________________________________________________ 13. __________________________________________________ 14. __________________________________________________ 15. __________________________________________________ 16. __________________________________________________ 17. __________________________________________________ 18. __________________________________________________ 19. __________________________________________________ 20. __________________________________________________ presenter : I will ask the team commanders to hand over the route sheets of our esteemed panel of judges. Summing up, awarding the winners with diplomas.
You did an excellent job at all stages and we hope that you will follow all safety rules and apply all the knowledge to preserve your life and health. Appendix: STANDARDS OF ANSWERS.Station number 1 "In case of fire, as one, we dial 01 ».

- If you are alone in the apartment and a fire starts, what should you do?

-If the fire is small, you can try to put it out immediately by throwing a thick cloth, a blanket over it, or pouring a pot of water.

-If the fire does not immediately go out, immediately run away from home to safe place and only then call fire department by phone "01" or ask your neighbors about it.

-If you can't escape from a burning apartment, immediately call "01", tell the firefighters the exact address and number of your apartment.

-After that, call neighbors and passers-by for help from the window.

-If you feel like you are choking on the smoke, squat down or crawl towards the exit - there is less smoke below.

-While waiting for the arrival of firefighters - do not open the windows, do not lose your head and do not jump out of the window, you will definitely be rescued.

- You are alone at home, watching your favorite TV show, and suddenly your TV is smoking. What should be done?

- turn off the current

- throw a thick cloth over the TV,

-call by phone "01",

- leave the room.

Station number 2 "And in the forest - only mushrooms"

White, wave, oiler,fly agaric , cowshed, milk mushroom, chanterelle, honey agaric,toadstool . Station number 3 "Slower ride - further you will be" 1. Go, 2. Transition, 3. Dangerous, 4. Emphasis, 5. Stop, 6. No, 7. Brick, 8. Dangerous, 9. Skip, 10. Street,

11. Hedgehogs.

Station number 4 "In the clearing of berries and flowers" Kalina, raspberry, blackberry, shadberry, honeysuckle, sea buckthorn, hawthorn, wild rose, cloudberry.

Station #5 "Trouble Doesn't Come Alone"

2,4,6,8,9,11,12,13,15,16,18,20,22,23,24,25,26,27 Station number 6 "Nature does not tolerate mistakes." 2,4,6,8,9,12,13,15

Station No. 8 "The alphabet is road and not at all complicated"

1. Pedestrian crossing, 2. Speed ​​bump, 3. Bus stop, 4. Children in the yard, 5. Underpass, 6. Car wash, 7. Service station, 8. first-aid post, pharmacy, 9. Hotel, 10. Food point, 11. Camping, 12. Caution, children, 13. No overtaking, 14. Railway crossing, 15. Passing prohibited, 16. Rough road (hummocks), 17. Uphill 12% slope, 18. slippery road, 19 20. Road narrowing.

Station number 7 "You and the road."

main correct meaning

Fill in the missing words

    Walk only on the sidewalk!

    Cross the street in places where there are lines or crossing signs, and where they are not - at intersections along the line of sidewalks.

    When crossing the street, look to the left, and when you reach the middle, look to the right.

    On streets and roads where traffic is regulated, cross the carriageway only when the traffic light is green or the traffic controller gives permission.

    Do not cross the road in front of nearby traffic.

    Do not go out onto the roadway because of a standing car or other obstruction to the view; at the very least, stop and take a closer look at what's in there...

    When crossing the street, you should not have a lively conversation - conversations distract thoughts and eyes from observation.

    Do not play games and do not skate, ski and sled on the roadway!

    You know! Bicycles, roller skates and skateboards are allowed only in the yard or on special areas. Running out onto the road for a ball or a dog is dangerous!

    You know! You have to be very careful when crossing the road! The safest crossings are underground and overground. If they are not, it is better to go along the "zebra". If there is no crosswalk or traffic light at the intersection, ask an adult to help cross the road.

    You know! You can only cross the street when the traffic light is green. But even with a green signal, never start moving right away. First make sure that the cars have time to stop and the path is safe. You know! If there is a bus at a stop, do not bypass it either in front or behind. We must wait until he drives off, and only then begin the transition.

    You know! You need to be especially careful when obstacles interfere with the review. A car, a stall, bushes standing by the sidewalk can hide a moving car behind them. Therefore, make sure that there is no danger, and only then cross.


Against the background of the song "This is what our summer is like"

Leading. Good afternoon everyone!

Leading. Radiant smiles and good mood to everyone, because today is a holiday - June 1, Children's Day!

Leading. I'm glad to see you, dear guys, here! Let's get acquainted! My name is Ksusha. Now, on the count of three, shout your names. Ready? One two Three!

Leading. Today we will have fun and play. Shall we play?

Dance game "How are you?"

Leading. How many guys are here today. And who is more, girls or boys? Let's check!

