What a universal gift to give to children in kindergarten. Universal children's gifts. Encyclopedia or personalized book for an inquisitive child

Graduation in kindergarten is a special event that is remembered for a lifetime by a child, his parents, and the teaching staff. This holiday should have a lot of gifts, surprises, presents. Holding this graduation - drawing up a unique program, decorating the ceremonial hall, choosing a menu, decorating tables, musical arrangement, light and sound accompaniment (atmosphere emphasizing the solemnity, importance of the holiday). Different gifts should be given to graduates of kindergartens. What are the criteria for choosing a gift for a graduate kindergarten exist? It should be something material, interesting, memorable, useful (on for a long time). It is important to note that the gift should please the child.

Gift Ideas Based on Parent Reviews Online

Gift albums have become a popular trend over the past couple of years, in which the life of children in kindergarten is colorfully displayed. The photographer is invited in advance to capture the everyday behavior of the children in the kindergarten, how they eat, sleep, play, study. Then an individual album is compiled for each child, with one large portrait, one general photo groups and various non-staged shots. Such an album costs an average of 1500 rubles / piece.

Another original gift which are very popular recent times, became fairy tales about the class. Such a book is ordered in special publishing houses, on the Internet. Photos of children, names are sent, and then it remains only to pick up books at the local post office and distribute them to children at graduation. The enthusiastic eyes of the guys are provided to you. And most importantly, this is not a hackneyed, not an ordinary graduation gift. Here you can see more details of such books and place an order.

Practical gifts for kindergarten graduates

  1. Creativity kits (brushes, paints, 3-D pens, albums, decoupage, appliqué, burning, magic kits).
  2. Sets for chemical experiments (for growing crystals, creating a tornado or volcano, children's microscopes).
  3. School supplies. These are a pencil case, pencils, notebooks, pens, rulers, encyclopedias, as well as a board with magnets and markers. This includes an organizer, diaries, satchels, folders, anthologies for extracurricular reading, globe, markers.
  4. Collections of fairy tales, children's stories, poems.
  5. Board, developing games.
  6. Constructors.
  7. Chess.
  8. Puzzle.
  9. Card, logic games.
  10. Hobby kits: for embroidery, modeling.

Original gifts for kindergarten graduates

  1. Sports equipment (balls, hoops, masks for swimmers, badminton or tennis sets, a pool set, children's punching bags).
  2. Badminton or tennis games.
  3. Flying saucer games.
  4. T-shirts with cool inscription and group photo.
  5. Caps with a collective photo of the group, symbols of the kindergarten.
  6. Roller Skates.
  7. Table lamps with different regimes work.
  8. Nightlights "Starry sky".
  9. Travel books.
  10. Spyglass.
  11. Binoculars.
  12. Puzzles with a photo of kindergarten friends.
  13. Pillows, large wall calendars with a photo of the band and a cool inscription.
  14. Gift certificate in baby store, amusement park, water park, zoo, circus.
  15. Excursion to another city.
  16. Picnic in nature.
  17. Hike to the entertainment center.
  18. Passing quests.
  19. Fruit palms.
  20. Chocolate fountain.
  21. Puppets.
  22. Boys - beautiful ties, girls - luxurious hair bows.
  23. Trolleybus or bus parties.

Stylish gifts for kindergarten graduates

  1. Umbrellas.
  2. Wrist watch.
  3. Alarm clocks with an interesting print (sports, space, nature, animals, cartoon characters).

Additions to any of the listed gifts to graduates are necessary. Which?

- Balloon figurines.

Certificates of Honor, diplomas, medals "The best graduate".

- Goodies.

- Commemorative albums, photos and videos that can be viewed by family evenings.

- Fortune cookies, sweets, as well as marshmallows, cakes, pastries ordered from a candy store. But juices, lemonade, popcorn (popcorn) are also included here.

— Animators.

- Performance by artists that children like.

- Girls - puppet theaters, robots - dogs. Boys

- a car, an airplane, as well as a ship, a boat on radio control.

- Congratulations from your favorite cartoon character, addressed to a specific child graduate (it is better to print the text "congratulations" in the style of a cartoon character).

- Transformation with oil-free water-based paints.

Soap bubbles, bubble show.

- Everything you need for playgrounds.

But every kindergarten has its own traditions. Often parents consult with educators (about the choice of a gift). Some surprises need beautiful packaging(shiny bow, bright wrapping). The goal of kindergarten teachers and parents is the same - the health, development of the child (educational and educational responsibilities). They should always go to this goal (after all, they love kids).

