Happy Easter greetings are short. Happy Easter greetings in English. Official congratulations on Easter in prose

In the article: postcards, congratulations from the Catholic and Orthodox Easter on the different languages, MK for creating Easter cards with your own hands, the rules of Easter greetings.

  • Vintage postcards that are stored in museum glass, old family albums and cardboard boxes with all sorts of things still carry the energy of sincerity and love
  • Simple and, perhaps, even banal words “congratulations”, “wish”, “whole” tremulously preserve the memory of the era and people. What will a modern person leave behind, except for SMS, short lines in FB and VK, dry emails with standard signature
  • It is sincerely a pity that many holidays were lost in the accumulation of cultures and lost their sacred meaning for modern man. Easter is one of those holidays. The celebration of Bright Sunday is not only an additional weekend, an occasion to eat and. Easter is the greatest Christian holiday with centuries-old traditions that help connect our past and future

How to congratulate Orthodox Christians on Easter?

"Christ is Risen!" refers to traditional Easter greetings and this is how written congratulations should begin. To emphasize the solemnity of the appeal, the words can be highlighted in red
The phrase "Truly Risen!", Highlighted in red, should end the congratulation.

Happy Easter in SMS

Modern technologies have firmly entered our lives. Sometimes, writing and sending an SMS is more convenient and faster than writing a letter and sending it to paper envelope. Short SMS congratulations sure to give pleasant moments to their recipients

Nature is full of gentle trembling,
The stars twinkle in the depths of the sky.
Silence reigns over the sinful world.
Christ is risen! Truly risen!

Happy Easter, holy congratulations,
I wish you happiness and health.
Peace, peace in the country,
Sunshine in your window.

The darkness of death has melted over the world.
Eternal life lit up all the light!
Angels sing over all the earth:
Darkness has no power now, there is no death!
Christ is risen!

I baked Easter cake
I will send it to you as a gift.
And I will tell you with kindness:
I love you all very much.

Congratulations on the Resurrection of Christ,
I wish you all the best:
Be confident, beautiful and healthy
Live with a smile of happiness on your lips.

Congratulations! Easter holiday
Finally at the door.
The sun, like in a fairy tale,
Sends rays for all people.

Holy Resurrection has come!

Full of warmth, hope and kindness!

I hasten to you on Easter
Send congratulations.
I wish you to live in warmth, in affection,
Do not get bored and do not suffer.

Happy Easter, congratulations,
I wish you good health
Live without need, without trouble
In love and happiness for many years!

bell ringing spreads
Good news to heaven.
I congratulate everyone on Easter
Good luck to you, Christ is Risen.

May the day of the Holy Resurrection
Good news will bring!
Purify the soul and warm with warmth,
The world will save from all bad weather!

With the bright Resurrection of Christ
I congratulate you on Easter.
I wish you a clean life
It flowed calmly, peacefully, carelessly.

The holiday illuminates with happiness
Bright light comes from heaven.
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
All the best! Christ is risen!

Happy Easter, I congratulate you
I wish peace in the house
Hope, faith and love,
Good days are just ahead.

We wish you that the Lord gives everything -
Health, prosperity, prosperity!
In business, so that nothing interferes,
Let this life be only sweet!

Happy Easter to you
Christ is risen! And isn't that a miracle!?
May fate reward you with happiness
A bright minute will give joy!

Christ is risen - and the soul is warm,
Sorrow from the heart slowly leaves.
Let good reign in our world,
And less evil in the world happens!

Christ is Risen, the earth sings,
I congratulate everyone on Easter.
Let the voice fly to heaven
Christ is Risen, Christ is Risen!

Spring has come again. Now
Life has become a fairy tale again:
Happy Christ Sunday to you,
Happy and wonderful Easter!

"Christ is risen!" - wonderful words!
Today the street is full of them.
I congratulate you on Easter
I wish you love, hope, joy!

I am with Christ's Resurrection
Congratulations love.
In longevity and happiness
May your family live.

Congratulations on the Resurrection of Christ,
I wish you to live in joy with your family.
Deception and lies let them bypass
And only happiness comes to your house!

Holy Sunday has arrived!
How peaceful and light!
May life be generous with joy!
Full of warmth, hope and kindness!

On this day Christ came
To save our world from evil!
Glory to him forever!
Conqueror of darkness!
Congratulations with all my heart
With this great joy!

