Summary of the lesson for children about Easter. Summary of the lesson on familiarization with the holiday "As if we got into a fairy tale, and we learned about Easter." Game "Bell ringing"

Julia Adischeva

Target: Introduce children to Orthodox holiday"Bright Resurrection" with its history, to develop an interest in the culture of the ancestors; talk about the customs and rituals associated with the holiday.


Bring up patriotic feelings to the Orthodox traditions of the Russian people, to folk art

Revitalize and expand vocabulary children,

Invite the children to make an Easter egg applique.

Strengthen the ability to do the job accurately.

The relevance of this synopsis is that the impressions of childhood are deeply indelible in memory, folk culture is effective means cognitive moral and aesthetic development of children. The Russian people should not lose their moral authority. We must not forget about our past. Introducing children to folk ceremonial holidays, thereby acquainting them with human moral values.

Vocabulary work: holy easter, post "christianity" rite, dyes, Easter eggs,

Demo material: illustrations of Easter attributes, phonogram of bell chimes, Music, songs of modern authors, painted eggs.

Handout: oilcloth, tsv. cardboard, glue, color. paper.

Course of the lesson

Reading the poem by A. Pleshcheev "Christ is Risen" (Children will prepare groups)

Everywhere the gospel is abuzz

From all the churches the people are knocking down

Dawn is already looking from heaven,

Here is the earth waking up

And the fields dress

Spring is coming, full of wonders!

Christ is Risen, Christ is Risen!

Educator. Easter is the biggest and Holy holiday christian church Nature rejoices, Everything around blooms and blooms

In Russia, Holy Pascha has always occupied a special place in the spiritual life of people, since it was associated with ideas about the eternal renewal of life, about the rebirth and purification of the human soul. Holidays, and especially such light ones as Easter, united people in a single feeling, mood and state of mind. Such holidays spiritually rallied disunited people They united families Family members, even if a short time, got together, united common cause: preparation for the holiday, joyful feeling, fun feast.

People were preparing for Easter for a very long time, and this preparation is called Great Lent(7 weeks). Throughout this week, they worked tirelessly in all houses: women and girls whitewashed stoves, washed and scrubbed tables, benches and floors, wiped dusty walls with wet rags, swept cobwebs, washed all household utensils and generally cleaned out all the dirt accumulated in the house - the peasants prepared firewood for the Easter fire, as well as bread and feed for all the cattle for the entire Bright Week, so that later on the holiday they would not have to bother and everything would be at hand. The height of all these works usually falls on Maundy Thursday, on which, according to the popular expression, “even a crow is washing its ravens in a puddle,” on this day, everyone must steamed in baths for beauty and health, washed small children and even pigs, so that “all were clean for a year. "

But even at this time, each person must seriously think about himself, about his actions - good and bad, about his deeds - good and not so, he must understand that he has done bad, and fix it. During the fast in Russia, they did not celebrate the merry ones, noisy holidays haven't played weddings.

Musical slides "Christ is Risen" (song)

On Easter day, people congratulate each other. In churches, houses, on the streets, greeting, they joyfully say Christ is risen! "-" Truly is risen! " This is called "christening" Everyone sets the festive tables where the main treats were cakes and colored eggs

Guys, do you know why eggs are painted?

it small miracle, it is a symbol of life. The custom of dyeing eggs dates back to antiquity. Previously, it was considered a red egg - a symbol of the sun, a new business, a new life,


On Easter, Mary Magdalene (a disciple of Jesus Christ) told the Roman emperor Tiberius that Christ had risen, but Tiberius did not believe, then Mary Magdalene gave him egg with the words "Christ is risen!", and the egg immediately turned bright red, symbolizing the blood that Christ shed.

Since then, in memory of this event, which symbolizes our faith in the Risen Lord, we paint eggs.

The eggs have always been painted by women. While painting eggs, they associated their HOPES with THIS, WISHES which were woven into the applied pattern. So from generation to generation, ornaments and drawings were formed and passed on.

To paint Easter eggs, our ancestors used vegetable dyes which were made in advance from oak and apple bark, alder cones, onion husks of beet broth, nettle, etc.)

Each color had its own meaning:

Red is a sign of happiness; yellow is a sign of the sun, green is a sign of life, blue is a sign of the sky, blue is the color of night and mystery; Brown color- the color of the earth.

Easter week traditions slides

Let's play with you the game "Rolling eggs from a slide" (children, parents play, sort out the prizes - candies and eggs)

As we said earlier, the ornament of Easter eggs was the most diverse: geometric, plant depicting the world of animals and birds.

