Staphylococcus epidermidis in kittens treatment. Treatment of Staphylococcus aureus in cats. How to Treat Staphylococcus aureus in Cats

Staphylococcosis of cats in most cases, it proceeds as a purulent lesion of the skin and mucous membranes, usually complicating the primary disease. The disease is characterized by a relatively limited lesion and persistent course, the absence of a generalization of the process. Often staphylococcus aureus acts in association with other facultative pathogens, such as beta-hemolytic streptococcus, Escherichia, Pasteurella, Pseudomonas and others. Association with lipophilic yeast fungi is possible.

Diagnosis confirmed by bacteriological examination of secrets, exudate or punctate; other causative agents of purulent infection should be excluded. An indicative diagnosis is made on the basis of the color of a Gram smear of pus, in which clusters of cocci are detected. of blue color, resembling grapes, as well as neutrophilic granulocytes. Cultivation of cocci on blood nutrient media with subsequent differentiation refines and details the diagnosis. The identification of several potentially pathogenic pathogens complicates the interpretation of bacteriological data. The prognosis is favorable and entirely depends on the severity and degree of curability of the primary disease.

Treatment. The sensitivity of the pathogen to antibiotics (resistant strains) is preliminarily detected. Especially often there is resistance to penicillin and ampicillin due to the production of beta-lactamase by microorganisms. In such cases, it is recommended to use tetracycline, erythromycin, gentamicin, neomycin, amoxicillin, etc., as well as sulfonamides and nitrofurans. With limited lesions, applications of ointments, suspensions, as well as surgical intervention. In the presence of fever, general depression, lung damage or urinary tract using multiple parenteral

Pets, like people, can suffer from various diseases, including viral ones. Staphylococcus in cats can cause the development severe complications if appropriate action is not taken in time. With proper care and treatment under the supervision of a veterinarian, you can overcome the disease and significantly improve the condition of the animal.

Description of the disease

Staphylococcus aureus is a common infectious disease that affects both cats and dogs. Infection, getting into the body of a pet, causes inflammatory processes various bodies. Over time, there is a violation of the full operation of many systems, which leads to the development of serious complications, up to lethal outcome.

Staphylococcus is a very dangerous and insidious type of microorganism. It can be in the body of a cat all its life and never show itself, or it can provoke a severe inflammatory process after ordinary stress.

There are almost three dozen different strains of staphylococcus, among which the following are the most common:

  • Golden - the most pathogenic form, causing purulent foci of inflammation in almost all tissues and organs.
  • Epidermal staphylococcus most often affects the mucous membranes and skin, can cause purulent infections urinary tract and festering wounds.
  • Saprophytic - is the culprit in the development of acute cystitis.
  • Hemolytic staphylococcus in cats causes purulent inflammation varying degrees severity on different organs and tissues, cystitis, skin lesions.

Staphylococcus bacteria are opportunistic pathogens. This means that they can cause damage to health only under the influence of certain factors. Currently, scientists tend to assume that most of the infectious diseases that cats are susceptible to are directly dependent on staphylococcus bacteria.

Reasons for the development of the disease

Staphylococcal infections begin to become more active under the influence of disposing factors, which include:

  1. Weakening of the cat's immune system. This can occur against the background of a recent illness, surgery, severe stress. Also weak immunity Can be have a cat with the most birth.
  2. malnutrition with not enough minerals and vitamins, as well as metabolic disorders in diabetes - common causes infection development.
  3. Intoxication of the body leads to a general deterioration in the cat's well-being. Suffering from poisoning gastrointestinal tract pet, which is an excellent reason for the activation of staphylococcus aureus.
  4. susceptibility to allergies, and different kind skin diseases.
  5. Avitaminosis significantly weakens the cat's body. Special meaning for a pet, they have vitamins such as carotene, tocopherol (vitamin E) and B vitamins. To prevent the development of the disease, you need to ensure that the cat receives all the necessary vitamins, macro- and microelements.

All breeds of cats can be equally infected with staphylococcus aureus, but, as a rule, long-haired and hairless breeds are most susceptible to infection. Most often, it can be transmitted on the street, and the risk of the disease increases many times if the cat regularly participates in fights with his relatives: inflamed wounds are green light for active reproduction of staphylococcus.

The risk of human infection with staphylococcus aureus

Many owners of sick cats are interested in the question of whether staphylococcus can be transmitted from animal to person. Such a risk does exist, since these disease-causing bacteria affect both animals and humans equally. They can enter the human body after direct contact with a sick cat or substances that she secretes.

