How beautiful to send a guy off the phrase. How to kick a pen guy: win-win ways. Not of this world

Some young people are terribly intrusive. They do not give a pass, they often call, "stick" in clubs.

Some young people are terribly intrusive. They do not give a pass, they often call, "stick" in clubs and parks. And, it would seem, everything is simple: you do not like a person - tell him this directly, but ...

  1. At first, not all guys are quick-witted enough to immediately go to pay off after a firm "no".
  2. A Secondly, sometimes you just don't want to offend a person, especially if the guy is not bad, but, unfortunately, not your type.

If you also faced a similar situation, and you did not succeed in correctly removing the obsessive boyfriend, then they will help you our proven methods.

How to sew a guy off correctly so that he doesn't get offended

To begin with, let's figure out what kind your gentleman belongs to. There is the following classification:

  • "Sticky stranger";
  • just an acquaintance who likes you;
  • a good friend with sudden feelings;
  • your ex trying to win you over again.

Let's take a look at how to get started with a guy who falls into any of these categories.

  • You've probably heard that the male half of the population is simply sick of inaccessible and slightly bitchy ladies. A real conqueror would definitely want to get such a trophy for his collection. Therefore, if you come across this type of stranger, then get rid of phrases such as "Girl, let's get acquainted?" and "Can you give me a phone number?" it will not be easy.

But, fortunately, these guys are a little less common than the usual "stuck", who most often simply have nothing to do.

Therefore, it is better to pretend to be hard-to-reach when an unpleasant young man at the disco tries to treat you to a cocktail or walks on the heels of the supermarket and says various nonsense.

You shouldn't put up with it, but it is better to say straight away that you are not alone, or better, that you are married, that you do not want to, and that's it.

Only without coquetry! To get rid of such a guy, you need to speak dryly, firmly and without a smile! Usually so serious and even slightly angry girls do not cause the desire to continue the conversation. And if, after all, he is the same conqueror female hearts who does not give up, act rudely: say that you will now start yelling loudly, because you are an unbalanced mentally ill or that you are ex-man who has had a successful sex reassignment operation, etc.

Yes, this shocks the overly intrusive guy, but he quickly "reels in the rods". Very effective in these situations.

  • In the second case, just say "no" will not be enough. After all, with this young man you are already at least a little, but familiar. This could be your brother's classmate, work colleague, or upstairs neighbor. First, decide for yourself, do you need any kind of relationship with this guy at all? Will he suit you as a buddy?

If you do not want to maintain any contact with him at all, then point # 1 here will work no worse than with an ordinary "sticky" stranger. But, if you still need to maintain a good or business relationship with a person who shows sympathy for you, then it will be enough to have one or two conversations with him. calm atmosphere to sew a guy off, so to speak, in a pleasant atmosphere ...

Explain to him calmly and politely that his advances are pleasant to you, as a girl, but your heart is not free. Or tell me that now you are not romantic relationship... Usually a normal young person immediately understands what this means, but there will be no resentment.

  • The situation is more complicated: you have been friends for several years, and your relationship has never gone beyond friendship. It is possible that you know his family, and he often visits you, you share secrets with each other, and you no longer perceive him as a guy. He's like a brother to you. And then, like snow on his head, his recognition and attempts to translate your friendly idyll into a novel ...
  • If you are sure that you can only be friends with this young man, then you need to decide on serious talk... Take your time, prepare a short speech. After all, you're not just trying to get rid of unfamiliar guy... You need to keep your friendship. You can talk in a cafe or on a walk. The main thing is not to be disturbed ...

Take his hand, look into his eyes and gently explain that he is a great friend, and you don't want to lose such a friend. Don't hide your emotions be honest. He's yours close person and will be able to discern the falsity. Tell what friendship is everything what can you offer him.

If he manages to survive your refusal, then most likely in a couple of weeks or months he will call you and offer to throw a party with friends. If this deeply hurts him, then it is unlikely that your friendship can be continued. Be prepared for this outcome.

  • Well, such courtship is familiar to almost all girls. Alas, some young people simply “kill” with their illogicality. Once having said goodbye to his girlfriend on his own initiative, such a guy often flares up feelings for her again. And you just finally stopped crying over his photo and decided on a date with your new gentleman! And your plans do not include the reunion of your couple. In this case, you should not meet with him. Why reopen old wounds?

Talk to him on the phone or write an SMS. Without unnecessary lyrical digressions, tell me that everything is fine with you, that you are just terribly happy and thank him that he left you. After all, otherwise you would not have met your soul mate. Many young people it hurts and they back down.

If this only provokes him, and he decides to launch a frontal attack, he will have to act differently.