AT 4-5 years- the child is already an established personality with his likes, dislikes and addictions. He has his own opinion and, at the same time, great amount questions for adults. In the game, the child models and actively explores external world. He has favorite toys with which he does not part and plays situations from real life or fairy tales. For this, the young dreamer needs various accessories: vehicles, furniture, utensils, tools and fixtures. The best gift for children of this age will be educational game sets with the heroes of popular animated series, films and fairy tales. There will be great interest interactive toys capable of responding to the child's behavior. Do not forget also about toys that contribute to the physical development of the baby: children's sports and play complexes, wheelchairs, bicycles. A child of this age has an interest in his own appearance, he wants to be fashionable, different from his peers. That's why a good gift will become new clothes or accessories for it.

The selection of gifts for children 4-5 years old includes educational games and play sets, heroes and characters of popular children's works, toys for use on fresh air, children's clothing and accessories. When choosing a gift option, consider the interests and level of development of the baby and always remember about his safety. Communicate more and enjoy life with children! We sincerely wish you happiness!

See what else you can

What a stupid tradition to give children gifts bought with their parents' money for the holiday in the kindergarten. As if there were not enough emotions from the holiday itself. And then also at home to give "on my own behalf." With a symbolic cheap trinket, which will probably be broken in the evening of the same day, after the matinee, parents easily put up without going into details. A moment of joy for a child, not burdensome for a parent's wallet. But “a good gift is needed for graduation, because the occasion is special,” therefore, when discussing parent meeting the question "What to give children for graduation" could not avoid the removal of the brain. You don’t want to spend quite a small amount on something unnecessary, but it’s very difficult to choose something that everyone needs at once.

Let's get a globe!

We already have a globe!

Let's go Monopoly!

We already have Monopoly!

- Then let's have another one. board game, "Imaginarium", for example.

— We already have the Imaginarium

- There is also Treasure Island!

— Oh, we have "Treasure Island"

- And then let's make a list of games and each parent will choose which game they don't have.

- But the games are all at different prices. How do we then financial matter shall we do? Will we donate a different amount for graduation?

— Are you out of your mind? These games cost more than a thousand. I'm not ready to donate that much for a gift from kindergarten. Moreover, we already have nowhere to put these board games.

I would also prefer the more budget option.

- And our child does not play with them at all.

- Oh, now such games are interesting, look, with mermaids for logic.

— Mermaids? I have three boyfriends. He is already collecting electrical circuits with the elders.

“Maybe an encyclopedia?” Everyone will benefit.

- We already have these encyclopedias ...

- My child uses a search engine on a tablet, if any information is needed, and not an encyclopedia

- Give me an alarm clock! Will wake up to school for a lesson. School related gift.

- I have a third child. The first two were given an alarm clock for graduation. Not one has ever been launched. They have an alarm clock on their phone.

Maybe stationery? It's practical. Still, it's good for everyone. beautiful set for a first grader.

- My child will definitely not be happy with stationery. It is necessary that there be joy from the gift! Their childhood is over!

“They just have a kindergarten graduation. Childhood does not end there.

- And let's have a big set for creativity!

Why not a basketball then?

Well, not everyone plays basketball.

- Do you think everyone cross-stitches?

- Maybe then everyone will buy and give a present to his own?

- That is, we just give all the gifts at home each to our child?

- No, you need to give them something in the kindergarten. They will be waiting. Let everyone come to the kindergarten with their gift.

- And how will the children react to the fact that everyone will have different gifts? We gave them the same gifts for five years.

- And we will pack them in the same way and sign them.

- So they will immediately deploy it anyway and will compare it.

- And why then such difficulties? Just announce that everyone is waiting for a gift at home.

- And in the kindergarten, you also need to give something.

- And in the kindergarten, symbolically, according to Kinder Surprise.

We are allergic to chocolate!

- Well, some other symbolic trinket, cheap, so as not to breed disputes here, such that, in case of anything, it’s not a pity to throw it away.

“I don’t want to give my child a cheap trinket for prom!”

- So you can give her the gift you want at home. And in the kindergarten, it’s easy to keep the tradition and not let the children down.

- No, then I’ll still buy Monopoly for my child and give it right in the kindergarten! I'm warning you right now! I will bring and give! Think about how you can explain this to your kids!

- And then I'll give my tablet. Also right in the garden. Fundamentally.

- Can we still take into account that financial capabilities are different for everyone? I don't think it's necessary for children to advertise this.

- I'd like to give you a certificate. Everyone is the same. And then everyone buys what they want. Even a globe, even a monopoly, even an alarm clock.

- I support! My child prefers a certificate and the opportunity to choose a gift himself.

- No, my child does not understand what a certificate is, he will think that this is an ordinary postcard and will not be happy at all.

- No, the certificate will not be perceived as a memory of the kindergarten. It is necessary that the toy is also associated with the garden, as a memory.

- For memory, they will have a photo album and a video from graduation.

Maybe a globe?

Or an alarm clock. Alarm clock cheaper...

No decision has been made...
How do you solve such questions?

Liana Raymanova October 3, 2018, 01:07

Some parents celebrating a birthday own child in kindergarten, want to give small gifts to his peers as well. But often faced with the problem of choice. Indeed, in this case it is necessary inexpensive, age appropriate gifts for children. But children are strangers, a person does not know their tastes, so he cannot choose what to give as a gift.