You can get staphylococcus from a cat while playing with your pet, cleaning the tray or food bowl. If, after such contacts, a person does not thoroughly wash his hands with soap and touches his mouth or eyes with dirty hands, then microbes will freely enter his body.

The greatest danger to humans is the bites of a sick cat, even the smallest ones. Any damage must be treated with an antiseptic, and when the first anxiety symptoms you should consult a doctor.

Symptoms of the disease

Staphylococcus makes itself felt by external manifestations that can be detected with the naked eye.

Signs of infection include:

  • Skin diseases that are very difficult to treat drug treatment. Against the background of advanced dermatitis, purulent inflammation begins to develop, which leads to the appearance of small areas of itchy erosion. If left untreated, they will lead to a severe stage of weeping dermatitis. Such areas are most often located in the groin area or under the chest, but may appear on the muzzle and tail of the cat.
  • Balding parts on the body of a cat. In this case, the loss of hair in certain parts of the body is accompanied by the appearance of a liquid with a sharp repulsive odor. This symptom is most common in older cats or those suffering from overweight. If this problem is ignored, the inflammatory process will begin to penetrate deeper, affecting the subcutaneous tissues. As a result, painful boils will begin to appear under the affected skin, the body temperature will rise.
  • Conjunctivitis, chronic otitis. With an ear disease, the cat will often rub it with its paw, shake its head. During the inspection auricle there is a strong redness, purulent discharge. With conjunctivitis, the cat's eyes are inflamed, pus collects in the corners.
  • With liver damage, the mucous membranes and skin acquire an unhealthy yellowish tint. Localization of staphylococcus on the kidneys makes itself felt cloudy urine and painful urination.
  • Infection of the reproductive system is the most common symptom of staphylococcus aureus. Infected cats have purulent vaginitis, which is often complicated by endometriosis. In males, staphylococcus causes the development of postitis, which causes severe suffering to the animal. With this disease, animals develop severe swelling genitals, sharp pain when urinating.

In addition to the above signs, staphylococcus in cats manifests itself in the form of general weakness, loss of appetite, constant thirst, and fever.

Diagnosis of the disease

Before treating staphylococcus aureus in cats, it is necessary to full examination pet. This can be done only in a veterinary clinic, where a specialist will take all the necessary tests from a sick animal.

An accurate diagnosis cannot be made with just a visual examination of the cat, since there are so many other diseases with similar symptoms. To confirm or deny the presence of staphylococcus, the veterinarian must conduct microscopic examination skin scrapings, as well as growing a bacterial culture in a nutrient medium. Only on the basis of these methods can a specialist diagnose and tell how to treat a cat with staphylococcus aureus.

Features of treatment

If alarming symptoms are found, in no case should you self-medicate, and even more so ignore the disease, hoping that it will pass by itself. In both cases, the cat runs the risk of severe complications and even death.

Since there are many varieties of staphylococcus in nature, during laboratory research the veterinarian will be able to determine the type of bacteria. This is necessary in order to assign the maximum effective medicines. In the treatment of Staphylococcus aureus in a cat, antibacterial agents are most often prescribed.

To alleviate the condition of the pet and eliminate the consequences of intoxication, intravenous solutions are prescribed. Treatment includes taking immunomodulators and vitamin complexes- this is necessary to restore the strength of a sick animal.

To restore the skin, sulfonamide-based ointments have proven themselves well.

In especially severe cases, droppers with supporting solutions are used. This is also necessary in cases where the cat is not able to eat on its own.

With strict observance of all the prescriptions of the veterinarian and his advice on caring for a sick pet, recovery occurs 18-25 days after the start of treatment.

Preventive measures

Since one of the most popular causes of staphylococcus aureus is dermatitis, it is necessary to protect the cat from all sorts of skin lesions. Often cats can scratch themselves until they bleed if they are very bothered by fleas. Anti-flea collars, ointments and sprays will help to cope with this problem.

If the cat walks on the street, after each walk you should carefully examine it for wounds and scratches. If they are found, appropriate treatment should be carried out immediately. pet should be protected from contact with wild relatives.

Many types of staphylococci live on the surface of the body of an animal and a person. They are activated under the influence of the following harmful factors:

Congenital anomalies make the animal defenseless against attack by opportunistic microbes. But most often, staphylococci are activated when the body is weakened by the fight against some disease.

Unbalanced diet

Violation of carbohydrate metabolism that occurs in diabetes mellitus, or feeding mainly porridge and bread, weakens the resistance of tissues to the activation of conditionally pathogenic bacteria. The fall in resistance is facilitated by the inevitable hypovitaminosis with such nutrition.


