Constipation pills for pregnant women. What to do to get rid of constipation during pregnancy - a selection of the best tips. Help of folk healers

Two-thirds of expectant mothers and every third of women who have given birth complain of constipation during pregnancy. At the same time, most of them prefer to cope with unpleasant symptoms themselves, finding them normal for their condition. However, such a frivolous attitude to the disease can be unsafe for both the mother and her unborn child. It is very important to improve a woman's well-being in a timely manner and properly conducted therapy. Let's find out what provoked constipation during pregnancy, what threats it poses to the mother and child, and how to solve the problem of eliminating it without negative consequences.

Constipation is a disorder of the functions of the intestinal tract, which is expressed by:

  1. in long intervals between defecation processes, if we compare these periods before pregnancy;
  2. in difficulties arising during emptying (even if the usual frequency of the stool is maintained);
  3. in periodically repeated sensations of incomplete bowel emptying.

During such a complication, the volume of feces secreted from the intestines decreases, and its density also changes (it hardens, its structure resembles a stone). Often, with constipation, you have to push, experience pain and discomfort in the abdomen.

What causes constipation in pregnancy

Constipation during pregnancy is associated with prolapse of the uterus, a change in the position (displacement) of the intestine. Among the circumstances that cause constipation during pregnancy are psychological nature- fear of harming the child with prolonged complicated defecation. In addition, non-compliance correct mode Diet and junk food also lead to this problem. Constipation in pregnant women is divided into two types: alimentary and mechanical.

Conditions for the occurrence of alimentary constipation can be:

  • sudden intra-intestinal decrease in the amount of water;
  • reducing the amount of food and fluid in the body;
  • The foods that prevail on the menu do not include enough fiber.

The reasons for the occurrence of mechanical constipation can be:

  1. Mechanical constipation occurs due to a violation or cessation of the passage of feces in the small or large intestine.
  2. Often, various diseases affect the structure of feces and its passage ( kidney failure, diabetes, hemorrhoids) and taking certain medications.

Causes of constipation at various stages of pregnancy

Constipation in pregnancy is caused by many factors. This is a restructuring of the general hormonal background, an increase in the size of the uterus and a functional shift of the intestine due to fetal pressure. Often the reason for stool retention is purely psychological reason when in interesting position a woman who fears a strong strain during bowel movements, so as not to harm her child. In addition, concerns about possible appearance hemorrhoids interfere with normal emptying.

Constipation during pregnancy early dates caused by the following reasons:

  • consequences of systemic diseases;
  • decrease in gastric secretion and reduction of its evacuation capacity;
  • increased production of progesterone by the body, which reduces the intensity of intestinal motility.

Constipation during pregnancy in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters occurs for a number of reasons:

  1. Transformations occurring at the hormonal level and increased production of progesterone by the body, which contributes to a decrease in the tone of the muscles of the intestinal tract, which causes its hypotension.
  2. Lack in the daily menu of hard fiber found in vegetables, fruits and grains. This also includes changes in taste preferences, in which, for example, greens or other necessary food products seem tasteless to a lady in a position, or generally unpleasant in taste.
  3. Insufficient water intake due to fear of possible swelling of the legs.
  4. Emotional overstrain, which almost all women experience during pregnancy, it helps to reduce the peristalsis of the intestinal tract. Fear upcoming birth and changes at the psycho-emotional level serve as a prerequisite for the occurrence of constipation of neurogenic etiology.
  5. a lack of physical activity, especially in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, and with the threat of a miscarriage, sometimes a woman has to comply with a forced bed rest- leads to intestinal atony.
  6. The intake of certain vitamins and microelements, which are sometimes recommended for pregnant women, is quite capable of provoking a decrease in colon peristalsis.
  7. A significant increase in the size of the uterus in the later stages and a change in the location of any intestinal loop can dull the sensation of the urge to defecate.
  8. Strengthening manifestations chronic diseases Gastrointestinal tract, if they were observed before pregnancy.