In ancient times, such eggs were called Krashenki. And there were also other eggs that served as a talisman throughout the year. They were painted by hand and were certainly raw, such eggs were called Easter eggs. On Easter eggs, the ornament was carried out very clearly and accurately. Well, if the ornament was broken, then among the people such eggs were called Malevanks. Painted eggs were placed on sprouted wheat, which was sown in advance and decorated the Easter table.

Painted eggs, according to ancient beliefs, Easter eggs protect from evil, and therefore give them to friends, relatives or loved ones as a symbol of love and life.

So I propose to you to make the "Easter egg" applique and present it to your parents as a talisman.

(after executing productive activities children, show the slide "Congratulations to the cartoons")

At the end of the lesson - a treat with Easter and Easter eggs

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution
Kindergarten number 15 of the city of Yelets


educational activities

"Holy Easter"

Prepared by:

Bizina T.A.

DUMP 2016

Age group: children of the preparatory group.

Purpose: Introducing children to Russians Christian traditions, educate decorative design Easter cards;



To systematize the pupils' knowledge of the customs and traditions of the celebration of Bright Easter;

Improve the skills of children in productive species activities.


Develop interest in Russian national culture;

Develop fine motor skills through productive activities (modeling, drawing, design);

To develop an aesthetic taste in the manufacture and decoration of attributes festive table(Easter egg, stand, cake);

To develop in pupils the ability to analyze the result of their own activities.


To foster patriotic feelings for the traditions of the Russian people;

To educate the independence and responsibility of the child when working in activity centers;

To cultivate patience and perseverance when working in small subgroups;

Cultivate respect for the old family traditions, to convey to children the beauty and spirituality of the Easter holiday.

Educational area: Formation of an idea of ​​the surrounding world.

Integration educational areas: "Communication", "Socialization", "Cognition".

Preliminary work: reading "Easter verses by Russian poets", considering illustrations by Russian artists on the topic,talking with children about folk holidays, looking at illustrations.

Planned result: to develop interest in folk ceremonial holiday Easter, its customs, traditions; respect the traditions of the Russian people.
Dictionary: folk holiday, Great Easter, Easter cake, Palm Sunday, dyes, Easter eggs.
Material: presentation,
illustrations, Easter cake, Easter, painted eggs, silhouette eggs (made of paper), a collection of Easter eggs, brushes, glue, napkins, paper silhouettes, cardboard.

Course of the lesson

1.Organizational moment:

Educator: listen to the poem and try to answer the question about what season it says.

Ding! Don!

Ding! Don!

What is this gentle ringing?

This is a snowdrop

Smiling through a dream!

This is whose warmth

Whose kindness

Makes you smile

Hare, chicken, cat?

And for what reason?

Goes ... through the city!

Children: Spring.

Educator: What are the signs of spring?

Children: children's answers.

2.Main stage:

Educator: Today in classI want to talk about how the Russian people are able to maintain the traditions and customs of their ancestors.
Educator: And what folk holidays you know?

Children: New Year, Christmas.

Educator: And today I want to tell you about one more holiday. You all know and love this holiday. This is a holiday when everyone gives each other colored eggs, cakes and sweets. What is it called?

Children: children's answers.

Educator: It is called Holy Passover.A week before Easter, a holiday is celebrated on Sunday, otherwise called Palm Sunday... Consecration of the willow happens in itself holiday, and the day before during the evening service.

Consecrated branches are distributed to those praying, and with them, by burning candles, the faithful stand until the end of the service.

Spring has not sewn yet

To forests, meadows of shirts,

Only the willow fluffed

Curly lambs.

Lamb gold

Running along thin branches -

Cheerful, lively,

How little kids!

The willow consecrated on this day is kept for a whole year. It is believed that consecrated willow acquires miraculous power, contributing to the expulsion of unclean spirits.

Educator: in the old days, everyone prepared and waited for this holiday. Listen to a poem by Alexander Alexandrovich Blok

Boys and girls
Candles and willows
They brought it home.

The lights are glowing
Passers-by are baptized
And it smells like spring.

The breeze is distant,
Rain, little rain
Don't blow out the fire!

Sunday Palm
I'll get up first tomorrow
For a holy day.

These are holidays that people still remember, they try to observe some traditions. Let's remember some of them. On New Years - they put up a Christmas tree, on Christmas - they conduct fortune-telling.

