Mindfulness is essential for a happy life

Life is written straight away without a draft, whether you like it or not.

A mistake can be corrected, and stupidity can be repeated.

In this life, it doesn't matter how you fall. It is important how you get up.

Note to a young hostess: If you and your husband were invited to visit, and there will be unmarried ladies, feed him a couple of cloves of garlic.

And let us fall asleep in different beds - the main thing is that we fall asleep thinking about each other.

And you write ... for no reason. Just write.

It hurts to be friends or to love a nigga.

She loves to cry, but she will not say that she is dreaming, and only the songs on the page will tell about her tears ...

The world belongs to those who are happy with it.

The most beautiful and happy people - these are those who are not annoyed by anything.

I do not intend to share you with anyone. You are either mine or free. I need someone who will have me in the lead roles. I did not subscribe to the crowd scene.

Close both eyes - the heart will become like an eye, you will see the world to another, surrounding us. Give up your personal claims - approval will follow at the same hour.

I don’t have a boyfriend because I have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwho I need, but I have no idea on which planet to look for him.

If the day has passed, do not remember about it, do not groan in fear before the day to come, do not grieve about the future and the past, know the price of today's happiness! (Omar Khayyam)

There are people to whom you want to approach and say, "Lower your self-esteem, you don't correspond."

Wherever you are, whoever you become, do not dishonor those who raised you.

I respect justified criticism, but not the idle talk that people who are deprived or offended by something in this life carry

You just can't imagine to what extent I don't need anyone but you ...

He hugs, and you feel how you start to go crazy with happiness!

Only one thing makes the fulfillment of a dream impossible - it is the fear of failure!

Childhood does not go away. It is we who leave him when we try to build such adults and tough ones out of ourselves.

Sometimes it is so important to just support a person, just like that, from the heart, so that he does not break from pain ...

One word can change your decision, one feeling can change your life ... One person can change you.

Only children know what they want. They eat with their hands because it's so much fun. They paint on the wallpaper, making their room special. They don't want to be like everyone else. They do the most difficult thing - they remain themselves.

Sincere love can always be recognized by how much a person becomes better, kinder and brighter from it.

Don't cling to the past, don't live on resentment. Remember
good, do not envy anyone. Take everything that heaven has sent you for granted. Everything that has been done is for the better, no matter how difficult it is for you ...

Trust is like paper: just doubt it once, and it will never be the same again. So try to be trustworthy and never let others down.

If you miss a person, no matter how long you have known each other, then he has already become dear to you ...

The secret of success in life is to communicate with those who are better, to fight with those who are stronger, to love someone who cannot be, not to die where others die, to laugh at life when it laughs at you ...

There are people who, through offending others, raise their self-esteem. In the life of such people, as a rule, nothing interesting happens, they are deeply unhappy and lonely. You want to feel sorry for such people, because those whom they humiliate are usually beautiful, successful and happy.

In our life we \u200b\u200bwant to achieve a lot, to do a lot of things, but we do not always understand that when we are constantly chasing something, we do not live in the present, for us there are only imaginary periods of time. The future has not yet arrived, the past is no longer there, and the present is being carried past us. It is worth stopping and thinking: do we live our own life and how to start living with your mind and for your pleasure.

We ourselves miss the best moments of life, lost in thoughts in the past and the future. And then we still complain. Let's be clear: only the present tense is really significant placeto live in the here and now. It is NOW that you can find what you are looking for.

Consider whether it matters what other people say about you, what their opinion is about your personal life, because the binding advice on its arrangement: how to live, where and by whom to work - will not make you happy. There is only one the right way out: you must and can make decisions on your own and live your life- after all, you know better what your happy life should be

Perhaps the time has come to change something in your worldview, and don't you think so?

It is important to understand that life follows in the right direction, where the last word remains exactly for you, and not for someone else, you must first of all listen to yourself. At the same time, you should not neglect the advice of knowledgeable and experienced people in difficult situations. It is imperative to learn from the mistakes of others, because stepping on your rake is much more painful. You can take into account the good and useful tips... Learn to distinguish the benefits for yourself from good advice and the bad influence from the imposition of someone else's opinion.