AT human body special compounds are formed that activate intestinal motility. And when pregnancy comes, intestinal tract, the ability to produce such a substance is significantly reduced, which becomes one of the causes of constipation. Since the uterus and intestines have a single innervation, as a result of which almost every excessive stimulation of intestinal motility can give impetus to the contractile activity of the uterus, which can provoke the risk of abortion. But, unfortunately, this reflex can create a significant problem - such a violation in the activity of the intestine as constipation during pregnancy. The main thing is that there is no therapy for such constipation, since it is purely physiological in nature.

The main signs of constipation during pregnancy

  • inability to properly empty more than 3 days;
  • reduction in the number of bowel movements;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • irritation in the anus;
  • burning sensation in the rectum;
  • the feces are steep and almost stony;
  • blood impurities in the feces;
  • a very small proportion of feces excreted from the body;
  • the intestines are not completely emptied;
  • feeling of bitterness in the mouth and nausea;
  • rumbling in the abdomen and flatulence.

How to treat constipation during pregnancy

Side effects of almost all medicines, their ability to penetrate placental barrier, discomfort in well-being - these are the reasons that make it impossible to apply most traditional ways healing. Consider some of the most harmless options for curing constipation, both with the help of traditional medicine and home remedies.

What can pregnant women from constipation: medications

The effects on the body of almost all means that facilitate bowel movements are to improve intestinal motility. Treatment of constipation during pregnancy with laxatives is used if dietary and lifestyle adjustments have failed. desired effect. Taking into account that most pharmaceuticals are characterized by serious side effects, prescribe for future mother they are obliged exclusively to the doctor and only after comparing the benefits of their use and the likely danger to the unborn child.

Constipation in pregnant women can be treated with such medications:

  1. Rectal suppositories with glycerin - stimulate the work of the rectum and do not affect the hypertonicity of the uterus.
  2. Duphalac, Prelax - contain substances based on lactulose, retain water in the intestinal tract, which helps soften the stool, activates the motility and evacuation function of the intestine.
  3. Microclysters (Microlax) - the drug is characteristic imminent offensive result.
  4. Vaseline oil - assists in softening the contents of the intestine and its easy excretion.

Folk remedies for constipation during pregnancy

Undoubtedly, before using any of the home remedies in the fight against the disease, you need to consult your doctor, since it is not known how the body of a pregnant woman will respond to any drug.

Most known methods fight against constipation, which will not harm the expectant mother:

  • Freshly squeezed potato juice dilute with water (1:1), drink it three times a day for 1/4 cup before meals.
  • Squeeze juice from 1 kg of red rowan, add 600 g of sugar to it, stir. Drink twice a day for a quarter cup. Store juice in a cool place.
  • Brew 1 teaspoon of flax seed with boiling water (200 ml). Insist for several hours, drink at night, without first filtering the seeds.

Is it worth it to see a doctor

Constipation during pregnancy is not something to be taken lightly. Harmful substances, formed during constipation in the large intestine, can cause severe harm the child and the well-being of the pregnant woman. The frequent consequences of constipation can, in turn, provoke uterine hypertonicity, which can lead to miscarriage.

Constipation in pregnant women can lead to abnormalities intestinal microflora and promote the growth of bacteria. As a result prolonged constipation pathogenic bacteria freely enter from the intestines into urinary system. After some time, they will be able to infect the genitals, and also become the root cause of colpitis.

In addition, constipation during pregnancy in the first trimester exacerbates the risk of purulent-septic complications in the future. For example, the possibility of postnatal endometritis or hemorrhoids during pregnancy increases, the threat premature birth.

Exercise regularly and consume enough dietary fiber with food. The problem of constipation is due to the fact that the main pregnancy hormone, progesterone, relaxes the smooth muscles of not only the uterus, but also the adjacent intestine. This "relaxed" state of the colon is side effect relieve the tone of the uterus. On the later dates pregnancy, constipation is also due to the pressure of the enlarged uterus on the surrounding organs abdominal cavity. Therefore, every pregnant woman may face the problem of constipation.

Recommended for constipation during pregnancy medications only one group - osmotic laxatives. These osmotic laxatives have a mild and delicate effect, do not provoke an increase in uterine tone, and cause stools, the consistency of which is as close to normal as possible. Under the influence of osmotic laxatives, the colon is emptied easily, without injury and stretching of the anal sphincter, which is very important for women suffering from hemorrhoids.