Congratulations on Easter in prose

The history of the celebration of Easter has more than one millennium. Easter traditions are part of the culture of many peoples. And even during hostilities, Easter was honored and celebrated. An example is the postcard below. Pay attention to the signature: "Leningrad, 1942"

Official congratulations on Easter in prose

Christ is Risen!
At this blessed time, let me sincerely congratulate you on the feast of the Holy Sunday of Christ!
Holy Easter brings us long-awaited joy victory of the Son of God, gives hope and confidence in the future, inspires peace in the heart, strengthens faith and pacifies the soul.
May God's mercy and blessings illuminate your life path, and peace, love and harmony will reign in your homes.
Wish you Have a good mood, excellent health, family well-being and fulfillment of all plans.
Truly, Christ is Risen!

Christ is Risen!
I wish you happiness and joy, faith and prosperity!
May the wonderful holiday of Bright Sunday bring love and light to your families!
May God's blessing be a guarantee of peace in our land, the spiritual revival of our state, the fulfillment of our most secret hopes!

Christ is risen!
On this Great Day, I wish that a dream enters the soul, which carries love, hope and faith in miracles!
May this dream come true at the most unexpected moment so that YOU full force felt the happiness that fills the heart and soul in the most desirable and most, as it seemed to YOU, incomprehensible way!
Let your home and the home of your loved ones and relatives be filled with kindness and care for life! May the light of heaven bring joy, the full power of which no one has ever experienced before!
I want to wish YOU that all your affairs are filled with victory, and your heart is filled with sincere and all-consuming love! Jesus Christ sacrificed himself for us, so may today you and your family feel all the holy power and strength of him!
May she never be forgotten!
Christ is truly Risen!

Christ is Risen!
Friends (colleagues, countrymen)!
accept my very my sincere congratulations on the occasion of the great Christian holiday of the Resurrection of the Son of God!
May crimson Easter chimes bring joy, faith, hope and love to your homes.
I wish you happiness and joy, faith and prosperity! May the wonderful Easter holiday bring love and light to your families, sincerity and goodness in relationships!
Truly, Christ is Risen!

Christ is Risen!
Today I want to congratulate everyone for whom the Easter holiday is not just a formality and a habit, but a true miracle of the resurrection of our Lord! All those who sought to cleanse their souls from sins in the pre-Easter days!
Revival to your hearts, spring warmth and peace of mind! Renewal and victory over death will give us all this day! So let the holy grace and love be with us!
Truly, Christ is Risen! Rejoice!

For friends in prose

Christ is Risen!
On the day of Easter, I wish you and your loved ones happiness, harmony, peace and understanding, because this day comes to our homes as a symbol of purity, renewal of our souls and thoughts, a symbol of prosperity and faith.
May your soul be cleansed, the house filled with grace, kindness and comfort, your heart with the desire to do good and believe in miracles, the desire to love and be loved!
Give love to loved ones, care and warmth to strangers, and then the world will become bright and joyful, like today's holiday!
Let the bright Easter heal the souls with the ringing of bells, and let the eyes shine from the realization of the Resurrection of Christ!
Truly, Christ is Risen!

Christ is Risen!
Happy Easter!
May your family, by the grace of the Lord, be delivered from troubles, illnesses and disagreements! Let for festive table the closest people will gather today, and let them be with you not only on this day! Be closer friend to a friend spiritually, kinder, sincere. We are not brought together by distance, but by warmth and understanding. May it reign in your wonderful family! Live in peace, happy Easter to you! And let after years on the tables will be all the same beautiful Easter cakes and souls do not know troubles and insults!

Happy Easter!!!
God bless you from enemies and envy. God bless you from loss and deprivation. May your home be bright and welcoming. May all the people close to your heart be healthy and happy. May your whole life be spent in goodness and happiness. Love to you. Patience to you

Christ is Risen!
May the Easter of Christ fill your soul with joy, prudence, warmth! Everything is in the hands of the Almighty, so may He protect you from bad weather, may the house be filled with mercy and happiness. May your path be righteous, free from sinful thoughts and feelings, and may the Lord not leave you. May happiness and love be with you, goodness and joy multiply! Happy Easter Sunday!
Truly Risen Christ!