The pursuit should only be for "your" dream

Each of us has a dream and more than one, and everyone strives for it. At the same time, one must ask the question, is this really your dream, and is it not someone else's? Indeed, very often people fulfill the dreams of their parents, brothers, sisters, and even friends. And then throughout their lives they suffer and suffer, for example, from the wrongly chosen profession in life, when you need to come to work with a heavy heart and constantly force yourself.

There is an interesting practice of dividing needs into yours and others, quite simple at the level little child: exercise "why?" - I don't know the scientific term. Thanks to her, just asking myself the questions "why do I want this?" and "why do I need this?" you can get to the bottom of the source of any of your or imposed aspirations. Read more in the article:

  • How to distinguish your desires from those imposed - exercise "why?"

Many of us, sometimes, cannot find or understand what their dream is, for such people only in old age can illumination come. To prevent this from happening, you must definitely look for yourself, take small steps towards understanding and start with the little things. You can start doing something that you like, with your favorite hobby, for example, just spend a little time on it several times a week. Let's say you can draw and you like it, so why not do what you love and spend just a couple of hours to become happier. Gradually, your life will become filled with meaning, and.

Make sure to strive exactly for your dream, and not for someone else's desires imposed from the outside!

Pursuit of stability or fear of change

We all want stability in life, to have a family, an apartment, a car, a job, etc. In addition to stability, there is also reliability, security, but this is not always what you need in life. Fear of change may be hidden behind stability... It is very unpleasant to realize that for many years you have lived with an unloved person, and made such a choice yourself, being afraid of loneliness. Or a job that was feared for a long time change, took a lot of strength and health.

Everyone has their own purpose in life, and most do not realize this, because often we strive to correspond to someone else's ideas of what we should be. Think about whether you want to live like this and eventually admit that somewhere you have not risked and have not changed your life for a more interesting and better present and future. Maybe it makes sense to quit and start traveling, or maybe, on the contrary, return from the peak of downshift and throw all your talent, for example, into science.

In our case, the choice made in favor of independent travel in our country and in Asia remains, therefore, for possible like-minded people, we want to offer a couple of tips:

Behind the apparent stability is often the fear of change, which makes it difficult to do important steps to life for pleasure

Pursuit of money or material values

We live in a society where everything is bought and sold for money, without which we would not be able to comfortably exist. But let's talk, we learned from TV series that the rich also cry, and often do not find their happiness in money or expensive things... Many of us only think that we will be happy if we live in big house, wear branded clothingwill have a new car.

Big money is always a big challenge to keep them and the danger of losing them. True little money or their complete absence - the problem is no less. Think that we become happier not when we spend money on the purchase of a specific item (voucher, theater ticket, TV), but on satisfying our desires, for example: unforgettable experience from traveling all over the world, bright emotions from going to the theater or, simply, the joy of purchasing a new TV.

Set the right goal and strive for it, remember that money cannot be a goal, they are only a means to achieve it, do not be lazy to read the article:

Go to your dream or goal, and you will not be left without a livelihood. If you only chase after money, you will lose your dream and end up being devastated. Be easier about money, do what you love in life, work on interesting projects. And spend money with pleasure, not only on yourself, but also on loved ones and friends, do it with ease in your soul, and you will be in good mood everyday.

Money is just a means to an end, treat it easier, because there are many ways to achieve goals

Enjoy your work

The work in your life should not be a hard, never-ending test, the more you stay at work, the more you are nervous, work without vacations, the less health you will have.

Scientific research shows that an employee who comes from a vacation is much more productive than someone who has not seen this vacation in many years. A rested person begins to work with renewed vigor, with fresh eyes, he is able to get more done in less time. Take a step towards the changes and find something to do for your liking, change your boring job for a more interesting one. After all, nothing is impossible in our life, and we ourselves set obstacles to ourselves, when in fact we can conquer any peaks. And the work you love can be enjoyable.

Many believe that it is not easy to go to work on the Internet, and only a few can do that. We are now preparing a whole cycle of stories and suggestions on the topic of remote work, but for now I recommend reading an article about making money online:

Find something you like, stop WORKING and start WORKING for your pleasure

Pursuit of external beauty and youth

There is a lot of pressure now coming from the media about beautiful appearance different celebrities who have made a large number of plastic surgeries, so as not to smooth wrinkles for a long time, or to enlarge the breasts, or to make expressive eyes... But there are no guarantees that you will preserve your health and will not lose it.

