Talk to an intelligent person. Psychology of Personality. Talking to yourself

A man is walking along the street, he mutters something to himself, smiles or frowns, argues animatedly with by myself... Passers-by react in different ways - someone twists a finger at his temple, someone calmly walks by - and they have not seen this, again, well, what is strange, says the person himself with by myself... And what if you are not near good companion?!

Nice to talk to smart person... Especially if you always have this smart person with by myself- you yourself. Of course, communicating expressively with by myself aloud people on the street are still a sad picture, reminding someone of Robinson Crusoe, someone of a psychiatric hospital, someone of a prison, someone of an approaching insanity. But really, let's be honest: more than with by themselves by myself, we don't talk to anyone. That is, we are talking about ourselves. To yourself, beloved yourself with by myself... argue that a person with by myself speaks about 70% of the time. We tend to believe it. Our inner voice gives us advice, teaches us how to live, reminds us of necessary purchases and deeds, evaluates whether we did our job well. Now, when you are reading these lines, you have probably already started an internal dispute, discussing some of my phrases or continuing them. Of course, you didn't say it out loud, but you probably already started to say it.

Someone calls communication and, most importantly, listening inner voice intuition, someone with logic, but these internal ones are our internal dialogue.

Source of Internal Strategies or Who Speaks in Our Heads? Remember bearded joke? The cowboy runs away from the Indians and thinks: "This is the end!" An inner voice prompts: "No, this is not the end. We must climb the tallest tree." Climbs in. The Indians set fire to the tree. "Now is the end!" the cowboy understands. "No," says an inner voice, "you have to shoot the leader." The cowboy shoots, the Indians viciously cut down the tree. "Now - the end!" - the Inner Voice states with satisfaction.

About talk person with by ourselves by myself there are many anecdotes in which, as a rule, the inner voice gives many useful tips, in the final yet destroying life or its owner. In these anecdotes, the inner voice becomes, as it were, Kopelyan's voiceover in the film about Stirlitz - this is a separate creature who knows much more than his "outer shell". And what he really is, our inner voice, conducting an internal dialogue with us - where does it come from, why do we need it and how to deal with it so that it does not destroy anything in our life, like its counterpart from jokes? small children, all parents notice that the child often speaks to by myself commenting on your actions. And he says all these "dice on dice" not counting on the teacher - in this way he learns to think in the language. Some people have a habit of commenting on their actions aloud - we all saw the process of finding the right thing, when a person, walking around the room, argues out loud: “Where could I put it? I came yesterday in this jacket, maybe in my pocket? No, I will have to go to the kitchen and see if I suddenly posted: ". This process is also very understandable for people who already in adulthood learn a foreign language: at some point, there is a desire to articulate their actions in a new language, and then a statement of the fact comes: "I began to think in this language."

Internal dialogue helps us not only to formalize in words, but also to form an internal picture of the world. And sometimes even completely her by myself replaces. For example, a person walked and stumbled. What does the inner voice say? "Here they set, freaks, stones." That is, an inner voice said that the world is not perfect. Another person at this moment thinks: "Well, when you put on white shoes, you immediately fall into the mud, and in general, you always have it like that." An inner voice said that it was not the world that was imperfect, but this stumbling man. The third inner voice consoled: "Well, nothing, this is nothing, and in general everything will be fine, life is like a zebra."

Highly a large number of voices sounding inside us (we are not taking a clinical case when angels or demons talk to a person, but normal person, inside which there is a discussion of his actions and deeds) - originally from childhood. These action comments are most often what small man hears from parents. Our internal dialogue forms our self-esteem! If you listen closely, then the words sounding in the head of an adult often have a very clear "initial" belonging: if you ask a person to think about who is pronouncing certain words in his head, then, after thinking, he will say in surprise: "That's what my mother said!" Indeed, the process of finding our "inner friend", which forms our self-esteem, is as follows: a small person gathers in Kindergarten, and his mother, hurrying to work, hurries him irritably: "Kulema, come on quickly, you are always digging, one trouble is with you!" If a child often hears such a text in childhood, he begins to treat himself like that in the future. Remember how in Alice in Wonderland? "If aloud, from the cradle, they call a piglet, baiushki-baiu, Even the most humble child will turn into a pig in the future." Well, in a pig, not in a pig, but, of course, my mother’s voice is "recorded" on a tape recorder in a person's head - and then in life the person at the “necessary” moments begins to say this text to himself. And if this very kid buries himself in the kindergarten with things, and no one notices this, the "vigilant mother" will still speak in his head - and now the baby, pulling on his boots and tying a scarf, says to himself: "Well, kulema, forever you're digging! " The words that a child hears most often then form his life strategies. And annoyed mother's words form losers.

It is clear that we have already inherited the set of internal voices that we received. You can also do a lot with him, we will definitely talk about this. But what conclusions can we draw for ourselves about the "inherited" "records" with the recording of voices? First, we noticed that 70% of people conducting an internal dialogue look at themselves through the eyes of someone who does not love them, find fault with them , evaluates not in better side... The way out suggests itself by myself... Let's put into action the one who loves us! Let him, as a writer, admire his character (that is, us), say: "Oh, how lovely her cheeks are today!" You can learn from the example of how Leo Tolstoy described Natasha Rostova - his beloved heroine. Why are we worse? All in our hands!

At the same time, we can begin to shape our children's strategies by offering them “winning” strategies. Of my little son we learned to eat with a spoon while doing this experiment. They showed me - you take it, bring it up, swallow it. He diligently performed everything, after each "successful" spoon we shouted: "Well done!" The next day the son ate himself and shouted "madeeees" to himself. But what is remarkable - and now, if he succeeds in something, he says to himself "well done!" While out loud. But I think that soon he will learn to speak to himself with a "good inner voice" and inside. It is important that already now he knows that he is good.

But what should we, adults, do when our inner voice tells us nasty things ?! Well, first of all, the most important thing is not to start arguing with him internally, like the same cowboy. Who are we arguing with ?! If internal dialogue is the voice of people who are authoritative for us, it is difficult to argue between them. And besides, by starting to argue, we recognize the right of the inner voice for a separate existence. But these thoughts are our property, they are part of us! What would you think if I asked you to coax your finger to bend? Brad, isn't it? Whenever we need to, we just bend our finger. You also need to deal with the inner voice - this is your inner voice, and in order to control it, you must first of all treat it not as a living being, but as a finger.

And this means that you can try to somehow transform it, "bend" it. Conduct an experiment: try the text that condemns you "well, you’re always like this, you’ll make it to the last, and then you suffer" to pronounce: 2 times faster in your voice disney cartoons or, on the contrary, stretch out these words, sing in Chaliapin's voice: “Well, what are you doing again.” Can you keep your attention on the “tragic and condemning” sense of the phrase? Do you notice your attitude? Are you still upset? Is this beeping about "again you did not cope with the work" - is it still significant information for you?

One of my acquaintances experienced enormous difficulties when meeting girls: he, a very interesting outwardly man, thought that the girls did not like him. Every time he met a girl, he scrolled the following text in his head: "She will tell you, they say, where did you come from, there are many of you!" As a result, he was offended in advance - and did not get to know the girl. Or he went to get acquainted, but already with such an expression on his face that did not dispose of acquaintance - and really received such an answer. The fact is that our internal dialogues are reflected in the body, and a person inside whom the text "here, again you behave like an idiot" sounds can cause such a reaction. The funny thing is that in the finale we begin to relate to the interlocutor (in in this case- to the girl) as if he really gave a predictable answer. But this can and should be changed! With my acquaintance, we pronounced in a "cartoon" voice the entire text of the girl's imaginary "refusal", in the final I added: "Well, isn't it funny yourself?" He laughed, and this cheerful attitude helped him later to build real dialogues with real, not imaginary, girls.