Calmly tell him that your feelings have already died out, and everything has long been forgotten. And you wouldn't want to see him again.

Try to be slightly detached, as if this conversation is absolutely uninteresting to you, boring, and you are terribly in a hurry to important meeting... Coldness and indifference will play into your hands.

How to turn off a guy so that he doesn't get offended?

Let's consider in more detail ways polite refusal, because they no less effective than rudeness and arrogance, but do not humiliate the young man and do not offend his feelings.

In order not to offend a guy you know or even a friend, it is important not to say that he does not suit you, because he will understand this as something that you consider him unworthy of you.

Therefore, it is better to say: "You and I are too different", "You deserve to be loved, but, unfortunately, it is not me."

To kick off a guy you don't know well, but you don't want to hurt him, you just need to keep silent about his attempts to meet you. Smile at him a little guiltily, they say, I'm sorry, but I don't want to talk, and continue going about your business. Normal person will immediately understand that he has come to the wrong address.

Politely decline offers to show you off or treat you to a cake in a café. For this phrases will do:“I'm terribly tired and I want to be alone. Sorry ”,“ Sorry, I can’t. I still need to pick up my child from the kindergarten "," Excuse me, but I don't think my spouse will understand this. "

Remember, there are young people who may react unexpectedly rudely to your polite refusal. It is not recommended to respond to rudeness.

It is better not to irritate such inadequate people. To preserve your dignity, you can reply to any rude statement addressed to you “I don't care about your opinion. All the best".

If a simple polite refusal did not break through the armor of misunderstanding, you can use beautiful and effective solutions.

Guys are overwhelmed by talking about money. Ask him if he has a car, how much he earns, who his parents are.

Ask if he can buy you one little thing as a gift, for example, gold earrings, which you have dreamed of for so long. Usually such conversations immediately discourage them continue acquaintance.

One more efficient way turn off a guy - talk a lot. And talk only about yourself. Tell us where you do your manicure, what TV shows do you like, what kind of guys you had, what a wonderful mom you have and many, many more interesting facts from your life. No man can listen to a woman's chatter for more than half an hour.

Or you can act in the opposite direction - answer his questions with short phrases, such as “Yes”, “No”, “I don’t know”, “I don’t want”, “I will not”. Don't say anything, don't look into his eyes. Be very detached. This attitude strains a man. Therefore, he is unlikely to continue the conversation.

Trying to show yourself as highly intelligent and boring is a great solution. You have to talk a lot clever words, constantly interrupt and correct. Making yourself a crammer is also encouraged. This option can only suit the same bore and smart guy.

How to send a guy off culturally?

In principle, in order to culturally dismiss a guy, it is enough just not to be rude, not to accuse him of anything, not to raise his voice and behave with dignity. If this person, to put it mildly, "got" by his courtship, he should subtly hint about it, but so that it is clear that you do not like it.

It's always better to talk about such topics in private, so that the guy does not get the impression that you are going to send him off in public. He must understand that you do not want to humiliate him, you are sincerely sorry that you cannot reciprocate, and you feel the same awkwardness as he does.

It is worth explaining your choice firmly, without coquetry and slyness. It should not give the impression that you are simply adding value to yourself.

Don't try to smooth out the corners too much, or you may never dot the i's. Express your thoughts clearly so that he understands what you are trying to convey.

How to kick a guy off, actionable phrases

And finally, here are the most effective phrases that will help you get rid of your annoying boyfriend:

  • "Ouch! Will my son finally have a dad! "
  • “I now have such difficult period in a relationship ... will you treat me to a cocktail? "

Some young people are terribly intrusive. They do not give a pass, they often call, "stick" in clubs.

Some young people are terribly intrusive. They do not give a pass, they often call, "stick" in clubs and parks. And, it would seem, everything is simple: you do not like a person - tell him this directly, but ...

  • At first, not all guys are quick-witted enough to immediately go to pay off after a firm "no".
  • A Secondly, sometimes you just don't want to offend a person, especially if the guy is not bad, but, unfortunately, not your type.
  • If you, too, faced a similar situation, and you did not manage to competently remove the obsessive boyfriend, then they will help you our proven methods.

    How to sew a guy off correctly so that he doesn't get offended

    To begin with, let's figure out what kind your gentleman belongs to. There is the following classification:

    • "Sticky stranger";
    • just an acquaintance who likes you;
    • a good friend with sudden feelings;
    • your ex trying to win you over again.

    Let's take a look at how to get started with a guy who falls into any of these categories.