Chasing beauty in a natural way, namely; , be in balance with your inner peace - is this not the norm? When a person has found his purpose, is engaged in a favorite and interesting business for him, does not forget about health and travel, then such a person will simply shine from within. None of us will ever become old enough to stop dreaming, set new goals and realize them, you just need to believe in yourself.

If you still have a few extra pounds on your sides, then I recommend the following series of articles on losing weight and working with the "body flex" method:

Watch your health, but don't go too far, just devote some time to exercise and nutrition

You don't need to prove anything to anyone

Always remember that you do not need to prove anything to anyone. If the people around you cannot accept your world as you created it, then it is time to move on. You live your life and build it the way you want it. Many people only being on their deathbed understand that they had to listen to their true feelings and boldly live by them, and not chase someone's opinion about yourself.

You need to learn to distinguish the difference, and be wary of those people who are trying to control you, who can make you feel guilty without guilt, or make you doubt yourself. People like vampires consume inner strength, bring a feeling of emptiness from communicating with them. They press on pity, on honor, on your promises, while manipulating you.

It is important to realize now that you do not owe anything to anyone, only yourself.

People and relationships with them

We all have friends and acquaintances, and we know that we can share our innermost secrets with only a few people we trust very much. People who are moving away from you, you must learn not to hold back, because all those who want to communicate will stay and will be there. It is important to realize, however, that not all relationships are healthy.

For communication, choose people who can always listen, whom you can trust, with whom you can be yourself. And in, which sometimes are a couple of old bores you long years considered friends. Remember the law of a can of crabs, when those who remain below hold those who want to get out - it works even more effectively with people. Don't be afraid to run away from the crab people

Do not hold on to old connections - your loved ones should not drag you to the bottom,

Where to look for your love

Love is the feeling that inspires us, colors life in bright colors... It should be mutual. If this is not the case and you are constantly fighting for someone's attention, you may end up injuring yourself. You need to let go of this attitude, then true love will knock on your door herself. To draw your attention to yourself, to accept yourself as you are, to occupy your mind interesting things and discoveries. Find a hobby that you like and expand your circle of contacts, where you can find like-minded people, acquaintances, friends and your love. For example, sign up for a contemporary art class or join a group on a hike. This will increase your chances of meeting interesting people and meet your soul mate among them.

Love is a great driving force, but do not chase after it, it will find you itself as soon as you let go of the situation.

8 easy steps to a happy life

Let's summarize all that has been said, what should you do or not do so as not to depend on the opinions of strangers, to start living your own and at the same time a happy life:

  • Stick to your dream, and not the one that was imposed on you, look for it, fulfill it and enjoy. Remember that it is never too late to dream and search for your goal.
  • Do not be afraid of changes, they are only for the better, they will make your life more interesting and rewarding and you will never regret what you did not do.
  • Money is not an end, but only a means. Go to your dream and you will not be left without a livelihood.
  • The work should be interesting and if it is not, then there is nothing impossible to change and fix.
  • Beauty should be natural, say plastic surgery no, or by old age there will be not a face, but a mask. Keep your health in mind first.
  • Remember that in this life you do not need to prove anything to anyone.
  • The relationship with the people around you should be without any vampirism. You need to keep in touch only with those with whom you are really comfortable and with whom you can be yourself.
  • If you have not yet met your soul mate, or are chasing unrequited attention, then let go of everything, find a new hobby where you can meet new people of interest, and you will not notice how love will find you on its own.

Create your life, which you will love now, today, with your own hands, and live in the present tense. Just see how beautiful and diverse the world is and how many interesting places are waiting to welcome you.

Be sure to tell your friends about us


    Speak so easily. Change your job. As if they are waiting for you everywhere and taking you. You have to work where you can, and of course strive for the best. But not everyone works at the job they would like, simply because they do not want to take them there.

