The love of teacher and student. How to ward off annoying cavaliers. Love with a teacher and condemnation of the public

They laughed in her face, spat after her. And she obediently lowered her eyes and considered that better attitude did not deserve it. If she were a man, they would have been sent to the zone. But she's a woman, and that saved her.

And her fault was only that she fell in love with someone whom it was impossible to love according to the law.

Olga was returning from the hospital in a terrible mood. She stayed there as best she could, because circumstances demanded it. The mother-in-law said the test results denied the worst suspicions. What at effective treatment and good care She will recover quickly and will return home soon. In the meantime, you need to be patient and follow all the doctor's prescriptions. Olga tried to speak convincingly. But, as soon as she left the building of the hospital, she could not hold back her tears.
The woman who replaced her sister, friend, who became the guardian angel of her family, was doomed. She has an incurable disease advanced stage. The mother-in-law melted like a candle, giving off her last warmth. Olga remembered the times when she swore love to her, promised that she would return in full all the care given to her. What with my own hands will disperse all the clouds that will ever gather over the head of the mother-in-law. But... it was only beautiful words abandoned in a burst of gratitude. Now she felt powerless and helpless, reproached herself that she had not saved this little fragile woman, who at one time managed to protect Olga when, it seemed, the whole world rebelled against her.
Now Olga can walk around a small town with her head held high. It is now she is respected, she is considered, consulted. Treat her husband with respect. With admiration they retell the story of their love.

But it was not always so.

Olga trudged from the hospital, going through all the details of her life in her memory. She recalled with horror the times when she was afraid to go out into the street.

They laughed in her face, spat after her.

And she meekly lowered her eyes and believed that she did not deserve a better attitude towards herself. If she were a man, they would have been sent to the zone. But she's a woman, and that saved her. And her fault was only that she fell in love with someone whom it was impossible to love according to the law.

After graduating from the Pedagogical Institute, Olga received a distribution to a small provincial town. The director of the school was glad to replenish the team with young cadres and immediately invited her to become class teacher eighth "B".

On that day, she timidly entered the classroom, said:
- Hello children ! I'm your new class teacher. From now on, I will strictly control not only your academic performance, but also your behavior.

The class erupted into loud laughter. She understood why the children laughed. Her voice was not convincing. She spoke timidly, quietly, timidly. Like a hare from the cartoon "Well, you wait!". Then she began to get acquainted with the guys, alternately calling their names by cool magazine. Each of the students considered it his duty to give something "original" to the young teacher. They were witty as best they could. Each line was accompanied by laughter. Probably, they checked the teacher for endurance.

Olga felt that she could burst into tears at any moment. When she said the last name on the list - Yaroslavsky - a tall thin guy stood up imposingly at the last desk and answered in a hooligan manner:
- Well, I, but what?
“Nothing, sit down,” she answered meekly.
- I have a question. Olga Mikhailovna, are you married? he suddenly asked.
- Not. But it has nothing to do with my work.
- Aren't you afraid to be an old maid? he asked again.

The class erupted in laughter. This was the last straw. She burst into tears and ran out of the classroom. She followed the phrase:
- Don't cry, fool, I'll marry you.

The case is unprecedented, but the director did not complain. I cried in the locker room and returned to class again. She ordered Misha Yaroslavsky to come tomorrow with his parents. And he asked:
- Marriage?

Oddly enough, that was the end of her misadventures.

The next day, surprisingly, I held classes in a quiet, calm classroom. It felt like they were completely different kids. If, nevertheless, one of the students began to make noise, Yaroslavsky resolutely put everyone in their place. He somehow strangely took care of the new teacher.

When Olga taught a lesson Ukrainian language in other classes and the kids behaved noisily, Misha burst into the room, as if sensing her confusion, shouting:
- Well, sit quietly!

The class immediately fell silent. Olga thanked him, and he sent a kiss and ran away to his lesson. She even liked this game.

On Teacher's Day, he brought huge bouquet roses and a note with verses: “You broke into my life uninvited, took away my sleep and peace. I love you, my dear, I love and will be only yours. He presented his gift when the lesson had already begun. She unfolded the note and read it. And he sat at the desk and did not take his eyes off her.

Olga was then seized by an ambivalent feeling. On the one hand, it was very nice. No one has ever given her flowers, no one has ever written poetry. But at the same time, it was embarrassing. He's an eighth grade student! “Did she really behave unworthily that this boy imagined that he was in love? Or maybe it's just a joke, a joke or a prank?

- Ol, you just do not be offended. I did not want to offend you. I really love you.
It exploded for the first time.
- What kind of Olya am I to you ?! Remember, my name is Olga Mikhailovna!
And he calmly replied:
- For others, you are Olga Mikhailovna, but for me, Olya.
And left.

Life gradually turned into a nightmare. Misha looked after beautifully. This sweet fifteen-year-old boy was thoughtful and intelligent beyond his years. He behaved like an adult independent man who wants to achieve his woman at all costs. He met her in the morning at the house, despite the fact that he lived in a different area. I waited from work, whiled away the time in the gym, and escorted home. He seemed to be sure that she belonged only to him. Sometimes he looked into her eyes and begged:

- You just wait for me. I will finish school and get married.

It happened on New Year. The school evening was great. Eighth "B" prepared fun program: skits, songs, dances. At the end - a New Year's ball. Misha never left her side. Gallantly invited to all slow dances. Even then, other teachers began to look askance at her. But she didn't notice it yet.

