I realized that the baby does not hear. What if the child cannot hear? The reasons why the child began to hear poorly

“I have already told him 10 times - and he has“ zero ”reactions! Can you hear me at all? " Sometimes, parents can infuriate situations when a child ignores their requests, pretends not to hear, does not do as the parents ask. He peacefully continues his exciting activities or, on the contrary, protests, revolts and does the opposite. The child's options for our statements can be varied, but the parents' reproach is the same - he does not want to listen to me, it feels like he does not hear me at all!

Why is this happening? After all Small child does not make plans about how to finish off his parents, teach them a lesson, and educate. His reactions are more like automatic reactions, a reflection of our relationship with him. And if the child does not hear you, then this is a litmus test showing that you exist on different waves with your child that there is no cooperation relationship between you.

And what could serve this. I would like to list the reasons that lead to this result:

The most harmless and easily fixable option when the child really does not hear you due to the fact that he is immersed in the state of play, in the world of his fantasies... He is so carried away by this that the voice that comes through is simply not noticed. In general, it is better not to interrupt the child's play, without special reasons. But if the reason is really important, then first make sure that when you speak the child is looking at you, that his attention has completely switched from the game to you, and only then speak - read more about this in the article

In all other cases, the child really does not want to listen to his parents. In order to better feel these reasons, mentally switch roles with the child and imagine:

  • And you want to listen to people who constantly repeat the same "I told you ..." in a boring and authoritarian voice. And at the same time, do you want to start changing in better side, mend, be good?
  • Do you want to listen to people who speak more often offensive phrases and with others not for the better than words of support and approval speak?
  • And you want to listen to people who almost always say: “No, you can't, it’s dangerous, you will fall, don’t touch” ...
  • And you want to listen to people who do not pay any attention when you really behave perfectly. But they will always pay attention to the slightest mistake and oversight, and point it out.
  • Or maybe you want to listen to people who ignore your requests and are busy talking with their friends on the phone or, without stopping, watching TV, only answering now-now, wait, wait, and this is at best.
  • Or maybe you want to listen to people who have long decided everything for you when and what to do, where to go and where to sit, and even who you will be in the future, and now you can only dream of the mythical freedom of choice.

After all, a child is not at all a monster who comes to distract from important matters. By the way, he even understands when he does something wrong, but sometimes it is the only way attract attention, cause very bright emotions your parents. He himself would be happy to do something for his beloved mother, but when he meets a tedious and instructive mood, he simply cannot do what his mother asks in order to preserve his I.

And yet, in my opinion, the most important factor which is often not taken into account at all in flight debriefing naughty children: A child does not hear us and does not fulfill our requests when he sees a not submissive and independent mother - he simply takes an example from you. If for every statement of the Pope - the mother has her own opinion and an argument against, that is, the mother does not listen to the Pope - the child will not obey.

And also, pay attention, are you listening to your own parents? Or argue with them all the time?

As you can see, behind the banal disobedience, a variety of reasons are hidden. In fact, the reasons for disobedience lie not at all in the child, but in ourselves. And with the child, in fact, you do not need to do anything.

And what is the way out? Simple and at the same time complex in its execution, requiring a way out of their own automatic reactions and awareness of their sometimes emotional actions and statements. Changing your own position in relation to the child: demanding, authoritarian and instructive - to a position open to dialogue and cooperation, accepting the child's opinion: his desire to do something or, on the contrary, not to do.

Never, listen to him why he “closes his ears”, record your voice on a dictaphone - and listen to yourself, do you want to listen to such a person? Practice active listening, calmly explaining the child's feelings to him (read more about this in the book "Communicate with the child. How?" by Yu.B. Gippenreiter).

Be a true woman who never argues with her husband and monitors her speech. Only then will the child be happy or out of a sense of duty to hear and obey his parents.