Internal dialogue is not something that is given once and for all, it can be controlled. What do you do if a person you don't like starts playing on the radio in your car? Switch to another wave, turn it down or turn it off completely. You can also switch the inner voice plate, or you can turn it down. Ask yourself where your inner voice is coming from. For example, mentally transfer it to the knee or little finger: What is the relation to the little finger, which dares to condemn you, being at a distance of eighty meters ?!

By the way, oh conversations with imaginary girls. The fact is that that "series" - dialogues and even entire situations that we replay in our head - as a rule, have nothing to do with reality. This, of course, is a good opportunity to occupy your head, for example, while you are going to a meeting, but there is a danger that real meeting your interlocutor simply does not understand the reasons for your condition. For example, a husband comes home late and thinks: “I’ll come, my wife will tell you why later, I worked - I know your job, I suppose they took a beer with Sidorov - but we haven’t been drinking beer for a long time, so vodka”. The man thought - and forgot, but on the doorstep instead of "hello, dear" he throws: "You broke my whole life!" After all, the "wife in the head" has already cornered him. And even if the wife is happy to see him and does not say anything, negativity will still break out of him. In such a dialogue between husband and wife, there are not 2 people, but four: she is married to an idiot, he is married to a bitch, and each speaks not to a real spouse, but to the one in his head. The trouble is, our nastiest opponents, wives, husbands and critics are sitting in our heads. Happiness is that real people not so terrible and nasty! Why does a person's life often change nothing with a change of job or wife? Because nothing has changed inside: the face of the boss or the wife has changed, but that “inner boss” and that “inner wife” that were there remained. So wouldn't it be better to "change the record" here too, forbid yourself to play the "TV series" about the bitch - and show yourself, for example, a love comedy with your wife in starring... And you will see, this will change your intonation and the face with which you appear on the doorstep. And the text that meets you will change accordingly. human brain.

Another negative property of our internal dialogue is that it eats away attention, like a computer virus .. A person's conscious attention is limited. Living in a huge information flow, we are aware of 7 + - 2 objects. Right now, when you are reading this article, do you pay attention to the sounds that are around? If so, how many do you hear? How many windows are there in the room where you are sitting? If the information we have is not important at the moment, we switch. This ability protects us, but also hinders: when there is an internal dialogue, it takes a lot of our attention - and we may not notice a lot of important things in outside world... For example, the same friend of mine, while pronouncing her "negative speech" for the girl, did not notice how other girls were looking at him with interest at that time.

Gurdjieff suggested this meditation to his disciples: choose a rose and begin to contemplate it in silence. How long can you do this? The person usually looks for three seconds, then begins to speak with by myself: "We bought it in the passage or in the store? I wonder what kind of variety it is? Dutch, probably. I wonder if it smells? Now all the roses have stopped smelling, but about 10 years ago!" It turns out that most of us cannot just contemplate for one minute without speaking inside. This dialogue takes us away from reality, making us smart, right, but preventing us from absorbing any other knowledge. It is not bad, but it interferes with the correct perception of reality, immerses us inside ourselves - instead of letting us look at the world. When we are absorbed in an internal dialogue, all our forces and emotions go to it, and real sensations are dulled. So, for example, internal dialogue in sex hinders terribly. Anything is spinning in a person's head: "But I wonder, did he read the Kama Sutra?", "What if he turns on the light and sees how fat I am:" ... And this by no means contributes to the enjoyment of body contact. Why do many people love alcohol? He kicks out the inner voice, which is always full of prohibitions and morals.

It is not for nothing that there are techniques for turning off internal dialogue. Learning to "turn it off" is difficult, but you can do it after some workouts. For example, one of them: find in the visual channel and select 3 points: one is close, another is far, the third is in the middle, but not on 1 line. For example, the edge of a magazine, a window, a house outside the window. Try to focus on all three points at the same time. There comes a slight defocusing of vision - but this is what we were trying to achieve. Now - a rumor. Choose three sounds: inside your body (for example, breathing), the second near (for example, a buzzing computer), and the third far away (steps outside the window). Continuing to keep three points with your sight - listen to three sounds. Now select three points on your body that are located as far as possible from each other, for example, thumb right leg, point on the back, point on the cheek. Connect this sensation to the points of hearing and gaze already found.

Welcome back. Have you noticed that it is completely impossible to continue the internal dialogue - and do this exercise? As soon as you start saying, "Where are they all running away ?!" - at this moment you stop seeing, hearing and feeling? And this explains, by the way, the great trick in which they put good music and light candles for a good love evening - changes in sound and fluctuating shadows from candles attract attention and load most of the channels of perception of the world, helping to "drown out" inner voices.

But this rule of "turning off" the inner voice will be very useful not only in love, but also in business. At negotiation trainings, we often draw the participants' attention to the fact that if they go to negotiations full of internal dialogue, then they are negotiating with a virtual character. If you go to a business shark, you will fight with him, without even noticing, perhaps that he is not a shark: after all, you have already rehearsed everything you say and what they will answer you. And at trainings we teach: in a situation of business communication, an internal dialogue - we are helped after the fact, not instead of, but before negotiations, there should be an "uptime state" - "dissolved in time".

Why stop the dialogue?

One of the directions of psychology says that very often in our subconscious there are answers to our main questions, but the dialogue that sounds inside is the gate that does not allow us to extract this resource. By stopping it, we can get the answer to the question. It drowns out all channels, as if we have headphones on our ears - and we do not hear the "voice of God." The basic principles of prayer in many x: smells, body, sight, singing involve your attention completely, you dive into it, pray (sometimes it is even a monotonous repetition of the same "mantra", in the process you forget about your question, but it goes nowhere does not disappear, and when in the process of prayer the subconscious is activated (or you can consider this as a higher powers, to each according to faith) - you get answers.

Another property of internal dialogue is that it constantly conjectures. For example, the boss frowned at you. What does this mean? An internal dialogue immediately thinks out: "Yeah, I came 5 minutes later, probably he is unhappy with this and wants to express it to me": Or "probably soon the check": Find 10 reasons why the boss frowned - and neurosis is guaranteed. Or maybe the boss's boots were stung? Or does your head hurt? After all, maybe he is conducting an internal dialogue with his wife in his head - and not with you at all? What to do? Do not speculate - either ask the question directly to the boss and learn everything from him, or not pay attention. And you will be upset even when the boss formalizes his dissatisfaction with words or takes some action. After all, is internal dialogue your ally or another enemy?

Mood and condition

Our internal dialogues are very dependent on our mood and state, and we also all know this in practice. Mood - from the word "adjust". Piano tuners tune pianos. We, in fact, must be able to tune ourselves, to bring ourselves into the mood. And we treat the mood as if it does not depend on us: "I am not in the mood today!" Meanwhile, one can tune oneself for good and bad. If you want something bad, read as much crime news as possible, watch militants from Soviet reality, talk in the yard about what has become worse, remember that you are getting old, find defects in your clothes. And if you, having set yourself up in this way, were going to negotiate, you can at the same time explain in advance why they will surely fail.

Which of us needs such a mood? Nobody. Let's then learn to tune ourselves to the positive. For example, let's count the pluses in our life. Your inner voice is outraged: "Where can I find the pluses!" Change his intonation from indignant to interrogative - and let's search. Write out 10 good events that happened to you during the day. From global ("awarded") to small ("comfy boots"). A resisting harmful inner voice sarcastically asks: "Where can I scrape up so many of them ?!" Scrape, try. Pay attention to your surroundings. See what you like about yourself. Even, let's say, if you say: "My nails are nothing:" - this is already a step. Notice the happy faces in the crowd. Yes, of course, there are not only happy faces, but there are petals in the rose, but there are thorns - concentrate on the petals. And then let your inner voice ask you: "What else will this day please me with?" Answer. Only - without irony! The internal dialogue generalizes and goes on the rails that are, and we are laying these rails. Thus, you allow your inner voice to record another, optimistic, record. All auto-training techniques help to change the tracks for the inner voice and give it a good mood. important word- "condition". Literally means - with what next to-stand? Buddhists have a practice of standing next to Buddha statues in the same position. I do not propose to do this, but let's pay attention to what we are next to, who is around us? Those who say "what are all the bastards" - or the people who smile? What books and films do we watch? With this we are charged, setting the tracks for internal dialogue. Let us use mood and state as intended, guide them and enjoy them.

