Why is it so hard to work in a women's team. Cruel games or rules of survival in a women's team. Why is it more difficult to work in a women's team?

If you specify “women's team” in the search line, the global network will explode with answers in a single vein: “How to survive in a women's team”, “Rules of Survival”. As if you are not going to cute creatures, but alone you are jumping over the Gobi Desert.

However, there is some truth in the word "survive". Ladies who have worked in mixed or pure female version reluctantly agree. Because it won’t be boring, but it’s still “fun”, because everyone knows what girls are worth, and when there are a lot of them, the striking force is equated to an explosion. How to increase the pleasant and negate the negative, working among your own kind?

Psychology of relationships at work in a women's team

There is nothing more poisonous in the world than a female friendly team...

“I tell him…”

People go to work to earn money and, if they're lucky, for self-realization. Women, on the other hand, need a job to communicate, perhaps, this is more important than a salary. Get used to the fact that the chatter of colleagues will be the background. Don't be annoyed that every day starts and ends with a discussion of discounts, styles, TV shows, children and husbands. The workflow definitely suffers, plus the “psyche is undermined”, especially if you are an inveterate silence - but no one can forbid conversations.

Try to minimize your participation in conversations - just because their topics (and your opinion) become the property of superiors and colleagues. It’s not a fact that your constructive thoughts will reach them in their original harmlessness, most likely, “ kind women»Change them into gossip. And welcome, disassembly, quarrels, a reciprocal wave of gossip addressed to you. In order not to drown in gossip, keep quiet when the topics seem sharp, concern management and colleagues - keep neutrality or run away "on business".

"You and me"

The immutable rule is - no friendship at work! Women who have not violated it can be counted on the fingers: give everyone a friend to go to dinner together and make friends against the rest of the shrews. And everything would be fine if it were not for quarrels that still happen. Having quarreled, the ladies pout, as a result, the work process suffers. Along the way, the offended side is looking for new allies, telling how nasty the former girlfriend turned out to be. And here he is new round gossip and confrontation. Try not to test the old truth on yourself - do not make friends at work.

"I'm all so sudden"

If you graphically depict the mood of a woman, you get a sinusoid with an impressive scope - either up or down. top and bottom point ladies pass at least once an hour - and so the whole day. And you never know what period a colleague is in now - minus or positive. Do this: observe your colleagues, notice signs of how Have a good mood and the coming storm. Depending on the sinusoid, do not climb under hot hand or, conversely, ask for whatever you want, while a colleague is in a good mood.

“We have such an order”

In any team there are rules - both good and not so good. good rules: donate money to each other for a birthday present, support the weak, help and replace, do not wash dirty linen in public. The rules are so-so: to revere and fawn over the self-proclaimed queens, to persecute the “stumblers”, to inform. Even if you are a rebel at heart, you will have to dance with everyone in step - fortunately, in moderation. Do not shy away from gatherings with tea and cake, congratulate the birthday girls from the bottom of your heart, turn your shoulder when they sincerely ask for a service. But it is not necessary to participate in the Sabbaths, do not do what you think is bad. At the same time, be prepared to answer for your “otherness”: they will surely punish you with gossip, but this can be overcome.

"Happiness loves silence"

They don't like braggarts anywhere, and especially in women's groups. Here the law is in full force: "The protruding head of the nail attracts the hammer to itself." In general, you will “stick out” - you will grab a hat. In the circle of beautiful fairies, it is undesirable to be clever, to tell what a wonderful husband you have, how your beloved pampers, what they gave caring parents where invited funny friends... Tell about something from the list - and you will see strained smiles. Colleagues will filter through their teeth “how cool”, and behind their backs they will uncover the main thing women's weapons- language. Envy pushes people to do ugly things, but in their own eyes they look like fighters for equality. Keep quiet, do not advertise your personal life, wealth and achievements. And yet there is no guarantee that you will pass the popular wrath.

