The picture shows a representative of the cat family, a listed cat. Felines are members of the cat family. African golden cat

The foot appears very short and rounded in cats, due to the fact that the last joint of the toes is raised upward; Thus, when walking, the last joints of the fingers do not touch the ground and are thereby protected from dulling by the large, sickle-shaped and very sharp claws sitting on them. In a state of anger and excitement, a strong muscle, the tendon of which is attached to the underside of the joints of the fingers, lowers it, lengthens the foot and transforms it into a terrible weapon, scarcely found in other mammals. This structure of the legs is the reason that the imprint of claws is never noticeable on the tracks of cats. They all walk quickly, but carefully and almost silently. Cats run fast and can make large jumps, the length of which is several times greater than the length of their body. Only a minority of large species cannot climb trees, while the majority do it very skillfully. Although cats do not like water, they swim well if necessary.

Among the senses, hearing and vision are the best developed in cats. Rumor, without any doubt, plays the most important role while hunting. They hear the slightest noise on long distance: the careful steps of prey and the quiet rustling of sand under the feet of the victim will not escape the cat’s attention. Felines are capable of hearing very high sounds - with a frequency of up to 50,000 Hertz, which is more than twice the capabilities of the human ear. Vision is not so well developed; they see better up close. The pupil in most species has round shape and glows in the dark. Previously it was believed that they were deprived color vision, but according to some studies, at least domestic cats can distinguish some colors. We definitely need to mention the sense of touch. The long mustaches located on the sides of the mouth and above the eyes are mainly used for these purposes. Without whiskers, cats lose orientation in space, but fortunately they grow back quickly. The paws are also well adapted for touch. Felines are very sensitive to all external irritations. The sense of taste is slightly better developed than the sense of smell. Most cats are very sensitive to taste and prefer slightly sweet substances, such as milk and blood. Some cats have an affinity for strong-smelling plants, such as valerian and catnip.

They are found in all parts of America, Asia and Europe, and are not found in Australia except for feral domestic cats. Cats are native to all continents except Australia and Antarctica. It is interesting that before the advent of man they were not present in Madagascar, despite its proximity to Africa. The first cats appeared at the end of the Eocene, approximately 38 million years ago, in North America and Eurasia. They originated from primitive predators of the miacid family, similar to martens, or civets. Cats live on plains and mountains, in dry sandy and damp low-lying areas, both in forests and fields. Some rise high into the mountains and are found there at a considerable altitude, others live in open steppes and deserts overgrown with bushes, and still others prefer damp places on the banks of rivers and lakes overgrown with reeds. Trees provide them with everything they need for life; First of all, cats find convenient shelters there in which they can hide in order to attack prey and hide from enemies. Small cats prefer hollow trees, cracks in rocks, and abandoned lairs of other mammals as shelters. Only very few hunt during the day; cats are mostly nocturnal animals.

Cats eat mainly the meat of a wide variety of animals, but undoubtedly prefer mammals. Some species most often hunt birds, others, although few, eat the meat of reptiles, such as turtles; Finally, there are those who also engage in fishing. All cats feed primarily on prey that they themselves killed, and only some eat carrion, and then only when it remains from their own prey.

In terms of their hunting method, almost all cats are similar to each other. In search of a victim, they usually sneak with careful, silent steps, carefully looking around and sensitively listening to everything around them; The slightest rustle sharpens their attention. In a bent position, or even crawling, they approach the animal, trying to stay in the wind, and finally, in one or several jumps, they overtake their prey, grab it with their strong paws by the sides or the back of the head, throw it to the ground and stab it several times your teeth; then they open their jaws a little, but so that the caught prey cannot escape, look carefully at the prey and bite again. At first, a lion, a tiger and a cheetah are afraid of a person and cowardly leave him, but when they see how weak and helpless he is, they become his terrible enemies. Although almost all of them are excellent runners, cats usually refrain from pursuing a victim for a long time if their first attack is unsuccessful. Felines eat their prey in the place where it was caught only when they feel completely safe; usually they drag a killed or mortally wounded animal to a secluded place and devour it there. Cats usually eat only the best parts of the prey, leaving the rest to smaller predators living nearby.

Females usually give birth to several kittens and only rarely to one; in most cases there are no more than six. The mother raises the children, and the father takes care of them only on rare occasions. A female with kittens is an extremely attractive picture; maternal tenderness and love are visible in her every movement and in every sound of her voice, which becomes unusually soft and affectionate. In the family lair, the naturalist is struck by the cleanliness to which the cat accustoms its young from a very early age; she constantly strokes them, licks them, cleans them, puts the lair in order. She protects kittens from enemies with complete selflessness, and at this time large cats become highest degree dangerous. In many species, the mother cat must protect her cubs from the father, who often kills them, especially while they are still blind; This is probably why all females take great care to hide their lair as much as possible. When the cubs grow up a little and become like real cats, the male no longer touches them, and then the happy life kittens who have a clear penchant for fun and different games. Natural abilities the felines are clearly visible in every movement of the kittens: their childhood games consist mainly of preparatory exercises for the serious hunt that they will engage in when they become adults. Everything that moves attracts their attention; at the slightest noise, kittens prick up their ears. At first, kittens play most with their mother's tail; as they age, the games become more serious. The cat then brings them small animals, half-dead or completely alive, and releases them for the amusement of the kittens, who jealously and patiently pursue them. Finally, the mother takes them hunting with her. Only when the cubs have learned everything and become completely independent do they separate from their mother and then lead a lonely, wandering life for quite a long time.

