Happy new year from the economic department. Cool congratulations to colleagues on the New Year. Dear friends, employees of the Streamer Company

Fortunately or unfortunately for most of us, work has long become something more than a trivial means of earning money. It is at work places that we spend most of our time, and for many it even captures the weekend. This means that important role in life modern man colleagues play, and often the most valuable moments we share with them. This means that original ideas Happy New Year greetings from colleagues are especially valuable. In this article, we have selected for you best congratulations in verse for the team with the new, 2018th year. Choosing!

Happy New Year to employees in verse

Let it carry you New Year
Prosperity and income.
May success accompany
So that you do not know the hindrances in anything.

May health be strong
The mind is enlightened, tenacious,
There is peace in the world, but harmony in families.
Raising all salaries.

A lot of strength and optimism,
Travel and tourism,
In the showers - sunny weather.
Everyone, colleagues, Happy New Year!

Our dear colleagues!
A magical New Year is coming
And with him - lo and behold! - weekends,
Which are so lacking!

Let it be foldable for everyone,
Successful, profitable, gratifying,
Let it go last year
Take problems with him!

Let the worries leave you
And disease and adversity,
The hopelessness will go away.
And the desired hope will lead you through life.

We wish each other
Happiness, money, years,
Stretching out hands to each other
Let's sing to the whole world:

"Happy New Happiness, Happy New Year!"
Clinking glasses, as always
And burns above the sky
Star of bethlehem!

Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!
New Year's time!
We decorate the Christmas tree together,
We decorate the office with style!
To a friendly team
It's cool to celebrate the New Year!
For happiness to be with us
So that we cope with matters!
For the boss to love us,
I paid premiums and bonuses.
So that the trade union organizer does not offend,
If anything, he defended it.
And an accountant so as not to be greedy,
Sweet, kind and pleasant.

Congratulations, colleagues.
I wish you creative victories
To keep the boss from getting
He gave money without stint.
There will be a holiday, there will be a tree
There will be dances, there will be vodka.
Wives will freak out
And husbands will thump.
This is how the New Year is celebrated
All the people at work.
Well, if not,
A year goes by anyhow.

Work constantly in such a team,
Where friendship and help will always be strong,
Where the joy of communication will replace the scandal,
How lucky I was with my job, I didn't even know.
I hasten to wish you a Happy New Year.
May we be friends without regret.
I wish you the sun under the firmament!
Let me read small congratulations.

Colleagues, Happy New Year to you,
I sincerely wish you happiness, health,
May God live for you whole year
Without sorrow, sadness and worries.
Always work with success
Do not get sick and do not be lazy,
Good luck in all your endeavors,
And joyful smiles on our lips.

We won't work today,
Waiting magic miracle.
Happy New Year to each other:
Let the year be financial, joyful.

In the New Year, Dear Colleagues,
I wish you good luck in entering.
May fate give you amulets.
WITH winter tale my congratulations!

My beloved colleagues!
We are all running in the same race.
And in this new year's hour
I want to congratulate all of you:

Let our team be strong!
Let wages grow steadily!
And let the tops be labor
They will obey us without effort!

Let the boss not be strict,
Let us not be judged for mistakes
And more often he gives a prize,
And so let the whole year pass!

Congratulations to colleagues on the upcoming New Year in prose

My beloved colleagues, I want to congratulate you on the upcoming holiday! All the gifts that the Monkey gave us can be left last year if they are not particularly valuable to you. Now comes completely new stage our life. The only qualities that should not be left behind are dedication and hard work. That without which the successful work of our company would be impossible. I would like to wish you to find your exciting, memorable project. And may all the surprises be only pleasant!

My dear colleagues! The passing old year is always a little pity. However, should we be sad? Remembering this year, I would like to immediately say about the leap that our company has made. This is some incredible turn of events - new clients, amazing partners, financial success, entering new markets ... You can talk endlessly. And all this is exclusively our merit. However, in the coming year, I would very much like this bonfire of events to light up with renewed vigor. Let the reality become what we are even afraid to think about. Happy New Year!

In that holiday we traditionally congratulate the most beloved husbands and wives, friends, parents. And, of course, colleagues! Colleagues who have become a second family for us. Let's be honest: this year was not easy. But its value lies in the fact that together we have been able to overcome hundreds of difficulties. It happened due to the fact that they could find mutual language, to hear each other, not to be offended in difficult situations. And the main thing is to preserve our warm, friendly relations. In this composition, our team can only continue to develop and prosper. We remain the very team that can conquer any peak. For us! Happy New Year!

Dear friends and colleagues! We were all looking forward to this year, because it will mark a whole new stage in our professional activity... My new year greetings colleagues are filled with maximum warmth and sincerity, because we must enter this new stage, holding each other's hands and capabilities. Do not hesitate: The dog will definitely bring new achievements, creative victories, success and prosperity with it. Congratulations!

Sometimes, from the outside, ordinary people may think that they work in our company solely because of high salaries. But you and I know that every specialist of our company gets great pleasure and satisfaction from what he does. We have big goals to which we go without seeing obstacles. Agree that it makes sense to work frantically all year to now see our director in a Shrek suit, and the chief accountant in the image of a Snow Maiden? And how amazingly the secretary dances on the table, and how wonderful the programmers who fell asleep at the bar are! Let's continue this evening in the same spirit so that we have something to remember! Happy Holidays!

New Year's greetings to the chief

Dear you are our boss,
Nice chef and nice boss!
In the New Year, we wish you
So that your business grows and grows.

So that sponsored colleagues,
In our faces, so to speak,
They could do everything and could do everything,
So that you get profit.

For a year without checks,
So that without crises and troubles.
We will help you, because, honestly,
There is no better boss in the world.

I want to wish you Happy New Year
Wish inspiration and peace,
So that you get a star from the sky
And the apartment was filled with goodness.

Let everything be - honor and success,
Raise, increase in salary,
New Year's joy and laughter,
The smell of the tree and the news by the way.

Always prosper, every day
Climb higher and higher in the service
To be remembered with warmth
All those of lower rank and rank!

We hasten to congratulate you with the whole team,
We wish you prosperity on the New Year,
And we all are just as wise to rule
And solve all pressing problems in an instant,

We wish you great success in your career,
Luck, success for a hundred years,
We wish you to always be the first in everything,
In work, we wish you valiant victories!