In case of poisoning, the immune system is affected and the gate opens for infection to enter.


Skin rashes lead to the formation of defects, destroying the barriers that contain staphylococci.

Old age

Hormonal disorders cause hair loss, weakening of the protective mechanisms of the skin. Most often, these phenomena occur in old age.

Human danger

Immunocompromised people, especially children and the elderly, can become ill when in contact with an ill pet. If the animal scratches or bites the owner, the latter may have health problems.


Bacteria that have entered the hair follicles begin to multiply. Vesicles with purulent contents are formed. They open, the released exudate becomes food for new microbes. The focus of inflammation grows, pyometra develops. In long-haired cats, the disease is more severe because staphylococci prefer anaerobic conditions. Sick kittens endure the disease severely, and often die.


Staphylococcosis is characterized by the following features:

  • progressive baldness;
  • the skin is covered with crusts, under which pus collects;
  • there are inflammatory processes of the genital organs, the most life-threatening pyometra;
  • conjunctivitis, otitis;
  • kittens have profuse diarrhea.


Diagnosis is based on clinical symptoms and bacteriological culture results. Treatment begins immediately with the use of universal antibiotics. Correction is carried out after deciphering the results of the analysis. The therapeutic strategy is developing in the following areas:

  • antimicrobial therapy;
  • symptomatic treatment;
  • treatment concomitant diseases;
  • immune correction;
  • medical diet.

Antimicrobial Therapy

For skin lesions, external agents are used. These are ointments or gels containing antibiotics or sulfonamides. If the muscles are affected and an abscess occurs, it is opened, the pus is removed, antibiotics are injected - Cephalexin or Lincomycin. In the first days of treatment, staphylococcal toxoid is effective. If bacterial pyoderma occurs against the background of scabies caused by Notoedrus or Demodex mite, apply liquid products with an acaricidal component, for example, Amit.

If conjunctivitis occurs, ophthalmic drops are used:

  • Leopard;
  • Iris;
  • Levomycetin.

The best treatment for otitis media, when the etiology is not clear, is Surolan. The drug is produced in the form of drops with acaricidal, bactericidal, antimycotic and anti-inflammatory effects. Aurican contains a local anesthetic. If the tick component is absent, Tetra-Delta is used.

Symptomatic therapy

Veterinarian evaluates the situation and prescribes heart remedies, hepatoprotectors, ointments, sprays, antiseptic and wound healing powders.

Treatment of comorbidities

Staphylococcosis often develops against the background of the activity of scabies mites, diabetes, dermatitis of allergic etiology. The destruction of pathogenic microflora is a task complex treatment major diseases.

immune correction

To increase resistance, as well as speed up recovery, immunocorrectors are practiced:

  • Gamavit;
  • Immunofan;
  • Catosal;
  • Phosphprenyl.

Therapeutic diet

Without the organization of good nutrition, medical measures do not lead to recovery. A cat needs a plastic material to restore skin tissue - proteins, and vitamins for forcing wool. The best option– use of finished feed of premium class.


main reason development of staphylococcosis - weakening of the cat's immunity. To prevent disease, the pet must be given proper care and organized good nutrition. Regularly carry out treatment against blood-sucking insects and helminths.

Staphylococci are permanent inhabitants of the cat. Uncontrolled reproduction of microorganisms causes loss of health and death of the pet. To prevent this from happening, the felinologist needs to organize good nutrition and proper care for her.

- this is not a specific microorganism, it is a genus of pathogens to which a large number of various infections.

Opportunistic bacteria staphylococci, common among both humans and animals, including cats.

In this article, we will consider the nature of the disease and its features in felines.

The most common infection in cats is Staphylococcus aureus. As mentioned earlier, this bacterium belongs to the category of opportunistic pathogens. This means that it harms the cat only under the action of certain factors.

Staphylococcus can stay in the cat's body throughout the life of the animal, without leading to the onset inflammatory process.

At the same time, hemolytic staphylococcus in cats causes purulent formations, which are visible in the photo of sick animals.

Activation can lead to:

  • disorders associated with carbohydrate metabolism. This is possible both because of diabetes mellitus, and through malnutrition cats;
  • congenital or acquired immunodeficiency;
  • disturbed hormonal background. In most cases similar problem occurs in older cats;
  • avitaminosis. The lack of B vitamins, tocopherol and carotene negatively affects the general condition of the body and leads to the activation of bacteria;
  • poisoning. Toxic poisoning worsens the condition of the cat's body, weakens the immune system;
  • allergies, dermatitis, eczema.

Staphylococcus aureus can be found in cats of any age.

The main source of infection is other animals.