The two left in the evening. Misha, as always, saw off. All the way he held her hand in his. Read poetry. He told how he sees a joint future. His kiss was the sweetest, the most tender, the most expensive. Even now, many years later, she asks herself, how could she allow him and herself to do this? It's still embarrassing. But if the situation happened again, she would probably do the same.

That night, everything happened to them that should not be between a teacher and a student.

Olga understood that she was committing a great sin.

But who thinks about sin at such a moment? She fell madly in love with this little, bright, unspoiled boy. And she was not embarrassed by his youth. Because she managed to discern in him maturity, independence, devotion, which even adult men are not always capable of. Next to him, she felt like a small defenseless girl.

Meanwhile, clouds were gathering over her head. Colleagues have long begun to treat her as a completely spoiled girl. Toxicosis betrayed what she tried to hide. By the spring exams, I was already in my fifth month.

The fame of her disgrace spread widely.

... The headmaster did not choose expressions. Screamed, spluttered, choked on words, and screamed again. She was fired and told to get out of school and out of town. In order not to cripple the life of the child - Misha, the director forbade to say goodbye to him.
- She brewed porridge herself, and disentangle herself! Go away!

Olga trudged home to collect things. It was only at that moment that I noticed how passers-by shied away, how they pointed fingers. And I didn't notice before. There were no tears. It was hard to understand what was happening. I did not think about how I would live on.

The doorbell rang.

I went to open it and got scared. On the threshold of a rented apartment stood a small, fragile woman who looked like a teenager. Her waist length Brown hair were collected at the back of the head in a tail. Lightly tinted lashes.

Olga then thought that she was not much older than her.
- Can I come in? the guest asked sternly.
“Come in,” Olga said guiltily, and frantically began to think of what to say in her defense.
Misha told me everything. He accidentally found out at school today everything that you wanted to hide from him. And about your dismissal. And about the child. It's true? Now I want to hear everything from you.
“Yes,” she answered quietly and timidly, as the guilty students answered her.
Olga had known this woman before. She always came to parent meetings, behaved with restraint, was interested in the success of her son. But now the situation was different. Olga stood with her head down. And the thought that she would never see Misha again was the most terrible thing for her at that moment.
“Well, where are you going, daughter?” Misha is waiting for you. Let's go home," the woman suddenly said.
Olga wept bitterly. She fell on her knees in front of the guest and began to ask for forgiveness.
- It's superfluous. I love my son. So I love you and your unborn grandson.

So Olga had a family.

After the eighth grade, Misha entered a technical school. Studied, worked. It was hard for him, but he never complained. Surprised by his patience, perseverance, endurance. And Olga still caught a mocking look on herself for a long time. When she walked down the street, mothers with children, especially with boys, took them to the opposite sidewalk, as if they were afraid that she would attack and immediately seduce. They laughed in her eyes. Only Maria Nikolaevna, Misha's mother, called her daughter, consoled and begged her not to pay attention to stupid people.
“Forgive them, they don’t know what they are doing,” she often repeated.
All acquaintances and friends turned their backs on Misha's family. And Maria Nikolaevna calmly said:
- Well, God bless them. Means, bad friends. It's not a pity to lose such people.

It was she who advised to give birth to a second child so that Misha would not have to leave his family for military service. It was she who insisted that Olga receive a second higher education, because she has no way to return to school. It was her first-born Olga who called her mother, her daughter pulled her little hands to her.

Olga was eight years older than Misha. This age difference seemed to give those around them the right to any meanness in relation to a strange family. They laughed at Misha, they called Olga an old woman. offered young guy young and beautiful. But Misha fell in love once and for all. She was able to discern this quality in him even then, at school.

They have been together for twenty years. They have a friendly, happy family. Olga still feels like a small defenseless girl next to her tall, handsome, young husband. During this time, many couples who once condemned and mocked them divorced. And the love of Olga and Mikhail turned from a laughing stock into a legend.

And all this thanks to a small fragile woman who was not afraid to go against public opinion.

Poltava region, Ukraine

Boys start falling in love at the age of 12. Despite the fact that they find their first love a little later, at the age of 14-16, the memories of the very first girl who attracted attention and excited the blood remain for life. So who do pre-puberty boys choose as the object of their adoration? Most often they fall in love with the teacher. Why this happens, read below.

Why teachers are chosen as the subject of adoration

With age, the body changes, hormones begin to be produced in it. They contribute both physiological and psychological changes. Testosterone is a hormone responsible for the development of male sexual characteristics, which begins to be actively produced from the age of 12-14. All boys grow up at different times.

So why do students fall in love with the teacher? Because girls in their 12 years have not yet reached puberty. And the imagination of the boys is excited by the attractive forms of a young woman. Who do they see the most? That's right, a school teacher. And if she is young and pretty, then it is her guys who choose the object of their adoration. Less common are cases when boys of 12 years old fall in love with the mothers of their friends or girlfriends.

What are signs of attention

People show their love in different ways. And even the boys who just come in adolescence showing their feelings different ways. Some worry quietly, love boils in their head. But some cannot be silent. The most courageous of such individuals can confess their feelings to the teacher. And it's good if this happens tete-a-tete. But often the boys confess their love in front of the whole class.

Of course, falling in love with a teacher is not a shame, but then endure everything school years few people want to ridicule about this. Therefore, the most intelligent children express their feelings on paper. They can throw anonymous notes to the teacher. And modern children can even bother their beloved with SMS or messages in in social networks. Boys can give the teacher flowers or sweets, and some do not directly talk about feelings, they explain their gift sincere gratitude for the knowledge gained.

