How to send off a guy by correspondence in an original way. How to send a guy off - all the ways in one place. There are no vacancies

Sometimes, when meeting or corresponding with a young man, you realize that you are wasting your time - you don’t like him and you will never like him again. Some little things annoy: he doesn’t walk like that, he doesn’t talk like that, he doesn’t look like that, he doesn’t breathe or write the right way ... The main thing that you feel is that the guy doesn’t suit you, you don’t see you together in the future, you don’t want to be with him anymore communicate.

But at the same time, the young man has wonderful spiritual qualities and behaves impeccably. It is noticeable that he likes you, and he falls in love more and more.

How to break up so as not to hurt the guy with your confession?


Most The best way- tell the truth. Explain that you like him, it’s good and calm with him, but you can’t order your heart and you won’t be able to love. You need to be patient, tactful, but firm: do not make concessions and do not give hope. Perhaps the young man will convince you to wait a little, give him a chance to show himself - do not agree, because there is no turning back. A guy can flare up or get really angry, but you don’t need to be offended by attacks: a man is driven by emotions. Keep a low profile and be friendly, but remain firm.

It is better to part in a place where you will not be disturbed, but not where you met or had romantic dates.


  • do not answer phone calls and messages;
  • to pretend to be always busy and hurrying somewhere;
  • do not accept gifts;
  • do not agree to dates;
  • do not introduce him to your friends and relatives.

Sooner or later, a young man will get tired of knocking on the wall of indifference and will find a more suitable object for expressing sympathy.


A tactful way to show that there can be no relationship is to write a letter to the guy. Long and sincere. It is better to hand it over personally. In a letter, you can clearly and clearly state the reasons for not wanting further meetings, no one will interrupt and persuade you.

List best qualities young man, thank for communication and wish him a speedy meeting with his girlfriend. Such a non-contact parting will allow both of you to “save face” and minimize negative emotions.

Make a copy of the letter, you may need it more than once.

Parting in the network

A young person with whom you correspond on a dating site or on a social network page can become very annoying and at some point this communication will no longer bring you pleasure. If you have not yet had time to tell all the ins and outs about yourself, then let me know that you already have a very jealous boyfriend, and he is now checking the correspondence.

Write that you can no longer respond to messages, and if they appear again, you will have to blacklist the obsessive interlocutor or press the ignore button. As an option, try to “throw” the guy with incomprehensible images or links to strange sites, do it actively and every day: the interlocutor will decide that you are not yourself and retreat on his own.


If you are very sorry for the guy, and you want to leave without hurting his pride in the slightest, show yourself in the worst light. This method will require effort from you, because you always want to look better in the eyes of others. But in order for the guy to let you go on his own initiative, you need to try:

  • argue with him on every occasion, even trifling ones;
  • reduce any conversation to money, hinting at a consumer attitude;
  • do not share his hobbies;
  • do not take the initiative, answer in monosyllables.

There will come a time when the young man gets tired of misunderstanding and decides that you and him are too different to continue the relationship.


Get rid of the annoying fan by playing male polygamy. You introduce a guy to a very pretty girlfriend who is willing to play along. The girl tries to interest the young man and invites him on a date. And you seem to accidentally “learn” about their meeting and accuse the guy of treason. Thus, the former, reluctantly himself, becomes the cause of a break in relations and he no longer has anyone to be offended by.

Inappropriate behavior

Normal men are frightened by women who can "explode" without any visible grounds. Therefore, start quarrels and scandals, “thunder and lightning” swords for the most insignificant reasons, arrange stormy scenes and showdowns from scratch until the guy runs away from you in horror, dropping his slippers. You can also tell the young person that, as it turned out, in sexually you are more attracted to women, and men are now only interested in you as friends.

Discussing the problem of parting without offense, psychologists advise:

  • do not blame the young man for the break;
  • take the conversation seriously: do not flirt, do not give hope for the resumption of meetings;
  • do not start a new relationship before you have completed the previous one.