    • You've probably heard that the male half of the population is simply sick of inaccessible and slightly bitchy ladies. A real conqueror would definitely want to get such a trophy for his collection. Therefore, if you come across this type of stranger, then get rid of phrases such as "Girl, let's get acquainted?" and "Can you give me a phone number?" it will not be easy.

    But, fortunately, these guys are a little less common than the usual "stuck", who most often simply have nothing to do.
    Therefore, it is better to pretend to be hard-to-reach when an unpleasant young man at the disco tries to treat you to a cocktail or walks on the heels of the supermarket and says various nonsense. You shouldn't put up with it, but it is better to say straight away that you are not alone, or better, that you are married, that you do not want to, and that's it.

    Only without coquetry! To get rid of such a guy, you need to speak dryly, firmly and without a smile! Usually such serious and even slightly angry girls do not make you want to continue the conversation. And, if, after all, he is the very conqueror of women's hearts who does not give up, act rudely: say that you will now start yelling loudly, because you are an unbalanced mentally ill or that you are a former man who had a successful gender reassignment operation etc.

    Yes, this shocks the overly intrusive guy, but he quickly "reels in the rods". Very effective in these situations.

    • In the second case, just say "no" will not be enough. After all, with this young man you are already at least a little, but familiar. This could be your brother's classmate, work colleague, or upstairs neighbor. First, decide for yourself, do you need any kind of relationship with this guy at all? Will he suit you as a buddy?

    If you do not want to maintain any contact with him at all, then point # 1 here will work no worse than with an ordinary "sticky" stranger. But, if you still need to maintain good or business relations with a person who shows sympathy for you, then it will be enough to have one or two conversations with him in a calm atmosphere, to kick the guy off, so to speak, in a pleasant atmosphere ...

    Explain to him calmly and politely that his advances are pleasant to you, as a girl, but your heart is not free. Or tell me you're not in a romantic relationship right now. Usually a normal young person immediately understands what this means, but there will be no resentment.

    • The situation is more complicated: you have been friends for several years, and your relationship has never gone beyond friendship. It is possible that you know his family, and he often visits you, you share secrets with each other, and you no longer perceive him as a guy. He's like a brother to you. And then, like snow on his head, his recognition and attempts to translate your friendly idyll into a novel ...
    • If you are sure that you can only be friends with this young man, then you need to decide on a serious conversation. Take your time, prepare a short speech. After all, you're not just trying to knock off a stranger. You need to keep your friendship. You can talk in a cafe or on a walk. The main thing is not to be disturbed ...

    Take his hand, look into his eyes and gently explain that he is a great friend, and you don't want to lose such a friend. Don't hide your emotions be honest. He is your close person and will be able to discern the falsity. Tell what friendship is everything what can you offer him.

    If he manages to survive your refusal, then most likely in a couple of weeks or months he will call you and offer to throw a party with friends. If this deeply hurts him, then it is unlikely that your friendship can be continued. Be prepared for this outcome.

    • Well, such courtship is familiar to almost all girls. Alas, some young people simply “kill” with their illogicality. Once having said goodbye to his girlfriend on his own initiative, such a guy often flares up feelings for her again. And you just finally stopped crying over his photo and decided on a date with your new gentleman! And your plans do not include the reunion of your couple. In this case, you should not meet with him. Why reopen old wounds?

    Talk to him on the phone or write an SMS. Without unnecessary lyrical digressions, tell me that everything is fine with you, that you are just terribly happy and thank him that he left you. After all, otherwise you would not have met your soul mate. Many young people it hurts and they back down.

    If this only provokes him, and he decides to launch a frontal attack, he will have to act differently.

    Calmly tell him that your feelings have already died out, and everything has long been forgotten. And you wouldn't want to see him again. Try to be slightly detached, as if this conversation is absolutely uninteresting to you, boring, and you are in a terrible hurry to an important meeting. Coldness and indifference will play into your hands.

    How to turn off a guy so that he doesn't get offended?

    Let's take a closer look at the ways of polite refusal, because they no less effective than rudeness and arrogance, but do not humiliate the young man and do not offend his feelings.

    In order not to offend a guy you know or even a friend, it is important not to say that he does not suit you, because he will understand this as something that you consider him unworthy of you. Therefore, it is better to say: "You and I are too different", "You are worthy to be loved, but, unfortunately, it is not me."

    To kick off a guy you don't know well, but you don't want to hurt him, you just need to keep silent about his attempts to meet you. Smile at him a little guiltily, they say, I'm sorry, but I don't want to talk, and continue going about your business. A normal person will immediately understand that he has come to the wrong address.