How to behave as a teacher

In such a situation, it is difficult not to get confused. do not always know how to accept from students in love. This is not taught in college. So you have to be creative. Girls can declare in front of the whole class that they have a lover, a boyfriend, and their engagement is just around the corner. This good way ward off annoying cavaliers. But it's better not to lie. If the "engagement" drags on for 5 years, the next generation of students will no longer believe in these fairy tales.

Many boys can fall in love with a teacher at once. To none of them, no need to rudely resign. But it doesn't pay to be gentle either. After all, otherwise students may think that they have a chance. The girl must strictly define the limits of what is permitted and show the children who is in charge in the class. Yes, in such a situation it will not be possible to become a friend to everyone, but on the other hand, the number of fans of a strict teacher will quickly decrease.

How to ward off annoying cavaliers

A teacher should not lie to students or give false hopes. The worst thing a girl can say to an inexperienced boy is "I'll think about it." This phrase is used by the heroines romantic movies exactly what the student saw. Most The best way to moderate the ardor of a boy is to nip the relationship in the bud. And if all words are powerless, the teacher must change her attitude towards the whole class and make subordinates out of friends. If the student begins to court the teacher, then she can accept him good location without crossing the line. It's always best to settle things amicably. Therefore, it is worth giving the boy your friendship, and if he does not require more, then you just need to wait for the time. Soon the "cavalier" will grow up and find a girlfriend by age.

How to behave as a student

A 12-year-old boy has a hard time at school. His body changes, hormones begin to play, and, as a result, there are quarrels with his parents. And here also pretty woman looms before my eyes every day. How should a student behave so as not to disgrace himself in front of the class and the object of his love? The boy should not zealously seek victory at any cost. If he bombards the teacher with messages, then as a result, the parents will be called to school, and the boy will be punished.

Therefore, if you write love letters, then secretly from the object of adoration. The boy can express his tender feelings in the form of help. Gallant deeds will be appreciated by a woman. For example, you can open the door for the teacher, help her carry a heavy stack of textbooks. Of course, this will not evoke reciprocal feelings, since the object of adoration can only give its student its friendly attitude towards him. But the young creature still does not know anything about love, so this, in his eyes, will be a good reward for his labors.

Cases in the lower grades

If a student fell in love with a teacher in the 5th or 6th grade, there is nothing to worry about. Cute notes, sweets and flowers for September 1 and March 8 - this is all that he can give to the object of his adoration. Let's give an example: a 5th grade student has just moved to new school and cannot make friends in the classroom, and the young teacher treats him well and helps him in everything. Of course, a boy instantly makes an idol out of a girl. The student does not dare to confess his feelings, but everything is written on his face. In such a situation, there is no need to change your good relationship. The boy will soon find friends and change the object of adoration. The situation will improve and friendly relations remain between teacher and student.

Cases in high school

What to do if a 10th grade student falls in love with a teacher? It is clear that in the young age feelings pass quickly, but for a teenager of 16 years old, a teacher may well become a first love. Let us give an example: a young mathematics teacher lives alone with her son, the girl dresses modestly, behaves in accordance with her status and teaches at the 11th grade. One boy, I must say capable, shows a special zeal for learning. He goes to all additional classes and consultations for the exam. And then the young man guards the teacher near her house and confesses his love. Moreover, it gives gorgeous bouquet roses. The guy says that he is in love, understands the current situation, is ready to take responsibility and agrees to take care of the girl's son.

The situation is difficult, and you need to immediately tell the student that nothing will work out. Flowers, of course, are not worth taking, so as not to give the guy too much hope. It must be said that there are no reciprocal feelings and cannot be. Yes, the student will be hurt and hurt, but he will cope with it. And if the teacher mumbles, the situation can only get worse. The boy can imagine that the girl is just indecisive and shy. As a result, the disciple will continue his courtship with double enthusiasm.


Let's look at a few more examples of how you can get out of a situation where a teenager fell in love with an adult girl.

The boy and his parents move to new house. Accordingly, he had to change schools. Getting acquainted with the neighbors on the porch, the boy notes pretty girl. And then it turns out that she becomes his class teacher. The guy quickly finds with her mutual language, but does not dare to tell her about feelings. And then it turns out that the teacher already has a boyfriend who proposed to her. The guy begins to blame himself for indecision. He tells himself that if he had been bolder, then the girl of his dreams could have gone to him, and not to someone else.

Getting out of this situation is quite simple. If the child opened up to you, just tell him that the girl preferred the other not because he was bolder. The teacher had other selection criteria. Her fiancé is older, he is wealthy and independent. And the boy is just a schoolboy. The student does not need to be upset, he will still find his love, just later, because everything should have its time.

And another one short story. A boy of 16 fell in love with a teacher. She was not a qualified teacher, but a student in practice. But after two weeks of classes, the beloved disappears. The student suffers a lot and does not know how to live on. All searches for a beloved were in vain.

There is only one thing you can advise a guy: try to get distracted, go in for sports, build layouts or programming. In general, you need to direct the energy that goes to suffering into right direction. Love for an idol passes rather quickly if it does not find any way of expression.

And what is left to suffer?

Children are not tormented by their love. They sleep well at night, and do not walk under the windows of their idol. The boy fell in love with a teacher, but with the same ease a film actress could conquer his heart. And in both cases, he understands in his soul that these feelings will remain unrequited. This is not a tragedy of life. Soon the student will grow up, his classmates will grow up, and then he will truly fall in love and suffer. The boy will begin to write serenades, buy flowers. And at the age of 12, the suffering is mostly fictional. The apprentice wants to feel like an adult and plays love with the same eagerness as he plays war.