To celebrate Easter, you need to prepare in advance. The church prepares believers for the most important holiday, the seven-week fast - this is the time of repentance and spiritual cleansing.

Easter is the expectation of spring. Delicate flowers- tulips, daffodils, hyacinths - decorate our house for Easter.

You can put birch and willow twigs into the water in advance. They will bloom in the warmth, and live green leaves will delight your family.

Easter is main holiday christian world. This is the victory of life over death! By great love to us, people, the Lord came down to earth in the form of a man, accepted suffering and death on the cross for us. The week before Easter is called passionate. Maundy Thursday reminds of the last sacrament. On Friday, Christ was crucified on the cross and his body was placed in a cave. And on the third day, at night, Jesus Christ came to life.

It is customary to paint eggs for Easter. different colors but among colorful eggs must be bright red. Why? History has preserved such a tradition for us. After the resurrection of Jesus Christ, his disciples and followers dispersed to different countries proclaiming everywhere good news that you no longer need to be afraid of death. Christ, the Savior of the world, defeated her. He resurrected Himself and will resurrect everyone who believes Him and will love people as much as He loves.

Christ has risen from the dead! - with such news, Mary Magdalene ran to the Roman emperor Tiberius.

It can't be, ”the emperor chuckled. White egg in your hands will never turn scarlet!

And at the same moment, a chicken egg - a modest offering to the emperor - turned bright red ...

On Easter, we repeat this miracle: we paint eggs in bright yellow color is the color of the sun, green is the color of spring and, of course, bright red is the color of God's blood shed for us.

On Easter, as in the most important holiday church year, a particularly solemn service is performed. Since ancient times, the Church has developed the tradition of celebrating the Easter service at night; or in some countries (for example, Serbia) in the early morning - at dawn.

The tradition to put at the altar during the night Easter service there is a large candle in all Christian countries. People take candles with blessed fire home to light the hearth. It brings happiness to the home.

At the Easter Liturgy, all believers try to take communion without fail. And after the service is over, the believers "christianize" - they greet each other with a kiss and the words "Christ is Risen!"

On Easter we joyfully say: "Christ is Risen!" and exchange red testicles. This custom is very old; Christ gave us life, and the egg is the sign of life.

Arriving home, and sometimes right in the temple, they arrange an Easter feast. During easter week in all churches, as a rule, anyone is allowed to ring the bells.

The celebration of Easter lasts forty days - exactly as long as Christ appeared to His disciples after the Resurrection. On the fortieth day, Jesus Christ ascended to God the Father. During the forty days of Easter, and especially on the first week - the most solemn one - they visit each other, give colored eggs and Easter cakes, and play Easter games. This day is famous not only for delicious treats. It is also rich in rituals. On this day, old people combed their hair with the wishes that they would have as many grandchildren as hair on their heads. Young people washed themselves with gold, silver, and a red testicle in the hope of getting rich. For the Great Holiday, people prepared and are now preparing various treats.

Educator: Tell the children, who knows what kind of treat is prepared for the festive table?

Children: children's answers

The main decoration of the table is, of course, Easter cakes and Easter.

Educator: What to give for Easter?

Impossible to imagine Easter greetings no red or painted egg.

TO Easter table as a rule, many relatives and friends gather. Everyone should try to cook easter gift: a beautiful testicle and a small cake.

If you prepare in advance baskets with sprouted herbs and place eggs and cake on a napkin among the greenery, the joy of your loved ones will reward your efforts and fill your heart with happiness.

If the person you want to congratulate on Easter is far away, you can send him an Easter card.

Educator: This is what we will do now, we will make a greeting card.

For work you will need: napkins, cardboard, templates, a brush, PVA glue.

To make a postcard we need:

  1. Outline chicken template on cardboard
  2. Roll small balls from cut napkins
  3. Glue the chicken outline
  4. Cut to the shell pattern
  5. Glue it under and over the chicken
  6. Complete the postcard to the end.

Apollon Nikolaevich Maikov

Everywhere the gospel is buzzing,
From all the churches the people are knocking down.
Dawn is already looking from heaven ...

The snow cover has already been removed from the fields,
And the rivers are torn from the shackles,
And the nearby forest turns green ...
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

Here is the earth waking up
And the fields dress
Spring is coming, full of miracles!
Christ is risen!
Christ is risen!

Educator: Let's remember Easter traditions

Everything that expresses Renewal (Easter streams), Light (Easter fire), Life (Easter eggs and hares) becomes symbols of Easter.