"I am"

No matter how careful you are, sooner or later there will be a skirmish - you will be provoked, unfairly accused, openly “applied”. What to do - remain silent or allow yourself to be drawn into the conflict? How are things at work? The rule: "The one who does not play does not lose" does not work here - you have already been drawn in. To prove her case by appealing to conscience will not work: the aggressor knows she is wrong, but she does not care. Nothing can be explained to someone who does not want to listen.

  • First, do not take rudeness and rudeness only as a reproach to yourself. Most of what is being said at this moment is an absolute lie, said for the “red word”: knock it down, then we’ll figure it out. Therefore, it is not necessary to pay attention to this, but the rest of what has been said is still true. And although it’s a shame that it was said in a monstrous form, it’s worth thinking about it: you need to improve! This cry is a guide to action, only deliberate: first you need to comprehend what is true, what you really need to change, and then start acting.
  • Secondly, if possible, it is better to ignore the boor. He yells, says nasty things, and you turned your back on him and go about your business (or rather, you pretend, because emotions are boiling furiously inside you). It is very good at this moment to quietly, but clearly turn to another person with any request or offer. Of course, this option is not applicable if the boor and rude person is your boss.
  • Thirdly, when you are being rude, you should not try to prove something to someone: no one will hear you anyway. It's hard, but you have to learn. If you are stoically silent at the time of the manifestation of outright rudeness towards you, the wave of rudeness will simply choke. By the way, if a rude person reproaches you: “Why are you silent? Don't know what to say? Lower your eyes, shrug your shoulders slightly, and say softly, "I'm sorry." Believe me, the new burst of rudeness that follows will be much shorter. But in no case do not start explaining and making excuses when they yell at you, when they are rude to you.

When your boss or colleague, or anyone else, begins to reproach you for being a bad worker, partner, housewife, mother, daughter ... you just need to listen without trying to defend yourself, this will only inflame the “attacker” even more. Be silent, sing a song to yourself, recite a poem, count to a thousand and back. Look at the tip of the nose of the “attacker”: it seems that you are looking into his eyes.

  • Fourthly, when the flow of rudeness is exhausted, when the rude person is tired, you, even if it seems impossible, must, overpowering yourself, say: “ Thanks a lot! I understood your arguments, they seemed interesting and convincing to me! But from now on, you shouldn't talk to me like that! I am able to hear and understand the usual speech for decent people! Yes, I advise you to contact a specialist: not everything you said was pronounced clearly and legibly! Turn around and leave. Let yourself yell further! Her strength, her time… You listened, answered politely, but said everything you think! By the way, they didn’t even call him a boor. But they could!

Both small and large rudeness must be responded to correctly. It is pointless to be offended: you will not correct anyone by this, but nervous system spoil yourself, but you need to tell the boor that he is a boor, just do it in a very polite way: do not let yourself break into a cry. Shouting, rudeness, rudeness - a manifestation of weakness. But you Strong woman.

Modern people spend a significant part of their free time at work, so great importance factors such as job satisfaction and wealth that come from this work. In addition, it plays huge role the team that surrounds you, because a society of friendly people contributes to the quality performance of job duties. You don’t need to go far for an example, because in almost any office, the workflow with graphs, numbers and balances is accompanied by tea drinking and gossip.

The disadvantage of such an atmosphere is the conflicts that arise on the basis of gossip, after which the employees quit or go on the defensive. In the women's team, such shortcomings are reflected most of all, therefore, recommendations from psychologists have been developed specifically for it, which help to continue working in it.

To survive and move up the corporate ladder, you need to remember to tune in to the result. If you care about work productivity, self-improvement and professional development, then concentrate on this, and not on surviving in the snake ball that you have fallen into.

Behavior strategy

First of all, consider a strategy of behavior, but since in a women's team you won’t be able to please everyone at once, then think first of all about your own comfort. It is worth preparing in advance for the fact that you will have to take part in gossip, ask questions and answer the questions of others, because your employees are interested in many things, both related to you and abstract. A well-thought-out position will help to avoid mistakes, because even those who are not related to work will be condemned and criticized.

