Love horoscope. Virgo woman - Pisces man. Virgo woman and Pisces man compatibility in love relationships - the pros. When a Virgo woman is a boss and a Pisces man is a subordinate

The compatibility of Virgo and Pisces is considered favorable. This is the union of two opposites, which with terrible force attracts to each other. And the relationship is held under the motto "all or nothing."

A pair of these two signs is the best confirmation of the theory that opposites attract. Indeed, they, like a magnet, are drawn to each other, and they cannot resist this.

And the older, the more experienced and wiser partners, the stronger the connection between them will be.

What is typical for such a union:

  1. A relationship will be happy and harmonious if both are able and willing to respect their partner's values ​​and interests that are different from their own. The differences between them are due to different elements.
  2. Fate will constantly test them for strength, sending various tests. Only tact, a diplomatic approach and a desire to cooperate will help to achieve mutual understanding and easily solve emerging problems.
  3. If everyone learns to be grateful, make concessions and accept a partner for who he is, in a couple, both will be able to develop their own best qualities almost to perfection. They can achieve tremendous success both financially and spiritually.
  4. They definitely need to put common goals and achieve them together. Hardworking and efficient signs perfectly interact with each other not only in love, but also in creativity, business and deeds.
  5. They have similar negative character traits. Both are lazy, perfectionists, stubborn and stubborn personalities. But this does not interfere with the relationship, because positive qualities still prevail.

To summarize: this couple has every chance to live happily ever after. The only thing that they need to learn to openly express their feelings and articulate claims, solving relationship problems together and not becoming isolated.

Causes of conflicts

Virgo and Pisces usually do not have big problems... But fights still happen, mainly for a reason different attitude to finance. Virgo is confused by how careless her partner is about money. He easily spends them on trifles and can drain all his savings in one go.

Pisces needs to learn financial planning from a partner and listen to her opinion, otherwise he will feel the full power of her criticism and condemnation.

It is difficult for Pisces to adapt to Virgo and in emotional sphere... In the area of ​​feelings, they may not understand each other, because they are used to expressing love in different ways. Pisces periodically suffer from mood swings, which sometimes tires a calm and balanced Virgo. She may seem too cold to her partner, sometimes even insensitive.

They need to try to avoid negative moments in the relationship. Any problem needs to be spoken out loud and solved together. Therefore, both need to overcome their closeness and understand that the partner is not a psychic and does not always understand what he offended.

If both learn to be the first to make concessions and take the initiative in reconciliation, everything will turn out well.

Pisces woman and Virgo man

Such an alliance in real life is quite rare. The man seems to be creative and unpredictable girl rather boring, tight-fisted and boring.

But everything changes when she gets to know him better. Having talked closely, she understands that her chosen one is a sensual, intellectual nature. She appreciates his restraint and realistic approach to problem solving.

She constantly feels on herself the protection and care of the chosen one, which she greatly appreciates. He, in turn, gets the inspiration he needs. The man is also pleased that his woman is an extraordinary, creative nature, but at the same time rational and soberly looking at the world.

In a family, a woman receives all the necessary support, including financial. Her man is both a breadwinner, a protector, and a psychotherapist who understands her like no one else. In return, she becomes a caring wife and mother, a wise homemaker.

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Union Virgo-woman - Pisces-man, the compatibility of these opposite signs raises some doubts. This connection is unlikely to exist. long time... It will consist of continuous conflicts and misunderstandings.


The Pisces man is dreamy, very emotional, impressionable and sensitive. He has a constant change of mood. By nature, he is kind, undemanding, but unstable and contradictory. Only really can understand him loving woman... He is constantly in the realm of his illusions. He is prone to drug addiction, breaking the law, alcoholism. Being very impressionable, he easily adopts the habits of others. It is interesting to talk to him, as he understands poetry, art, music. Money constantly floats through his fingers, as he spends it recklessly. Alone, he will not be able to cope with his misfortunes, so he needs a woman who will help him in everything. He lacks self-confidence, and therefore he attracts those in leading positions and the Lady should not count on his loyalty. He will not be able to be like that, as he is very susceptible and easily influenced.