And an excerpt from O. G. Torsunov's lecture "Secrets of education" will help you to understand this topic even deeper:

For comfortable existence a person is endowed with five senses - sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste. But it is vision and hearing that are still considered the most important functions of the body, since without these skills, the quality of a person's life deteriorates greatly, and it becomes almost impossible to fully cognize the world. A child, being born, does not yet know how to express his feelings and emotions, so hearing is extremely important for a baby. After all, the development of speech is directly related to hearing. But, unfortunately, it happens that the child does not hear. In this case, it is very important to identify in time hearing impairment in a child and try in as soon as possible eliminate the cause. If it is impossible to solve the hearing impairment, it is important to help the baby learn the world in other ways.

In medicine, there are two definitions of hearing problems - hearing loss and deafness.

Hearing loss is a certain degree of hearing loss. Perception of speech is difficult, but mostly possible. Typically, the person hears loud speech or is close standing man... Hearing aids usually help with this diagnosis.

Deafness is hearing loss or, roughly speaking, its complete absence. A person practically does not react to sounds (he can rarely hear a very loud sound) and does not perceive the speech of other people. In this situation, hearing aids are powerless.

Diseases associated with hearing problems are divided into the following groups:

1. Congenital.

2. Hereditary.

3. Acquired.

The reasons why the child began to hear poorly?

Your child may actually have difficulty hearing for the following reasons:

  • chronic and acute inflammatory processes hearing aid.
  • transferred infectious diseases in future mother(, toxoplasmosis, flu in the first 3 months of pregnancy);
  • complications infectious diseases(meningitis, encephalitis,);
  • application certain medications and antibiotics;
  • asphyxia of a newborn or birth injury;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • prematurity;
  • the presence of hereditary diseases;

Hearing problems can occur in a child at any age according to various reasons... There are sensorineural and conductive and abnormalities.

A problem with the outer and middle ear, which is the difficulty of transmitting sounds, is conductive disturbance. Wherein inner ear is functioning correctly. Such disorders are curable.

Typical conductive hearing impairments in children

1. Sulfur. Children's ears are small and the ear canal in them, respectively, is very narrow. Earwax collects in this passage, forming a sulfur plug. This plug blocks sound access to the eardrum. All treatment for this problem is to flush the ear. But do not do this procedure yourself, only an otolaryngologist will help you here.

2. Foreign body... Children are very fond of experimenting with small details or food debris, pushing them into a nose or ear, thereby blocking the access of sound to the eardrums. Only a doctor will help to remove such a detail from the ear.

3. Water. All the kids love bath procedures... It is a pleasure to splash and play in water, but sometimes such procedures end in such a nuisance as hearing loss. Water, if left in the ear, causes inflammation of the ear canal.

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Trouble came to the house ... It turned out that the child did not hear. Why did this happen? Will it effective treatment and will hearing improve? And if not, then what to do? How can you help such a child? These are difficult questions for parents of children with hearing impairments and can be extremely difficult to resolve. Our consultant is a deaf teacher the highest category Zaporozhye regional psychological, medical and pedagogical consultation Lyubov Markova.

For many years, communicating with the parents of children with hearing impairment, we have repeatedly encountered a situation where the diagnosis of hearing loss or deafness was established at the age of two to three years, although it was obvious that the child's hearing impairment was congenital or occurred in the first months of life. At the same time, my mother noticed for a long time that the baby did not respond to the name, she was worried that he did not speak. The mother went to the doctors, but she was reassured: "He's all right. He's just inattentive. Many children start talking after three years. Wait." Meanwhile, time passed, the child did not begin to speak, and only when he was three years old, was it spent necessary examination and it became obvious that the child was deaf.

The leading role in the early detection of hearing in children belongs, of course, to parents. They should pay attention to main features possible violation hearing in a child.

1. Does the child shudder at loud sounds at the age of two to three weeks?
2. Does the sound of your voice fade at the age of four to five weeks?
3. Does the mother's voice come to life at the age of one to three months, without seeing her?
4. Does the head turn towards the sounding toy or the mother's voice at four months of age?
5. Does he walk at the age of two to four months?
6. Does humming turn into babbling (the appearance of syllables (ba) - (pa) - (ma)) at the age of four to six months?
7. Does emotional babbling appear at the appearance of parents?
8. Does your name change over the age of eight months?
9. Understands (performs) simple requests at the age of eight to ten months? ("Where is mom?" "Give me a ball," etc.)
10. Do words appear at the age of one year?
11. Do two-word phrases appear at the age of one and a half to two years?
12. Does a child over two years of age try to look at the face of the person talking to him when communicating?