    1. This is fundamentally wrong and decadent aspiration. Specialists are expected at any job. Moreover a good specialist sooner or later they offer leadership positions. But for this you need to truly love and appreciate your work. And if you are not doing what you love, then all the work comes out of the bar. Therefore, it is extremely important to decide what you want to do. For example, at one time I rushed between the manager and system administrator, but in the end, the passion for computers overcame. And now my skills allow me to do my hobby as well - this blog. Where Nastya and I are trying to show by our example that you can live a little differently.

      And by the way, when they don't want to take it and they drive it through the door, you just need to climb out the window, as I was taught at one of the interviews - though I never got a job there. But experience gained

    1. In fact, there is also the problem of children who are also afraid of offending their parents or not justifying their trust, friends and others and others. As a result, the life of a highly moral person comes down to a heap of restrictions and not a desire to offend someone. But it takes a little more friend trust a friend and let go

      1. I hoped that in the future my sister would take care of the elderly mother (my mother is now 78 and she lives separately and is coping with everything herself), but my sister was diagnosed with breast cancer, an operation is coming soon and I do not know her chances.
        I plan to move abroad for permanent residence, i.e. it turns out that I actually leave my mother alone at that age. Mom will definitely not go anywhere with me and I don't know who could look after her. I feel remorse, but I really want to live my life. I would like to hear your opinion on how you would act in this situation.
        P.S. Mom's apartment is registered in the name of her sister

        1. Good day.
          YES the question is not very simple. On the one hand you can't quit elderly parents, and I have many acquaintances with similar thoughts. On the other hand, you can devote your whole life to your family and carry it like an eternal cross, but in my opinion there is not much dignity in this. Devote yourself to someone wholeheartedly, you can only have sincere desire, and if somewhere there are looming dreams about abroad, and as soon as the question of choice arises at all, then serving the mother will not bring anything good. You will just start to fade slowly while getting angry at a loved one - this will not make anyone feel good. Your life is, first of all, your dream, and it is your parents who desired and wish you yourself better fate... In doing so, feeling that she is on the way to your dream, your mother may also start to wither.

          Any true mother, wants good for her child and is ready for any unrequited sacrifices - this is a feature of motherhood. To wish for happiness without asking for anything in return is what it is true love... Of course, many of us were told reproachfully that “you can't even give water in old age,” but such words are obtained only thanks to the desire to educate a decent person. If you have a question to go or not, then you are a decent person.

          I repeat, your situation is not very simple, but you shouldn't give up and ruin your dream - so that later you don't have to regret everything you haven't done. Do you want to do the most right and good? Live and be happy, let your mother see that everything is fine with you, share your joy with her. Come to visit her from abroad, communicate on the network - the good is now technology allows. When your mother needs help, get a nurse to go out and help every day. If it is very difficult to take her to you, not now, but in the future, when she really needs your support. Believe me, knowing that your life is successful and seeing your success, your mother will be able to be with you much longer and rejoice with you.

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Wise is not the one who knows a lot, but the one who understands a lot. After all, one can know without understanding, but it is impossible to understand without knowing.

God has no better dwelling place on earth than a pure soul.

Why keep running unpleasant thoughts over and over again

when can you just get them out of your head?

This cycle will teach us to be honest with ourselves and others, understanding where our area of \u200b\u200bresponsibility is and where is someone else's. The realization that if someone is to blame for what happened, then the problem will not be solved.

Several strategies are possible:

1. Find the culprit and hang all the dogs on him, even if he is not guilty, and consider himself a victim of circumstances.

2. Hard to go over the heads, for the sake of achieving their goals, do not take into account the interests of others.

3. Find common interests from by different people and together to achieve what you want.

4. Good time to get rid of negative programs subconscious. Can be applied different techniques clearing away negative beliefs... But it is important to do something, not to stand still, just picking yourself up will not help.

An old Indian tells his grandson:

There is a struggle going on inside each person, very similar to the struggle between two wolves. One wolf represents evil - envy, jealousy, selfishness, ambition, lies .. Another wolf represents good - peace, love, hope, truth, kindness, loyalty ..

The little Indian thought for a few moments, and then asked:

Which wolf wins?

The old Indian smiled.

The wolf you feed always wins.