Felids are most often divided into 37 living species, included in 4 genera: Felis, Panthera, Uncia and Acinonyx. The genus Felis (cats) traditionally includes small animals with 30 teeth. Typically, lynxes, which have 28 teeth, are included in the same genus, but sometimes they are allocated to a special genus, Lynx. The genus Panthera (big cats, panthers) unites large animals that are capable of roaring. This ability is associated with the characteristics of their hyoid apparatus and vocal cords. The hypoglossal apparatus is a structure that sits between the tongue and larynx, supporting them both. In panthers, the hyoid apparatus is not completely ossified - in place of one of the bones there is a flexible ligament that allows the larynx to inflate. Additionally, their vocal cords are undivided and form a tubular structure that functions as a very efficient sound-producing device. The snow leopard (irbis) has a different type of vocal cords, and it produces a squeal rather than a roar, and therefore is often classified as a special genus Uncia.

The cat family is divided into 2 subfamilies (big and small cats), which, in turn, are divided into genera and species. In total there are 14 genera and 35-38 species in the family. The division into subfamilies of large and small cats occurs not by size, but by morphological characteristics, in particular by structure hyoid bone. Because of this, large cats such as puma and cheetah are not considered big cats.

Russia is home to 8 species of the cat family: leopard, tiger, snow leopard, common lynx, jungle cat, Far Eastern cat (a subspecies of the Bengal cat), manul and two subspecies of the European forest cat (Felis silvestris silvestris and Felis silvestris lybica). Wild cats are common on all continents and large islands, except Australia, Antarctica, the islands of New Guinea, Sulawesi, Greenland and Madagascar. In Europe and North America, most species of the cat family have now been exterminated. Many species of the cat family are in danger of extinction. All species of wild cats are listed in the International Red Book.

a lion- one of the largest predators, rivaled only by the tiger. Leo is very strong. With a blow of his paw, he knocks down a heavy zebra or buffalo, and at the same time his flexible body easily soars to a three-meter height - the lion is capable of huge jumps, sometimes up to ten meters.

The length of a lion is on average up to three meters, weight is about two hundred kilograms, lionesses are smaller, more graceful, slimmer. Unlike other cats, in a lion pair it is easy to distinguish the male from the female.

Lions inhabit mainly savannas. Unlike other cats, they, as a rule, do not live alone, but in prides. A pride usually consists of related females, their offspring and 1-2 adult males. Lion cubs are born small, about 30 cm long. Only by the age of two do they become completely independent and able to feed themselves. The leader, as a rule, expels young lions that have matured from the pride and can live alone or in pairs for some time. Lionesses and elderly males can also lead a solitary lifestyle, having strayed from the pride for one reason or another.

Lions hunt mainly large ungulates, such as wildebeest, zebra, buffalo and warthogs. They can attack elephants and hippos, as well as other predators - leopards, cheetahs, hyena dogs. Lions hunt in groups, and males, as a rule, almost do not participate in the hunt.

The lioness is a seasoned and patient hunter, waiting for hours for her prey not far from a watering hole. In one leap, the predatory cat ends up on the back of the unlucky animal. Well, then it’s a matter of technique - sharp claws and fangs are used.


Since the times of Ancient Egypt, the lion has been a symbol of power; its image adorned the coats of arms and banners of ancient Roman and European rulers. The highest praise for noble knights was comparison with a lion, and Richard the Lionheart became the embodiment best qualities medieval knighthood.

White lion, like the white tiger, for a long time considered a mythological creature. Only at the end of the 20th century were scientists able to see white lions and monitor them in African national parks.

Back in the Middle Ages, lions inhabited the entire territory of Africa, except for the Sahara and tropical forests, India, the Middle East, Iran, and southern Europe. In particular, lions could be found in southern Russia and Greece. In Europe, lions disappeared in the early Middle Ages. By the end of the 19th century, the lion was exterminated in Turkey and North India, by the middle of the 20th century. - in Iran. Now in Africa the lion lives only south of the Sahara, its range looks like scattered islands. In 2002-2004, the number of African lions was estimated at 16-47 thousand individuals. The Asiatic lion survives only in the Gir forest in the Indian state of Gujarat (about 320 individuals).

Tigers- the largest and most powerful wild cats. Of these, the Amur and Bengal tigers are especially powerful. The strength of a tiger is incredible - with a blow of his paw he knocks down a buffalo or an antelope, but he can also fight an elephant. Cases are described when tigers defeated large male elephants with huge fighting tusks.

Tigers are very hardy and agile. They are able to travel great distances and reach high speeds. At a short distance, a tiger can show results of up to 70 km/h. And in the long jump he has few equals - almost 10 meters with virtually no run-up.