Virgo Woman - Pisces Man: Business Compatibility

Such a union of Virgo and Pisces can be weak and They work normally together, are executive, but minor clashes can arise between them. They are both prudent and careful, but combine the intuition of Pisces and rational thinking Virgo is almost impossible. In addition, they both love to gossip, and because of this, the atmosphere in the team can suffer. It is extremely rare for these signs to have a common business, since none of them wants to take responsibility.

Virgo woman - Pisces man: sex compatibility

A fish man will feel good only with a woman who is aware of her sexual needs, knows how to tactfully hint to him about what she likes. In sex, he is turned on by everything unconventional. Thanks to intimate relationships he can become akin to a woman, unite in his soul. The partner should slowly undress him, admiring his body. His favorite position is sitting on a chair. The woman should be on top, their faces should be opposite. He will like it if she is married, as he is captured by secret connections. By doing something pleasant to an unbridled woman, he himself gets pleasure. Virgo is very restrained in affection. She will reject the excessive sexual addictions of the Pisces man. A logical and practical Virgo will not get along with the extravagant tastes of their partner. They will never have a bright passion, with scenes of jealousy and carnal pleasures.

Virgo Woman - Pisces Man Friendship Compatibility

Demanding Virgo and vulnerable Pisces will be able to be friends. They will be able to work in the same area, share their experience.

And if the other way around? Virgo man - Pisces woman

Help people with their work. Throughout his life, he rushes between the desire to help people and the desire to quiet life... The Pisces woman lives with feelings. She easily falls in love and often does not know which of the men to choose. This woman dreams of a tough and strong partner, but marries a weak and soft one. She will be happy if she can combine her fantasies and reality.

Virgo man - Pisces woman: sex

Pisces women are skilled in love and overly sensitive. They like the top position. They often strike up a relationship on the side. It is very difficult for a Virgo man to talk about how he feels. He is cold in the realm of feelings and completely taciturn. He expresses his love in everyday affairs and presentations that he gives to Pisces. But it may seem to her that her companion does not feel anything for her. From this she will become suspicious, she can make a scandal. As a result, such an alliance can be destroyed forever.

A very interesting pair is such a union as Virgo-woman - Pisces-man. The compatibility of these two romantic creatures, who love idyll more than anything else, is very promising. However, as elsewhere, there are nuances here that you should be aware of. This is necessary to create harmonious and long-term relationships.

About Pisces men

Before talking about the Virgo-woman-Pisces-man union, the compatibility of which will be discussed a little further, you should talk about the characters of these people. And it's worth starting with a representative strong half humanity.

A guy born under such a zodiac sign as Pisces is a dreamy and impressionable person. He loves everything beautiful, aesthetic, appreciates harmony, calmness in relationships, and more than anything else loves romance. But this is not the only thing that can be said about him. Despite such a light, airy worldview, this man has a very sharp intuition. It is almost impossible to deceive or cheat him. This is a very ambivalent person. On the one hand, he is hardworking, honest and practical. On the other hand, he is very impressionable and vulnerable. The same duality is observed in relationships. The Pisces guy can be both a heartthrob conquering all girls in a row, or a romantic suffering from unrequited love. In general, here's how the cards will fall.

About beautiful Virgins

It is impossible not to touch with attention and the character of the representatives fair half of humanity who were born under the sign of Virgo. It's flirty and practical girls who do everything in the world at once and, despite such busyness, succeed everywhere. They are not only charming and attractive. These people are also desperate careerists, who are very good at climbing the ladder of success. They have a very strong, leadership character, despite this, they know how to remain feminine, romantic and sophisticated. In her character, the same duality can be traced as in the Pisces guy. She can be a brooding dreamer and at the same time a calculating business woman who does not make mistakes. This is the specificity of the character. But it cannot be said that this hinders her or those around her.

