Long hair want to change. "Change your hair and change your life": a real story with an unexpected ending

If nothing has been happening in your life for a long time, life is stuck and already smells of depression, then you need ... a hairdresser. I was not mistaken: not a psychologist, but a hairdresser. It has long been noted that many women's problems that they can't deal with the best psychologists, often decides a simple hairdresser. Therefore, go to the salon and radically change your appearance: cut off long curls and make a short haircut a la Lera Kudryavtseva or Victoria Beckham.

Experts have long noticed that the color and length of the hair, the shape of the hairstyle depends on what traits of her character a woman wants to present to the world. After all, a hairstyle, according to psychologists, is such a kind of mirror that reflects our “I” and testifies what events, not only external, but also internal (mental), will occur in her life.

Look at how many new programs have appeared on television in which women are changed beyond recognition only with the help of a new hairstyle and professional makeup. And this one new look suits her, she looks completely different. And you can see how she herself is surprised when she sees herself in the mirror, she does not recognize herself, she looks closely, trying to find something in common with the one who sat down in the hairdresser's chair two hours ago.
And tell me, this woman herself could not go to the salon? Of course, she could, but she just didn’t even think about it. Understand if you constantly neglect some external manifestations in life - to live in a mess, eat anything, wear anything, and with all this think that this is normal, then gradually (not immediately) you yourself will begin to draw yourself into this bleak, "swampy" existence. And you will also look dull and dull ...

But suddenly in the “gray” life a “ray of light” appears in the form of a bright new thing, a new hairstyle, and there is a desire to turn this ray into a stream of light that will decorate your life. So only one hairstyle will begin to attract new pleasant events, new people into your life. You yourself will not understand at what point you will begin to think differently, you will have new, vivid sensations.

I’m talking about this firsthand, I myself experienced the “magic” effect of the hairstyle on myself. For as long as I can remember, I have always had a short haircut: sometimes a little longer, sometimes quite short. But two years ago I realized that I want long caret. The growing process was painful, whoever grew it knows that there is a certain length at which you can’t get your hair anywhere: they also don’t go into the tail and it’s impossible to do anything with them. Throughout these two years, I went to the hairdresser for shaping and treating split ends, and all this time the desire to cut my hair was so strong that I could hardly contain it. As a result, during this time, all I was able to achieve was a shameful hint of "square". And, most importantly, I didn't like myself. And one fine day, I clearly realized that no matter how I dreamed about the car, but it's not mine. Together with my master, I picked up a hairstyle and ... now I really like myself!

The miracle happened next: after I cut my hair short, cut off all the negativity, I miraculously health began to improve. Believe it or not. There is nothing accidental in life and all events are a pattern, in any case, I am convinced of this. Perhaps my decision to grow my hair was somehow connected with the inner feeling that pushed me to this step. I wanted change and my life changed as a result. I had to completely change my diet, as a result of which I lost 13 kg and acquired the forms that I had at 18. In this case, we can say: there would be no happiness, but misfortune helped. But, most importantly, I began to think differently, I began to appreciate every day, I looked at my closest people in a different way. This new feeling of the value of life will remain with me forever, and it will not depend on the length and color of the hair. But now I remember that time with gratitude, at least because I have changed internally (and externally) in better side. And I began to look like “oh-hoo”, everyone around says so.

After everything that happened to me, I firmly believe that even the most cool hairstyle, which suits you insanely, needs to be changed. Firstly, in order to change something in your life and, secondly, because sooner or later it becomes boring.

In order to change, absolutely nothing is needed, except for a great desire to change something in yourself, in your life. And for starters, you can change your image. If you don't want to change drastically - change at least the color of your hair. And let's agree: the man number 1 in your life is your loved one, and the man number 2 is your personal hairdresser. Only in this case you will always be "five points" and feel loved and desired. Isn't that enough?