    Politely decline offers to show you off or treat you to a cake in a café. For this phrases will do:“I'm terribly tired and I want to be alone. Sorry ”,“ Sorry, I can’t. I still need to pick up my child from the kindergarten "," Excuse me, but I don't think my spouse will understand this. "

    Remember, there are young people who may react unexpectedly rudely to your polite refusal. It is not recommended to respond to rudeness. It is better not to piss off such inadequate people. To preserve your dignity, you can reply to any rude statement addressed to you “I don't care about your opinion. All the best".

    How nice to sew a guy off?

    If a simple polite refusal did not break through the armor of misunderstanding, you can use beautiful and effective solutions.

    Guys are overwhelmed by talking about money. Ask him if he has a car, how much he earns, who his parents are.
    Ask if he can buy you one little thing as a gift, for example, gold earrings, which you have dreamed of for so long. Usually such conversations immediately discourage them continue acquaintance.

    Another effective way to kick a guy off is talk a lot. And talk only about yourself. Tell us where you do your manicure, what TV shows do you like, what kind of guys you had, what a wonderful mother you have, and many, many more interesting facts from your life. No man is capable of listening to a woman's chatter for more than half an hour.

    Or you can act in the opposite direction - answer his questions with short phrases, such as “Yes”, “No”, “I don’t know”, “I don’t want”, “I will not”. Don't say anything, don't look into his eyes. Be very detached. This attitude strains a man. Therefore, he is unlikely to continue the conversation.

    Trying to show yourself as highly intelligent and boring is a great solution. You need to say a lot of clever words, constantly interrupt and correct. Making yourself a crammer is also encouraged. This option can only suit the same bore and smart guy.

    How to send a guy off culturally?

    In principle, in order to culturally dismiss a guy, it is enough just not to be rude, not to accuse him of anything, not to raise his voice and behave with dignity. If this person, to put it mildly, "got" by his courtship, he should subtly hint about it, but so that it is clear that you do not like it.

    It's always better to talk about such topics in private, so that the guy does not get the impression that you are going to send him off in public. He must understand that you do not want to humiliate him, you are sincerely sorry that you cannot reciprocate, and you feel the same awkwardness as he does.

    It is worth explaining your choice firmly, without coquetry and slyness. It should not give the impression that you are simply adding value to yourself.

    Don't try to smooth out the corners too much, or you may never dot the i's. Express your thoughts clearly so that he understands what you are trying to convey.

    How to kick a guy off, actionable phrases

    And finally, here are the most effective phrases that will help you get rid of your annoying boyfriend:

    • "Ouch! Will my son finally have a dad! "
    • "I am currently having such a difficult period in my relationship ... will you treat me to a cocktail?"

    The reasons that girls use to stop unnecessary acquaintance are commented by the Samara psychologist Yulia Kuznetsova.

    1. You good guy, it is a pity that we did not meet earlier, before I got married.

    - Not a bad phrase for those who do not want to offend the person who is interested in you. But it can give hope because it contains a double bind. There are men for whom official status married lady- not a hindrance to dating.

    2. Okay, let's get to know each other. I'm just a little busy right now. Call back in a year.

    - What if he calls? What then? I can imagine how surprised you will be when you hear the barely recognizable (if generally recognizable) voice of a random fellow traveler, with whom once in the cold they waited in vain for a tram and gave their phone number out of frustration.

    3. Someday you will understand that this is the end. And this will be the beginning.

    - Any phrase incomprehensible from the first time provokes one thing: be sure to clarify its meaning. Even if you dumped her like Zorro, waving his cloak and hiding in the bowels of the supermarket, the guy will surely follow you. He will definitely want to know what you mean.

    4. I already have a boyfriend, he recently returned from the army, from the airborne troops.

    - Ideally, the phrase should scare off the gentleman. But what if he himself served in the Airborne Forces? The paratroopers' brotherhood is very strong, and therefore such information may interest the boyfriend even more and will certainly lead to a detailed questioning: “Who? Where? Does the divisional commander still have a one-eared dog? "

    5. Okay, let's meet. Come to me tomorrow evening, I will introduce you to your parents, husband, children ...

    - Such a phrase will definitely cool the ardor of any objectionable admirer who wants to get your attention. Good way abruptly break off unnecessary contact.

    6. Just do not be offended, you will still meet a girl who will love you ...

    - This is what girls usually say, who are used to apologizing for having to put the interlocutor in an awkward position. It’s unpleasant to hear, but male pride the phrase still does not hurt much. There is a subtext in it: "It's just that you and I don't suit each other, but in general you are nice to me."

    7. I will gladly meet you, only now I am in a hurry, I have to pay off my mortgage and three loans.

    - It would be nice that the interlocutor does not find in your face your soul mate and did not offer to merge his own debts into one huge loan.

