How to choose a lip liner color. How to choose a lip liner to match your lipstick. What you need to know about lip pencils

In creating makeup, the correct design of the lips is important. Many tools are used for this, but one of the most popular is a pencil. With him it will be possible to create an original contour, perfectly transforming the shape. To make your makeup look neat, you need to know how to properly use a lip liner. You also need to be able to choose it correctly.

Pencils are different, as they differ in color, type, composition, texture, and thickness of the lead. Before buying, it is advisable to know about all the characteristics of the cosmetic product. A wide range of products will help you choose suitable color lipstick or gloss. It is better to buy pencils from trusted firms.

Types of funds

A lip liner will help you create high-quality makeup. How to use it, it is advisable to find out in advance. But first you need to choose the right one. They are made of wood and plastic. The first ones are constantly breaking, so they need to be sharpened regularly. A sharp pencil will create a graceful outline.

It is necessary to sharpen the product with a special sharpener. Better yet, purchase a tool that already contains a sharpening agent in its cap. Some manufacturers offer pencils with contour feathering brushes.

If you are interested in how an automatic lip liner looks like, how to use it, the photo is presented in the text. The fixture is very convenient, since the rod holds its shape and does not require constant sharpening. To adjust the length of the broken lead, you need to turn the body of the product.

How to choose?

When buying a pencil, you need to pay attention to the thickness of the rod. How to choose a lead? To draw the contour of the lips, you need a pencil with a thin rod. If the lead is wide, then it is suitable not only for outlining, but also for creating an attractive shape.

When choosing a product, you need to pay attention to the composition, shelf life, company. Majority renowned manufacturers produce high-quality cosmetics, you just need to choose the right product for yourself.

To use a pencil with lipstick or glitter, you need to choose a wide lead. After choosing the thickness, you need to consider the texture. If the pencil is soft, it won't be able to create a neat outline. It is advisable to choose a rod of medium stiffness.

You do not need to save money on the purchase of a pencil, as it affects the skin. Moreover, the quality of the make-up depends on it. The means are chosen depending on the purpose. If you are planning a long event, then you should use persistent cosmetics.

The durability of the slate

Lip liner is important in makeup. How to use it depends on its type. Cosmetics have waterproof and silicone leads. The first pencil has the advantage of being reliable. By creating a contour, you can remain confident beautiful sight your makeup. Moreover, no factors can spoil the makeup. But it is not washed off with water and soap, you need to use special products.

The silicone shaper is designed to fill in uneven skin without smearing lipstick or gloss. Silicone products create a transparent line on the skin, so they work well with any lipstick color. The product is water resistant so it is suitable for all women.

There are super-resistant rods that have their own advantages. Standard pencils last about 4-8 hours, and to remove them, simple milk or fat cream is used. And the contours from the super-resistant product last for at least 7 hours. To wash it off, special means are intended, with which a lip liner is efficiently erased. How to use it depends on persistence.

Composition of funds

The composition of cosmetics contains not only coloring components. It has natural oils, as well as wax, vitamins that have a nourishing and moisturizing effect. This information is usually indicated on the packaging of the product.

If your lips constantly dry out, then it is advisable to use a pencil with vitamins C and E, aloe extract and vegetable oil. Thanks to this composition, it will be possible to perfectly moisturize the skin. To create long-lasting makeup, you need a wax-based product.

Varieties of flowers

The choice of gloss or lipstick depends on the tone of the pencil. except classic options, there are bodily, white, colorless remedies. With each of them, original contours are obtained, only accuracy is needed.

Often used in the creation of makeup white pencil for lips. How do I use it? First you need to outline the line of the mouth, going slightly beyond the contour. Then you need to perform high-quality shading with a brush, and the lines need to be powdered. As a result, the lips become charming.

How to use a lip liner if it is used as white... Only with him it will be possible to mask minor defects on the surface of the lips. A solid lead is great for creating natural makeup, only cosmetics should be chosen in natural tones.