In this case, gifts should be bought universal, suitable for both the boy and the girl. Then in children's team there will be no resentment and quarrels, and everyone will be satisfied

Gifts for children in the garden for a child's birthday must meet sanitary and hygienic requirements. Usually on the box with toys it is indicated at what age this toy is recommended. This information should also not be overlooked.

Gifts for creativity

You can give children in the kindergarten for a child's birthday items that will develop them Creative skills. It is at this age that children are happy to sculpt, paint and draw. In stationery stores huge selection accessories for this. Their price is affordable, so you can buy such gifts on a large number of children. Please make sure before purchasing goods are certified and safe for child's body. These gifts include:

  • plasticine;
  • paints;
  • albums;
  • crayons;
  • colour pencils.

You can give children a bottle of soap bubbles. In childhood, the inflation process soap balls always accompanied bright emotions and fun. It's cheap, it works good alternative traditional meal.

Gift for children in the garden for a child's birthday: soap bubbles

All children can be presented with sticker sets. In order not to share gifts among boys and girls, choose something neutral. Stickers with cartoon characters or animals will do.

Not worth giving in the kindergarten, souvenirs for children from a child in the form of markers and felt-tip pens. They are usually capped so children can put them in their mouths. In addition, it is these products that are recognized as the most dangerous for the child's body. Despite all the advertising moves, manufacturers often use poisonous chemical dyes in their manufacture.

Educational toys

When buying educational toys, you should consider age group children. The choice of children's birthday gifts for kindergarten will depend on this.

Junior group

Children can be presented with various accessories with which they will play in the sand during a walk. It can be shovels, molds, small buckets. A good gift would be a set of cubes. If the group is small, it is quite possible to give sets of 4-6 cubes to each kid. If there are many children, it is better to stop at the first option, it will be cheaper.

A set of cubes as a gift for children junior group in kindergarten for a child's birthday

middle group

An excellent option puzzles will become gifts. They are inexpensive and work great. fine motor skills hands Puzzles should be simple and large enough. You need to choose such puzzles so that the picture has only one large character. For example, a bun or a hedgehog.

good option become coloring books. You can choose coloring pages with large images of animals or fruits.

Senior group

For these children, small boxes with a designer will be a good gift. Boys and girls are usually happy to collect different Lego. You can give coloring pages with letters or numbers. It is inexpensive and useful before the upcoming school classes.

Constructors as a gift to children senior group in kindergarten for a child's birthday

Handmade gifts for children

You can make gifts for children in kindergarten with your own hands. If the house has a printer, then this is easy.

paper dolls

Print figure dolls with outfit sets. Give the boy a male doll with a set of clothes, and give the girls, respectively, a female doll with dresses. Can choose universal cartoon character and dress him up. For example, Luntik with hats and T-shirts is suitable. Such presentations develop color perception of children.

Stuffed Toys

Such gifts should be made in advance in order to be in time. It should be noted that they are suitable only for the older group of children. Children younger age they can be taken by mouth. There are many on the Internet detailed videos to create small crochet toys. Usually craftswomen take no more than an hour to create one toy.

Do-it-yourself gift for children in the garden for a child's birthday: crochet toys


Sew beautiful handkerchiefs for the children. Choose a fabric with a childish pattern to make the handkerchief look original. You can pack each separately, then they will get a presentable look.


A birthday cannot pass without sweets. But those sold in stores contain dyes and are not suitable for all children. Prepare homemade lollipops small gifts will be great idea. This is easy to do: you need to take about 100 g of water per glass of sugar, put it all in a saucepan and cook, stirring, until, during the test, a drop of syrup solidifies in cold water. The changing color of the mass will tell you that the lollipops are ready: it will turn brown. Water can be replaced if desired. fruit juice, you can add a little lemon juice, then the lollipops will turn out with sourness. Then the syrup is poured into molds and wooden toothpicks are inserted. If there is no form, pour the syrup into teaspoons. Wrap the sweets in a transparent film, decorate with a bow - and the treat is ready! These lollipops can be taken home with you. And you can cook lollipops without sticks, smaller ones. Then get monpensier.

Do-it-yourself lollipops for children in the garden for a child's birthday

Before carrying gifts to the garden, you should find out when it is best to distribute them. Often gifts are only given at the end of the day before the children go home. The parents of someone else's child should definitely know about the gift, they will decide for themselves whether their baby needs such a gift. Not all parents allow children to eat sweets or paint. Therefore, in order not to get into an awkward situation, consult with teachers before buying. They will definitely tell you how the child's birthday is celebrated in their garden. In some kindergartens significant event for the whole group, and in some it is not customary to carry any treats or other souvenirs.

Still kindergarten is an official institution Therefore, with gifts for other people's children, you should be more careful.