    8. You are already fat, why do you need a soul mate?

    - This phrase, of course, sounds ridiculous. But not for the person to whom it is addressed. It is guaranteed to cause an attack of aggression in the interlocutor. It will be difficult to predict the reaction of the offended gentleman.

    9. Let me call you myself. Then, when absolutely no one will need it.

    - The beginning of the phrase is good, you take the initiative in own hands... V this case no one will make you call obsessive admirer... Unless you change your mind while sitting long winter evenings alone and sorting out in my head candidates for the place of the one who will brighten up your life for the next hundred years. But the second part of the phrase can cause negative reaction because it contains the context of the insult. Do not offend a person.

    10. Sorry, but I don't want to meet with you anymore.

    - The most honest answer. Perhaps it will have to be repeated several times - to the one who did not understand anything the first time.

    The most idiotic tackles of guys that annoy

    And here is what guys usually say in the hope of a romantic acquaintance.

    - Doesn't your mother need a son-in-law?

    - Girl, call an ambulance. Cupid just shot me.

    - You will not take me across the road, or I'm afraid?

    - Quickly marry me, otherwise I will change my mind!

    - Let me walk you home. At least with a glance.

    - Girl, let me hold on to you, otherwise my legs give way from your beauty.

    - Why are you looking at me like that, as if your parents had left for their dacha?

    - Girl, I know you. Only now I forgot the name.

    - Remember me? You and I met in your dreams, however, then I was on a white horse.

    - Where is the nofelet located?

    5 "tackles" to which girls almost always answer "No".

    - Girl, can you tell me what time it is?

    - May I meet you?

    - Have we met before?

    - Excuse me, is your name Tonya by any chance?

    - Girl, are you by any chance a fashion model?

    He likes all your photos, tirelessly scribbles SMS and reads classics with expression. For all his merits, one thing confuses you - you don't like the guy or even dislike him. If you don't like it, turn it off. You can make a "lapel" competently, without offending anyone.

    I am not worthy of you

    vacancies No

    if "ex" returned

    friend suddenly turned out to be

    complete ignore

    scandal girl

    let's get married

    your problematic

    How beautiful it is to sew a guy: by correspondence, on the street, everywhere

    reel a web rod

    hey passerby come through

    deny him a date

    universal formula

    How to deny a guy in a relationship: strategy and tactics

    It's good that you are wondering how to kick a guy off so that he doesn't get offended. Many do not think about it, believing that refusal is an everyday matter. Like, this is how nature works. Spring is followed by summer. The grass turns green after the rain. The guy offers, but the girl refuses. Indeed, you can not bother and be like everyone else. There is another option - to sew the guy off correctly.

    I am not worthy of you

    Moreover, the guy is not bad. Caring for, trying, economic. Not gay. In the cafe he pays himself. Ironing shirts. But it stands in the throat and that's it. In every sense, an exemplary guy needs to be sewn off gently - by spreading straws, picking up the right words without hurting pride.

    To refuse a guy beautifully means to retire in the style of "I am unworthy of you." Inform that a man as exemplary as he is worthy best girl in the world - not you. Insist that the best option development of relations - friendship. This good guy will certainly try to "dissuade" you with all his inherent heroism and dedication. Be unshakable: "You are an example ideal man... And you are worthy of a loving and devoted girl. I'm not that kind of girl. We'd better stay friends. "

    No vacancies

    Another option is to beautifully sew a guy off - between compliments to screw "My heart belongs to another." Lawless Heart. I love, they say, one - oblique and lame. And you, of course, are the guy in great demand. This is how - full of confidence, energetic and inspired - and you need to leave a man. True, there is a danger that the "ideal" will try to compete for your heart, that is, from a sluggish boyfriend will turn into an active one.

    If "ex" returned

    It happens that "exes" come back - I felt sad, I remembered, I was impatient. The "exes" usually return beautifully - with repentance, an armful of flowers and a picture of a brighter future. And exactly at the very moment when you finally stopped crying and decided to start new life... Whether to give a second chance or not - see the situation. If the situation is not watchable ...

    The first option is gentle. You can politely dismiss a guy who once drove by a tank: “Thank you very much for leaving. It was only thanks to this that I met the person I fell in love with. Sorry, there is no place in my life for you. "

    Option two is tough. Coldly and detached, with a feeling of barely concealed boredom, say: “You know, the lover of you was so-so. Only by comparing, I understood the difference. Now I don’t agree to anything less ”.

    A friend suddenly turned out to be

    If a friend suddenly turned out to be an underground admirer, who gathered courage into fists and stunned him with an offer to meet, apply maximum diplomacy.

