Son went to study in another city. Began to learn badly. Some simple ways to reduce housing costs

These days, graduates with excitement are waiting for the last results of the EGE and many, have no doubt, they will be quite high to think: and not to turn into a capital university? On the one hand, the ambitions of young people can only be welcomed, but on the other - how many unrest for parents! How? Let go of a child in someone else's unfamiliar city? One? Without mom?

To help the Sibmamam of Applicants to cope with excitement, we learned the stories of four forumchanians who have already passed this path, among which the author of these lines turned out to be.

Frankly, I was afraid, but at the same time I was hoping that among the answers will be and negative examples - Just for contrast. The child missed home, Handrill, threw his studies, and after the first session, hurried to return to Mamino Wing ... But no, all four Siberians are safely learn in Moscow and St. Petersburg!

How did you decide?

Novosibirsk is not the village of Gadyukino, we, thank God, and have enough universities. But still, we will not deny this, the metropolitan life is brighter, rich, dynamic, and very attractive for young people.

(daughter, 2 Course SPbSU Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Control Processes)

On the exam, the daughter scored about 290 points - Russian 100, mathematics and informatics more than 90, and submitted documents to the faculty information technologies in NSU. And then I left the girlfriend to Peter, just so, see the city where I have never been before. Already from St. Petersburg reported that she filed documents in three universities, and, if it goes, it will go there to learn. She reasoned that if there was an opportunity to go to a good university not in the province, then the chance could not miss.

It is much easier to let go of a child to study in another city, if you have relatives there, friends familiar to whom your child will be able to ask for help if necessary. So recall the phones of second cousins \u200b\u200band look for your addresses student girlfriends - Any connection (even if the child does not take advantage of) will be now by the way!

(son, 1 MSU Course, Biological Faculty)

Feng Ngu is very strong. But in Moscow, the university, of course, is stronger and prestigious. I went because it fell such a chance - he is a medalist of the All-Russian Olympiad, and could choose any university of the country outside the competition. He is really a strong biologist, and it makes sense to complicate the task as much as possible so that the brain is used; Finally, there are relatives in Moscow, and it was this faculty that graduated from my grandfather and grandmother before the war.

(daughter graduated from the historical faculty of Moscow State University in 2014)

The daughter wanted to enter the university in St. Petersburg, but there was not enough for the results of the EGE - it was necessary to go and pass entrance exams. We had a good chance, but ... I was Moscow State University, where it was enough to simply send documents, moreover, we have many relatives in Moscow. So the child was defeated and sent documents to Moscow. She did not participate in any olympiads (it was our omission, we didn't even know that in addition to the All-Russian schoolchildren's Olympiad there are many more competitions, giving benefits upon admission), so that special hopes did not feed and submitted documents in NSU, where The daughter immediately accepted. When she accidentally discovered her name in the "second wave" entered in Moscow State University - first, the eyes were not believed and very confused! I had to hastily withdraw documents from Novosibirsk reception Commission, buy tickets for the plane - the word, time to think about something, fortunately, it was simply not.

But what would be your RESONS - listen to the desires of the child, and they probably have ...

(son, 1 course of the Higher School of Economics (HSE, Moscow))

In Novosibirsk, definitely, there is NSU. The choice of the applicant himself, I supported him; Probably because I regretted your own unrealized and missed opportunities. But to get a worthy of Moscow universities a score, it was worth graduation class Pay more attention to the Olympiads. I had concerns that the son would not pass with his points in HSE (in the first wave, indeed, did not pass, at the same time a set of in NSU was closed in one wave, without his original). And I was supervised him, hardly did not forced it, on the last day to go to Petersburg, serve the original to the university, where two people were separated from the green wave border. Most of all at that time I was afraid, no matter how much it remains without forming! While he was driving in Peter, HSE was rejected with a lower score than he had. So, as a result, my intervention led to the loss of the year - the son stopped in St. Petersburg State University. There were small problems with which he made to paint into big, and was expelled. On the next year Still enrolled in HSE.