And now the question is: if our inner voice is so insidious, maybe it would be better not to have it at all? Well, firstly, it is practically impossible and only people who have been cultivating in higher spiritual practices for many years can succeed. And secondly, we need him - we just need to make him a friend. After all, he: helps us to be in society, to think in words. You probably noticed that people who are constantly in meditation (option - immersed in working with a computer and its details), from the point of view ordinary people not very comfortable in communication, because for them formulating thoughts out loud is very hard work? allows you to remember the sequence of events helps to think over the system of public entry - only BEFORE and AFTER that, but most importantly - not in time! It's funny when a person speaks himself with by myself without noticing that the audience is already asleep. Internal dialogue should be constructive, carry positive emotions helping to achieve goals. Help structure the experience, not replace it. helps us to be in a blissful state - if we, of course, have worked on it. As the Russian people say, "You cannot praise yourself - no one will praise."

Internal dialogue is what makes us look smart, the main thing is that we must still have time to receive feedback and reactions to it. Well, if you really, really want to continue dialogues with your only friend - your choice. Nowadays, these dialogues are becoming even more comfortable: hang the accessories of a mobile phone in your ear - and talk to your heart's content, no one will think that this is not a telephone talk with by ourselves by myself... But it's always nice to talk to a really smart person!

Published in the January and February issues of "October" Vasily Aksenov's novel "Voltairians and Voltaireans" turned out to be one of the most notable publications last year... Roman entered short list Prize “Booker” and caused a lot of responses, sometimes turning into controversy.

The venerable writer not only returned, but actively burst into the modern literary process, once again forced to talk about himself. For experienced readers, Aksenov's prose reminds of several eras, including - inevitably - about the storm and onslaught of the early sixties (the story "Colleagues", "Star Ticket"), as well as troubled times recent years Brezhnev's rule (almanac "Metropol").

It was all the more interesting to listen to the arguments of young readers, participants in the literary studio of the Faculty of History and Philology of the Russian State University for the Humanities. To what extent will they be able to correlate the image of a living classic, about which they have been talking for several decades from university departments, with a temperamental author who continues to write today, and with enviable persistence seeking a new intonation every time, as if enjoying his own masterfulness? At a recent conference devoted to novels from the Booker shortlist, Aksenov said that for "Volterians ..." he created a special version of the novel language suitable for the occasion - explosive mixture of twelve adverbs, full of anachronisms and explicit and in hidden hints on facts from the history of several European powers. Are all the stylistic subtleties discernible to those born in the mid-eighties? What was it that attracted them the most in Aksenov's new novel? The answers are to be found in their essay on Voltaireans and Voltaireans.

Dmitry BAK

It's interesting to talk to an intelligent person

The first axiom of the Naive Reader reads: “Whatever the book is, the main thing is to be able to answer another Naive Reader after reading the question:“ What is the book about? ”

The post-naive reader has time to forget this axiom. Therefore, if you try to take him by surprise with this question, then in the ensuing silence, broken only by the embarrassed competent hum of the respondent, you can clearly hear herds of chronotopes rushing through his head with a roar, flocks of points of view scatter, and the characters are lined up in slender columns through which they are chased subject of narration ... Simple ways the opening of the casket remained somewhere behind the school hill. But in vain. “What is the book about? About Voltaire! About what a genius he was. " Thanks, Naive Reader!

The second question is more complicated. How are books written about geniuses? "Well, there is" ZhZL ", there they only write about them!" For the sake of fairness, let's take into account that the authors and heroes of "ZhZL" are very different and different things come from such associations. But if you look through a certain number of editions of this series in a row, then we can state that the picture is about the same everywhere - he suffered, fought, created, did not let him live, his contemporaries did not appreciate ... Martyrs and saints (sometimes sinning, but covering everything with genius).

There is, of course, not only “ZhZL”. I will never forget the novel “The Sublime and the Earthly” by D. Weiss, read long ago. Because after him “ZhZL” didn’t take in hands any more. The earthly life of Wolfgang Amadeus would be enough for the whole continent. And the sublime - to the whole sky above the mainland.

Aksyonov loves both in his hero. In interviews and public appearances, he does not get tired of telling the story that amazed him about how Voltaire recovered from cholera by drinking twenty pints of lemonade and taking twenty enemas on the advice of a doctor. The body of the Genius in all its life manifestations fills the pages of the novel. Voltaire becomes so corporeal that he is not only heard, but also visible - to the point of holographic deception, so that by the middle of the action it seems that you have known him for fifty years, every gesture, turn of his head, sharp grin. Aksenovsky Voltaire is "more alive" than the bust of Voltaire from the Pushkin Museum im. Pushkin, familiar from childhood.

This corporeality is so woven from the language of the novel entering the subconscious from the second line of the novel that when Voltaire opens his mouth, there is no gap between the “sublime” (that is, his philosophical reflections and lyrical digressions) and “earthly”. Enema is directly related to the Kalas case, proved by the writer.

But it is not just genius that is important to Aksenov. The genius who created the era is important to him. The unnamed chair will become Voltaire's, kings and empresses will call themselves Voltaireans and Voltaireans, the words of the Ferney Elder are heard everywhere ...

Recently I came across the wording exam question for philologists-Germanists - "Suffering of Young Werther" as a confession of a generation ". And I remembered another old man in the blaze of Olympic glory. Goethe. A genius who created more than an era.

V German literature there is a fine example of a novel about a genius (this, it seems to me, is something other than the traditional Ku3nstlerroman, that is, a “novel about an artist”). I mean the not very readable “Lotte in Weimar” by Thomas Mann. In addition to the fact that Mann encroaches on the national treasure in the person of Goethe (but the geniuses are worth each other!), This novel is also interesting because its plot is based on the same intrigue as in the novel "Voltaireans and Voltaireans" - in it tells about a meeting that did not take place. Let's note this similarity in order to understand what the fundamental difference is.

With Thomas Mann, Goethe appears only in the final chapter and practically does not utter a single sensible word. But the rest of the characters in the novel talk about Goethe for hours, hundreds of pages without a break, and poor Charlotte listens to all this patiently, occasionally inserting her memories. Aksenov shows Voltaire in action, behind his direct deed - at the moment of uttering truths. The meeting itself is organized only as an excuse for the genius to speak out, to express himself in all. And compositionally, the conversations of the "Ostsee Kumpaneism" occupy a central position in the novel.

Another difference in solving a similar plot is the meeting itself. Who is dating whom? For Aksenov, this is a meeting of two kindred geniuses of the era - Voltaire and Catherine the Great, who took refuge in the androgynous image of Fon-Figin. (The genius Frederick the Great plays an episodic role, which perhaps casts doubt on his genius.) At the same time, this is a meeting of times, which is ensured by the active presence of youth (of which some individuals tend to fall out of the eighteenth century into the twentieth century). Thomas Mann has a meeting of brilliant art and life. An elderly Charlotte comes to the Weimar elder, whose very real image remained in world literature on the pages of “The Sorrows of Young Werther”. Author and character, Person and person. Nobody is going to speak the truth. But the author was demanded to report for what he had done, that is, for what he had done. And this creates an intrigue, an unprecedented glow in the air, forcing everyone around to talk and talk in an attempt to explain, denounce, justify the inexplicable - the nature of genius. It is worth it to speak long and tastefully, with the full tension of all the intellectual muscles.

