Competitions for the day of the power engineer toastmaster. Extracurricular event dedicated to the holiday "Power Engineer Day" - KVN. And on our holiday, let them smile. Give affectionate Fish


attracting the attention of students and the formation of an active life position to the work of KGRES.


  • Collect and analyze information material on the topic of energy saving;
  • To draw the attention of pupils to the problem of energy use, saving energy and energy resources;
  • Create motivation to conserve resources and energy;
  • Involve pupils in useful activities for energy saving.
  • To popularize the activities of student government bodies.

Children: It was in the evening, there was nothing to do ... Jackdaw sat on the fence, the cat climbed into the attic ... And Borya told the guys, just like that ... - I want to be a driver.
Carry different loads.
- I want to be a cool doctor.
I will treat everyone with medicine.
Delicious like candy.
I ate it - there are no diseases!
- I want to become a pianist.
A wonderful artist.
Music with me since childhood
I love her with all my heart

You with me, friends, do not argue,
I want to be the first in sports.
To hammer the puck is a trifle
I play for Spartak!
Grandfather: Hush children! Be calm
All professions are worthy!
Let the council reign among them,
So that the light in the apartments does not go out.

Children: Grandpa, tell us

Where did you work before?

Grandfather: To those who bring light into the house,
Dedicated to the plot. (A group of guys sings to the tune of the song "We are not stokers ..."
We are not firemen, we are not carpenters,
But there are no bitter regrets,
We work in the energy sector
And we just give light to people.
Sometimes the sky is dark blue
Suddenly the clouds will gather (slightly)
But we'll connect our line (yeah)
And the light will pour down from above (from above) We give light to every apartment
And we send you warmth (easy),
We are solving an important task (yes)
And we serve people well (well)!
Grandfather: I also studied at school, I worked everything, I was not lazy. Years have been growing for me! Here 17 has come, it immediately entered my head, Where to work for me, friends ?!My mom is a "mathematician", she is a fanatic in accounting
Subtract, add, and multiply.
He will decide everything and help everyone.
My dad is a welder - it's hard
He cooked the metal, not the soup.
It is possible to find it by the light
Among iron or pipes.
And I wanted, like that magician Helpful people always be. Give them more light, joy and just your warmth.I noted, once in a fairy tale

How is it born the process of amazing miracles: All devices come to life if they are turned on to the current.
Electricity, like a mother, we will not yearn for it.
Children: 1. Energy is the most valuable resource in our time.
We cannot live without the energetics of creation!
2.And being a friend of such a person is good -
3. The enemy can cut off the light, this is what they do in the movies!
Energy is the most important industry,
Without it, nothing will spin.
And today we live in the world as,
Without victories and miracles of electricity!

Chastushki: 1.Ecology is in order if the current flows in abundance.
Transformers murmur, the current goes to the addressee.
2. The factories are lively, the offices are crowded.
There is no end to clients, the current is not the time for stagnation.
3. Children in schools do not get bored, they meet the day with the Boarding School.
The little one is blooming in the gardens, the current is flowing through the light bulbs.
4.The current helps the elders, turns on the TV set,
And he will help around the house, an amazing artist.
Grandfather: The food of the world is energy
With the plus of quality and quantity, and therefore I became a magician, managing electricity.
Children : 1. I also want to be a wizard! So that everyone's light warmed in the family, so that dad hot dinner, and mom - a night series.
2. And New Year's trees, so that the light shines everywhere, And so that the flower in our apartment does not freeze! 1.
Agree with a simple truth,
not sung by any poet, -
an energetic is needed like no one else,
Well, where are we without heat and light?
3.Without working factories and machines,
institutes, health resorts and trams,
without everything that we will do tomorrow,
if there is no energy, we do not know!
4.And she is like a golden key
to the door that opens the possibility
manage the structure of any
and keep its reliability in hand.
5. Life is movement. And the movements are the essence
forever hidden in energy.
Let nothing darken our path
The road to power engineering is open for us.

Grandfather: Power engineers business is a hot business,
It must be possessed so that the blood boils.
So that not only the houses were warmed, but so that the soul was filled with warmth. (song)

Dangerous neighborhood with the New Year makes the professional holiday Power Engineer's Day inclined ... no, no! Don't clone that YOU! And not to bows - God forbid! Just to some festive image - so pleasant, I confess! - hybridization! New Year, you know ... Energy Day ... new day ... Energy Year ... Energetic Santa Clauses and ephemeral, energetic, or, I would even say, energy-informational Snow Maidens, running like current through wires, are dawning.
At the same time - in protective helmets of the state standard!
However, despite this, among fans and admirers of this have a wonderful holiday there is more likely not a surprise, but a kind (or rather, even a kind) euphoria, you know. Waiting for a fairy tale. Is not it?
And it is not surprising, because the very first scenario of celebrating the Day of the Power Engineer with abbbbbb abbreviated name PLAN GOELRO miraculously resembles a New Year's (or New Year's? - I forgot!) A fairy tale !!!
__________________________________________________ ______________
The presenters take the stage.
Presenter: Hello Dear friends! Happy Holidays!
Host: Happy Holidays! With our professional holiday - Power Engineer's Day!
Host: Thanks to the well-coordinated and precise work of OAO ________, there is light and warmth in the houses and enterprises of the city and region, without which it is impossible to imagine our life. The power engineering profession is truly creative, noble! Today is your holiday, dear friends!
Presenter: People like you have at all times been the pride of not only our enterprise, but the entire region. I would like to believe that in the future we will be able to keep our personnel danced, the richest professional and everyday experience, the burning of the soul and not a single glorious page of the power industry of __________ OJSC will be written into the history of our enterprise.

Buffoon: Hello, hello, hello
Ladies and gentlemen, comrades and friends
Thick and thin, small and large - no matter what, the main thing is gold.
Presenter: Why gold?
Yes, because the power in your hands is extraordinary - electrical and you control it as you want, for the benefit of all people.

Host: Today is the farewell party,
Poles, and lanterns,
And lit cities
And warm batteries
Presenter: Electric shavers, and irons,
Substations and networks,
Light-flooded squares
In a solemn moment.
Buffoon: But in general - a holiday for people,
Giving us light!

Oh, look - if something is dark in your house, there is no order, you need to show your magic power

Presenter: All amicably, we speak in chorus - one - two - three -
Light bulb - shine: (does not light up immediately)
Leading: something is not manifested electrical power, it means that someone did not shout, it means that someone was silent
Buffoon: Once again, all together: One - two - three - Light bulb - shine:

(lights up on stage)
Buffoon: And the truth is they say that you have a magical power.
Presenter: The electrician brings joy to the house:
People without electricity
Could have cost at least a day?
Presenter: What are you, not a single minute
No one can live without us
After all, our principle is: "Always shine"!