To be!

After the decision was made and the child was on board the aircraft, any mom immediately begin to torment doubts: what about it there without a mother? What will eat? What to wear? Doesn't the hostel uninimed in the room ... hmm ... a mess, which houses periodically eliminated Mom?

Tranquility! WITH household problems Teens coped much easier than you probably think. Perhaps in the first month a child will call you every evening to find out how many cereals need to be taken to cook porridge and what to bring a stain from the shirt from orange juice. But, put your hand on the heart, not such wisdom - keeping householdTo ensure that the teenager, which coped with differentials and gerundias, did not master it for the month at the minimum level.

In everyday life, on the one hand, not particularly skillful and adapted, on the other, is completely unpretentious. He is enough for a modest amount from us (while it's no time to work at all), he may well wash, cook pasta and buy shoes.

There were also no fear about domestic difficulties, not everything could have taught in advance, but he fully coped. At first, at all, I was simply afraid of everything, although my son was already quite ready for independent lifeBut I, of course, have doubts that it is. Especially went crazy when he did not answer the whole day (and he broke a mobile phone, as it turned out later).

Check what exactly it feeds, I still can really not, so, ultimately, rely on it common sense. He was convinced of Skype that he still prepares himself, at least sometimes, well, at first he constantly asked him that he ate.

After receipt in HSE, there were no concerns, since HSE hostels occupy the first places in the ranking of the best student hostels in Russia and the conditions for normal Life Students are created.

By the way, prepare for this in advance - most likely, the child will live in a hostel. It is quite expensive to rent an apartment in two capitals, although it is possible that you prefer this particular option. But the hostel has its advantages!

    The first year older is always "in front of" whether he fell ill, lost, fellow students will immediately notice anything and score alarm. In addition, in large universities, the life of freshmen in the hostel is supervising someone from teachers.

    The hostel is protected and, believe me, are now guarded pretty strictly. At the first planner, at least the chance of becoming a victim of a crime, even small thefts - a rarity.

    The hostels are already equipped with a minimum of what a student needs to live: there will be a kitchen, most likely - buffet, laundry, and in the room - chair, table, wardrobe and bed with bed linen. Although ... it's how lucky!

The experience of independent trips at the daughter was - from 10-11 years old left for competitions, in sports camp, on alloys, hiking, and this is not a very comfortable life without mom and dad nearby. But the concerns were - life in the hostel is still somewhat different than a trip with a coach for two weeks. I told her - took a pillow, did not listen, then I regretted, of course, I had to buy a new one. Financially, it is difficult, but somehow everything works, learns to save, keep budget, expect finance, prepare, erase, and so on.

Hostels in Moscow State University, against my expectations, were even more modest than in NSU, where I studied. Room on three - barely nine squares, for two - at all six! With the wash of heavy things, for example, jeans, had to go to relatives, there were no place in the hostel in the hostel (however, the visits to everyone were pleasure). Furniture is a minimum, but a lot in such a room and did not fit, the repair is very modest. The rooms are prohibited by electric heating devices and this, it seems to me, plus - less than the risk of fire, but we still set smuggling with smuggling. However, there was no particular need for this; That over the years past from the times of our studies, it really became better - so these are student dining rooms: simple, inexpensive, high-quality and healthy food. In addition, in Moscow at every step, supermarkets, where a student can always buy yogurt and fruits, without hammering his head with culinary delights. And prices for products in Moscow are not higher than in Novosibirsk.

And suddenly someone offended him ...

Another problem that worries mothers - will the child find mutual language with fellow students? Will new friends get? Do not worry, everything will work out!

17-18 years old perfect age In order to acquire new friendly connections. Period teenage aggression And the "stying instinct" is already behind, young people are already tolerant at this point, in order to friendly react to most peer features. At the same time, at this age, adolescents are still maximally open to everything new: dating, contacts, communication. Once in a situation where everyone around the same newbies, as he himself, the freshman is easily and naturally poured into the student medium, instantly finally finish friendly connections. Of course, someone can not be charged with someone, but fortunately, we usually have no problems in order to change the rooms in the hostel - it does not arise, and then this conflict does not go.