When parting, remember that next time you yourself may find yourself in the status of being abandoned. Therefore, try to leave without hurting the once loved one.

Tamara, Podolsk

Among the guys, there are often those who do not accept a woman's refusal. Moreover, some of the representatives of the stronger sex consider it a signal for more decisive action to win the heart of the girl you like.

How to tell a guy "no" so that he understands? How to send it off once and for all? There are several ways to help get rid of an annoying boyfriend.

How to send a guy off

The most common opinion is that it is easiest to say “no” honestly and openly.

But, unfortunately, this method does not always justify itself. There are young people who consider women's refusal to be coquetry. So, there are several options for sending a guy off politely and not very.

honest conversation

Tell the person honestly that he does not seduce you, that you should not even try to start a relationship or continue to get to know each other. For example, because your heart is already taken or has recently been broken.

Don't come up with anything on the go - just say openly what exactly you think in this moment why you and a person are not on the way.

First, it won't hurt him. Secondly, your conscience will be at peace.


The most popular way to get rid of an annoying guy is to ignore his existence. Total ignoring of everything: calls, conversations, gifts, attempts to get close.

You do not see the guy, do not hear and do not notice under any circumstances. In most cases, a person simply gets tired of bumping into such a wall of indifference, and he finds himself another object of sighing.

Eternal excuses

Girls have a million or more of them. A lot of ways to make it clear to a guy delicately that he is superfluous in a girl's life.

No time to meet, no time to talk, very tired, no time and energy, a cat, a dog, a parrot got sick, and in general the stars converged today.

Even if he watches after school or work, you can always make a worried face and report the “terrible” illness of your beloved turtle, and then quickly leave.


Yes, yes, you can pretend to be a nerd. Boring, abstruse and terribly busy, forever in the world of knowledge.

With the first conversation, you can immediately interrupt all further contacts with a person, for example, by starting to quote him some poem or theorem (and even starting to prove it).

The only one who will not be affected by such a tirade is the same science-obsessed guys. But they are rarely clingy enough.


This is perhaps the easiest way to instantly get rid of a gentleman. For example, if he asks you very persistently for a phone number, then you can scream that they are trying to rob or rape you. This, of course, looks scary from the outside, but you will definitely be accepted as a mentally unstable girl and will not get involved.

You can also start persuading importunate gentleman that you sincerely believe in an alien mind, and are waiting for your cute alien from outer space. The main thing is to do it with a convincing look.

I don't deserve you

Not the most worst way send a guy off competently - present him in an ideal light, and put yourself in the worst. For clarity, you can do something completely sloppy. For example, burp or pick your nose. This will immediately discourage the guy from continuing to get to know each other.

Convincing a person that he is better than you with words does not always help, but you can try before resorting to illustrative examples.

I am not free

To be sure, at the first sign of molestation, let them know that you're already in a relationship. Only without false coquetry and smirks. This should be said in a dry and formal tone. If after that the guy does not lag behind, then just start ignoring him.

We say "No" according to the classification

Guy guy - strife. And everyone needs to find their own approaches. So, you can play with a stranger married lady, which is not stupid, but with a friend who has just kindled feelings for you, it will no longer work.
You can culturally send a guy off, based on who you have to do with him.


A stranger can be safely played by saying that a husband and children are waiting at home.

Or, for example, just ignore impudent harassment. As a last resort, to play the role of the same check. No less effective is the desire to immediately introduce the newly-made boyfriend to dad and mom. Usually, having heard such an enthusiastic offer, the guy himself retires.

A friend in love

An acquaintance in love must be rejected so that he is not offended. If you have long known about his sympathy for you, and even supported the guy’s interest, then this is very difficult to do.

Can only help here. honest conversation that it’s not time for you to be together yet, that perhaps if you met him a little earlier, then everything could work out.

After all, it's okay to say "no" to a guy culturally by pointing out your flaws and your reluctance to start a relationship with anyone.

Close friend

A close friend who unexpectedly confessed his love is generally unrealistic without offending. Here you just need to have a heart-to-heart talk about the fact that there can be nothing but friendship. Just before such a conversation, carefully consider whether you really do not want more.

