How to find a common language with brothers and sisters. The brother and sister sat silently on the couch in the room, in the dark, and did not dare to leave their hiding place to their parents, with whom a painful explanation was to be

Not rivals. I can't say that my older sister is my "rival" (as they say: God forbid), but almost half of the way we have lived (to this day) has passed in military conditions. It all started on the second day of my appearance in the house, after the maternity ward. Lenochka, five and a half years old, who over the years has become accustomed to absolute, personally riveted attention to her, told her parents: "Take it back where you brought it from ... what is she yelling day and night !!!" She was right about one thing: to this day, I cannot be called quiet-voiced. The other day she was promised "to buy a boy in the store", and "bought" a girl. And why does a child need a girl when the nursery is bursting with dolls?

Perhaps I myself remember how even in early childhood the delights of my character did not give rest to the whole family. Beloved daddy, who made a remark to his youngest daughter at the table, immediately received a very spectacular action in response: Zhenya slowly, tastefully, defiantly (from the word "demon"), lowered her bright head into a plate of porridge, sitting like this (lying face in semolina ) until mom takes pity and takes the stubborn child to the washbasin. I don’t even know what I personally did with my monster after such a display of temper.

Lenka was constantly tugged at my tricks, and since from childhood I strove to do everything in my own way, it never seemed to her enough. "The child said: "stupid" - she learned from you, where else !!!" - as if there is nowhere ... "Why don't you take your sister for a walk, there is nothing to hustle seeds with the boys, go and have her in front of your eyes" - it's cruel when a girl has a first love ... "Check her homework, and then you can talk on the phone!!!". In short, there was something to hate for.

She always considered me a parental "favorite", which is allowed almost everything. They say that on the first children, parents learn, experiment, and last child as the last attempt, with a new approach to parenting. I don't know... but it's just me and her, like heaven and earth, different in character, life principles, and goals. I have always been a leader, a ringleader both in the classroom and in the yard. When the director called the mischievous people from 7 "B" on the carpet and saw me and another hooligan among them, he grabbed the validol, and not because he saw impudent young ladies for the first time, but because one of them is dear, and the other is two Native sister school committee. And only last week he personally expressed his gratitude to Elena for her school achievements and the upbringing of a worthy replacement in the person of an excellent sister.

She was addicted social life(my sister is also a creative person), but the study on her mind very rarely lingered for more than 45 academic minutes, in each discipline. She completed 10 classes behind her back, and I always aspired to get a "tower" by entering a prestigious university on my own. The main thing that her forces were spent on and what her aspirations focused on was marriage and the selection of a suitable candidate. The first love and passion did not end with marriage ... Further searches brought desired result, also because of the problem of parental control. You can't say anything, it reached the point of absurdity when it was necessary to return by 22.00 and not a minute later. In general, when she got married, she ran away from family care, just not thinking that married life is even more responsibility and even more control over yourself and over you.

My relationship with my parents was built on the manifestation of independence and self-will, from the standpoint of making my own decisions, defining tasks and paths depending only on my needs. Probably, having convinced themselves of the capacity and logic of my steps, they left me alone, and they touch me only in urgently necessary situations. As my mother recently answered me: "It is useless to educate you, you do what you want ... It's good that you know what to do." Some of my friends got hooked on my slogan "self made woman", I do not argue, because it's true.

The problems with my sister were previously only in disputes and quarrels with my parents about my "licentiousness", but the years of her marriage added another very disturbing one. Regarding the distribution of material goods, which I use, since I live with my parents, despite my own income. The tradition of dividing everything equally remained in her mind. And then there is injustice in relation to her, as to an already inferior contender for love and the benefits of parental opportunities. Although this is still unfair on her part, since mother and father never forget about her, nor about their beloved grandson (who is like a light in the window and the meaning of the rest of their lives), nor about their son-in-law.

Our last friction arose on the basis of my excessive attention to friends, and not to her person. I have a lot of acquaintances, a large circle of close friends, with whom I am more interesting and more trusting than with my sister. But in her opinion "wise life experience matron, "I need tips and advice. And often my friends (who are mostly her age) listen to her comments with or without. Of course, I tried to share with her, but one day it became the property of other people's ears, like all of her personal life. And then my sister does not like to listen, but loves when they listen to her, while accusing me of excessive egocentrism. Only which of us is a big egoist is a moot point.

I love her very much, accepting the way she is, she also loves me, but in a very peculiar way. For which I always thank my mother, so much for the fact that she drove the thought into our heads: “You are sisters, you will never be closer and closer, and you will never have anyone when you and I are gone. Live in peace, even if you have to give up with some personal ambitions and interests. Never think that it is easier to cope alone than with the support of a loved one.

I asked for a brief comment on our situation. psychologist Vanifatiev Vyacheslav Yurievich:
1. Your sister is jealous of you. This explains everything. main reason- you as a person, as a person, took place a head taller than she. Naturally, she does not talk about it, maybe she does not even realize ... What humiliates usually does not come to mind - this is a taboo for consciousness.
2. She has a lot of claims against you: you get more various benefits than she does (material, freedom, attention, etc.) - these are all reasons to express your resentment for injustice, inequality.
3. If you received them equally, it would hardly change anything.
4. You have the traits of a leader - you can captivate people, and they will follow you - it's more than money - it's a kind of power and will. As you know, everyone wants to be the first - but few can. So there will never be equality between you - she must accept this.