And in personal life joy and happiness,
Wellbeing, family warmth,
To bypass your hearth of bad weather,
So that your life is beautiful!

How to congratulate the manager on the New Year in prose

Our dear leader! It is believed that there are three types of directors: those who ask to do something in an amicable way. Those who demand to do something in a rude manner. And there are those who know how to work and support their employees for real! This is exactly what you are, and we will continue to look up to you. Happy New Year!

Our dear boss! We have already voiced New Year's greetings to our partners, and now we want to say our gratitude to you. Indeed, without you, we would not have been able to reach such heights in our professional activities. Your leadership can be safely called fair, and this is very important for every employee. And even though you are often very demanding of us, at the same time in your affairs you are distinguished by an amazing consistency. You have supported us in any difficult situation and we appreciate it. We expect only the best from this year. Happy Holidays!

Photo: requested by Google

Congratulations and wishes for a Happy New Year

May the coming year bring many pleasant events and happy moments. Let new perspectives appear and the set tasks come true! We wish good health, good luck and love to you and your loved ones! Good mood and performance of the most cherished desires on New Year's Eve!

Happy New Years to the chef

Accept the most my sincere congratulations Happy New Year! I wish you good health, great personal happiness, prosperity, inexhaustible energy, the implementation of all professional plans! May the New Year always be accompanied by success in the important business that you are doing! May your best endeavors always be accompanied by creative inspiration and creative initiative, and may your energy and ingenuity be the key to the successful implementation of your plans. I would like to wish you that you are always surrounded by the warmth and love of your loved ones, the respect of colleagues and friends, and great mood and emotional uplift have always accompanied your life! Love, kindness and prosperity!

Happy New Year to employees

Dear Colleagues. Happy New Year to all of you. New Year is a fabulous holiday, always expected and always loved. He always carries in himself the hope for the best, the expectation of good changes. Many events took place in the past year, joyful and not very happy. But no matter what happens, it is gone and a new, fresh, joyful one will come. I wish all of us health, success, prosperity, good partners, good deals and high efficiency... Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to employees

The New Year is usually associated with hopes for the best, so let all the good things that made you happy in the outgoing year will certainly find their continuation in the coming year. May the New Year bring you prosperity, fulfillment cherished dream, will strengthen faith in the future, and success accompanies all your endeavors always and in everything. I wish you peace, harmony, patience, kindness, happiness and, of course, good luck! Happy New Year!

Reliability, stability and prosperity are the keys to the success of our cooperation! Please accept our sincere congratulations on the upcoming New Year! May the coming year be full of new plans, creative ideas, good news and financial success! And the first lines of all news programs will not be occupied by show business news.
, and the news of your sensational success! Good luck and Happy Holidays!

Happy New Year official greetings

Please accept my sincere congratulations on the upcoming New Year! May the New Year bring you prosperity, the fulfillment of your cherished dream and strengthen your faith in the future. May success accompany all your endeavors always and in everything. I wish you peace, harmony, patience, kindness, happiness and, of course, good luck! Happy New Year!

Happy New Year is not in verse

Inhaling the winter air mixed with the aroma of spruce, tangerines and something else wonderful and fabulous, I sincerely wish you a Happy New Year!
May all your hopes, all the wildest desires and expectations come true, because this holiday is magical! Good health to you and only happy days in the new year!

Happy New Year's greetings to the head

We sincerely wish you a Happy New Year! New Year is special holiday: he gives hope for happiness and good luck, brings the joy of new beginnings. The outgoing year was eventful important events and achievements.
In the coming year, we wish you good health, happiness, mental fortitude, self-confidence and optimism. May your family and friends always be with you, and prosperity, love and prosperity reign in your homes.

Happy New Year to friends

Dear friends! The outgoing year has been eventful and fruitful. He filled us with life wisdom and strength.
May the coming New Year accompany further successes and achievements, will bring joy, understanding, harmony and love.
May the most difficult problems be solved and the best hopes and wildest dreams come true.
Let the upcoming New Year 2010 be the year of new achievements and achievements for all of you!
Happiness, health, joy, success and all the best!

Comic New Year greetings to the team in verse

I wish my native team,
Doesn't freak out too much with fat!
To live more modestly, in terms of income,
Go to nature more often!
Less often shopping will hit
Do more business!
Not taking a vacation every year,
Increase that income!
Live without resentment and gossip,
Everyone is so noticeable!
Always be healthy
Even if it's cold!
And also let the new year,
May it bring you happiness!
Cheerful laughter and smiles
And do not know any losses!

Happy New Year to partners

Working with professionals is valuable experience, which is the key to success in any business. Our cooperation allowed us to overcome many difficulties and maintain the stability and reliability of relations. The outgoing year will go down in the history of the development of our company as a successful one, which is a great merit of your professional team. In the coming year, we wish you prosperity and well-being, new successful joint projects and an inexhaustible source of creative ideas! Happiness and health to you and your loved ones! Happy New Year!

Happy New Year in verse short

May the New Year bring harmony
Growth in business, family, career!
I wish you great happiness
And do not know any adversity!

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas greetings

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas !!!
With all my heart I wish you to live this year happily and carefree and may the Lord fill your hearts with love and help you appreciate every moment of life! May the New Year bring new hopes and Christmas warm the soul!

Happy New Year official greetings for partners

I sincerely wish you a Happy New Year! The New Year is usually associated with hopes for the best, so let all the good things that made you happy in the past year find their continuation in the coming year! I wish you good health, the implementation of your ideas and plans, respect and understanding in the team. Happy New Year!

Happy New Year greetings at work in verse

We do not burn out at work,
Always be in high esteem!
They succeeded so that things
And the salary has grown!
So that customers are respected,
And the partners loved it!
So that in a wonderful team,
There was a surge of energy!
And let the New Year
Only the best carries:
Relationships will be strengthened
Decisions will become correct!
And even the ice will melt
If our chef sings!
May employees be lucky
And good luck is coming to us!
Let everyone get a vacation
And he won't get bored there!
Pour, honest people,
We will drink to the New Year!

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas

I want to wish you a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas! Let the coming 2010 be for you the year of accomplishment of all your bold plans and achievement of your goals. May the New Year bring prosperity, the fulfillment of a cherished dream, strengthen faith in the future, and success accompany everywhere and in everything!