Now answer my questions with applause, if you agree (playing with the audience with applause)

Skomorokh: Everyone congratulates you on the holiday today, everyone wishes you happiness and joy, that you are rich, that you are healthier than bulat, and that your lucky star always shines on you.
Well - look at who has a lucky star under the chair - come here.
Competition with balls.

(a gift is given - a flashlight)

Any musical number.

Presenter: Dear power engineers, your day today is extraordinary - festive, bright, rich in all sorts of miracles, so today we will get into a real fairy tale, and guess who the heroes are.
Buffoon: As on the field, but on the electric one, the warriors have been gathering for 61 years now, guarding their possessions from different enemies, but checking whether the tribute for the electric power is going well, and whether it flows into other channels. So today 3 heroes have gathered.
Host: Invited to the stage: General Director ______
Deputy General Director - _________-
Director ________ (at this time the heroes wear costumes)

Buffoon: and they said a word.
Presenter: The floor is given to the first hero - general director __________ (congratulations sound and certificates are awarded)
Host: The floor is given to the second hero - deputy general director- ________ (congratulations sound and certificates are awarded).
Presenter: The floor is given to the third hero - the director of the PES __________ (congratulations are heard and certificates are presented).

Buffoon: And in order for you to always be lucky, and to be happier and richer, you need to raise a glass of heroes:
(carried out by the dancers in their costumes)
So friends, all together, in unison - all power engineers, in honor of the holiday we will burst out a friendly Hurray !!!

Presenter: Electricians who have worked at our enterprise for many years know that a power engineer has a life like in a fairy tale, every day there is a new surprise.
Host: And therefore, today, on our day professional holiday and on the eve of the coming New Year, we invite you to magic land fairy tales, kingdom "NOKE".
Presenter: A fairy tale begins with a saying, a theater begins with a hanger, and our enterprise begins with a personnel department.
Host: Let's look at them in the department. Yes! They have a little bit crowded here and they have a lot of visitors. Before the holiday, people came in large numbers from all over the region - someone for a holiday order, someone trying to get a vacancy in the kingdom, and someone just came for advice.
Presenter: Well, Dima, we will not interfere. Let's move on.
Loud voices are heard phone calls, professional unconventional vocabulary, fragments of phrases are heard:
“Half a city without light!”, “Look for damage faster, drip, restore wires. Faster! Faster! Faster!"
Host: Do you understand who we are talking about?
Well, of course this is our operational dispatch service.

The guys from the OVB are not afraid of hurricane winds tearing wires, or fire short circuits, honor and praise to our sentinels who are on duty day and night!
Buffoon: Meet the adorable Snow White with her dwarfs.

(go to the song)

We are not firemen, we are not carpenters,
But there are no bitter regrets (yes no)
We work in the energy sector
We just give people light (we give light)

Sometimes the sky is dark blue
Suddenly the clouds will gather (slightly)
But we'll connect our line (yeah)
And the light will pour down from above (from above)

Operatives - dispatchers
They are the most important in the world, (yes, more important)
They work with energy (yeah)
And they delight people with light.

Our power engineers are working
Don't waste a lot of unnecessary words (yes, words)
Ready to give energy quickly (yeah)
After all, our motto is: always ready (be ready).

Snow White and the Dwarfs (4 people):
Snow White: everyone is listening to me carefully: If you take hold of the end of a bare wire with one hand,
and with the other hand on the other end of the bare wire, then
you will understand why the light comes on.
Gnome: who invented the switch:
Snow White: - The switch on the wall was invented by a lazy person, because a hardworking person would not be too lazy to climb into a chair and unscrew the light bulb!
Enough questions, start speaking:

We are daring guys, we give business advice
1.If the light is suddenly turned off
The lamp is off
2.Someone means by mistake
Cut out the switch

3.If you are drunk in the morning
And unsteady at the feet
4.Do not plug into the socket
With your drunken face

1.If the wire is bare
It's damp under your feet
2.So soon you will find a way
From home world

If fingers by accident
Shoved in 220
Then you will have to stock up on sockets

If you got up to rest
Under the power transmission line
Can electrocute
You will become an ace of REPA.
Happy Holidays again, dear friends. (Wave their hands and leave)

Presenter: Today, this holiday we say thanks to those who light the lights on the streets, in houses, hospitals and schools in the city and region. Those who, in the heat and cold, in the rain and snow, pull power lines. For those who are trouble-free on weekends and holidays in trenches knee-deep in water, warming the cold metal with their warm hands, provides a stable power supply to our city and region. For men of a worthy profession - an energetic.
Host: These are the conquerors of peaks and air nets, they have a lot of strength and fire, metal claws. They covered the entire region with their nets.
Electric Serpent Gorynych is a conqueror of peaks, illuminating everything in its path. “Let there be light” - they say every evening and perform extraordinary miracles of fortitude and heroism.
The Serpent Gorynych enters:
(read congratulations text
1st We are bright, fiery heads
2nd We start holiday greetings
3rd We will begin, and you together continue our wishes in unison
1. We wish today with love: do not let all of you fail ... (health)
2. A coastline awaits in the Crimea in the summer, let everyone have enough (money) for vouchers
3. So that the life of the power engineer was more fun, we wish you more reliable ... (friends)
4. Our important affairs make everyone happy, let him visit you more often ... (success)
5. Everyone catch a bird of happiness, we wish only strong in the family ... (love)
6. Life does not happen without various hindrances, let your joyful sound more often ... (laughter).
1st Happy Holidays!
2nd Health!
3rd Wellbeing!
1st Trouble-free work!
2nd Big salaries!
3rd And Prizes! (leave)
(Amateur performance number "Dombai Waltz"
Host: Today is not women's day and not women's hour, but apparently the woman's minute has come - this is our electricity metering service! Our beautiful and charming! By demanding money from defaulters, you become not inflexible and unshakable!

(Without Grandma-hedgehogs fly out)
All: Stretch the accordion fur,
Eh, play it, play it
About electricians today
Sing it, don't talk
Electrical force
I got hooked on the net
Do not wanna go Home
Here the electrician is young

The power engineer is daring (My electrician is daring)
He has a big charge
How it touches me
Hair stands on end

The most vicious of people
Defaulter swindler
I'll spit on his bald head
And I will send it to Leshem.

Our boss is very strict
It can even become formidable.
IF what, not only to hell,
Can send us further!