The tiger is always recognizable. The vast majority of animals have characteristic black stripes on their skin on a reddish-red or yellow-rusty background. But in one litter, along with tiger cubs of normal color, a white or golden-pink tiger cub can be born. The fur of a tiger living in northern latitudes is noticeably longer and lighter than that of its southern counterpart. Saturated Orange color with a clear pattern is good in the variegation of tropical vegetation, but in the snowy taiga you need different equipment.


Tiger hunting has been completely prohibited since the middle of the last century, but poachers continue their dirty work. In Eastern medicine, the organs and body parts of this magnificent beast are still used in medicinal purposes, and the skin is used as souvenirs.


White tigers are not albinos, because... their eyes are blue, not red, and their fur is not radically white, but with clearly defined stripes of dark gray or light brown. White color interferes with hunting, because too noticeable, so white tigers rarely survive in the wild. They are specially bred for zoos and circuses by crossing the descendants of a white tiger caught in India in the last century.

16. Golden Tiger (Siky Ranch Zoo)

Jaguar lives in the territory from Mexico to Argentina. In terms of strength and power, the jaguar ranks third, after the lion and tiger, in the cat family. In the United States, the jaguar was practically exterminated by the beginning of the 20th century. The jaguar is the largest representative of the cat family on the American continent (tigers and lions are not found in America).

Jaguars are sometimes confused with cheetahs and leopards. In cheetahs, the spots on the body do not form rosettes; the cheetah is thinner and more slender than the leopard. The jaguar is very similar in build and color to a leopard, but the jaguar is larger and the rosettes on its skin have a dark spot in the middle.

Jaguars go hunting at dusk, before sunrise or after sunset. Their prey is everything that moves, a variety of small and large animals. Few people manage to escape from its powerful paws and deadly teeth. The jaguar hunts mainly ungulates, but can also eat rodents, birds, monkeys, foxes, snakes, and turtles.

Jaguar doesn't care where he lives. And impenetrable thickets, and steppes, and the sea coast - everywhere he feels great. An agile cat moves equally well on the ground, climbs trees, and swims well. It is impossible to hide from such an enemy.

Leopard amazingly beautiful. Slender body, harmonious proportions, and most importantly - magnificent golden fur, covered with an original pattern of dark spots, rings and rosettes. The beautiful fur became the reason for the merciless hunting of animals.

The leopard's habitat area is larger than that of any other member of the cat family. The leopard lives in forests, steppes and mountains throughout sub-Saharan Africa and southeast Asia. There are relatively many leopards in Africa and hunting them is allowed. In Asia, this species is under threat of extinction. In Russia, the leopard is found in the Primorsky Territory and is listed in the Red Book.

The leopard feeds mainly on ungulates: antelopes, deer, roe deer, and can also eat rodents, monkeys, and birds. The leopard climbs trees well and often sleeps on branches in hot weather. He often drags the carcasses of killed ungulates into trees to protect them from hyenas and jackals.


Black Panther- this is not a separate species of wild cats, but a leopard or, less commonly, a jaguar, in which melanism occurs - a hereditary change, as a result of which the fur acquires a dark color.


Clouded leopard- not the result of a mutation of an ordinary leopard, which it looks a little like, but another species of the cat family. The size of a shepherd dog, it lives in the tropical forests of southeast Asia and Indonesia.

Clouded leopards are excellent tree climbers. The structure of their hind legs allows them to descend from trees upside down. Among felines, except for clouded leopards, only long-tailed cats have this ability. Like long-tailed cats, clouded leopards can hang upside down from a tree, supported only by their hind legs. They feed on deer, monkeys, porcupines and birds. They track their prey, hiding in the branches of trees, and, seizing the moment, unexpectedly rush at their prey from above.


The clouded leopard's fangs, in relation to body size, are the longest among all cats and can reach 5 cm, like those of a tiger.

Kalimantan clouded leopard was previously considered a subspecies of the clouded leopard, but DNA studies conducted in 2006-2008 showed that they are two different types. Kalimantan clouded lepard, like his close relative, clouded leopard - the most small species among big cats.

The Kalimantan clouded leopard lives on the islands of Kalimantan and Sumatra. On the island of Kalimantan, where there are no other large predators, it is more common. In general, this is a rare and poorly studied species.


Puma, she is a mountain lion, she is a deer tiger, she is a cougar - many more names are given to this magnificent cat, a resident of the New World. Beauty and grace are combined in her with composure, prudence and ruthlessness.

The puma is a loner in the cat family. One hunts, one raises cubs. Lives away from people, in wild places with impenetrable forest thickets, moss-covered rocks and caves.

The color of the puma varies depending on its habitat. Residents of tropical areas have reddish-sand colored fur, while northerners have gray tones. Special sign- white fur on the face, as if the cat had just lapped milk.

Farmers have declared war on the cougar over its devastating attacks on livestock. Once in a pen, a cougar kills many more animals than it eats, leaving behind a mountain of corpses.

The puma kitten does not look at all like its mother, except for its white muzzle. The cubs are born spotted, but as they grow up they become monochromatic.

Cheetah stands apart in cat family, differing from the rest in body structure and behavior. But scientists have proven its close relationship with the North American puma, with which it had a common ancestor who lived three million years ago.