Colorless pencil

How to use a colorless lip liner? It must be applied clearly to the contour, carefully creating a line. Then you can apply gloss. Lines will keep the lipstick from flowing. The tool allows you to originally emphasize the beauty of the lips.

How to use lip liner if it is colored? Its shade should match the lipstick, but a slightly lighter tone is also possible. The contour can be darker if used for evening make-up. Cosmetics are applied to the contours of the lips, gently highlighting them. If gloss is to be used, then it must be chosen so that it is combined with natural color lips.

Features of creating makeup

A specific lip liner is selected for each occasion. How to use it to create a neat makeup? To do this, you can use professional advice:

  • lips must be covered with foundation or powder, after which you can apply a pencil with strokes, highlighting a little upper part lips;
  • you should not press hard on the lead, as the lines will be clearly visible;
  • after that, you can shade it with a brush, and then apply lipstick or gloss;
  • so that the color is preserved for a long time, the lips are completely shaded with a pencil, and then lipstick or gloss is applied;
  • the excess must be removed with a napkin;
  • to make the lips look voluminous, you need to draw the contour of the lips, going slightly beyond the boundaries, and then apply lipstick and gloss;
  • to reduce the lips, their borders must be treated with a foundation, shaded, and matte lipstick should be applied.

These simple tricks will help you create beautiful makeup. Correctly chosen cosmetic tool, as well as competent use will always look fashionable and neat.

Lip liner is considered not the most practical make-up tool: for each shade of lipstick you need to select your own shade of the liner, and this makes the cosmetic bag heavier and hits the pocket. Some get out of the situation by replacing several colored pencils with one nude one. Others find their liners unusual use... In this article, you will learn more about life hacks that will not leave a lip liner idle.

Outline selection

The direct purpose of a lip pencil is to outline their contour so that there are no problems with applying lipstick. True, not everyone knows how to use it correctly. First, make-up artists do not recommend using a sharpened liner. Otherwise, you will draw lines with a lot of pressure, and the outline will turn out to be unnaturally bright. Secondly, to make it even even, the line must be drawn not from the corners of the lips, but from the "Cupid's arch" in the middle. At the same time, act as if you were hatching.

Lip preparation

A colorless pencil can easily replace a lip primer if you shade them completely. And a pencil of white or nude shade, again, if you distribute it over the entire surface of the lips, will increase the brightness of the lipstick that you apply on top.

Instead of lipstick

For many, a pencil replaces lipstick altogether. The fact is that with its help you can get a more persistent and denser in color coating, and also achieve, which not every lipstick is capable of.

Instead of eyeliner

Not every makeup collection has a pink or red eyeliner. But among lip pencils, these shades are the most popular. They are great if you want to draw bright arrows. Just apply the base to the eyelids first, otherwise the lines may smudge, as lip pencils tend to have a greasy texture.

Eyebrow carving

With the help of a lip pencil, you can bring to life the most unusual beauty solutions. For example, if you want to try - new technique highlighting eyebrows with colored arrows, then the liner will come in handy. It is easy for them to draw any lines - both clear, graphic, and softer.

Do you use lip liner? Write a comment.

Cosmetics are distinguished by an unprecedented variety, so it is imperative to know all the nuances of using this or that item.

An important role for lip makeup is played by a pencil, the scope of which is much more extensive than is commonly believed.
How to use lip liner instead the usual lipstick our article will tell you.

Why do you need a lip pencil

The "duties" of this cosmetic product include lip contour designation.

Unfortunately, not everyone can boast perfect line lips, as well as symmetrical arrangement and pleasant swelling.
In the end, such a seductive part female image becomes unattractive and does not use all of her enchantments to the maximum.

To prevent this from happening, you need to know exactly the features of using a cosmetic lip pencil.

It is with its help that you can visually correct the volume, soften a sharp line or paint on an appetizing volume.