3. Reflection.

Inspect your work. What were you thinking when you prepared them?

I think your gifts are wonderful, wonderful, magical, wonderful.

Well done, you have worked very well, and you will present the result of your work to your family and friends with the best heartfelt wishes on Easter.

Target: introduce children to Easter traditions, customs, games; to awaken interest in ancient Russian rituals. Form an idea of ​​the folk artistic culture, show her national identity; to teach in advance to think over the sequence of their actions, to use the elements of the painting intelligently. Foster friendliness. Correction of attention, fine motor skills hands.



Purpose: to introduce

Material for the lesson:

The course of the lesson.

The sun, the bucket,

Look out the window!

Sunny, roll

Red, dress up!

Words fly into the vastness of heaven:

Christ is risen!

Christ is risen!

And the people of the whole earth are glad

That the forces of darkness could not

Fill the world with you

Their churches

From different countries.

And there are no more sublime miracles

Than this miracle of all time:

Christ is risen!

Christ is risen!

Truly - He is the Son of God!

Hello, good fellows!

Hello, girls are red!

Easter has come

joy seized.

Jesus beloved

Having suffered, he was resurrected.

Congratulations on the affection

Happy Easter -

A wonderful holiday

Miracle of miracles.

To the hum of Easter prayers

And to the ringing of bells

From the noonday edges.

Everywhere the gospel is buzzing,

From all the churches the people are knocking down,

Dawn is already looking from heaven.

Christ is risen!

Christ is risen!

Here is the earth waking up

And dress up the fields.

Spring is coming full of miracles!

Christ is risen!

Christ is risen!

Fish is a symbol of Christ.

Curls and spirals- signs of cosmic power.

Triangle with dots

Oak, pine, ash leaves

Flowers on Easter eggs

Green hearts

The heart will get used to troubles -

But when the demon gallops away

Descending to us on the wings

Easter is bright from heaven.

Russian Easter, old,

With variegation and a crowd,

Genuine, epic -

The one that celebrates with the family.

Let's break the fast early in the morning

According to the way of old people.

And we hope to love and live

A thousand more centuries.

Let's get together, we won't quarrel,

It smells of tart acacia,

The ringing floats in its native land ...

Russian Easter.

We eat colored eggs cheerfully,


Grandmother next to grandfather

They eat up the cake together.

Mommy next to daddy

Guests are welcomed with joy.


They say that Easter used to be

Celebrated by the whole country.

On a swing, sitting amicably

The kids smiled.

The youth do not know now

How to celebrate Easter:

And to meet guests at the table.

We looked into the old days -

As if the rain had washed the hearts.

And they told you a little

About the Resurrection of Christ.

Everywhere the gospel is abuzz

From all the churches the people are knocking down

Dawn is already looking from heaven ...

Outcome behavior:


Summary of the lesson on the topic "Easter-holiday of the holidays"

Purpose: to introduce children with Easter traditions, customs, games; to awaken interest in ancient Russian rituals. To form an idea of ​​folk art culture, to show its national originality; to teach in advance to think over the sequence of their actions, to use the elements of the painting intelligently. Foster friendliness. Correction of attention, fine motor skills of hands.

Material for the lesson:illustration of the crucifixion of Christ, each student has one egg for coloring, samples of patterns-symbols, simple pencils, felt-tip pens, prizes, gifts, dolls.

The course of the lesson.

So a beautiful one came to us spring holiday called Easter. And today in the lesson we will get acquainted with Easter traditions, customs, games.

In Russia, Easter was called Great day, Bright day.

This holiday symbolizes the victory of good over evil, life over death, the triumph of spring, sun, warmth over winter cold.

Easter is a holiday dedicated to the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. There was a belief that the sun plays on Easter. And many tried to watch for this moment. The children turned to the sun with a song:

The sun, the bucket,

Look out the window!

Sunny, roll

Red, dress up!

Young people climbed the rooftops to meet the sun. Easter big holiday, lasts a week and this whole week was filled with various games, entertainment, visiting. On Easter it was customary to congratulate each other on the Resurrection of Christ. Bright Resurrection of Christ is the most important Christian holiday. This day all Orthodox world marks the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. In Jerusalem, Jesus was crucified on the cross, but on the third day after death, He rose from the dead.

(Show a picture of the crucifixion of Christ.)