Currently, osmotic laxatives are drugs that, as active ingredients contain macrogols (PEGs), lactulose or magnesium sulfate.

Currently, the most effective, gentle and safe osmotic laxatives are the following drugs based on macrogol:

  • Lavacol;

  • Osmogol;

  • Realaxan;

  • Transipeg;

  • Forlax;

  • Forpega;

  • Fortrans.
The above osmotic laxative drugs can be taken throughout pregnancy. Moreover, drugs based on macrogols can be taken both regularly in case of chronic, persistent stool retention, and occasionally in the event of one-time constipation.

In Russia, the most popular osmotic laxatives prescribed for pregnant women to eliminate constipation are drugs based on lactulose. Lactulose preparations are less effective than macrogol-based preparations, but can also be used during pregnancy. Lactulose is effective for occasional constipation, but is practically unable to eliminate persistent stool retention. Currently, the most effective and safe osmotic laxatives based on lactulose are the following drugs:

  • Good luck;

  • Lactulose Poly;

  • Lactulose Stada;

  • Livolyuk-PB;

  • Normase;

  • Portalac;

  • Romfalac.
In addition to macrogol and lactulose-based preparations, magnesium sulfate powder can be used to relieve occasional constipation. For the purpose of a laxative effect, it is necessary to dissolve 20-30 g of the powder in 100 ml of warm water and take it orally.

Constipation during pregnancy is a common pathology among women. According to statistics, this is the problem of every second pregnant woman. Such a delicate difficulty is caused by anatomical, physiological and hormonal "revolutions" in the body of the expectant mother. If you keep the situation under control and prevent it from developing into a chronic course, then “terrible” trips to the toilet will bypass you. To do this, let's find out the causes of constipation during pregnancy, and find out how to protect yourself from such difficulties.

The physiological norm is the emptying of the intestine 1-2 times a day, sometimes every other day. Failure to have a bowel movement for more than three days is considered constipation. In order to eliminate constipation, you need to find out what exactly provokes it. Depending on the gestational age, the causes can be completely different, and the therapy will also be different.

In the first trimester, constipation can be caused by such factors:

  1. Progesterone - its concentration in the first weeks of pregnancy is very high. It acts on the intestinal muscles and they relax (hypotension). In this way, stool stay in the rectum. This phenomenon is called atonic constipation.
  2. Excess potassium and iron - these elements in excess contribute to the difficulty of defecation. They can get both with food and with vitamin and mineral complexes for pregnant women.
  3. Low physical activity - this happens if a woman is assigned to bed rest because of the threat of termination of pregnancy.

From the second trimester until the end of pregnancy, the causes of constipation become a little more:

  1. The pressure of the uterus on the intestines - the fetus grows, and the internal organs are displaced. It suffers the most digestive tract, so the regularity of bowel movements fails.
  2. Fluid deficiency - than less water, the more difficult it is for solid feces to pass through the intestines. At severe swelling a woman has to limit her water intake, and constipation occurs.
  3. Hemorrhoids, anal fissures, a history of proctitis - such diseases are quite painful and often cause constipation.
  4. Improper nutrition - overeating, cravings for "delicious", a long break between meals with toxicosis take the first place among the causes of constipation.
  5. Intestinal pathologies are birth defects that cause chronic constipation.

And do you know...

The psychological state of a woman in position also affects digestion. Avoid unnecessary worries and fears, as they provoke spastic constipation.

Symptoms of constipation during pregnancy

Reduced intestinal peristalsis and retention of feces creates particular discomfort and discomfort.

Constipation symptoms:

  • bloating;
  • aching or sharp pains in the abdomen of different localization;
  • nausea;
  • feeling of "clogged" intestines;
  • lethargy and apathy;
  • loss of appetite;
  • false urge to defecate;
  • dry and hard stool structure;
  • soreness and cracks in the anus.

Constipation treatment: how to cope?