Aksenov's main intrigue is not just the meeting with the genius. Otherwise, the novel would most likely come out philosophical - and then the lengthy speeches of Voltaire and company would take the main place. But in reality it doesn’t work that way. The intrigue of the novel is entirely adventurous, not intellectual. The sophisticated reader will not find anything new in the conversations of the "Ostsee Kumpaneism" (unless he is busy investigating what Voltaire could say and where it came from, and what Aksyonov invented and why) and will read for the sake of something else, the inexperienced reader will be especially versed in philosophizing also will not (not on his part) and will also read for the sake of something else. For the crazy adventures of good fellows Nicolas de Boileau and Michel de Terrano, for the electors' twins, for the devilry of Sorokapust and Emil the Cossack, for the masquerade androgyny and physicality of History, for the ornamental Esperanto Aksenov, in which there is a wonderful, for all occasions, the word "obscuration ...

And let “Kumpaneistvo” speak about very serious things, which, as the author rightly thinks, are relevant now and always. But you and I know what happens in the intervals between ceremonial meetings, after which stormy amorous and battle scenes the venerable Voltaireans and Voltaireans gather for the discussion table! more interesting than that, as they say.

If we talk about the intellectual load, then in the novel it rather falls on the shoulders of perhaps the most curious character - Mikhail Zemskov. Curious, but not drawn to the whole novel. Make the writer his main character - we would get another good-quality novel from the person of a strange young man, overcome by philosophical doubts and building his own cosmology. In essence and in function, Mikhail Zemskov - may the respected author not be offended - is a cousin, if not a brother to Peter Pustote from Pelevin's novel “Chapaev and Pustota”. All these fallouts into other layers of time and reality, all sorts of "buzzing" and "flying houses" would look much more appropriate if in the end they led to something - at least to the final fallout to the URAL, at least somewhere else. At Aksenov's, they don't lead anywhere - it's so easy to laugh during the intermission. Perhaps their function is to expand the cultural horizon, to emphasize the fragility of the boundaries between reality and another reality, in connection with all the devilry of the novel - to show how unsteady the island of Reason around Voltaire is. And even then to say, the islet of Reason - in the most that neither is a Gothic castle!

The devilry in the novel, perhaps even too much, outweighs the very spirit of the rational era. Especially despite the fact that numerous androgynous inversions are also difficult to connect with a sober mind - they blur reality too much, they are too connected with galvanisms-magnetisms a la Cagliostro. There are actually very few true Voltaireans and Voltaireans in the novel - all the characters pay their tribute to the devilry in full. Maybe that's the whole point, that only Fon-Figin-Catherine can be at the proper level to perceive the spirit and letter of Voltaire. But this equality is also expressed in practically coming to Voltaire's conclusions in our own way. The conversation with Voltaire only confirms what was thought out earlier. All other characters also do not experience any changes from Voltaire's own speeches during the meeting, that is, from her rational task. They are much more influenced by the accompanying factors - the atmosphere of wise discussion, the aura of double greatness. And above all - an adventure around the meeting.

We can safely say that the fate of the heroes of the novel was of decisive importance not at all with Voltaire, but with Master Sorokapust and the Cossack Emil. It is the devilry, coupled with the Pugachevism that is natural to it, that decides everything - for the heroes, and for Catherine, and for Russia in the end. The meeting with Voltaire, the main event of the novel, turns out to be fruitless, fruitless. This is only a manifestation of the activity of one of the warring parties, despite the fact that the dark beginning wins in the fight against the light of Reason.

Nikolai Leskov and Mikhail Zemskov, as a result of all Voltaire's adventures, become ... homeopaths. More unexpected ending do not come up with. But it is also more illogical. What does Voltaire have to do with it ?! Only despite the fact that the very idea of ​​such an occupation appeared in Mikhail during the accidental contemplation of the results of Voltaire's healing enemas. But what is here of the Spirit of genius? In fact, such studies are more a feature characteristic of the late Middle Ages or the Renaissance than for the turn of the 18th-19th centuries. Moliere has dozens, if not hundreds, of such doctors. Moreover, there is no need to make it such a secular news. Nonsense and nothing more. It would be better if Mikhail was the first in Russia to learn how to cut frogs - this is much closer to Voltaire!

As for the true Voltaireanism, one can not take into account the German princely family, in a distant but fatal relationship, obviously, being with Captain Mironov. Members of this family are only objects of cruel, but extremely instructive experiments of destructive elements (cruel, oh, cruel Author, who dealt with cute characters so much!). There is more depth and meaning in the tragic difference in the fate of the twins' sisters, who diverged from one point, than in all the philosophies of the entire "Ostsee Kumpaneism" led by Voltaire.

As a result, the only real bearer of Reason in the Voltaire sense, besides Voltaire himself, is Xenopont, Count Ryazansky - an extremely remarkable character, stylistically and functionally consistent, true to himself to the last pages. Good old Xeno with his bizarre writings and rare childishness. Bright, juicy, and therefore valuable. Aksyonov is most powerful in this.

And so it turns out that the novel "Voltaireans and Voltaireans" is really not about Voltaire and not even about the era. Although about this too, you are not so wrong, Naive Reader. But more - about Reason (and its vain expression) and Destiny (and the far-reaching consequences of the strangest events). Search and cognition of Truth cannot save from Life and Death. But they can lead them beyond this polarity, to where on the Tree of Knowledge the genius will continue his utterances. Even if this is not Voltaire's way ...