    You already know that it is beautiful to refuse a guy in a relationship - it means to raise self-esteem. Invite a friend to a private meeting, take a hand, look into the eyes and say, “I appreciate our friendship. There can be many guys. Friends like you are one in a million. Let's continue our friendship. We did it so well. Moreover, there is no passion between us. " Do not have any illusions - you are unlikely to remain friends. By the way, are you really sure that friendship is not the basis for a relationship?

    Nietzsche wrote: “ Good marriage rests on friendship. " Indeed, the foundation of a relationship is trust, understanding and respect - in essence, friendship. The bond of emotion, attraction, and passion is called delusion by psychologists. These are transient feelings that are not enough for a strong union.

    How to get rid of an annoying guy: all means are good

    If the guy does not get refusal from the first or the tenth time, but continues to bend his line, put diplomacy in the drawer.

    Complete ignore

    If you can't turn the guy off gently and exhortingly - turn on the ignore. Penetrates the impenetrable. Live as if it does not exist, and it will soon cease to exist for you. You can count the heroes talking to the walls on your fingers.

    Scandal girl

    Or vice versa - concentrate on sticking. Demand, be jealous, throw tantrums. Throw on him all the unbearable burden of character - and only heels sparkling on the horizon will remain of the annoying one. And if you don't run away, take this treasure in your armful and take it to the registry office.

    Let's get married

    By the way, about the registry office. Tell the obsessive that you dream of a bunch of pink-cheeked kids. What do you want to live in big house from all relatives to the third generation. That you sleep and see how your spouse chirps sweetly in the kitchen with your mother. Guess where the annoying boyfriend will be tomorrow? On opposite side land.

    Troubled yours

    Mom's apartment needs to be repaired urgently. A sick grandmother needs care. The salary is only enough for food, but it would also be necessary for treatment in a dermatovenous dispensary. The overwhelming majority of guys will not be able to withstand such a load. And if you did, draw the line cynically: “You know, I need a man who will solve all my problems. Yes, I am a mercantile trash, so stay away from me. "

    How beautiful it is to sew a guy off in any situation: from correspondence to the street

    To refuse a guy without offending him is, in principle, simple. And this can be done in any situation, except for the one where the guy does not cut it quickly.

    Reel web rod

    The rating of which you can find at the link is a unique thing. It is convenient here not only to get acquainted, but also to part. The ardor of a web partner can be cooled by the message that you have a boyfriend. To the question "Then what have you lost here?" answer "I communicate with friends." You can beautifully sew a pen guy different lies for the good: "Sorry, I realized that I am a lesbian", "Mortgage and three loans - won't you help?" "I'm undergoing treatment with a venereologist." Write whatever you want. Or don't write at all. Everything is possible on a dating site.

    Hey passerby come through

    Now you’ll find out how to sew a guy who, having become skilled in pickup courses, decided to meet you on the street, in mall and another crowded place. First of all - a reference to the rush and busyness: "Sorry, I'm in a hurry." If the persecution continues, bring the "man's shoulder" into the case: "You think for married girl is it permissible to meet guys on the street? "," Are you sure you want to meet me? I have great guy- handsome and muscular. I can introduce you. " It has been proven that assorted suitors disappear with the speed of dissolving sugar in boiling water, smelling the spirit of a potential boyfriend. At worst, you can pretend to be transgender or crazy.

    Deny him a date

    You can refuse a guy a date by referring to being busy: “Unfortunately, I’m busy with my studies (work, raising a child, volunteering at a shelter) and I don’t go on dates now.” The perpetual employment tactic works with the same efficiency as ignore. Format exclusively business relationship can be defined as follows: "I can have lunch with you / you with pleasure, but I spend dinners with my boyfriend." You can limit yourself to a neutral phrase: "For a number of reasons, I can not accept the invitation." And no "Maybe next time." Decides he was not persistent enough.

    Universal formula

    And we come to the "lapel" formula, which every girl needs to memorize. This is a universal answer to the question of how to refuse a guy so that he does not take offense. Remember: “Compliment. Program. Compliment".

    “You are beautiful and smart (compliment). But I can't go on a date with you (program). I'm sure a lot of girls are dreaming of a date with you (compliment). " Merge beautifully, leaving behind not broken, but filled with delight hearts.

    How not to refuse a guy: 3 popular mistakes girls make

    Everyone is wrong, but the girl who kicks the guy off should behave like a sapper in a minefield. At the very least, you definitely don't need to make these mistakes:

    • speak rudely;
    • say one thing and do another;
    • talk like a pitchfork on the water to write.