With such complexity as constipation, it is not worth fighting on your own during pregnancy. The first thing to do is to go for a consultation with a doctor. He will help you figure out what the reason is and recommend safe treatment. To begin with, you will need to establish a diet and drink more fluids. If the situation during the week is consistently bad, then you will need to take medication.

Permitted laxatives

There are many laxatives available and safe to treat constipation during pregnancy:

  1. Drugs that irritate the intestinal wall - Sena de, Gutalax, Dulcolax, Defenorm.
  2. Osmotic substances - Duphalac, Normolact, Laktuvit, Magnesium sulfate.
  3. Means that stimulate intestinal motility - fiber, bran, psyllium and flax seeds.
  4. Stool softeners - Tranzipeg, Castor oil, mineral oils.
  5. Microclysters and suppositories - glycerin and sea buckthorn suppositories, Microlax.

Advice! Osmotic laxatives are made on the basis of a natural disaccharide - lactulose. These are the most safe drugs, which do not interfere with the absorption of beneficial nutrients, normalize the microflora in the intestines and have a mild laxative effect.

How traditional medicine can help

In the arsenal of traditional medicine there are several excellent funds from constipation during pregnancy. But how to deal with constipation during pregnancy without resorting to medication? It turns out that it is not only simple, but also delicious:

  • infusion of prunes (not smoked!) - take 2 tbsp. l. prunes and pour two cups of boiling water. Let it brew for 24 hours. This period can be significantly reduced if you use a thermos. Take 100 mg on an empty stomach;
  • if constipation is accompanied by flatulence, treat yourself herbal tea from chamomile, mint, dill seeds, cumin or fennel;
  • classic recipe for constipation - a glass warm water with a spoon natural honey on an empty stomach;
  • dried fruit compote (dried apricots, prunes, raisins);
  • a decoction of beets, prunes and oatmeal taken in equal proportions. ready mix add water and boil for about an hour. Then take one glass an hour before bedtime.

Important! All folk methods, no matter how harmless they may be, should be used in consultation with the doctor.

How to do without laxatives

Laxatives, especially based on synthetic components, aggressively affect intestinal motility and irritate its receptors. Such "violent" activity in the stomach can provoke increased tone uterus, and chemical composition tablets or drops may affect the development of the embryo. So it's better to try everything alternative methods to eliminate constipation and only in extreme cases to start drug therapy.

Diet for constipation during pregnancy

What a pregnant woman eats affects both her condition and the health of the unborn baby. This is very important point. Therefore, it is worth knowing what you can eat with constipation during pregnancy and how to balance your diet.

Products shown to women suffering from constipation:

  • salad mixes of raw vegetables and fruits;
  • vegetable stews, caviar (zucchini, eggplant);
  • beet, sauerkraut(not sour), all kinds of raw and boiled vegetables;
  • oil (olive, sunflower, linseed);
  • lean pastries, wholemeal bread, whole grain breads;
  • soups (not on the broth);
  • lean fish and seafood;
  • plums, melons, apricots, kiwi, figs and all dried fruits;
  • turkey meat, chicken;
  • cereals (except rice and corn grits).

Why is it better to refuse or sharply limit the use of:

  • baking, white fresh bread;
  • manna and rice porridge;
  • pasta;
  • canned food and preserves;
  • eggs (fried and boiled);
  • fatty meats;
  • fats (animal and culinary);
  • tea, coffee, cocoa, chocolate;
  • horseradish, black pepper, onion, garlic, radish, radish, mushrooms;
  • fatty sauces, mayonnaise;
  • marinades;
  • jelly.

Advice! To protect yourself from constipation, a lot of fiber should come from food. Sometimes a woman is simply unable to eat a lot of vegetables and cereals. In this case, you can buy dry fiber at the pharmacy and add 1 teaspoon to yogurt or kefir.

Physical activity for constipation during pregnancy

Probably, women have a question about how to avoid constipation during pregnancy with the help of physical activity. The answer is very simple and concise: physical activity stimulates digestion and the process of bowel cleansing. If health allows, then walk more, do simple exercises, go to the pool. Great optiongroup lessons yoga or Pilates for pregnant women.