The cheetah's body is designed for running. A lean body, long legs, a flexible arched back, a small head with high-set small ears are ideal characteristics for rushing after prey like a bullet.

Cheetahs, unlike lions, hunt during daylight or early twilight. Thanks to their excellent vision, they can see from afar desired goal- antelope, gazelle or hare. The cheetah first carefully creeps up to the prey, and then makes a swift dash. The cheetah does not continue its high-speed run for long, no more than twenty seconds. The heart and lungs of a fast-footed animal do not have time to fill the blood with oxygen, and if the prey is not overtaken during this time, the chase stops.


Cheetahs raised among people become completely tame. In past centuries, hunting with cheetahs was common. They were led on a leash, and some animals sat on a horse behind the owner.


Irbis- second name snow leopard, it is no less beautiful than the first one. Snow leopards live high in the mountains, hunting roe deer, mountain goats and other large ungulates. But they will not disdain a hare or other trifle that gets in their way.

In nature, nothing is in vain. It would seem that the snow leopard does not need a long fluffy tail. But in severe frosts, the mother, like a warm blanket, covers the little kittens sleeping next to her with her tail.

Snow leopards live up to their name. Their favorite pastime is to roll around in a deep snowdrift or slide down an ice slide on their back, managing to roll over at the last moment to fall on all four paws, as a cat should.

Serval, or otherwise - a bush cat - belongs to the large cat family. Servals are found only on one continent - they are common in Africa, except for the Sahara Desert, extreme southern Africa and equatorial forests.

There are 14 types of servals, they differ in geography and skin color. In Algeria and Morocco, these animals are extremely rare in our time. The largest number of bush cats live in Tanzania, in the Ngoro-Ngoro crater, where there are about 40 individuals per 100 square meters. kilometers.

The closest relatives of the serval (if we take into account the peculiarities of morphology) are considered to be the caracal and the lynx, but in color it most closely resembles a cheetah. Of all the cats, the serval has the longest legs and the largest ears - when compared with the size of the entire body, but the head is very small.

The body length of the bush cat reaches 90-135 centimeters, the height at the withers is up to 65 centimeters, and it weighs on average from 8 to 18 kilograms. The main color is yellowish-gray, with dark spots and stripes scattered on it. But, although the serval’s legs are long and strong, it cannot pursue its prey for a long time. Its hunting tactics are similar to those of the croak - it sneaks up on prey in the grass, guided by hearing, and can make high jumps of up to three meters, knocking down birds on takeoff.

Thanks to large ears and excellent hearing, it is easy for them to track their prey at dusk, and their long legs make it easier to move in the savannah grass. Servals are loners and rarely conflict with each other. If they are in danger, they hide or flee, unexpectedly changing direction or jumping out of the grass, in extreme cases they escape in the trees.

If the snow leopard is the highest mountain cat, then the ordinary lynx- the most northern. She feels fine in winter taiga at temperatures below 50 degrees. Wonderful thick, long and warm fur, which no other cat has, saves it from any frost.

The trademark of the lynx is the tufts on the ears formed by long hairs. Thanks to its tassels, it is easily recognizable among other wild cats. Like all its relatives, the lynx sees in the dark and climbs trees well, the branches of which serve as shelter for it during the hunt.

Despite the relationship, the lynx and domestic cat a lot of differences. Cats cannot walk in the snow - they fall through. Lynx thanks to its wide paws thick hair like running through snowdrifts on skis.

Eurasian lynx- the largest of all lynxes. Its body length is 80-130 cm, height at the withers is 70 cm. Males weigh 18-30 kg, females on average 18 kg. 90% of Eurasian lynxes live in the Siberian taiga. This type of lynx can also be found in Central and East Asia(China, Mongolia, Iran, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Asian CIS republics).

The range of the Eurasian lynx extends far to the north; lynxes live even beyond the Arctic Circle. Other species of the cat family prefer warmer climates.

Canadian or North American lynx in appearance it is very similar to the Eurasian, only it lives in the North American taiga and is half the size of the Eurasian: its body length is 80-100 cm, height at the withers is 60-65 cm; weight 8-14 kg. The color is grayish-brown, the tips of the hairs are white. In summer, the fur fades under the sun and acquires a reddish tint.


Iberian lynx(Iberian lynx, pardo lynx, Spanish lynx) is half the size of the Eurasian lynx and is unusually similar to it, previously considered its subspecies. The color of the Iberian lynx is more contrasting: there are clear dark spots on a light sandy background. The coat is shorter and not as thick - this type of lynx lives further south than the others.

Due to its relatively small size, the Iberian lynx hunts mainly small game - hares and rodents. The Iberian lynx once inhabited the entire Iberian Peninsula. Now it is found only in the southwest of Spain, mainly in the Coto Doñana National Park.

Bobcat or red lynx- a species of lynx that, since ancient times, has developed on the American continent in parallel with our ordinary European lynx. The red lynx is the smallest of the four types lynx. Its body length is 60-90 cm, height at withers 30-50 cm, weight 7-18 kg. The color is reddish, with small dark spots. There is a white marking on the inside of the tip of the tail, whereas other lynxes have a completely black tip.