In the upbringing of children and their relationships with each other, a huge responsibility lies with the parents. First of all, in resolving children's conflicts and maintaining conditional parity in their development. The main emphasis should be placed on the education of responsibility for each other - and as much as possible to push back the problems associated with supposedly unequal attention. You also need to take into account their behavior in the group - you need to achieve the priority of children to each other, even as opposed to the leader of the group. The ideal family is considered when - a brother and a sister, and a brother is older, because many reasons jealous, which means - aggression, disappear by themselves.

brother- a, pl. siblings, siblings, m. 1) Each of the sons in relation to other children of the same parents. Friend's brother. Younger brother. I was present at the last minutes of my elder brother's life (... his death served as the theme for the famous story ... ... Popular dictionary of the Russian language

Sister- This term has other meanings, see Sister (meanings). Sister ... Wikipedia

medical sister- deutsch: Krankenschwester f english: nurse vocational training nurse(medical brother) provides care for patients in hospitals, nursing homes for the elderly and disabled, as well as at home for patients ... Russian-German-English Health Dictionary

BROTHER- husband. brothers, brothers, brethren brother, brother, brother, brother, brother · diminish., brothers pl., brother, brother · led away. each of the sons of the same parents, to each other, and also to his sisters, or children of the same parents. Relatives, blood, ... ... Dictionary Dalia

Brother Sun- Brother Sun, Sister Luna (film) Brother Sun, Sister Luna Fratello Sole Sorella Luna Genre Drama Director ... Wikipedia

Brother and Sister (film)- Brother and sister Hare Rama Hare Krishna Genre drama ... Wikipedia

Brother Sun, Sister Moon- Fratello Sole Sorella Luna Genre drama Director Franco ... Wikipedia

Brother and sister- Hare Rama Hare Krishna ... Wikipedia

SISTER- SISTER, sister, sister, sister, in general, of course, a sister, a daughter of the same parents with the one to whom she is a sister. Only-begotten sister, one father with whom, but different mothers, sister by father; one womb, one mother, but another father, sister ... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

sister- the devil is not a brother, and a pig is not a sister ... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M .: Russian dictionaries, 1999. sister nun, sister, sister, nurse, nun, sister, like-minded, sister, ... ... Synonym dictionary


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The problem of relationships between children in the family is sometimes very acute.

According to the Bible, Cain and Abel, the first two brothers who appeared on Earth, "loved" each other so much that the elder killed the younger.

Thousands of years later, nothing has changed - the children of one father and one mother sometimes hate each other as mortal enemies. What is the reason for such rage and is it possible to reconcile relatives?

Innocent killers

Siblings or sibs (English siblings, sibs - brother or sister) - a genetic term for the offspring of the same parents. Biologists have a special term - siblicide, the murder of sisters and brothers. There are not so few "Cains" in the animal world. Little sharks eat breakfast with unborn brothers right in the womb - the strongest survive. In the world of birds, Galapagos gannets, black eagles, Siberian Cranes and some other birds suffer from siblicide, and the older chick kills the younger with almost a 100% guarantee. In animals, hyenas differ in this - the female gives birth to two cubs and the older sister tries to kill the younger one, barely born. To a lesser extent, siblicide is characteristic of domestic pigs, lynxes, fur seals. Primates, as a rule, treat their relatives with respect and love, this is especially pronounced in chimpanzees. But with people it's not so easy.

AT Ottoman Empire there was a cruel custom - every Turkish sultan, who ascended the throne of Istanbul, gave the order to execute all his brothers in order to avoid a war for the throne. In the English royal house, both brothers and sisters showed examples of “love” - John the Landless contributed to the death of Richard the Lionheart, Mary Tudor kept her half-sister, Princess Elizabeth, imprisoned, and planned to execute her. In the history of Russia forever remained the blood feud of Princess Sophia and her younger brother Peter I.

Siblings do not necessarily love each other, blood relationship does not guarantee warm feelings The only exception is twins. Competition has both biological and social causes.

Envy and jealousy

The simplest and obvious reason antagonism of sisters and brothers - competitive struggle. In cubs of the same litter, a strict hierarchy is very quickly established: the strongest is the first to approach maternal nipples or a bowl of food while the rest wait their turn. In humans, everything is much more complicated - the smaller or weaker one is supported by parents, he can win at the expense of intelligence, obedience or achievement. The internal hierarchy changes depending on the divorce of the father and mother, the school success of the children, the appearance of new babies. Sometimes parents single out one child to the detriment of another, and in the most severe cases they oppress and humiliate the unloved. If the victim of injustice is older and stronger, at some point she will try to take revenge on the baby. If the "universal evil" turns out to be the youngest, his psyche will be seriously affected.

The conflict escalates in children of the same sex, in siblings with a small or medium difference in age (3-10 years), in steps, half-blooded and half-brothers and sisters. The weather (1-2 years difference) is usually close, with a difference of 10-12 years there are fewer reasons for jealousy. In families with many children (4 or more children), brothers and sisters are more often friends, but one “favorite” can cause common hatred. A special case- a seriously ill child, who robs healthy people of both material resources and the attention of their parents.

Preschool children with childish spontaneity often offer to “give away” or “sell” a newborn brother or sister, they can take the baby out into the street, cover it with a blanket, hit it hard. Older ones sometimes tyrannize hated kids, beat them and humiliate them. And the younger ones, on the contrary, master psychological manipulation bringing on the brothers and sisters the wrath of their parents.

brotherly love

Too close friendship of siblings is sometimes as dangerous as hatred. In the families of the Egyptian pharaohs and the Aztec emperors, marriages between brothers and sisters were accepted. According to the results of surveys of students in the United States, it was possible to establish that 5% of them received one or another sexual experience (from mutual study to sexual intercourse, including same-sex ones) in the arms of siblings. There are no such statistics in Russia, but the topic of incest is generally hushed up in our country.