Also, do not talk too much about your personal life, moreover, the more successful it is, the more personal achievements you have, the less it is worth telling about it, especially to less successful colleagues. It is also worth remembering that all colleagues should be given approximately equal attention and no one should be singled out.

It’s better not to draw attention to yourself by dressing brightly and speaking out actively, and you shouldn’t express your opinion too strongly, it’s better to stay within the golden mean. If you look bright or, conversely, gray, you can equally well cause negativity to yourself, because envy and condemnation are equally unpleasant. When you first came to new team, listen more and talk less, take your time with the manifestation of individuality.

Gossip and redistribution of power

It is common for women's groups to drink tea together, mainly due to the fact that after this new gossip may appear. Therefore, newcomers should be very careful at this time so as not to become a victim of gossip. Do not forget that the main gossips are often the most, at first glance, friendly colleagues, they show their location to the newcomers, and then discuss them behind their backs. Therefore, even with well-wishers, you should not talk too much about yourself or your views on management, salary, talk about your ambitions.

Often, the women's team is divided into components, each of which can try to include a newcomer into its ranks. In such a situation, it is better not to succumb to persuasion and not make hasty decisions. It would be ideal to remain neutral and not participate in the redistribution of power.

When starting to work in a women's team, it is worth remembering that you came there to work, and not to build relationships with colleagues. Therefore, it is at work that you should focus your attention, because promotions will help you gain knowledge and experience, and not friends and gossip.

It is worth treating everyone with respect, addressing colleagues by name and patronymic. You should not get close to colleagues, that is, it’s better for men not to start novels at work, of course, maybe that’s where you will find your destiny, you should always keep your attention and intelligibility, and women shouldn’t expect to find best friend, after all female friendship in such a team is likely to be one-sided and short-lived.

If you have become a victim of gossip, it is better to remain indifferent, show that you are indifferent to gossip about you, show intelligence and good breeding.

Remember that the best strategy is to be calm, confident and unconcerned.

This is a special structure, I wrote earlier. It is very difficult to organize fruitful work in a place where constant competition reigns. We women are always skeptical of other members of the fair sex. female sex, as well as male, a sense of rivalry is inherent. In principle, there is no ideal, friendly team in the world. Someone is closer to us for one reason or another, with someone we start true friendship, well, with some people, even years later, we can’t, and don’t want to talk. Unfortunately, it happens that it is with such people that we have to work.

In life there are different situations. For example, you have to change jobs and get used to a new team. It is very important to take your place in the women's team, because if you fail in this matter, then believe neither your a good education, nor the quality of the performance of duties will not help to keep the job.

Survive in a women's team not easy, but possible.

To get started, choose your wardrobe responsibly. Women always evaluate each other's appearance, and in the women's team everyone will immediately want to find flaws in you. Therefore, on the first working day, you need to dress stylishly, but not defiantly. It will be appropriate an expensive dress, which will look modest, it should be in a pleasant color, your shoes and bag should be in good condition. minimum decorations, natural makeup, fresh manicure and nice hairstyle. You must like yourself.

After the first impression is made, you need to carefully monitor your behavior and follow certain rules.

First of all, bite your tongue and don't gossip. You still do not know how this collective lives, what morals it has. A carelessly spoken word can ruin your image forever. Therefore, at first, listen and remember.

Women's team cannot live without intrigue. Therefore, at first, stay away from scandals. Do not take sides, because you do not even really know the essence of the conflict. Don't get involved.

Don't be rude and don't be rude. A situation may arise that one of your colleagues will find in you a person to whom you can tell everything. Being distracted with idle chatter all day long can be annoying. But do not break loose, otherwise the non-silent talker will instantly spread negative information about you. Just avoid such people, but if you can’t hide, then at first you can suffer a little.

Praise your colleagues. Women love compliments, so they are always pleased to hear wonderful speeches. But don't overdo it. Compliments should be on point. For good, fast, high-quality work. And about appearance colleagues, it is better not to say anything. Otherwise, the reputation of a sucker may be fixed.