Drinking for constipation during pregnancy

Sufficient water intake prevents constipation. The ideal amount of liquid consumed is 1.5-2 liters. This includes water, juices, tea, dairy products, first meal. If a pregnant woman is prone to edema, this amount is reduced to 1-1.5 liters.

Gymnastics and massage for constipation during pregnancy

For women, in order to prevent constipation, there are special exercises that are easy to complete at home convenient time. The duration of such gymnastics is 10-15 minutes a day.

How to do gymnastics:

  1. Alternate relaxation and contraction of the anal sphincter for 30 seconds.
  2. Do 10 smooth squats while holding on to a chair.
  3. Do a few pelvic lifts while lying on your back with your knees bent.
  4. In the same position, stretch your left hand to your right knee, and then vice versa.
  5. Exercise "scissors" and "bike" 10 times.

Important! You can do gymnastics in the absence of any complications during pregnancy.

Helps normalize the bowel movement acupressure. Place three fingers below the navel. Below them is an acupuncture point responsible for digestion. You need to click on it 40 times a day.

Consequences of constipation during pregnancy

Neglecting constipation during pregnancy is very risky. First, the woman suffers from severe physical and psychological discomfort. Secondly, irregular emptying is bad for a woman's health. In addition, spastic pains often occur with constipation during pregnancy.

What is the danger of constipation during pregnancy:

  • woman feeling unwell headache, nausea, irritability);
  • deterioration of the skin condition (flabbiness, yellowness, peeling);
  • inflammatory processes in the rectum;
  • intoxication of the body with feces;
  • hemorrhoids, anal fissures;
  • violations in the work of the biliary tract;
  • malabsorption nutrients in the stomach;
  • uterine hypertonicity;
  • the threat of termination of pregnancy;
  • the negative impact of laxatives on fetal development.

Timely prevention of constipation during pregnancy

Constipation during pregnancy is fairly easy to prevent. Following a few rules, starting from the first days of pregnancy, will protect you from digestive problems:

  1. Compose full menu, better with a nutritionist or your doctor.
  2. Get only positive emotions.
  3. Lead an active lifestyle that is acceptable for pregnant women.
  4. Drink enough liquid.

So, if you are caught off guard by constipation during pregnancy, you already know what to do. Find out the cause and choose the method of fixing the problem that is right for you. And let the "intestinal" problems do not spoil your mood in such a tender and dear period for any woman.

The fact that the period of pregnancy is a wonderful time in a woman's life is unlikely to be disputed: after all, the expectant mother lives in anticipation of a miracle. But the fact that this period of life can be associated with many problems in the health of a lady is also no secret to anyone - the body has to withstand too much stress. One of the problems during pregnancy is a violation of the intestines, namely -.

In general, even without pregnancy female body predisposed to constipation due to its anatomical structure. First, the colon is longer in women than in men. Secondly, there is a direct relationship between menstruation and bowel movements: even in absolutely healthy women, constipation often occurs before menstruation. Thirdly, women are much more sensitive internal organs to external and/or internal stimuli. That is why the frequency of constipation in women is almost three times higher than in men.

Pregnancy and constipation

Constipation specifically during the period of bearing a child takes place in 17-50% and, as a rule, such a malfunction in the intestines begins at 17-36 weeks. Most often, doctors note the development functional constipation, which means that they arose exclusively against the background of pregnancy and immediately after childbirth, the work of the intestines will be completely restored. If we talk about functional constipation, then future mothers should know that in this case there will be no blood, mucus, and general state health will be excellent.

Causes, risk factors and consequences of constipation during pregnancy

Doctors are well aware that risk factors for constipation during pregnancy are:

  • excess weight / ;
  • the woman's age is over 35;
  • often in a bad mood.

But the main cause of constipation in pregnant women is still an increase in the hormone and its derivatives. Basically, this normal processa large number of progesterone in a woman's body during childbearing is necessary to lower the tone of the muscles of the uterus and maintain pregnancy. But at the same time with such a positive effect, the hormone progesterone also affects the intestinal muscles - the tone decreases significantly, the contractile activity of the intestine decreases, which leads to constipation.