Basic nuances

  • Distinguish traditional form with a regular wooden case. They are convenient and familiar, but require periodic sharpening. More practical are pencils in plastic sheathing, but according to the advice of experts, their quality is slightly worse.
  • The thick rod is designed to add volume and can successfully replace traditional lipstick. A pencil with a thin shaft is a contour pencil, so it is not quite suitable for shading.
  • There is a category of waterproof products. Their use is very appropriate for summer vacation and just in inclement weather. At the same time, it is also necessary to choose the appropriate lipstick, or refuse to use it altogether.
  • Medium-hard pencils are considered universal option and are suitable for use for contouring and instead of lipstick.
  • High quality products may contain natural extracts, oils and vitamins. By purchasing such products, you additionally contribute to nourishing and moisturizing the skin of the lips.

Of course, these are far from all the possibilities of such a tool. A well-chosen pencil will help define the lips and add attractiveness and seduction to the image. To use it as effectively as possible, the information below will also be useful.

How to choose the right pencil

First you need to decide on the chosen task.

Using a pencil will help prolong the preservation of makeup if you apply it under the lipstick over the entire surface of the lips. In this case, the lines should be smooth and vague, otherwise there is a great risk of over-emphasizing, which is not always appropriate.
You should also first decide on the main purpose of the product.
If you need exactly contour pencil, it is better to get a fairly thin and solid rod.
For increasing the volume of the lips and painting over the selected area it is better to use pencils of a sufficiently soft consistency and a thick rod for quick application. Here

Check out

How to paint lips

It would seem that there are no special secrets here, but usually correct use not everyone uses a pencil.

First, you need to determine the possible adjustments that this particular detail will help to make.

If the lips are too thin, you can go a little beyond the contours and paint on the desired volume. Of course, everything must be within the bounds of decency, otherwise the effect will turn out to be caricature.

For full lips you can, on the contrary, designate the area a little smaller than it actually is. A darker pencil will also help in this, which visually narrows the contour.

With the help of a pencil, you can also smooth out the disproportionateness of both lips, as well as slightly raise the lowered corners.

Other secrets of successful use are presented below.

Algorithm for applying a pencil:

  • It is best to first apply a make-up base, which will help hide minor imperfections and prepare the skin of the lips as much as possible.
  • With a thin pencil, outline the contour of the lips, masking imperfections and, if necessary, adjusting the volume. The direction of the lines is from the middle to the edges.
  • The edges of the lips are drawn with abrupt movements so that there is no clear border. If an adjustment is needed, it can be done at this stage. Do not forget about symmetry, because the corners of the lips must clearly match.
  • After the outline is made, you can fill in the area inside the borders with the same pencil, laid flat. Movements should be light, it is better to draw the lines a little obliquely.
  • After that, you can use regular lipstick, and if the pencil is soft enough, do without it.
  • An attractive volume effect can be obtained by highlighting the central part of the lips with a white pencil under the lipstick. If the color of the lipstick does not help to paint over the light areas completely, you can use a light beige pencil.

Look MK matte lips pencil

Traditionally, the color of a pencil is combined with a shade of lipstick.

It is optimal to buy both products of the same brand. Famous manufacturers of decorative cosmetics select suitable combinations in advance, so such a purchase will be guaranteed to be successful.


The color palette used is different for everyone, but the use of some options will be a pleasant surprise for modern women of fashion.

What are the pencils:

Read the description
Videos about the best pencils

In a cosmetic bag, you can store several varieties of this versatile product at once, because in this way you can prepare for any makeup options.

Which lip liner is better

Perfect lips feature solid color and a clear outline. In any situation, a lip pencil will help to achieve this effect.

Makeup artists talk about the wide functionality of such cosmetics:

  • outlining the contour;
  • alignment of the form;
  • visual magnification or a decrease in volume;
  • base for lipstick.

What the cosmetic market offers us

All cosmetic brands provide a very wide range of lip liners. The wax and silicone varieties are able to smooth out the texture, leaving the skin perfectly smooth. This solution is relevant for age make-up and pastel colors. Water resistance is useful for those who do not want to touch up their makeup during the day. This is a harder-textured solution that requires careful contouring.