Be open and communicative. Closed people are repulsive, especially when you don’t know anything about them. You are a beginner so get ready for increased attention from colleagues. Willingly answer all questions, but do not forget to be interested in the life of the interlocutor.

If the boss is a man, don't flirt with him. Forget about it. Else chance survive in a women's group you won't have any. He is the property of the team, and each of the employees, and you are new and automatically become a competitor.

Try to carefully fulfill your duties so that there is nothing to complain about. But do not be cowardly about each task, otherwise you will be an upstart.

To survive in a women's group be yourself: confident, purposeful, well-groomed. The weak we feel and ignore, but the strong we hate. Let your strength manifest itself later, when you will already be your own in the women's team.

Women are hard to please. We always complain that men don't understand us. We are offended when we are prejudiced, for example, believing that a woman does not know how to drive a car, work, or think. But let's face it, in some situations the guys are right, the fair sex is not so perfect, and men sometimes don't even know how insidious we can be. Especially if there are many of us.

For a man, there is probably nothing more terrible than working in women's team. And all because of the fact that we women cannot live without many "bad" things.

Features of the women's team

Gossip ( real woman must necessarily discuss everything that she saw, heard, watched and at the same time repeat it several times). I always tell my boyfriend that girls don't gossip, they just exchange information, we just have a little more of it than men. However, gossip is part of a woman;

envy. We are sociable creatures, but the fact that girls communicate with many representatives of the fair sex does not mean that we treat everyone well. Rather, the opposite is true. A woman will always find something to envy: a new dress of a colleague, an arranged personal life, a salary, a manicure. Objects "sea", it all depends on the nature and upbringing of the envious;

Envy breeds jealousy. Even if this is a female team and there are few men in it, this does not mean that jealousy is absent. Especially if the boss is a man. As soon as he smiles at one of the young ladies more times, a lot of jealousy and gossip instantly fall upon the "lucky girl". We love attention and should receive it in full.

Nervousness. Without going into details, we can say that a woman can get angry and nervous at certain points in her life, for no reason. And yelling at her in this case is useless. And when dozens of women work together, scandals cannot be avoided.

An inexperienced boss may think that working in a women's team is like in a flower garden among roses. We are of course beautiful flowers, however, with spikes.

Although women's team It's not that much of a nightmare. Especially if you are a girl. We quickly forget grievances and our head does not hurt from constant chatter. That's why we better than men we are negotiating. Women are able to do several things at the same time, and if everything is properly organized, the male boss will benefit greatly from this. It's nice to look at the women's team, because we all try to look our best. A woman is more responsible for her work. Yes, and the ability to flirt can be useful when concluding deals with partners.

If the women's team has been working together for a long time, despite all the shortcomings listed above, there is no more cohesive organization. We have the principle of letting people think that everything is fine with us. We carry out orders and projects and present them on time, and the fact that at the same time everyone quarreled a hundred times should remain within women's team.


At the mention of the women's team, many imagine an unflattering picture - snakes twisted into a ball. This comparison is often justified, so learning to survive in a team is very important.

Any team is a living organism in which everything is possible: and warm relationship, and envy, and even tricks. In the women's team, conflicts often arise because of jealousy, so it is important for every girl to develop a competent behavior strategy. Women's characters are contradictory and more emotional than men's, so it is important to be able to "join" the team. Seven will help you actionable advice, which will make it possible to work calmly and quickly adapt in the women's team - without scandals, intrigues and gossip.

1. Be kind and open

Remember that you come to work in order to work, and not to participate in intrigues and gossip. Your task is to maintain neutrality and abide by the rules set by your superiors. Behave naturally, because the ladies around you will feel false subconsciously. The team is unlikely to accept people who express too violent emotions or strong restraint. Be yourself, but don't let your emotions take over your mind.