Other causes of bowel problems during pregnancy include:

Many women treat the appearance of functional constipation during pregnancy lightly - "I give birth and everything will pass." In fact, such a violation of the intestines can lead to very unpleasant consequences:

  • development or its exacerbation in the case of an already existing disease;
  • the level of intestinal permeability to allergens and infectious agents is significantly increased;
  • the microbial flora of the intestines and genital tract can be activated, and this significantly increases the risk of complications in the further course of pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period;
  • there is a threat of miscarriage - with constipation, a woman is forced to push often and hard, and this automatically increases the tone of the uterus.

A pregnant woman with chronic constipation rarely gives birth naturally, as doctors prefer to do such patients C-section. Often, such future mothers begin preterm labor, and the period of time between childbirth and the first bowel movement will be longer than other women in labor.

Non-pharmacological treatment of constipation in pregnant women

Of course, you should take any medication during pregnancy only as directed by your doctor. But at chronic constipation gynecologists are in no hurry to make medication appointments, because it is much easier and safer to correct nutrition and daily routine. Such corrective measures for constipation in pregnant women include:

  • an increase in physical activity - only a specialist can give such a recommendation, since you need to be sure that the pregnancy proceeds without deviations and the woman is only concerned about constipation;
  • correction of the drinking regimen: a woman should drink at least 8 glasses of liquid per day, but again, you should be extremely careful - they should be completely absent;
  • limiting the use of sweets, muffins, white bread, vermicelli, blueberries, black tea and bird cherry;
  • an increase in the menu of foods that are rich in fiber - dried fruits, leafy greens, legumes, bran, berries;
  • eat often, but in small portions (fractional nutrition).

If the above measures turned out to be effective and the intestines of the pregnant woman began to empty regularly and fully, then they remain the main ones until childbirth. Otherwise, doctors may resort to medical treatment.

Drug therapy

In pharmacies of any locality, you can find a lot, but specifically for pregnant women, you need to choose an absolutely safe drug - it should not harm either the fetus or the expectant mother, but the benefits from it should be much greater possible harm. Therapeutic effect from the chosen laxative effect should be manifested even in minimal dosages, the duration of treatment should also be short.

Note:pregnant women should avoid the use of any, including laxatives, medicines at a gestational age of 3-11 weeks, since it is during this period that their maximum impact on the unborn baby is noted.

Features of different laxatives

There are several groups of drugs that have a laxative effect.

Osmotic laxatives

These include lactulose, magnesium, polyethylene glycol and phosphate salts. The main advantages of drugs of this group of laxatives can be considered that they:

  • almost not absorbed from the intestine and do not penetrate into the blood of the fetus;
  • do not lead to addiction;
  • prevent salt loss.

However, there are some disadvantages of osmotic laxatives:

  • it is quite difficult to find an effective dose - it can take long time, which the pregnant woman does not have;
  • can provoke short-term and the appearance of non-intense pain in the intestines;
  • with prolonged use, they can lead to violations of the water-salt balance in the body;
  • can cause diarrhea in the newborn.

In addition, polyethylene glycol is extremely rare, but can provoke an inadequate reaction of the body -, respiratory failure and coma. Therefore, the considered group of laxatives should be prescribed only by a doctor, a woman should take them under the supervision of medical personnel.

Bulk laxatives

These agents include psyllium, dietary supplements with bran in the composition and methylcellulose. The advantages of such drugs include the lack of absorption into the mother's blood and the ability to increase the amount healthy bacteria in the intestinal microflora. But it is worth considering some disadvantages of bulk laxatives:

  • the therapeutic effect develops extremely slowly;
  • dose selection is needed on an individual basis;
  • can cause bloating and mild intestinal pain;
  • require the intake of a large amount of fluid - this can provoke development in a pregnant woman;
  • significantly reduce appetite;
  • can cause powerful.

In principle, the type of drugs with a laxative effect in question can be allowed for pregnant women, but this should be done by a specialist.