This is not difficult to do - limit contacts with a guy friend. If in a few days you will never be visited by the thought of him, then you can safely refuse reciprocity. But if no, no, and you remember him, fantasize about something, then perhaps you should ask for a delay in feelings.

A close friend must be refused in such a way as to maintain this status of friendship, otherwise you will lose the person forever.


The former is especially difficult to refuse. Firstly, because the ex-boyfriend is the one who knows you quite well and is ready for any of your antics. You can't hide behind a hack or a crazy one. Secondly, because girls tend to give hope for what they themselves are mentally and not ready for. It flatters the female ego.

But, if the refusal is ripe, then you need to act in such a way that he understands everything the first time. One of effective ways here is a fake guy or a new hobby.

Men are possessive by nature and do not like too much when their beloved communicates with others. Some just walk away, while others can do it very loudly, with insults addressed to you.

However, the guy will leave you behind. Not the most worst case and describe to your ex gently about the moments that did not suit you in the relationship. If he accepts all the comments, and you still have the strength for a relationship, then you can try to start all over again. If not, then just tell about the intransigence of characters.

How to say no nicely


There are many phrases that you can say to a guy, not wanting to enter into any contact with him. You can even use quotes with anticomplements.

It can be:

  • Is it fashionable to have wet armpits on a shirt now?
  • Oh, you have something tasty left in your teeth.
  • Are your teeth so yellow from smoking?
  • And you probably don't cut your nails to make it easier to climb trees, right?

There can be as many such quotes as you like, but usually one is enough to ward off an objectionable suitor, whoever he may be.

It is more difficult with those instances that perceive everything with humor. Although such people make very good friends. Take a closer look.

Sample phrases

Sample phrases that will help send a guy off culturally:

  • I have a lot to do, I don't have time to talk to you.
  • My mother taught me not to talk to strangers.
  • I have a military dad at home, would you like me to introduce you?
  • I need to pick up my tests from the hospital.
  • I'm sorry, but there's no room for dating in my schedule.
  • Tell me your number, I'll call you when I'm free.
  • Add me the n-th amount, otherwise it's not enough to pay the loan.

Any of these phrases can work if you say it dryly, without flirting and flirting. Few people want to get acquainted with a girl who is so confused in her affairs. Even if this is your friend with whom you sometimes communicate.


By SMS, you can also get rid of unnecessary attention, no matter who the guy is to you. Common phrases to help distract an annoying boyfriend:

  • I can't talk, I'll call you back.
  • I'm sorry, but I don't have money to call.
  • My phone is broken, I can't make calls.
  • Please pay off my cell phone credit.
  • Of course, you are very good, but I don't like them.
  • Mom doesn't want me to talk to you.

Having sent a guy off with such SMS several times, you can discourage him from all the desire to communicate with you. The main thing is not to write emoticons so popular now at the end, be stern and unshakable.

By correspondence

By correspondence in the network, the situation is simple. Here you can use all your most stupid fantasies. For example, constantly send him messages, talk about your every step and action. Approximately it looks like this:

  • Came. Changed clothes. Tired. I drank tea. Stroked the cat. Do you want me to send you his photo? (and immediately send about 10 pictures).
  • Can you imagine, a car sprayed me today. And I was wearing such a dress ... (and further in the same spirit).

The main thing is not to let the guy relax - to write and write everything that comes to mind, not allowing him to answer and wedged into your printed monologue. 9 out of 10 guys will just stop texting you and unfriend you in in social networks. Few people like such annoying girls.

Video: What to do with an annoying fan

With humor

And you can refuse a guy with humor. For example, talking about how you see your future children. And it doesn't matter how much you know the young man. In the end, you can just send a funny picture with the caption "I like to be your friend." Everything, after this phrase, you will beat off all the desire to conquer you.

You can quickly send off an annoying boyfriend if you immediately express a desire to visit the registry office with him and introduce him to his parents. And all this in all seriousness, without a shadow of a smile.