Yes, and spoke too. Having met Fyodor Pavlovich in the hall, having just entered, he suddenly shouted to him, waving his arms: “I’m upstairs, not to you, goodbye,” and walked by, even trying not to look at his father. It may very well be that the old man was too hateful to him at that moment, but such an unceremonious display of hostile feelings even for Fyodor Pavlovich was unexpected. And the old man really, apparently, wanted to tell him something as soon as possible, for which purpose he went out to meet him in the hall; hearing such a courtesy, he stopped in silence and with a mocking air followed his son with his eyes to the stairs to the mezzanine until he was out of sight. - What is he? He quickly asked Smerdyakov, who had entered after Ivan Fyodorovich. - They are angry at something, sir, who will sort them out, - he muttered evasively. —And the devil! Let him be angry! Serve the samovar and quickly get out yourself, live. Is there anything new? At this point, questions began precisely of the kind that Smerdyakov was now complaining about to Ivan Fyodorovich, that is, everything about the expected visitor, and we will omit these questions here. After half an hour the house was locked, and the maddened old man walked around the rooms alone, in anxious expectation that five conventional knocks were about to be heard, occasionally looking into the dark windows and not seeing anything in them except night. It was already very late, but Ivan Fyodorovich was still awake and thinking. He went to bed late that night, at two o'clock. But we will not transmit the entire flow of his thoughts, and it is not time for us to enter this soul: this soul has its own turn. And even if they tried to convey something, it would be very tricky to do it, because there were not thoughts, but something very vague, and most importantly - too excited. He himself felt that he had lost all his ends. He was also tormented by various strange and almost completely unexpected desires, for example: after midnight he suddenly urgently and unbearably wanted to go downstairs, unlock the door, go into the outbuilding and beat Smerdyakov, but if you asked why, he himself would definitely not be able to explain not a single reason for certain, except perhaps that this lackey became hateful to him as the most serious offender that one can look for in the world. On the other hand, more than once that night his soul was seized by some inexplicable and humiliating shyness, from which he - he felt it - even seemed to suddenly lose physical strength ... His head ached and dizzy. Something hated pinched his soul, as if he was going to take revenge on someone. He even hated Alyosha, recalling a conversation with him earlier, and for a minute he hated himself too. He almost forgot to think about Katerina Ivanovna and was surprised at this a lot, especially since he himself firmly remembered how yesterday morning, when he boasted so broadly with Katerina Ivanovna that he would leave for Moscow tomorrow, in his heart he whispered to himself at the same time : "But nonsense, you won't go, and it will not be so easy for you to come off as you are now fanfare." Recalling that night long later, Ivan Fyodorovich recalled with particular disgust how he would suddenly get up from the sofa and quietly, as if terribly afraid that they would not spy on him, opened the doors, went out onto the stairs and listened down to the lower rooms. how Fyodor Pavlovich moved and walked down there below - he listened for a long time, for about five minutes, with a strange kind of curiosity, holding his spirit, and with a beating of his heart, but why did he do all this, why did he listen - of course, he himself did not knew. This "act" he later called his whole life "vile" and all his life he considered, deep inside himself, in the recesses of his soul, the most vile act of his whole life. For Fyodor Pavlovich himself, he did not even feel any hatred in those minutes, but for some reason he was only curious with all his might: how he walks down there, what he should do about there now, predicted and figured out how he should have been there below to look into the dark windows and suddenly stop in the middle of the room and wait, wait - is there anyone knocking. Ivan Fedorovich went out on the stairs for this lesson twice. When everything had calmed down and had already gone to bed, Fyodor Pavlovich, about two o'clock, went to bed and Ivan Fyodorovich with a firm desire to fall asleep as soon as possible, as he felt terribly exhausted. And indeed: he suddenly fell asleep soundly and slept without dreams, but woke up early, at seven o'clock, when it was already daybreak. Opening his eyes, to his amazement, he suddenly felt a surge of some extraordinary energy, quickly jumped up and quickly dressed, then pulled out his suitcase and, without delay, hurriedly began to pack it. Lingerie just yesterday morning got everything from the washerwoman. Ivan Fyodorovich even chuckled at the thought that it had all come together so well, that there was no delay in a sudden departure. And the departure came out really sudden. Although Ivan Fyodorovich said yesterday (to Katerina Ivanovna, Alyosha, and then to Smerdyakov) that he would leave tomorrow, when he went to bed yesterday, he remembered very well that at that moment he did not even think about leaving, at least he did not think at all that, waking up in the morning, the first movement will rush to pack the suitcase. Finally the suitcase and sak were ready: it was already about nine o'clock when Marfa Ignatievna went up to him with the usual daily question: "Where would you like to have tea, will you go downstairs?" Ivan Fyodorovich went downstairs, he looked almost cheerful, although there was in him, in his words and in his gestures, something as if spreading and haste. Having greeted his father amiably, and even having paid special attention to his health, he, without waiting, however, for the end of his parent's answer, announced at once that in an hour he was leaving for Moscow, completely, and asked to send for the horses. The old man listened to the message without the slightest surprise, indecently forgetting to grieve about his son's departure; instead, he suddenly became extremely busy, remembering just in time one vital business of his own. - Oh you! Ekoy! I didn’t say yesterday ... well, anyway, we’ll settle it now. Do me great mercy, you are my dear father, stop by Chermashnya. After all, you only have to turn left from Volovya station, only twelve of some versts, and here it is, Chermashnya. - Excuse me, I can't: it's eighty miles to the railway, and the car leaves the station for Moscow at seven in the evening - just to be in time. - You will hurry up tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, but today turn to Chermashnya. What do you need to reassure a parent! If it wasn't for this, I myself would have flown long ago, because the thing is urgent and urgent, but here I have a different time now ... You see, there is this grove of mine, in two sections, in Begichev and in Dyachkin, in the wastelands. The Maslovs, the old man with his son, the merchants, give only eight thousand for the blockhouse, and only last year the buyer ran into it, so he gave twelve, but not the local one, that's where the devil is. That is why the local people now have no sales: the Maslovs are kulaks - father and son, hundred-thousand people: take what they put in, and nobody here dares to compete against them. And Ilyinsky father suddenly wrote here last Thursday that Gorstkin arrived, also a merchant, I know him, only the jewel is that he is not from here, but from Pogrebovo, which means that he is not afraid of the Maslovs, therefore he is not here. Eleven thousand, he says, I'll give you for the grove, do you hear? And he will stay here, Father writes, for just another week. So you should have gone, and you have conspired with him ... - So you write to the priest, he will come to an agreement. - He does not know how, there is a piece. This priest does not know how to look. Gold is a man, I will now give him twenty thousand without a receipt for preservation, but he doesn’t know how to look, no matter how a man at all, the crow will deceive. But after all scientist, imagine this. This Gorstkin looks like a peasant, in a blue jersey, only by his character he is a complete scoundrel, this is our common misfortune: he lies, that's the devil. Sometimes he will lie so much that you only wonder why he is. Nalgal the third year that his wife died and that he was already married to another, and nothing of this happened, imagine: his wife never died, she lives and now and beats him once every three days. So now we need to find out: is he lying and telling the truth that he wants to buy and give eleven thousand? - Well, I won’t do anything here either, I don’t have an eye either. - Wait, wait, you are good too, because I will tell you all the signs of him, Gorstkina, I have had business with him for a long time. You see: he needs to look at his beard; his beard is red, ugly, thin. If the beard is shaking, and he himself says yes is angry - then okay, he speaks the truth, wants to do business; and if he strokes his beard with his left hand and laughs himself - well, then he wants to cheat, he cheats. Never look into his eyes, you can't make out anything by the eyes, the water is dark, a rogue - look at the beard. I'll give you a note to him, and you show it. He is Gorstkin, only he is not Gorstkin, but Lyagovy, so don’t tell him that he is Lyagy, he will be offended. If you come to an agreement with him and you will see that it’s okay, immediately write it down here. Just write this: "He does not lie, they say." Stop at eleven, you can lower one thousand, don't lower it anymore. Think: eight and eleven are three thousand difference. I just found these three thousand, how soon you will get a buyer, but money is needed to the bone. Let me know what's serious, then I'll fly out of here myself and finish, somehow snatch the time. And now why am I going there, if the daddy invented all this? Well, are you going or not? - Eh, once, spare me. - Eh, lend your father, I remember! You are all without a heart, that's what! Why do you need a day or two? Where are you now, to Venice? Your Venice will not fall apart in two days. I would have sent Alyoshka, but why is Alyoshka in these matters? I’m only because you’re an intelligent person, don’t I see. You don't trade in timber, but you have an eye. Here only to see whether a person is talking seriously or not. I say, look at the beard: the beard is shaking - it means seriously. - You yourself are pushing me into this damned Chermashnya, huh? Cried Ivan Fyodorovich, grinning maliciously. Fyodor Pavlovich did not see the anger or did not want to see it, but picked up a grin: - So you're going, going? I'll write you a note now. “I don’t know if I’ll go, I don’t know, dear I’ll decide.” - What dear, decide now. My dear, decide! You will come to an agreement, write me two lines, hand it to the priest, and he will instantly send your cidulka to me. And then I don't hold you, go to Venice. Father will bring you back to the Volovya station in his own ... The old man was simply delighted, he scribbled a note, they sent for the horses, served a snack, brandy. When the old man was happy, he always began to be expansive, but this time he seemed to be holding back. About Dmitry Fedorovich, for example, he did not utter a single word. Parting, however, was not at all moved. I didn't even seem to find what to talk about; and Ivan Fyodorovich noticed this very much: "I am tired of him, however," he thought to himself. Only when he saw his son off the porch, the old man seemed to rush about a little, he started to kiss. But Ivan Fyodorovich quickly held out his hand for him to shake, apparently avoiding kissing. The old man understood at once and instantly reined in himself. - Well, with God, with God! He repeated from the porch. - After all, you will come back when in life, then? Well, come, I will always be glad. Well, Christ is with you! Ivan Fyodorovich climbed into the carriage. - Goodbye, Ivan, don't scold me very much! - shouted the father for the last time. All the household went out to see off: Smerdyakov, Martha and Grigory. Ivan Fedorovich gave everyone ten rubles. When he had already seated himself in the carriage, Smerdyakov jumped up to straighten the carpet. `` You see ... I'm going to Chermashnya ... '' Ivan Fyodorovich suddenly burst out somehow, again like yesterday, it just flew off by itself, and even with a kind of nervous laugh. He remembered it for a long time later. “So, people tell the truth that it’s interesting to talk to an intelligent person,” Smerdyakov answered firmly, glancing at Ivan Fyodorovich with a heartfelt glance. The carriage started and rushed off. The traveler's soul was vague, but he eagerly looked around at the fields, at the hills, at the trees, at the flock of geese flying over him high in the clear sky. And suddenly he felt so good. He tried to talk to the cabman, and he was terribly interested in something from what the peasant answered, but after a minute he realized that everything flew past his ears and that, in truth, he did not understand what the peasant replied. He paused, it was good too: the air is clean, fresh, coldish, the sky is clear. The images of Alyosha and Katerina Ivanovna flashed in his mind; but he quietly grinned and quietly blew on the cute ghosts, and they flew away: "There will still be their time," he thought. They waved the station off quickly, changed horses and rushed to Volovyu. “Why is it curious to talk to an intelligent person, what he wanted to say? - Suddenly it took his breath away. - And why did I report to him that I was going to Chermashnya? We rode to the Volovya station. Ivan Fyodorovich got out of the tarantass, and the coachmen surrounded him. They dressed up in Chermashnya, twelve versts on a country road, on free. He ordered to harness. He was about to enter the station house, looked around, looked at the caretaker, and suddenly went back out onto the porch. - Don't go to Chermashnya. I won't be late, brothers, by seven o'clock railroad? - We'll just do it. Harness it, or what? - Harness in an instant. Will not one of you be in the city tomorrow? - How not to be, here Mitri will be. - Could you, Mitri, provide a service? Come to my father, Fyodor Pavlovich Karamazov, and tell him that I did not go to Chermashnya. Can you al no? - Why not go in, go in; We have known Fyodor Pavlovich for a very long time. - And here's a tip for you, because he probably won't give you ... - Ivan Fyodorovich laughed cheerfully. “And they really won't,” Mitriy laughed as well. - Thank you, sir, we will certainly do it ... At seven o'clock in the evening, Ivan Fedorovich entered the carriage and flew to Moscow. “Away all the old, finished with the old world forever, and so that there would be no news from it, no recall; v new world, to new places, and without looking back! " But instead of delight, such a gloom suddenly descended on his soul, and such a sorrow ached in his heart, which he had never felt before in his entire life. He thought it over all night; The carriage flew, and only at dawn, already entering Moscow, he suddenly woke up, as it were. - I'm a scoundrel! He whispered to himself. And Fyodor Pavlovich, seeing his son off, was very pleased. For two whole hours he felt almost happy and drank brandy; but suddenly in the house one predatory and unpleasant circumstance happened, which instantly plunged Fyodor Pavlovich into great confusion: Smerdyakov for some reason went into the cellar and fell down from the top step. It's good that Marfa Ignatievna happened in the courtyard at that time and heard it in time. She did not see the fall, but she heard a cry, a special cry, strange, but she had long known - the cry of an epileptic who was falling in a fit. Did he have a seizure at the moment when he went down the stairs, so that he, of course, immediately had to fly down unconscious, or, on the contrary, from a fall and a concussion occurred in Smerdyakov, a famous epileptic, his a seizure - it was impossible to make out, but they found him already at the bottom of the cellar, writhing and convulsing, beating and foaming at the mouth. They thought at first that he probably broke something, an arm or a leg, and hurt himself, but, nevertheless, "God saved", as Marfa Ignatievna put it: nothing like that happened, but it was only difficult to get him out of the cellar into the light godly. But they asked the neighbors for help and somehow did it. Fyodor Pavlovich himself was present during this whole ceremony, he himself helped, apparently frightened and, as it were, lost. The patient, however, did not come to his senses: although the seizures stopped for a while, they returned again, and everyone concluded that the same thing would happen as last year, when he, too, accidentally fell from the attic. They remembered that then they applied ice to the crown of his head. There was still ice in the cellar, and Marfa Ignatievna gave orders, and Fyodor Pavlovich in the evening sent for Doctor Herzenstube, who arrived immediately. After examining the patient carefully (he was the most thorough and attentive doctor in the whole province, an elderly and most respectable old man), he concluded that the seizure was extreme and “could threaten with danger,” that for the time being he, Herzenstube, still did not understand everything, but that tomorrow morning, if the current means do not help, he will decide to accept others. The patient was put in the outbuilding, in a room next to the premises of Grigory and Marfa Ignatievna. Then Fyodor Pavlovich all day endured only misfortune after misfortune: Marfa Ignatievna cooked dinner, and the soup, compared to Smerdyakov's preparation, came out “like slop,” and the chicken turned out to be so dry that there was no way to chew it. Marfa Ignatievna objected to the master's bitter, albeit just, reproaches that the chicken was already very old, and that she herself had not studied as a cook. Towards evening, another concern came out: they reported to Fyodor Pavlovich that Grigory, who had fallen ill from the third day, was just almost taken to bed, his lower back was taken away. Fyodor Pavlovich finished his tea as early as possible and locked himself in the house alone. He was in terrible and anxious anticipation. The fact is that just that evening he was almost certainly expecting Grushenka's arrival; at least he received from Smerdyakov, early in the morning, almost an assurance that "they certainly promised to come, sir." The restless old man's heart beat anxiously, he walked through his empty rooms and listened. It was necessary to keep an eye out: Dmitry Fyodorovich could guard her somewhere, but when she knocked on the window (Smerdyakov assured Fyodor Pavlovich the day before yesterday that he had told her where and where to knock), then it was necessary to unlock the doors as soon as possible and by no means it would be in vain to hold her for a second in the entryway, so that, God forbid, she would not be frightened and would not run away. Fyodor Pavlovich was troublesome, but his heart had never bathed in sweeter hope: almost certainly one could say that this time she would certainly come! ..