Parent Involvement

Mom and dad should take Active participation in your child's life. They need to know about teenage love. It is in this case that it will be easier for parents to understand what is happening with their child. You can support a child only with words and parting words. You can’t tell a young creature that he fills his head with nonsense, it would be better to listen to what the teacher says to him, and not admire her for days on end.

In such a situation, the support of the father is important for the son. It is an adult man who must explain to his child that his feelings are a stage of growing up. A father can tell his son that he was once also in love with his teacher, but then he met his mother, and now their family lives happily.

Help from experts

Psychologists say that a teenager fell in love with a teacher due to a lack of love in the family. If mom and dad do not devote enough time to the child, then he tries to find a replacement on the side. And who can best replace parents, if not a teacher? She takes care of the teenager, protects him from trouble, you can joke with her, and she does not scold for every mistake. This perfect option. Only the child does not understand the depth of his feelings, so he says that he has fallen in love. Parents should not scold their child for this. They need to spend more time with their son to help him get through the first disappointment of his life.

A trip to the city of dreams with a passionate music teacher convinced me that my mom is always right. It turned out that there is only ball lightning on the ball ...
At first, Semyon Markovich gave me private piano lessons. Then, as if by chance, he met me in the city and kindly drove me home in his Volvo, sparkling with polish.

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Photo gallery: Stories about love with a teacher

When I proudly swam out of the car, the guys at the entrance whistled, and the girlfriends clutched their heads: “Katka! Such a sophisticated man takes you everywhere! “A-ah-ah!

This is my music teacher
. Just gave me a ride," I smiled. Mom got home: “Katya, why does Semyon Markovich bring you home? I don't like this!"
"Mum! I protested defiantly. “Yes, he’s not like my father, he definitely suits my grandfather!” In the summer, grandfather Semyon Markovich fell to his knees near the piano, which I had already tormented ineptly in his presence. more than a year, and admitted: “Katya! I'm just going crazy! You are so adorable! You are an angel! Let me show you the world!" "I'm not going to sleep with you!" - proudly answered Semyon Markovich, but immediately agreed to a demonstration of the world. The grandfather in love agreed to everything: and to uncompromising platonic relationship, and the fact that it will be possible to rush abroad only when his angel passes the exams. And when they were done with, she stuck to her mother like a tick. I came up with a compelling reason why I could be away from home for more than a week, and now I was going to get parental blessing to this very absence. “Mommy,” I muttered. - All of our people go kayaking along mountain rivers to raft. It's called rafting. Won't you let me go Yes, I'm dying of boredom here.

How I dreamed that after the exams I can take off with the guys in kayaks! Well, let me go! I promise not to jump into the river, row carefully and generally return unharmed! True, my friends were going rafting in the Carpathians, but I went in the other direction. The main thing is that mom does not suspect anything. An iron excuse: you won’t call from the mountains, you won’t shout, you won’t write ... Two weeks in your arms wildlife, rafting on mountain rivers, evening halts by the fire, grilled trout, kebabs... And the company! To be honest, when I just imagined how great it would be for my friends on rafting, even saliva flowed. Oh, guys, how I would like to wave with you! But, on the other hand, I did not want to postpone the world either. When will you be invited! I finally chose to travel with Semyon Markovich.

Mama gave up just in time for the deadline. Our guys had just left for rafting for a day, and Semyon Markovich was already clutching at his heart, explaining that the tickets had been bought long ago, the visas were in the passports ... I was packing my bag, and my mother stood nearby, suspiciously examining its contents. “Katyusha, are you sure you’re not lying to me?” A mother's heart sank. Indeed, what kind of fool takes on stiletto heels, a mountain of cosmetics and lace Underwear? Why don't you pack your sneakers? A rubber boots? What about mosquito repellent? You forgot to put buckwheat, condensed milk, matches, a flashlight... You will be lost without these things! I had to refer to my immaturity and inexperience, unload the good and pack it into the one found by my mother on the mezzanine old backpack and buckwheat, and sneakers ... With this, I came to the music teacher.
“Semyon Markovich, I need to leave this backpack with you,” I said. - So it turns out: in order to see the world, I have to go on a trip almost naked ... And what do you say to me? I practically undressed just to agree to your proposal.
Semyon Markovich was already sweating, he wiped his bald head with a handkerchief and said excitedly:
- Well, Katya! We'll have to dress you there in everything new. Just do not deny me this, my beloved angel!

In the cabin of an airliner
Semyon Markovich unexpectedly leaned towards me and whispered pleadingly in my ear:
- Katenka, you can just call me Semyon, or even better - Senya. And I will say that you are my wife.
- Semyon Markovich, - I was indignant and repeated, like a spell: - I will not sleep with you! And don't overthink it!
- What are you, baby! he waved his hands. - I don't need it anymore. I am deeply in love with you and want to show you the beautiful life you deserve. Only... if possible... Senya. So I will feel more relaxed and free. Okay?
“Okay, Senya, agreed,” I agreed. Where will we go first when we arrive in Paris?
"We'll dress you, little one," Grandpa replied playfully. The Parisian hotel we stayed in turned out to be old gray house with a sloppy staircase. It was as far from the center as it was from Moscow, but Semyon Markovich knew all the second-hand stores where the remains of last year's collections of men's and women's clothing and shoes. The "Seconds" were even further from the center than our stinking hotel, and we dragged ourselves there on foot, because, as my companion argued, although I needed to be dressed, money also needed to be saved. I rummaged for a long time in a pile of rags, then sat right on top of him and wept bitterly from resentment.
What happened, Katyusha? shouted Semyon Markovich, continuing to rummage through men's worn shirts.
- I want to real clothes, Senya, not this junk! I squeaked desperately, and he, ashamed and frightened, with a bag of shirts under his arm, led me away from the second-hand shop.