A fashionable novelty - a pencil stick will become great alternative lipstick. The lead has a medium hardness, which is convenient for tracing the contour and gives an easy application. Equally important is the composition in which vitamins E, C, A, castor vitamins do not interfere, coconut oil... This will especially help out those who have chapped and flaky lips.

Waterproof pencils

The rod can be super waterproof or resistant (it will last on the face for 4-7 hours). The maximum durability lasts over 7 hours, which ensures the effect permanent makeup... Plus there is one - the color and clarity of the lines are preserved throughout the day. Make can stand a coffee break, a light snack, a glass of water.

However, a hard lead can dry the skin of the lips, and make-up removal will require the use of special products. The waterproof lip liner is offered by the Revlon brand.


V recent times this solution became an absolute hit of sales. Colorless rods are made on the basis of silicone. They work for texture leveling, matting. The gloss or lipstick will not bleed during the day. Excellent compatibility with any color cosmetics tones. Note that there is a white lip liner. It models volume, transforming the contour in a couple of minutes.

Nude lip pencils

This option can be matched to the tone of the lips. It helps to add volume. The application will have to be carried out with a slight departure from the natural contour. Plus, the product is indispensable when masking small imperfections is required. In this segment, I advise you to pay attention to the lip pencil Vivienne Szabo.

What is lipstick - lip pencil

Lip liner (IsaDora) has a creamy texture, which makes the product quick and easy to apply. The product is multifunctional and economical to use. It fills the entire lip surface well for long-lasting color, perfect matte or glossy finish. I advise you to check that the composition includes the care components.

Sharpening issues

Wooden specimens need constant sharpening. The automatic versions (Pupa lip liner) do not have this problem. You always need to monitor the condition of the rod, otherwise, achieve the most straight and clear lines... If the lead is not sharpened properly, it may scratch delicate skin lips. For better result you must use special sharpeners.

  • IsaDora- the trademark belongs to a Swedish corporation InvimaAB... The brand produces a huge range of decorative cosmetics, a striking feature of which is hypoallergenicity, lack of fragrances and fragrances;
  • AFFECT- young European brand professional cosmetics... These are high quality products, but without exorbitant prices. Lip liners presented in trendy color palette, resistant to moisture, give excellent durability;
  • Bell- the Polish make-up brand has become known throughout Europe. The products belong to the mass market class and demonstrate quite decent quality in terms of affordable cost... There are samples specially designed for aging skin;
  • Vivienne sabo- a dynamically developing French brand offers mass-market cosmetics. Recently, products from Vivienne Szabo have gained unprecedented popularity and this is quite reasonable. The quality of the decoration deserves praise, while the price remains quite affordable;
  • Pupa- the Italian perfume and cosmetic brand belongs to the concern Micys... It has been in the market for over 35 years and is aimed at a young audience. This is a typical mass market with an affordable price tag;
  • Bourjois- another Frenchman in our rating creates products in his own cosmetic laboratory. She goes to our country straight from France. Lip pencils demonstrate high quality, pass full control for safety, presented in a varied palette of colors;
  • Revlon- The American trade mark has existed for nearly 100 years. Decorative cosmetics of this brand is created on the basis of innovation and demonstrates consistently high quality.

Lipstick pencils for lips

IsaDora Twist-up Matt Lips Lipstick (Matte)

IsaDora offers lipstick in the form of a pencil. This form factor is always convenient and finds its place in handbag... The product immediately attracts with its velvety texture. It is light, delicately creamy, ideally fits on the lips with an even, uniform layer.

Lipstick pencil is made with a special tip that works for precise and easy application along the contour of the lips. During the day, the contour does not spread, does not lubricate. The product lies perfectly on the lips, does not roll. The brand has thought out the design well - the pencil is very comfortable. No sharpening required during use, as the rod extends a special mechanism.