The bacterium is excreted from the body along with fecal matter, urine, nasal secretions, pus formed in boils, abscesses, carbuncles.

In addition, the animal can become infected due to the consumption of contaminated milk, food, contact with the hair of a sick cat and household items. It is also possible aerogenic infection (through the air).

PECULIARITIES! A cat can get sick after feeding infected kittens (the bacterium can enter the body through areas of the mammary gland damaged by kittens).

Under the conditions described above, staphylococcus begins to harm the body, which causes a violation of the functions of the cat's organs and systems of its body. In addition, the activity of bacteria leads to the formation of abscesses in tissues and organs.

Can a cat infect a human?

Staphylococcal infections are characteristic of both animals and their owners. Many people are interested in the question of whether it is possible to get staphylococcus aureus from a cat.

There really is such a possibility. The bacterium can enter the body of a healthy person after contact with an infected animal.

Staphylococcus is not a specific infection for only one type of organism. In cats and humans, the same type of bacteria can lead to the development of diseases. Therefore, just as a cat can infect a healthy person, so healthy man can infect a cat.

Infection of a person is possible in case of contact with a sick animal or substances released by it.

To get in human body staphylococcus can after cleaning the tray, contact with the food bowl, due to playing with the animal.

If the owner of the cat, without washing his hands afterwards, eats food or otherwise makes it possible for the dirty limb to come into contact with oral cavity bacteria enter the body.

But the chance of infection after a cat bite is much higher. In 2009, a study was conducted regarding human infection infectious diseases due to animal bites.

As statistics show, in twenty percent of cases, after an animal bite, one of a number of possible infections develops. Among them is staphylococcus aureus.

Therefore, any bite must be immediately treated with antiseptic agents, and if the first signs appear that not everything is in order with the body, consult a doctor.

Thus, staphylococcus in cats is transmitted to humans both through contact with an infected animal and through bites. It is possible to understand that an animal that has bitten its owner is painful by the symptoms characteristic of Staphylococcus aureus.

IMPORTANT! Even a shallow cat bite is enough to infect a person.

Symptoms of the disease

The ability to timely determine the presence of a disease in a cat's body is very important both to maintain its health and to exclude the possibility of infection of the owner.

Staphylococcus aureus in cats causes symptoms that can be detected even without going to a veterinary clinic.

First of all, the activity of bacteria is displayed on the skin of the animal. The essence of the changes is the formation of inflamed areas. Then they turn into abscesses.

The constant multiplication of bacteria leads to a rapid increase in their number and distribution throughout the body of the host through its bloodstream.

Sepsis is very dangerous for an animal. Often with similar phenomenon the cat dies.

ATTENTION! Detection of septic shock is a signal to immediate appeal to a veterinary facility.

Another sign of the presence of bacteria in the body is the spread of abscesses, carbuncles and boils on the skin of the animal. On the initial stage the development of these pathologies, the pet is worried about itching, so it will itch intensely at the site of skin deformity.

With the development of pathology, there are pain, due to which scratches and marks left by the claws of the animal can be seen on the affected areas of the skin.

Staphylococcus aureus in cats also causes the following symptoms:

  • general weakness;
  • an increase in the body temperature of the animal to forty-one degrees or more;
  • increased water intake;
  • loss of appetite.

When the kidneys are damaged, the urine excreted by the animal becomes cloudy. During urination, it feels pain. Feeling the kidneys makes the cat restless.

When the lungs are affected, a cough occurs, breathing is disturbed. Specific symptoms depend on the duration and nature of the course of the disease, as well as on which organs have been exposed to bacteria.

You can clearly see which staphylococcus aureus causes symptoms associated with skin lesions in cats. numerous photos sick animals.

Consequences of staphylococcus for cats

A purulent lesion, which is one of the symptoms of the disease, if left untreated, can develop into weeping dermatitis, which is difficult to treat.

The longer the disease develops, the wider the areas affected by dermatitis will become. It can even spread to the muzzle of the animal.

The activity of bacteria can cause fasting in animals - a disease affecting the genital organs of animals.

The essence of the disease lies in the inflammation of the gap located between the head of the animal's genital organ and its foreskin.

AT purulent secretions, characteristic of the inflammatory process, is found big number staphylococci. Animals have a hard time with this disease. It is often accompanied by swelling and severe pain.

IMPORTANT! A characteristic consequence of the activity of Staphylococcus aureus is the development of chronic otitis media, purulent conjunctivitis.

This disease is most dangerous for kittens. Infection in almost one hundred percent of cases leads to death.