After a long debate Semyon Markovich agreed to go wherever I wanted, and I led him to the lights that sparkled in the center of Paris. Finally, she stopped near one boutique, pointed her finger and said: “Here!” The teacher dutifully trotted beside me when I examined skirts, blouses, sweaters, trousers.
- Katenka! he hummed over my ear. - It's very expensive, baby! Maybe we should look for another store?
— I hate you, Senya! I said distinctly, and he silently opened the purse. We wandered through the charming streets of Paris, and I dreamed of one thing: to get to the hotel as soon as possible and change. And then back to the city, but with a completely different mood. In the room, I began to change clothes, not embarrassed by Semyon, and he clutched at his heart.
“Well, what are you doing to me, baby!” I'm not iron! Maybe you'll get used to me very soon...
I don't like greedy people! I snapped.
“I’m not greedy,” the teacher justified himself. “I'm just very frugal.
- Yes, you have money - chickens do not peck! One of your car is worth thirty thousand! And what a luxurious apartment you have! All those vases, candlesticks! And they took me to the “second hand,” I was offended.
- Babe! This will not happen again! Semyon Markovich swore and strove to kiss me on my bare shoulder.
- Everything! I'm ready! solemnly announced to him. Let's go to town and have fun! I want to go to the Eiffel Tower! I want coffee in Parisian coffee shops! I want to go to the casino!
I want ... I want everything! I want to go everywhere! He was sick of the height, and on the famous tower I stuck out alone. The coffee made his pancreas hurt and he drooled while I drank the coffee, but when we got to the casino entrance, there was nothing to hide. From the game, of course, you can feel dizzy and stab in the side, but for a completely different reason.
— Can I play, Senya? - asked. - Well, agree, I beg you!
“Of course, baby,” I realized that I would have to part with the money, and resigned myself. But I didn't burrow. When the chips bought with Senya's money were safely lost, she did not ask for new ones, but turned around on the spot and announced to Semyon Markovich: - And now - to a cool disco! The teacher bucked and protested, but I deliberately twirled on the dance floor longer than I wanted, and he huddled at a table in the corner, shying away from the squeals of half-naked girls on stage.

I woke up at night
from silent bitter weeping. Semyon Markovich sat leaning over the table lamp and counting the remaining money. Nearby lay a calculator and some notes.
- Semyon Markovich, - I sat down next to him and stroked my grandfather's bald head. - Well, do not be upset! Again the heart will hurt! And it's because of some money!
“You know, Katyusha, I’m probably already old,” he said so sadly that she almost burst into tears herself. - When in 1956 my wife and I came "to Paris on tour with our symphony orchestra, twenty francs was enough for us to feel like people. Everything has changed ... You know what, take this money and buy yourself something to remember. Everything- this is Paris, when else will you be here...
“Okay, I’ll buy it,” she reassured him. - You'd better tell me, we can fly home tomorrow? Wanted something.
“We can, I have an undated ticket,” the prudent teacher replied, and then looked at me and asked:
- Tell me, Katyusha, did you have at least a little fun?
- No words! I lied cheekily. We talked a little more about everything and nothing, drank tea, and Semyon Markovich got ready to sleep. I put my old friend to bed and carefully covered him with a blanket. And she herself sat down in a chair and nervously began to think whether I could catch up with her on the rafting route.
- Well, stupid fool! beautiful life did you want a ball? Here you get it. Mom says the truth: on the ball - only ball lightning, - she scolded herself.

About the novels of schoolchildren and teachers

When feelings arise between a doctor and a patient, between work colleagues, between, finally, a customer and a plumber, we all just smile. But if it comes to the fact that love is twisted by teachers and students, society unanimously calls it a moral crime. Is it really?

This is such a teacher!

Almost everyone had school love, but not everyone had the same love as our regular reader, Vyacheslav from Irkutsk. The story of his scandalous love ten years ago caused real shock in pedagogical circles of Irkutsk. And until now, Vyacheslav tries not to appear in his native school, but teachers, witnesses those events, speak of them with undisguised disgust. The fact is that for six months Vyacheslav was the lover of his chemistry teacher, class teacher Nina Pavlovna.

I was very bad at chemistry, - Vyacheslav admits. - And Nina Pavlovna, of course, noticed my failures.

It was not like in the song: a young trainee for the first time after graduation comes to her in a different capacity. And around - the mocking glances of teenagers who are quite a bit younger than her. My head is spinning from this... No. Here everything turned out to be much more prosaic. 28-year-old Nina Pavlovna had a military husband, five-year-old son Yegor went to kindergarten.

According to Vyacheslav, he felt that new teacher treats him differently than the rest of the laggards. At first, this manifested itself in incomprehensible to an inexperienced 10th grader, embarrassing his views. Then Nina Pavlovna began to call him the only one from the class in a diminutive form.


Classmates began to pester me, - Vyacheslav continues. - We had a very friendly class, but even in this good team there is always something to laugh at. This is how I became with the advent of Nina Pavlovna.

And the teacher herself enjoyed unquestioned authority among the wards. Everyone loved her. Her well-read, cheerful, sympathetic, the students tried not to upset her.

The general reverence for Nina Pavlovna was also strengthened by the fact that she devoted extracurricular time to her students. They often came to the teacher's house, drank tea, watched TV, told jokes. Nina Pavlovna's husband was glad of such visits, and the son simply rushed at his mother's students with joyful exclamations.