Easter has never been without a swing. Absolutely everyone swayed. Something of a village club was forming near the swing; girls with sunflowers, women with children, men and guys with accordions and talans. Crowded here from morning till night. Some just looked and admired the fun of others, others had fun themselves.

And now the children will read poems:

Words fly into the vastness of heaven:

Christ is risen!

Christ is risen!

And the people of the whole earth are glad

That the forces of darkness could not

Fill the world with you

And Christ is waiting for the wedding feast

To the heavenly city of all parishioners

Their churches

From different countries.

And there are no more sublime miracles

Than this miracle of all time:

Christ is risen!

Christ is risen!

Truly - He is the Son of God!

Hello, good fellows!

Hello, girls are red!

Easter has come

joy seized.

Jesus beloved

Having suffered, he was resurrected.

Congratulations on the affection

Happy Easter -

A wonderful holiday

Miracle of miracles.

To the hum of Easter prayers

And to the ringing of bells

Spring flies to us from distant ones,

From the noonday edges.

Everywhere the gospel is buzzing,

From all the churches the people are knocking down,

Dawn is already looking from heaven.

Christ is risen!

Christ is risen!

Here is the earth waking up

And dress up the fields.

Spring is coming full of miracles!

Christ is risen!

Christ is risen!

Prepared for the meeting of this holiday in advance. Eggs were cleaned, cleaned, washed and painted in every house. The custom of exchanging red eggs for Easter, saying: "Christ is Risen!" long-standing. It was believed that the egg is a sign of life, and it was painted red because Christ gave us eternal life with his blood. Giving was considered a sign that you forgive a person all insults, that he is pleasant to you, that you do not hold any grudge against him.

There were two types of eggs: dye and pysanka.

Krashenka is a dyed boiled egg.

A pysanka is an egg covered with multi-colored patterns. There are hundreds of patterns - symbols, magic signs, amulets.

Fish is a symbol of Christ.

Curls and spirals- signs of cosmic power.

Triangle with dotsis a symbol of a sown field, a sign of prosperity and wealth.

Plums and apples are the magic of love.

Oak, pine, ash leaves- these are symbols of the tree of life. The boy was given a Easter egg with oak leaves, as Oak Leaf- a symbol of harmony, beauty and strength.

Flowers on Easter eggs- these are the symbols of the born souls. A woman who wanted to have children painted many Easter eggs with flowers and presented them to children.

Green hearts- the heat of love (the girls gave the couples).

Colors also have their own symbolism: red is the color of joy, life; yellow is a sign of the sun, warmth; green symbolizes spring; blue is the color of the sky; brown and black - the color of the earth; blue is the color of the leg, the color of secret spirits.

Today we will try to apply patterns on the eggs. You can draw with gouache, varnish, felt-tip pens. We will paint with felt-tip pens.

The felt-tip pen does not like haste, inaccuracies, because the line cannot be erased. First, decide how you will paint the egg. Draw pictures or design a pattern. If you find it difficult to immediately draw with felt-tip pens, then first draw with a simple pencil.

In the meantime, you will apply the pattern, I will tell you about the beliefs that existed in Russia about the miraculous powers of Easter eggs.

They walked with the egg into the field and threw it up so that the bread would grow as tall.

Eggshells were scattered across the field for soil fertility. The eggs were rolled over the backs of pets so that they would not hurt, saying: "As the testicle is smooth and round, so is my horse, be smooth and light." Pysanka was used in the treatment of certain diseases. The dried egg yolk was used to treat burns and wet eczema. Splinter eggshell strung on woolen thread and worn for colds and fevers. Pysanka commemorated deceased relatives. Easter eggs were often given to each other for happiness, health, joy.

Now I invite you to play Easter games.

  1. The players sit down opposite each other and roll the Easter eggs, the Easter eggs collide: whose egg breaks, he gives it to the opponent.
  2. On command, the children simultaneously unwind their Easter eggs. Whose egg will spin longer is the winner.
  3. The game "Bowling in Russian". Prizes are placed along the perimeter of the table: whistles, gingerbread cookies, sweets, nesting dolls, etc. The task of the players is to knock out the thing that they like with their eggs. You have to skate the queue. Each player receives the prize that he knocked off the table with his egg.

By Easter, each family collected and colored 100-200 eggs in onion skins. They were handed out to those who came to swallow, to children, or they themselves broke the fast with their own family. And on Easter, they cooked Easter cottage cheese and baked delicious sweet buns-cakes. Let us and we try a piece of delicious Easter cake and treat the guests.