For parents in prose

Christ is Risen!
Daddy and Mommy! happy holiday Great Easter!
May your house always be a reliable island for me in this difficult life, may it be full of love, kindness, care, forgiveness and understanding! May the holiness of Christ never be forgotten, and the unshakable faith, power and strength of Christ reign in the hearts of people close to you! May your prayers be heard.
May the Angels protect you, my beloved parents!
Truly, Christ is Risen!

Christ is Risen!
My dear dad!
I congratulate you on Easter from the bottom of my heart.
Everything today Orthodox people rejoice that our Savior Jesus Christ has risen, giving us peace and confidence in a brighter future. Let us rejoice in glorifying our benefactor. May happiness and joy never leave you, dear daddy.
Truly, Christ is Risen!

Christ is Risen!
Dear my father. I congratulate you on the Resurrection of the Lord. May the Lord give you His mercy, protect you from all troubles, and give you strength to bring all your plans to life.
I wish you delicious cookies and good health!
Truly, Christ is Risen!

Christ is Risen!
Dear daddy and mommy.
May your hearts always be in joy, your bodies in health, and your destinies in the rays of the Most High. I wish you well-being, earthly wisdom, pure thoughts. May the Lord never leave you and always show the true and righteous path. Many and good years to you, my dear!
Truly, Christ is Risen!

Beautiful congratulations on Easter in verse

Classical poetry is a model of the era. Below is small selection Easter poems from Russian classical literature

Christ is risen! In the rays of love
Sorrow gloomy cold will disappear,
Let joy reign in the hearts
Both those who are old and those who are young!
Covenant of blessed Heaven
Sounds to us the song of Sunday, -
Christ is risen!
Vladimir Ladyzhensky, 1859-1932

How the sun shines brightly
As the sky is deep bright,
How fun and loud
The bells are ringing.
Silently in God's temples
Sing "Christ is Risen!"
And the sounds of a wondrous song
They reach heaven.
Alexey Nikolaevich Pleshcheev, 1825-1893

Christ is risen!
Everywhere the blessing is buzzing
Of all the churches, the people bring down.
The dawn is already looking from heaven ...

The cover of snow has already been removed from the fields,
And the rivers are torn from the shackles,
And the nearby forest turns green ...
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
The earth is waking up
And the fields dress
Spring is coming full of wonders!
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
A. Maykov, 1883

Christ is risen
Christ is risen and hell is conquered by him.
Christ is Risen and the world is redeemed by Him.
Christ is risen and the angels rejoice.
Christ is Risen and people are celebrating.
Christ is risen and paradise is open to us.
Christ is risen and the power of hell has fallen.
Christ is risen and the sting of death is erased.
Christ is Risen and saved the world from torment.
O. Osipov

Christ is risen! - just two words
But how much grace is in them!
We are unearthly bliss again
Illuminated in your hearts.
Sorrow and suffering are forgotten
Forgotten grief and need
Silent groans and murmurs,
Envy and enmity are gone...
Pavel Potekhin, 1852-1910

All faces shine with joy
Hearts free from passions...
So miraculous effect
Holy words on people!..
Christ is risen!..
Oh sacred moment!
O miracle, above all miracles,
What were in the universe! ..
Christ is risen!
Christ is risen!
Pavel Potekhin, 1852-1910

And one more selection of Easter poems-congratulations from unknown contemporary authors.

On the day of Easter, everything around is kinder
And it seems that Christ is again among us!
We become a little wiser
And remember how he saved us all!
May the Easter holiday warm you with warmth,
May it save you from trouble and grief!
Give loved ones happiness and health,
And let faith always lead forward!

Happy Easter, holy congratulations,
I wish you happiness and health.
Peace, peace in the country,
Sunshine in your window.

Good news comes to us:
Christ is risen!
All people - to the temple!
Christ did not spare himself.
May you eat a piece of bread!
So that there is happiness on earth!
So that the children smile all!
Let friend and foe join hands!
Christ is risen - torments are forgotten!

Congratulations on Easter!
Jesus is alive because He is risen!
Give thanks to God
Thank you for this good news.
Victory on the cross
And paved the way to heaven.
May your faith not weaken
In the Lord - the Savior Christ.
Don't let your heart turn away
From His outstretched hand.
The Lord wants to touch you
So taste of His love!

I wish you Easter
For God to bless
To joy, health
And gave happiness.
"Christ is risen!" each other
We speak with a smile.
We are glad that our world
We love God so much!