You can even call your mother during a conversation with a guy and say that you have found a groom and want to marry him.

9 out of 10 guys run away from such pressure at the first opportunity, promising to call, by the way.

Rough rebuff

But a rude rebuff may be required for especially impenetrable young people.

Here it is better to seek help from third parties: mom, dad, friend, brother. Let them act as protectors.

Whatever way you decide to refuse a guy, always think about whether he really has no chance. Perhaps you should still write down the stranger's phone number, and then chat with him. Suddenly, this will be the beginning of a strong friendship?

Video: How to get rid of an annoying gentleman

Many young people show excessive obsession: they are overcome by constant calls, confess their love, pester in cafes and parks. It would seem that just saying a firm “No” is enough, and the annoying gentleman will disappear, but everything is not so simple. Firstly, not all guys are able to immediately understand that they were refused, and secondly, sometimes you don’t want to offend a person who didn’t do anything bad to you, he just didn’t like it.

If you don’t know how to send a guy off so that he doesn’t get offended, use our simple tips.
The choice of a specific strategy depends on the type of guy who does not leave you alone. Several variations are possible:

1. "Glue Stranger"

It will not be easy to get rid of him, because impregnable girl always kindles in male soul a strong desire to achieve it. Fortunately, such specimens are quite rare, much more often you have to deal with ordinary stickies because there is nothing to do.
With an obnoxious type who wants to treat you to a cocktail at a club or follows you in a supermarket, you should immediately become untouchable. You do not need to endure his presence if it is unpleasant for you. It's better to tell him directly about it.

The most important thing is to discard all coquetry. It is one thing if you think about it, and quite another if you are trying to get rid of an obsessive boyfriend. Speak dryly and sternly, without a hint of a smile. Such harsh girls usually do not cause guys any desire to continue the conversation. If your out of nowhere fan does not give up and still tries to pick up the phone, use the "heavy artillery". Tell him that you will start yelling now because you have an unbalanced psyche, or that you former man who underwent sex reassignment surgery. You'll see, he will soon hurry to "rewind the fishing rods."

2. A good friend who has begun to show sympathy for you

This is a person with whom you already have some kind of relationship. Your course of action will depend on whether you want to see him in the future as a buddy or friend. If in this role he is also not interesting to you, then you can use the same methods as for dealing with the “sticky stranger”. If you still want to keep good business or friendly relations, then act softer: it is best to have a couple of conversations in a private setting and during them explain to him that your couple is impossible. Tell him that your heart is full or that you don't have the energy or time for a romantic relationship.

3. A good friend who suddenly has feelings for you

You believe that friendship between a guy and a girl is quite possible, communicate with him for many years, know his family, share secrets. You perceive him not as a person of the opposite sex, but as a kindred spirit.

And this is how his feelings fall on his head ... Think about whether you are really not ready for serious relationship with him. If there can be no talk of romance, you need to decide on serious talk. Try to prepare a speech in advance, think over every word, because the person with whom you want to explain yourself is not a stranger to you, you do not want to offend him.

You can talk in a cafe or on a walk. Take his hand, look into his eyes and gently say that only friendly relations are possible between you. Do not hide your emotions, be sincere: he knows you and will easily see the falsity. If he can accept the refusal, then your communication will continue on the same note, if not, you will lose him forever. The second option is also possible, be prepared for it.

4. An ex-boyfriend who is trying to get you back

Some men are completely illogical. You finally stopped worrying about the breakup, and his old feelings flared up with renewed vigor. If a reunion is not in your plans, cancel the meeting. telephone conversation or sms will be enough. Tell him that you are happy and grateful to him for what former relationship are over. Most young people are offended by this, and they stop their unnecessary courtship.

If he's not one of those people and rejection will only piss him off, use a different tactic. Calmly and detachedly tell him that past feelings there is no longer any desire to return the relationship - either. Try to show maximum indifference: most men cannot stand indifference to themselves.