There are four scenarios for the development of events. The safest - erotic games teen peers, peeping, provocative questions or platonic love for a kind and strong brother, or for a beautiful sister. Life-threatening and health-threatening option - rape by an older brother younger sisters or brothers, coercion to an intimate life. Threatening socialization - mutual voluntary love affair brother and sister. There are precedents of long-term marital cohabitation of siblings and even the birth of children in such unions.

The most dangerous "incestual" age is 14-17 years old, the peak of the hormonal storm and hypersexuality in boys. Aggressive, hyperactive and intellectually impaired adolescents are at particular risk. Among additional factors- alcoholism and asocial image the lives of parents, domestic violence, cohabitation of teenagers of different sexes in the same room, co-sleeping. A certain role is played by the lack of parental love, attention, when children are left to their own devices and seek comfort and protection from each other.

Peace in the family

Relations between brothers and sisters largely depend on the educational policy pursued by parents. Is one of the children allowed more than the rest because he is a boy or a girl, older or younger, weak or successful. Whether one is punished more severely than the rest, whether they are deprived at the table, whether they buy more expensive things, whether they take his side in conflicts. Children acutely feel injustice and react painfully to it.

The correct hierarchical structure in the family is not an easy task. Each child should have his own place, his own rights and his share of parental attention. Emphasize the merits and characteristics of each son or daughter, praise achievements, if possible without comparing them with each other.

For the appearance of a new baby in the family, children must be prepared in advance - to tell what will be born younger brother or sister, you can play with them, take care of them. No matter how difficult it may be for dad and mom, it is very important to find time to do homework together and to read a fairy tale, take a walk or have a secret together with each of the older children. Schoolchildren should be protected from mischievous peanuts, who, out of curiosity, can decorate notebooks or ruin crafts.

encourage any kind joint activities, general games, home concerts and performances. Let the kids help the elders with cleaning and household chores, be sure to give gifts for birthdays and holidays. And older brothers and sisters are taught to ride a bike, solve problems or play chess.

Remember - children are not required to love each other and sacrifice their interests for the sake of brothers or sisters, but must learn the skills cohabitation without conflicts and family wars. You should not force teenagers to work as "nannies" if this occupation is unpleasant for them.

It is better not to interfere in children's quarrels and disputes, as long as the matter does without injuries and damage to things. Little manipulators often use mom or dad as a weapon in a conflict. Do not encourage snitching, denunciations and provocations, teach children to negotiate among themselves and look for compromises that suit everyone. categorically prohibit physical aggression, beatings and torment, if the episodes are repeated - contact a psychologist and, possibly, a psychiatrist.

Separate children of different sexes after 7-8 years, if possible, provide them with different rooms. Teach boys and girls not to walk around the house in their underwear, change clothes behind closed doors, wash and use the toilet alone. Be careful with teenagers puberty, especially with conflict and aggressive young men. Do not leave them alone with younger children without adult supervision and supervision. If the relationship between a teenager and his brother or sister has changed dramatically in the worst side, children are alienated and afraid of their brother - be sure to specify what happened. Examine the child for bruises, abrasions, or other signs of abuse.

In the most serious cases, after consultation with a psychologist, it may be necessary to separate the children for a while, sending the instigator of conflicts to relatives or to a closed educational institution.

The brother and sister sat in silence on the couch in the room, in the dark and did not dare to leave their hiding place to their parents, with whom they were to painful explanation. Volodya hugged his sister Ira, soothingly stroking the girl's back, quivering from a quiet sob. Painfully worried, he recalled those events that led to this terrible day.
* * *