Happy New Year SMS

May the New Year come
With gifts to boot
It will wink at you with a smile
And will bring good luck!

Happy New Year in verse for colleagues

Let the problems go away
With them - pain and hopelessness!
Together with happiness at the gate,
Knocking at us - New Year!
New plans, ideas,
Reaching a new goal!
Many different achievements
Only competent decisions!
And you have big incomes,
Good working days!
At home - joy, warmth,
A lot of all kinds of good!

Happy New Year to colleagues in prose

There could be no question of any success if our team had not got down to business! The time has come annual reports, reconciliation, approval of the business plan ... but behind all the numbers and calculations is hard work professionals, without whose skill no process can be imagined and no idea can be realized. The outgoing year was successful thanks to your knowledge and experience, patience and mutual assistance, ability to work in a team, respect for each other and dedication common cause! May the coming year be reliable and stable for you and your loved ones, and dreams and goals will find their embodiment! We wish your families peace and comfort! Your well-being is the key to our common success! Happy New Year, friends!

Happy New Year to friends fabulous

They say that the time cannot be turned back, but we forget this truth when the aroma of spruce and tangerines spreads through the house, and the soul trembles anxiously in anticipation of gifts. We again, as in childhood, frantically recall our dreams and believe that it is in the new year that they are destined to come true. Keep this sweet faith in miracle! Any problem and adversity will not weigh so much when you believe in the best and as if you know for sure that the best is inevitable. Protect your loved ones from hurtful words and ugly deeds! Protect yourself from envy and heavy thoughts! The year will surely be successful, and dreams will certainly come true if you really want it!

Download Happy New Year greetings

I wish you a Happy New Year and happy holiday Nativity of Christ!
Only once a year there is a unique event that the calendar gives us. This is an amazing and unusual day when, after seeing one year, we immediately meet another. And this is very symbolic, because on this day we strive to leave all our problems and worries in the old year, and on the new one to take with us a good mood, victories and achievements!
May all your innermost dreams come true, and your house will light up bright smiles family and friends.
I wish you health, kindness, prosperity, fortitude and faith in the future!
Happy New Year!

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas comic poems

May the new year come
It brings happiness to everyone
Who is poor - let him get rich,
Who is rich - let him not grow old!
If there are no children, then they will
And let them not forget about you!
Who is unmarried, let the bride,
God will not send you out of the test!
All the girls get married,
Live for your husband like a queen!
If a person is sick,
Health to him forever!
Who dreams of a career
Reach sooner!
If someone is suddenly offended,
Let your happiness see!
And let it be by Christmas
Everyone to make a dream come true!
Cheer him up to meet
It is a joy to celebrate the holiday!

Happy New Year to colleagues, partners, beautiful

I wish you new strength, good luck,
New Year and Christmas!
May they always expect you in life
Only joy, happiness and goodness!
Let there be many friends, acquaintances
In your life path!
And may the road always be successful,
And let the successes just wait ahead!

Happy New Year 2010 to partners

We congratulate you and your wonderful team with the New 2010 Year!
To the clink of New Year's glasses,
For noisy and cheerful laughter,
We celebrate the New Year today,
With great hope for success!
We believe in miracles and happiness,
And we know that they will come!
After all, New Year will open the doors
And the wondrous fairy tale will come!

Comic New Year greetings to the team in verse

Congratulations to the team,
Drink you an aperitif!
Warm up well
Sit down in your seats!
Make a lot of money
Eliminate your problems
And achieve a career for everyone
So as not to fight for positions!
Let the bosses not channel
And he regrets, he helps!
May our sweet union
Will bring a watermelon now!
Let the accountant be without strain
Will give salaries for merit!
Let everyone give kisses
Even all of your enemies!
In general, happiness in the New Year,
Let everyone give what everyone is waiting for!

Happy New Year greetings to the team in verse

A year has passed. What to add to this?
Another step is behind.
I would like to congratulate you on the coming,
And wish you success ahead!
May our team be friendly, brave
There is always good luck in everything.
So that any business is on the shoulder,
And may fortune find us everywhere!

Happy New Year - Toast

There is an ancient Japanese belief. Once the animals gathered at the fire on New Year's Eve: Horse, Tiger, Mouse and Cat, Bull, Dragon, Goat, Pig, Monkey and Snake, Dog, and Rooster. And they began to argue who would reign over all. It came right up to a fight, until the Japanese god descended from heaven and reconciled them. He divided the power equally and ordered the animals to line up and reign in turn. Each - once every 12 years. Let's drink to order in the leadership layers and to the wisdom of the "commander-in-chief"!

Happy New Year for business partners

Ladies and gentlemen! In the New Year, I would like to wish only the best. May the coming year bring you new discoveries, pleasant acquaintances, even more self-confidence, strength of mind and body, honest victories and universal love!

Original Happy New Year greetings to colleagues verses

Colleagues! Happy New Year!
With new labor income!
With a new mood and fashion,
WITH new joy and snowy weather!
With new happiness, with new freedom,
Admire nature during the holidays!
May each of you achieve everything
What your heart desires!

New Year is coming
Here's what you may bring:
Well, firstly, for example,
Let him enhance your career!

Will renovate your apartment!

Will cheer you up!
Then let him give more,
And a solid bank account!
Well, more, love, of course,
Here we are all not sinless!
Joy, good health,
New Year's feast!

The last one is excellent!
Relax among the guests

Original congratulations on the coming New Year in verse

New Year is coming
Here's what you may bring:
Well, firstly, for example,
Let him enhance your career!
Secondly, let everyone wonder
Will renovate your apartment!
Thirdly, even if without regret,
Will cheer you up!
Then let him give more,
And a solid bank account!
Well, more, love, of course,
Here we are all not sinless!
Joy, good health,
New Year's feast!
To meet the year decently,
The last one is excellent!
Relax among the guests
All of them should be a little drunk!

Happy New Year to a colleague in verse

May the year be happy
And it will bring good luck!
Joy, good health,
Let him give you love!
Let your career grow
And not only in the New Year!
May you always be lucky in money
And live without hassle!

Happy New Years business partners in verse

In the outgoing year, summing up,
I would like to wish today
In matters of luck, so that all the time on time
To fulfill all obligations successfully.
And don't let this crisis scare you,
And capital is growing steadily
And the team does not lose enthusiasm,
He who seeks, of course, will find!