Live in a hostel after our family (and 10 years in one room with younger Brother) - No problems in the plan of climbing with neighbors!

The daughter is closed enough, and in the first year she was not lucky - it settled in one room with twin sisters, which, naturally, performed as one team. She had no common interestsSo she quickly became annoying. In a nine-meter room, it is generally not surprising ... I did not expect a daughter, which was then only 16, will be able so calmly and easily respond to conflict situations, do not worry, do not dramatize, make a compromise ... Last years In the hostel, she already lived in the soul with his girlfriend-fellowboard and psychological problems There was no!

In the hostel, my daughter was lucky with neighbors - they did not live there, only they were listed, and she lived alone more than six months. Then the girl was picked up to her, live together in a room on three.

Of course, it is impossible to ignore the character of the child: a closed house, perhaps it is better to spend several extra Years Next to the family. So if the child is firmly intended to study in Novosibirsk - do not insist on the university in another city. Think, maybe it's your dream, not it? On the other hand, such a shake will become for a closed and unsure in itself a teenager to reveal, grow up, learn how to make friends (and even fall in love and build a personal relationship). Not bad, right?

Will a child study without control?

Of course, at the 11th grader we do not check the notebook weekly, but there is school teacherswho are engaged in this. In a situation where you seriously seriously interest in half a year, many freshmen relaxes are relaxing, especially if we studied in a strong school, where the part of the university course has already passed ... and in vain! Try to set up a child for conscientious work from the first day, without postponed "for later." However, the first session usually puts the head to the place!

For me, it became a complete surprise when the son missed the exam (the reason was respectful - the disease), then did not prepare for reliance and missed it, and did nothing to agree with the teacher about the deadlines of the new retake. So I stopped being a student of St. Petersburg State University ... But then the disease was only a pretext in the absence of motivation to continue learning from St. Petersburg (he received where the opportunity remained, and was disappointed, and did not pull, and realized that "not quite his").

Of course, I am afraid that "crashes", and he would not need to make health in the army; What will abandon study at all, it will be suitable, for example, on computer games. But! By his 18 years, I could not have a particularly influence on the situation at home - he could not learn, play and disappear in the evenings. So even, oddly enough, easier - not in front of the eyes, do not worry on trifles. While the session he passed on the five, everything seems fine.

The first semester presented to us an unpleasant surprise where we did not expect at all - physical education! Yes, yes, the skis stood the first pair and the daughter, the "owl" was lazy to get up in the morning, to go to the stadium ... I had to try to schwit her, to draw the attention of doctors on chronic illnesswhich, according to conscience, speaking, completely did not bother skiing. Then the missed classes had to work out .. fortunately, on unsporting freshmen on Easta, they watched if not through their fingers, then, in any case, quite condescendingly. And more such incidents did not repeat.

How can I deal with this?

We will not hide, the separation will give you harder than your child. But think about what opportunities will discover in the metropolitan university! How much interesting it will see how many friends will start, how much will travel (from Moscow and St. Petersburg to Europe can be reached by bus!), Finally, how much useful dating For a future career, he will appear!

It was difficult for me (before gray hair, literally). Almost to the announcement of the results of the exam, the Son did not accept the Son's readiness to enter the capital's university, they discussed his classmates who were going to leave, I was serious about such a possibility, I was not morally not. I did not expect that the son will do the main emphasis on studies, and not on the turbulent social activities, as it happened and is still.

I miss very, yes! And we all miss. The daughter at one time did not go to a similar situation - and does not regret it, she liked the NSU, and there was less concerns, living at home, and the circle of communication was preserved. But the boy's career is probably more important. In both cases, we agreed with the decision of the children themselves.