    He has your soul wide open, and you were rude to him? Offended guy- it is dangerous. It's good if revenge turns out to be just gossip behind your back. Now you know how to refuse a guy so that he does not take offense. Through a compliment.

    You say, "There can only be friendship between us," but you wink your eyes cheerfully and playfully twitch your leg? Of course, the search for phrases how to sew a guy beautifully will become endless. Be consistent in words and deeds.

    “You know, I like being alone. It nourishes and inspires me. And what is the feeling of freedom! Inspires. Independence is mine life principle... I have chosen this path and I am going this way. " If you are trying to get out of an awkward situation through “many beeches”, you pull the cat by the balls. More plot to text.

    It's nice to be in demand. So thank you in kind. Boost the self-esteem of the guy who boosted your self-esteem with their attention or feelings.

    What to do if an unfamiliar young man who you do not like wants to meet you on the street? Or a guy you know fell in love and wants a serious relationship? How to politely kick a guy off so that he doesn't get offended and understands that there is no point in persisting. In our article we have collected the most delicate, soft, beautiful, original and harsh ways to say no to a man. You will learn how to refuse correctly young man on the street, by SMS. In addition, we will tell you about the most common mistakes that girls make.

    Most of the instances merge after simple phrases:

    • "I'm not in the mood";
    • "I have a boyfriend";
    • "I'm married".

    In the latter case attentive men may notice the absence wedding ring... If it exists or is its imitation, then the matter is greatly simplified.

    There are also more persistent guys who continue to pull the strap of communication, despite your refusal. In this case, you need to dryly and strictly explain to him that you are not on the way:

    • "Sorry, but you piss me off";
    • "I just made it clear enough that I don't want to get acquainted."

    At the same time, it is important to behave culturally: not to cry out and not be rude. This can provoke conflict. Just speak dryly, put on a menacing expression. These words and intonations are enough.

    But there are some individuals who do not even understand such formulations. Even worse, they are often drunk. In such a situation, it becomes even scary. What if I’ll tell him now, and he will hit or start to insult? To get rid of insolence, use proven techniques:

    • Give him a phony phone number. But do not give your friend's or boyfriend's number, you can create a conflict;
    • Take his number and tell him you will call;
    • Find the nearest guard or police officer and ask him for help;
    • Tell me you’ll start screaming now.

    Several original ways

    Sometimes the phrase “I'm not in the mood” is not enough. Most easy way out from the situation - to answer harshly and rudely. But it happens that this cannot be done. For example, you have good mood and you do not want to spoil it or the situation is not suitable, the people around you may misunderstand everything.

    In such a situation, you can answer harshly, but at the same time you must observe culture and politeness. You can call the guy aside, privately explain to him that you are not a couple. The main condition for politeness is a smile and a quiet tone.

    If this does not help, then you can use several funny and original refusals, so you keep the culture of communication and get rid of the guy.

    1. Family man. Tell us about your family (real or fictional). You have two, three, six children, a handsome husband and loving family... And you can turn the persistence of the newly-minted gentleman into an insult:
      • “Do you consider me a slutty girl?”;
      • "In your opinion, is it permissible for a girl not to value her family, to cheat on her husband?"
    2. Mercantile spirit. Go straight to the conversation about money, find out how much he earns, where and by whom he works, has an apartment and a car. At the same time, show contempt for his achievements: "Ford is nonsense, a two-room apartment is f-i-i". As proof, demand to buy your favorite emerald ring.
    3. Loquacity. Guys don't like stupid and talkative girls. What are you talking to your girlfriend about? Chat with a guy on the same topics: dresses, cosmetics, stupid guys, your lovely mom... Take over the initiative of communication completely, do not let him insert a word.
    4. Silence. Do not look him in the eye, do not answer the questions, or say standard wording: "Yes", "No", "I do not know." The advanced method is to completely ignore its existence. Leave all questions unanswered, you can pick up the phone and pretend to talk to your mom or girlfriend. Realizing that he looks stupid, talking to the wall, the annoying guy will leave himself.

    Hard options

    Real life case.

    - Can I meet you?

    - No.

    - Where are you going, I will take you?

    - I am looking for a quiet place for a grave.

    - What, why?

    - I killed a man, I think to drip.

    Some personalities do not understand from the first time, not from the second, not from the third. Sometimes a young man deserves a rude refusal because of his boorish speech or outright stupidity. To answer harshly and not run into a conflict, it is enough to say ordinary phrases, but at the same time include metal and irritability in the voice. At the same time, it is advisable not to offend him, not to give him negative assessments and even more so not to swear.