On New Year's Eve, the students, having gathered together again, came to congratulate Nina Pavlovna. The teacher's husband was not at home - he was on duty that night. The son was sleeping. Nina Pavlovna celebrated the holiday in the company of college friends. The women were noticeably drunk. They were overjoyed at the arrival of the disciples. Nina Pavlovna's friends began to invite young men to slow dances themselves. Seeing how such attention flatters 15-year-olds, their peers hurried home.

Be sure to bring your girls! Nina Pavlovna insisted.

But only then come back to us, - half-jokingly added her friend.

Half an hour later, after seeing the classmates home, four 10th graders returned. An hour later, two of them went home. Vyacheslav and his best friend Dimka. When he was getting ready to go home, both friends of Nina Pavlovna ended up in the hallway with him.

We'll go with this young man! He is such an adult, we are not afraid of him! - girlfriends laughed.

And Slavochka and I will drink tea, talk, and he will go too, - the chemistry teacher smiled ...

Vyacheslav does not go into details of how exactly this happened to them.

But after that, my performance improved dramatically, - says our reader. - And in matters of chemistry, I still remained a layman.

The relationship between Nina Pavlovna and Vyacheslav cannot be called a stormy romance. But still, these relationships were. The teenager, although he did not fall in love with the classmate, was simply unbearable to hide it. Moreover, the ridicule of friends about the fact that "Nina adopted him" unbalanced him.

But I, out of respect for Nina Pavlovna, could not tell anyone about what was happening between us, ”says Vyacheslav. - I began to keep a diary in order to confess to myself.

My tongue is my enemy

These records were not like erotic sketches. It’s just that Vyacheslav clearly and clearly described in them when and where they had their next meeting.

In May, Vyacheslav's mother came running to the school. The day before, she could not resist the temptation to look at the records of her son, who had never before been distinguished by a craving for any kind of creativity. It is not difficult to imagine what the woman went through when she found out the reasons for Vyacheslav's sharply improved academic performance.

Vyacheslav's mother first of all visited the director of the school and told her everything that she thinks about the moral character of the teaching staff. Then, without letting the principal come to his senses, she rushed to the classroom. Fortunately, Nina Pavlovna had already completed all the lessons that day and went home. Arriving at her home, Vyacheslav's mother directly, in a rude manner, asked her about her relationship with her son. Nina Pavlovna's husband stood frozen. Soon, without saying a word, he left. Returned a few days later. But for things...

The end of the story is sad. Nina Pavlovna could not work in this or any other Irkutsk school. There was no official prosecution. But information about the romance of the teacher and the 10th grader quickly spread in pedagogical circles.

I heard several times from classmates that they met her in the city, - says Vyacheslav. But, unfortunately, he never saw her. Now I don't know where she is or what happened to her. Perhaps she will read this article and accept my sincerely excuse. I shouldn't have told our secret even to my diary.

And this is not news!

After telling my colleagues about this story, I, to my surprise, found out that it was not the only one. For example, one of the employees of Pyatnitsa recalled an incident that occurred in his hometown. It was also about the student and the teacher. The difference is that she was not his class teacher, but prepared children for school KVN.

But it's already been real romance. The student, having finished school, entered the university of another city. The woman's love turned out to be so strong that, having left her husband, not being afraid of a 12-year age difference, she left for her lover in an unfamiliar city. According to my colleague, they still live happily and even the most ardent opponents no longer oppose their relationship. Yes, and two children who appeared in this happy family only strengthen their love.

Happinnes exists

Another case occurred in Irkutsk in the late 90s. A 22-year-old graduate of the Pedagogical Institute came to the school to work as a history teacher. He immediately liked almost all the students. cultured man, with an actor's appearance and an athletic figure, the new historian immediately overshadowed all school men: a physical education teacher, a Trudovik and a life safety teacher. In addition, through his efforts, a theater studio was opened at the school. One of the students brought her best friend to brag about what they have handsome head theater studio.

The girl fell in love. The girl began to go to all rehearsals. She sat quietly on last row from the edge and carefully watched the teacher explain something to the students. And listened, listened, listened to his well-trained low voice.

Arriving home after another rehearsal, the girl told her parents that she wanted to transfer to another school. The schoolgirl did not explain that she was doing this because of the desire to be closer to her loved one. All this happened two months before the final exams. Therefore, the parents, although they were very surprised, nevertheless transferred their daughter.

This story has a happy ending for everyone. The girl did not hang herself on the teacher's neck, pursue him, throw love notes. She calmly waited for her to finish school and be able to start decisive action. When she turned 20 and he was 25, they got married. They live happily.