The Faculties of St. Petersburg State University are not located in one place, it is the center, and Vasilyevsky Island, and Peterhof, where the daughter lives. It goes to the city as needed. Students in St. Petersburg have the opportunity to visit the Hermitage, Russian Museum for the minimum cost, and other museums too.

I do not know if Anya did not go to Peter, I would have visited there at all or not, and so I was there four times over the past year and a half!

What? What is not plus a student life in the capital?

Prepared Irina Ilina

Practice shows that so you can save not one thousand rubles. It would be nice to put an individual heat meter, but there are subtleties here. It is necessary that they put them not only you, but also all the inhabitants of your home. About why it is important, we also wrote in detail. All light bulbs must be replaced with energy saving, it will lead to so significant savings that you will be surprised. The same applies to electrical appliances. They must be modern, with cost-effective energy consumption schemes, ECO modes, etc. Do not suck and replace your old favorite washing machine For a new, but economical. If sound insulation allows, turn on the washing machine at night when a special rate is valid. But in this case, you need to get a two-way electricity meter. Take care of the plumbing.

What is the procedure for paying housing housing and communal services, if the children left for another city?

The procedure for holding the state private expertise of objects of unfinished construction The procedure for holding the state private expertise of objects of unfinished construction with a period of conservation 10 years or more.

  • Payment for services utilities Apartment is privatized. It remained inherited from parents. No one is registered. What services housing and communal services (gas, water, etc.) are I obliged to pay?
  • Privatization attic two-storey house Hello! Tell me, please, we live in a two-story house (German building), just 4 families.

On the first floor 3 apartments (3 families), we ...
  • Sell \u200b\u200ba room in a hostel good afternoon! I want to sell a room in a hostel, corridor type. In "Zelenka", the street is indicated, the house number, apartment and room number, i.e. 11-1 / 23 I was told, ...
  • Sample tenants meeting protocol apartment house Hello.
  • Payment communal and student-glasses in another city

    My daughter is a student (learning in another city). But I have been registered with me, should I pay for the rent (we have management Company?) When providing reference. What is she a student? And how should recalculate? Does it also have the right to take a payment company for it for electricity (on the site of the house?), Their main accountant says that there is no such benefits. Now write it down and then you will not take a fee for her fee. But how can you write a child. If she does not have his own housing? Question Number №2228890 Read 259 times Urgent advice of a lawyer8 800 505-91-11

    • Elena, ask the daughter to send a certificate from the institute that it is a student, or (if it is temporary registered there) certificate from a temporary registration site.

    Payment of utility services for actually unable

    This is at the discretion of the court yes, it is only so. Consider that: 1. All legal questions should be asked only to the "lawyer's consultations" on the relevant topics. 2. I just clarify the provisions of laws and other regulatory legal acts on the forum, without expressing any of its attitude to their content.
    In disagreement with them, you have the right to appeal these provisions of laws and other regulatory legal acts in the constitutional and Supreme Court Russian Federation According to the rules established for this. Mama Motylek Dear Lawyer, good day! Tell me, please, I have such a situation, we recently issued a disability to the child, and wanted to issue a comment on housing and communal services. I gathered all the documents and I was told that since our property is private (apartment), then 50% . Do 4-Ro, I (Mom), father of the child and two children.

    Some simple ways to reduce housing costs

    According to clause 54 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 307 on the procedure of payment by citizens of housing and communal services, the consumer may require recalculation if it was absent in the apartment for more than five days, and the day of departure and the day of arrival do not go to the offset. Moreover, maximum time The absence of which can be recalculated is half a year. Then you should write a statement and submit documents.

    Counters for everything if you are not a beneficiary, do not claim subsidy and do not drive around for business trips round year, Only one thing remains - save resources. Naturally, for this you need to get the meters. The water meter pays off for half a year, and in general, the savings can be fivefold.
    Moreover, when it is installed, it is better not to attract service organizations, but to buy an individual accounting device yourself and attract for its installation and sealing the technician of the management company.

