Balant words for a woman. Here are some examples. Comment girl in verse

Before choosing a tender appeal to the girl, you should think seriously possible optionsSince unsuccessful nicknames can lead to a scandal or even breaking relationships. In order not to offend a wife or a beloved girl who likes, you should adhere to simple recommendations:

  • Categorically unacceptable to compare a woman with someone else. This can cause a large scandal.
  • No need to evaluate external data. Picking up cute and funny words, the partner should not stop only on external data. Every girl is nice to hear how the guy is cute and gently speaks of her beauty. However, sometimes it can tire a little. To call the girl gently and beautifully, you can say a compliment on her kindness, merry Nrava, sincerity.
  • Do not overdo with flattery. A young man should not dare with flattery, trying to be too original or went to name a loved one. It can alert a girl.
  • No need to focus on the problems and disadvantages of a woman.This will inevitably lead to a quarrel. You can use such appeals only if the guy is exactly sure that the girl is fine with a sense of humor.
  • Do not give girls coarse and unpleasant nicknames, similar to animal nicknames.It can be very offended.

Words are the main method of communication between people. They carry not only sense, but also emotional content, therefore, some words can upset and even "kill", and others, on the contrary, revive to life and give strength. We often do not know how to treat words very well, and then we wonder where the insults arise and why the relationship is spoiled. This is especially manifested in the relationship of men and women. Looking at different couples It can be noted that some of them are forever quarreled, and others emit happiness. Maybe men from the second type of couple not only know, but also know how to use the secret of the impact on women?

Women love ears

Everyone heard that wise saying. He also has the second part of "Men love eyes." That's just this part of the majority of women not only took note, but also know how to use correctly. And for some reason men forget about what kind of gentle words for the girl are, especially if this girl is an object passionate love. Unfortunately, not all men know when and exactly how to say women compliments. Having mastered this simple science, men would have learned to find the path to the hearts of even the most impregnable beauties.

Of course, there is always some small percentage of women who will not respond to tender words. Most likely, these or those who once disappointed and deceived a man, or those who are looking for material benefits, considering that the words in the pocket do not make. But, fortunately, most of the most weak floor representatives still react to pleasant words, and they are waiting for them from their partners.

Reaction to sensitivity and attention is the nature of a woman. Therefore, use balary words For the girl who you are the road to express your attitude towards her and see for yourself in their miraculous influence. After all wonderful words - This is for any girl, like the sun and water for a flower - she immediately flourishes and reveals his heart. Some men know that the correct compliments said in opening time, you can turn your head any woman.

Just keep in mind that all women are very thinly feeling creatures, so your compliments and recognition should really go from the bottom of the heart, and not used for "statistics". However, no one prevents you from using the information outlined here in order to learn several pleasant words and pronounce them into the right moments.

Poems or prose?

If a man can fold gentle words for a girl in poems, then honor and praise to such a talent! That is how poets conquer the hearts of their elects from the most ancient times. Because the poetic lines have a special magic rhythm, especially if they are in their feelings for his beloved woman. Such words are more expensive than all colors and gifts in the world, and the faster find the way to a gentle and trembling heart.

Sometimes young people do not have poetic talent, but, nevertheless, try to compose. So what? Let their opuses are not published by mass circulation, but loving heart Always appreciate and understand such a gust.

Well, if the talent of the poem is absent, there is always a prose, which sometimes can be eloquent poems. The main thing is not only to know how affectionately call a girl, but at what moments it will be more appropriate.

Affectionate words should be pronounced by time and to the place

Most best time for affectionate words - This is the moment when you stay alone with a girl. All you will talk to her must be destined only for her one. We are talking about the established or developing relationships. For a compliment unfamiliar or unconscious girl You will have to pick up more official expressions, and they should be really pleasant. For example, the phrase: "You look great!" You like any woman, even the saleswoman in the store, which in response to such a compliment will offer you the best product.

But the most affectionate words for the girl who became your heart girlfriend can be completely intimate. By the way, in sex the most unpleasant women They consider silent or talkative partners. Intimate relations Must be shrouded in a halo of passionate secrecy, so several gentle words on the ear can have a very exciting effect. Learn to choose them correctly and pronounce on time.

Pick down the words

Not all girls like the same affectionate words. In addition, when they repeat all the time, they begin to resemble clichés or stamps. So try to diversify your "repertoire" from time to time.

Some men can afford to say carelessly "Zaya, leave, I'm busy!", And then wonder why the gentle word "bunny" causes the girl not a tide of tenderness, but irritated shrugs. So try not to tell the girl affectionate words, combining them with rudeness.