How to send a guy off without offending him

To send a young man off, it is not at all necessary to use rudeness. Politeness conquers cities, it can help you get rid of obsessive admirer without hurting his pride.

If this is your good acquaintance or friend, then do not tell him that he is not suitable for you: this may be taken as an insult. Calmly explain to him that you are too different, that he is worthy of love, but, unfortunately, you cannot give him these feelings.

If you want to send a stranger off without offending him, then just keep silent on all his impulses to talk to you. Even if you know perfectly well, be humble and polite. If he continues his attempts to speak, answer him like this: "I'm sorry, but my spouse does not understand this" or "I'm sorry, but I have to run to the child."

There are guys who are used to any refusal to respond with rudeness. Do not stoop to curses, answer all their words with a smile and silence.

How to send a guy off beautifully

If politeness did not help, then you can use other win-win ways. What usually infuriates men and discourages the desire for further communication?

1. Talk about money

How to send a guy off? Show him your arrogance. Ask how much he earns, whether he has an apartment and a car. Invite him to go to the store with you and buy you those very diamond earrings that you have been dreaming of for so long.

2. Talkative

Talk as much as possible. Tell us everything about yourself: about your favorite resorts, about your wonderful mother, about how your scrambled eggs burned yesterday, etc. Don't let him get a word in. Rest assured, he will run away soon: no guy is capable of listening to a woman's chatter for more than half an hour.

3. Silence

Act detached, avoid making eye contact, and answer all his questions in monosyllables: “Yes,” “No,” “I don’t know.” Soon he will feel uncomfortable and leave you.

4. Boring

Constantly interrupt and correct him, make yourself a real crammer. Make it feel like a loser at the blackboard. Nobody can stand this test.

There are many ways to send a guy off. It is up to you to choose the most effective and most suitable for the situation. But before you say “No” to him, think about it: maybe in front of you is the same prince that you have been looking for for so long.

Correspondence with a guy sometimes becomes a burden for a girl, even if there were no conflicts. It's rude to end a conversation, so learn how to send a guy off so he doesn't get offended.

Know how to stick unwritten rules communication, but sometimes you need to send a guy off in 10 days. This can be done without painful explanations and mutual recriminations. We must always remember that no one owes anything to anyone.

Communication by correspondence is almost anonymous, so there is a temptation to simply not respond to messages. This is the wrong decision, because uncertainty is created, prompting the guy to look for the reason for the sudden end of the correspondence. It would be better to honestly say that the correspondence bothers you.

  1. Feelings have cooled down
  2. fell in love with another
  3. Tired of relationships
  4. Parents are not allowed to meet
  5. Another reason

Don't ask your friend "How do I tell a guy I don't want to date him?" Most likely a friend life experience no more than yours. Need to be well understood male psychology to do the right thing.

It's best to say directly and frankly that you are not ready to continue communication with this guy, that you do not like him. This is the most honest and non-controversial option. An obsessive guy must be refused politely, but firmly, so that he has no doubts left.

A classmate or work colleague will have to give a more detailed refusal, explain that your heart is already taken by another man, that you have already made a decision and will not change it.

Try to do without worsening relations with a guy if you inevitably have to continue to contact him at work or school. It is appropriate to say softly that you do not dislike him, but nothing more. You can even apologize that you can not reciprocate his interest in you.

A guy will not be offended by a refusal if you mention in a conversation with him that he worthy of attention any girl is a person, but your social circle is different, there are serious circumstances that prevent your communication.

If you hardly know each other, you can limit yourself to asking not to bother you anymore, you are busy. Say goodbye culturally, one phrase is enough.


Sometimes girls brag about their ability to sew beautifully, but this is out of narcissism. A guy will be shocked if a girl hints to him that she has high level requests. For example, a girl may say that she loves to live in a big way and therefore she needs a rich groom.

Sometimes refusing to communicate becomes an irreparable mistake. Perhaps a friend has already said something like this: "I sent the guy away, and now I'm sorry." Do not rush to make a decision, think it over carefully.