Have you ever looked in the mirror and realized that you have been firmly "stuck" on one hairstyle for several years? For many stars, their hairstyles seem to have frozen for years - it doesn’t matter if these hairstyles suit them or not - and therefore their career development also froze in one place. Sometimes it's hard to change yourself, but if you feel like your hairstyle is from the time you collected stamps or slid down the railing of the stairs, then maybe the Madonna inside you is asking you to change your image.

10 reasons to change your hairstyle

1. You want to radically change your hairstyle

"No better way raise self-esteem than a new haircut, says Charles Worthington. - This is the most fast way change the image. A new style- especially if it is radically different from the old one - a sign for others, saying that you need to be looked at in a new way.

2. Stunning dress - new hairstyle

The breathtaking dress just calls for a worthy reward with a new hairstyle. Even if you are not a fan of drastic changes, being on top means always looking Hollywood sexy. Audrey Hepburn's catchy style adds a new twist to evening wear. Ask Julia Roberts and Nicole Kidman


3. Are you tired of long hair?

Are you fed up long hair? You are not alone. At one time, Kate Winslet, Kate Blanchet, Liv Tyler and Penelope Cruz decided on short haircuts. A short haircut is a sign of a bright and business woman. However, cut your hair short only when you are confident.

4. You are tired of the incomprehensible length of your hair

Not long and short hair will drive you crazy. What to do? Lengthen your hair. Hair extensions will help you survive the interim period and make you the owner long curls until your hair grows back. Victoria Becksm, Cameron Diaz and Pamela Anderson all had hair extensions.

5. You have a baby

The birth of a child can be an impulse for changes, including a change in hairstyle. But be careful: do not decide on cardinal changes under the influence of hormones. And don't forget about premenstrual syndrome! If you feel like it, start with small changes, and when you feel more confident, you can change your appearance.

6. You are getting married

No better occasion make your hair more seductive future wedding However, everything needs to be planned in advance. Schedule a few sessions before your wedding day so you can try different types hair styling. Celebrities a few months before the wedding begin to consult with experts. Going out to Once again marry her now ex-husband Chris Jada, Jennifer Lopez flew from New York to California to meet with the best stylists.

7. You want to "get around" your ex's new lover.

When Tom Cruise got "in the network" of Penelope Cruz, Nicole Kidman became a blonde and chose right moment. Breakups with loved ones are one of the main reasons why women change their hairstyles, but a long conversation with a hairdresser in this case cannot be avoided. You don't want to regret it later!

8. You get your first gray hair.

Mother nature can be cruel. Once you've been able to feel confident with your new hairstyle, she'll streak some gray into her hair. Hair color specialist Joe Hansford has this advice: “If you have no more than 20% gray hair, I recommend natural or close to natural color hair. This will revitalize the hair and make natural color deeper. If you dye your hair with a lighter or warmer shade, then White hair will look pale.

9. You lost weight

When kilograms disappear, not only the figure changes. The oval of the face is also changing, which means that you should think about changing the image. Losing weight can improve your figure, so you should consult your hairdresser about your hairstyle.

10. You turned 30

half of the sexiest famous women over 30 years old. And what does it mean? Celebrities know that age is just a number, you can't let it get in the way of you. beautiful hairstyle. A hairstyle can make you look younger if you know what haircut and hair color to choose: you can walk out of the salon with the confidence of a 30-year-old woman looking 25 years old.

star secret Pay attention not only to the oval, but also to the facial features. Let's be honest: a short haircut reveals all your features. Therefore, if you have a protruding nose or protruding ears, you should not opt ​​for a short haircut.


So you've been examined, you've been given advice, you've pondered and bit your nails, nervous about the upcoming change. You are fully aware that there is no turning back and that your cut hair is lying on the floor of the salon, and you understand that your hair is a new bold and bright color now lie differently, and you need to pick up new makeup. Get ready to learn all the envy-worthy hair care rules. Ask your hairdresser (stylist) to explain all your actions. And this does not mean that you doomed yourself to a constant visit to the salon, but you just have to remember how the hairdresser styles your hair and what means he uses for this.

Choosing a haircut that suits your face

If you want your hair to look great, your the main task- pick up the right haircut, which will emphasize all the advantages of your face and hide all its flaws.