All: We are naughty girls
Why are we not beauties
Well, the non-payers
Let us be feared

I went to apartments
Counter checked
The guy leaned against me
I sent him:

You come first
And pay us for the light
For taco attention
I'll give you a receipt

All: We do our best
We go everywhere
Novoblkomunelectro we extract money

We showed ourselves to you
Is it good, is it bad
And now we ask you
To be clapped
(certificates to your department)
(after him, oriental ladies in burqa come out)
Presenter: Someone is going to build a house, someone is a store, and someone is a large factory, and everyone goes here to the production and technical service.
East Dance
Host: Oh, we got to the great female kingdom of the smartest and most beautiful Scheherazad.
It is to their feet that all the people come running and ask them not for a hand and not a heart, not gold and silver, not diamonds and carats, but precious kilowatts.
Buffoon: summons men, who must guess who is hiding under the veil, then carry them backstage in their arms.

Presenter: And here Tsar Kashchei with his retinue is coming to us - greet him soon people:

1. - Our Kashchei is not at all thin
2. - And he is very cool
If only I want - I will make anyone gold
1. We are with finances on a short foot,
2. Thinking how to double them.
Those who want to get rich quickly are invited to join us:

(the game is a money test, the winner is golden chocolates coins)
Kashchei: For saving, preserving and increasing our wealth, those who distinguished themselves in particular are awarded: (diplomas)
(put money in a bank) 3 couples who will find money faster with a blindfold)
Host: A fairy tale tells quickly, but things are not done quickly. It's time to get to know us with amazing people with an ear for music, capable of hearing and seeing with the help of devices everything that is happening under the ground of Veliky Novgorod and the entire region. Without them, we are like no hands and no eyes.

Host: Who has come to visit us now
... ... well done, the same from the face
You do not need to present them,
They do such miracles!
Today one fellow will present his talents to us
Let's welcome …….
(song "Ah, laboratory")

Presenter: (phonogram - the sound of a car)
We hear a familiar sound - they will take us quickly
About whom the story will now go - of course - this is our illustrious garage.
Presenter: They are better than any airplane carpet to take safe and sound along any road.
Happy holiday, dear ones, and happy journey.
Buffoon: We ask the famous drivers to take the stage.
Today you are invited to change from cars to a more comfortable type of transport - horses, we ask you to bring the horses into the hall (horse sounds)

2 teams: Sivka-Burka, Konek-Gorbunek
Buffoon: Drivers are not allowed to drink alcohol, but today, on a holiday, it is even very encouraged.
The teams on horseback ride until the beer is poured into any of the glasses and drink, whoever is faster gets the main prize
(competition for drivers with balloons)
Song performed by Matkin.
Host: Soon our fairy tale will end, but only we have forgotten about someone else, Galina Vladimirovna.
Presenter: Yes, about the recruits, these are the guys who came to work with us this year. Today, according to the established tradition, we accept them in the power engineering of _________ OJSC.
Presenter: To your loud applause, the power engineers who have joined the ranks of ____________ (the name of the networks) are invited here.
Moderator: To participate in the initiation ceremony for young power engineers, the PES Director _____ and the Deputy Technical Director -___________- are invited to the stage. (They read the oath)
Presenter: Traditionally, young power engineers are given a uniform - the T-shirts are over, there are only underpants left - underpants in the gym.
(Helps to dress the glorified energy drinks)
Kotov: All around.

Presenter: Unfortunately, our tale is coming to an end, but we did not have time to tell about many other important and necessary structures and services of our kingdom. Of course, today we congratulate the workers of the enterprises of electrical networks of the city of Borovichi, Valdai, Staraya Russa, as well as the services of our enterprise - these are: Group for own construction,
Moderator: ACS group, SDTU department, labor protection and reliability department, mode group, economic and budget planning department, financial department, accounting,
Leading: legal department, security service, purchasing department, maintenance department, office. All this "____________" is our work, our service and destiny.

In energy - strength, in energy - life,
We will not live a day without light.
Come on, buddy, turn around -
There is a power engineer behind this!

And to all power engineers of our country
We wish you health and happiness,
So that you continue to bring light to people,
So that all misfortunes go around you.

Energy drink dear,
You are not an easy person
You are a wise man in your business
For heat and light specials.

We wish you a festive day
We are healthy, for many years,
We drink to the bottom and pour
For you and your success!

Purpose: education of creative abilities, skills and abilities of collective creative activity.

Form: KVN

Preparatory work.

The program of the competition is being developed, teams are formed (7 people from each group), consultations are held for participants and members of the jury, and presenters are selected. Design: "Hello to the participants of KVN" posters

"Happy Power Engineer", balls, 2 tables, chairs, pens, white sheets of paper, 6 glasses, 2 black boxes, magnetic starter, relay.

The song for the Power Engineer's Day "We are not firemen:"

Good afternoon dear friends! It is not by chance that we have included this song for you, because we are not firemen or carpenters, but electricians and Kipovites.

Today our cheerful KVN is dedicated to the professional holiday "Power Engineer's Day".

1 student

Energy is the most important industry,
Without it, nothing will spin.
Here from the century the smartest people,
Obligatory labor!
What is civilization?
That is not a question for a long time - nonsense.
"Human labor plus electrification
All processes of human labor! "

2 student

And today we live in the world as
Without the victories and miracles of electricity?
The food of the world is energy
With the plus of quality and quantity!
May my arithmetic be naive
Smile! It's time today!
We congratulate you on the Power Engineer's Day!
Health, good luck and good to you!

And now we will introduce our teams.

Team "Electrician"

Team "Kipovets"

And our respected jury will help us evaluate their performance

(Jury introduction)

1.Andrey Viktorovich Gogolin

2.Sergey Vitalievich Asikritov

3. Elena Vasilievna Byvsheva (guest of our game)

4. Garik Marikyan student of group 632

5. Dmitry Pankratyev student of group 632

So, everything is assembled, everything is in place, you can start our festive KVN.

Each team will present their business card to the team of participants.

I ask the captains to come to the table and get tickets. Do not be alarmed, there are no assignments there. See - these are just numbers that your business cards will go under. Business cards are rated 10-30 points.


I ask the jury to give the first marks.
And on stage, 632 gives you a musical break.

Musical pause (Rap)

Did the guys rap to us? Did you like it?

And now we are moving on to the 2nd round.

Guys, imagine that tomorrow you have an exam in electrical engineering or physics, and there is no time to memorize these terrible physical laws. Maybe these laws will forever be engraved in our memory if their authors would have guessed to express them in the style of rap.

Captains go to the table and take two laws.