Happy New Year in Ukrainian

Velmishanovna panstvo!

From a wide heart to you with the upcoming New Rock!

It’s healthy for you to see me, creative minds, the health of your professional plans, your special bazhan and your best ideas.

Nekhai Noviy Rik will bring you only good-naturedness, prosperity, warmth and happiness to your homeland, wide friends and partners, shani and love from people you are close to you, happy and bright podiat of the most beautiful!

Happy New Year to a friend, warm friend

I wish you
Let him ride on a broomstick
Laughter, luck and fun
New Years hangover
Life without any worries
Joy, happiness all year round!

Write your wishes!
On this little postcard
I can tell you a lot!
I wish you a lot of smiles
Heavenly kindness in life!
I wish you to live without mistakes,
Among friends and beauty!
I wish you children and grandchildren,

I also wish you a better life,
In abundance and great love!
And in the middle of a cold cold
Let the flowers bloom!
Let them give close gifts

I wish you many bright days
And it's more fun for you to meet the year!

The most original congratulations Happy New Year

On New Years, I wish you to get rich,
Succeed in more business,
In love - great bliss,
In clothes - only perfection!
Live in understanding and glory
Don't be sad for you!
With friends, only understanding
Do not know offense and parting!
To achieve success and career,
Solve all problems successfully!
Sleep well
Get up early!
Do not know any lies, lies and falsehood,
Well, in general, to live in great happiness!

Congratulations to colleagues on the New Year

My dear colleagues!
I have had great luck in my life - to work with you!
Happy New Year! I wish you on this holiday and every day:
work - creative, successful finds, solutions - as often as possible, recognition of your merits, but do not forget about your sense of humor in case of failure!
Do not be afraid at work - intuition, surprise, experimentation, it will be worth it!
But do not break away from reality, you will be unclaimed.
I wish you happiness and success!

Happy New Year to partners

Ladies and gentlemen! In the new year, I would like to wish you continuous good luck and a fair wind in all your endeavors! Let the spirit of victory always fill the sails of your ship!

Original postcards Happy New Year rhymes

It's not at all difficult for me in the New Year,
Write your wishes!
On this little postcard
I can tell you a lot!
I wish you a lot of smiles
Heavenly kindness in life!
I wish you to live without mistakes,
Among friends and beauty!
I wish you children and grandchildren,
So that they bring joy to your house!
I also wish you a better life,
In abundance and great love!
And in the middle of a cold cold
Let the flowers bloom!
Let them give close gifts
I wish you to live only in abundance!
I wish you many bright days

Happy New Old Years

I sincerely wish that joyful mood festive New Years days preserved with you for the whole year! Happiness and health to you and all your loved ones, love, kindness, harmony and peace! May all the dreams that you did not have time to make New Year's Eve, will certainly be fulfilled on the night of the Old New Year.

Happy New Year greeting text

In our difficult times, let's make 2010 a year of good changes, love and harmony. May there always be comfort and warmth in your home, and outside the window there is a peaceful sky and bright sun. We sincerely wish you good health, optimism, fulfillment of hopes and desires! Happy New Year and Happy New Happiness!

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas business greetings

Dear ladies, gentlemen,
Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!
Let the trouble not knock on you,
You deserve great happiness.
Your souls radiated light,
Warmed many last year
May love come to you in return,
Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

Happy New Years in prose

Dear ones! So the kindest has come and fabulous holiday- New Year. This is a holiday of childhood, and we all come from there. This night is always full of hope and expectation of a miracle. So let each of you have at least a small, but real miracle. And I wish you to be able to discern it in the tumult of events. After all, miracles happen every day, but we do not always see them. Happy New Year, dear ones! Love to you, prosperity, joy and miracles!

Happy New Year's greetings to the chief in verse

Boss you are cool with us,
And let the year be not empty!
Brings great success
Let all the interference go away!
Partners are highly respected
And they shake hands together!
Colleagues always listen
And the star shines brighter for you!
And to be everywhere in full honor,
At meetings, at home, at work!
And one praise awaits in everything,
There is a lot of income and good!

Happy New Year greetings to colleagues

Dear Colleagues!
Happy New Year to everyone. In the New Year, I wish you success in your work, well-being in your family, in raising children. So that all desires were fulfilled, only kind and sympathetic people met on the way, so that there were only tears in their eyes from happiness, and every new day brought a smile, and she never left her face!

Happy New Year 2019 to colleagues and partners, official in verse and prose! New new year wishes Happy 2019, on our New Year's website!

Congratulations in prose for colleagues

Please accept my sincere congratulations on the upcoming New Year 2019! May the New Year bring you prosperity, the fulfillment of your cherished dream and strengthen your faith in the future. May success accompany all your endeavors always and in everything. I wish you peace, harmony, patience, kindness, happiness and, of course, good luck! Happy New Year 2019!

May the coming year bring many pleasant events and happy moments. Let new perspectives appear and the set tasks come true! We wish you and your loved ones good health, good luck and love! Have a good mood and fulfill your most cherished desires on New Year's Eve 2019!

Please accept my sincere congratulations on the New Year, the symbol of which will be the Pig! I wish you good health, great personal happiness, prosperity, inexhaustible energy, the implementation of all professional plans!

Happy New Year 2019 to customers

Dear our clients. Happy New Year to you! We wish you creative and financial growth, successful contracts and responsible partners in the New Year. And thank you for cooperating with us!

Congratulations to partners

I sincerely wish you a Happy New Year 2019! The New Year is usually associated with hopes for the best, so let all the good things that made you happy in the past year find their continuation in the coming year! I wish you good health, the implementation of your ideas and plans, respect and understanding in the team. Happy New Year!

Happy New 2019 Year greetings to business partners in verses

In the outgoing year, summing up,
I would like to wish today
In matters of luck, so that all the time on time
To fulfill all obligations successfully.
And don't let this crisis scare you,
And capital is growing steadily
And the team does not lose enthusiasm,
He who seeks, of course, will find!

Dear Colleagues! We sincerely wish you a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas !!! May the coming 2019 bring you luck and joy of victories, fulfill all your desires. May there always be next to you faithful friends and reliable partners !!!