    Communal payments for children

    The right to subsidy depends on the regional standards of housing area, the standard of utility bill, the maximum permissible share of expenses for the payment of the LCD in the overall family income. All this should be clarified in the pre-municipalities. For example, subsidies receive residents, costs for housing and utilities that exceed 22% of the cumulative income of the family. Do not pay just so you need to always remember that you should not pay for housing utilities In the event that they were not provided or were provided in improper quality.

    That is, if the battery was cold, if a cold driver flowed out of a hot crane, if the entrance is not removed, and the elevator does not go - this is all the basis for carefully look into your payment and make exclusion from it appropriate payments. This right is provided for in paragraphs 60-69 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 307.
    Author Topic: Benefits. Rent. Communal services. Nalog for real estate. (Read 17021 times) 0 users and 1 guest browse this topic. Rain Lawyer, Hello! You could not give a link to a regulatory act that regulates the issue of benefits to pay for families with disabled children at the place of temporary stay. A disabled child has a resilience in Moscow with mom and sister, dad is registered in the Moscow region. Currently, the whole family lives in the Moscow region.

    Here the cost of housing and communal services is higher, I would like to use the beneficity here. Ready to make temporary registration of mom and children. Will it be possible to use benefits to pay housing housing and communal services here (can I refuse from Moscow benefits)? In local regulatory acts, it is indicated that the benefits are provided to persons who have a place of residence in MO (what is meant: Registration or temporary registration too?). And one more question.

    Payment housing and communal services if a child is studying in another city

    Frequently asked questions Consider some of the payment nuances for children, relying on legislation, which is valid in 2018. With a newborn, do you need to pay for a newborn baby? Municipal services are paid for each prescribed person in the apartment. There is no value, the baby is or an adult face.

    If a child lives elsewhere we will analyze the situation on the example: parents have a daughter for 4 years, but do not live together. The child has a child from his father, but lives with his mother at its place of registration. She is the legal representative of a minor.
    Is it necessary to pay utility services for a child in the apartment where he does not live in fact? Hitters must pay housing and utilities services. But since the girl is a minor, then payment obligations should be carried out in this case mother.

    Parents often do not know how to let go of a child to study in another city. Adults understand that they will worry strongly, because they will not be able to control Chado away from home. How to recognize that the child got into trouble? Based on detective experience, we collected several characteristic signs suspicious behavior of matured children.

    Became less often call

    The child went and became less common to call. It most often bothers parents. But everything is relatively relative: convene once a day or once a week? Everyone has their own ideas about how often it is necessary to communicate with the child by phone. Such a student behavior is always alarming and even more insult. After all, you are ready for everything for a child, and you can not even give a minute for a day.

    In fact, rare calls are not always a sign of trouble. Most often it is youthful frivolism, a fayful feeling of freedom, new friends. Remember yourself at this age. In addition, the student is forever financial crisis And on the balance of the phone simply may not be funds.

    Leaves from answers

    For some reason, the child does not want to discuss with you his life in another city. You really don't know who he lives how he passes his studies than he is busy in free time. This is not a refusal of the conversation as a whole, but the conversation is not glued. Moreover, this happens regularly, each time you call him. The cause of the child cannot explain the child.

    This reason to think about it. One of the reasons for such behavior is sometimes depressed, bad mood. A child may wander around the house, old friends, perhaps he is not satisfied with the new life line. Worse, if a student consciously silent something, hides from his parents.

    Began badly learning

    The fact of bad progress is already a reason for concern. It is important to understand what is the reason: loss of interest in studying, a complex training program or something else. Usually after the child's receipt to the Institute, parents control his studies: they call back in the dean, they ask for a photo of the dutch. To senior courses, control is weakening if explicit reasons There is no excitement.

    Traditionally, the cause of poor performance at the institute is a stormy personal life: rulky, love, third-party hobbies. Sometimes students are arranged to work, which adversely affects their performance. Causes of Summer I. bad values There are very different. The main thing is to exclude critical moments: Drugs, alcohol, prostitution, sects, crime.