Christ is risen! Let it be on this day
For the Lord accessible your heart.
The shadow will leave the life of condemnation,
There will be no place in the soul for sadness.

God is love and always will be!
He is a strong shield from enemies and disasters.
So may His strong hand
Keeps your home from strife and disease.

Believe me, His mercy is great!
He gave his Son for the salvation of the world.
So that in hundreds of years, in centuries
The truth has opened the way to heaven for us!

The sun came out radiant
Blessed with a bright day.
Let it be with sparkling joy
Easter will visit your home.

Let the blessing come
And holy grace.
To wonderful moments
Relive again and again.

May the Lord with pure love
Keeps your whole family
Faith strong and earnest
And endow with patience!

Short congratulations on Easter in prose

Sometimes just a few short ones, but sincere words can make a person happy. Do not forget to congratulate each other, even with short congratulations. Be attentive to close people and old friends, whose numbers are accurately stored in the address books of your gadgets

Christ Veskrese!
I sincerely congratulate you on Easter!
May this majestic holiday fill the heart with bright feelings of hope and love, give happiness and goodness. I wish you joy, health, prosperity and prosperity.
Truly, Christ is Risen!

Christ is Risen!
The sun is shining and the whole world is blooming! Angels drop feathers from your wings - as a sign that God has blessed you! Happy Holidays!
Truly, Christ is Risen!

Christ is Risen!
Let festive mood which gives us a bright Resurrection, will illuminate your life and give warmth to your loved ones!
Truly, Christ is Risen!

Christ is Risen!
Let's settle all the scores today! We will sit down at the table and come together one on one in battle colored eggs. And may the best man win!

Christ is Risen!
Flowers and the sky and the gentle sun greet Jesus! And we praise him! For being happy, and for being healthy, for a clear Easter with your family!
Truly, Christ is Risen!

How to congratulate on Catholic Easter?

  • catholic church celebrating major Christian holidays a week earlier than Orthodox. Consider this fact when congratulating colleagues, relatives or friends.
  • The traditional greeting for Catholics on this day is:
    "Christ is risen from the dead! - "Blessed is the Resurrection of Christ!"
  • Easter symbols of Catholic Europe: chicken, hare, eggs
  • Traditional gifts: chocolate figurines of Easter symbols

FROM catholic easter my congratulations.
May the Lord God be with you!
I wish you strength of will, faith and spirit,
So that trouble bypasses the threshold at home.
May your dreams and wishes come true.
Your heart will be open to everyone.
Let your family not know the torment and suffering,
And around sounds sonorous and joyful laughter.

Today all the Catholics of the earth
We were finally able to unite.
They celebrate Easter
We wish each other prosperity.
And I would like to wish you
Always trust God in everything.
Let troubles be avoided
And the Lord himself will always be with you!

We congratulate you on Catholic Easter,
All those who firmly believe in miracles.
Those who live according to God's decree,
And those who believe in life in heaven.

Happy Easter in English

May God bless you at Easter,
And keep you all year through.
May God give you all the faith it takes,
To make your dreams come true.
May His love and wisdom always help,
To guide you on your way.
May His light shine down upon you now,
To bless your Easter Day.
Wishing you a blessed and joyful Easter!

God bless you for Easter
And his blessing will be with you for a whole year ..
May God support your faith
To make your dreams come true.
May His love and wisdom always help,
And guide you on your path.
Let His light shine on you now
Blessing Easter day.
I wish you a blessed and joyful Easter!

May this Easter bring you all together for a great celebration fillde with lots of joy, happiness and of course chocolate! Happy Easter!

May this Easter be for all of you great holiday filled with joy, happiness and, of course, chocolate! Happy easter! You can put truth in the grave, but it won't stay there. You can nail her to a cross, wrap her in a shroud, and cover her with a gravestone, but she will still rise.

Easter Brings Joy Easter Brings Pleasure, Easter brings blessing, Easter brings love. I wish you a happy Easter!

Happy easter!The Day the Lord Ascended to Heaven, filled our life with light, love and joy. Enjoy Easter and enjoy the holiday!

Happy Easter in German

The manufacturing scheme is simple, but very heartfelt postcard presented below. Even a baby can cope with this work, and the memories of the work done together will delight you and the baby for a long time to come.