If you hurry, you will make people laugh. There is a risk of getting into a stupid situation I want to get quick result, but it is not always justified. It is important to be consistent in your actions and not violate the technology, otherwise you can make an offensive mistake that will ruin the whole business. A situation is likely that the contracts do not stipulate all the details, they are trying to snatch the best on the sly, perhaps the partner will not notice. As a result, you can ruin a good business because of greed and dishonesty. It's a good time to design tables and structure information, it is good to get rid of unnecessary things. Or vice versa, if you give yourself free rein, you can also litter the resource very quickly.

Personal boundaries are under attack, the seizure of foreign territories is flourishing. At the same time, you may not have the strength to use all this, but you really want to consider yourself the ruler of huge possessions. The main rule: we are responsible for those whom we have tamed, therefore it is not advisable to take more than we can take care of. We calculate our strengths and capabilities. You should not wear other people's masks and play other people's roles. It is better to honestly admit there is a problem than to pretend that everything is calm.

On the one hand, daydreaming, wonderful ideas may come that are worth implementing. But first you need to think over and analyze everything well, and then build serious objects. May come to us unique information, first we make room for her, and only after that we do something. Better not to hesitate, we must act, stagnation leads to serious mistakes. Moderate loads are good, without them there is no movement, when the movement stops, much becomes invisible, forgotten. We try to keep up with everything everywhere, without getting hung up on one thing.

Possible strong bindings to people whom we consider to be close friends and partners, and they in fact are not. We open our souls for them, and they hurt us with their inattention. It is important for us to be honest with ourselves and with them. be able to honestly articulate your discontent with them and change your relationship. We remove them from ourselves at a comfortable distance. It is important for us to find our place and our circle and build relationships so that we are comfortable in them and people are pleased. Friendship is friendship, but money apart.

We may feel extremely uncomfortable with the choice that seems to us, it is difficult to decide which direction to go. It’s scary to be alone, a lot can seem strange, and we can feel like no one is needed. The situation is changing and we have to show ourselves in a new quality, and we do not feel like professionals in this. Where we seemed indispensable, the need for us disappeared, and new skills are required, and this is difficult. There is a tendency to hover in uncertainty. Remember that there is no turning back, you only have to go forward.

It is important for us to learn to negotiate with people on mutually beneficial terms, so that everyone is happy and comfortable. We may receive unique information that needs to be used for its intended purpose, and not put on the back burner. We can feel that we are not needed by anyone, only from the fact that we are not given as much attention as we expect. But at the same time, we ourselves can be carried away by something and not take care of loved ones to the extent that we did it before. Therefore, we try to be more attentive to our loved ones so that they feel our love.

We may be somewhat surprised by the strange turn of events and one may get the impression that it has turned upside down and we are lost, we do not know what to do with it. We try to find original solutions, but we do not run away from ourselves. There may be a warlike mood, we defend our interests, but we do not run into a fight.

Good luck to us!

Morning ... this is a small beginning ... every person, and not only a person, but the world as a whole is given a certain amount of their sunrises. You need to be able to appreciate it ...

Whenever you're angry or upset,

it means you still have a lot to learn.

Live in the center of your life, not on the sidelines of someone else's.

You can contact me: mail [email protected] and [email protected]

My phone: +7 903 092 61 42

Who hasn't dreamed of traveling? Probably, there are no such people or there are very few of them. The opportunity to see the world with your own eyes is a tempting prospect! Interesting places, people and new experiences attract us, because life becomes clearer from this. Indeed, when a person finds himself in different, absolutely non-standard situations, it is easy to determine "what test he is made of."

Vladimir Alexandrovich Peresedov is from Ryazan. He started traveling in 2001 and could not stop - it became his way of life. To date, Vladimir has already visited 51 states by hitchhiking, including the CIS countries, Africa, Asia and Europe, as well as many cities in Russia.

Vladimir Peresedov is a programmer by education and from time to time creates websites. He is not afraid of work, especially considering that almost 11 months a year he travels around different countries a world where, of course, the lazy have nothing to do. “You never know what will come in handy,” says the Russian traveler, so he mastered such specialties as a massage therapist, hairdresser, and image maker. He can even weave something out of beads to sell to some foreigner. But Vladimir has especially rich experience in the field of construction.