The reason for this is the severe diarrhea that staphylococcus aureus causes in kittens under the age of a week. Because of this, rapid dehydration of the body occurs, leading to death due to intoxication.

Deaths also occur among adult cats. One of the reasons is sepsis, described above. If, upon discovery, no action is taken Urgent measures, the risk of death is high. Therefore, Staphylococcus aureus found in animals requires immediate treatment.

Treatment of staphylococcus

Treatment of an infected animal is prescribed only after diagnosis.

There are many types of staphylococcus, and only analysis and microscopic examination of the pathological material of a sick cat will make it possible to make an accurate diagnosis and determine how to treat staphylococcus in the examined cats.

If Staphylococcus aureus is found in adult cats, treatment is with antibiotics.

Before prescribing specific drugs, a specialist should check them for the sensitivity of microorganisms found in the body of a sick animal to them.

Internal solutions can be used to relieve intoxication. In addition, a virus that destroys staphylococcus colonies can be used as a measure for therapy.

PECULIARITIES! The duration of the course of treatment depends on the specific case, but on average, therapy takes from eighteen to twenty-five days.

To eliminate skin lesions, areas affected by bacterial activity are treated with sulfanilamide ointments.

It is also important to improve general state infected animal. Therefore, multivitamin complexes and agents that increase the level of immunity are also used in the treatment.


Thus, staphylococcus is common among both humans and cats. The answer to the question of whether it is possible to catch Staphylococcus aureus from a cat is in the affirmative.

To avoid infection, you should carefully monitor the animal. If you experience the symptoms described above, you should contact your veterinarian. He will diagnose and prescribe treatment.

Lack of therapy can lead to negative consequences, including death.

In contact with

Moreover, the reason lies not only in some special predisposition, but also in various kinds negative factors, both external and internal, because this infection can be transmitted through any contact (wool, saliva, secretions, etc.).

But most often, staphylococcus aureus in cats appears as a result of the inclusion of infected food in the diet of an animal, or due to the care of it with hygiene products infected with this infection, be it a brush for wool, tools for cat manicure etc. B special group Lactating cats are also at risk, because through cracks in the nipples, the infection can easily get inside the body and spread quickly, which will make not only the mother sick, but also the kittens she feeds, and the most serious complication in this case is Staphylococcus aureus. In cats, it can manifest itself in the form of numerous ulcers, often with a yellow or, as they say, with a golden coating, affecting mainly areas of the skin behind the ears, near the eyes, on the forehead and on the muzzle (less often throughout the body).

At the slightest manifestation of this kind, the animal should immediately be shown to the veterinarian, who will not only examine, but also recommend a series of tests, including the glow of a special Wood's lamp. The fact is that its radiation will help to exclude or, on the contrary, confirm the suspicion of subcutaneous tick, whose vital activity in skin animal can cause similar symptoms. In no case should you let Staphylococcus aureus in a cat take its course, hoping that it will pass on its own, since nothing but much more serious problems and complications, with such connivance, certainly not expected.

The fact is that many cats are carriers of this infection, while feeling absolutely normal throughout their lives. That is, we are talking about non-pathogenic staphylococcus in cats, the treatment of which is often not carried out due to total absence whatever external manifestations. However, no one can guarantee that in one second this infection will not take a pathogenic form, turning into a full-fledged disease.

Moreover, there can be a lot of reasons for such a sharp aggravation - from weakening immune system animal and the severe stress experienced by him, before the violation hormonal background and carbohydrate metabolism (cats suffering from diabetes are especially prone to exacerbations).

Therefore treat this disease is necessary even in its "sleeping" form, and the sooner this is done, the faster and better results can be achieved, and even if the cat has Staphylococcus aureus, the chances of a full recovery with right approach to the problem are very high. At the same time, it should be remembered that it is realistic to prescribe adequate therapy only after a series of tests, including bacteriological culture biological material infected animal, since this infection has whole line pathogens, each of which is resistant to a certain kind of drugs.

Only by growing the pathogen in laboratory conditions, the doctor will be able to make a 100 percent accurate diagnosis and prescribe correct scheme treatment. Usually the course involves the use of certain antibiotics, intravenous drugs, as well as absorbent substances that will help to quickly remove the effects of intoxication. In addition to medicines for internal use, prescribe various ointments necessary for the healing of wounds and erosive formations.

An excellent result was also shown by the use of special phages, which mean certain viruses that are absolutely safe for the cat's body as a whole, but at the same time pose a deadly threat to staphylococcal infection.

Do not forget about such an important component in the treatment against staphylococcus as general immunization and fortification of the animal, because it is the weakened body that is most susceptible to infection and the spread of the disease.