Coulomb's law

The force of interaction of two electric charges is directly proportional to the product of charge modules and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them

1st law of thermodynamics

The change internal energy system during its transition from one state to another is equal to the sum of work internal forces and the amount of heat

1st Faraday's Law

The mass of a substance released during electrolysis is directly proportional to the amount of electricity flowing through the electrolyte

Ohm's law

The current in a section of the circuit is directly proportional to the voltage at the ends of this section and inversely proportional to its resistance

While our guys are thinking about the task, and we will listen to ditties - advice from non-professionals.

Musical pause

Girls come out singing ditties:
If suddenly the light is extinguished
The lamp is off
So this is your neighbor
Cut out the switch
If the wire is bare,
It's damp underfoot.
So, you will quickly find the way
From home world
If the counter has gone wild
And in the eyes flickers-
It means that the net is yours
The whole house heats

If fingers by accident
Stuck in two hundred and twenty,
Then you will have to see the doctors.
Of course. Address
If you got up to rest
Under the power line support -
Can shock him.
You will become a turnip ace.

A word for the jury

Competition of questions and answers "Erudite"

Scale of points

P / p No. Topic name Number of points Points earned
And shines and warms 10 20 30
Scientist name 10 20 30
Oh, those funny animals! 10 20 30
Note to the car enthusiast 10 20 30
Terrible phenomenon 10 20 30
Miscellaneous 10 20 30

And shines and warms.

If you are careful, you probably noticed that incandescent bulbs burn out most often when turned on.

Question: Why is the moment of switching on the most dangerous for incandescent lamps?

Answer: The resistance of metal conductors increases with increasing temperature. But the filament of the lamp does not heat up immediately. When turned on, its resistance is small, therefore, at the initial moment, more current flows through it.

The inventor of many devices used in lighting networks. The legendary Thomas Edison appears, "The Old Man", as his colleagues called him. A switch, an electric socket and an electric lamp have come down to us practically unchanged. True, in the latter, the spiral is today made from tungsten, a material that was not known at the time of Edison.

Question: What served as the filament in Edison's lamp?

Answer: The first filaments were sewing thread covered with charcoal. They could stay red-hot for forty hours. In his quest for a more durable filament, Edison tried everything that contains carbon: food, resins - a total of six thousand varieties of plant fiber. The best result was shown by bamboo. The carbonized fibers of this bamboo were the filaments in lamps manufactured by Edison's Edison General Electric Company.

30 points.

Question: Various fuses are used to protect electrical networks. In everyday life, these are most often traffic jams.

Question: What can cause their failure?

Answer: The reason for the increase in current in the circuit may be either a short circuit, or too many electrical devices connected to the network.

The name of the scientist.

Question: Who discovered the law of universal gravitation?

Answer: I. Newton

The law of interaction of two charges was experimentally established in 1784 by a French military engineer. He was in military service all his life and was engaged in scientific research in free time... Now this law bears the name of its discoverer. The law says: "The force with which two charged bodies act on each other is proportional to the product of charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them."

Question: What scientist and the discovery of what law are we talking about?

Answer: Charles Auguston Pendant. Coulomb's law.

This discovery had great value for the development of applied electrical engineering. Its author is German school teacher, the son of a locksmith who dreamed of the fame and career of a university professor. However, the book, which contained a description of theoretical findings and experimental research, was greeted with ridicule. The Minister of Enlightenment of Germany put it this way: "A physicist who preaches such a heresy is not worthy to teach natural sciences." After that, both the future and the present were ruined: the author lost even the position of a school scientist. For six years, the scientist lived in poverty with a bitter sense of disappointment. Over time, his works gained fame outside Germany, and after that his compatriots were forced to recognize his merits. Finally, in 1849, 23 years after the publication of his book, he was promoted to professor at the University of Munich, which he held for five years, until his death in 1854.

Question: What scientist and the discovery of what law are we talking about?

Answer: About George Simon Ohm and the law that bears his name today, told in the question.

Oh, those funny animals!

There are no Losers among the birds. They learned well the lesson about and behavior on high-voltage lines, and poorly learned to mature age do not survive.

Question: Does current pass through the body of a bird sitting on a bare wire of a high-voltage power line?

Answer: Yes, it does, in the form of a quiet discharge, but due to the smallness of the discharge current, the bird does not feel it.

The Indian tribes living on the shores of the Amazon and its tributaries, in the ford places on each bank, keep horses on a leash. When someone melts to the opposite bank, he drives a horse in front of him, and he follows. He makes the return trip in the same way.

Question: Why did the Indians choose such a peculiar way of crossing

Answer: The Amazon and its tributaries are home to the most powerful electric fish ever known - the electric eel. These fish have special organs for storing electrical energy. The Indians first drive the horse away so that the eel is discharged on it, after which they cross safely on their own, since it takes some time to charge the eel.

Hamlet was right when he asserted that there are many such things in the world, "that our wise men never dreamed of." But sometimes these problems turn from funny to very unpleasant.

Question: What specific problems awaited the builders of power lines in tropical countries?

Answer: The first is how to protect them from monkeys, which, imitating the fitters, easily climb onto the support poles and, playing with wires, cause short circuits. The second is how to secure the power lines from the elephants turning the poles.

Note to the car enthusiast.

Before charging the battery, the driver found that the electrolyte level in it is below normal

Question: What should he do: add distilled water or ready-made electrolyte?

Answer: you need to add distilled water if the electrolyte level is below normal due to evaporation, and a ready-made solution if electrolyte has been spilled

Question: Why is the battery placed as close to the starter as possible, and not in another, more convenient place, and connected with a thick copper bus?

Answer: To reduce the voltage drop across the lead wires.

Question: Why do cars use acid batteries and not alkaline ones, although the latter are lighter and more durable?

Answer: Alkaline batteries are not used in cars because they have high internal resistance and their voltage is highly temperature dependent.

Terrible phenomenon

Question: When a lightning rod is dangerous for a building

Answer: When poorly grounded

Question: Why can't you lie on the ground during a thunderstorm?

Answer: Getting into the ground, the lightning discharge current forks and spreads along the surface of the earth. If you lie on the ground, a deadly potential difference can occur between your head and your legs if there is a close lightning strike. It is better to squat down. In this case, the head is also low, and the potential difference between the points of contact with the ground is small.

Question: How can you explain the rule that climbers have: during an overnight stay high in the mountains, all metal objects must be collected and placed separately, away from the camp?

Answer: Climbers act so that in the event of a thunderstorm, the lightning discharge takes longer from people, since lightning more often "strikes" in the place where the metal is

Question: By horoscope, but found in rivers near Moscow.