The wonderful and easy-to-implement idea of ​​Easter cards in the photo below does not require complex materials and tools, but it will please the recipients, because what is made by oneself is always more valuable!

Video « Easter card in the shape of an egg / A small gift for Easter / MK "will tell you how to make a small, but very soulful present for close people.

Video“Postcard for Easter. Happy Easter everyone! represents detailed master class how to make a square postcard that will please both adults and children with the process of its creation.

Video: Easter card in the shape of an egg / Small gift for Easter / MK

Video: Postcard for Easter. Happy Easter everyone!

1. Any congratulation should be sincere, only then it will bring joy not only to the recipient of the congratulation, but also to the congratulator

2. Personal congratulations (even if it's just phone call), is always preferable to congratulations in writing

3. Written congratulations(classic greetings on postcards or in letters of congratulations) are always written by hand

4. Rules good manners prescribe that congratulations must be received

  • exactly on the day of the holiday (for personal mail)
  • on the last business day before the holiday weekend (for business mail)

The video "Gifts for Easter [Ideas for Life]" will tell you how to make Easter gifts with your own hands.

Video: Easter Gifts [Ideas for Life]

Easter chimes
May happiness bring us to every home,
Let the sun shine joyfully from heaven.

Christ is Risen, the earth sings,
I congratulate everyone on Easter.
Let the voice fly to heaven
Christ is Risen, Christ is Risen!

Happy Easter, we wish you spring mood, happy changes, joy, good luck, warmth and happiness.

I wish you prosperity, love and warmth
May a bright Easter bring you!
May God bless you for happiness
And joy will attract you like a magnet!

May your cake be delicious
Table - rich, friendly - kind.
On Easter day I wish you happiness
And not to know the family of adversity.

Easter has come
Congratulations on this
Thank God
I sincerely wish!

Happy Easter, congratulations,
And I wish you grace
Saints will guard
Protect from all adversity.

There is a cake on the table,
The beauty of the egg is on fire!
happy easter people, happy easter to you
Congratulations on the bright hour!

Christ is truly risen!
Happy Easter!
Resentment - away, you are all warm,
I wish you good and joy.

I congratulate you on Easter
Let your house be filled
Joy, warmth and affection,
And it will be comfortable in it.

Happy Easter, I want to congratulate!
Let's praise God today
I believe in the miracle of miracles.
Happy holiday! Christ is risen!

Happy Easter, bright Sunday,
God's blessing.
Let the house be filled with good
Happiness, joy, warmth.

Great day,
It has come again
And whisper endlessly - mouth,
And the gaze goes into the distance of heaven:
- A miracle of miracles happened,
Christ is truly Risen!

Great joy, salvation
And blessings to you from heaven.
Good, good mood to you!
Christ is risen! Truly risen!

The Easter holiday has dawned
Called us all to celebrate.
Invite friends to your house
Holidays are more fun together.
Thank you from heaven.
Happy Easter to you! Christ is risen!

May faith in God protect you
Let your life will go in peace.
And on Easter they will meet at the doorstep
Luck, happiness and love.

The bells are ringing light and clear,
And grace descended on us from heaven.
The sun smiled at us:
Christ is risen! Truly risen!

Let Easter fulfill your wishes
Fill your soul with happiness and joy.
Let goodness always reign in the house,
And let the heart be warm.

Let the Easter holiday give
Warmth, love and a fairy tale.
Wonderful, bright feelings,
Down with sadness from life.

Christ is risen, good to you,
Let troubles be aside
May the Lord bless
And everything will forgive you now!

Let the flame of a festive candle
Fill your souls with warmth.
Let the cakes blaze with heat,
They drive the cold out of the house,
So that on the Resurrection of Christ
You were happy and healthy.

On this significant day for all believers, words of congratulations sound, starting with Easter service. We all know the main words very well - "Christ is Risen!", However, we propose to supplement them, for example, with beautiful, spiritual verse. In this article you will find dozens of the warmest festive words: So, congratulations on Easter 2017.

Happy Easter in verse

Christian verses for Easter are most often read when they come to visit, or they enter into Greeting Cards. All of them carry deep meaning praising the work of Christ.