    Hides his environment from parents

    You missed you to visit the student's child to another city. But what happens? You are appointed a meeting in the park or in a cafe, somewhere on neutral territory. You do not show an apartment under the pretext that "the girls are now sleeping" or to someone "Mom also arrived." You still do not know the names of new friends, although during calls they often heard someone's voices in the tubes. You go to get acquainted with the child's alignments and learn that he is "notice" and in the group does not support relations with anyone.

    It seems that your child leads a double life. Somewhere on the side, his other company appeared, about which the student is fundamentally silent. And this silence is greatly disturbing. What kind of strange company, about which you can not even mention? Sect? Or a gangster jump? This requires clarification. For the sake of your calm, at a minimum.

    Child against your arrival and does not come himself

    A student child does not want to see parents. Then start with yourself. Perhaps you were too strict to your child, crossed a certain feature in the relationship? Remember how your relationship was built before when he was a schoolboy. Are there any quarrels? Didn't it reach the hands-writer? Perhaps you are so accustomed to such a format of relationships, which no longer notice your own pressure?

    There is no smoke without fire. But imagine that before departure to another city, relations with the child were actually perfect. And suddenly such a sharp change. it alarming sign. It is better not to bring before the child student completely breaks with you. Turn off the phone and disappears from your life.

    The child constantly asks for money or, on the contrary, does not need anything

    When the child went to study in another city, you began to send money to him on the card. At some point, the student begins to constantly ask to throw him the money. It may be a one-time request, for example, pay the gym or buy sneakers. But the money child spends on other needs. Another extreme when the money is not asked at all. Imagine the girl of the years of eighteen suddenly begins to provide himself, and in the photographs in social networks it fits in expensive new clothes.

    In the case of the girl, one conclusion is suggested: she has a "papik" or several generous workers immediately. What concerns high-paying workwhich she mentions Casual, here you do not need to believe in fairy tales. For what such skills a person without experience suddenly pay solid money? This can also touch the young man, as you know, rich sponsors are in young people.

    Your child lay out something that excites your parent imagination. You meet on the street of His old friends who inform you the most predictable news. It turns out that your precious child dances at the pole in the bar or already as a month is being trained in the Syrian camp of suicide bumps.

    Look at the profile of my student's child in in social networks. Young people account direct reflection of them personal life. If there is alcohol, cigarettes, clubs, bed scenes in the photo, then studies in the conservatory moved to the background. Perhaps you reached any rumors that dismiss it former friends of native city. Try to talk with these guys, what happened to them? Sometimes young people are screwing out each other - by stupidity or envy.

    Parents, for any reason decided to translate a child to another school, many questions arise: what school to choose which documents must be provided, etc.

    You can translate at any time of the school year. But in practice, parents make it mainly at the beginning or middle of the school year, and at the end - rarely, try to make the opportunity to make it possible to take care of the end of May.

    By law in our country for a schoolboy to eighteen years, education is mandatory and free. Moreover, parents of juvenile children have the right to choose a school.

    What should parents do wishing to translate the child to another school? First of all, to seriously approach the question of choosing a suitable educational institution. Then find out if there are free spaces there. If not, not only in your chosen school, but in others acceptable options, then contact the Education Committee with a request to help find suitable school. When with the school, in which you want to translate the child, we decided to write a statement about the deduction in connection with the transfer to another school (and indicate what). And if you move to another location, specify the name of the city or village.

    At school, for three days, the order should be published on the deduction of a child with a mandatory record, which school he moves (or in which locality moves).

    What documents do you need to get at school? A student's personal case, a special extract from the class magazine with existing estimates, scores obtained during interim certification. All these documents must be certified by stamp and signature. class teacher or director of the school.

    Refuse to issue a personal case, the certificate and other documents cannot. If it happened, you can appeal the refusal to the prosecutor's office.

    More documents with you should not require in that school where you are translated. If still exist additional requirements The list of documents that will need to be provided, this should be reflected in the school charter. But it is better, of course, to clarify in advance which documents are needed so that there are no unpleasant surprises.