The game "Two floods. Two laps "

Two stomp (take turns stamping their feet),
Two claps (clap hands),
Hedgehogs, hedgehogs (with their hands show the balls into which hedgehogs curl up).
Forged, forged (they tap the left fist on top of the right and vice versa),
Scissors, scissors (cross the straightened arms in front of them according to the principle of "scissors").
Run in place, run in place (run in place)
Bunnies, bunnies (show with straight palms on their heads the ears of bunnies, rhythmically bending their palms).
Come on together, come on together!
Girls (only girls repeat)]
Boys (only boys repeat)]

Leading. Guys, look who came to visit us today. These are our friends Fixies.

Fixik. Hello guys! We also love the holidays, you also love to have fun and dance! Let's do our favorite dance, shall we?

Dance "Fixies"

Leading. Guys, are you tired? Can we sit down and rest? Or will we play?

Now I will check how strong, agile and fast you are.

Relay "Pass the ball over your head" (music for competitions sounds)

Relay "Roll the ball between the legs"

Relay "Carry the ball on the racket"

Oh what good fellows. And strong, and dexterous, and fast! And now I will check your attentiveness!

The game "Goal-bar-by"

Dance "Mamba in Russian"

Guys, I suggest you turn into a huge, huge snake. Want to? To do this, I suggest playing next game.

The game "I am a snake, snake, snake"

(I'm a snake, snake, snake. I'm crawling, crawling, crawling. Do you want to be my tail? I want!

I'm a hungry snake, I'll bite my tail!)

Dance "Chicken Pi"

Leading. Girls and boys, and now we will turn into artists. Do you love to draw?

What do you like to do in summer the most? That's right - swim and sunbathe.

And now we will be divided into 2 teams and each team will draw a picture.

1 person draws the sea

2 - the sun

4 - a boy who bathes

5 - a girl who sunbathes in the sun

6 - flowers

Dance Mix

Scenario of the holiday "Children's Day"

The anthem for the holiday is the song "Let there always be sunshine!".

Leading(clown, matryoshka, Malvina, etc.): “Hello, our dear guests! Girls and boys, as well as their parents, have a fun ride through the stations, don't you want to? Today we have a festival express that will take us to the magical land of childhood. Who knows why we are here today? What holiday is today?

That's right guys. Today international children's holiday, Children's Day, June 1st! This holiday is celebrated by children all over the world. And what occupation has become traditional on this holiday?

That's right, chalk drawings on the pavement. Now those who like to draw can take crayons and go to the square. During the whole holiday, anyone can take a piece of chalk and draw something on the theme: “May there always be sunshine!”. And we will definitely look at them later.

Suddenly there is a horn.- Attention! Attention! From the station of the house of culture, a train leaves for the magical land of childhood.

While moving from one station to another, children watch the performance of a children's dance group.

Attention! Attention! Our festival express arrived at station "LA - LA - FA" (guessing melodies of children's songs).

We will hold a song contest now,

Let's sing songs with the word "summer" or "sunshine"!

We will start - you continue,

Sing these songs.

Dance .

    Carefully! The train is approaching station "Music box" (impromptu dancing to the melodies of children's songs; several children from the dance group show the movements).

Well done to everyone who sang with us

To not get bored here

We invite you to dance!

    Attention! Our journey continues.


    Be careful! The train arrived at station "Magic country family"(psychologist conducts games for children and their parents)

Dear children:

Both girls and boys!

I congratulate you on the holiday

I invite you to the playground.

    Attention! Attention! Our festival express continues its journey through the magical land.


    Attention! The train is approaching station "Black box" (riddles, poems about summer, etc., written on colorful cardboard templates).

I would like to know you

One two Three -

Hurry up here!

Who excels in education

I ask you to raise your hands.

Who are fours and fives

Not lazy to receive?

So you all have excellent knowledge,

Can you solve the most common riddles?

Summer riddles:

    The hot sun will warm everyone,

He will dress the meadows in a colored outfit,

Play, call to swim,

Mushrooms and berries will bring.

What is the name of the season?

Who will call me? (summer)

    The sun shines brightly,

Both light and hot.

And around the grass, flowers,

All day wander, wander.

What time of year is this? (summer)

3. Runs in summer and stands in winter. (river)

    Yegor is standing in a red yarmulke,

Whoever passes, everyone bows to him. (berries)

5. Shaggy buzzes, flies for sweets. (bee)

    The housewife flies over the lawn,

He will pat on the flower, he will share the honey. (bee)

    Not a bird, but with wings. (butterfly)

Let's get some rest now

Auction summer words let's do it.

I will start, you continue

Spoken words - do not repeat.

Rain, rainbow, mushrooms,

Sun, berries, flowers...

And our unusual train is moving forward, on station with the title "Happy Planet Where Kids Love Sports" (sport competitions: tug of war, bag jumping, passing balls, using a power meter, etc.).

Summing up the results of the competitions and awarding the winners:

    Competition children's drawing on the topic: "May there always be peace!" (previously held in primary school schools)

    Asphalt drawing competition.

ultimate station the tastiest! It is called "Sweetie"!

We urgently need to refresh!

The host's assistants distribute free ice cream and drinks to the children.

We've been to every station Magic country. Guys, did you like our trip? But our holiday does not end there. We invite you to the concert hall, where the guys from the theater school circle will show you an interesting fairy tale.

Watching a theatrical performance.

And now we invite everyone to the "Sparrow" disco!