Answer: Cancer

According to the ancient historian, during the campaign of Alexander the Great to India, officers of his army were much less likely to suffer from gastrointestinal diseases than soldiers. Their food and drink were the same, but the dishes were different.

Question: What miraculous metal was the officer's utensils made of and what property does this metal have?

Answer: Made of silver, it has bactericidal properties.

In 1803, the Englishwoman Martha Wilmot wrote from Russia that the habit of Russians is an unpleasant habit of kissing on both cheeks.

Question: Why did this Russian custom surprise and dislike the Englishwoman?

The attitude of a foreign woman to such behavior of Russians is explained by the fact that it is not customary for the British to kiss when they meet and say goodbye, or kiss the hand.

Musical pause (Eden)

Play with the audience.

As you know, in difficult situation friends always come to the rescue. We did not leave this golden rule unattended and now we will provide the fans with the opportunity to help their teams score points.

Six glasses (trick - joke). There are six glasses in a row on the table, the first of them are filled with water, the next three are empty. Move in one motion so that empty and full glasses alternate. Only one glass is allowed to be handled.

Answer: pour water from the second glass into the fifth.

Leading: The floor is given by the jury.

The girl writes the result of the 1st round on the blackboard

Jury word

The word of the jury. Results of 3 rounds.

But the game is not over yet, everything is ahead.

Competition "Black box"

Two boxes are brought in. They contain the device. The task of the participants of the competition is to tell about the device that is in the box, choosing successful expressions, using it in practice. After the story, the opposing team must guess what item is in the box.

Playing with the audience

Contest "Make up a word".

Bring in the balls! Each bundle contains 10 balloons, each inflated balloon contains 1 letter. Your task is, on my command, to pierce these balls, extract letters and put together words from them that are directly related to our holiday. The winning team of fans brings 10 points to their team.

Introducing the word to teams. (The team starts, which received additional points from the fans).

Well done, but for now the jury is counting and summing up the results of the past competitions

Musical pause. (Eden)

The word of the jury.

Thanks. The phonogram sounds.

Captains competition.

"Forward to the victory"

Eat 3 sausages, drink a glass of juice through a straw, peel a banana and eat it. The captain will bring his team 10 points.

The word of the jury.

And now we come to the final competition - " Homework- "My fabulous profession."


Greetings for the people of Kipov.

It is an honor to be a Kipovite
But it's not easy to work
It's good if at work
We were lucky with the team
Design automation
And mount then
Run faster
What's behind these all
Hard work and earnest
And there is room for creativity
Successful tests for us
So that the gap does not disappear
May honor and respect
Kipovets always sees
And the problems are beyond doubt
Resolve without difficulty
We are tactful, energetic
We are athletic and smart
And we go on extra - life
We make all dreams come true
We are called kip
We are not mistaken in anything
We strive for the joy of victories
We do not know grief and troubles
Wish you good luck

We will tell a fairy tale - a fairy tale for YOU
Let it fly through the valleys and fields,
We will lead a tale from Pushkin,
Only new motives
Three maidens by the window
Spoke in the evening
The first girl says

1 sister

If I were a queen
Then for the whole baptized world
I would prepare a feast
I would bake pies
And for the king's father
Presented mead

2 sister

If I were a queen
I would illuminate the light
Light bulbs screwed in everywhere
Electric spinning wheels
Would the maidens send you
And for the royal carriage
I would find a generator

3 sister

And I would study all the devices
Automation included
Voltage measured
Knowledge. Within the royal walls
Typed, typed
And over the course of three years
Directly. Right in elite
I would study automation
At the seminars answered
I used to study even then
I would become an engineer

And where would you go?
Direct to Surgut oil and gas
And then I would
The sponsor for the father - the king was
The temple would be built together
The domes would be ritualized
Deafening ringing
Used to rise from all sides

I only managed to utter
The door creaked softly
And the king enters the room
The sides of that sovereign
During the entire conversation
He stood behind the fence
Speech last all over
Loved him

Tsar - father

Hello, red maiden,
You learn to be a craftswoman
And modest and cheerful
and with the mind and everyone took
Well, beautiful maiden,
Glorious business to learn
In this life of ours is the essence
Start in good trip

That's the end of the fairy tale,
It's up to you to decide who is great!

Greetings from the electricians.

Without electricity these days
People definitely can't live,
Excessive amount
Buildings need to be illuminated
Candles with electrical appliances
Replaced long ago
Lanterns, traffic lights
The streets are lit.
The electricity is great
The world has entangled itself,
Targeted, multifaceted,
Conquered the human race.
It's not about aesthetics_
This work is too difficult.
Only our power engineers.
As always, they won't let you down.
Everyone will check the transformers
All measurements will be approved
Wires and insulators
They will fix it more reliably.
And by checking the voltage.
Will keep a watchful eye
What's the power supply
Helped people live

In a dark kingdom, in a dark state, there was a king. And the king had three daughters. The kingdom was dark, and the only source of light were kerosene lamps, torches, and candles.

The king is tired of living in the dark. And the king decided to give his daughters in marriage, in the hope that one of the suitors would turn the dark kingdom into a light one.

And what came of it, see for yourself.

A scene muffled by light.

One of the guards enters the scene with a candle. Inspects the scene.

Guard number 1:

There is no one here. Eh, if we find the assassins on the royal peace, we will torture.

Guard number 2:

What, Mitrofan?

Guard number 1:

Yes, it seems, no one!

Guard # 2 takes out the throne. The king and the adviser come out. Sits on the throne with the words:

Counselor, when will there be light in our kingdom? Why did I send you overseas, over the mountains, to three nine lands? And then, so that you learn the intricacies of the science of electricity. I spent a whole pound of gold on this, but darkness remained darkness. Probably have to execute you.


Oh, tsar - father, I remembered. When I was overseas with King Louis, I learned that the princesses' husbands do the work in his court. Or maybe we should marry your daughters, maybe there is an electrician among the husbands of the princesses?

So let's do it. Call my daughters!


Martha, Taisiya, Akulina! The tsar is calling you!

The princesses come out. Martha is the eldest, Taisia ​​is the middle, Akulina is the youngest.

The name of the king - father?

I decided to give you my daughter in marriage. (Knocks the staff on the floor)

Here's a bow and arrows for you, shoot where the arrow hits, and look for your husband there?

(The eldest daughter takes a bow, shoots, a shout is heard).

The Computer Operator comes out. A box is tied to the leg, it says "computer").


Damaged socket, damaged cord.