    The school in which the child was translated, publishes an order for enrollment, and after that, within two working days, the school notifies writing about it from which the student translated.

    Offer to enlist the student temporary order (in case it will be bad or behave) illegally. The trial period may exist only for an employee, but not for a schoolboy. For a student can not be test period under no circumstances And the deduction on the initiative of the school before reaching the student 15 years is unacceptable. After they reach 15 years, the deduction is possible, but only in exceptional cases determined by law.

    When a school that you have chosen to further teach a child can refuse to receive?

    First, if not free seats. And if there are, they first receive children translated at the place of residence. Such children should take all (wishing). Denied due to lack of vacant seats can only be a student who do not live on the territory enshrined at the school. Sometimes there are two or more schools near the house, and parents are confident that they are attached to all of them. This is an erroneous opinion. The child can be fixed at the place of residence only at one school (and not two, three). You can clarify this information on the site.

    Secondly, if you have chosen to go educational institution With in-depth study individual items And no competitive or individual selection passed. The school has a full right in this case to pre-assess the level of knowledge of the newly incoming learning, as in profile classes the requirements are much higher than in general education. You understand that teachers have no opportunity or tighten your child to the level of knowledge that children already have in the class where you plan to translate your child. And class can not wait when you catch up to continue to learn school Program. Need to have such a level of knowledge to smoothly, to join the learning process in new school. Therefore, the child must pass the introductory tests, testing to which it is advisable to prepare in advance. If we translate B. primary classesIt is usually an interview with a teacher and a psychologist. But if this is a school with in-depth study Foreign language, then be prepared for the passage of appropriate testing. The middle class student is likely to be testing for one (profile) or several subjects. But for high school students, the delivery of certain exams is not excluded.

    When positive result The passage of individual selection and in the presence of free places you are taken in the profile class. If the results do not satisfy the requirements of the school, you can try to translate into this school in the following academic year, eliminating the existing time all gaps in knowledge.

    How to be if you are forced to live in another area of \u200b\u200bthe city (not at registration) - so the circumstances? The main reason for the translation of the child in the school you chose is your statement. It indicates the address of the study of the study. If they ask for documents confirming the fact of accommodation at the specified address, you can show a contract of hiring.

    And if a child in the 11th grade? Parents have the right to translate the child to another school chosen by them in any class.

    If your child and his friend (girlfriend) are translated into the same school, and they would like to be in the same class. Is it possible? Yes, but it is necessary to negotiate this with the school administration. Usually if possible, then school is coming towards parents. The law provides only the right to choose the parents of the school, but not class.

    Is it possible to translate a child to another school if he has academic debt? Or you need to first correct the assessment? By law, you can translate at any time, and the debt it will fix, studying at the new place of residence.

    The daughter graduated from school, his own work and effort on perfectly passed exams in the Moscow university and entered the budget. All went now, now it will live there alone in someone else's city, with strangers people. The days were preparing for exams, then to departure, everything was not so scary. And a week before her departure, I began to panic. I understand, I need to let her go to the new life and soul In shreds .... And suddenly they will be offended there or she will be lonely, and I am for thousands of kilometers. I'm going to go to the plane for her and return her home ... How to find the strength to let go of the child?

    By new function At the bottom I saw Temko, read the "Announcement" and Obomlla. It was lucky that I was not here on August 26, 2011 and later, I would have flooded with tears here - my flew on August 29, not even thousands, and for tens of thousands of kilometers - exactly half globe - In Canada in Vancouver.

    Also finished school with Altyn Belgi, too, clever and absolutely home child In the goggles, the intelligible spout is such. I did everything mother, that is, I, and my grandmother, I didn't know how to eat, I knew the salad there all sorts, hot sandbrokes, etc. I didn't take the iron in my hands, I didn't fit anything - everything studied, it was once simple. But when it was necessary - I did everything, I helped well, it was cleaned, but it was just when I said, let's do together! My cook was in the kitchen - apprentice, before leaving, I will finish everything - how can I be a loved one without a cook?! Smiled, satisfied, in response!