It all started from the day when the older sister, twenty-year-old Tanya, brought Mikhail to the apartment. She announced to her parents that he would be her husband and from that day on, Mikhail would live with her. Parents had no choice but to agree. Until then, Volodya had his own room in his parents' three-room apartment. Small, but own. In the other, in the largest room of the living room, the parents slept, and in the middle room, Tanya and another sister, Ira, slept. But on this day, Volodya's comfort ended. Parents, having rearranged the furniture and bought an additional couch, moved sister Ira to her brother's room, giving her place next to Tanya to Mikhail. Volodya and Ira were twins. They, having lived together for sixteen years in the same apartment and studied for almost ten years in the same class, never became friends. Volodya had his own interests - friends, games, sports, rock, Ira had her own - girlfriends, dances, outfits, stage, gentlemen. And now Volodya had to live in the same cramped room with Ira. And although he had nothing against his sister and treated her well, Volodya was very unhappy with this situation. The only thing that calmed him was that through Ira it would be easier for him to establish contact with her. best friend Yulia, with whom Volodya had been secretly in love for almost two years. Already from the first evening that the brother and sister spent together in the room, for the first time they became close in a kindred way, talking almost until midnight. Volodya was pleasantly surprised to learn that Ira is a very interesting interlocutor, sociable, with good feeling humor. After that, they became not only close relatives, but also friends. But the most important thing that Volodya discovered and that he had not paid attention to before was that his sister is a very beautiful girl. Volodya discovered this on the first morning, when he watched his sister dressing through half-closed eyelids. Ira, thinking that her brother was sleeping, calmly dressed, suspecting nothing. Volodya, opening his eyes, saw how, standing sideways to him in a short nightie to the hips, Ira put on white panties and took off her nightie. It was the first time Volodya had seen an almost naked girl so close. Under the covers, he was already breathtaking from the harmony and beauty of his sister's body. She was only in thin panties two meters from him, and he could clearly see her slender chiseled legs, a thin waist over the roundness of the hips and delightful slightly upturned female breasts filled with lead ripeness, which Volodya did not have time to admire, as Ira soon put on herself brassiere. But these flashed two girlish breasts loomed in the consciousness of the young man for a long time. In the lessons at school, Volodya kept looking in the direction of his sister. He had glanced in her direction before, but then he looked only at her friend Yulia, who was sitting next to her. But now he was looking at both of them. Comparing them, Volodya saw that Ira was as beautiful in face as her friend. Volodya was always struck by the beauty of Yulia's face, her laughing brown eyes, dimples on her slightly high cheeks, full sensitive lips-bows, a chiseled chin and naughty, thick shoulder-length chestnut hair. But on that day he saw that Ira's short, light, blond hair, like his own, her black huge eyes, slightly snub-nosed nose over a lovely mouth were no worse than her friend's. Volodya, knowing that he and Ira are very similar, could consider himself too handsome guy. Ira and Julia, noticing constant attention Volodya, they whispered about something and laughed out loud, which caused the teacher to remark. Late in the evening, Volodya and Ira again talked for a long time. Finally they fell silent, wrapped in a veil of sleep. Suddenly, incomprehensible sounds coming through the wall of the older sister's room interrupted their sleep. "What are they doing there?" Volodya asked his sister. "Don't you know what else they can do? Of course they fuck!" Ira replied with a smile. "Couldn't it be quieter?" - Volodya did not calm down. "You can, but they like it better." The sounds from behind the wall got louder and louder.
"Listen, Volodya, let's go and see how they do it," Ira suggested recklessly.
"Yes, you are!" - Volodya began to object: "Suddenly they will see, and the door is probably locked." "Don't be afraid," Ira said resolutely, already getting out of bed: "They don't notice anything around at this moment, and I still have my key from their door." Seeing that Ira would not leave her intentions, Volodya got out of bed and, wearing only shorts, stepped into the corridor after his sister. In the semi-darkness of the corridor, they quietly approached the door of Tanya's room. Ira leaned forward facing the keyhole, and her already too shortened nightgown crawled up, greatly exposing her round buttocks. Volodya stared at his sister's legs completely naked from the hips. But what he saw when Ira, turning her key in the well, silently opened the door, instantly tore his gaze away from her feet. Throwing her hands behind the loose black curls of her head, flexibly wriggling like a big fish caught in fishing nets, the older sister's back moved up and down. Under her spherical wiggling buttocks was the black cock of Mikhail lying on his back under her. Volodya and Ira, straining their eyes in the dark, saw how Misha's cock, accompanied by loud moans of pleasure, entered his partner. From the volume of the screams, it was clear that it was coming to an orgasm. Tanya's back and butt moved even more, their groans and oohs merged into a constant sound of different tonality, reminiscent of the screams of fans on the football field. Tanya's body broke in a strong impulse and she, clinging to the man's chest, thrashed in strong convulsions. As soon as the moans of pleasure began to subside, Ira quietly closed the door and went to her room. Volodya, crushed by what he saw, trudged after her. In the room, brother and sister crawled under their covers. They tried to talk, but the impression that the peeped moment of sexual intercourse made on them was not conducive to conversation. They silently tried to sleep. But there was no sleep. Volodya, tossing and turning in his bed, tried to drive away the picture of Tanya and Misha's orgasm standing in his thoughts, but all attempts to mentally switch were unsuccessful. His thoughts kept coming back to them. He was very aroused and his penis under the soft knitted fabric cowards was aroused to an erection and demanded attention, which further aroused the thoughts of the young man. Volodya realized that until the excitation razed, he would not be able to fall asleep just like that. He slipped his hand under the covers and ran it under the loose elastic band of his shorts. His palm found a bloodshot cock. Pleasant nervous waves went through his body from his caressing hand, and he immediately felt better. Volodya in recent times often had to resort to onanism, but this time he was especially pleased. Fantasizing that instead of Misha he was lying under Tanya, then instead of Tanya there was Yulia, then Ira. After a few sweet moments, he twitched under the covers with his whole body, dousing his palm with abundant hot seed. After that, Volodya immediately felt better. The nerves calmed down, weakness reigned in the whole body, the eyes began to stick together. After wiping his penis and hand on the edge of the sheet, Volodya quickly fell into a dream. Ira that night, too, was not up to sleep. She was extremely excited. Her thoughts switched to what she saw in her older sister's room, then to what happened to her at the end of last summer. It happened two months ago. His name was Yura. They met at a dance in summer park where Ira was with her friend Yulia. Yura was three years older than Ira and he had his father's car, in which, after dancing, they rode around the sleeping city in a cheerful company. That evening they agreed with Yura to meet tomorrow. The next day, Ira, smoking imported cigarettes, which Yura treated, sat on front seat"Lada" rushing along the wet asphalt shining from the rain and enjoying the music, speed and attention of the handsome Yura sitting next to her at the wheel. Although they were unlucky with