The color and size of the bobcat vary depending on its habitat. The red lynx lives throughout the territory North America. She does not have as thick and warm fur as the European lynx, her tassels are shorter and she herself is smaller. But the habits and habits are the same as those of their European relatives.

The red lynx climbs trees well and swims well, but still tries to avoid water. The main prey is the American rabbit; as well as mice, rats, gophers and porcupines, and sometimes birds, including chickens. A hungry bobcat can also attack a white-tailed deer.


The bobcat is found in the far south of Canada, throughout the United States, and as far south as central Mexico. Unlike other lynxes, the bobcat lives not only in forests, but also in the swampy lowlands of Florida and the arid desert areas of Texas.

Caracal, or steppe lynx- a separate genus of wild cats, as determined by geneticists. It has an external resemblance to a lynx, but the color of the caracal is similar to the puma. It has all the abilities of a cat and an extraordinary reaction speed - it manages to jump to grab a flying bird with its sharp claws.

The caracal lives in savannas, deserts and foothills of Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, Asia Minor and Central Asia. In Africa, especially South Africa, there are many caracals. In the CIS, the caracal is occasionally found in the deserts of Southern Turkmenistan, along the coast of the Caspian Sea, and in the Bukhara region of Uzbekistan.


The main prey of the caracal are rodents (gerbils, jerboas, gophers), hares, small antelopes, and in Turkmenistan - goitered gazelles. Like a leopard, the caracal drags its killed prey into trees to protect it from other predators.

Caracals are easy to tame. In India and Persia, tame caracals were used to hunt hares, pheasants, peacocks and small antelopes.


Asian golden cat , or the Temminka cat, compared to other representatives of the cat family, has medium sizes: body length 90 cm, tail 50 cm. Thus, it is approximately twice as large as an ordinary domestic cat. The color is usually golden, but gray and black individuals are also found. Spots on the coat, depending on the region, may be more or less noticeable. The cat lives in the tropical forests of Southeast Asia. The habitat extends from the Himalayas and southern China to the Indochina Peninsula and about. Sumatra. Temminck cats hunt mice, hares, fawns and birds.


In China, the meat of the Temminck cat is considered a delicacy, and the bones are used in traditional Chinese medicine. In Thailand, there are many legends around the Temminck cat. It is believed that burning the fur of the Temminka cat drives tigers away from the surrounding area, and carrying at least one hair from its fur, according to local superstitions, protects against tiger attacks.

On the American continent there live several species of small wild cats that are very similar to each other. Margay is like an oncilla, which is like Geoffroy's cat, and together they are like ocelot. The ocelot is approximately twice the size of a domestic cat.

The ocelot is found in Central America and northern and central South America. The northernmost region inhabited by ocelots is the American state of Texas. The ocelot lives in tropical forests and avoids open spaces.

Ocelots are great at climbing trees; during the heat of the day they like to hide in hollows, but they prefer to hunt on the ground. Ocelots eat small mammals and birds, but do not disdain snakes.


In the 20th century Ocelots were hunted for their beautiful skins, and as a result, the ocelot became an extremely rare animal. In 1972-1996. Ocelot hunting, as well as the sale of any products made from ocelots, were prohibited. Due to this, it was possible to slightly increase the number of this species.

Agile and active margay lives in the tropical forests of South America. The arboreal forest cat hunts at night, its prey being everything it can handle - birds, lizards, monkeys and other small animals. Belongs to the genus Leopardus, whose representatives live only on the American continent.


Margay jumps on branches like a squirrel, and can climb down from a tree upside down thanks to special structure hind legs. They can unfold at the joint, due to which the cat clings to the trunk with its claws and does not slip.

And these are portraits of smaller wild cats))

(more details about them - http://site/index-1358909265.php)

71. Geoffroy's cat.

72. Oncilla

73. Asian fishing cat.

74. African wild cat.

75. British wild cat.

76. Andean cat.

77. Pampas cat.

78. Norwegian forest cat.

79. Manul.

80. Dune (sand) cat.

81. Black-footed cat.

82. Jungle cat.

83. European forest cat.

Big cats include the largest representatives of the cat family. And yet, the main criterion for belonging to big cats is not size, but structure.

So, big cats include lion, tiger, jaguar, leopard, snow leopard and clouded leopard, but do not include species such as puma and cheetah.

Let's get to know these most beautiful and graceful predators in the wild.
a lion

A lion. King of beasts. One of the four representatives of the panther genus, belonging to the subfamily of big cats. It is the second largest cat after the tiger - the weight of males can reach 250 kg. But in terms of shoulder height, the lion holds the record among all cats.

This species originally evolved in Africa about 800,000 - 1 million years ago.

The appearance of a lion is very characteristic: males are much larger than females and have a luxurious mane up to 40 cm long. No other cat has anything like it. The mane visually increases the size of the lion, and also helps to intimidate other males and attract females who prefer “men” with more luxurious hair.

Both lions and lionesses have a fluffy tuft at the end of their tail - a “tassel” about 5 cm long. It is absent at birth and begins to appear at about 5 months of age.