2. Don't be too outspoken

Openness and frankness are different things. Yes, you should participate in conversations and discussions. However, remember that before you strangers who do not need to know about your problems and shortcomings. Do not give advice unless you are asked for it, and do not “dump” streams of information about you on colleagues. So you can avoid gossip and negative attitudes towards yourself. Over time, you will understand who you can support with. friendly relations and share your thoughts, and with whom it is best to maintain a neutral conversation “about nothing”. There should also be no gossip on your part. In a women's team, any spoken word can acquire incredible details and become a reason for discussion.

3. Do not abuse time off and sick leave

If you often leave, then your work will have to be done by colleagues, and they also have their own business. It is unlikely that there will be a person who wants to do someone else's work. If you need to leave, do the work in advance or agree with your superiors on working off. The more work you do on your own, the less negative your colleagues will experience.

4. Do not show others your superiority

Even if your life is wonderful, you have people who support you, a wealthy husband and an excellent position in society, do not rush to brag about it. There are a lot of single women in women's groups who are not as lucky in life as you are. Do not collect negativity on yourself, because envy can develop into outright anger and a desire to “survive” you from work. Stay neutral. Just do your job and don't act like you have blue blood in your veins.

5. Be friendly

Maintaining relationships with colleagues is also important for a good microclimate at work. Do not refuse to go with them on a coffee break, be interested in how they spent the next weekend. sincere interest and a friendly attitude will help you win the trust of even the most intractable ladies.

6. Be Responsible

Keep your promises and keep your word. If you approach the work irresponsibly, you will unwittingly substitute the entire team. If your place is dear to you, learn to be punctualso that colleagues do not have a reason to treat you with a share of negativity. If something is not clear to you, be sure to ask for advice, because the task completed correctly and on time will add one more “plus” to you in the eyes of the surrounding ladies.

7. Don't Forget Appearance

Ladies always carefully evaluate the women around, so you have to try. In any team they are greeted by clothes, so exclude frivolity. You should look neat and business-like so as not to attract undue attention to yourself. Do not forget that there will be no question of any friendliness if your outfits cost fabulous money. The same applies to makeup, which should not be conspicuous. Too much bright lipstick, aggressive manicure, a large number of different decorative cosmetics will not work for your image. modesty and natural beauty will be much more profitable for you than the desire to stand out among colleagues on a daily basis.

You have a difficult path ahead, but you can overcome any difficulties if you are restrained. Cultivate willpower and earn a reputation for your deeds and good work. The less you give reasons for gossip and condemnation, the more chances you have to work quietly in a harmonious team, even if it consists of women. Good luck and prosperity, and do not forget to press the buttons and

There is an opinion that a team in which predominantly women work is a real serpentarium. It is in such groups that it is customary to be friends, not guided by any common interests, but, as they say, "against someone." There are certain rules, playing in accordance with which, you can organically join in and work in it for a long time without loss to your psyche and self-esteem.

How to become one in the women's team?

For a girl who has heard about all the "charms" of working in a women's team, it may seem right to keep to herself and not let herself be drawn into any conversations on topics not related to work. In fact, such behavior is unlikely to lead to anything good. Women instinctively feel dislike for those who shun them, and are sure to plot and intrigue against such a colleague. Ultimately, this can ruin her reputation, which can even lead to dismissal.

Learn to find mutual language with colleagues. Gently find out what each of them is interested in, and in conversations with them, use the knowledge gained. Be interested in the opinion of colleagues on various issues - they like to feel authoritative. People are very warm to those who are interested in them, and you can use this feature of the human psyche to your advantage.

How not to go crazy in the women's team?

In any organization where women work, there is at least one bitchy employee, a manipulator and a provocateur. If you happen to communicate with her, in no case do not lose your temper and do not get annoyed, because this is exactly the reaction she expects.

Imagine that in her place is an unreasonable child or a seriously ill person - after all, you will not break loose on someone who is not responsible for their actions?

Be sociable, do not skimp on compliments and treat colleagues with something tasty from time to time. This will make them feel warmer and more cordial towards you. Finally, don't give a reason to gossip about your lazing around in the workplace. Do your official duties perfectly".