May good luck be with you
All problems are solved
All workers with intelligence
All clients with a wallet.
May the new year bring
Nice holiday without hassle !!!

December came, arguing with the weather,
And on the threshold - New Year.
May there be a sea of ​​success
And happiness is a full garden.

Happy New Year to you!
Let it be sweeter than honey
Let the departing old year
It will carry away misfortunes with itself!

Colleagues! Increasing joy
Let luck enter growth
Health! Happiness! Years
And new creative victories !!!

May the New 2019 bring you
Laughter with snow, cheerfulness with frost
In deeds, success and spirit of firmness,
And creative thoughts fly.

Success, happiness and luck,
Fun, hassle-free life.
Let the festive mood
Accompanies you all year round!

It's winter again, and on the snow
Fresh trail, and nearby paths.
New Year is very close, colleagues,
We are all happy about this holiday.

We are all different, but certainly
Together we are in a team for a reason,
For only common labor is the basis
For success, and in perspective

Many different undertakings and events,
Many good big beginnings
Trial, error, huge discoveries,
Small sadness and bold daring ...

Congratulations, friends, Happy New Year!
How wonderful - you are by my side!
May good luck go round dance
And sadness will bypass.

Comic congratulations to the team Happy New Year 2019
I wish my native team,
Doesn't freak out too much with fat!
To live more modestly, in terms of income,
Go to nature more often!
Less often shopping will hit
Do more business!
Not taking a vacation every year,
Increase that income!
Live without resentment and gossip,
Everyone is so noticeable!
Always be healthy
Even if it's cold!
And also let the new year,
May it bring you happiness!
Cheerful laughter and smiles
And do not know any losses!

Female colleague

We, those around us, have an incentive
To achieve production success!
And we want to tell you about him now,
About what helps us along the way.

You are this stimulus, a wonderful creature.
After all, if you were not near, close here,
Why strain industrial daring?
Who will appreciate them? Well, they will give a prize there ...

You, like the Snow Maiden, illuminate with a smile
The fruits of work - annual report!
He will be accepted without hindrance and criticism!
And then the New Year will really come!

We congratulate you and wish you
Success, joy, health, etc.
And also to be near us, always influencing
To our super-achievements in labor!

Happy New Year 2019 to a colleague man

My Colleague! You are in business and worries
About service, urgent, burning.
Sometimes you forget that work is
Like a swamp - it will drag the active inside!

And working again until the fifth sweat,
Completing the project, then the report, -
There is a moment to forget about work,
Because the New Year is approaching!

New Year! And smiles bloom!
New Year! And vanity will wait!
And beckoning somewhere with fragile happiness,
It is finally coming New Years!

Happy New Year to you, my friend, I congratulate you!
I wish you success in the service!
I wish you health from the bottom of my heart,
Lots of sun and happy laugh!

Happy New Year 2019 to employees

Congratulations with all your might
Happy New Year office cute,
All office people-people:
May the year be happy!

Let the accountants count
Let the secretaries fly
The cook pleases at lunch
And so it lasts for many years!

All "servicemen" - friendship, brotherhood,
Peace and love of wealth,
Bucks a pack, not copper
Have your own wallets!

I want to congratulate my colleague!
V fun party- New Year!
May luck accompany
Now the time has come! Twelve beats!

What a joyous time
When gifts from the heart
When you don't need to rush
And we are in no hurry to go anywhere.

When we congratulate each other
And we wish you happiness, joy
When the champagne is open
And all the bad things are instantly forgotten.

There is a lot of snow outside the window,
A whirlwind flew in, then a verse ...
Happy New Year to you, colleague!
We dedicate this verse to you.

A verse about how difficult it is for you
Confirm the class in work,
But with your deed, with your word
Supported us more than once!

Let the year not accumulate evil on you,
Let's say no to adversity!
May your invaluable experience
Will turn into a clink of coins!

Happy New Year 2019 greetings to colleagues, funny in verses

The tree shines with lights
And the champagne sparkles.
Lives a year successfully with us,
The page is turned over.

Let, colleagues, the coming year
There will be abundant gifts.
Daily bread will become easy
Life is rich and stable.

Friends, colleagues, Happy New Year!
Our warm, glorious team
Seething, boiling and kolobrodit,
Having dressed up a huge Christmas tree,
Having laid the tables, opened the bottles.
We worked honestly all year.
Quickly pry the olive with a fork,
Throw a sandwich on your plate!

I wish you a Happy New Year,
Everyone who works with me!
Let the service be sweet honey
And our department is a swarm of bees!

Let there be a climate in the team
Like in the Canary Islands
On a common initiative,
Progress in everything, success in business!

Colleague, I congratulate you,
May the work be only joy
And I wish you this time
To know that sheer sweetness

That life brings us
Which she gives us
May you be lucky in all matters
May God grant you health.

Colleagues, may you the New Year of the Pig
It will bring light work.
So that everything works out quickly
No hassle and no hassle.

The boss is always kind
Let it be ours, and fair.
The coming year is a success
It will be cheerful and happy.

Happy New Year! With new happiness!
Away from worries, away from bad weather!
I, a colleague, know for sure!
And I promise you -

That the career will go up
What luck awaits in business,
That great success will come
New Year brings it!

Happy New Year 2019 to colleagues - sms

Happy New Year to you,
New Year's greetings to you.
I wish you a lot of happiness
In the coming New Year.


Happy New Year
Let the old year go away
It takes all the sorrows with it.
I wish that this night
There was a ball with champagne and candles
A cascade of lights and white snow
Men rave glances
And there was a loved one
On such a night with you next!

Happy New Year!
We wish you complete happiness!
Do not get sick, do not grow old,
Everyone in the world likes it!

Life is a mirage, hopes, passions
Waiting for a dream
Only if only all the misfortunes
Bypass the side.
Happy New Year, with faith in happiness
Congratulations to everyone, friends!
I wish you inspiration
And love around me.

Let all bad things sink into eternity
With the last breath of December!
And everything is beautiful, alive
Will come to you in the morning of January!

Friendship, joy and laughter,
New knowledge, strength, success,
Life in happiness and in harmony,
We sincerely wish you
In the coming year!

We do not promise continuous success,
Hope New Year
It will save you from worries
We hope for something else,
And we believe in it ardently
That happiness awaits you
Such, which has not been yet !!!