The color of a lion is usually yellow-gray various shades, the mane is the same color as the skin, but it can be dark, even black.

At the end of the 20th century, evidence of the existence of white lions appeared. Before this, for hundreds of years they were considered the fruit of legends traveling around South Africa:

These are very rare cats:

Lions are super predators, i.e. occupy the top position in the food chain. However, besides humans, there is another predatory animal that can pose a threat to the lion - the crocodile. If they collide, these two species can cause very serious injuries to each other. Lions are capable of attacking crocodiles when they come onto land, while the most ancient reptiles attack lions when they enter the water.

Unlike other cats, they do not live alone, but in special family packs - prides. Hunting and obtaining food are usually done by females, who act in groups. Males are engaged in protecting the territory, driving out uninvited guests from them. Another reason why males do not hunt is the mane, which can interfere with camouflage. The lion's fangs are 8 cm long, so these cats are capable of killing quite large animals. Despite the fact that lionesses have very sharp teeth, prey is killed in most cases by strangulation.

In nature, lions live from 10 to 15 years; in captivity they can live more than 20 years. True, males rarely live more than 10 years, since constant fights with other lions significantly reduce their life expectancy.

Unfortunately, these big cats are considered a vulnerable species due to their irreversible population decline. Over the past 20 years, the number of lions in Africa has decreased by 35–50%.


This is the third largest cat in the world, and the largest cat in the New World. One of the four representatives of the panther genus. The body length without tail is usually 120-185 cm, and the weight in some cases is up to 120 kg. The record in nature is 158 kg. In the Guarani language, yaguara meant “beast that kills with one leap.”

The oldest remains of a jaguar date back to the late Pliocene (approximately 2 million years). According to morphological characteristics, the jaguar is most closely related to the leopard, very similar to it, but larger and heavier.

The main body color of the jaguar is closer to sand. There are spots scattered across the body that are darker than the general background of the body: solid, rings and rosettes. There are also completely black jaguars that look like panthers:

Unlike lions, jaguars have a solitary lifestyle. Like all cats, jaguars are territorial predators; The hunting area of ​​one jaguar occupies 25-100 sq. km., depending on the landscape and the amount of prey, and is usually a triangle.

The jaguar is a crepuscular predator. He hunts after sunset and before dawn. The main prey of the jaguar are capybaras and ungulates such as deer and peccaries, although it also hunts turtles: its powerful jaws can even bite through the shell. When attacking, this cat tries to injure the victim with a strong blow at the moment of the fall. This is a one-shot hunter: if the prey runs away, the jaguar never pursues it.

The jaguar's main method of hunting is ambush in a tree or in tall grass. Also, prey will not be able to escape in the water - jaguars are excellent swimmers.

In a significant part of its former range, this species has been almost or completely exterminated. The Jaguar is listed in the International Red Book.

Snow Leopard

The irbis, or snow leopard, lives in the mountains of Central Asia. This is a fairly large cat, but smaller than a leopard, with a long, flexible body, relatively short legs and very long tail. Length including tail - 200–230 cm, weight - up to 55 kg. Recent research suggests that snow leopards were probably common between 1.2 and 1.4 million years ago.

The fur color of the snow leopard is light smoky gray with ring and solid dark spots. Since the snow leopard is an inhabitant of the high rocky mountains of Central and Central Asia, its fur is very thick, its length on the back reaches 55 mm - it provides protection from the cold, harsh conditions of its habitat. Thus, in the Himalayas, the snow leopard was encountered at an altitude of 5400-6000 meters above sea level.

Snow leopards lead a solitary lifestyle. A low prey area of ​​1,000 sq km can only accommodate up to 5 cats. The snow leopard makes its lair in caves and rock crevices.

The snow leopard is able to cope with prey three times its mass. In most cases, he hunts before sunset and at dawn, attacking from behind cover. The snow leopard tries to grab large prey by the throat and then strangle it.

Currently, the number of snow leopards is catastrophically low. In the 20th century, this cat was included in the Red Book of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and in the Red Book of Russia.


The leopard is another representative of the big cats, significantly smaller in size than the lion and tiger, one of the four representatives of the panther genus. Outwardly, it looks like a jaguar, reduced in size. Body length without tail is up to 190 cm, weight is up to 75 kg. According to fossil remains, the first ancestor of the leopard appeared in Asia 3.8 million years ago.

The skin of the animal is a golden background, on which solid or ring-shaped black spots are randomly scattered. Typically, the fur color in winter is paler and duller than in summer. As with the jaguar, melanistic leopards called black panthers are found in the wild (usually in Southeast Asia). The leopard is perhaps one of the most graceful and beautiful cats.

The leopard is a solitary and nocturnal animal. He climbs trees so deftly that sometimes he even catches monkeys. However, the leopard hunts mainly on the ground, using two techniques: sneaking up on prey and waiting in ambush.

To prevent hyenas from getting their prey, leopards drag it into trees. The area of ​​a leopard's hunting area can reach 400 sq. km. depending on the region, terrain and abundance of prey.