Friendly union

And now we should talk directly about what unites such a couple as Virgo-woman - Pisces-man. The compatibility of this guy and girl is more realistically presented in terms of friendship than in terms of love. They can share invaluable experience with each other, teach life lessons, work on the same project, even start a joint business. But if we talk about living together, then there are a lot of pitfalls. Too many pop up different moments... Things appear that can cause disagreements and disputes between them. For example, the same practicality. The Pisces guy is distinguished by slight extravagance and, moreover, to soar in the clouds for him is a common thing. Practical Virgo does not like this - she is too demanding. But there is one moment that almost all such couples cling to - even if not everything goes smoothly for them. The fact is that they are constantly drawn to each other. Often this is what saves such an alliance as "Virgo-woman - Pisces-man".

Love compatibility

These people have a quality that would be worth acquiring for representatives of many other signs of the zodiac. It's very simple: they really love each other and accept their chosen one or chosen one for who they are. No attempts to correct a partner, reeducate, teach. They just realize that in most cases it is useless to remake an already established personality with a formed character. It is this quality that determines positive compatibility signs.

Pisces man, Virgo woman - a couple who have a lot common interests... They can talk for hours about everything in the world, and they will never get tired of it. They enjoy traveling together, learning new and interesting things. The Virgo girl always tells the Pisces man that she worries, because he knows how to empathize and will always help good advice... And the guy needs this - he likes to help and support those who are dear to him. Due to these qualities, harmony and romance reign in a couple, where the woman is Virgo, the man is Pisces. Marital compatibility, by the way, is only getting stronger, since both partners realize that they are now not just dating. From now on, they are a family, and this is much more serious.

Relationship problems

Well, problems are a rather slippery topic, but they should not be ignored. Especially in in this case... The fact is that a difficult and multifaceted relationship develops between a Virgo girl and a Pisces guy. And this, in fact, is not bad - after all, it is much more interesting that way. But sometimes quarrels arise because of this. In particular, this is due to the criticality of the girl and the vulnerability of the guy who fails to perceive her words as ordinary comments. But she says all this not out of malice, but because it would be more correct. But the Pisces man, due to the specifics of his character and the ability to take everything too close to his heart, interprets this not as logical arguments, but as claims. If the Virgo girl begins to go too far, not realizing that she should restrain herself, then the Pisces man will simply begin to hide. This is the kind of person who cares about coziness and comfort in the house. If he does not feel good in the apartment, he will start to sit in bars with friends, stay longer at work, and go hunting. The result is usually sad - the collapse of the relationship. So here it is important to understand your mistakes in time and start treating your partner differently. Virgo, by definition, is a leader in this pair, and she should remember this.

Another union

Well, for the sake of interest, one should consider such a pair where the man is Virgo, the woman is Pisces. Compatibility in love of these personalities is much more promising than in the case of a previous union. Their pair can be very strong, but with one very important condition... It is necessary that both the girl and the guy work on themselves and their relationships every day. It is important for them to strive for spiritual unity with each other. This can change a lot. And if both partners are crazy about each other, then a very harmonious couple will turn out.

A girl born under the sign of Pisces will find sincerity, tenderness, love and care in a calculating and hardworking Virgo guy. And he, in turn, will receive from her understanding, emotional support and empathy. As a matter of fact, this is what a guy needs from his beloved. Also, as mentioned above, Virgo is a natural born leader. And in this case, everything turns out very logically and harmoniously - the man will be the head of the family and provide for his romantic darling. And not vice versa, as is often the case in the unions of a Pisces guy and a Virgo woman.

Intimate life

Sexual compatibility should also be discussed. Pisces woman, Virgo man - a union in which physical proximity does not occupy one of the first places, as, for example, in the case of Leo and Scorpio, or with Libra and Taurus. Pisces girls are very secretive and modest in this regard. The Virgo man is interested in understanding what his chosen one wants. He will do everything possible to help her open up. It is important for him that the girl should feel freedom and be able to tell him about her secret desires. And when she succeeds, he will receive a worthy reward.