Another important moment - This is the actual content of affectionate words for the girl. Of course, "my pampuschka" sounds very gentle, and it is possible that for a man this word can designate something appetizing, sweet and soft, with which the view of his beloved is associated with. But here the beloved in this account may have another opinion, since almost all women are unhappy with their appearance, considering themselves complete. So such an appeal can offend the girl.

List of affection words and expressions

To diversify your own vocabulary Necklessness and storms We offer to take the following list:

  • native;
  • favorite;
  • the only one;
  • gentle;
  • beautiful;
  • gorgeous;
  • dazzling;
  • wonderful;
  • sweet;
  • amazing;
  • my angel;
  • goddess;
  • kitty;
  • kitty;
  • sweetie;
  • tsvetics;
  • ray;
  • sun;
  • star;
  • golden.

And here are examples of some expressions. Do not copy, but try to come up with something your similar:

  • My favorite and tender bunny!
  • Dazzling asterisk!
  • You look charming ...
  • My most affectionate ...
  • I did not meet anyone before you, who would have fed my soul and conquered my heart!
  • That is the best, the most caring, the most beautiful and magical!
  • My bird, I learned to fly with you!
  • I like your eyes, they look like deep lakes in which I am ready to drown ...
  • My playful kitty ...
  • You are my desired and long-awaited, I was looking for you so long and found my happiness ...
  • You are special: gentle and kind.
  • You are the spark of my heart, generating passionate flames in it!
  • You heal my soul alone with a tender smile, my native ...
  • My Angel, you are great!
  • Touch yours gentle hands Make me tremble!

If a man learn to speak exquisite compliments And pick up your baby words for your girl, while not allowing any richness or insults even at the moments of a quarrel, he can be sure that his girl would appreciate a similar attitude.

Let's talk to each other compliments

One elderly man whose wife in his years looked simply stunningly, asked what is the secret. And he replied: "I constantly tell her that it is the best. I never regret the gentle words. I really admire this woman all my life and bowed to her. She always feels my love and therefore it constantly blooms - she simply does not have a single chance to fade like a flower that forgot to pour ... ".

Dear men, even if you did not teach how to talk to women correctly, it's never too late to master this science at any age. Find the most affectionate words for your girl or women and do not forget to remind her that she is infinitely the road. Explain its advantages, but disadvantaged about the shortcomings. She herself knows about them, but hopes that you love her as it is, and you see only good in it. Especially do not allow any rudeness. Any gentle words after coarse or offensive expressions, even in an apostle, are perceived as a lie. Speak her tenderness and compliments, and you will definitely feel the return.

The more subtle and delicate are the relationship between a man and a woman, great chance The fact that they will be happy together for many years.

Properly selected and told in the right moment Gentle and affectionate words will help melt the heart of the girl, because the representatives of the weaker sex "love ears." Do not throw them in passing, because in this case they can be interpreted as a ridicule or a stupid nick. Any compliments from the mouth of a man should sound sincerely and with a smile. At the same time, you do not need to rush and shy your excitement, because it is whether it shows that the said comes from the soul.

How to choose nice words for a girl

It is necessary to accommodately approach this case, because beautiful words appear in our heads for no accident, usually they are associated with some bright moments. But do not forget that the wrong wording can be offended and even offended the girl. Therefore, it is necessary to adhere to some rules:

  1. 1. Never, under any circumstances, no one compare your girlfriend, otherwise it will be able to lead to a scandal.
  2. 2. Do not dwell only on appearance. Yes, girls are pleased to hear what they are beautiful, but it will be able to tire. Sometimes there should be a variety of compliments, emphasizing other positive sides Choir, for example, that she is kind, cheerful, sincere. A girl is nice to know that her guy sees and appreciates it.
  3. 3. Do not overdo it with flattery and fudge. It may be alarmed and perceived as not a very good sign.
  4. 4. Do not focus on problem places And the disadvantages of the girl, because it will probably offend her. Such ideas as "My Zubastik", "Sweet Patty", "Pampuschka" should be excluded.

There are many ways cute and affectionately to name the girl so that it was originally and unusual, and if the chosen is not against a small "peppercorn", then it went a little:

  1. 1. Hooker. Most of all this nickname is suitable for fun girlwhich is not afraid to laugh loudly and does not hide their emotions under the mask.
  2. 2. Chalube. Suitable for those who like to relocate, violate the rules, harmful.
  3. 3. Ptashchka / My chick. For loved ones who possess beautiful voice And singing.
  4. 4. Costinka. For fragile, slim beauty.
  5. 5. Sandy / Sweet. So you can characterize the one that is always and in any place can ignite the passion in a man.
  6. 6. My perfect. Most often, this nickname gives those chosenses that completely satisfied with a man, and if there are some disadvantages, they are perceived as advantages.
  7. 7. Tigress / Lioness. For the powerful and slightly aggressive girl, who is always ready to stand up on the defense of himself and their loved ones.
  8. 8. Dobrushka / Dobryash. Such a nickname fully characterizes responsive and good girl With cute appearance.
  9. 9. Sleeping beauty. For a representative of a weak floor, which loves to sleep or soak in bed.
  10. 10. GOLD / ALMASIC / precious. For the second half, which means a lot for a man and is very expensive.
  11. 11. Tsvetics / petal. For a bright girl with a soft character and kind heart.
  12. 12. Delicious my baby. For those whose kisses are sweetering honey.
  13. 13. Peach. For delicate, sweet, soft and beautiful chosen.
  14. 14. Star. For beloved, which illuminates the life path.
  15. 15. My Queen. For a woman who rules the male heart.
  16. 16. Favorite. For that, about whom all thoughts and dreams.
  17. 17. Cat. For soft, gentle, graceful, affectionate and loving heat Girls.
  18. 18. Pupa. For a weak floor representative, whose beauty fits out.
  19. 19. Cinderella / Hostess. For the one who all arms in their hands, economic, but at the same time tender, sensual and beautiful.
  20. 20. My baby / baby. Very affectionate appeal to the beloved, emphasizing the care of a man.
  21. 21. My little. For fragile and cute chosen.

List affectionate names You can continue infinitely, but the most important thing is that the chosen appeal suits the girl and was sincere.

Far from every lady will turn out to be glanced. Affectionate words for a girl - it's just honey in the ears. For beautiful half Affectionate words are very important. No wonder there is a saying " Good word And the cat is nice. " How is affectionately call a girl? The question is important. Set of standard phrases will not suit, the relevance of the compliment, status beautiful special. Agree, call the pussy girl you see for the first time - vulgar, and not cute. Learn about how to invent the necessary affectionate words for necessary woman, ask a romantic tone to your meetings.

How to choose nice words for a girl

Beautiful Paul loves gentle and affectionate appeal to his person. Cute words of the girl, selected correctly, set fire interest and will be a lady to you. How is it affordable to call a girl? Do not learn gentle words in passing, without any respect. The beautiful word, said too tall, with a bad acting accent, is perceived as a mockery or a stupid nick.

When you think about what to say to the girl, so that she melted, COME MANERA: Smile and speak affectionate compliments sincerely. Fake words will not like anyone, the girl can feel that the "drama" is nagan. A little excitement is not ashamed, because it suggests that you are talking heartily and from the soul. Do not rush to shout out all the words that come to mind, as if the patter - risks to remain incomprehensible.

Which like

Sincerely felt affectionate adjectives for a girl - not just part of speech, they are part of life. When you already have the contacts of the launches you like, manifest your attention and warmly into its address. Wishes good morning, have a nice day, good night Tell girls, they testify that the mood and sensation of the girl really matters. Take care of her health, give a compliment, verse, inspire a lady to a great mood and a creative day.

During meetings, use affectionate epithets and touching appeals, looking to the girl in the eyes. Do not turn this moment into boring ordness. Say the girl liked gentlely, from the soul "sweet", "gentle", "flower", "take care of yourself" - it is better than the usual appeal to "Cat", "Tan", "Vic", "Enough to hurt." In response to good relationship Ladies give mutually affectionate words, and reciprocity and love is worth it.

Tender words for your beloved girl

Beautiful words Beloved girl are introduced in joint Life Based on some frames. It is worth remembering:

  1. Do not compare your favorite with anyone, otherwise, there will be a scandal.
  2. Use for diminishing and affectionates the quality and features that the girl sees the negative - a very risky step. Few a representative of the weak gender will like affectionate in her address "You are my fatty", "my chubby pie", "my crucial".
  3. Do not accentuate the disadvantages of appearance. "My Giraffe" or something else is better "super-bearer" - not only strange, but also hurt.
  4. Fiction under the ban! Flying like not everyone, too, "honey" words can perceive as a bad hint. You are unlikely to seek such an effect.
  5. Pleasant words of his beloved girl is a whole art. How to guide the girl in your own words? Your beauty heard of his long legs and thin waist Dozens times. Rate her gentle hands, interesting look.
  6. Do not speak constantly about appearance. Sometimes such conversations tire a woman. Have you fell in love with her soul? Rate what an excellent interlocutor, praise for understanding, support, manifest attention to its abilities and careers.
Find out of the video, as you call each other Favorites in the countries of the world.

How beautiful to call a girl named

When you are in a crowded place or company, it will be more appropriate to be called a lady by name. But by name, you can call your woman affectionately. What is more beautiful sounds: "Katka", "Katerina" or "Katya", "Katyusha"? Your attitude to a woman reveals real essence Gentleman. Measure is important here: it would seem the name "Nadya" and not gross, like "Nadka", but not too pleasant. Sounds such a name like a ridicule. The name of your girlfriend is given from birth to her parents, so "humiliating" her name, you humiliate her relatives.