If you have a square face

Celebrity: Sandra Bullock

Target: Soften the contours of the chin and forehead.

Fits: Sexy waves up to the chin. This sophisticated look will help soften sharp angles and a harsh jawline. Large volume at the crown and soft and light strands along the face will divert attention from the square chin. If the hair is smoothed, then there will be an emphasis on square shape faces. Avoid this by using lightweight styling products.

Avoid: Hairstyles "bob" with hair length to the ears and shorter. Long strands hair will make your face look like a box.

If you have a round face

Celebrity: Rene Zellweger Goal: Lengthen and elongate the face.

Fits: Long strands falling over your face will make your face narrower and your features more defined. A graduated short haircut with a cropped nape looks good, shoulder-length hair with straight ends also suits you, this visually lengthens the face.

Avoid: Clearly structured haircuts that look strict and emphasize the width of the face.

If you have a long face

Celebrity: Jennifer Aniston

Target: Visually reduce the length of the face.

Fits: Short haircuts- but not shorter than the level of the chin, so the hair will appear thicker, and the face - wider. The easiest and fastest way to reduce the length of the face is bangs. Hide high forehead under thick straight bangs - you will be surprised to see how feminine it looks.

Avoid: long straight hair the same length. They look like curtains and visually lengthen the face even more.

If you have an oval face

Celebrity Story by: Sharon Stone

Target: Anything that takes more time to style than you have available.

Fits: Almost any haircut suits this type of face. Try to take into account also other features of the face in order to choose the right hairstyle. Haircut "bob" with protruding ends visually increases lower part face, while smooth waves laid to one side will divert attention from sharp chin and make the hair a little asymmetrical.

Avoid: Too much high hairstyles, especially with short bangs. Such a haircut can reduce an already small oval face.

If you have a heart-shaped face

Celebrity Story by: Drew Barrymore

Target: Visually narrow the forehead and expand the lower part of the face.

Fits: soft waves soften the chin. Try to make sure that your curls reach exactly to the chin, so that they fall charmingly on the face. If you have curly hair, try a chin-length haircut with jagged edges. Avoid: Very short, bulky hairstyles.

From time to time, each of us goes through a period when the soul asks for change. And, of course, first of all, such changes require a hairstyle. We asked stylist Anna Kiriyenko how to change her hairstyle and not regret it.

How to change your hairstyle: from blonde to brunette - easy!

If you have blonde hair, and suddenly there was a desire to change and become a brunette, it is better to think over and weigh your decision. In practice, it very often happens that blondes who decide to “darken” try to return to blond again after a while. At the same time, it is worth considering that such a cardinal transition is not so simple as it seems at first glance. And how hair suffers from these experiments!

Therefore, if you are not 100500% sure of your decision, ask your master to darken the roots by 2-3 tones - no more than 7 centimeters in length. Thanks to this, facial features will become more expressive and bright, and if you pin up your hair at the back, you will really seem like a brunette.

If, on the other hand, you wear dark shade hair, but want to become a blonde, try light highlighting first. To do this, in the salon, ask to lighten 7-10 strands, no more! Your image will instantly change and become fresher, while your hair will suffer less. It is only important that highlighting be done with high quality and professionally (not on foil !!!). Otherwise, you'll end up with an outdated zebra effect that doesn't make anyone prettier.

How to change your hairstyle: when you want to cut off the length

If you really want to get rid of the annoying braid to the priests, but are a little scared, try making a “false-car” hairstyle. To do this, you need to tuck the strands from below and pin them with hairpins - see the video for more details.

How to change your hairstyle: when you want bangs

Bangs are good way not only to throw off the age, but also to update the hairstyle with minimal adjustments. But only if your face has a naturally elongated shape. In this case, the bangs will suit you very much - and not only oblique, but also straight. If doubts nevertheless overcome you, then I suggest trying a hairstyle with a high tail and imitation bangs. Everything ingenious is simple!