    How to correctly send off a friend or acquaintance who fell in love

    The most difficult situation- when you see that. There are two main differences. First, you want to keep friends with him or warm relationship... Secondly, you will still see each other, if the refusal turns out to be unclear, vague, then the courtship will continue. Wherein simple politeness in the refusal of the relationship will not save. Because it’s not rudeness that destroys a relationship, but the fact that you don’t like him. It is necessary to sew it neatly, but clearly and clearly, and at the same time preserve his self-esteem.

    How to make the disclaimer clear:

    1. Don't pull. If you see manifestations of sympathy and courting, then either immediately decide on serious relationship, or chill your buddy's ardor. The longer you drag, the more hope the acquaintance has. Then it will become much more difficult to achieve cooling of its pressure.
    2. Don't flirt with him. Sometimes you use flirtation as a way to cheer up a man, to maintain a relationship. But in the case of a loving acquaintance, this will fuel his hopes. Your refusal will not bring about the desired result.
    3. Be serious. You can't smile, but speak with warmth and love. In order not to offend, apologize to him, explain that you do not want to offend him. You can smile and joke after he says that he understood everything.

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    How to make rejection gentle and tactful:

    1. Retire. Of course, you cannot do this in public, and even more so with mutual acquaintances. You can take him aside, or you can offer to take a walk together. As an option - explain yourself in personal correspondence on social networks.
    2. Politeness but concreteness. Apologies and assurances of friendly sympathy can easily smooth things over. But you shouldn't create the impression that you like him as a man.
    3. Praise him, appreciate the friendship. You can't praise him on all counts, just say a couple of compliments. But friendship with him can be praised 100%. Remind him of how you helped each other, how you overcame various problems together, how fun it is for you to communicate.

    Formulations. The most important thing is to choose the correct wording for “ main phrase"So that the refusal is not offensive.

    In order to "sweeten the pill" can be done to a young man. This will help mend relationships.

    How to send a penpal or SMS guy off correctly?

    The easiest way to refuse a penpal guy is to write a message on the Internet (in classmates or VK) or SMS. You save time, you can refuse in one phrase, and failure does not bring discomfort. In this case, two failure strategies are applied.

    1. Polite but long refusal. You can build a busy personality out of yourself, you work two jobs, have children, and something is constantly happening in your life. Over time, he will get tired of it, and he will stop pestering you. But another outcome is also possible - he will understand that you are sculpting excuses and a "serious conversation" will begin.
    2. A quick but polite refusal. You can choose another tactic - refuse quickly and immediately. At the same time, it is desirable to preserve the culture and politeness of communication:
      • “I liked communicating with you, but we are not suitable for each other”;
      • “I'm not in the mood for meetings and relationships, I'm sorry”;
      • “I've already found a young man”;
      • "I understood myself and realized that we are not a couple."

    How beautiful it is to refuse an ex-boyfriend

    The most common mistake is hard and abrupt refusal... Or, on the contrary, too soft and unstable. Please select the golden mean- quiet, cold conversation, complete indifference and insensitivity. It will be difficult if you, but still retain sympathy for him. Then it is better to refuse at a distance, by correspondence or SMS.

    To give weight to the refusal, you can argue for it. List what you dislike and why you decided to end the relationship forever. Does he not take care of himself, is too harsh with your loved ones, does he make compromises? When he begins to assure you that he has changed, explain to him that it is too late.

    You can not get personal and criticism. This will cause unnecessary emotions and lead to a quarrel. Build in your head polite communication, clear disclaimer and follow this plan. Try to avoid irritability in your voice. In order not to get angry yourself, do not get involved in discussions of cause and effect. Explained their position - said goodbye and dispersed.

    Common mistakes

    According to the assurances of psychologists, girls make 3 classic mistakes when refusing a guy.

    1. Lack of specifics. Girls often try to be polite and maintain a warm relationship. But at the same time, politeness and sympathy for a person are confused with abstract hints. Speak directly, explain how you want to see the relationship with him.
    2. Opposite behavior. That is, send the guy off and after a minute wink and smile. This creates the impression that your refusal is just a joke. In this case, the guy will begin to achieve with double persistence. Often this mistake is made with friends and acquaintances. I would like to continue friendly relations, make amends. As a way to maintain a relationship, they choose coquetry.
    3. Play for time. This applies not only to delaying "a serious conversation", but also to refusals like "I have no time now." Such formulations temporarily save you from unnecessary attention, but later the situation will return to its former course.
    4. Harshness and insults. Such a mistake is made by girls when the boyfriend does not understand the half-hints and polite refusal. Why spoil a relationship with a person? Maybe your roads will cross, and it will be useful to you. What if you like it later? It will be very difficult to mend relationships after a rude refusal.