The palette contains 8 topical shades. The colors are rich, well-pigmented, long-lasting throughout the day. With the right choice, you can count on a visual increase in volume. I would like to draw your attention to the composition. It contains valuable papaya fruit extract and orchid fruit extract - they work to care. There is a light, unobtrusive aroma. Weight - 3.3. Price - from 595 rubles.


  • beautiful saturated colors;
  • long-lasting matte velvety finish;
  • fits comfortably on the lips;
  • does not contain fragrances;
  • the product has successfully passed clinical trials and is safe;
  • does not dry.


  • high price.

AFFECT Twist-up Color Lipstick Matt & Care

Before us is another a unique product that combines the properties of lipstick and lip liner... The brand did a good job on the composition of the cosmetics - this provided a very light and at the same time long-lasting texture. Hydration and nutrition are determined by the formula with vitamin E.

Make-up is applied easily, quickly, lips contour is perfectly delineated. Lipstick pencil is consumed quite modestly, but it quickly loses its sharp edge and the contour is not worked out so conveniently. You can forget about sharpening as you use the stick extends using a special mechanism.

Lip color will last all day and outlast meals. You can count on a perfectly matte finish. If we talk about color, the manufacturer offers the richest palette. There are natural natural nude tones and seductive reds. Weight - 3 gr. Price - from 900 rubles.


  • long-lasting matte shade;
  • does not require sharpening;
  • the color lays down evenly, does not smudge during the day;
  • perfect matte finish;
  • vitamin E in the composition provides excellent care.


  • high price, moreover, you will give part of the money precisely for the brand, and not for the wonderful properties of the product.

Bell Secretale Intense Mat Lipstick (dense coverage)

Before us is a product with persistent properties. He demonstrates a silky, delicate texture... The pencil is pleasant, fits smoothly on the contour and surface of the lips, does not cause discomfort. The color is rich and rich, due to the content of saturated pigments.

The make-up is dense, with a trendy matte finish. But, getting a clear outline of the contour is quite problematic. There is an unobtrusive fruit flavor. Formulated with nourishing and moisturizing ingredients to provide care. The lips look well-groomed and soft. Weight - 4.5 g. Price - from 130 rubles.


  • easy, convenient application;
  • very affordable cost;
  • beautiful colour;
  • palette - 7 fashionable shades.


  • very problematic in sharpening;
  • not persistent.

Vivienne Szabo waterproof lip pencils

Vivienne Sabo lip liner

This is a classic contour pencil. VivienneSaboLipLiner... The French have perfectly worked out the formula of the product, it is suitable for all skin types... The palette of colors will allow you to find the best option for any makeup, regardless of the woman's age. All shades show high durability throughout the day.

The contour is outlined softly without excessive pressure. During the day, the make-up does not smudge or spread... I will note the good compatibility with gloss and lipsticks from other brands. You can use the pencil as a mono product, covering the entire lip surface with it and blending with a brush. It is this cosmetics that can be recommended for beginners, since the lips are outlined in literally one movement. Price - from 180 rubles.


  • optimal price-quality ratio among mass-market products;
  • pleasant texture;
  • firmness;
  • does not cause discomfort;
  • does not dry;
  • excellent pigmentation.

There are no downsides.

Vivienne Sabo Jolies Levres Long Lasting Lip Liner

Vivienne Szabo's long-lasting lip pencils are presented in the line JoliesLevres... The brand has kept the traditional format and provides an extensive palette - 11 tones. You can choose a cold or warm shade of brown, red, nude or pink.... There is great solutions for everyday or evening make-up.

The product has an excellent formula. Easy application will quickly finish makeup, prevent lipstick from spreading, correct the natural contour.

It is perfectly acceptable to use the pencil on your own - it is distributed over the surface of the lips and is shaded with a soft brush. The finish is perfectly matte. The coating does not shine, it is pleasant, velvety. Thanks to these properties, the lip liner breaks all sales records. Price - from 209 rubles.


  • adds volume;
  • excellent texture;
  • does not crumble when applied;
  • durability - makeup will not require frequent adjustments during the day;
  • lays down evenly on the contour.