If the parents answer questions 1 through 11 in the negative and on the 12th in the affirmative, hearing loss may be suspected. In this case, it is recommended to go comprehensive examination hearing using objective methods.

Hello dear mothers! How often have you asked yourself the question: "Why should I repeat everything twenty times ?!" I ask myself this question very often. And then, one day, I came across an interesting article in the magazine "My Child". The article was written by the founder of the "Family from A to Z" club - Valentina Chichkun. Good, grammatical article, but it caused a lot of controversy inside me.
Valentina described three reasons for the "deafness" of our beloved children. This is fear, lack of interest and protest.
What, in her opinion, is the reason for the fear of our kids? Think about yourself in a situation where you are afraid of someone or afraid to look bad in the eyes of someone. How do you feel about it? You seem to be getting stupid before our eyes. You forget words, you cannot understand simple things, you miss what they tell you ... The same happens with a child if the parent is very demanding and irritable.
Valentina also explains the lack of interest in an original way. The child may be busy with something at this moment. For example, a girl was so carried away by the construction of a house for a doll that she really did not hear her mother's words about dinner. Or, Valentina suggests remembering your husband when you asked him to fix the hanger while watching football match... And here, at our mothers, Valentina asks if we would give up the interstitial conversation on the phone if my husband asked us to urgently find the keys to the car ... Are we so unfairly demanding of our children ???? Do we see soldiers in our children ???? And, are we really trying to teach them from the tapes to the rule "The parent is always right!"
The protest of our kids for Valentina is precisely against overprotection, against constant remarks and explanations. It can be pronounced "Well, mom!" or the silent "I just can't hear you." We often watch the baby run to the road without hearing the mother's warnings. Or, as a teenager chatting with peers, ignoring the calls of his father. What do we parents do when we find ourselves in similar situations? Most often we get angry or give up: "What to do, it may outgrow!" Will not outgrow. Respect does not appear from scratch. While the child is small, it is easy for us to put pressure on him and force him to do what we want. However, when he grows up, he realizes that he can not depend on us, the pressure goes away, and the respect has never been, and will never be.
Valentina proposes to get out of this situation by mutual experience of perception. And the first duty is to determine the reason. If we see fear in the eyes of a child, we are advised to lower our demands, not to punish the child, and not to use a commanding tone that turns into a scream. And more often to caress the child and not make him an object of demand.
Do not restrict the child's freedom of action because of the parent's fear for the child's safety. This fear of doing something wrong is born in a person who has no experience of acceptance. independent decisions... Valentina will be able to remove the burden of the press of demands and ambitions from the fragile shoulders of the child and then he will become more relaxed and freer, which will improve his intellectual abilities ...
Valentina advises to penetrate into the world of your child's interests, constantly portray our efficiency in everything the kid is doing ... And, for example, do not force the kid to listen as you read a book to him, but sit on the sidelines and start reading. And then, writes Valentina, the child will come up to you ...
Offers to reduce our care, because the child no longer has the strength to react to constant tugging (there is a car, there is a dog, here are the steps, the hatch is open) She calls such mothers "saws" and in family life constantly reminding her husband what to do ...
But these tips are suitable for the mom of an average baby on all counts. But for parents special kids, characterized by pronounced hyperactivity, well, just the same - some kind of insult!
My Nikita is hyperactive four year old baby... He spoke at three and a half, since he had no time to speak ... At four months, he kicked the crib with his feet, at six months sitting at the new bedside table under the TV, sorting through my father’s disks and just accidentally tore out the glass door of a completely new strong cabinet ... I tried to read books to him and in roles and in the game and for him soft toys and sitting to the side trying to get his attention. It did not interest him, it took away a lot of his precious time. He would grab a book, leaf through it all in a couple of minutes and put it aside. He listened to the first fairy tale "Teremok" (glory to GOD) at the age of four. Now he knows only "teremok", "kolobok", "ryaba chicken" and "tsokotukha fly" and I consider this a huge achievement. I started to prepare him for school ... We take him to classes twice a week and of course we do homework... I try to present everything aristically, making the kid interested, without screaming or reproaching. But if I used only these methods all the time, he would take the lessons as a game (I want to play, I want not) and sooner or later would say that he was tired ... A couple of times I had to introduce him into the stupor that Valentina wrote about. at that moment, my exactingness was ineffectual, but he remembered that it was better to take lessons with me, then these unpleasant sensations... Isn't that how you can earn the respect of a child? Are we supposed to be playmates forever?