A man walks along the street, he mutters something to himself, smiles or frowns, argues animatedly with himself. Passers-by react in different ways - someone twists his finger at his temple, someone calmly walks by - and they have not seen this, again, well, what is strange, the person says to himself. But what if there is no good interlocutor nearby ?!

It's nice to talk to an intelligent person. Especially if this smart person is always with you - you yourself. Of course, people on the street communicating expressively with themselves aloud is still a sad picture, reminding someone of Robinson Crusoe, someone of a psychiatric hospital, someone of a prison, someone of an approaching insanity.

But really, let's be honest: more than ourselves, we don't talk to anyone. That is, we are talking about ourselves. To yourself, beloved with yourself.

Psychologists say that a person speaks to himself about 70% of the time. We tend to believe it. Our inner voice gives us advice, teaches us how to live, reminds us of the necessary purchases and deeds, assesses whether we did our job well. Now, when you are reading these lines, you have probably already started an internal dispute, discussing some of my phrases or continuing them. Of course, you didn’t say it out loud, but you probably already started to say it…. Someone calls communication and, most importantly, listening to the inner voice intuition, someone calls logic, but these inner stories are our inner dialogue.

Source of internal strategies
or Who speaks in our head?

Remember the bearded anecdote? The cowboy runs away from the Indians and thinks: "This is the end!"
An inner voice prompts: “No, this is not the end. We must climb the tallest tree. "
Climbs in.
The Indians set fire to the tree.
"Now is the end!" the cowboy understands.
"No," says an inner voice, "you have to shoot the leader." The cowboy shoots, the Indians viciously cut down the tree. "Now - the end!" - the Inner Voice states with satisfaction.

There are many anecdotes about a person's conversation with himself, in which, as a rule, the inner voice gives a lot of useful advice, which in the end still destroys the life or health of its owner. In these anecdotes, the inner voice becomes, as it were, Kopelyan's voiceover in the film about Stirlitz - this is a separate creature who knows much more than his “outer shell”. And what is he really, our inner voice, conducting an internal dialogue with us - where does it come from, why do we need it and how to deal with it so that it does not destroy anything in our life, like its counterpart from jokes?