the weather and it was raining heavily, Ira still liked everything. Speed, music and a confident young man are what she liked the most. Soon Yura slowed down and slowed down, turned off the road. The car drove into a spacious, bumpy, recently mowed field. Turning off the engine and turning down the music, Yura with the words: "Damned rain! We'll have to have a picnic in the car" - took out rear seat bag and began to get out of it the supplies he had taken with him. There was not much food: a few apples, a bottle of Pepsi Cola, a bar of chocolate, and a small flask. Yura unscrewed the cork and a fragrant strong aroma spread throughout the cabin. "Is this cognac?" Ira guessed. "Not just cognac, but French! I poured it from dad's bar," Yura handed the flask to Ira. Although Ira had already tried cognac more than once in a cafe with girls and she liked this drink, for decency she began to refuse. “You refuse in vain,” Yura assured her: “The less you drink, the more I will have to drink. And I’m driving. If I drink everything, then I can’t vouch for the safety of our precious lives.” After such a weighty argument, Ira had no choice but to take a flask and take a sip from it. Ira did not like to pretend at all and almost always did what she wanted. Cognac burned Ira inside, leaving a pleasant taste in her mouth. Yura also took a sip and broke off a piece of chocolate. After eating, he handed the flask to the girl again. Sitting in the car and listening to music, Yura and Ira passed each other a flask until it was almost empty. Yura, moving closer to Ira, hugged her by the shoulders and, throwing her head on the back of the seat, kissed the girl firmly on the lips. Ira loved to kiss and, as a rule, kissed always and with all those of the guys she liked at least a little. But this time, either from cognac, or from a kiss, she felt very dizzy. She tried to shake herself and, pushing Yura, who was reaching out for her, opened the car door. Flow fresh air slightly sobered the girl. Ira saw that the rain had already stopped. The fragrant smell of cut grass beckoned to the open air. Ira jumped out of the car and, throwing her hands behind her head, stretched hard. "Yura, how nice! Come out, let's go for a walk" - with these words, Ira threw off her sandals and walked barefoot through the damp grass. Yura, not though, got out of the car, took off his shoes and socks, rolled up his jeans to his knees, and followed the retreating Ira, who was swaying slightly from drunkenness. Ira, seeing that Yura was catching up with her, giggling fervently, began to run away from him. Yura rushed to catch up with her. Running from each other, laughing loudly, Ira and Yura did not notice how the calm before the rain ended. A shower of rain fell from the sky. It was not far from the car, about a hundred meters, but even that was enough that when they ran to the car, they got very wet. At first, Ira was cheerful, but soon it became cold to the point of chills. Yura turned on the engine and warm air went into the cabin. The windows of the car were fogged up from the steam emanating from their wet clothes, but Ira could not get warm. Yura gave the girl to drink the rest of the cognac. The drink warmed a little, but in wet clothes it felt uncomfortable. Yura took off his shirt and, having survived it, began to take off his jeans. “Take off your clothes,” he said to Ira: “As long as the clothes are wet, we will not get warm.” "What a sly one! So I'll undress." “You go to the beach in a bathing suit, but here you are shy,” Yura, who remained in swimming trunks, calmly said. “But it’s true that you should be shy,” said Ira, who did not know how to cunning, and began to unbutton her skirt. She even found this situation amusing. She took off her wet skirt and blouse, leaving only neat white panties and a bra. Yura admired the girl sitting next to him. Childish innocent face with bright big eyes and young body Ira, her rounded hips and her breasts, tightly tied with a bra, filled with heavy elasticity, evoked the consciousness of a young man. strong passion. He embraced Ira, slightly shivering from the cold, and kissed her again on the lips. Clinging to the warm male chest , Ira felt the warmth returning to her. She immediately became more comfortable and better. She, like a bird, opened her mouth, substituting it for a kiss. Yura kissed masterfully. His experience was immediately felt, not like with the guys of the same age, with whom Ira had to kiss before. Under the hail of his caresses, Ira did not immediately notice how Yura deftly pressed the special levers and the backs of the car seats sank down, bringing them to a lying position. Yura tightly clung to the desired body of the girl, tightly hugging and kissing her. From his caresses, Ira's head began to spin again. She felt so good that it could not be better. It already seemed to her that Yura was the most beloved and best. When Ira felt Yura's quick fingers deftly unfasten the clasp of her bra, and he sprung and slid down, exposing her elastic well-formed breasts, she tried to resist, but the young man was already crushing and kissing her breasts. His kisses and especially gentle nibbling on her strong nipples echoed sharply and pleasantly through her relaxed nerves. Ira felt some new, hitherto unknown state of her body. I wish this game was endless. Ira already had cases when the boys, during kisses in secluded places, managed to unbutton her bra, but she did not allow them further than this. When Yura began to pull off her last robe from her thighs, she made only a feeble attempt to hold them, but she did not succeed. Yura served as a priest. He gently and affectionately stroked the completely naked girl with his slightly rough palms, exciting her erogenous points. And when Ira felt that his fingers were caressing her untouched vagina, a hurricane of desire immediately flared up in her. It seemed to her that there in her vagina is the place that has long yearned for affection, and finally this moment has come. Ira perceived what was happening as if in a dream. She did not think about the consequences and did not feel fear. Cognac and Yura's experienced caresses did their job. The girl did not resist. Yura lowered his swimming trunks, parted her legs and lay down with his body against her, pressing Ira against the wool upholstery of the seat. Yura, not knowing that he was a virgin, did not stand on ceremony with her, confidently found his strong member of the inlet of the vagina and with a sweep entered into it to its full length. From a sharp unexpected pain, Ira shuddered all over. She gritted her teeth and groaned softly. Only at that moment did Ira fully realize what had happened to her. Mentally, she was surprised that this did not horrify her, but only annoyance that everything happened so casually and quickly. Yura, not noticing the state of Ira, made progressive movements, experiencing great pleasure. Ira, realizing that there was nothing to fix and there was no point in blaming Yura and herself, she tried to find out why all this happened. A strong burning pain that did not subside during the movement of the male member inside her vagina drowned out the remnants of the previous excitation. Yura sniffed loudly and worked harder with his hips. Ira, remembering that she knew about this state of the man and what was happening, pushed off with her feet from the front panel of the car and succumbed at the same time upwards. Yura's cock slipped out of her vagina. At that moment, Yura groaned loudly and his cock splashed out a trickle of sperm, pouring over the delicate skin of the girl's inner thigh. When Yura got down from Ira's body, he found that his penis was covered in blood. "You, what's the first time?" Yura asked in surprise. She had given herself too easily to him. “And you, what’s the matter!” the displeased Ira answered rudely: “Take me home.” Yura tried to caress the girl, but Ira sharply pushed him away and, holding back her tears, began to put on her still damp clothes. After that day, Yura tried to meet again with Ira, but she avoided meeting him. Ira herself did not understand why, but she did not want to see Yura, although she often remembered him. Soon she found out that Yura entered the institute and left the city.