Like lions and tigers, there are cannibals among leopards; usually these are old or sick individuals who are unable to hunt their usual prey. A person is a very easy target for this predatory cat. Thus, in the 20s of the 20th century, the “Rudraprayag cannibal” operated in India. This leopard counted 125! cases of officially registered murders of people.

For many peoples, the leopard is a symbol of cruelty, ferocity, aggressiveness, and fearlessness. Unfortunately, the leopard is an endangered species. In the 20th century, it was included in the IUCN Red Book and the Red Book of Russia.

Clouded leopard

The clouded leopard is a large cat that lives in southeast Asia and vaguely resembles a leopard. This is a fairly ancient species, as well as a possible ancestor of the current large cats.

The clouded leopard is the smallest “big cat”: its size corresponds approximately to the size of a shepherd dog. Body length - 80–100 cm, weight - up to 21 kg. Characteristic feature This cat has a long tail.
Small but toothy:

Clouded leopards are found in southeast Asia and live solitary lives. Among cats, clouded leopards are the best at climbing trees, even better than the leopard itself. They wait for their victims (deer, wild boars, monkeys and birds) on branches and suddenly pounce from above.
The pattern on the coat of a clouded leopard is unusual: large, unequally shaped black spots are scattered on a yellowish background. The entire species is considered endangered.


The tiger is the largest and heaviest cat and one of the largest land predators, second in mass only to the white and brown bears, one of the four representatives of the panther genus. Already about 2 million years ago, tigers were widespread in eastern Asia.

Tiger subspecies vary greatly in size and weight, but the largest are the Bengal and Amur. Males can reach up to 2.4–2.8 meters in length without a tail and weigh up to 275 kg, and in some cases up to 300–320 kg. The record in captivity is 423 kg for the Amur tiger. For comparison, the weight of lions usually does not exceed 250 kg with approximately the same length.

The tiger's entire body is covered with stripes, the color of which varies from brown to completely black, and the tail always ends in a black tip.

Due to mutation, very rare animals exist in nature - white tigers. The frequency of their appearance is one individual in 10,000 with normal coloring. They are Bengal tigers with black and brown stripes on their white fur and blue eyes. There are currently 130 white tigers in zoos:

An even more rare color change is gold. There are only 30 golden tigers in zoos around the world:

Tigers are solitary and territorial predators. The territory of one male is usually 60–100 sq. km. When hunting, tigers use two techniques: sneaking up on prey, moving in short, careful steps, often crouching to the ground, and waiting in ambush.

During an attack, a tiger can reach speeds of up to 60 km/h on almost any terrain, and can also jump to a height of up to 5 meters and 9-10 meters in length. Sometimes the weight of this powerful cat’s prey is 6-7 times its own.

These majestic cats are also an endangered species. In the 20th century, it was included in the IUCN Red Book and the Red Book of Russia.

The domestic cat has many wild relatives, large and small. All of them, despite noticeable differences in size, color and physiology, have much in common and are incredibly similar to their domesticated relative. All cats belong to one family, Felidae. The cat family is divided into two subfamilies, Pantherinae and Felinae, i.e. big and small cats.

Such a classification is not based at all on size, as it might seem at first glance, but on morphological characteristics, in particular, on the structure of the hyoid bone. Because of this, large cats such as pumas and cheetahs do not fall into the subfamily of big cats. At one time, the division into large and small cats was associated with the ability of cats to make certain sounds. It was believed that due to the structure of the hyoid bone, large cats (Pantherinae) can growl, while small cats (Felinae) cannot. However, scientists have now concluded that the ability to growl is based on other morphological features, primarily on the elasticity and length of the vocal cords. In this regard, the clouded leopard and snow leopard are considered big cats, although they cannot growl.

While cats express their anger in different ways - by growling or purring - purring is a sign of peace and pleasure in all cats, big and small. The only difference is that big cats can purr only when exhaling, while small cats can purr both when exhaling and inhaling.

Of course, the differences between representatives of the cat family do not end there. The subfamily of big cats includes 3 genera, small cats - 11 genera. Genera, in turn, are divided into species. Here scientists have not yet come to the conclusion unanimous opinion- the entire diversity of wild cats can be divided into species in many ways, therefore, depending on the method of classification, there are from 35 to 38 species of cats. Some scientists classify some wild cats as a separate species, while others consider them to be a subspecies of a species.

This happens, for example, with the wild steppe cat (Felis silvestris lybica). Most biologists consider it a subspecies of the European forest cat (Felis silvestris). These wild cats are indeed similar - the same color, size, morphology and physiology. However, there are differences: the steppe cat lives in the steppes of Africa and Asia, and the European forest cat, as the name suggests, lives in forests. The habitat of the European forest cat lies further north, so its fur is thicker and longer. The steppe cat is slimmer, has lighter bones and long legs. The colors, despite all the similarities, are still different - there are no stripes on the body of the steppe cat. Because of all this, some scientists believe that the steppe cat and the European forest cat are two completely different species, and not subspecies of the same species.