When observing young children, all parents notice that the child often speaks to himself, commenting on his actions. And all these "I put a cube on a cube" he says not counting on the teacher - in this way he learns to think in the language.

Some people have the habit of commenting on their actions aloud - we all saw the process of finding the right thing, when a person, walking around the room, argues out loud: “Where could I put it? Came yesterday in this jacket, maybe in your pocket? No, you will have to go to the kitchen and see if he suddenly posted ... ".

This process is also very understandable for people who already in adulthood learn a foreign language: at some point there is a desire to articulate their actions in a new language, and then a statement of the fact comes: "I began to think in this language."

Internal dialogue helps us not only to formalize in words, but also to form an internal picture of the world. And sometimes even completely replaces it. For example, a person walked and stumbled. What does the inner voice say? "Here they set, freaks, stones." That is, an inner voice said that the world is not perfect. Another person at this moment thinks: "Well, when you put on your white shoes, you immediately fall into the mud, and in general, you always have it like that." An inner voice said that it was not the world that was imperfect, but this stumbling man. The third inner voice consoled: "Well, nothing, it's nothing, and in general everything will be fine, life is like a zebra ..."

Where do all these voices come from? A very large number of voices sounding inside us (we do not take a clinical case when angels or demons talk to a person, but a normal person, inside whom there is a discussion of his actions and deeds) - comes from childhood. These action comments are most often what the little person hears from their parents. Our internal dialogue forms our self-esteem!

If you listen closely, then the words that sound in the head of an adult often have a very clear "initial" belonging: if you ask a person to think about who is pronouncing certain words in his head, then, after thinking, he will say in surprise: "That's what my mother said!"

Indeed, the process of finding our “inner friend”, which forms our self-esteem, is as follows: a small person is going to kindergarten, and his mother, hurrying to work, hurries him irritably: “Kulema, come on quickly, you are always digging, one trouble is with you ! ".

If a child often hears such a text in childhood, he begins to treat himself like that in the future. Remember how in Alice in Wonderland? "If aloud, from the cradle, they call a piglet, baiushki-baiu, Even the most humble child will turn into a pig in the future."

Well, in a pig - not in a pig, but, of course, my mother’s voice is “recorded” on a tape recorder in a person’s head - and then in life the person at the “right” moments begins to say this text to himself. And if this very kid buries himself in the kindergarten with things, and no one notices this, the “vigilant mother” will still speak in his head - and now the kid, pulling his boots on and tying a scarf, says to himself: “Well, kulema, forever you're digging! "

The words that a child hears most often then form his life strategies. And my mother’s irritated words form losers.

It is clear that we have already inherited the set of internal voices that we received. You can also do a lot with him, we will definitely talk about this. But what conclusions can we draw for ourselves about the "inherited" "discs" with voice recordings?

Firstly, psychologists noticed that 70% of people who conduct an internal dialogue look at themselves through the eyes of someone who does not love them, find fault with them, and evaluate them not for the better. The way out suggests itself. Let's put into action the one who loves us! Let him, like a writer, admire his character (that is, us), say: "Oh, how lovely her cheeks are today ...!" You can learn from the example of how Leo Tolstoy described Natasha Rostova - his beloved heroine. Why are we worse? All in our hands!

At the same time, we can begin to shape our children's strategies by offering them “winning” strategies. We taught my little son to eat with a spoon while doing this experiment. They showed me - you take it, bring it up, swallow it. He diligently performed everything, after each "successful" spoon we shouted: "Well done!" The next day, the son ate himself and shouted "madeeees" to himself. But what is remarkable - and now, if he succeeds in something, he says to himself "well done!" While out loud. But I think that soon he will learn to speak to himself with a "good inner voice" and inside. It is important that already now he knows that he is good.

But what should we, adults, do when our inner voice tells us nasty things ?!

Well, first of all, the most important thing is not to start arguing with him internally, like the same cowboy. Who are we arguing with ?! If internal dialogue is the voice of people who are authoritative for us, it is difficult to argue between them. And besides, by starting to argue, we recognize the right of the inner voice for a separate existence. But these thoughts are our property, they are part of us!

What would you think if I asked you to coax your finger to bend? Brad, isn't it? Whenever we need to, we just bend our finger. You also need to deal with the inner voice - this is your inner voice, and in order to control it, you must first of all treat it not as a living being, but as a finger.

And this means that you can try to somehow transform it, "bend" it.

Conduct an experiment: try the condemning text “well, you’re always like this, you will hold out until the last, and then you suffer” to pronounce:

  • 2 times faster
  • the voice of disney cartoons
  • or, on the contrary, stretch out these words, sing in Chaliapin's voice: "well ... what are you .... again ...."

Is it possible to maintain attention to the "tragic and judgmental" sense of the phrase?

Do you notice your attitude? Are you still upset? Is this beeping about “again you didn’t do the job” - is it still meaningful information for you?

One of my acquaintances experienced enormous difficulties when meeting girls: he, a very interesting outwardly man, thought that the girls did not like him. Every time he met a girl, he scrolled the following text in his head: "She will tell you, they say, where did you come from, there are many of you like that ..." As a result, he was offended in advance - and did not get to know the girl. Or he went to get acquainted, but already with such an expression on his face that did not dispose of acquaintance - and really received such an answer.

The fact is that our internal dialogues are reflected in the body, and a person inside whom the text “here, again you behave like an idiot” sounds can cause such a reaction. The funny thing is that in the finale we begin to treat the interlocutor (in this case, the girl) as if he really gave a predictable answer.

But this can and should be changed!

With my acquaintance, we pronounced the entire text of the girl's imaginary “refusal” in a “cartoon” voice, in the final I added: “Well, isn't it funny yourself?” He laughed, and this cheerful attitude helped him later to build real dialogues with real, not imaginary, girls.

Internal dialogue is not something that is given once and for all, it can be controlled. What do you do if unlikable music starts playing on the radio in your car? Switch to another wave, turn it down or turn it off completely. You can also switch the inner voice plate, or you can turn it down. Ask yourself where your inner voice is coming from. For example, mentally transfer it to the knee or little finger ... What is the relation to the little finger, which dares to condemn you, being at a distance of eighty meters ?!

Speaking of conversations with imaginary girls. The fact is that that "series" - dialogues and even entire situations that we replay in our head - as a rule, have nothing to do with reality. This, of course, is a good opportunity to occupy your head, for example, while you are going to a meeting, but there is a danger that at a real meeting your interlocutor simply will not understand the reasons for your condition.

For example, a husband comes home late and thinks: “I’ll come, my wife will tell you why later, I worked - I know your job, I suppose they took a beer with Sidorov - but we haven’t been drinking beer for a long time, so vodka…” ... The man thought - and I forgot, but on the doorstep, instead of "hello, dear," he throws: "You broke my whole life!" After all, the "wife in the head" has already cornered him. And even if the wife is happy to see him and does not say anything, negativity will still break out of him.

In such a dialogue between husband and wife, there are not 2 people, but four: she is married to an idiot, he is married to a bitch, and each speaks not to a real spouse, but to the one in his head.

The trouble is, our nastiest opponents, wives, husbands and critics are sitting in our heads. The happiness is that real people are not so ugly and ugly!

Why does a person's life often change nothing with a change of job or wife? Because nothing has changed inside: the face of the boss or the wife has changed, but that “inner boss” and that “inner wife” that were there remained.

So, wouldn't it be better to “change the record” here too, forbid yourself to play the “serial” about the bitch - and show yourself, for example, a love comedy with your wife in the title role. And you will see, this will change your intonation and the face with which you appear on the doorstep. And the text that will meet you will change accordingly.