The next day was Saturday and the school had a day off. The whole family gathered for dining table. Eating delicious dumplings, which mother was famous for, the twins looked at each other, eloquently looking sideways at their older sister and Mikhail, appetizingly devouring delicious food. Ira and Volodya all day did not find a place for themselves, waiting for something incomprehensible. Only at night, when the whole family had gone to bed, did they realize that they had been looking forward to it all day. Without undressing, they sat quietly on the couch until familiar sounds were heard from behind the wall. Without saying a word, they silently got up and quietly went out into the corridor. Ira, as noiselessly as yesterday, opened the door with her key and slightly opened it. They are unexpectedly lucky. This time, Tanya and Misha enjoyed love without turning off the lamp, which was on the nightstand by the bed and pink through the red cloth obozhura perfectly illuminated what was happening. The game was at the very beginning. Misha and Tanya lay in an embrace on the bed completely naked. Their naked bodies were cast pink shades due to lighting. It was the first time Volodya saw a completely naked woman so close, and this woman was his twenty-year-old sister. He noticed a long time ago that his older sister is very pretty. But now he had the opportunity to admire her enough. Slightly plump legs, plump round buttocks and large heavy breasts, combined with slim waist, narrow sloping shoulders and a high slender neck captivated the eye with their harmonious femininity. Misha, in comparison with her beauty, with his long legs, with thin chested and ribbed sides, seemed a freak. Only his upturned long cock was worthy of attention, especially for Tanya herself. She, embracing with Michael, did not let go of his penis. Tanya, then gently kneaded his ovary, then squeezed his penis at the base, then clasped the movable skin at the head, made her hand sliding up and down movements. With frequent kisses on the chest of a man lying on his back, Tanya went down to face his stomach, then to his penis. Admiring Misha's member, like a child's favorite toy, the girl began to play with him, gently kissing and licking all over his size. After playing with him, Tanya swallowed the red head of the penis sticking up with her mouth and began to suck hard. Misha, spreading his arms and legs, perceived this caress as normal and due, but Volodya and Ira, seeing what their older sister was doing, perceived it more sharply than Misha himself probably did. Brother and sister, with a sinking heart, looked at the revelation played out before them. Volodya's legs trembled with excitement. He quietly knelt down, Ira laid her body on top of him, carefully looking into the crack. She was even more excited than her brother, because she knew more than him in life. Meanwhile, Misha, also excited by Tanya's actions, pulled the girl's body towards him and, laying her on top with a "jack", so that her buttocks were above his head, and her vagina was in front of his face. He, pressing the girl's buttocks to himself with his hands, began to lick the vagina with his tongue. Tanya, continuing to suck his cock, fidgeted with pleasure. So they caressed for several minutes. Volodya and Ira were all waiting for the partners to interrupt this caress and proceed to the act itself. But Tanya and Misha were not going to break away from this lesson and brought the matter to the end in this way. At the moment of orgasm, Tanya jerked her legs and body, and Misha leaned forward, arching into a low acrobatic bridge, loudly groaning with pleasure. Tanya, without letting go of his penis, sucked all the juices into herself, enjoying purring like a kitten. In their room, Volodya and Ira were silent for a long time, experiencing what they saw. They were so excited that they couldn't even talk. Turning off the lights and undressing in the dark, the twins lay down under their covers. Volodya tried to force himself to sleep, but the tensely protruding member returned his thoughts back to his older sister's room. He understood that if he did not again calm his aroused flesh with his hand, he would not fall asleep. Volodya began to masturbate his penis under the covers. Ira was aching in bed from the strongest excitement. She was in such a state that she felt like she was going crazy. Suddenly, Ira heard rustling in her brother's bed. Peering into the darkness, she saw movement under his blanket. She understood what he was doing. And then a crazy thought came to her, from which she immediately tried to get rid of, but this terrible thought did not let her go. And Ira could not stand it. "Volodya" - quietly called Ira. "What?" he asked, stopping moving under the covers. "Lie down to me." "Why?" - Volodya did not understand. "So it is necessary, please!" Volodya pulled on his underpants and, covering the fabric of his underpants bulging over his penis, went to his sister's ottoman. Ira threw back the blanket and moved away, making way for her. As soon as her brother lay down next to him, the girl clung to him, dousing him with her warmth. It was only then that Volodya fully realized what was about to happen. At this thought, he convulsively twitched. In an instant, he remembered how he had admired Ira's dressing the previous morning. He remembered her body, breasts and legs, and completely forgot that Ira is his own sister, that he loves Yulia, that there are parents and a school. Feeling in your embrace the beautiful young body of a girl, feeling under her thin nightgown tight breasts, pressing his member to her bare thighs because of the upturned nightgown, the young man burned with passionate fire. Volodya felt how Ira, with an impatient movement, lowered his shorts and, clasping his hard trunk with her hand, crawled under him. Volodya, finding himself between her widely spaced legs, pressed his body forward. His cock accurately found the hole in her vagina, tightly entering the slippery flesh. Making progressive movements, the young man was in seventh heaven from pleasure and from the consciousness that he was finally becoming a man. Ira, feeling how her brother's cock enters her, froze in anticipation of pain. But there was no pain, only waves of pleasure came from the place of contact between the male and female organs. Made only about ten translational movements, Volodya felt the beginning of an orgasm. The pleasure was joined by annoyance that everything ends so quickly, but this was enough for the extremely excited Ira. She moaned softly, feeling her brother's cock spewing a hot stream of sperm inside her. She also had her first real orgasm. She did not even expect that it would be so pleasant and spicy. Recovering their breath and returning to themselves, the brother and sister realized that they had done something terrible. Volodya felt especially uncomfortable. He considered himself guilty of everything, and the memory of Yulia, with whom he was in love and whom, as he believed, he had now betrayed, completely spoiled his mood. He silently lay down on his couch. Although he was at odds with his conscience, Volodya instantly fell asleep. Ira was also tormented by remorse, but the pleasure that she knew outweighed all her experience. Soon she too was fast asleep.