Vdadimir Peresedov talks about economical, extreme and generally about travel.

Vladimir, how much money do you take with you on your trip?

It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously, since there may be completely different amounts. It depends on what goals the person has and what time the trip is planned, but you can travel very economically. For example, one of my trips took about six months, I traveled 15 countries and spent 1,500 dollars (about 45,000 rubles). I would spend more if I was at home.

You have a slogan: "Live in the center of your life, and not on the side of someone else's." Expand this expression.

Strive to see and feel as much as possible, communicate with interesting people, and self-develop. Many people copy someone else's lifestyle, for example, by watching TV shows. Such a pastime can hardly be called a free life. Personally, I cannot stay at home for long.

And what is life for you personally?

Learning something new. New books, people, music, communication, emotions.

Do you read a lot and what exactly?

I read very quickly, so a lot. It can be light literature, fantasy, philosophy. I don't reread the classics - what I read at school is enough for me.

In one of social networks You wrote that from childhood you read books about great travelers, and this greatly influenced the fact that you yourself began to travel. Name the authors and titles of those books that impressed me greatly.

- "Children of Captain Grant" by Jules Verne, "In the Wilds of Borneo" by Mine Reed and many of his other books. I like reading about adventurous travel.

Let's move from mental food to physical food. What cuisine do you like best?

Hard to say. I will give preference to spicy dishes, but I'm not picky. I disconnect from different thoughts when I eat. They say to me: "You eat so tasty, I also wanted to." And with me a person can eat something that he would never eat at home, for example, buckwheat with pasta, stewed meat and condensed milk (laughing).

Tell us about extreme adventures.

There were many of them. For example, in Afghanistan there was a dangerous situation when my partner went to jail and spent 2 months in Zindan because he lost his passport and made a bad joke with the police. And so Afghanistan is very good country and I would like to return there again.

Should a girl hitchhike alone?

Not. I know of many unfortunate experiences with female hitchhiking.

Which country is most similar to Russia?

Serbia, I felt at home there.

What are your wishes for those who want to travel but cannot decide?

You need to try once, then it will be difficult to stop.

When a person gives freedom to his dream, life gains real destinyfull of adventure stories!

On August 10, 2016, Vladimir Peresedov ended up in a hospital in Gorno-Altaisk. The condition was grave. Now Vladimir is feeling better, he is in the Ufa hospital No. 6.

In the mountains in the Altai Republic, a group of 8 tourists fell under a rockfall. This happened on 7 August. One girl died.

Hello my friends!

Today's article will answer the question I was asked. The question is wonderful and very correct. Here it is.

“Many who are engaged in self-development issues fall into a trap. They live more in dreams, live in an ideal world, and most importantly, they are always preparing to live, and not living here and now. How not to zombie? "

Let's figure it out.

If you analyze what people think about, it becomes clear that only very, very few live in a state of "here and now." All others live either in the past or in the future. I say "live" because it is a person's thoughts that determine where he is in this momentwhere the focus of his attention is directed. You probably noticed behind yourself that it is worth thinking about something (for example, remembering something from the past and starting to relive that moment again, especially if the experiences are supported by emotions), you seem to fall out of reality - you are there, in the experienced moment. There are your thoughts, your emotions. And here it seems that only physical shell, by inertia doing something. This is how most people live in this “not here” regime.

There are those who dwell on the past. Basically, it doesn't even matter what kind of memories a person has - negative or good. He goes into them and lives there, in the one past life... Surely you know such stories - a person had great love, the world seemed like a fairy tale and wings grew behind his back. It was a time of happiness and euphoria. Then love passed (no matter how, the main thing is that this particular period of life is over). Compared to what it was usual life seems to a person gray and joyless. Well, this is natural - the contrast is too strong. After such an enchanting heat of feelings and emotions, the current state is felt as emptiness and complete joylessness. I really want to return to its former state, when the world sparkled and shone. And the person begins to live with his memories. His present life might be pretty good - interesting job, the attention of new contenders to his heart, etc. But he no longer notices any of this, he is all THERE, in his beautiful memories. A person seems to be falling into a dream, he is in dreams, not noticing nothing around. There are people who live like this for years. There are those who live like this all their lives. It turns out that these people deny themselves the opportunity to have more and more such moments in their reality. Obsessing over one moment of their life, they see neither new opportunities that appear in reality, nor. It turns out that with this approach, you seem to say: "The best thing I HAVE ALREADY HAS BEEN." This means that you program your life like this - "It won't be better than then." And it will not, the Universe always absolutely exactly fulfills any order that you give it.