Christ is risen! - the sky rejoices,
Fire came down from heaven again.
We believe in God's Grace
Raise your hand to the flame.
And all over Jerusalem
All parishes and churches
Beautiful lamps are burning,
Like a reminder to us
So that God loves us and does not leave us,
From evil people will protect us.
Everyone who pectoral cross wears
He will regret and forgive!


"Christ is risen!" - sounds in the heart
All Orthodox people
Proclaimed in Heaven
Our holiday is the most important.
Let's wait for the first star
And we'll talk
Jesus from Heaven
We will smile.
A miracle of miracles happened
For there is no more death.
Christ is truly risen
We will hear back.

He allowed himself to be crucified
to the furious crowd,
To shine even brighter
For us all over the earth.
A whip cut into his body,
Everyone laughed at him
But He is risen, correcting death,
Our good Lord.
Jesus Christ opened the door for us
To the heavenly home
And to everyone good news brought -
From now on, every resident
Our planet will not die
And only return to God
If, of course, he chooses
He is on the right track.

A truly wonderful day!
Happy Great Holiday,
Happy Holy Easter,
You congratulate all your neighbors.
May wishes come true
All problems will disappear
All mental suffering
We will replace Faith.
Let your heart sing today
And the prayer sounds
So that by the right hand of the Lord
We were covered.


On the eggs a festive pattern,
Easter cake is getting cold.
Let it pour into glasses of Cahors,
After all, there is no place for a twist.
Great day will drive away sadness
He is the most important of the year.
Christ is risen! - let him rejoice
Our people are Orthodox.
Forgive wrongs and sins
To each other on Sunday
We are born to live in love
With the hope of us Salvation.


"Kindness, love, miracles!"
White tablecloth, candle,
The aroma of the cake
It pours into glasses of Cahors.
Drink a little - a deal.
colorful eggs
And bright smiles.
Happy holiday!
Christ is risen!
Kindness, love, miracles!


On the feast of Easter forever
Flying down from heaven
From person to person

On the Easter day of the messenger of heaven
I ask you to give you health
Kindness, love, good luck, bread.
To help in your destiny!


On Easter day, joyfully playing,
The lark flew high
And disappearing into the blue sky
He sang the song of resurrection.
And that song was loudly repeated
And the steppe, and the hill, and the dark forest.
"Wake up, earth", they broadcast, -
wake up: your King, your God is risen.
Snowdrop, silver lily of the valley,
Violet - bloom again
And send up a fragrant hymn
To the one whose commandment is love.


I wish you Easter day
I am all kinds of pleasures
Trust true friends
And let go of doubt.
To bring warmth into your home,
To be lucky in all matters.
Luck - joys without troubles,
And various life victories!


Holy Sunday of Christ -
Joyful at heart and calm
And nature's stormy awakening
Met the patronal holiday with us.
Be kept by Christ forever,
Open to love and happiness
Selfless and fate loved,
Let troubles and bad weather pass by.
Let the soul in a swift flight
Stays forever young.
And the more you give to people
The more generously good will return to you.


Mommy, beloved, dear,
Happy Easter, I congratulate you.
You think about me, I know
Faith, hope and love.
Let us be separated by kilometers
I am far from home now.
But with rain and spring wind
I will come and kiss you.
I remember your smile
How she caressed and pitied me.
I upset you sometimes -
You didn't know how to get angry for a long time.
May the Lord keep you forever
Protecting the father's house from storms.
No, than you, a person is closer to me,
Mommy, beloved, dear.


Today we glorify Christ's Resurrection,
That for the sake of our salvation suffered so much!
And we will shout loudly so that it reaches the heavens -

Christ was crucified on the cross among bandits,
The holy blood of the innocent was shed,
We thank God, this is a miracle of miracles -
Christ is risen! Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
We bake Easter cakes, fervently paint eggs,
After all, this holiday is very significant and beautiful,
The mortal dream evaporated again, like a haze it disappeared -
Christ is risen! Christ is risen! Christ is risen!


Today is the brightest day
The most joyful for us
Because the son of heaven
Resurrected us all to life!
He sinless took the torment,
Accepted death for us, for all!
Be grateful people
Pray for your sin!
You light a candle in the church,
Help you friends
Forgive your enemies
Bow down to heaven
And today, on the feast of Easter,
Be honest and clean.
Pray to God people
Bow to the ground!