At school, Volodya could not sit at a school desk in any way. Everything that the teachers told or his best friend Igor, who was sitting next to him, was indifferent to him. His thoughts were focused on yesterday's event. Volodya kept looking at his sister and Yulia. The possibility that Yulia might find out about his yesterday's case frightened him. Volodya firmly decided that this would never happen again. Ira noticed nervous state brother, but behaved calmly, as if nothing had happened. At home, until late in the evening, Volodya and Ira, together with their family, sat at the TV in their parents' room. Volodya was afraid of solitude with his sister in their room, but the program ended and everyone began to get ready for bed. In the room, Ira turned on the wall sconce over her ottoman and, climbing on it with her legs, began to read a book. Volodya quickly undressed to his shorts and dived under the covers. He also took out his unfinished book and, turning on his sconce, also began to read. Fifteen minutes later, muffled sounds came from Tanya's room. Brother and sister remained in place, not reacting to familiar sounds. "Volodya, do you want to go look at them?" - for the first time in a day, Ira spoke to her brother. "I do not want!" he answered succinctly, almost rudely. "In vain! And I liked it yesterday." "What did you like?" "That's it! Didn't you like it?" Ira asked kindly. "To me?" - Volodya hesitated: "I liked it." “Why are you puffed up all day long. As if you were offended. After all, yesterday was so cool! I still want to do it,” Ira did not leave her brother alone. Volodya lay silently, not knowing what to answer. He now terribly wanted to repeat yesterday. The thought made his cock stiffen under the covers. But Volodya felt that something was bothering him. Either conscience or fear. Ira felt better. She did not have an object of love. She at that moment only wanted to experience the pleasure of orgasm, which she learned yesterday. Ira is emboldened. She untied the sash of her bathrobe and flung it open to take it off. Volodya even closed his eyes in surprise. Ira is completely naked, with a pink blush on her cheeks, with a sparkling gleam in her eyes, high magnificent breasts, dark neat triangle pubic hair over long slender legs, she was fresh, beautiful and extremely sexy. Volodya immediately forgot about his love for Yulia. Only Ira and her body, the only thing that occupied his mind. He threw back the covers and sat on the edge of the couch. The fabric of his shorts showed off his hard cock. Ira, slowly shaking her beautiful hips, came up to him and, gently hugging him by the neck, sat down on his knees. Volodya, embracing her by the waist, feeling the delightful female heaviness, still could not stop admiring the beauty of the young naked body of the girl. It seemed to him that he was holding in his hands a wonderful precious sculpture of a great master made of fragile porcelain. The young man moved his hand along the smooth velvet leg up to the thigh, then gently touched her round chest, enjoying her heavy elasticity. Squeezing her breasts tighter, Volodya kissed his sister's half-open mouth. Ira in response began to bite his lips a little. Her hand pulled the elastic of his underpants and, diving under their fabric, found his hard cock. The cold of a woman's hand sweetly burned his cock, responding with a strong explosion of excitement. He half stood up, marveling at the lightness of her body and his strength from nowhere. He carefully laid his sister down on his couch. The thought that now he will merge together in pleasure with this beautiful girl that her slender legs, round soft buttocks, divine breasts, juicy bright lips, calling Blue eyes now at his full disposal, it seemed to him fabulous, incredible. Quickly, so that this fairy tale would not disappear, Volodya pulled off his underpants and, pushing the girl's legs apart with his knee, lay down on her, clinging to her hot body. Ira saw her brother's naked member for the first time. His male organ, despite the youth and frail teenage body of Volodya, was quite developed and was not inferior in size to a member of the twenty-year-old Yura. Ira did not have enough time to see enough of this object, as she saw it only for a moment. Within a second, she felt the member rested against her crotch. Extremely excited Ira spread her legs wider, bent them at the knees and lifted them up. Putting her hand under her buttocks, she found her brother's wandering cock and accurately directed it into her thirsty vagina. Their act was longer than the first time and they enjoyed not only the orgasm, but the action itself. This time, Ira, fearing pregnancy, last moment before an orgasm, Volodya pushed off and pulled his cock out of her vagina. Volodya splashed out a strong stream of his sperm on his sister's stomach. Rubbing the sticky puddle of her brother's sperm protein over her stomach with her palm, Ira, from acute pleasure, strongly vibrated her whole body and groaned loudly. Volodya, who had not woken up much after an orgasm, remembering how well such sounds were heard from his older sister's room, muffled the girl's moans, gently covering her moaning mouth with his palm. Having rested a little and turned into themselves, Ira and Volodya were grateful to each other. Volodya was no longer tormented by doubts and he was ready to continue this game indefinitely. As soon as he hugged his sister's captivating body again, his cock hardened again. This time, Ira, slowly, took a good look at this male organ of interest to her, having played enough of it with her fingers. She liked his strength and the gliding mobility under his soft skin. From this game, Volodya was very excited and, remembering the peeped lessons of his older sister, having already had his first experience, he leaned back, exposing his body for caress. Ira also remembered these lessons and, deftly throwing her leg over her brother's body, sat down on him, feeling his firm "candle" between her legs. Slightly rising, Ira helped her hand to enter a member of the vagina. She, like her older sister, having saddled the young man, began to rise and fall, feeling how this member, moving, caresses the walls of the vagina. For more pleasure, Ira began to gracefully wag her round buttocks. Volodya, seeing the moving naked body of a girl in front of him, into which his penis was entering and leaving before his eyes, squeezed her hips with his hands and began to arch forward, making oncoming movements. At the moment of orgasm, Ira again pushed off his chest and his penis again jumped out of her vagina, but this time pouring sperm over Volodya's stomach. The drops of semen on his stomach were significantly smaller than the previous flow. Ira again very loudly groaning, fell with her stomach on the sticky stomach of her brother and again began to beat in voluptuous convulsions. This night Volodya and Ira full force tasted all the joys of intimate life. They could not get enough of their passion, and it already seemed that more and more they had neither the strength nor the desire, but after resting for only a few minutes, the brother and sister intertwined in a hot embrace with a new attraction.