How to change your hairstyle: turn straight hair into curls

Today you don't have to kill your hair to get curly. perm. Many interesting procedures With minimal harm for hair health. At the same time, if the classical "chemistry" is irreversible (the strands after it do not straighten and you have to wait long term until the hair grows back) modern procedures allow to do elastic curls up to six months with minimal damage. And during these months you will have enough time to understand whether you want to be curly.

Energy experts are sure that hair greatly affects a person's life. For example, if you have Bad mood or overcome bad thoughts, it is recommended to thoroughly comb, wash the curls and do your hair. You will feel much better and more comfortable.

If it seems to you that a “black streak” has come in life, you should go to the hairdresser. New haircutexcellent tool helping to restore energy balance, get rid of unnecessary information, change your life. By cutting your curls, you literally “cut off” the past, opening yourself up to everything new and unknown.

A visit to the salon and a new look has a strong therapeutic effect. Psychologists are sure that the changed appearance helps girls reassess themselves for the better, become more determined and ready for accomplishments.

It is useful to do a haircut if negative changes have occurred in your life. For example, have you experienced hard breakup, humiliation, dismissal from work, etc. If thoughts about what happened do not let you go, you constantly scroll through the situation and become its hostage - go to the hairdresser. If you need radical changes, combine two procedures at once: a haircut and coloring.

Coloring life in new colors

Hair coloring is considered less efficient procedure to change thoughts and lives than a haircut. Changing colors will help you not only forget about what happened, but start thinking about it from a different, more positive point of view. Also, the updated shade of hair will greatly change your appearance, which will surely attract new people into your life.

For the experiment to succeed, choose new color with a colorist. He will take into account your wishes, and you will receive beautiful tone emphasizing your dignity.

Choose a new color carefully. Determine what qualities in yourself you want to change, what you lack. Based on this, proceed to the choice of the main key.

Experts note that each color has its own characteristics. Blondes are distinguished by their gentle nature and outward calmness. They are smiling, easily converge with people and are often surrounded by attention. However, inside blonde girls are strong, cold personalities.

Red-haired beasts are considered temperamental, eccentric, artistic people. The character is light, excitable, can be overly emotional. Redhead girls can brag good feeling humor and the ability to defend their point of view.

Brown-haired women are mysterious and tender. They have a pleasant character, those around them feel calm and peaceful in their presence. Another thing is brunettes. Such ladies are mostly sharp, like to command and make fun of others. They have a mobile mind and business acumen.

If you want to change the direction of your life and character, choose suitable shade hair. Outwardly, you will change quickly and dramatically, but internal transformations will have to wait a bit. Researchers note that changing hair color gives the girl certain qualities only after 2-3 months.

Every time you do your everyday hairstyle, we choose universal option in case you have to leave it until the evening. But don't worry about it, just try changing your hairstyle before an upcoming meeting or evening walk.

In this article we share simple advice How exactly you can easily change your hairstyle and turn everyday into an elegant evening.

We sometimes hesitate to make many changes, because we are afraid of how it might look from the outside. Therefore, we advise you not to be afraid, but to be inspired by the examples of others. These five images are very visual and simple. Reconsider your attitude to and you will be able to control the style.

You can easily change the “low” hairstyle if you do not completely pull the ends of the hair through the elastic and overlap it with a strand of hair by making a couple of turns. So the usual tail will turn into stylish hairstyle.

Just a couple of hand movements will help you attractively change your hairstyle. Wet your hands with water or styling gel and create careless curls, compressing the hair in the direction from the tips to the roots. So yours will turn into a stylish hairstyle with charm.

For example, you walked with a high ponytail during the day and want to change your hairstyle to take a walk in the evening. Just make your high tail high beam, and you will not only change , but also change the style. In this case, you do not have to spend a lot of time, but you will look more elegant.

Handsome will help you easily change your hairstyle and create a more sophisticated and cute look.

Try using a luxurious headband instead of a regular scrunchie to make a ponytail. It won't change your hair much, but it will definitely change your look. Add some chic to your look.