The heart will get used to troubles -

But when the demon gallops away

Descending to us on the wings

Easter is bright from heaven.

Russian Easter, old,

With variegation and a crowd,

Genuine, epic -

The one that celebrates with the family.

Let's break the fast early in the morning

According to the way of old people.

And we hope to love and live

A thousand more centuries.

Let's get together, we won't quarrel,

There is hope - we will live! ...

It smells of tart acacia,

The ringing floats in its native land ...

Come back celebrate nation

Russian Easter.

Song to the melody of the song "Golden Wedding"

We celebrate Easter, Easter with the family.

Easter, Easter is a mischievous holiday.

We eat colored eggs cheerfully,

We want to congratulate you on the holiday.


Grandmother next to grandfather

They eat up the cake together.

Mommy next to daddy

Guests are welcomed with joy.

You should all know this holiday.

Congratulations fly from all over the country.

Let's celebrate the holiday merrily,

About old customs recall.


They say that Easter used to be

Celebrated by the whole country.

On a swing, sitting amicably

The kids smiled.

The youth do not know now

How to celebrate Easter:

Paint eggs, cook cakes

And to meet guests at the table.

We looked into the old days -

As if the rain had washed the hearts.

And they told you a little

About the Resurrection of Christ.

Everywhere the gospel is abuzz

From all the churches the people are knocking down

Dawn is already looking from heaven ...

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

Outcome behavior:

Guys, what have you learned about celebrating Easter.

Lesson summary. "Easter of Christ" (history of the holiday)
Storytelling for older preschool children.

Target: Introducing children to the Christian holiday of Bright Easter,
tell about the customs and rituals associated with the holiday.
To develop the spiritual and moral potential of the pupils.
Create a motivation for the holiday through acquaintance with its history, traditions, customs.
Tasks: To acquaint children with the Orthodox holiday "Holiday happy easter", With its history. Tell about the customs and rituals associated with the holiday. Awaken children's interest in folk culture... Foster patriotic feelings for Orthodox traditions of the Russian people, to folk art
Course of the lesson:
The story of Easter is a journey through millennia. Leafing through its pages, you can discover something new for yourself every time, because the history of the origin of Easter is an interweaving of traditions, beliefs and customs.
Let's go on such a journey! Do you agree?
Easter is the feast of the Bright Resurrection of Christ Easter we joyfully meet And we sing: "Christ is risen! We all answer in unison: "He is truly risen!" Years pass in succession Under the azure skies. And the peoples everywhere are singing: "He is truly risen!" Joy and hugs are everywhere: “Brother, sister, Christ is risen! Hell is destroyed, there is no curse: He is truly risen! " (V. Kuzmenkov)
Jesus Christ was sent by God to earth for our salvation from sins (bad deeds)

He was kind, just, never condemned anyone and fought against evil.

The kings feared that Jesus Christ himself would become the ruler of the whole world. And they executed Him - they crucified Him on the cross.

Jesus Christ was executed on Friday. At this time, the earth shook and stones fell from rocks and mountains. It was the saddest and most mournful day for people. Today this day is called PASSION FRIDAY.
After the execution, Christ's disciples removed his body from the cross and put it in a cave and closed the entrance to it with a huge stone.
On Sunday, the women came to the cave and saw that the entrance to it was open. The women were very surprised that such a huge and heavy stone pushed back.

Angel reported good news about the miraculous resurrection of Christ. Christ is risen - it means became immortal.
One of the women, Mary Magdalene, decided to inform the Roman emperor about the resurrection of Christ. She presented the emperor with an egg that symbolized a miracle. But the emperor said to Mary: "It is more likely that this egg will turn red than I will believe that Jesus is risen."
The egg immediately turned red ... Since then, there has been a tradition to paint eggs for Easter.

The bright holiday of the Resurrection of Christ has its own traditions, customs, symbols and ancient rituals associated with them.
Easter fire, spring water of a stream, wreath, eggs, cakes - all these are symbols of the Great Day and have roots in the distant past.
Fire protected our ancestors from predatory animals and evil spirits, people made fires to drive away winter and meet spring faster. The Easter fire embodied the power of the hearth.

Easter wreath is the personification of eternal life.

The egg symbolized a small miracle of birth. There are many customs with the egg. Our ancestors wrote prayers on them, magic spells and signs. The deep meaning is embedded in simple patterns... For example, the circle symbolizes the bright sun, and the wavy lines symbolize the oceans and seas.