A family

In terms of the family, the couple, where the girl is Pisces and the man is Virgo, looks, one might say, typical. He will earn money to provide for his wife and children (although with the ability of these people to build a career, he can make a fortune and more), and she will take care of the house and raising sons or daughters. From the father, the children will receive several important life lessons, and from the mother - love, tenderness and care. In general, everything is like in average families.

Which union is more promising?

If you ask a question regarding whether a Virgo woman and a Pisces man are compatible, then the answer will be doubtful. In principle, they are compatible, if, of course, the girl is more restrained. After all, her frank criticism and straightforward arguments offend the Pisces guy not only as a person with a vulnerable character, but also as a man, infringing on his dignity. We need to remember this. Of course, other compatibility of the signs of the zodiac (woman - Pisces, man - Virgo) looks more promising. There, a guy and a girl complement each other perfectly. A man becomes stronger and more confident in himself, because next to him is a gentle and feminine Pisces woman. And she, in turn, gives him all the love that she has.

According to the compatibility of a Virgo woman and a Pisces man, this couple has much more prospects in friendship and cooperation than in love. The Virgo woman and the Pisces man can give each other many invaluable life lessons, share experiences, work in the same area, but in life together there are too many things that separate them.

Life under one roof can become for the not too practical, vulnerable Pisces man, a source of misunderstanding and conflicts, because of which their union is rarely lasting. But they will always be drawn to each other. These are two completely different people who, probably, until the end of their lives, will not be able to fully understand each other.

The relationship of the Virgo-Pisces pair can be called "a look in the mirror", they see themselves, just the opposite. Right is left and left becomes right.

Compatibility Virgo woman - Pisces man - PROS

The Virgo woman and the Pisces man are too different, so even in perfect couple conflicts and misunderstandings arise. But, all difficulties can be easily eliminated, since partners love each other and value each other for who they are.

The Virgo woman and the Pisces man travel a lot and talk about everything in the world. In compatibility, Virgo-Pisces - Woman-Virgo is attracted by the Pisces man with his ability to empathize, extraordinary sensitivity and vulnerability. She is very empathized by the fact that he seeks to help everyone and everyone. And the Pisces man likes a rational mind, intelligence,.

In the family of a Virgo woman and a Pisces man, children receive practicality from their mother, and sensitivity from their father. Thanks to this, they grow up as multifaceted personalities and are able to achieve a lot in life.

Compatibility Virgo woman - Pisces man - CONS

The Virgo woman and the Pisces man have a complex and multifaceted relationship. Marriage, life under one roof, it is always not easy, because two to different people have to become one whole, to understand and adapt to each other. In the case of Virgo-Pisces, this will be especially difficult, but, nevertheless, it is possible if the partners sincerely love each other.

The main problems are in the compatibility of the signs of the zodiac Virgo and the Virgo woman, and the dreaminess and vulnerability of the Pisces man. The Virgo woman always tries to do everything as best and correct as possible. She shares her arguments on this with the Pisces man. And he perceives this as criticism and reacts very painfully. And, if a Virgo woman goes too far in this direction, he will begin to linger at work, drink with friends, "go fishing", etc., because he will be very uncomfortable at home. The Virgo woman, sensing how the Pisces man is moving away from her, begins to "press" even more, and this only complicates the already difficult situation.

Also, a Virgo woman is often annoyed. He is too naive and believes everyone in a row, which subsequently causes disappointment. Virgo tries to open the eyes of her man, but, they do not approve of this and leads to regular quarrels due to misunderstanding.

Virgo-Pisces horoscope - compatibility and harmony

According to the compatibility of the Virgo-Pisces horoscopes, in order for their family to have harmony, they need to abandon competition and find out "who is the boss". The Virgo woman and the Pisces man are established personalities with their own advantages and disadvantages. Before starting a family, think about whether you will be able to accept your partner as he is, or maybe immediately scatter? Each of this pair has its own goals, attitudes, priorities.