But what are you, a prominent groom, we lived without an outlet and will still live.


What other groom? Repair my outlet and cord.

Yes, let's go to our kingdom, what outlet, my father will buy you a fancy computer, only there is no electricity, how are you going to work?


Are you Martha a princess? Well then, let's go.

Oh and cold!

(Archery, scream, cook comes out)

Who spoiled my oven in the stove? How am I going to bake buns now?

Let's go to our kingdom, my father will buy you another stove. Only here we have no electricity, but for now you will be my fiancé.

On the throne is the king, next to the councilor, behind the throne are two guards. Enters eldest daughter with her fiancé.

Who are you going to be?


I, Stepan, Computer Operator. Your daughter has ruined my electrical network.


They say there is such a miracle "Internet", he knows about everything, so find out when there will be light in our kingdom?


Where do you connect your computer?

And we thought you would do it to us?

Get out of my sight!

(Middle daughter enters)

Whom did you bring us? Will you be such an operator too?

I am the cook Mikola!

We have enough of this stuff! Out of my sight! One hope for Akulina.

(The youngest daughter enters without a groom.)

Where is the groom!

Not found! I shot, the arrow fell, I don't know where.


I know what to do. There is a wonderful courtyard in one city where they teach electricians and say they know how to handle electricity. Maybe the arrow fell there. Shoot one more time.

(Akulina shoots. There is a crash, an explosion. An electrician comes out).


Who damaged the transformer?

Do not swear, good person, help us better, in our kingdom there is darkness. Make it light!

(There are two guards on the stage, a king, an adviser, the youngest daughter and an electrician).


Hello king, I am an electrician. You have a dark kingdom. I will help you make it light. Of course, I'm not a wizard I'm just studying. Care? backstage, there is a knock, crackle, and better music. Everyone is happy, singing a song!

So this old story ended, and since then we have electricity nowhere and nowhere, and if without it, then dark we will.

Musical pause.

The word of the jury. Summarizing. Rewarding of participants.

Warm up.

  1. Which state contains the degree of the letter in its name? (Cuba)
  2. The given numbers are 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9. which is greater: their sum or product? (sum)
  3. TO single digit attributed the same figure. How many times has the number increased? (11 times)
  4. What will a crow do after living for three years? (live 4th)
  5. Name five days of the week without naming numbers and days of the week? (the day before yesterday, yesterday, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow)
  6. What does the watchman do when two sparrows are sitting on his hat? (sleeping)
  7. Which state contains a horse and two "I" in its name?
  8. Is there 7 November in Australia? (there is)
  9. You are the pilot of a plane flying from Havana to Moscow with two landings in Algeria. How old is the pilot? (You are the pilot of the plane, the pilot is as old as YOU)
  10. Which work title contains only two letters of the alphabet? (MU MU)
  11. How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? (one)
  12. What happened on February 31st? (nothing, no February 31)
  13. In which city did the first Olympic Games take place? (Athens)
  14. Usually the month ends on the 30th or 31st. What month is the 28th (in all)
  15. You enter an unfamiliar room that is darkened. It has 2 stoves: gas and kerosene. What will you light first (match)
  16. How does day and night end? (soft sign)
  17. What disease has no one ever been sick with on Earth? (Nautical)
  18. Born twice. Dies once? (hen)
  19. Is it possible to bring water in the sieve? (you can when it freezes)
  20. 67 ostriches flew. 9 was killed by a hunter. How much is left? (none, ostriches don't fly)
  21. Which is easier: a pound of iron or a pound of hay? (same)
  22. The grandmother was carrying a hundred eggs to the market, and the bottom fell. How many eggs are left? No one
  23. My grandmother was going to Moscow. Three old men met her, the old men had a sack, each sack had a cat. How much went to Moscow? (One grandmother. Old men to meet her)
  24. What is the name of the wrestling on the hands? (Arm wrestling)
  25. Three horses ran 30 km. What distance each horse ran (30 km)
  26. What are the first "computing devices" that people used in ancient times? (fingers)
  27. Mamed had 10 sheep. All but 9 died. How many sheep are left? (nine)
  28. What is the name of a friend of Sherlock Holmes (Dr. Watson)
  29. The surname of the postman from Prostakvashino. (Pechkin)

Competition structure

Tour Tour name Content Grading Criteria
1 Business card Each team in turn presents its business card. Greetings from 10 to 30 points.
2 Rap laws Teams set out 2 rap laws The competition is evaluated from 10 to 30 points
3 Competition of questions and answers "Erudite" Team members answer the leader's questions (game by sector, each sector has questions from 10 to 30 points) Teams answer alternately, choosing the cost of answers The competition is evaluated from 10 to 30 points in each sector. There are 6 sectors in total, the team must answer 3 questions in each sector (the cost of the question is chosen by the team itself)
4 Competition "Black box" Contestants must guess what item is in the box. The story about the things that are in the box is assessed (from 10 to 30 points). After the story, the opposing team must guess which thing (50 points)
5 Captains competition "Forward to victory through the stomach" Captains have to eat their lunch, who's faster Estimated at 50 points
6 Competition "Homework" "My fabulous profession" Participants represent their profession in a "fairy world". Humor is appreciated. Performance, clothing, love of the profession (10 to 50 points)


Holding festive concert for the professional holiday "Power Engineer Day"


How wonderfully billions of lights sparkle!

And the heart is warmer from the radiant light!

And it becomes a hundred times more fun for us,

When our planet sparkles like that!

Presenter: And it only becomes warmer for us from thought,

That we will come home, have a cup of tea,

Sitting down by the fireplace, and under the light of lanterns

We will just dream a little.

Host: Hello dear friends! We are gathered here today to celebrate the most Holy holiday a year!

Presenter: A holiday of warmth and light, a holiday of coziness and comfort - Energy Day!

Host: The whole world is shrouded in wires,

Warmth and light - you are made by hands

Power engineers. Thank you we say to you!

Presenter: It's not a secret for anyone that man is one of the most perfect and intelligent creatures on the planet, so there is nothing surprising in the fact that every year, month and even day more and more new inventions appear. Not much time has passed since the first Caveman I learned how to handle a stone, make tools, I managed to get fire and conquer it, and now you and I are already making full use of such a benefit of civilization as electricity.

Host: Imagine our life with you without electrical energy is no longer possible. The electric power industry has covered all spheres of human activity: industry and Agriculture, science and space, our way of life. One of its most remarkable properties is the ability to transform into almost all other types of energy: thermal, mechanical, light, sound, etc.