Human brain virus

Another negative property of our internal dialogue is that it eats away attention like a computer virus ..

A person's conscious attention is limited. Living in a huge flow of information, we are aware of 7 + - 2 objects. Right now, when you are reading this article, do you pay attention to the sounds that are around?

If so, how many do you hear? How many windows are there in the room where you are sitting? If the information we have is not important at the moment, we switch. This ability protects us, but also hinders: when there is an internal dialogue, it takes a lot of our attention - and we may not notice a lot of important things in the external world.

For example, the same friend of mine, while pronouncing her "negative speech" for a girl, did not notice how other girls were looking at him with interest at that time.

Gurdjieff suggested this meditation to his disciples: choose a rose and begin to contemplate it in silence. How long can you do this?

A person usually looks for three seconds, then begins to talk to himself: “Did you buy it in the passage or in the store? I wonder what kind she is? Dutch, I guess. I wonder if she smells? Now all the roses have ceased to smell, but 10 years ago ... "

It turns out that most of us cannot just contemplate for one minute without speaking inside. This dialogue takes us away from reality, making us smart, right, but preventing us from absorbing any other knowledge. It is not bad, but it interferes with the correct perception of reality, immerses us inside ourselves - instead of letting us look at the world. When we are absorbed in an internal dialogue, all our forces and emotions go to it, and real sensations are dulled.

So, for example, internal dialogue in sex hinders terribly. Anything is spinning in a person's head: "But I wonder if he read the Kama Sutra?" “What if he turns on the light and sees how fat I am…”, “I ought to whitewash the ceiling”, “what will my mother say ?!”… And this does not at all contribute to the enjoyment of bodily contact. Why do many people love alcohol? He kicks out the inner voice, which is always full of prohibitions and morals.

It is not for nothing that there are techniques for turning off internal dialogue. Learning to turn it off is difficult, but you can do it after some workouts.

For example, one of them: find in the visual channel and select 3 points: one is close, another is far, the third is in the middle, but not on 1 line. For example, the edge of a magazine, a window, a house outside the window. Try to focus on all three points at the same time. There comes a slight defocusing of vision - but this is what we were trying to achieve.

Now - a rumor. Choose three sounds: inside your body (for example, breathing), the second near (for example, a buzzing computer), and the third far away (steps outside the window). Continuing to keep three points with your sight - listen to three sounds. Now select three points on your body that are as far apart as possible, for example, the big toe of your right foot, a point on your back, a point on your cheek. Connect this feeling to the points of hearing and gaze already found ...

Welcome back. Have you noticed that it is completely impossible to continue the internal dialogue - and do this exercise? As soon as you start saying: "Where are they all running away ?!" - at this moment you stop seeing, hearing and feeling? And this explains, by the way, the great trick in which good music is put on and candles are lit for a good love evening - changes in sound and fluctuating shadows from candles attract attention and load most of the channels of perception of the world, helping to drown out inner voices.

But this rule of "turning off" the inner voice will be very useful not only in love, but also in business. At negotiation trainings, we often draw the participants' attention to the fact that if they go to negotiations full of internal dialogue, then they are negotiating with a virtual character.

If you go to a business shark, you will fight with him, without even noticing, maybe that he is not a shark: after all, you have already rehearsed everything you say and what they will answer you. And at trainings we teach: in a situation of business communication, an internal dialogue - we are helped after the fact, not instead of, but before negotiations, there should be an “uptime state” - “dissolved in time”.

Why stop the dialogue?

One of the directions of psychology says that very often in our subconscious there are answers to our main questions, but the dialogue that sounds inside is the gate that does not allow us to extract this resource. By stopping it, we can get the answer to the question. It drowns out all channels, as if we have headphones on our ears - and we do not hear the "voice of God" ...

The basic principles of prayer in many religions: smells, body, sight, singing involve your attention completely, you dive into it, pray (sometimes it is even a monotonous repetition of the same "mantra", in the process you forget about your question, but it goes nowhere does not disappear, and when in the process of prayer the subconscious is activated (or you can consider this as prompts from higher powers, to each according to faith), you get answers.

Another property of internal dialogue is that it is constantly speculates.

For example, the boss frowned at you. What does this mean? An internal dialogue immediately thinks out: "Yeah, I came 5 minutes later, probably he is unhappy with this and wants to express it to me" ... Or "probably, soon the check ..."

Find 10 reasons why the boss frowned - and neurosis is provided. Or maybe the boss's boots were stung? Or does your head hurt? After all, maybe he is conducting an internal dialogue with his wife in his head - and not with you at all?

What to do? Do not speculate - either ask the question directly to the boss and learn everything from him, or not pay attention. And you will be upset even when the boss formalizes his dissatisfaction with words or takes some action. After all, is internal dialogue your ally or another enemy?

Mood and condition

Our internal dialogues are very dependent on our mood and state, and we also all know this in practice. Mood - from the word "adjust". Piano tuners tune pianos. We, in fact, must be able to tune ourselves, to bring ourselves into the mood. And we treat the mood as if it does not depend on us: "I am not in the mood today!" Meanwhile, one can tune oneself for good and bad. If you want something bad, read as much crime news as possible, watch militants from Soviet reality, talk in the yard about what has become worse, remember that you are getting old, find defects in your clothes. And if you, having set yourself up in this way, were going to negotiate, you can at the same time explain in advance why they will surely fail.

Which of us needs such a mood? Nobody. Let's then learn to tune ourselves to the positive. For example, let's count the pluses in our life. Your inner voice is outraged: "Where can I find the pluses!" Change his intonation from indignant to interrogative - and let's search.

Write down 10 good things that happened to you during the day. From global ("awarded") to small ("comfortable shoes"). A resisting harmful inner voice sarcastically asks: "Where am I going to scrape up so many of them ?!" Scrape, try. Pay attention to your surroundings. See what you like about yourself. Even, let's say, if you say: "My nails are nothing ..." - this is already a step. Notice the happy faces in the crowd. Yes, of course, there are not only happy faces, but there are petals in the rose, but there are thorns - concentrate on the petals. And then let your inner voice ask you: "What else will this day please me with?" Answer. Only - without irony!

summarizes and rides on the rails that are, and we are laying these rails. Thus, you allow your inner voice to record another, optimistic, record. All auto-training techniques help to change the tracks for the inner voice and give it a good mood.

Another important word is “state”. Literally means - with what next to-stand?

Buddhists have a practice of standing next to Buddha statues in the same position. I do not propose to do this, but let's pay attention to what we are next to, who is around us? Those who say "what are all the bastards" - or the people who smile? What books and films do we watch? With this we are charged, setting the tracks for internal dialogue. Let's use mood and condition for their intended purpose, to guide them and to have fun.

Well, firstly, it is practically impossible and only people who have been cultivating in higher spiritual practices for many years can succeed. And secondly, we need him - we just need to make him a friend. After all, he:

  1. helps us to be in society, to think in words. You probably noticed that people who are constantly in meditation (option - immersed in working with a computer and its details), from the point of view of ordinary people, are not very comfortable in communication, because for them formulating thoughts out loud is very hard work?
  1. allows you to remember the sequence of events
  1. helps to think over the system of public entry - only BEFORE and AFTER that, but most importantly - not on time! It's funny when a person talks to himself, not noticing that the audience is already asleep. Internal dialogue should be constructive, bring positive emotions, help achieve goals. Help structure the experience, not replace it.
  1. helps us to be in a blissful state - if we, of course, have worked on it. As the Russian people say, "you cannot praise yourself - no one will praise"

Internal dialogue is what makes us look smart, the main thing is that we still need to have time to receive feedback and react to it.

Well, if you really, really want to continue dialogues with your only friend - your choice. Nowadays, these dialogues are becoming even more comfortable: hang the accessories of a mobile phone in your ear - and talk to your heart's content, no one will think that this is not phone conversation With myself. But it's always nice to talk to a really smart person!