    She collected her, like a year they prepared - and came, and the documents were collected, and the visa did and they decided all the cases, things were bought, and when they could collect suitcases - so I could not believe.
    But I was a little easier - I had already survived this 2 years before - in 2009 it was accompanied into America. That was the show! The first time, almost there, where she is now - on the edge of the world from us, but then she rushed with the girl, only this soul got root that not alone.
    In the same time, absolutely, completely alone to live and learn to someone else's and unfamiliar country, again, the language, although she knew him perfectly, but it was one thing - it's one thing, but it's not in my native language - it was tin (so it was ).

    Your daughter was still lucky that there was no Russian language, even though there was no problem.

    So in 2009 on the last day from morning to night fees, I am ironing, I collect, cook, I am going, she is also going to and at one moment I encountered her on the run, I like inserted dug, in the brain thought - yes what I do where date own hands Send?! And it broke out - I will not go anywhere !!! At that already an eye on the teapot became - looking at me - Mom does this seriously declared or emotions? He stared at me and evaluates - how to react ... and laughter and sin. On the soul of a nightmare, but in the port somehow was well and fun, thanks to her girlfriend, diluted farewell.

    Last year, it was the other way around - I kind of keen, gathered, the last day just considered the remaining, everything was not believed - and I will not see her whole year? (And in the plane you will not jump, who will let me in Canada?) And here it is necessary to gather, hassle even more than with America. And in the port, everything is already saying goodbye, she goes to control and here I did not carry it, I embrace her and sob, I can't do anything with myself, because it was configured not to cry! She is my mom, well, you smiles, I'm even more in tears, okay, okay, I say, go, hare with God, myself scold myself - what I scare a child and make a concert on the road?!
    And then while she has passed everything there - customs, passport, everywhere queues - I stood and looked out her braid ....

    The scene was similar to Wheel on Chicago was also a girl like my daughter, the same approximately, apparently to learn rides - mom at her age already, accompanies, in the eyes of bewilderment and horror - where is the child, how so, and the girl To her - Mom, let everything be fine! Yes, I think I'm not alone! Poor-poor parents!

    All 23.5 hours "flew" with her, Zhui suffered because of Hurricane Irene, who just raged from a week in the east of America and just that day I got to Canada, but thank God, the flight was on Greenland and over North Canada right on the west coast.

    Then everything was, but saved and saves the clever Skype, every week on the weekend - we have a connection with space, we say very little for 3 hours, usually 4-5. Yesterday, they talked from half the eleventh in the morning to 4 days! She already had 3 in the morning, drove her to sleep .. Sometimes, her parents call her, relatives. Let's write letters of course, every morning I wake up - I'll turn on the run right now - is there any letters from her?!

    Young learns, friends appeared, from the New Year told the phrase that I waited a long time - the most important thing, says I like to live here and learn!
    Soon already arrives in a month, I whole year I am so waiting for me that it seems to me, all the joy will be simply not fit!

    And then I will tear off, already knowing what awaits me again for a whole year? I can not imagine .... and so - 4 years ....

    Last summer I met a friend, her son in the Czech Republic has been studying for 3 years, I ask - and how did you survive? (with the idea of \u200b\u200bfinding the future of the future experience). She says - Oh, what was not only, and on Skype head about the monitor was beating and ..... etc.

    My daughter told, laughed. Then from Canada at the beginning of winter to the Word she is joking on me - Mom, are you there your head about the monitor not yet? - Bunny, bunny, with your departure!

    At first it was scary, but there they have something good - really everything for people! Now 2 weeks as she moved to summer accommodation, and there is no dining room, it is necessary to cook it yourself, so I ask her - what do you even eat there? She laughs - here, moms, hungry will not stay! Very developed food in all versions - cafes, snacks, cutlery, shops, etc.