Presenter: Who can argue that electricity is one of the main driving forces of progress. And it seems impossible for us to even imagine our house without a refrigerator and TV, a computer, an iron, and in general - even without a light bulb. And everything that we see on the street - sparkling shop windows, lanterns, traffic lights, exists thanks to electricity.

Host: Humanity first thought about electricity 300 years ago. But how our world has changed during this time! People have literally tamed electricity.

What kind of people are they? Who are they? The country must know its heroes by sight. These are our respected and beloved energy drinks. Today is your holiday! A holiday filled with sparkling light and radiant warmth. A holiday of tireless work and energy.


Wherever we go, wherever we go,

But the truth for everyone is the same in everything:

For us, the planet was kindled with lights

Those people who do not know rest and sleep.


Friends, we live with energy in the world,

Energy is in everything!

Happy to congratulate, and our words are pure,

People who are with energy on "you"

Together: Happy Holidays, dear power engineers!

Host: On our solemn event dedicated to the professional holiday "Power Engineer Day" (Our today's holiday "Power Engineer Day" was visited)

guests of honor are present:… ..

Presenter: And also we are glad to welcome….

Host: In our hall today there are people with special hardening, whose hard work and high skill are worthy of deep respect and gratitude. No matter how difficult the conditions are, they do not give up in the face of difficulties and do not give up. They bring the work started to the end. These are the leaders and employees of the energy industry!

Leading: С welcome speech wants to contact you….

Moderator: A word for greetings and congratulations is provided ... ..

Presenter: ... are invited to the stage.

Host: Power Engineer's Day is a national holiday. And this is said without any exaggeration. After all, our comfort and our conveniences entirely depend on your work. And for Good work it is customary to say not only "thank you".

Presenter: On the day of the professional holiday for conscientious work, high professionalism is awarded with certificates / diplomas .........

Presentation of government awards …………

Host: We continue to honor those who

Presenter: For the impeccable service for the benefit of everyone living in our republic, for the selfless work, we say a huge thank you and are happy to continue the award ceremony ...


The current generation of power engineers continues the traditions of their predecessors and teachers with dignity. All the achievements of our power engineers are based on the accumulated experience and wisdom of many generations of engineers, builders, designers, scientists. Our young workers are assisted by experienced colleagues who have devoted many years of their lives to this difficult but light work….


People are behind technology and progress, behind achievements and success. And these are not just people, but the owners of golden hands and a selfless heart, this is a quick mind and an excellent reaction. These are the ones who deserve respect and gratitude from all of us.

Accept this musical gift..


Dear power engineers, we all appreciate your work, respect,

Happy professional holiday today!

Congratulations to those who give us comfort and light!

There is no life on the planet without heat and light!

On the stage….


We say thanks to those who gave us light, comfort, warmth.

We say thank you to those who give us good.

Live happily and peacefully for many years,

Not knowing the cold, breakdowns, various troubles!

Host: To your thunderous applause, we want to invite to this stage ... ..

Presenter: Energetic! How proud it sounds! Energetic is a wonderful word, full of strength, cheerfulness and energy. Full of work, intense and difficult, from a simple worker to a top manager.

Host: In every team there are people who enjoy unquestionable authority, deep respect and the love of colleagues due to their high professionalism, hard work and conscientious attitude to business ………

Presenter: Not everyone can manage such a responsible process as receiving, transferring and preserving energy, but only people with organizational talent, possessing high endurance and understanding of people. With such leaders, we only go to success and we are not afraid of any cold ... ... ...



This is not another "red date" on the calendar ...


This day is a reminder of the original unity of interests of power engineers and everyone who is related to light and heat.


Everyone who lovingly contributes to this glorious industry.

Host: This is an all-encompassing feeling of joy from being involved in a big and important cause.

Presenter: This is a great opportunity to get everyone together, look into each other's eyes and say thank you.


After all, common joy is doubly joy!

After all, common pride is pride for everyone!

We are the links of one unbreakable chain!

it common holiday, our common success!

Host: Meet, dear power engineers and guests of our holiday. Especially for you on stage….

Presenter: Among the strong and strong hands power engineers meet weak female hands, but no less stubborn and selfless in their work. No less professional and energetic. Thank you, our beautiful and charming. Thank you tireless workers and experts in their field.

Host: How can a holiday be complete without surprises, without smiles and happiness in the eyes ?! Please accept this musical gift from us ...

Presenter: Power engineers are people worth their weight in gold, because they have golden hands, and most importantly, golden hearts! Where they work is the territory of good deeds.


Giving light - how symbolic it is!

But not at all casual and prosaic!

Giving light - what a bright profession you have!

To bring warmth to the houses, the hearts of all of us.

Presenter: Allow us once again on this holiday to congratulate you, dear power engineers, on your professional holiday!

Host: Happy holiday of light, warmth, comfort!

Host: Thanks to your well-coordinated and precise work, there is light and warmth in our homes and enterprises, without which it is impossible to imagine our life. Your profession is truly noble and creative. Today is your day, your holiday!

Presenter: We want to say thank you for the fact that in hot and cold weather, rain and snow, a weekend or a holiday in trenches knee-deep in water, warming the cold metal with your warm hands, you ensure stable energy conservation in our republic.

Leading:« Let there be light! ”They say. And every day they work wonders of stamina and heroism. Thanks to the conquerors of peaks and air networks, thanks for the smooth operation, for the fact that we can make ourselves a cup of coffee, and comfortably settled down near a warm battery, read our favorite book under the bright light of the lamp.

For you …… are performing on stage.

Presenter: In honor there will always be someone who is devoted to work, who is loyal to his calling, who is not afraid of difficulties and dangers. Dear power engineers, allow from pure heart once again congratulate you on wonderful holiday and wish you good health, happiness, and burn - but not burn!


We congratulate you, who gives us comfort,

After all, it became impossible for us to live without energy.

We say thank you to the power engineers. Firework!

For tireless work, for light and reliability!

Final song

A curtain.

Holding a festive concert for the professional holiday "Power Engineer Day"
How wonderfully billions of lights sparkle!
And the heart is warmer from the radiant light!
And it becomes a hundred times more fun for us,
When our planet sparkles like that!

Presenter: And it only becomes warmer for us from thought,
That we will come home, have a cup of tea,
Sitting down by the fireplace, and under the light of lanterns
We will just dream a little.
Host: Hello dear friends! We are gathered here today to celebrate the brightest holiday of the year!
Presenter: A holiday of warmth and light, a holiday of coziness and comfort - Energy Day!

Host: The whole world is shrouded in wires,
It is so difficult for us to count them!
Warmth and light - you are made by hands
Power engineers. Thank you we say to you!