The earth has awakened from its winter sleep,
Spring has come, Easter has come to us.
The trumpeters are trumpeting about this holiday,
All streams rustle about the bright holiday.
And it seems to be heard directly from heaven:
- "Rejoice, people, the Son of God is Risen!"


While Christ stands guard over the light,
Darkness will not fill this world with tears.
May every year Holy Easter
Love, hope, faith will bring.
"Christ is risen!" - we hear everywhere.
We are told that he has truly risen.
I congratulate you on the spring holiday,
Let the sun smile from heaven!


Rejoice in the news, Easter is here!
Christ has risen again in salvation.
Carrying a heavy cross for Truth,
showed us his return.
He shouldered the sins of the whole world,
He endured suffering, torment.
He turned us to the light by his example
In the name of love, inspiration!

Short congratulations on Easter

If you don’t like Easter poems, then choose short ones. easter greetings. They are best suited for colleagues, neighbors, acquaintances.
I sincerely congratulate you on Easter! I wish peace and goodness reign in the house. And may Christ strengthen the faith and bless!
Let this important, holy day push you to the beginning of a completely new life, in which there will be only grace, help and goodness. Be healthy (a), happy (a) and young (a)! Happy Easter!

Congratulations on the arrival of Easter! On this wonderful sunny morning, the Great Resurrection happened. I want to wish that God always gave you his smile from heaven and supported all your undertakings. Peacefulness to you, sincerity, kindness and God's help! Easter!
I wish that in your heart there will always be love and faith, hope and patience, kindness and empathy. May every act of your life be blessed. On this bright Easter day, Christ will surely hear us! Congratulations!

Congratulations on Easter in prose

Congratulations on Easter Day in prose are the best suited for holiday dinner. These are warm touching words you can tell the closest people.
My dears, I want to sincerely congratulate you on the brightest holiday of the year! On this Sunday, I want to wish you more good and good, may your hearts always be responsive to human pain and tears. Let the soul become calm and warm, and the closest and dearest people will always be nearby. This is a holiday of harmony, understanding and joy. Let grievances, troubles and regrets go away, and only happiness and love remain!
Here comes Easter! May new pious deeds, accomplishments and victories come into our lives along with this day. May neither saints nor angels leave us in the most difficult moments. Let faith fill the heart, and only joy and light be in the soul. Congratulations!

Today, every Orthodox believer with trembling in his soul celebrates the day of Great Easter. On this day, I want your life, my dears, to be filled with peace, goodness and pious deeds. There is nothing more valuable than cozy house, beloved family and the warmth of true friends. So let all this protect Christ. Let's share care, attention and love with each other today. Happy holiday!
Holy Easter has come, congratulations! This holiday should be celebrated with a good conscience and pure soul. And they don’t wish on this day financial well-being and career success. All this does not paint our soul. On Easter they wish to find peace of mind, spiritual development and earthly goods. Be always kept by the Lord, Happy Easter!

On this bright Easter day, I want to wish you light in your heart and well-being in your home, good health for your loved ones, and joy in your soul. At Easter, sometimes the impossible happens. But only for those who live with sincere faith in the Lord. Happy holiday!

Easter Poems for Children

The smallest believers on Easter day rejoice at fragrant Easter cakes and colorful eggs. Memorize a nursery rhyme with them for Easter: this is one of the important steps in religious education.
Like bright coloring
Easter has come to our house.
Brought in her basket,
Eggs, buns, cakes,
Cakes, pancakes and tea.
Happy Easter!
Easter. Festive all around.
The house is sparkling clean.
Willows on the table and Easter...
So light and so beautiful!
Dyed eggs everywhere
And the cake is on a platter...
Mom in a cotton apron
Invites everyone to sit down
And eat a treat
In honor of Christ's resurrection.

For the glory of life gave the Creator
Holy grace happen,
To descend from heaven into every house
Salvation world! Christ is risen!
On the bright Sunday of Christ
Let your heart be pure and light!
It will be a hospitable treat,
The sun brings joy and warmth!
Everywhere the blessing is buzzing
Of all the churches, the people bring down.
The dawn is already looking from heaven ...
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
The cover of snow has already been removed from the fields,
And the rivers are torn from the shackles,
And greener nearby forest...
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
The earth is waking up
And the fields dress
Spring is coming full of wonders!
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

Cool congratulations on Easter

So funny short poems Easter greetings can be sent in the form of SMS or told when meeting guests. On Easter day, humor should be appropriate and delicate, and we have chosen such options.
Oh, I'll take a walk today
And bless you all.
I shout to everyone, Christ is risen,
I can be heard to heaven.
This holiday is awesome
And the mood, excellent.
fragrant sausage,
Today is just a fairy tale.
Easter has come to visit -
Let's go to hell!
Easter cake sparkles on the table -
Smooth side attracts.
Cahors is not without reason opened -
So that a heartfelt conversation
This holiday lasted a long time,
Everyone wanted to celebrate!