01.03.18 07:59

The theme of friendship between brothers and sisters is equally important for families in all countries. Books or cartoons help parents teach children to live together and help each other in everything. The language of education has no boundaries and formats, therefore, works created by authors from all over the world are equally suitable for education. We bring to your attention 4 Russian and foreign animated series and 4 books in which brothers and sisters get into the most amazing stories together.

"Three Cats"

The Russian animated series tells about the life of three kittens - two brothers and one sister. Kompot is an inquisitive kitten, he loves chess and solves puzzles with pleasure. Korzhik is active and restless. He loves dancing outdoor games and often invents the most incredible and funny things. Caramel is the youngest, but she comes up with good ideas more often than others. Every day something new and interesting happens in the family of Korzhik, Compote and Caramel. Using versatile abilities, kittens together find a way out of any situation. When everything works out, the kittens are happy that they are a team, and together they can do anything.


The Barboskin family from another Russian animated series lives in an apartment building in the city of Pesburg. There are five children in the family different ages- Rosa, Druzhok, Gena, Lisa and the Kid. All children are different, and not only in age, but also in character and hobbies. Rosa is a beautiful blonde, Gena is a serious and shy future scientist, Liza is a bore and has a sweet tooth, and Druzhok loves football. And they all have to get along with each other, despite the difference in interests. The naive Kid has the hardest time of all - the elders often make him the object of their practical jokes. The family lives a busy life in which something happens every day. Faced with a problem, children unite. Solving the next problem, puppies learn to understand what is good and what is bad, they begin to understand adults and be patient with the younger ones.

"Belka and Strelka. Naughty family "

Rex, Dina and Bublik are the children of cosmonaut dogs Belka and Kazbek. They live in Moscow in the 60s of the 2nd century. Dina is the oldest sister, always cheerful and cheerful. Rex is a smart but modest and shy puppy. Bagel is the youngest and most mischievous puppy. Like parents, children dream of going into space on a rocket. For the sake of their dreams they try to sneak on spaceship but they don't get anything. But puppies constantly get into funny situations. Children unite in the fight against difficulties and joint efforts find the right solution.

"Ninja Turtles"

The adventures of the charming Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Leo, Rafa, Mikey and Donnie. Four desperate turtles who daily have to deal with all sorts of villains. Turtle team - not really an ordinary family. It consists of only boys, and sometimes they play a rather offensive joke on each other. They have no one in the world except each other and Master Splinter, who taught them martial arts. All turtles have a distinct personality. But, despite the eternal disputes, as soon as danger arises, the brothers stand up for each other like a mountain and go through all the trials shoulder to shoulder.

"Peter and Wendy"

A fairy tale by James Barry. Main character named Peter Pan is an extraordinary boy who will never grow up and can fly. Peter appears at the Darling family's home, where three children live - Wendy, John and Michael. Peter takes the kids to fairyland, which is called Netinebudet, where the lost children live. There, Wendy and her brothers will have to go through many amazing adventures. Children fight pirates together, and Wendy becomes a mother lost boys. Finally, the children realize that their parents have stayed at home and are worried about them, and decide to return. Upon her return, Mrs. Darling wants to adopt Peter, but he refuses and flies back to his fairyland.

"Dad, Mom, Grandma, Eight Kids and a Truck"

The story of the Norwegian children's writer Anne-Katarina Vestley. The book talks about big family, in which as many as eight children. In the house where the friendly and funny family is never quiet. All children have their own hobbies, and they are all very noisy. Life in such a huge family is never too easy, but certainly no one is bored in it. Parents of children are kind, honest and hardworking people. They love their family and each other, but sometimes only a sense of humor saves the peace in the house. Thanks to this quality, adults always treat children with understanding and forgive everything, no matter what they have done. The family also has a small truck. Everyone loves him very much, because he not only carries, but also feeds the whole family.

"Wild swan"

An unfading fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen. One king had eleven sons and one only daughter, Eliza. My father loved his family, but one day he married evil queen, who decided that the children need to get rid of. The sorceress persuaded the king to send Eliza to study with poor peasants. Stepmother turned her brothers white wild swans. Returning home after training, Eliza faced new wiles of the sorceress and left home to look for her brothers. Eliza soon found a flock of white swans and learned how to disenchant them. To do this, the girl had to go through many difficult trials. But still, mutual love and devotion proved stronger than evil.


A book about teenagers for teenagers by American writer Jeanne Birdsell. The family of a professor of botany named Penderwick has four daughters: Rosalind, Skye, Jane and Betty. The girls' mother has died, and the father is raising all four on his own. Children adore dad and try to prevent a stepmother from appearing in the house. And now this whole company, including the dog, goes to the country for the summer. Suddenly, a trip that promised peace and relaxation turns into a story full of surprises and adventures. Together, the girls manage to extricate themselves from the most different situations, make new friends and solve a lot of problems that now and then arise for someone from home.