Presenter: It's not a secret for anyone that man is one of the most perfect and intelligent creatures on the planet, so there is nothing surprising in the fact that every year, month and even day more and more new inventions appear. Quite a little time has passed since the moment when the first caveman learned how to handle a stone, make tools, managed to get fire and conquer it, and now we are already making full use of such a benefit of civilization as electricity.

Host: It is no longer possible to imagine our life with you without electric energy. The electric power industry has covered all spheres of human activity: industry and agriculture, science and space, our life. One of its most remarkable properties is the ability to transform into almost all other types of energy: thermal, mechanical, light, sound, etc.

Presenter: Who can argue that electricity is one of the main driving forces of progress. And it seems impossible for us to even imagine our house without a refrigerator and TV, a computer, an iron, and in general - even without a light bulb. And everything that we see on the street - sparkling shop windows, lanterns, traffic lights, exists thanks to electricity.

Host: Humanity first thought about electricity 300 years ago. But how our world has changed during this time! People have literally tamed electricity.
What kind of people are they? Who are they? The country must know its heroes by sight. These are our respected and beloved energy drinks. Today is your holiday! A holiday filled with sparkling light and radiant warmth. A holiday of tireless work and energy.

Wherever we go, wherever we go,
But the truth for everyone is the same in everything:
For us, the planet was kindled with lights
Those people who do not know rest and sleep.

Friends, we live with energy in the world,
Energy is in everything!
Happy to congratulate, and our words are pure,
People who are with energy on "you"

Together: Happy Holidays, dear power engineers!

Host: At our solemn event dedicated to the professional holiday "Power Engineer Day" (We visited our today's holiday "Power Engineer Day")
guests of honor are present: ..

Presenter: We are also happy to welcome you.

Host: In our hall today there are people with special hardening, whose hard work and high skill are worthy of deep respect and gratitude. No matter how difficult the conditions are, they do not give up in the face of difficulties and do not give up. They bring the work started to the end. These are the leaders and employees of the energy industry!

Presenter: She wants to address you with a welcoming speech.

Host: A word for greetings and congratulations is provided ..

Presenter: They are invited to the stage.

Host: Power Engineer's Day is a national holiday. And this is said without any exaggeration. After all, our comfort and our conveniences entirely depend on your work. And it is customary to say not only "thank you" for a good job.

Presenter: On the day of the professional holiday, for conscientious work, high professionalism, they are awarded certificates / diplomas.

Presentation of government awards

Host: We continue to honor those who

Presenter: For the impeccable service for the benefit of everyone living in our republic, for the selfless work, we say a huge thank you and are happy to continue the award ceremony

The current generation of power engineers continues the traditions of their predecessors and teachers with dignity. All the achievements of our power engineers are based on the accumulated experience and wisdom of many generations of engineers, builders, designers, scientists. Our young workers are assisted by experienced colleagues who have devoted many years of their lives to this difficult but light work.

People are behind technology and progress, behind achievements and success. And these are not just people, but the owners of golden hands and a selfless heart, this is a quick mind and an excellent reaction. These are the ones who deserve respect and gratitude from all of us.
Please accept this musical gift ..

Dear power engineers, we all appreciate your work, respect,
Happy professional holiday today!
Congratulations to those who give us comfort and light!
There is no life on the planet without heat and light!
On the stage.

We say thanks to those who gave us light, comfort, warmth.
We say thank you to those who give us good.
Live happily and peacefully for many years,
Not knowing the cold, breakdowns, various troubles!

Host: To your thunderous applause, we want to invite you to this stage ..

Presenter: Energetic! How proud it sounds! Energetic is a wonderful word, full of strength, vigor and energy. Full of work, intense and difficult, from a simple worker to a top manager.

Host: In every team there are people who enjoy unquestionable authority, deep respect and love of colleagues due to their high professionalism, hard work and conscientious attitude to business

Presenter: Not everyone can manage such a responsible process as receiving, transferring and preserving energy, but only people with organizational talent, possessing high endurance and understanding of people. With such leaders, we only go to success and we are not afraid of any cold weather.

This is not another "red date" on the calendar.

This day is a reminder of the original unity of interests of power engineers and everyone who is related to light and heat.

Everyone who lovingly contributes to this glorious industry.

Host: This is an all-encompassing feeling of joy from being involved in a big and important cause.

Presenter: This is a great opportunity to get everyone together, look into each other's eyes and say thank you.

After all, common joy is doubly joy!
After all, common pride is pride for everyone!
We are the links of one unbreakable chain!
This is a common holiday, our common success!

Host: Meet, dear power engineers and guests of our holiday. Especially for you on stage.

Presenter: Among the strong and strong hands of power engineers there are weak female hands, but no less stubborn and selfless in their work. No less professional and energetic. Thank you, our beautiful and charming. Thank you tireless workers and experts in their field.

Host: How can a holiday be complete without surprises, without smiles and happiness in the eyes ?! Accept this musical gift from us

Presenter: Power engineers are people worth their weight in gold, because they have golden hands, and most importantly, golden hearts! Where they work is the territory of good deeds.

Giving light - how symbolic it is!
But not at all casual and prosaic!
Giving light - what a bright profession you have!
To bring warmth to the houses, the hearts of all of us.

Presenter: Allow us once again on this holiday to congratulate you, dear power engineers, on your professional holiday!

Host: Happy holiday of light, warmth, comfort!

Host: Thanks to your well-coordinated and precise work, there is light and warmth in our homes and enterprises, without which it is impossible to imagine our life. Your profession is truly noble and creative. Today is your day, your holiday!

Presenter: We want to say thank you for the fact that in hot and cold weather, rain and snow, a weekend or a holiday in trenches knee-deep in water, warming the cold metal with your warm hands, you ensure stable energy conservation in our republic.

Host: “Let there be light!” - they say. And every day they work wonders of stamina and heroism. Thanks to the conquerors of peaks and air networks, thanks for the smooth operation, for the fact that we can make ourselves a cup of coffee, and comfortably settled down near a warm battery, read our favorite book under the bright light of the lamp.
They perform on stage for you.

Presenter: In honor there will always be someone who is devoted to work, who is loyal to his calling, who is not afraid of difficulties and dangers. Dear power engineers, let me congratulate you from the bottom of my heart once again on a wonderful holiday and wish you good health, happiness, and burn - but not burn out!
We congratulate you, who gives us comfort,
After all, it became impossible for us to live without energy.
We say thank you to the power engineers. Firework!
For tireless work, for light and reliability!
Final song
A curtain.

© ђHeader 1ўђHeader 315