Be that as it may, both the steppe cat and the European forest cat are the closest relatives of the domestic cat. Some wild cats have been successfully crossed with domestic cats to create new breeds. The Siberian and Norwegian forest breeds most likely originated from the European forest cat (Felis silvestris). The Bengal breed was developed based on a relatively distant relative of the domestic cat, Prionailurus bengalensis (Bengal cat, a species of wild cat). The Savannah breed was created by crossing domestic cats with servals. It is believed that the Abyssinian breed was bred on the basis of the steppe cat (Felis silvestris lybica).

In total, eight species of the cat family live in Russia: in addition to the European forest cat, you can find Pallas's cat, jungle cat, Far Eastern cat (a subspecies of the Bengal cat), lynx, snow leopard, leopard, tiger. The Amur tiger, by the way, is the most major representative cat family.

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There are more than 30 species of animals in the cat family. From the ancestor of all cats, two main branches of feline development emerged: large and small cats.

Along with the miniature sand cat, the small cat subfamily includes domestic and small wild cats and large animals such as lynx, puma, and clouded leopard. They all share a common origin.

The big cat subfamily includes the lion, tiger, leopard and jaguar. The snow leopard and cheetah stand apart in the family.

All cats are created for hunting. There are no vegetarians or omnivores among them - only predators. They have everything designed for tracking down the victim and for killing: their eyes see in the dark, their ears hear the slightest rustle, their gait is silent, their jaws are powerful, their fangs are sharp, and their retractable claws, curved like sabers, are always sharpened.

Felines are poor runners. They are not pursuers, but lone ambush hunters. Hear the approach of the prey, see it from afar, sneak up, pressing its plastic body to the ground, jump out at the prey, grab it with its claws and kill it - this is how cats hunt. The impetus for jumping without a run-up is provided by the hind legs, which are longer and stronger than the front legs. The claws, usually bent and hidden under the skin, are always sharp and grip deeply into the victim. The force behind the deadly bite is given by the jaws, which are shorter and therefore stronger than those of dogs.

Which cat roars like a lion?

All cats can be divided into growling and non-growling. Only in large species the larynx is connected to the skull by an elastic ligament. Small cats and cheetahs that do not have such a connection cannot growl.

The puma, or caguar, which belongs to small cats, although it weighs more than 90 kg, does not growl, but screams like a bird. It is doubtful whether this beast, also called the mountain lion, could roar, as is sometimes claimed. When he is happy, he purrs loudly. Small cats purr both when inhaling and exhaling, while large cats purr only when exhaling.

The cheetah screams just like a bird. Sometimes it makes a stuttering cry, similar to the cooing of a dove. These sounds are related to the processes of courtship and mating, and with other intonations they are used when communicating with cubs. There is a legend that a tiger can imitate the voice of its prey - a deer. In fact, the sound made by the tiger, slightly reminiscent of the voice of some deer, warns the hunter’s fellow hunters that he is near the prey and it is better for others to stay away.

Why do cats' eyes glow?

Experiments with domestic cats have shown that their eyes, compared to human eyes, are six times more sensitive in the blue part of the spectrum and adapt faster in the dark. This observation is believed to extend to wild cats. IN cat's eye Behind the retina, the layer of photoreceptors in the fundus of the eye, there are cells with high reflectivity, thanks to which weak light signals are amplified. That's why a cat's eyes glow when light hits them.

The structure of the pupil, through which light enters the eye, in cats is a compromise between the daytime and nighttime visual needs of the animal. As a rule, large cats have round pupils, while small ones have slit-shaped or spindle-shaped pupils, like domestic cats. A slit pupil, like a round one, can contract and expand.

Leopards are the most prosperous species in the genus of big cats. Leopards live throughout almost all of Africa and Asia, from Turkey to India and the Far East. They have adapted to live in savannahs, deserts, mountains, jungles and even in the cold taiga - the rarest ones live there - the Far Eastern leopards, with warm fur. Being the smallest of the big cats, the leopard is not inferior to them in strength and hunts the same game: large antelopes, zebras, wild pigs. In the absence of large prey, the leopard catches rodents, fish and even insects. The ability to adapt to any conditions ensured the well-being of leopards.

Leopards, unlike lions, tigers and jaguars, are excellent tree climbers, which expands their hunting capabilities: they chase monkeys and birds in tree branches. African leopards drag their prey into trees. There, away from land predators, thieving lions and hyenas, the leopard can calmly have a snack and leave the remains of its meal until next time, without fear of being snatched away.

The leopard, with its spotted skin like a cheetah and its powerful build like a lion, got its name from both: “leopard.” Leopards were also called leopards and panthers. Panthers are more often called large black cats. Did you know that the black panther and the spotted leopard are the same animal? In nature, it happens that colored animals give birth to cubs that are devoid of color - albinos with white fur, fair skin and red eyes. And vice versa, an excess of dark matter leads to the appearance of black animals - melanists. Leopards are more likely to give birth to melanists than other animals. Black panthers are melanistic leopards. If you look closely, even darker “leopard-print” spots are visible on the skin of a black panther.

The dark color camouflages the panther in the twilight of the jungle, without interfering with a successful hunt. A black hunter cannot hide in a light savanna; it is more difficult for him to get food, and it is more difficult for him to survive. Therefore, panthers are more often found in the jungle, but they rarely survive in the savannas.