He likes all your photos, tirelessly scribbles SMS and reads the classics with expression. With all his merits, one thing confuses you - the guy does not like or even causes hostility. Don't like it - piss off. You can make a “lapel” competently, without offending anyone.

I don't deserve you

no vacancies

if "ex" returned

friend suddenly appeared

complete ignore

scandal girl

let's get married

your troubled

How to send a guy off beautifully: by correspondence, on the street, everywhere

reel in the web

hey passerby

refuse him a date

universal formula

How to refuse a guy in a relationship: strategy and tactics

It's good that you're wondering how to send a guy off so he doesn't get offended. Many do not think about it, believing that refusal is a matter of life. Like, that's the way it is in nature. Spring is followed by summer. Grass turns green after rain. The guy offers and the girl refuses. Indeed, you can not bother and be like everyone else. There is another option - to send the guy off correctly.

I don't deserve you

What's more, he's a good guy. Cares, tries, economic. Not gay. He pays for the cafe. Ironing shirts. But it stands across the throat and that's it. In every sense, an exemplary guy needs to be sent off gently - laying a straw, picking up the right words without hurting your ego.

Beautifully refusing a guy means retreating in the style of "I'm not worthy of you." Tell me that such an exemplary man as he is worthy best girl in the world - not you. insist that best option development of relations - friendship. This good guy for sure, with all the heroism and selflessness inherent in him, he will try to “dissuade” you. Be steadfast: "You are an example perfect man. And you are worthy of a loving and devoted girl. I am not that kind of girl. We'd better be friends."

There are no vacancies

Another option to beautifully send off a guy is to screw in between compliments "My heart belongs to another." Lawless Heart. I love, they say, one - oblique and lame. And you, of course, are a hot guy. This is how - full of confidence, energetic and inspired - and you need to leave a man. True, there is a danger that the "ideal" will try to compete for your heart, that is, from a sluggish boyfriend will turn into an active one.

If "ex" returned

It happens that the “exes” return - they felt sad, remembered, impatient. The “exes” usually return beautifully - with repentance, an armful of flowers and a picture of a brighter future. And exactly at the very moment when you finally stopped crying and decided to start new life. Give a second chance or not - look at the situation. If the situation is unwatchable...

The first option is gentle. You can politely send off a guy who once rode a tank like this: “Thank you very much for leaving. Only because of this I met a man whom I fell in love with. I'm sorry, there's no place in my life for you."

The second option is hard. Coldly and distantly, with a feeling of barely concealed boredom, say: “You know, your lover was so-so. It was only when I compared them that I realized the difference. Now I won't settle for anything less."

A friend suddenly appeared

If a friend suddenly turned out to be an underground admirer who gathered courage into fists and stunned with an offer to meet, use maximum diplomacy.

You already know that it is beautiful to refuse a guy in a relationship - it means to raise self-esteem. Invite a friend to a private meeting, take your hand, look into your eyes and say: “I appreciate our friendship. There can be many guys. Friends like you are one in a million. Let's continue our friendship. We've been so great at it. Moreover, there is no passion between us.” Have no illusions - you are unlikely to remain friends. By the way, are you really sure that friendship is not the basis for a relationship?

Nietzsche wrote: good marriage rests on friendship." Indeed, the foundation of relationships is trust, understanding and respect - in essence, friendship. Communication, due to emotions, attraction and passion, psychologists call delusion. These are fleeting feelings that are not enough for a strong union.

How to send off an annoying guy: all means are good

If a guy is not imbued with a refusal either from the first or from the tenth time, but continues to bend his line, push diplomacy into the box.

Complete ignore

You can’t send the guy off gently and persuasively - turn on ignore. Penetrates impenetrable. Live like it doesn't exist, and it won't exist for you pretty quickly. You can count the heroes talking to the walls on your fingers.

Scandal Girl

Or vice versa - concentrate on sticky. Demand, be jealous, throw tantrums. Bring down on him all the unbearable burden of character - and from the importunate there will be only heels sparkling on the horizon. And if you haven’t rushed to your heels, take this treasure in an armful and take it to the registry office.