May the New Year surprise again
Good luck, prospects!
All the days that will come
They will be happy!

Congratulations to partners in prose, short for SMS

Dear Colleagues! Happy New Year 2019 to you! I wish you health and prosperity, new business and personal successes!

Please accept our most cordial and warm congratulations Happy 2019! We wish you, first of all, health, the implementation of all planned projects and plans, success in all your endeavors.

Dear Colleagues! It is natural to wait for the fulfillment of wishes from the New Year! May all your dreams come true in the new 2019 year, and courage and good luck will become constant companions!

Happy New Year 2019 to partners in prose

Dear Colleagues! Friends! Please accept our most sincere Happy New Year and Merry Christmas! May the New Year of the Pig become for you a year of success, prosperity and fulfillment of your most cherished desires. May he be joyful and happy, fruitful and successful. We wish you strong physical and financial health, reliable partners and new professional victories.

Dear friends! Please accept my sincere congratulations on the upcoming New Year! May the New Year bring you prosperity, the fulfillment of your cherished dream and strengthen your faith in the future. May success accompany all your endeavors always and in everything. We wish you peace, harmony, patience, kindness, happiness and, of course, good luck! Happy New Year 2019 and Merry Christmas!

Beautiful Happy New Year 2019 greetings in verse and prose

Dear friends! Please accept my sincere congratulations on the New Year 2019 and Merry Christmas!

May the pig year bring good luck
Income growth is big to boot,
Implementation of all projects,
Strengthening useful connections!
Let life become beautiful
And perspectives inspire
All wishes come true!
I wish you success, happiness, prosperity!

Dear Colleagues! Happy New Year 2019 and Merry Christmas!

Happy New Year greetings to colleagues

Dear Colleagues!
Happy New Year to everyone. In the New Year, I wish you success in your work, well-being in your family, in raising children. So that all desires were fulfilled, only kind and sympathetic people met on the way, so that there were only tears in their eyes from happiness, and every new day brought a smile, and she never left her face!

Happy New Year to colleagues in prose

There could be no question of any success if our team had not got down to business! The time has come for annual reports, reconciliations, approval of a business plan ... but behind all the figures and calculations there is the painstaking work of professionals, without whose skill no process can be imagined and no idea can be realized. The outgoing year was successful thanks to your knowledge and experience, patience and mutual assistance, ability to work in a team, respect for each other and dedication to a common cause! May the coming year be reliable and stable for you and your loved ones, and dreams and goals will find their embodiment! We wish your families peace and comfort! Your well-being is the key to our common success! Happy New Year, friends!

Happy New Year greetings to colleagues at work in verse

Please accept Happy New Year greetings
And wishes for happiness and love.
In the next year, you will have more patience,
May good luck fill your days.
Honest, smart and reliable partners,
Do not deviate from the right path.
The contracts are profitable, and it is better to have more,
And to the goal to come to the intended purpose!

Happy New Year to colleagues from the bosses

Dear Colleagues!
I think that many of you will meet the coming year for festive table in the circle of the closest people, because the New Year is family celebration... I would like to raise a festive glass for warmth and comfort in your home, for peace and well-being in every family!
Let the New Year 2011 be successful and fruitful for you! Happiness, festive mood, health, love to you and your loved ones!

Happy New Year in verse for colleagues

Let the problems go away
With them - pain and hopelessness!
Together with happiness at the gate,
Knocking at us - New Year!
New plans, ideas,
Reaching a new goal!
Many different achievements
Only competent decisions!
And you have big incomes,
Good working days!
At home - joy, warmth,
A lot of all kinds of good!

Happy New Years to colleagues in French

Chers amis! Chers coll? Gues!
Nous vous pr? Sentons nos meilleurs v? Ux pour ce No? L qui s "annonce! Nous vous souhaitons beaucoup d" optimisme et de bonne humeur, du bonheur, des succ? S dans tous vos projets et nouvelles grandes r? Alizations! Nous esp? Rons que l "ann? E qui s" annonce vous apportera assurance, s? R? Nit ?, chance et succ? S dans toutes vos entreprises.
In Russian, congratulations sound like this:
Dear friends! Dear Colleagues!
Please accept our congratulations on the upcoming New Year! Let me wish you optimism, Have a good mood, happiness, creative success and new achievements! We hope that the coming year will bring confidence, tranquility, luck and success in all your endeavors.

Colleagues, we sincerely congratulate you
Happy New Years celebration!
We wish you success, joy,
May your home be filled with happiness!
May peace, prosperity, good luck
Accompanied on the path of life.
May it be happy - and never otherwise,
Your mornings, nights, days pass.

Happy New Year greetings for colleagues in verse

Our team is small,
But with a huge soul,
Will greet the New Year amicably,
What is knocking at the gate -
Santa Claus may not be stingy
For gifts. And seeks
Give a prize to everyone for a year,
So that the people are happy.
So that the team worked
Summer and winter
And so that everyone has enough strength
Be yourself!

Cool congratulations Happy New Year to colleagues

We have worked fruitfully with you,
All year, as if they were at war.
And some results have been achieved,
We deserve Sabantuy already.
So I wish you, my colleagues,
I am happiness in the coming year,
Let success be systematic
In work, in relationships and in love.

Congratulations to colleagues on the New Year

My dear colleagues!
I have had great luck in my life - to work with you!
Happy New Year! I wish you on this holiday and every day:
work - creative, successful finds, solutions - as often as possible, recognition of your merits, but do not forget about your sense of humor in case of failure!
Do not be afraid at work - intuition, surprise, experimentation, it will be worth it!
But do not break away from reality, you will be unclaimed.
I wish you happiness and success!

Official congratulations to colleagues on the New Year

Ladies and gentlemen!
Our team cordially wishes you a Happy New Year and wishes you and your company success and prosperity.
Your colleagues, (company name)

Happy New Year to colleagues in verse

A beautiful and fluffy blanket
Winter has enveloped the trees and fields!
But it became warmer in my soul
We wait New Year's joy, of good!
May the New Year come soon
And he will bring us a lot of happiness!
And may everything that we dream of come true
Let only the best happen in homes!

Dear esteemed colleagues!
Happy New Year to you!
And I wish you a lot of success
Interesting, sincere work!
Promising and new projects,
And in a career - great achievements,
Joyful mood to all of you
And great, biggest accomplishments!