The relationship between the Virgo woman and the Pisces man is good - joint travel and rest. Together they will never be bored. The practical Virgo woman will celebrate material aspects, and the Pisces man will intensify and pay attention to the aesthetic aspects. This couple can endlessly discover new qualities in each other if they learn to be partners.

How a Virgo woman can conquer a Pisces man

The Virgo girl will conquer the Pisces guy with her neatness, morality, clean, clear eyes... The Pisces man is always a dreamer, esthete and humanist, and he is attracted by everything mysterious and unusual, at the same time sublime.

The ideal woman for the Pisces man is a certain Madonna. In his view, a woman should be sensitive, kind, refined, dreamy, loving romance and talking about God, magic, mysticism and the like. Also, the Pisces man wants to see his woman so homely, cozy, deliciously smelling homemade food and able to listen and comfort.

Despite the fact that the Pisces man constantly lives in a creative mess, purity, both external and internal, is important for him. Cozy and comfortable home Virgo women will not leave him indifferent.

V sexual relations the Virgo woman and the Pisces man have complete harmony. Sometimes, of course, they want something sharp and new, but this happens so rarely that both partners are most of the time happy with themselves and with each other.

Compatibility of a Virgo woman and a Pisces man in friendship

Friendship between a Virgo woman and a Pisces man is rarely durable. Often, it falls apart at the first difficulty of one of the partners. The Virgo woman cannot provide the Pisces man with the emotional support that he expects, and the Pisces man is not able to support with deeds when circumstances require it. It also happens that friendship falls apart due to circumstances, both partners do not know how to fight or do not want to.

But as long as they are friends, together they are good and pleasant. They have a lot of common interests. The Virgo woman towards her Pisces friend removes most of the claims that she has towards her partner, and the Pisces man does not expect tenderness and warmth from the Virgo woman in the amount that he wants to receive from his beloved.

While the couple is friends, their "halves" do not need to be afraid of betrayal: the Virgo woman and the Pisces man are not so attracted to each other to risk their personal lives.

Compatibility of Virgo woman and Pisces man in business

The Virgo woman and the Pisces man get a good business union. Despite the fact that it is difficult for them to come to an understanding, their cooperation can be fruitful. It allows you to see the problem more broadly, from a new perspective, as a result of which there is effective solution, which individually neither the Pisces man nor the Virgo woman could accept.

When a Virgo woman and a Pisces man are colleagues or partners - good combination for a business union. The Virgo woman and the Pisces man get along well with each other and get an interesting result. They can be trusted with joint projects.

When a Virgo woman is a boss and a Pisces man is a subordinate, it is a difficult combination for work. Both the Virgo woman and the Pisces man will often be unhappy with each other. The Pisces man will not like the Virgo woman's love for detail and criticism of shortcomings. And the Virgo woman will not like the lack of initiative and passivity of the Pisces employee.

When a Virgo woman is a subordinate, and a Pisces man is a boss, it is an excellent business union. For a Virgo woman, a Pisces man is the ideal boss. He is empathetic, understanding and responsible. With such a person, a Virgo woman is pleased to work next to her and she can qualitatively, and how convenient it is for her, to carry out orders from her superiors


Pisces man


Virgo woman

Next to a woman, a virgin fish man can never relax and be himself, she will not give him such an opportunity. According to the woman, he is an irresponsible person and constantly arriving in dreams, which she will definitely tell him about. The fish man will not have the desire to be frank with the virgin, and most likely, he will soon begin to avoid her company.

Pisces man - in a relationship, they easily turn into close relationships. They have many illusions, but they often remain invisible to them and their partner against the background of the reality of warm emotional contact. Men have enough problems due to the inconsistency of internal and external life, which can give rise to a tendency to isolation.