Let's get married

By the way, about the registry office. Tell the obsessive that you dream of a bunch of rosy-cheeked kids. What do you want to live in big house with all relatives up to the third generation. That you sleep and see how your spouse chirps sweetly in the kitchen with your mother. Guess where the annoying boyfriend will be tomorrow? On the opposite side earth.

Problematic yours

Mom's apartment needs urgent repairs. Sick grandmother needs care. The salary is only enough for food, but it would also be necessary for treatment at the dermatological dispensary. The vast majority of guys will not withstand such a load. And if you survived, cynically draw a line: “You know, I need a man who will solve all my problems. Yes, I'm a materialistic trash, so stay away from me.

How beautiful to send a guy off in any situation: from correspondence to the street

To refuse a guy without offending him is, in principle, simple. And you can do it in any situation, except for the one where the guy doesn't get it quickly.

Rewind web rod

With the rating of which you can find the link - a unique thing. Here it is convenient not only to get acquainted, but also to leave. The ardor of a web partner can be cooled by the message that you have a boyfriend. To the question "Then what are you missing here?" answer "I communicate with my friends." You can beautifully send off a guy by correspondence different lies for good: “Sorry, I realized that a lesbian”, “Mortgage and three loans – can you help?”. "I am undergoing treatment with a venereologist." Write whatever. Or don't write at all. Anything is possible on a dating site.

Hey passerby, come on

Now you will learn how to send off a guy who, having become adept at pickup truck courses, intends to meet you on the street, in mall and other public places. First of all, a reference to haste and busyness: "Sorry, I'm in a hurry." If the persecution continues, involve the “male shoulder” in the case: “Do you think for married girl is it okay to meet guys on the street?”, “Are you sure you want to meet me? I have great guy- Handsome and muscular. I can introduce you." It has been proven that suitors of various colors disappear at the speed of dissolving sugar in boiling water, smelling the spirit of a potential boyfriend. At worst, you can pretend to be transgender or crazy.

Deny him a date

You can refuse a date with a guy, referring to employment: “Unfortunately, I’m busy with my studies (work, raising a child, volunteering in a shelter) and I don’t go on dates now.” The tactic of eternal employment works with the same efficiency as ignoring. Format exclusively business relations can be described as follows: “I can have lunch with you / you with pleasure, but I spend dinners with my boyfriend.” You can limit yourself to a neutral phrase: "For a number of reasons, I cannot accept invitations." And no "Maybe next time." He decides that he was not persistent enough.

Universal Formula

And we came to the lapel formula, which every girl needs to memorize. This is a universal answer to the question of how to refuse a guy so that he is not offended. Remember: “Compliment. Program. Compliment".

“You are beautiful and smart (compliment). But I can't go on a date with you (program). I'm sure a lot of girls dream about dating you (compliment)." Merge beautifully, leaving behind not broken, but delighted hearts.

How not to refuse a guy: 3 popular mistakes girls make

Everyone makes mistakes, but a girl who sends a guy off must behave like a sapper in a minefield. At the very least, you definitely shouldn't make these mistakes:

  • speak rudeness;
  • say one thing and do another;
  • to speak, like a pitchfork to write on the water.

He opens your soul wide open, and you were rude to him? Offended guy- it is dangerous. Well, if revenge turns out to be just gossip behind your back. How to refuse a guy so that he is not offended, you now know. Through a compliment.

You say “There can only be friendship between us,” and you wink fervently with your eye and playfully twitch your leg? Of course, the search for phrases on how to send a guy off beautifully will become endless. Be consistent in words and deeds.

“You know, I like being alone. It nourishes and inspires me. And what is the feeling of freedom! Inspires. Independence is mine life principle. I have chosen this path and I am walking this path.” If you are trying to get out of an awkward situation through "a lot of beeches", you are pulling the cat by the balls. More plot in the text.

Being in demand is nice. So thank the same. Pump up the self-esteem of the guy who pumped your self-esteem with his attention or feelings.