There are no downsides.

Pupa Long Lasting Lip Pencils

Best price Pupa lip liner contour

Italian jumping pencils I 'MLipPencil will help to highlight and outline the contour of the lips with a matte, maximally saturated color. Due to its soft texture, the product is easy to use, allows you to get the right, beautiful make-up ... The contour does not blur during the day, remains clear, saturated in color.

The palette is represented by the 8 most current shades... The color transfers to the lips from the first stroke, this indicates the presence of highly concentrated pigments. I can note the excellent composition - it contains a mix of waxes and oils.

This works to soften the sliding texture of the pencil. The stick is paraben free and dermatologically tested. Price - from 274 rubles.


  • pure color, pretty berry, nude shades;
  • homogeneous contour;
  • easy to shade;
  • caring composition;
  • does not crumble when sharpening;
  • persistent.


  • quickly consumed.

PUPA True Lips Pencil with applicator

Before us ultra pigmented pencil allowing you to get the maximum saturated color... The Italians did a great job and got a product perfect for contouring. With the application of makeup, they acquire a perfect shape.

However, this method of application is not limited to. A pencil can serve as an independent tool. if applied all over the lips for a great matte finish. If you put it under the lipstick, you can avoid spreading and achieve high durability.

The product is soft in texture and glides well. The lead does not cause problems in use and is easy to sharpen... To distribute the color evenly, use a sponge on the other end of the pencil. It contains vitamins C and E, providing antioxidant action, cottonseed oil, which softens and is characterized by moisturizing properties. The rich palette contains 20 various shades... Including a colorless lip liner. Price - from 352 rubles.


  • a varied palette of shades;
  • paraben free;
  • dermatologically tested;
  • without perfume;
  • fits very nicely on the lips;
  • matte finish;
  • works well without lipstick;
  • high durability;
  • is not lubricated.


  • very quickly consumed.

Best lip liner pencils

Bourjois Shea Butter Lip Liner

Bourjois presented contour lip pencils in a ruler LevresControl... I can say that it turned out to be quite successful. The product copes with fast and accurate application, moreover, for this you do not need to make any effort.

The lead is excellently pigmented, moderately soft and gives a rich contour line. Firmness is at a level, the color adheres perfectly to the lips. Makeup stays in place throughout the day, does not run or smudge. You can contour or blend the tone all over your lips.

French are good enriched the composition by adding shea butter and butter grape seed ... This works for complete care, hydration, nutrition. The palette contains 12 beautifully pigmented shades. The company's technologists have made a worthy competitor to the top professional brands. You will have to sharpen yourself, the sharpener is not included in the kit. Price - from 330 rubles.


  • perfectly fixes lipstick, almost like a professional product;
  • keeps the make-up for a long time;
  • delicate texture will not give problems with application;
  • Shea butter and grape seed oil in the composition;
  • works well not only with "native" lipsticks, you can pair with any brand.


  • I thought the pencil was too soft.

Revlon contour pencil

Contour pencil RevlonColorstayLipliner developed using the unique SoftFlex technology. This suggests that the product will block lipstick smudging and spreading... I can assure you that the cosmetic turned out to be quite successful.

I honestly like the soft, but not oily texture. The pencil quickly draws the desired outline. You can freely experiment and apply the make-up not only on the edge, but also over the entire surface of the lips, blending it with a brush.

I will note a decent composition - here contains water and cosmetic base... The palette is pleasant, natural, with a predominance of nude shades. What you need for day makeup... The texture contains a small amount of shimmer, which helps to visually increase the volume of the lips. Durability will last for six or more hours. There is no sharpener in the body as the pencil is mechanical. This makes everyday use easier. Weight - 5 grams. Price - from 240 rubles.


  • soft, pleasant texture;
  • very nice palette;
  • does not lubricate;
  • effectively emphasizes the contour;
  • you can visually increase the volume;
  • optimal price-quality ratio.