Softening feces

These include petroleum jelly, mineral oils, glycerin, microlax and others. Means that soften the feces, greatly facilitate the actual act of emptying the intestines. Differ quick action, are considered very relevant for proctological problems (for example, an exacerbation of chronic hemorrhoids began in a pregnant woman), which are accompanied by pain in anus. But for all positive qualities laxatives that soften feces are not at all harmless for pregnant women! They are:

  • are able to accumulate in the spleen, intestinal walls and liver - this can provoke the development of an inflammatory process;
  • can disrupt the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins in the mother - this is a risk factor for the development of bleeding in both the mother and the baby;
  • help to increase the tone of the uterus;
  • can damage the rectal mucosa;
  • provoke.

Most often, such negative impact have mineral oils, so they are generally strictly prohibited for use during pregnancy. All other drugs that soften the feces can be used, but only for a short time and episodically.

Stimulant laxatives

This is both castor oil and glycerin suppositories, and the fruits of joster, and senna and many others - this group of laxatives is the largest. All stimulant laxatives prevent hardening of the stool and ensure fast and efficient bowel movements. But at the same time, they also have a negative effect on the body of a pregnant woman:

  • can be absorbed through the walls of the intestine and penetrate into the blood of the unborn child;
  • can provoke the development of defects in the baby;
  • significantly increases the risk of abortion, as they stimulate the muscles of the uterus;
  • can provoke the appearance;
  • when used in the wrong dosage lead to chronic diarrhea;
  • may be addictive;
  • provoke development.

In this regard, future mothers are strictly forbidden to use castor oil, from the group of stimulant laxatives it is allowed to take drugs with hay, bisacodyl, suppositories and docusate sodium.

Note:laxatives during pregnancy are used only if there is no positive effect after changing the diet and daily routine. Wherein drug therapy appointed short course(no more than 10 days) and strictly with the individual selection of a particular remedy.

Constipation during pregnancy is not only unpleasant phenomenon, but also dangerous enough for health future mother, and for the health of the baby, and for the course of pregnancy. Therefore, if such a problem occurs, it would be advisable to seek help from a specialist.

Tsygankova Yana Alexandrovna, medical observer, therapist of the highest qualification category

Constipation during pregnancy is very common, and therefore many women consider it an obligatory part of their position.

Statistically, this phenomenon present in half of pregnant women. However, this does not mean at all that it should be considered a variant of the norm.

Because many are interested in what to do with constipation during pregnancy at home.

The reasons

Infrequent bowel movements or difficult stools are very common. However, the body of pregnant women is much more susceptible to stagnant processes in the intestines.

Even with regular bowel movements, a woman may feel that the intestines are not completely emptied. Dry stools are also often observed. Doctors classify these conditions as functional constipation.

The main cause of pathology is considered rapid increase progesterone levels. This hormone is important for maintaining pregnancy. It is he who leads to weakness of intestinal motility. It relaxes smooth muscles, which activates the movement of the intestinal walls.

In addition, constipation may be associated with a change in the lifestyle and physiology of a pregnant woman:


Before you deal with constipation during pregnancy, you need to analyze clinical picture pathology.

Stool disorders are characterized by the following symptoms:

  • There is a rare and hard stool less than 3 times a week;
  • stool weight is less than 35 g;
  • feeling after going to the toilet incomplete emptying intestines;
  • arise pain in the left side of the abdomen.

Constipation during pregnancy can be very dangerous. The intestines are located close to reproductive organs. That is why you need to keep it functioning properly.

So, the appearance of constipation during the period of bearing a child can lead to such complications:

Medical methods of treatment

How to get rid of constipation during pregnancy? This question worries many women. To answer it, you should consult a doctor.

It is important to consider that many means during the period of bearing a child are categorically contraindicated. These include the following:

As for classic laxatives, almost all of them are contraindicated for pregnant women. The following categories of drugs should not be used:

  • funds irritantGutalax, Regulax, Senade;
  • filler laxatives, such as methylcellulose cause activation of intestinal motility;
  • salt-based osmotic preparations- lead to a violation of the water-mineral balance.

So, how to go to the toilet during pregnancy? To do this, you need to contact a specialist who will select complex therapy. Mandatory components of treatment are physical exercises and a special diet.