Virgo woman - succumbs to all streams of relationships. Because of their illusions and misunderstanding of the situation, Pisces can act very unfairly. But they are inherent in self-sacrifice, which allows them to build strong relationship... Fishes best parents who for the sake of children forget about themselves.

It is interesting that such a union has much more prospects in friendship and cooperation than in love. Virgo and Pisces man can give each other many invaluable life lessons, share experiences, work in the same area, but in life together there are too many things that separate them. Life under one roof can become a source of misunderstanding and conflict for a demanding Virgo worker and a not too practical, vulnerable Pisces man, because of which their union is rarely lasting.

This couple is different in temperament, they have different life orientations and goals. Only after a while will they be able to find some understanding, but the grinding-in period will be very difficult. Both of them will have to work on themselves to living together developed harmoniously. The Pisces man is more sensitive, constantly reflects and hesitates in making decisions, but next to his chosen one he will gradually become more self-confident. For his wife, who has a sober outlook on life and practicality, this behavior at first seems like a manifestation of weakness and spinelessness, but over time she will become softer and more romantic under his influence. The Virgo woman will have to take on many duties and responsibilities for the everyday life in the family, since she is not able to entrust this to her spouse. The Pisces man will at first resist, but then he will see his advantages in this position and may even completely abandon household chores. All this will cause a showdown and scandals. If a Virgo woman, striving to comply with all the rules and order, does not insist on strict fulfillment of her requirements, then the Pisces man will be able to maintain his individuality, since this is the greatest value for him.

Successful Compatibility Virgo and Pisces, in which each of the partners gives the opportunity to realize and learn a lot from each other. Of course, at the beginning of the path there will be everything - squabbles, disputes, and even reading morals. The Virgo woman will constantly harass the Pisces man with criticism and nagging. Virgo-Pisces marriage is also rare and succeeds if both partners selflessly serve each other or a common cause. For this, adjusting to the situation is not enough, they themselves must manage their own destiny. Ideological and mystical perception of the world unites them, but carelessness and susceptibility to the currents of life can carry away in different directions.

Virgo and Pisces compatibility can be very happy if they do not lose interest in each other, and also constantly feed their relationship with passion. Alas, Virgo and Pisces tend to idealize even intimacy... And only a sense of tact, which is innate in both, will help them eliminate misunderstandings, as well as lower them from heaven to earth. The Virgo woman cannot live a day without work, which surprises the Pisces man. He is quite sure that you can easily catch a fish from a pond.

Passionate, tempestuous love affair

For a hot-tempered and in places openly unbalanced Pisces man, union with Virgo is, first of all, the acquisition of emotional stability. But a Virgo woman, professing traditional morality, gets to know a man herself, is unlikely to run. And here the Pisces man, who periodically needs to strengthen his self-esteem, under the influence of creative upsurge, will show all his Don Juan creativity in self-presentation in front of the girl and her disposition to himself. In general, the mating games of Pisces men are still a show. The good news is that both the actor and the spectator are usually satisfied. If successful, the Pisces man will finally wish to find that very stability and bring the relationship to cohabitation, and then marriage. After all, he so wants to bring a little stability to his life. And the Virgo woman invariably strives for cleanliness and comfort around her.

Respecting the inner space and interests of each other, devoting ourselves common affairs and goals, both partners will be proud of the results of the joint efforts. To a lesser extent, the union is subjected to serious tests due to disagreements in the material sphere of being: Virgo is crushed by the excessive extravagance of Pisces and the inability to bring prey to the house, and Pisces sometimes considers Virgo to be tediously meticulous in small matters. The issue of jealousy can be much more apparent. Moreover, on both sides: charismatic Pisces and Virgos who attract with their modest beauty outside the home often find many admirers. And the self-doubt inherent in both signs (plus one more thing in common negative quality), causes bouts of jealousy and possessiveness, and even everything, as a rule, is directed at a partner, and by no means a rival.

Compatibility horoscope. Pisces Man and Virgo Woman