Turn your cheeks soon
I kiss you!
After all, today is Easter
A holiday of faith and kindness!
May you always be happy
Your kind face.
A gift from me to you
It's a red egg!
Fasting made me lose weight
Don't look at the sausage
For sour cream and cottage cheese,
But he is very dear to us!
But Easter came to the rescue
The post has passed, hello, sausage,
Congratulations! Congratulations!
Happy Easter!

Happy Easter SMS

Beautiful poems for Easter are always appropriate, especially if you need to congratulate someone in the form of SMS. AT short messages We have tried to collect the most important words.
Happy Easter! it Holy holiday miraculous cleansing and renewal. May your souls and hearts rejoice, filled with grace. Let everything around bloom and revive, filled with a special, new light. Happy Easter to you!
Here comes Light Christ's Resurrection! May this sublime mood remain in your soul for the whole year. May the Lord keep you and help you in every good undertaking!
May this radiant day bring you universal goodness and pure light. Let only prosperity reign in the house, and all bright hopes become a reality. Happy Easter!

Easter greetings: postcards

Easter cards can be sent to in electronic format or print. In any case, the one to whom such a postcard is intended will be very pleased. In our selection you will find beautiful images with Easter paraphernalia and retro postcards that are popular today.

Do you know beautiful congratulations Easter? Share with our readers in the comments below this article!

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Easter in Ukraine - traditions

Photo: at the request of Yandex and Google

Happy Easter to you. Christ is risen!
Thank you from heaven.
Let there be good in the house
Happiness, joy and warmth.

Christ is risen! Truly risen!
The message is carried from earth to heaven.
Holy Easter has now entered the house.
I wish you happiness, joy, warmth.

Happy Easter, congratulations.
I wish you good health.
Live without need, without trouble,
In love and happiness for many years!

The holiday illuminates with happiness
Bright light comes from heaven.
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
All the best! Christ is risen!

On Easter day - happiness and prosperity,
Fine, soft cakes,
In the soul of calm, order
And a lot of light good days.

Magic chime of bells
Congratulations on Easter
And instead of many thousands of words
He wants us to be happy.
Happy holiday, love, miracles!
Christ is truly risen!

Happy Easter,
Happiness, kindness,
beautiful life,
Health, warmth.

Congratulations on Easter!
I wish you peace in the house
Kindness, prosperity, laughter,
Prosperous success.

The bell ringing spreads
Good news to heaven.
I congratulate everyone on Easter.
Happiness to you! Christ is risen!

Christ is risen! I congratulate you!
Let happiness come to the house.
Let warmth, love, care
Easter will bring with it.

Happy Easter, congratulations.
I wish you well, warmly.
May the Lord protect you
Joy is coming!

Happy Easter, congratulations.
May it bring peace to your home.
I wish you happiness and good
Good luck in business awaits you.

I wish you earthly blessings on Easter,
And many good deeds of people,
Warmth, health and patience,
Peace in the soul and mood.

Happy Easter and Sunday,
With joy, warmth of spring,
With grace from heaven.
We rejoice all. Christ is risen!

Congratulations on Easter.
I wish you peace in your soul.
Bright days and warmth,
Life is full of kindness.

May the Lord bless
Let him protect from troubles and evil,
Give happiness and goodness
Holy Sunday has come!

Happy Easter!
I wish you happiness in the house.
In a life of joy, kindness,
In the heart - holiness, warmth.

So Happy Easter my congratulations!
I wish you health and joy,
Good luck, wealth and good news.
Let everything that is desired will come soon.

I wish you happiness on Easter
Beautiful, joyful moments,
Love, kindness and a lot of affection,
May all things go smoothly.

Christ is risen! Sounds everywhere
And I wish you good health!
So that joy warms the soul,
And our life became happy.