Spring beacon. Igor stood at the window for a long time and looked from the height of the second floor as people walked past the house. The sun melted the remains of snow from the sidewalks and roofs. There was water everywhere. It poured from above, flowed down the gutters, flowed along the asphalt. Passers-by walked in different ways. Who did not pay attention to the environment and went to his store, to the social security, to the savings bank. All this was on the ground floor of the opposite house...
Behind Igor's back, the chimes of an old house clock struck. The young man shuddered and turned around at half past twelve. We have to go to school soon. For some reason he thought of Galina Alexandrovna. He wanted to see her, to catch her eye gray eyes, to hear your last name and the question: “What do you think Privalov?” And he is already ready to answer with a whole tirade about Gogol's work, about why fantastic images are present in many of his works.
On his desk is Nikolai Vasilyevich's three-volume book with many bookmarks.
This is her first lesson. And the second one goes German. Then physics, mathematics, chemistry... But again his thoughts returned to Galina Alexandrovna. He wanted to see her. Beautiful face, graceful figure, proud gait of a ballerina.
Yes, there is an internal connection between them. They seemed to read each other's thoughts, as if they were the same age and Galina Alexandrovna, a student sitting next to him at the same desk, was suddenly asked to teach one lesson first. Then more and more. But each time in the eyes of the teacher, Igor read a promise to return to him.
The first lesson with her began in the ninth grade. In September, when for the first time Galina Alexandrovna entered their class and, calling out the names in the magazine, raised the students for acquaintance.
Privalov was seventh from the end. Pleshakova is in front of him, Rybakov and Stenina are behind him. Ugryumov…
- Voronina?
The girl sitting next to Igor reluctantly got up.
- I AM.
- Favorite work?
Lenka looked at Igor in confusion. She didn't have a favorite piece.
Golunov, Zhenya, who was sitting behind him, whispered "Mother" to Gorky.
- Gorky's mother.
Everyone laughed. This piece has not been passed.
- Good. Golunov?
Zhenya got up.
What Igor thought during this acquaintance, he could not say. His last name sounded unexpected, and before he realized it, the teacher asked again:
- Privalov?
He got up. Voronina giggled from the side.
- Favorite hero?
- And if the heroine? Igor asked.
- Who?
- Tatyana Larina.
- Did you pass?
- My sister passed.
- Okay, sit down.
Don't "sit down", but "sit down". As an equal. Igor liked it.
Six months later, no, it was a year ago, in April, Voronina then fell ill, and some reputable inspectors headed by the headmistress Mamonova came to the lesson, Galina Alexandrovna sat down next to Igor. The headmistress remained standing, two guests were given chairs, and the high official began to teach literature. Somehow surprisingly, he asked students questions about life, about who they will become after school and is it good to study?
Galina Alexandrovna did not betray her feelings in any way. She was just taking notes.
She was very close, and Igor looked askance at her beautifully styled hair, clean line face, a slightly stubborn chin, a thin neck. Unexpectedly for himself, Igor drew attention to high chest, which was large and the blouse parted, revealing a beautiful bra and a piece of white, tense flesh.
It was then that something awakened in him. He lowered his eyes and blushed, as if he had been caught doing something illegal.
In my head, conversations flashed in the locker room at physical education, when the boys talked about how the girls were now undressing. And it would be nice to see them.
- But also to fuck, - said Shustov. He had been shaving for a long time and it was rumored that he lived with a neighbor on the landing and the couple's parents had nothing against it.
Someone responded and there was talk of victories over the girls. Trofimov, laughing, talked about how he once very successfully saw Valyusha out of the disco with parallel class. “Well, she has boobs! he exclaimed. “I already crushed them…”
- Didn't you look into the pussy? Shustov asked, guffawing.
- It was, - said Trofimov. But somehow unsure.
Everyone understood that there was nothing ...
Then, at the desk, Galina Alexandrovna seemed not to see any views, nor the state of the student.
A month later, she left him after class. It was the last lesson, and Igor volunteered to write a script for a small production at the school evening.
The first days of May were hot and the windows in the classroom were wide open.
“Sit down at this desk,” the teacher suggested and pointed to the one that was in contact with her desk.
She smelled of cream, deodorant, and something else that could not be identified. Unless, if you remember how your sister smelled when she often ran to the bathroom, closed herself, and then, leaving, carefully examined herself in the mirror. At the level of the legs and back.
“Go, everything is fine,” the mother said, and at the same time looked at her son with an unseeing look.
But no, it was different. Something sweet and… forbidden.
- The idea of ​​the play? asked Galina Alexandrovna. She opened the journal and began making notes in it. This time she was wearing a thin pullover with a small neckline, but her breasts seemed very large. It rose rhythmically with each breath and fell as you exhaled.
- Idea? - Igor asked again and thought about the lips of the teacher. They were bright and stood out in a delicate bow on toasty cheeks. - The idea, I think, is to go on stage, no, to go out in the next order, in costumes literary heroes caught in our time. And their remarks about what they saw with us ...
He talked and talked, but did not take his eyes off the young woman's lips. He didn't see her put down the magazine and stare at him.
Again, his gaze fell to his chest. And he was again embarrassed at the thought of seeing her without clothes.
He chattered quickly and the teacher looked at her watch.
"Good," she said. - Make notes. Is a week enough?
Igor just nodded his head.
At night he slept in fits and starts, he dreamed of a teacher who bathed him in the bathroom, but it turned out badly, because dirty places remained on his body, and then the teacher entered the bathroom. How she ended up naked, Igor did not understand. He felt only a great desire and their bodies intertwined.
Only in the morning he fell asleep and was awakened by a piercing phone call from a mother who decided to raise him to school.
The performance turned out to be good, and it was noted by a special order for the school. After the exams, Igor went to the sea, to his aunt. And stayed there until the middle of August. He almost forgot about Galina Alexandrovna, because for the first time he had a girlfriend who allowed him everything. Her name was Oksana, and they swore in love.