If you dwell on something that was in the past, it doesn't bring you anything good either. Negativeness by itself cannot give anything good. And then there is the departure from reality to the past, and even being in a constantly depressed or irritated state due to bad memories… In general, you won't wish it on anyone.

The other extreme is life in the future. Dreams, plans, fantasies on the topic “How will it's great when ... "Yes, indeed, this mistake is made by many who begin (and not only begin, but continue :)) to practice personal growth etc. I'm not an exception. I also had a period when I was completely lost in thought about what will happen someday. This went on for some time, until one fine moment I realized that I was NOT LIVING. I pass through myself the worldlike water through a sieve, not lingering on anything, not seeing, not feeling. I’m all already far ahead and I’m just hurrying up the time "Hurry, sooner that" beautiful far away "would come!" I remember that moment of realization when it suddenly dawned on me that, in fact, life was passing me by! I am getting ready to rejoice at what will happen sometime "then", as if I decided that I would start living when everything is fulfilled, and now I am just in standby mode. At that moment I "woke up". It really feels like waking up from a dream when suddenly you start full program feel surrounding reality and you understand that the world is beautiful, that not to perceive this is all that is around, this is the greatest stupidity and simply robbing oneself.

So, here we come to the most important thing. What do you need in order not to go into dreams, not to prepare for life, but to live here and now, and at the same time, work on your goals and desires, engage in visualization, imagining pictures of your realized Goal. We need AWARENESS. What is mindfulness? And this is exactly the state when you "wake up" and clearly realize YOURSELF here and now.

Try it now. Say that you already understand who you are and where you are? What do you think, do you realize? WHY do you think about it? Not why, but why. You know that it is our thoughts that determine what we have in our reality. And being in a state of awareness, this also means constantly keeping the focus of your attention on what you are thinking about and what these thoughts can lead you to.

The overwhelming majority of people live in just that state of "waking sleep" when thoughts are not paid attention to.

A person who lives with awareness is in control of his thoughts. In particular, he does not allow negative thoughts in them, knowing full well what consequences negative thoughts can have on his life.

In a state of awareness, you can pursue your Goals. At the same time, you are perfectly aware of why you are doing this, to what result you want to come with the help of this. Hopefully the difference between uncontrollable daydreaming out of reality and deliberate work over the creation of the image Are the goals clear? Visualizing the Goal, presenting ourselves in this picture, we continue to be aware of ourselves here and now, we do not become “just a shell” in which the mind has fled somewhere far, far away. We understand that we are taking actions aimed at realizing the Goal, we understand why we need it.

And, of course, if a person lives consciously, he tracks everything that happens with him in reality, here and now. Naturally, this gives him the opportunity to see, hear, feel all the shades and nuances of the world around him, and, as a result, get more pleasure from all this! (Tell me, when was the last time you enjoyed a picture of a sunset? Didn't catch a glimpse, gasping "Beauty!" fresh baked goods? And all this is in your world, only few people NOTICE it all. People look, but do not SEE). But that is not all. Awareness makes it possible to notice in time, see changes in your reality, indicating that your world has begun to move towards your Goal. This is very, very important!

This is exactly the same WORK to shape your reality, which has nothing to do with aimless dreams and withdrawal into the world of your dreams. The person who chose for himself conscious life, will never "zombie". He is not preparing to live, he lives here and now, while controlling his thoughts, and therefore controlling his life.

But I really like this state. Compared to driving a car, this is the state of the driver, not the passenger. You choose the destination yourself, you take all the responsibility yourself. But you go exactly where you want, and not where you are "taken"! :))

Don't let life pass you by. Going towards your Goal, try to get maximum pleasure from this journey! :))

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