On the holiday, egg fights are popular for Easter meal, or "clinking" eggs, as the people say. It's simple and fun game: someone is holding an egg with its nose up, and the “opponent” beats it with the nose of another egg. Those who have not cracked the shell won and continues to “clink glasses” with another person.

The holiday lasted throughout the entire Bright week, the table remained set, invited to the table, treated, especially those who could not or did not have such an opportunity.
Easter is the main holiday christian calendar... It is not for nothing that it is called "holidays, a holiday and a celebration of celebrations."

Conversation "Easter" in the senior group in kindergarten

Prepared and conducted

a kindergarten teacher

Lebed Irina Viktorovna

Easter is the brightest holiday

The best and the biggest

Long-awaited and desired

The kindest and dearest!


Introducing preschoolers to the national culture, through the formation of interest in the traditions of the celebration Christian holiday"Easter. Light Christ Sunday". Revival of folk culture traditions.


To acquaint children with the customs and traditions of celebrating Easter.

Get kids interested Orthodox meaning celebrating Easter.

Develop interest in Russian national culture.

To foster patriotic feelings for the traditions of the Russian people.


How I love Easter!

Get ready for Thursday

Grandma paints the testicles,

I'll help her too.

On a fragile, thin shell

For people, for beauty

I paint with a brush quietly:

Cross, sun, flowers.

On the bright holiday of Sunday

I will give to my friends

On the testicle, congratulations

And I will say: "I painted it myself"

Educator : Guys, what do you think about a holiday we are going to talk about today? What bright holiday will we celebrate soon?

(Answers of children)

Easter is the most important holiday of the church year, the day of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, when people are freed from everything bad. This is a holiday of hope for the future, joy, the victory of Good over Evil. God loved people so much that he came into the world to save them. He took over everything bad deeds(sins) people. But evil people did not want Christ to save people. They grabbed Him and killed Him. But Christ conquered death, he rose from the dead. Therefore, all people rejoice on this day and congratulate each other with the words: “Christ is Risen! "And they are answered" Truly Risen! ". Many unbelievers also celebrate Easter, because it is the beginning of spring and the awakening of nature.

It was on this day that people could enter the church belfry and touch the magic bells, not only for adults, but also for children - this happens once a year. You can do this too. But you can go up to the belfry when you know exactly what you want to ask for. This is a request that can help someone. Not trivial, but very important: about recovery, salvation and the like. Ask for the most cherished, but silently, in complete silence. On Easter, early in the morning, people went out into the street to see how the "sun plays" and from it they predicted what the harvest would be.

"On Easter, the sky is clear and the sun" plays "- for a good harvest."

"Good rye to Holy Rain."

"To the Holy Thunder - to the harvest."

If the weather is clear on the second day of Easter, the summer will be rainy; if it is cloudy, the summer will be dry.

The whole week preceding Easter is called Passionate. Highlight the last days Holy week- Maundy Thursday (day of cleansing from sins), Good Friday(mention of the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ), Great Saturday (day of sorrow), and Bright Resurrection Christ is a holiday of life and victory over death. Starting on Maundy Thursday, we begin to prepare for Easter - first to clean the house, and then paint eggs and bake cakes.

"Why do we paint eggs?"

Easter is the day of universal equality, love and mercy. People greeted each other with the words "Christ is risen", in response they sounded "Truly risen", they kissed three times, gave each other red eggs. This custom is very old; Christ gave us life, and the egg is the sign of life. After all, we know that a living creature emerges from an egg.

Who is hatching from an egg? (children's answers).

A special ceremonial meal is prepared for Easter. What do you think this food is? (Answers of children). It includes cottage cheese Easter, Easter cakes and colored eggs.

The holiday of holidays is coming.

The people bring to the church to hallow.

Eggs, cheese easter,

Gingerbread cakes.

The main symbol of the holiday is a red egg.

The egg is a small miracle, it is a symbol of life. The custom of painting eggs is rooted in antiquity. Previously, it was considered a red egg - a symbol of the sun, a new business, a new life. It was necessary to make a lot of eggs - for gifts to relatives and friends, for games.

And why exactly the red egg is the symbol of Easter?

(Answers of children)

Red is the color of joy. And it is also the color of the blood with which Christ sanctified life.