I also liked the lack of interest. It's strange that mom demands to go to dinner, isn't it? This summer Nikita did not go to the garden and at first we started having problems with breakfast, lunch and dinner. Even with my husband there was a scandal about (well, the child does not want, let him play, eat when he wants and what he wants). You know, dear mothers, this offended me so much that I let it go. The result is that all summer I ate one potato with cucumbers and sometimes a boiled beetroot, well, he also loves red borscht ... And in between, he demanded cookies, a roll with butter, and of course sausage. Moreover, on demand, after everyone had eaten in an hour, I had to do and give him only what he wanted. He does not tolerate meat, fish, eggs, milk, berries or fruits. He starts to induce vomiting. And no cutlets, meatballs can be fooled, and no amount of sugar in strawberries will save you. No matter how I peel and cut peaches with apples and pears, and whatever I water (even whisk) into my mouth, I will take it. And what time was (what pink cheeks) when one year old child I did not ask, but fed according to the regime and what was needed. Now we are saving ourselves with vitamins and are under Nikita's heels. And it would be right not to enter into his position through full interest, and so, everyone and everyone had breakfast. If you haven't eaten, then you shouldn't give anything before lunch. He does not want what everyone has eaten for lunch, not to give anything before dinner (despotically, not according to the advice of our humane psychologists), but in my opinion this is more correct. Where is the respect? I do what he wants, I am interested in what he loves to the detriment of him ...
I was especially struck by the words of Valentina about overprotectiveness! Was she ever near such a baby as Nikita! Maybe there are mummies who are too cowardly over absolutely adequate children, not letting them go down the steps and calmly enter the sea ankle-deep. By causing my constant fear of mental disorders in children, and in my case, it's just a crime not to pull it down all the time. My child knows no fear at all. Is it good or dangerous? Imagine that he is sitting in the Dolphinarium in last row being already four years old, all the presentation wanted to jump into the sea to swim. And the pool with dolphins interested him exactly two minutes. The road is not an obstacle for him ... Water and depth do not matter. I'm not leaving him at all. And this is only my merit that we have never sewn anything up ... On the slides, he only slides head down and tries to hang his legs at the highest point of the horizontal bars ... I already wrote in one of my articles that we only went swimming for a month, but football and even less. The swimming coach turned his back for a vest and the child almost jumped into the pool with a running start, he did not perform any exercises, but strove to swim to the center, away from the coach. In football, he was interested in constantly running after the ball, but if it was necessary to do what the coach said, then he ran to the horizontal bars and was called a dangerous guy, sending him home to grow up ...
Yes, and my husband, for the whole summer of my requests to wash the carpet or take him to the dry-cleaner, did it in September ... This is only one of the cases. So I had to wash the huge carpet myself? So as not to be a "saw"?
Not to instill in the child the rule "The parent is always right"? To deceive him by pretending that you together came to a decision to do the right thing? Show interest in his cars and blocks, you can agree with this, but won't I be in the role of a girlfriend with his own level of intelligence? Or should there be severity and perseverance? And if you need to postpone the game and eat or do your homework, then this is necessary. And then I will caress and play. When he grows up, he will also not want to break away from the Internet and go to lectures or even more so to work! Let's live by his interests ?!
What is the reason for the "deafness" of our kids? Were we not? And did our parents have at hand articles by literate psychologists, and free time to consider the interests of each of the five children? And why did we grow up so decent, educated and purposeful? After all, we were given so little time and so many demands! Yes, I would not allow myself in childhood not to hear my mother's call for something ............