Of the medicines, the following are usually used:

Many women are interested in whether it is possible to push during pregnancy.. Proctologists do not recommend doing this to anyone.

Moreover, it is forbidden during pregnancy. Strong pushing can lead to bleeding and prolapse hemorrhoids. The longer the gestation period, the more dangerous this process.

In addition to the appearance of hemorrhoids, there is a risk of miscarriage and premature birth. The fact is that attempts increase uterine contractions. They are especially dangerous in the early stages and before childbirth.

Nutrition Features

When answering the question of what helps with constipation, you should definitely recommend a special diet. There are quite a few products that are harmless to the child and help to quickly and gently normalize the bowel movement.

Considered a good remedy for constipation vegetable oils . They have a relaxing effect on the muscles of the colon, which contributes to the painless removal of softened feces.

However, it is important to consider that not all oils can be taken by pregnant women. During this period, castor oil is contraindicated, since it increases the activity of the muscle muscles too much.

To cope with the problem, you can use sunflower oil, olive oil, pumpkin seeds and flax. These products for constipation during pregnancy can be used for dressing salads or taken in the morning in a teaspoon. This must be done on an empty stomach.

Fiber helps to improve the digestion process and perfectly relieves constipation. This substance is present in many vegetables and fruits. It also contains bran.

To establish the process of bowel movement, you can make various salads:

In addition to salads, you need to eat black bread, cereals, bran. All of these foods also contain a lot of fiber.

Be careful with kefir. Only a fresh drink has laxative properties - up to 5 days of storage.

Dried fruits

Prunes are an excellent remedy for constipation.. This product contains a large amount of fiber and pectin, therefore it has a pronounced laxative effect. You need to eat up to 10 pieces of prunes per day.

Very useful compote with dried fruits. It can be made from prunes or other ingredients can be added - apples, dried apricots, raisins are perfect.

For 1 liter of water, you need to take 100 g of dried fruits and a few tablespoons of sugar. Prunes, sugar are added to boiling water and brought to a boil. Ready drink should be consumed 1 glass on an empty stomach.

You can also grind prunes, dried apricots and raisins until smooth. The resulting mixture should be consumed in the morning on an empty stomach in the amount of 1 tablespoon.

Kiwi also has an excellent laxative effect.. To establish the process of defecation, it is enough to eat 1-2 pieces a day.

With chronic constipation, you need to abandon certain foods. These include the following:

  • whole milk;
  • polished rice;
  • pure meat;
  • sweet pastries;
  • pears;
  • bananas;
  • persimmon;
  • potato;
  • chocolate;
  • eggs;
  • coffee.

Folk remedies for constipation during pregnancy should be chosen depending on the nature of the problem. If it has a spastic character, the following recipes will help:

If constipation is atonic in nature, the following remedies will help to cope with it:

  1. Mix equal parts anise, cumin and fennel. Take a couple of teaspoons and add 250 ml of boiling water. Leave to infuse for 20 minutes. The filtered solution is taken in a third of a glass half an hour before meals.
  2. Add cherries or dried apples to brewed tea.
  3. Take 1 small spoon of flax seeds, add a glass of boiling water. After 4 hours, the mixture can be drunk.
  4. Mix in equal parts carrot juice and whey. The resulting remedy is taken on an empty stomach for half a glass. To prepare the whey, you need to bring the milk to a boil, put a small piece of black bread and strain through cheesecloth.


To prevent constipation, you need to follow certain recommendations. First of all, you need to pay attention to your diet..

The menu should contain foods high in fiber. Soups should be eaten every day. At the same time, the products constipating must be completely eliminated.

Plays an important role drinking regimen . Many women limit fluid intake for fear of swelling. In fact, you need to drink enough water. At the same time, salty foods should be excluded from the diet, because it is salt that retains fluid in the body.

To prevent constipation, you need to move as much as possible. Lack of physical activity slows down the digestion process. Of course, during pregnancy complex exercises prohibited, but walks on fresh air will only benefit.

The appearance of constipation during pregnancy is a very common problem, which medications and effective folk recipes will help to cope with.

Before using any remedy, you should consult a doctor, since many products are contraindicated for pregnant women.