Speed-last names

Here brief list female abbreviated names that can come in handy in the question as affectionately call their girlfriend named:

  • Alexandra - Sasha, Sashulya;
  • Alice - Ala, Aliska;
  • Alla - Allochka, Alusya;
  • Anastasia - Nastyusha, Nastya, Nastasya, Stasya;
  • Angelina - Linaughter, Angelinka;
  • Anna - Anya, Anyuta, Annushka, Nyuta;
  • Valentina - Valechka, vanya;
  • Valeria - Lerochka, Valerie, Lera;
  • Varvara - Varyusha, Varyuna;
  • Faith - faith, Verochka;
  • Veronica - Nick;
  • Victoria - Vikusya, Vituly;
  • Galina - Galinka, pebbles;
  • Daria - Dasha, Darinka;
  • Eva - Evhoka;
  • Eugene - Zhenya, Evgesh;
  • Catherine - Katyushka, Katya;
  • Elena - Lenochka, Lenoysya;
  • Zhanna - Zhannaughter;
  • Zoya - Zoehka, bunny;
  • Irina - Irishka, Irusya;
  • Ksenia, Oksana - Ksyusha, xena;
  • Lydia - Lady, Lidochka;
  • Maria - Masha, Mashulya;
  • Natalia - Natulya, nod;
  • Olga - Olyaska, Olyusha;
  • Polina - fields, polink;
  • Sophia - Soynyushka, Softushka;
  • Tatyana - Tanya, Tatyanka;
  • Ulyana - Ulyas, Ulyasha;
  • Julia - Yulechka, Yulia;
  • Yaroslav - Yasya, Bright.

Original ideas of affectionate nickname

Through words are already invented and it is said that it is impossible to come up with an original love word at first glance. It turns out to refine, if you and the girl have their own small secrets, interesting situationswhich you only are aware. It is interesting to watch friends who are inseminantly looking at the launching girl, which you just called the gentle "saucepan". No one knows how much she has already forgotten them on the stove and burned!


Original phrases For each person's own. Yes, called the "cat-fish-mouse" is boring. For example, the word "lady" is not new, but few people use it in order to "magnify" their own woman. Or are you the words "Madmoiselle", "Darling", "Honey"? Be original, who, if not you, call your young lady "My Paris." Fashionable, not trite and the value did not go at all.

Funny and funny

If your girl is with humor, then your fantasy is disclosed all the expanses. This nickname can be associated with some special funny situation, the "highlight", childhood, young ladies. The main condition so that there is no offense! Cool nickname options:

  1. Salad.
  2. Pitry.
  3. Cutlet.
  4. Bowler.
  5. Marmashka.
  6. Marty.
  8. Kozulka.
  9. Troikashka.
  10. Beech.
  11. Bristier.
  12. Rat
  13. Myshari.
  14. Babules.
  15. Konopathy nose.
  16. Shovel.
  17. Shuffle.
  18. Patsa.
  19. Kabanosict.
  20. Bar.
  21. Barbos.
  22. Tuzik.
  23. Vaska.
  24. Mat.
  25. Hatpastic

List of affectionate words that can be called a girl

The brightest and memorable nicknames, with which the guy, a man can "pamper" the girl:

  1. Favorite - most popular and pleasant word in the world.
  2. Kitten, kitty - gentle or playful. Cats really the most mysterious creatures.
  3. Sun - very cozy and warm word.
  4. Baby.
  5. Bunny, suit, hacking.
  6. Paw, Lapul, Lapusik.
  7. Cutie, sweet.
  8. Bunny, hack, bunny.
  9. Princess, Queen, Kruzhishna, Queen.
  10. Tiger, tigrulus.
  11. Beauty, beauty.
  12. My joy, my treasure.
  13. Native, relatively.
  14. Doll.
  15. Angel.
  16. Sweeties.
  17. Fish.
  18. Bee.
  19. Swallow.
  20. Toy.
  21. Golden.
  22. Candy.
  23. Imp.
  24. Mouse.
  25. Toffee.
  26. Toy.
  27. Scratch.
  28. Dandelion.

Find out the girl and do not part with her.


Proper selection Compliments - whole science. Romantic confession attractive girl should not be boring and banal. Make a nice beloved - it is to present the necessary, correct words Sincerely, from the heart, and not to write a kilometer found on the Internet. Sophisticated text. Look at the video below to understand how appropriate and pleasant I can be the words that have been said to your girl. Affectionate appeal The heart is able to melt the heart of the most strict and impregnable!