Happy New Year in verses to colleagues

Happy New Year to your colleagues

How quickly time is running out.
Suddenly - once! - and New Year again!
And I wish you today
Less worries.
And if it’s a hassle, then it’s small.
So that the disease does not touch you.
And to slow down the arrows
The usual one completed the circle!

Original Happy New Year greetings for colleagues

Dear Colleagues! Another year has come to an end! It's a bit of a pity, because those wonderful events that brought our team together are becoming a thing of the past. But do not be discouraged, because there is still a lot of new ahead that we have to go through together! May everything that comes in the New Year bring our team only changes for the better, prosperity and income growth! Happy new year dear friends!

Santa Claus let it be cool
The crisis will be kaput!
Let everyone be in business
There will be everything that we wanted!
Waited for a career of growth,
It's all easy and simple!
Respect is so rushing
And a couple of honor with him!
The bosses are smiling
The directions are all clear!
The cashier carries a statement,
And opposite all the names,
There is a prize for a miracle!
In, however, we are lucky,
Hello, best New Year!

Cool Happy New Year greetings to friends, colleagues

Good Santa Claus comes to the house,
He knows that we are waiting for him,
Wears a festive fur coat
And the magic staff is with him!
He barely drags a bag of gifts,
Oh, he's probably getting hot!
Well, we don't care about all this,
We are waiting for surprises day and night!
Who is hungry for money, wealth,
Someone wants it to be very sweet
Someone dreams of travel,
And dreams the whole world take a trip!
Someone is waiting for the love of a crazy night
And my friend really wants to get drunk,
My neighbor is going with friends to the bathhouse,
To steam up there wonderfully!
Well, I only want one thing
To have a lot and everything!
May everyone greet the New Year brightly,
And they will receive all the desired gifts!

Happy New Year greetings to colleagues

Colleagues! We worked together, I will not hide,
I go to work with joy,
And I really want to tell you at times:
I won't find any other like that anywhere!

May the New Year make your wishes come true
Good luck - will not bypass anyone!
We will fill our glasses with champagne,
Let's drain them now for the New Year!

Congratulations to colleagues on the New Year in verse

Happy New Year, I sincerely congratulate you,
May the days and nights be good!
Let the bosses worry less,
Let the bad go away as soon as possible!
In a career - growth and great inspiration,
Find successful solutions in everything!

Happy New Year to colleagues

Although the snowdrifts prevent us from going,
Although the blizzard scares outside the window,
Anyway, colleagues, congratulations
Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!
I wish you great success
Both in work and in deeds of love,
Let it fill with life, happiness, laughter
Year to come all hours and days.

Congratulations on the New Year to colleagues, original

I wish that in the new year your salary will be increased by 150%, and at the same time you will have more weekends. I wish that your work schedule this year was as follows: 12.00 - the beginning of the working day, 12.05-13.55 - lunch break, 14.00 - the end of the working day. Happy New Year!

Comic New Year greetings to colleagues

Colleagues! It just so happened that we have to wish each other a Happy New Year! Thinking, I thought about my wish and this is what I decided: may the New Year give each of you what you most want! I am sure that then you will want even more, so guess right away so that there is everything, more and at once. Let everything come true, but for now let's drink to the New Year and to all our dreams!

Colleagues! Happy New Year!
With new labor income!
With a new mood and fashion,

What your heart desires!

We set off on a new hike.

So that the new year is successful

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas greetings to colleagues

As streams and rivers run to the seas,
So the past year has sunk into eternity ...
Happy New Year! Merry Christmas colleagues
We set off on a new hike.
Let you on different new paths
Waiting for joyous delight to open
May rich experience help you,
So that the new year is successful

Original congratulations to colleagues on the New Year

Santa Claus let it be cool
The crisis will be kaput!
Let everyone be in business
There will be everything that we wanted!
Waited for a career of growth,
It's all easy and simple!
Respect is so rushing
And a couple of honor with him!
The bosses are smiling
The directions are all clear!
The cashier carries a statement,
And opposite all the names,
There is a prize for a miracle!
In, however, we are lucky,
Hello, best New Year!

Original Happy New Year greetings to colleagues verses

Colleagues! Happy New Year!
With new labor income!
With a new mood and fashion,
With new joy and snowy weather!
With new happiness, with new freedom,
Admire nature during the holidays!
May each of you achieve everything
What your heart desires!

Comic New Year greetings to colleagues

Colleagues! Well, now another year has passed when we all worked gloriously together!
I wish that in the New Year we will not only work gloriously, but also receive glorious money! Let there be exactly as many of them as each of us wants! Then we'll see which of us is the most greedy! Happy New Year!

Funny Happy New Year greetings to colleagues

Happy New Year! Happy new celebration!
May in the coming year
We have enough everywhere and everything -
If anything else, I'll bring it.
May women bloom with a smile
Let men believe in their success
May the bosses next year
Praises everyone for their work!

Happy New Year in verses to colleagues

In the New Year, I wish you, colleagues,
Let the blizzards carry away:
All problems are complex, tasks,
Let it be at everyone's dacha!
Plans, figures and reports,
Let the worries go away soon!
New Year is already at the door
Open them quickly!
Have fun from the heart
Happiness rushes to everyone's house!

Original congratulations to business colleagues Happy New Year

This is what I think, my dear business colleagues! Let 364 days a year be profitable and only one day - unprofitable - this is when we all together celebrate the best and richest New Year! Let our business bring us continuous income, and the expenses will be so small that we will not even talk about them! Happy New Year and Happy New Happiness to you, gentlemen!

Comic Happy New Year greetings to colleagues

Dear colleagues, I want to wish you a Happy New Year and wish each of you that you finally turn from formidable tigers into affectionate cats and kitties! And then the team will have a continuous purr, which, as you know, has a beneficial effect on nervous system! This means that peace will finally reign, which does not have a very good effect on work, but the atmosphere in the team will be excellent! Happy New Year!

Funny Happy New Year greetings to your colleagues

Colleagues, a minute of attention!
I will tell you my wishes.
May the New Year come to us
It will bring good luck to all of us.
Let there be agreement with us
In work, as in a feast now.
Let our business flourish
And it will bring profit to all of us!