Autumn and winter passed somehow imperceptibly. Igor became interested in basketball, it took a lot of time to visit the military registration and enlistment office and pass the commission. He and Zhenya Golunov decided to enter a military school, definitely a flight school. But there were many doctors, and the occultist could put an end to it.
And here is yesterday. Nothing seemed to happen.
As usual, the second shift was waiting for the end of the first on the street. At one o'clock in the afternoon, the little ones came out, and then the teacher on duty at the school gave the go-ahead. In a few minutes, such a cycle and hubbub began in the foyer that usually the more experienced students let everyone through and managed to calmly go to their classes. Yesterday, Igor found himself in a whirlpool, and the crowd carried him to the wall, where he ran into Galina Alekseevna. For a moment they were pressed against each other, Igor felt dizzy from what he felt elastic body women and her unusual smells.
Galina Alexandrovna, unexpectedly for everyone, shouted very loudly, and all the students, hearing her for the first time in anger, fell silent. They quickly dissipated, and Igor bent down to pick up the folder, which had been knocked out of Galina Alexandrovna's hands in a whirlpool.
She thanked him and lightly touched his arm.
What was it? An act of gratitude, just an accident or a deliberate move?
Igor peered at passers-by and suddenly saw opposite side, at the bus stop, the teacher who got off the bus. It was she, Galina Alexandrovna. She took out a piece of paper from her pocket, then looked at the house numbers and confidently headed towards Igor's house under green light at the crossroads.
Crossing the road, she was already walking to the entrance. And suddenly, raising her head, she looked at the window, behind the glass of which stood Igor. He recoiled, though behind the lace curtain he could hardly be seen from the outside.
Soon the bell rang and Igor, who was standing at the door, saw through the "peephole" the woman's slightly distorted face.
He opened.
- Privalov? May I enter?
- Yes Yes.
Galina Alexandrovna handed over her cloak, her elegant hat. She was wearing a dark blue suit that hugged her figure tightly. She did not take off her light gas scarf, and it thinned out the unusual smell of expensive perfume.
- I wanted to meet your family.
- No one at home. Mom has not yet come home from work, although she usually finishes ...
Igor stopped. He did not want to betray his mother's profession, but decided not to prevaricate:
- … cleaning by 12. Must come.
- Okay, we have about an hour left. We'll wait a bit and go to school. I know what your mom does. What about sister?
- She's been at the university almost all day. Let's go to the hall. You can sit there.
- Do you have three rooms?
- Yes.
- And how did you separate them?
- My sister and I have a room. Mom sleeps on the sofa in the living room.
- Well, yes, - answered Galina Alexandrovna, - sofa, kitchen, work ...
Igor understood the guest's slightly mocking tone. He began to explain:
They used to sleep in the same room. Then my mother left...
- Show me your room.
They haven't entered the room yet.
- I have there ...
- Well, well, - the teacher smiled, - I was a student not so long ago. We probably won't wait. Come on, pack up and let's go.
Igor turned in the direction of his room, but suddenly stopped:
- Are you only in your second year of work? Right after school?
- Yes.
- And we have a difference of seven years?
- Exact mathematical calculation, - the teacher chuckled. - You go, get ready.
- Are you married?
- I AM? Galina Alexandrovna laughed. - What is it to you, Privalov?
“There is a difference,” he said. - I love you.
- How do you like it?
- Like a woman.
- And where are the flowers, the appropriate environment? And there shouldn't be anything between us!
It was clear that Galina Alexandrovna was trying to keep the situation under control with her joking tone and words.
- But it is!
- I don't know about you, but I don't think it's love. I like you as a student.
- And that's it?
- Yes, probably.
- Is it possible to check it?
- How?
Igor quickly stepped towards the girl, hugged her, drew his face to him and pressed his lips to her lips.
First there was inactivity. Igor felt a slight chill. But suddenly Galina Alexandrovna's lips quivered, and she opened them a little. Igor and the teacher joined in a deep kiss.
When it ended, both of them pulled away from each other in amazement, and Galina Aleksandrovna turned away.
- All this is wrong, you should not have provoked me to this.
She turned to Igor, looked at him intently, and silently walked into the hallway.
Igor spread his arms, blocking her path:
- Galina, wait.
He hugged her again and the girl could not stand it, she succumbed to this kiss.
They did not immediately realize how they ended up in Igor's room and began to feverishly undress.
After a while, Galina Alexandrovna lay on Igor's shoulder:
- I fell in love with you at first sight. But I fought and it seems that you, it was, pulled away from me ...
- Yes, I tried to overcome my feelings and left for the summer. There I had my first girlfriend. But I don't feel anything for her...
“Oh, you scoundrel,” Galina Alexandrovna raised her head. “Although that might be right. I once also tested myself with one student. But you're just a kid! Oh what time is it?
- Half!
They jumped off and began to dress quickly.
“You smell amazing, my love,” Igor shouted, pulling on his clothes.
- And you are innocent and pure! I love you!
- You don't give me five, I'll teach everything, but don't single me out!
- I will give you fives because you are the best in the class.
- I don't want to let you down, I won't look at you!
- Look at me, I can't live without it...
At that moment, the sound of a key being inserted into the lock of the door was heard. But the young people were ready, and Galina Alexandrovna had already covered herself with a raincoat ...
Igor's mother entered.
- Who are you? she asked Galina Alexandrovna.
- Teacher ... I wanted to wait for you for a minute, but we must hurry.
- I should have called, - my mother answered, - I went to the store. Here, Igor, put it in the kitchen.
The son grabbed his mother's bag.
- What happened? Mom asked the teacher quietly.
- Nothing special. He is with you a good student. I wanted to thank you... Your son helps me a lot.
- I'm glad, it's a pity my father did not live ... He was killed, he stood up for a woman in a dark passage.
- Tell me later. I will definitely come. But you have to run.

In July, Igor and Galina signed.
Galina went to another school, Igor entered the Pedagogical University, the career of an officer was ruined by the same occultist. A year later, Igor was taken into the army. In the same year, he had twins and a few months later he legal grounds released to citizenship. He continued to study and was already taking lessons at school with his wife.