Since then, people began to greet each other with a red egg, as a sign of eternal life. Hear how eggs were painted in the old days. Initially, eggs were painted only red, later they began to be painted in all sorts of colors, landscapes were painted on them, even their thoughts were written down. Also in the old days, eggs were colored using bright shreds and threads that have faded. The egg was moistened with water, and covered with shreds and threads, wrapped in a white cloth and tightly wrapped with thread, then boiled. The whole family was painting eggs on Thursday before the holiday. It was believed that eggs boiled hard in Maundy Thursday, protect from diseases if they are on Easter, and bury the shells from eggs in the ground in the pasture where cattle were grazed, this reliably protected domestic animals from the evil eye and all kinds of misfortunes.

Educator: let's do a little exercise with you.

Physical education.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 –

We need to sit down and get up.

Spread your arms wider.

Bend over - 3, 4.

And jump on the spot.

On the toe, then on the heel.

This is how we do our exercises.

Educator: - Listen, guys, the legend about Mary Magdalene and the first red Easter egg.

“After the Resurrection of the Savior, His disciples went all over the world to tell people about Christ, to teach people the faith.

Among the disciples of the Lord there were also women, one of them - Mary Magdalene - went to preach the word of God to the city of Rome and entered the palace to the emperor. Once upon a time, Mary was noble and wealthy, so she was known in the palace and allowed to pass. In those days, when people came to the emperor, they had to bring an expensive gift. Maria had nothing with her except a simple chicken egg. Having greeted the emperor, Maria extended her modest gift to him, saying:

I was once rich.

And, she brought valuable gifts.

Today I am rich only in faith.

The Savior and Lord Christ.

What can I give today?

Here is a gift - a testicle, a symbol of life.

Christ is risen!

The Emperor replied to Mary:

How can anyone be resurrected?

This is incredible, impossible.

Only then would I be able to believe on Sunday

When would the testicle turn red.

Suddenly everyone froze in amazement, and one of the emperor's servants exclaimed:

O emperor, look quickly!

The testicle turns pink, no - it gets dark.

About a miracle! It turned bright red!

Truly Jesus Christ is risen! "

And so, guys, a bird's egg can actually be called a symbol of life, because a living chick can hatch from this outwardly lifeless egg, which looks more like a pebble. Of course, for this, the egg does not need to be taken from the mother-hen, who must incubate it, warming it with its warmth.

But a chicken egg is not stored for a long time, and so I would like to preserve the joy of the holiday. How do you think this can be done?

Children: you can draw an egg and decorate it beautifully

Educator : Decorate, of course. This is how dyed eggs appeared, and later Easter eggs. Krashenki are eggs painted in one color.

Pysanka - drawing a symbolic pattern on an egg. And now we will learn how to apply symbolic patterns to the egg.

Educator: go through, sit in your seats, at the desks.

Children get to work... Outline the egg template, paint and draw patterns. Finished work are exhibited for admiration and viewing.

They guessed riddles.

1) Strong round vial

The color is white inside the yolk

Chickens carry it

Tell us what the name is (egg)

2) Likes to drink kittens and small kittens (milk)

3) Cheesecakes are baked from me

And pancakes and pancakes

In cakes, pies and buns

Have to lay me down (flour)

4) He ripened on a branch

The fruit is beautiful and tanned

Squirrels love to gnaw it

Hide for the winter in a hollow (walnut)

5) The grapes were dried

Put in the sun

She was exhausted from the heat

And what has become (raisins)


The game "Transfer the egg in the spoon":You take an egg, put it in a spoon and run a little with it. Whoever came running first became the winner.

Roll the Egg Game:Children stand in a circle and pass an egg to each other with the words "You roll, roll the testicle, Quickly, quickly hand, whoever has the testicle will now dance to us." After these words, the child with the testicle in his hands dances to the Russian folk melody.

Game "Chizh": Children get up in a round dance and sing a song: “You knock on an oak tree, a motley siskin flies out, at a siskin, at a siskin - a red-haired crest. Siskin, siskin, don't yawn - choose a mate for yourself. " After these words, the children are rearranged into pairs, then threes, fours, fives ...

Game "Two birds flew»: Children perform movements according to the text.


Everyone had a joyful and fun mood, because good won over evil, and Christ is Risen! Truly Risen!But the most important thing that you should remember, Easter is the day of universal equality, love and mercy. Do not offend the younger ones, be attentive and obedient to the elders, generous to the poor, kind to our four-legged and winged friends.

May love and mercy reign in your souls

The next day of Easter week, the guys decorated eggs in folk paintings and gave them to each other.

Easter week of the Great Feast was kind and joyful