Happy New Year to colleagues

Day after day we worked successfully
Achieved fruit in business.
We are worthy of rest, of course,
There is also a reason - New Year has come!
So let's put the reports aside
Let's remember them only next year.
There will be only pleasant worries
This night. Colleagues, everyone to the table!

Happy New Year greetings to colleagues

Happy New Year, colleagues!
I wish that in it
We've done quite well
Our business is great!
May only the joy of victory
It unites us forever!
We will leave all troubles
Forever behind!

Happy New Year greetings quatrains to colleagues

I will tear off the last leaf of the calendar,
I will tell my colleagues from the bottom of my heart!
Great happiness to you in the New Year,
Fulfill any dream faster!

Happy New Year to colleagues at work in verse

New Year's affairs,
Dances, songs until the morning!
The Christmas tree was brought to the office
And the table has already been set!
Soon Santa Claus will come
Winks with his right eye!
I wish all colleagues
He knows exactly what to wish!
Kindness, warmth, love,
Money - in the year of the cat. Look ...
Over there at the tree round ball -
Love is on fire from him!
In the heart it burns with a flame
The cat looks embarrassed!
Purrs good to you,
Tender passion until the morning
Every day or week ... ..
I believe him, of course!

Happy New Year to colleagues in verse

I wish my colleagues
Coolness and novelty!
Happy New Year
And I write poetry for them!
Let everyone be real
Our sweet dreams!
Let all plans come true
Our bright minds!
May we be respected everywhere Happy New Year sms to friends, colleagues

May joy not leave the house
Not only in holidays!
After all, the New Year foreshadows us,
Fun, dancing until dawn!

Funny congratulations to colleagues on the New Year

My congratulations: Happy New Year
I bring you with respect -
Dear colleagues, my people,
I will give you for you, if necessary ...
I'll give it if I need a paycheck
Celebrate New Year, Christmas,
But I think it's probably better
If the boss makes a triumph!

Happy New Year to colleagues in verse

Colleagues, dear friends!
How glad I am to congratulate you all!
Wonderful days have come -
I don't care about everyday life now.
I wish you a New Year
At a festive noisy table.
We are already ready for the celebration,
Leave things for later ...

For these congratulations, we have selected for you the following gifts from our catalog:

Collective congratulations are always the most popular. And a special role is always given to New Year's collective congratulations... Our wishes portal offers Happy New Year greetings to colleagues, which will strengthen the morale in the team. This congratulation carries warmth, lightness, sincere notes of friendly mood and hope for stability in the future. Congratulations on the New Year to colleagues will be welcomed if not only printed on a postcard and presented to each employee, but also pronounced at the festive table for all colleagues.

Examples of congratulations on the New Year and Merry Christmas.

Congratulation number 1

Dear Ivan Ivanovich (Partners)!

Employees of the company "EuroCement" heartily wish you a Happy New Year!
The New Year is usually associated with hopes for the best, so let all the good things that made you happy in the past year find their continuation in the coming year! May the New Year bring you prosperity and may success accompany all your undertakings always and in everything!
We wish you well, happiness and, of course, prosperity, including financial.

The EuroCement team.

Congratulation number 2

Hello dear clients!

On behalf of EuroCement, I would like to congratulate you on the upcoming New Year 2010! May Luck accompany you in the New Year and may your Health not let you down. I wish you success to all your old and new projects. It will be like 2009 difficult year, but I'm sure you can handle it and come out victorious. And our company will try to help you with this.

Semyon Semyonovich Katkov

Head of Sales Department "EuroCement"

Congratulation number 3

Dear Ivan Ivanovich!

On the eve of the holidays, we wish you a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas. We hope that 2009 was a successful year for you, and you will remember it with warmth. We wish the New Year 2010 to be even better. You have achieved all your goals and all your dreams have come true.

Best wishes for the New Year,

The EuroCement team.

Congratulation number 4

Hello dear clients!

New Year and Christmas are coming soon. The Alliance Media Jet team congratulates you from the bottom of their hearts on these wonderful holidays and wishes you that in the New Year all your dreams come true and all your ideas and projects come true. The end of the year is not only a time to celebrate, it is also a time to make assessments and take stock of the work. In our opinion, these results are best summed up for you, our clients.

In this regard, we ask you, our dear client, to describe your thoughts on our cooperation with you through one of following ways:

1. Review on our website http: // www.

WITH Best wishes,

Alliance Media Jet team

Congratulation number 5

Dear users!!!

Happy New Year 2010 of the Yellow Metallic Tiger. With all our hearts we wish you good health, happiness, warmth and comfort, prosperity and fulfillment of all your cherished desires. Thank you for your support and help, for your patience and criticism. We are glad that you are with us, Happy New Year 2010 !!!

Sincere congratulations

The team of the company "Alliance Media Jet

Congratulation number 6

Hello Ivan Ivanovich!

The EuroCement company wishes you a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas! We wish you in the New Year the fulfillment of all your plans, health, joy, happiness and love! May the coming year bring only good, bright and kind. Thank you for being with us in 2009! We sincerely hope that you will stay with us in 2010!

Best regards,

Team "EuroCement"

Congratulation number 7

Dear Clients!!!

We are grateful for the benevolent and fruitful cooperation in the past year. We wish our partnership to once again become a talisman of good luck in business for all of us!
Success and prosperity of your company, and may luck become a faithful companion in the New Year!
Happiness, health and prosperity to you and your loved ones!

Best regards,

"Planetayer" collective

Congratulation number 8

Dear ladies and gentlemen, our company sincerely wishes you a Happy New Year!

May the New Year knock on you,

And the house will be filled with happiness.

And everything that you dreamed of

May this year come true!

Creative success to all your friendly team !!!

Best regards,

"Planetayer" collective

Congratulation number 9

Dear Ivan Ivanovich!

Please accept my sincere congratulations on the warmest and brightest holiday - Happy New Year! New Year is the most beloved and long-awaited holiday. It is called magical, mysterious, amazing, unique, enchanting. With all my heart I wish you that these holidays become kind and joyful, that your dreams come true and your desires come true, and your dear people will always be there!

May the New Year 20__ bring prosperity, strengthen faith in the future, and may all undertakings always and in everything be accompanied by success.

Good luck and inspiration next year!


Director of Planetayer Petrov Alexander.